Download - CAD interface.pdf

Page 1: CAD interface.pdf


CAD IntegrationEdgeCAM allows you to seamlessly import models from third party CAD systems while the high level ofsupport for industry standard translators gives you full CAD independence.

EdgeCAM Solid Machinist is a totally integrated CAM system for generating machining strategies and NCcode from solid parts. It allows you to import files directly into EdgeCAM where a wide range of innovativefeatures offer a quick and reliable route to manufacture.


Importing and Exporting IGES Files

Importing VDA-FS Files

Importing MicroStation Files

Importing AutoCAD Files

Exporting DXF Files

Importing ACIS Files

Solid CAD Integration

CATIA Loader

Page 2: CAD interface.pdf


CAD IntegrationEdgeCAM allows you to seamlessly import models from third party CAD systems while the high level ofsupport for industry standard translators gives you full CAD independence.

EdgeCAM Solid Machinist is a totally integrated CAM system for generating machining strategies and NCcode from solid parts. It allows you to import files directly into EdgeCAM where a wide range of innovativefeatures offer a quick and reliable route to manufacture.


Importing and Exporting IGES Files

Importing VDA-FS Files

Importing MicroStation Files

Importing AutoCAD Files

Exporting DXF Files

Importing ACIS Files

Solid CAD Integration

CATIA Loader

Accuracy of Imported CAD Data

The accuracy of the CAD model that is imported into EdgeCAM is a crucial element in defining theaccuracy to which the model can be machined. To ensure that the model is machined to the requiredaccuracy in EdgeCAM you should ensure that the model is created in the CAD system to at least thedesired machining tolerance.

Also see the notes in Loading of Granite Models (Solid Machinist for Granite licence only)

Please refer to the documentation of your CAD system on how to check and/or configure the accuracy ofthe model to be exported.

Page 3: CAD interface.pdf


CAD IntegrationEdgeCAM allows you to seamlessly import models from third party CAD systems while the high level ofsupport for industry standard translators gives you full CAD independence.

EdgeCAM Solid Machinist is a totally integrated CAM system for generating machining strategies and NCcode from solid parts. It allows you to import files directly into EdgeCAM where a wide range of innovativefeatures offer a quick and reliable route to manufacture.


Importing and Exporting IGES Files

Importing VDA-FS Files

Importing MicroStation Files

Importing AutoCAD Files

Exporting DXF Files

Importing ACIS Files

Solid CAD Integration

CATIA Loader

CAD File Formats Supported

EdgeCAM supports a wide range of CAD file formats, as shown in the table below. For an up to date list ofthe versions supported, see the What's New help. For a list of the licences required, see Solid CADSystems and EdgeCAM Licenses. 

Type of model CAD system/file Format


EdgeCAM Part Modeler

Autodesk Inventor



Solid Edge



Wildfire, Wildfire 2

Native Parasolid

Native ACIS













Page 4: CAD interface.pdf


CAD IntegrationEdgeCAM allows you to seamlessly import models from third party CAD systems while the high level ofsupport for industry standard translators gives you full CAD independence.

EdgeCAM Solid Machinist is a totally integrated CAM system for generating machining strategies and NCcode from solid parts. It allows you to import files directly into EdgeCAM where a wide range of innovativefeatures offer a quick and reliable route to manufacture.


Importing and Exporting IGES Files

Importing VDA-FS Files

Importing MicroStation Files

Importing AutoCAD Files

Exporting DXF Files

Importing ACIS Files

Solid CAD Integration

CATIA Loader




Page 5: CAD interface.pdf


CAD IntegrationEdgeCAM allows you to seamlessly import models from third party CAD systems while the high level ofsupport for industry standard translators gives you full CAD independence.

EdgeCAM Solid Machinist is a totally integrated CAM system for generating machining strategies and NCcode from solid parts. It allows you to import files directly into EdgeCAM where a wide range of innovativefeatures offer a quick and reliable route to manufacture.


Importing and Exporting IGES Files

Importing VDA-FS Files

Importing MicroStation Files

Importing AutoCAD Files

Exporting DXF Files

Importing ACIS Files

Solid CAD Integration

CATIA Loader

Importing and Exporting IGES Files

Importing IGES Files

There are two alternatives for importing IGES files: Standard IGES Import and New IGES Import.

If you have an IGES file that does not load using the standard IGES translator we recommend that you tryloading it using the new importer.

Note that when using New IGES Import, the files always open in the units set in the EdgeCAM defaults file(with appropriate scaling if necessary). When using Standard IGES Import, the files open in their internally-specified units.

EdgeCAM supports IGES files generated in a version later than IGES 3.0 and up to IGES 5.2 inclusive,subject to the list of supported entity types.

 Exporting IGES Files

There are two alternatives for exporting ('saving as') to IGES files: Standard IGES Export gives bettersupport of 2D annotation (dimensioning) while the New IGES Export may offer better results with certaintypes of surface models.

IGES files will be output in IGES Version 5.2 format

 See Also

Exporting IGES Files from CATIA

Entity-Related Problems

Page 6: CAD interface.pdf


CAD IntegrationEdgeCAM allows you to seamlessly import models from third party CAD systems while the high level ofsupport for industry standard translators gives you full CAD independence.

EdgeCAM Solid Machinist is a totally integrated CAM system for generating machining strategies and NCcode from solid parts. It allows you to import files directly into EdgeCAM where a wide range of innovativefeatures offer a quick and reliable route to manufacture.


Importing and Exporting IGES Files

Importing VDA-FS Files

Importing MicroStation Files

Importing AutoCAD Files

Exporting DXF Files

Importing ACIS Files

Solid CAD Integration

CATIA Loader

Using the Standard IGES Import Option

To use the standard IGES Import:

In the Options menu click Preferences. In the dialog that appears, click to uncheck New IGESImport in the General tab. (This setting is retained until you change it.)


Open your IGES part file as normal.2.

Complete the IGES Import dialog that opens. For example you select the types of entity to import. Forfull details click the dialog's Help button, or click here.

When loading an IGES format ASCII file, you overwrite any existing part; therefore, you need toconfirm your action.


Once you have specified a file name, the standard IGES Import dialog is displayed.

  EdgeCAM supports IGES files generated in a version later than IGES 3.0 and up to IGES 5.2 inclusive,

subject to the list of supported entity types.

EdgeCAM supports two alternative IGES import systems (Standard IGES Import and New IGES Import).If you have an IGES file that does not load using the standard IGES translator we recommend that you tryloading it using the new translator. 

Page 7: CAD interface.pdf


CAD IntegrationEdgeCAM allows you to seamlessly import models from third party CAD systems while the high level ofsupport for industry standard translators gives you full CAD independence.

EdgeCAM Solid Machinist is a totally integrated CAM system for generating machining strategies and NCcode from solid parts. It allows you to import files directly into EdgeCAM where a wide range of innovativefeatures offer a quick and reliable route to manufacture.


Importing and Exporting IGES Files

Importing VDA-FS Files

Importing MicroStation Files

Importing AutoCAD Files

Exporting DXF Files

Importing ACIS Files

Solid CAD Integration

CATIA Loader

Entities Supported in Standard IGES Import

If the .igs file to be loaded was previously exported from EdgeCAM, any existing entity Names are alsoloaded.

The Standard IGES Import Option does not import BREP Solids (the New IGES Import Option does).

IGES Entity Number   IGES Entity Equivalent EdgeCAM Entity

100 Circular arc Arc

102 Composite curve Continuous*

104 Conic Conic

106 Form 11 Planar linear curve Multiple lines

106 Form 12 3D linear curve Multiple lines

106 Form 20 Centre line Multiple lines

106 Form 21 Centre line through circle centres Multiple lines

106 Form 31-38 Section entity Multiple lines

106 Form 40 Witness line Witness line

106 Form 63 Simple closed area Multiple lines

108 Plane Boundary continuous only

110 Line Line

112 Parametric spline curve Parametric spline curve

114 Parametric spline surface Parametric spline surface

116 Point Point

118 Ruled Surface Ruled Surface

120 Surface of revolution Surface of revolution

122 Tabulated cylinder Tabulated cylinder

124 Transformation matrix Transformation matrix

126 Rational B spline curve Rational B spline curve

128 B spline surface B spline surface

140 Offset surface Geometric (not tool) offset surface

141 Bounded curve Surface curve

142 Surface curve Surface curve

143 Bounded surface Trimmed Surface

144 Trimmed Surface Trimmed Surface

202 Angular dimension Angular dimension

206 Diameter dimension Diameter dimension

212 General note Text

214 Leader arrow Arrow

216 Linear dimension Linear dimension

222 Radial dimension Radial dimension

Page 8: CAD interface.pdf


CAD IntegrationEdgeCAM allows you to seamlessly import models from third party CAD systems while the high level ofsupport for industry standard translators gives you full CAD independence.

EdgeCAM Solid Machinist is a totally integrated CAM system for generating machining strategies and NCcode from solid parts. It allows you to import files directly into EdgeCAM where a wide range of innovativefeatures offer a quick and reliable route to manufacture.


Importing and Exporting IGES Files

Importing VDA-FS Files

Importing MicroStation Files

Importing AutoCAD Files

Exporting DXF Files

Importing ACIS Files

Solid CAD Integration

CATIA Loader

230 Sectioned area Crosshatch

308 Subfigure definition Group*

402 Forms 1,7 Associativity instance Group*

404 Drawing entity Not annotation entities

406 Property instance Group

408 Subfigure Instance Group*

410 View View

*...or individual entities.

Page 9: CAD interface.pdf


CAD IntegrationEdgeCAM allows you to seamlessly import models from third party CAD systems while the high level ofsupport for industry standard translators gives you full CAD independence.

EdgeCAM Solid Machinist is a totally integrated CAM system for generating machining strategies and NCcode from solid parts. It allows you to import files directly into EdgeCAM where a wide range of innovativefeatures offer a quick and reliable route to manufacture.


Importing and Exporting IGES Files

Importing VDA-FS Files

Importing MicroStation Files

Importing AutoCAD Files

Exporting DXF Files

Importing ACIS Files

Solid CAD Integration

CATIA Loader

Using the Standard IGES Export Option

Standard IGES Export gives better support of 2D annotation (dimensioning) while the New IGES Exportmay offer better results with certain types of surface models.

To use the standard IGES Export:

In the Options menu click Preferences. In the dialog that appears, click to uncheck New IGESExport in the General tab. (This setting is retained until you change it.)


Use Save As to save your part, setting the Save File as Type parameter to IGES File (*.igs or*.iges).


Complete the standard IGES Export dialog that opens. For full details click the dialog's Help button,or click here.


IGES files will be output in IGES version 5.2 format.

Page 10: CAD interface.pdf


CAD IntegrationEdgeCAM allows you to seamlessly import models from third party CAD systems while the high level ofsupport for industry standard translators gives you full CAD independence.

EdgeCAM Solid Machinist is a totally integrated CAM system for generating machining strategies and NCcode from solid parts. It allows you to import files directly into EdgeCAM where a wide range of innovativefeatures offer a quick and reliable route to manufacture.


Importing and Exporting IGES Files

Importing VDA-FS Files

Importing MicroStation Files

Importing AutoCAD Files

Exporting DXF Files

Importing ACIS Files

Solid CAD Integration

CATIA Loader

Standard IGES Export - Part Info Options

Comments – Enter any comments on the IGES output file.

Sender ID – The part name ID used by the sender (you).

Receiver ID – The part name ID used by the receiver (the person to whom you are going to send the IGESfile).

Author – The name of the Designer or Draughtsman.

Company ID – The name of the originating company.


Page 11: CAD interface.pdf


CAD IntegrationEdgeCAM allows you to seamlessly import models from third party CAD systems while the high level ofsupport for industry standard translators gives you full CAD independence.

EdgeCAM Solid Machinist is a totally integrated CAM system for generating machining strategies and NCcode from solid parts. It allows you to import files directly into EdgeCAM where a wide range of innovativefeatures offer a quick and reliable route to manufacture.


Importing and Exporting IGES Files

Importing VDA-FS Files

Importing MicroStation Files

Importing AutoCAD Files

Exporting DXF Files

Importing ACIS Files

Solid CAD Integration

CATIA Loader

Entities Supported with Standard IGES Export

Names given to entities when created in EdgeCAM are included in the .igs file next to the data for thoseentities.

Note that the export of solids is not supported.

EdgeCAM Entity  Equivalent IGES Entity IGES Entity No

Arc Circular arc 100

Continuous Composite curve 102

Conic Conic 104

Line Line 110

Polyline Line 110

Parametric spline curve Parametric spline curve 112

Parametric spline surface Parametric spline surface 114

Point Point 116

Ruled surface Ruled surface 118

Surface of revolution Surface of revolution 120

Tabulated cylinder Tabulated cylinder 122

Transformation matrix Transformation matrix 124

Rational B spline curve

Bezier spline curve Rational B spline curve


B spline surface

Bezier spline surface

Flowed surface

Coons Patch

Extended surface

Joined surface


B spline surface


Geometric (not tool) offset surface Offset surface 140

Surface curve Curve on a parametric surface 142

Trimmed surface Trimmed surface 144

Angular dimension Angular dimension 202

Diameter dimension Diameter dimension 206

Text and arrow(s) General label 210

Text General note 212

Arrow Leader arrow 214

Linear dimension Linear dimension 216

Radial dimension Radial dimension 222


Page 12: CAD interface.pdf


CAD IntegrationEdgeCAM allows you to seamlessly import models from third party CAD systems while the high level ofsupport for industry standard translators gives you full CAD independence.

EdgeCAM Solid Machinist is a totally integrated CAM system for generating machining strategies and NCcode from solid parts. It allows you to import files directly into EdgeCAM where a wide range of innovativefeatures offer a quick and reliable route to manufacture.


Importing and Exporting IGES Files

Importing VDA-FS Files

Importing MicroStation Files

Importing AutoCAD Files

Exporting DXF Files

Importing ACIS Files

Solid CAD Integration

CATIA Loader

Using the New IGES Import

To use the new IGES Import:

In the Options menu click Preferences. In the dialog that appears, click to check New IGES Importin the General tab. Click OK. (This setting is retained until you change it.)


Open your IGES part file as normal.2.

Complete the IGES Import dialog that opens. For example you select the types of entity to import,whether to convert BREP data and whether to 'Load as Parasolid body' (requires a Solid Machinistand Part Modeler licence).

Note that the file opens in the units specified in the EdgeCAM defaults file. If this is different to theinternal units of the file, the geometry is scaled automatically (so you can start work on the partimmediately).

For full details click the dialog's Help button, or click here.


EdgeCAM supports IGES files generated in a version later than IGES 3.0 and up to IGES 5.2 inclusive,subject to the list of supported entity types.

When loading IGES files containing both model and drawing data the latter may not always be fullyloaded. This effect will vary from file to file depending on the way the data is written by the sending system.


Unsupported entities are not translated, an entry will be made in the log file.

When loading surfaces, open surface trimming boundaries will be closed automatically (dialog option).

Dimensions will only be imported as line and text entities.

Imported Subfigure Instances are exploded to create EdgeCAM entities.


Page 13: CAD interface.pdf


CAD IntegrationEdgeCAM allows you to seamlessly import models from third party CAD systems while the high level ofsupport for industry standard translators gives you full CAD independence.

EdgeCAM Solid Machinist is a totally integrated CAM system for generating machining strategies and NCcode from solid parts. It allows you to import files directly into EdgeCAM where a wide range of innovativefeatures offer a quick and reliable route to manufacture.


Importing and Exporting IGES Files

Importing VDA-FS Files

Importing MicroStation Files

Importing AutoCAD Files

Exporting DXF Files

Importing ACIS Files

Solid CAD Integration

CATIA Loader

Entities Supported when Using New IGES Import

Note that dimensions will only be imported as line and text entities.

IGES Entity Number   IGES Entity Equivalent EdgeCAM Entity

100 Circular arc Arc

102 Composite curve Continuous

104 Conic Conic

106 Form 11 Planar linear curve Multiple lines

106 Form 12 3D linear curve Multiple lines

106 Form 20 Centre line Multiple lines

106 Form 21 Centre line through circle centres Multiple lines

106 Form 31-38 Section entity Multiple lines

106 Form 40 Witness line Witness line

106 Form 63 Simple closed area Multiple lines

108 Plane Boundary continuous only

110 Line Line

112 Parametric spline curve Parametric spline curve

114 Parametric spline surface Parametric spline surface

116 Point Point

118 Ruled Surface Ruled Surface

120 Surface of revolution Surface of revolution

122 Tabulated cylinder Tabulated cylinder

124 Transformation matrix Transformation matrix

126 Rational B spline curve Rational B spline curve

128 B spline surface B spline surface

140 Offset surface Geometric (not tool) offset surface

141 Boundary curve Surface curve

142 Surface curve Surface curve

143 Bounded surface Trimmed Surface

144 Trimmed Surface Trimmed Surface

402 Forms 1,7 Associativity instance Surface group, curve group or individual


408 Subfigure Instance Group*

* or individual entities

Page 14: CAD interface.pdf


CAD IntegrationEdgeCAM allows you to seamlessly import models from third party CAD systems while the high level ofsupport for industry standard translators gives you full CAD independence.

EdgeCAM Solid Machinist is a totally integrated CAM system for generating machining strategies and NCcode from solid parts. It allows you to import files directly into EdgeCAM where a wide range of innovativefeatures offer a quick and reliable route to manufacture.


Importing and Exporting IGES Files

Importing VDA-FS Files

Importing MicroStation Files

Importing AutoCAD Files

Exporting DXF Files

Importing ACIS Files

Solid CAD Integration

CATIA Loader

Using the New IGES Export Option

Standard IGES Export gives better support of 2D annotation (dimensioning) while the New IGES Exportmay offer better results with certain types of surface models.

To use the New IGES Export:

In the Options menu click Preferences. In the dialog that appears, click to check New IGES Exportin the General tab. (This setting is retained until you change it.)


Use Save As to save your part, setting the Save File as Type parameter to IGES File (*.igs or*.iges).


Complete the New IGES Export dialog that opens. For full details click the dialog's Help button orclick here.



IGES files will be output in IGES Version 5.2 format

Solids, dimensions and view definitions are not supported in the new IGES Export

The JAMA-IS option does not support offset surfaces

Page 15: CAD interface.pdf


CAD IntegrationEdgeCAM allows you to seamlessly import models from third party CAD systems while the high level ofsupport for industry standard translators gives you full CAD independence.

EdgeCAM Solid Machinist is a totally integrated CAM system for generating machining strategies and NCcode from solid parts. It allows you to import files directly into EdgeCAM where a wide range of innovativefeatures offer a quick and reliable route to manufacture.


Importing and Exporting IGES Files

Importing VDA-FS Files

Importing MicroStation Files

Importing AutoCAD Files

Exporting DXF Files

Importing ACIS Files

Solid CAD Integration

CATIA Loader

New IGES Export dialog, Part Information tab

Comments - Click Edit to enter any comments on the IGES output file.

Conversion Tolerance - Specify a tolerance to use when converting EdgeCAM surface/curve entities toNURBS.

Sender Identification - The part name ID used by the sender (you).

Receiver Identification - The part name ID used by the receiver (the person to whom you are going tosend the IGES file).

Author - The name of the designer or draughtsman of the input file.

Company Identification - The name of the originating company (the company that produces the IGES file).

Minimum Resolution - Specifies the minimum mathematical resolution for the data. If a gap betweencontiguous entities is less than this, it is considered to be closed. The default depends on the units used,metric: 0.000001or Inches: 0.00000004.

Drafting Standard - The standard to which the drawing was produced. Click here to view the availableoptions.


Page 16: CAD interface.pdf


CAD IntegrationEdgeCAM allows you to seamlessly import models from third party CAD systems while the high level ofsupport for industry standard translators gives you full CAD independence.

EdgeCAM Solid Machinist is a totally integrated CAM system for generating machining strategies and NCcode from solid parts. It allows you to import files directly into EdgeCAM where a wide range of innovativefeatures offer a quick and reliable route to manufacture.


Importing and Exporting IGES Files

Importing VDA-FS Files

Importing MicroStation Files

Importing AutoCAD Files

Exporting DXF Files

Importing ACIS Files

Solid CAD Integration

CATIA Loader

Entities supported when Using the New IGES Export Option

Names given to entities when created in EdgeCAM are included in the .igs file next to the data for thoseentities.

Note that solids, dimensions and view definitions are not supported in the new IGES Export.

EdgeCAM Entity  Equivalent IGES Entity IGES Entity No

Arc Circular Arc 100

Continuous Composite curve 102

Conic Conic 104


Polyline Line


Parametric spline curve Parametric spline curve 112

Parametric spline surface Parametric spline surface 114

Point Point 116

Ruled surface Ruled surface 118

Surface of revolution Surface of revolution 120

Tabulated cylinder Tabulated cylinder 122

Transformation matrix Transformation matrix 124

B spline curve

Bezier spline curve B spline curve


B spline surface

Bezier surface

Flowed surface

Coons Patch

Extended surface

Joined surface

Fillet surface


B spline surface



Geometric (not tool) offset surface Offset surface 140

Surface curve Surface curve 142

Trimmed surface Trimmed surface 144

Surface group Group 402

Page 17: CAD interface.pdf


CAD IntegrationEdgeCAM allows you to seamlessly import models from third party CAD systems while the high level ofsupport for industry standard translators gives you full CAD independence.

EdgeCAM Solid Machinist is a totally integrated CAM system for generating machining strategies and NCcode from solid parts. It allows you to import files directly into EdgeCAM where a wide range of innovativefeatures offer a quick and reliable route to manufacture.


Importing and Exporting IGES Files

Importing VDA-FS Files

Importing MicroStation Files

Importing AutoCAD Files

Exporting DXF Files

Importing ACIS Files

Solid CAD Integration

CATIA Loader

Exporting IGES Files from CATIA

Most CAD systems provide different output options for the exporting of IGES files. For best results whenloading a CATIA IGES file into EdgeCAM we recommend the following output options in CATIA:

Entity Type Setting

IGES level Standard

Curves and Surfaces B Spline

Conics B Spline

Canonical Surfaces B Spline

Page 18: CAD interface.pdf


CAD IntegrationEdgeCAM allows you to seamlessly import models from third party CAD systems while the high level ofsupport for industry standard translators gives you full CAD independence.

EdgeCAM Solid Machinist is a totally integrated CAM system for generating machining strategies and NCcode from solid parts. It allows you to import files directly into EdgeCAM where a wide range of innovativefeatures offer a quick and reliable route to manufacture.


Importing and Exporting IGES Files

Importing VDA-FS Files

Importing MicroStation Files

Importing AutoCAD Files

Exporting DXF Files

Importing ACIS Files

Solid CAD Integration

CATIA Loader

Entity-Related Problems

Different CAD/CAM systems may create entities that exist successfully in the EdgeCAM 3D part model, butproblems can still occur. Some common problems include:

Repeated entities and/or entities with the same end points

The major problem is that these entities may stop a Chain.

Copy one of these double entities to an hidden layer and redraw the part using one of the toolbar icons orthe Redraw (View menu) command to reveal the underlying entities.

 Consecutive entities with inaccurate end points

A minor problem to resolve; use the Trim (Edit menu) command to trim the end points together.

 Continuous entities in IGES

To allow access to the underlying entities use the Explode (Edit menu) command. All the entities will thenbe selectable as single entities.

 Surfaces from other CAD/CAM systems

Always verify a surface type using the Entity (Verify menu) command to ensure that the IGES transfer hasmaintained the surface type. Problems can occur when the surface was defined in the sender's CAD/CAMsystem as a ruled surface but may be transferred in the IGES file as a different type. You need to identifythe surface in EdgeCAM so that you can apply entity masking or selection.

 Transformed entities

Ensure that the transferred part is at an origin known to you. Many design engineers will set a local origin fortheir convenience.

For example, a car may have the origin of all the major components relative to the front bumper, or anaircraft may have its major components relative to the centre of gravity. To resolve this problem, translatethe part to the origin prior to any machining operations.

 Loading speed of IGES entities

Problems with the loading speed of IGES can be caused by the relationship between the units of someIGES entities and the EdgeCAM system tolerance. In these cases the 'Conversion Tolerance' option onthe Advanced tab of the IGES load dialog can be used to override the system tolerance to ensure that thefile is loaded correctly. The default value for the conversion tolerance is the system tolerance value that isspecified in the defaults file.

Page 19: CAD interface.pdf


CAD IntegrationEdgeCAM allows you to seamlessly import models from third party CAD systems while the high level ofsupport for industry standard translators gives you full CAD independence.

EdgeCAM Solid Machinist is a totally integrated CAM system for generating machining strategies and NCcode from solid parts. It allows you to import files directly into EdgeCAM where a wide range of innovativefeatures offer a quick and reliable route to manufacture.


Importing and Exporting IGES Files

Importing VDA-FS Files

Importing MicroStation Files

Importing AutoCAD Files

Exporting DXF Files

Importing ACIS Files

Solid CAD Integration

CATIA Loader

Importing VDA-FS Files

To load a VDA-FS format file into EdgeCAM, use the Open (File menu) command and set the List Files ofType parameter to VDA-FS.

 The following table lists all the VDA-FS entities which are currently supported by EdgeCAM: 

Command Word VDA Element EdgeCAM Entity

POINT Point Point

PSET Point sequence One or more lines

MDI  Point vector sequence not supported

CIRCLE Circle/circular arc Arc

CURVE Curve Spline curve

SURF Surface Spline surface

CONS Curve on surface  Surface curve

FACE Bounded surface Trimmed surface

TOP Topology of surface not supported

Page 20: CAD interface.pdf


CAD IntegrationEdgeCAM allows you to seamlessly import models from third party CAD systems while the high level ofsupport for industry standard translators gives you full CAD independence.

EdgeCAM Solid Machinist is a totally integrated CAM system for generating machining strategies and NCcode from solid parts. It allows you to import files directly into EdgeCAM where a wide range of innovativefeatures offer a quick and reliable route to manufacture.


Importing and Exporting IGES Files

Importing VDA-FS Files

Importing MicroStation Files

Importing AutoCAD Files

Exporting DXF Files

Importing ACIS Files

Solid CAD Integration

CATIA Loader

Importing MicroStation Files

To import an IGDS file into EdgeCAM, use the Open (File menu) command and set the List Files of Typeparameter to DGN. Once you have selected the file name of the .dgn file, a dialog box displays theseparameters:

 Dimensions – Select this option to include dimensioning information in the file.

Surfaces – Select this option to include surface data in the file.

Units – Select the output part units.

Log File – Specify the type of log file to be produced to record the .dgn file output process.

Name – Specify a name for the report file.

Verbose – Select this option for the log file to contain more detailed information.

 This table lists all the MicroStation IGDS entities which are currently supported by EdgeCAM, with details ofhow they are interpreted, where applicable.



Page 21: CAD interface.pdf


CAD IntegrationEdgeCAM allows you to seamlessly import models from third party CAD systems while the high level ofsupport for industry standard translators gives you full CAD independence.

EdgeCAM Solid Machinist is a totally integrated CAM system for generating machining strategies and NCcode from solid parts. It allows you to import files directly into EdgeCAM where a wide range of innovativefeatures offer a quick and reliable route to manufacture.


Importing and Exporting IGES Files

Importing VDA-FS Files

Importing MicroStation Files

Importing AutoCAD Files

Exporting DXF Files

Importing ACIS Files

Solid CAD Integration

CATIA Loader

Loading AutoCAD Files

You have a choice of loaders for AutoCAD files, that you make in the Preferences dialog  (Options menu): 


Use the 'new loader', that you need to open the 2004 format AutoCAD files.(This can open any format. Dimensions are not imported.)

Use the 'old loader' that can open AutoCAD files prior to the 2004 format.


The two loaders have different levels of attribute support; this is detailed elsewhere in the help (in the Tableof Contents see the other topics in the same book as this topic).

The 'old loader' is the default.

To load ACIS entities you need the 'ACIS Solids Interface' licence (Product Code EN000-S). This optionwill not appear on the dialog if you do not have the licence.


ACIS entities cannot be loaded via the AutoCAD loader..


Page 22: CAD interface.pdf


CAD IntegrationEdgeCAM allows you to seamlessly import models from third party CAD systems while the high level ofsupport for industry standard translators gives you full CAD independence.

EdgeCAM Solid Machinist is a totally integrated CAM system for generating machining strategies and NCcode from solid parts. It allows you to import files directly into EdgeCAM where a wide range of innovativefeatures offer a quick and reliable route to manufacture.


Importing and Exporting IGES Files

Importing VDA-FS Files

Importing MicroStation Files

Importing AutoCAD Files

Exporting DXF Files

Importing ACIS Files

Solid CAD Integration

CATIA Loader

Model Space and Paper Space

AutoCAD has two distinct co-ordinate system modes:

Model space – the normal three-dimensional co-ordinate system in which the 3D design is generated.

Paper space – a two dimensional projection of the model space onto a fixed size space in screen co-ordinates.

As well as the Model space entities projected onto the Paper space, further entities can be added to thePaper space, typically drawing borders and frames. These entities do not exist in Model space, and are not,therefore, supported by this loader.

Only those entities defined in Model space are loaded into EdgeCAM.

Note: Associative dimensions are created in Model space and are therefore imported. However, EdgeCAMdoes not support associative dimensioning.


Page 23: CAD interface.pdf


CAD IntegrationEdgeCAM allows you to seamlessly import models from third party CAD systems while the high level ofsupport for industry standard translators gives you full CAD independence.

EdgeCAM Solid Machinist is a totally integrated CAM system for generating machining strategies and NCcode from solid parts. It allows you to import files directly into EdgeCAM where a wide range of innovativefeatures offer a quick and reliable route to manufacture.


Importing and Exporting IGES Files

Importing VDA-FS Files

Importing MicroStation Files

Importing AutoCAD Files

Exporting DXF Files

Importing ACIS Files

Solid CAD Integration

CATIA Loader

Layers from AutoCAD

AutoCAD and EdgeCAM both support named layers so the layer names contained in a DXF or DWG file willbe retained when the data is loaded into EdgeCAM.

Exporting DXF Files

Please note that EdgeCAM layer names should only contain the following characters: ‘A’-‘Z’, ‘a’-‘z’, ‘0’-‘9’, ’_’or double-byte (Kanji) characters. All other characters (including empty spaces) are converted to ‘_’. Thiswould result in tool.1 and tool 1 both being put on layer tool_1 in the .dxf file.

Page 24: CAD interface.pdf


CAD IntegrationEdgeCAM allows you to seamlessly import models from third party CAD systems while the high level ofsupport for industry standard translators gives you full CAD independence.

EdgeCAM Solid Machinist is a totally integrated CAM system for generating machining strategies and NCcode from solid parts. It allows you to import files directly into EdgeCAM where a wide range of innovativefeatures offer a quick and reliable route to manufacture.


Importing and Exporting IGES Files

Importing VDA-FS Files

Importing MicroStation Files

Importing AutoCAD Files

Exporting DXF Files

Importing ACIS Files

Solid CAD Integration

CATIA Loader

Colour Support

AutoCAD supports a palette of 255 colours, but EdgeCAM supports 32 colours. Therefore the loader mapseach AutoCAD colour to the closest matching EdgeCAM colour.

Page 25: CAD interface.pdf


CAD IntegrationEdgeCAM allows you to seamlessly import models from third party CAD systems while the high level ofsupport for industry standard translators gives you full CAD independence.

EdgeCAM Solid Machinist is a totally integrated CAM system for generating machining strategies and NCcode from solid parts. It allows you to import files directly into EdgeCAM where a wide range of innovativefeatures offer a quick and reliable route to manufacture.


Importing and Exporting IGES Files

Importing VDA-FS Files

Importing MicroStation Files

Importing AutoCAD Files

Exporting DXF Files

Importing ACIS Files

Solid CAD Integration

CATIA Loader

Entities Supported when Loading AutoCAD Files

This section lists the AutoCAD entities supported by the loaders and the equivalent entity type that iscreated in the EdgeCAM database.

AutoCAD Entity Equivalent EdgeCAM entity

Line Line

3D line Line

Pline Line (1 line per segment of the Pline)

Point Point

Circle Arc

Arc Arc

Text Text

3DFace 2 lines and a ruled surface

3Dsolid Trim surfaces (not supported by DXF import)

Page 26: CAD interface.pdf


CAD IntegrationEdgeCAM allows you to seamlessly import models from third party CAD systems while the high level ofsupport for industry standard translators gives you full CAD independence.

EdgeCAM Solid Machinist is a totally integrated CAM system for generating machining strategies and NCcode from solid parts. It allows you to import files directly into EdgeCAM where a wide range of innovativefeatures offer a quick and reliable route to manufacture.


Importing and Exporting IGES Files

Importing VDA-FS Files

Importing MicroStation Files

Importing AutoCAD Files

Exporting DXF Files

Importing ACIS Files

Solid CAD Integration

CATIA Loader

Block and Group Entity Support

AutoCAD supports more than one “group” type entity, namely Shape, Polyline and Block.

These can be recursive; for example, a block can contain another block, which contains a polyline.

Because group/continuous entities in EdgeCAM are not recursive, only the top level group entity issupported.

AutoCAD supports blocks that contain all types of entities, but EdgeCAM only supports groups that containLines, Arcs or Points. In this case the group only contains the compatible entity types.

Also, AutoCAD block entities can have elements of different colour/layer/style. This is not supported inEdgeCAM, so groups are created in the default block colour/layer/style. However, if the group is exploded,the different colours can be seen in the underlying entities.

Page 27: CAD interface.pdf


CAD IntegrationEdgeCAM allows you to seamlessly import models from third party CAD systems while the high level ofsupport for industry standard translators gives you full CAD independence.

EdgeCAM Solid Machinist is a totally integrated CAM system for generating machining strategies and NCcode from solid parts. It allows you to import files directly into EdgeCAM where a wide range of innovativefeatures offer a quick and reliable route to manufacture.


Importing and Exporting IGES Files

Importing VDA-FS Files

Importing MicroStation Files

Importing AutoCAD Files

Exporting DXF Files

Importing ACIS Files

Solid CAD Integration

CATIA Loader

Style (Linetype) Support

AutoCAD supports user-definable linetypes. The only standard linetype is Continuous, which is converted toEdgeCAM’s Solid style. All other types are converted into one of the non-solid fonts on an arbitrary basis.

Page 28: CAD interface.pdf


CAD IntegrationEdgeCAM allows you to seamlessly import models from third party CAD systems while the high level ofsupport for industry standard translators gives you full CAD independence.

EdgeCAM Solid Machinist is a totally integrated CAM system for generating machining strategies and NCcode from solid parts. It allows you to import files directly into EdgeCAM where a wide range of innovativefeatures offer a quick and reliable route to manufacture.


Importing and Exporting IGES Files

Importing VDA-FS Files

Importing MicroStation Files

Importing AutoCAD Files

Exporting DXF Files

Importing ACIS Files

Solid CAD Integration

CATIA Loader

Text and Dimensioning Entity Support

Text Entity Support

AutoCAD supports many more text fonts than EdgeCAM. It also supports proportional fonts, whichEdgeCAM does not. For these reasons, text entities cannot be exactly reproduced. Certain symbols suchas degree (º), diameter and the plus/minus tolerance (±) symbol are not supported.

All text is imported in standard font, using the height and width information from AutoCAD. In some casesthis may result in text that is bigger than the original, if it was using a proportional font.

Text lines of a maximum of 200 characters can be loaded – any lines which exceed this limit will betruncated.

 Dimensioning Entity Support

If dimensioning entities are loaded, they will appear in the active CPL.

Page 29: CAD interface.pdf


CAD IntegrationEdgeCAM allows you to seamlessly import models from third party CAD systems while the high level ofsupport for industry standard translators gives you full CAD independence.

EdgeCAM Solid Machinist is a totally integrated CAM system for generating machining strategies and NCcode from solid parts. It allows you to import files directly into EdgeCAM where a wide range of innovativefeatures offer a quick and reliable route to manufacture.


Importing and Exporting IGES Files

Importing VDA-FS Files

Importing MicroStation Files

Importing AutoCAD Files

Exporting DXF Files

Importing ACIS Files

Solid CAD Integration

CATIA Loader

Entities Supported when Loading AutoCAD Files

For the new loader, here are the translations between AutoCAD and EdgeCAM entities:


AutoCAD Entity EdgeCAM Entity Notes

3D Face Ruled Surface Explode

3D Solid Not Supported Solid construction entities

Proxy Entity Not Supported  

Arc Arc  

AttDef Not Supported  

Attrib Not Supported  

Block Group or exploded

These can be optionally exploded, bychecking 'DWG/DXF Explode Blocks' inthe Preferences dialog General tab(Options menu).

The option applies to blocks containingonly line, arc or point entities. Blockscontaining other entities are alwaysexploded.

If not exploded, AutoCAD blocksbecome EdgeCAM groups.

Body Not Supported ACIS solid body

Circle Arc  

Dimension Not Supported  

Ellipse Ellipse  

Hatch Not Supported Includes solid fill option

Image Not Supported Embedded bit map

Insert Various entities Explode

Leader Not Supported  

Line Line  

LWPolyline Continuous  

MLine Lines Multi line entity

MText Not SupportedText including true type fonts & wordwrap

OLEFrame Not Supported Also OLE2Frame

Point Point  

PolyLine Continuous/explode Various AutoCAD entity types

RayConstruction Line &Point


Page 30: CAD interface.pdf


CAD IntegrationEdgeCAM allows you to seamlessly import models from third party CAD systems while the high level ofsupport for industry standard translators gives you full CAD independence.

EdgeCAM Solid Machinist is a totally integrated CAM system for generating machining strategies and NCcode from solid parts. It allows you to import files directly into EdgeCAM where a wide range of innovativefeatures offer a quick and reliable route to manufacture.


Importing and Exporting IGES Files

Importing VDA-FS Files

Importing MicroStation Files

Importing AutoCAD Files

Exporting DXF Files

Importing ACIS Files

Solid CAD Integration

CATIA Loader

RegionExplode and create ruledsurface


SEQEnd N/A End of sequence marker

ShapeExplode and creategroup


SolidExplode and create ruledsurface


SplineSpline or BSpline asappropriate


Text Not Supported  

Tolerance Not Supported  

TraceExplode and create ruledsurface



Vertex Various Used for poly line segments etc.

Viewport Not Supported  

XLine Construction Line  


Page 31: CAD interface.pdf


CAD IntegrationEdgeCAM allows you to seamlessly import models from third party CAD systems while the high level ofsupport for industry standard translators gives you full CAD independence.

EdgeCAM Solid Machinist is a totally integrated CAM system for generating machining strategies and NCcode from solid parts. It allows you to import files directly into EdgeCAM where a wide range of innovativefeatures offer a quick and reliable route to manufacture.


Importing and Exporting IGES Files

Importing VDA-FS Files

Importing MicroStation Files

Importing AutoCAD Files

Exporting DXF Files

Importing ACIS Files

Solid CAD Integration

CATIA Loader

AutoCAD Attribute Support


Attribute Supported

Line Style: Solid/Continuous Dotted Hidden/Dashed Centre


Line Style - user defined No

Line Weight No


Note that if attributes are assigned on a “bylayer” basis then this same method will be followed in EdgeCAM.

Page 32: CAD interface.pdf


CAD IntegrationEdgeCAM allows you to seamlessly import models from third party CAD systems while the high level ofsupport for industry standard translators gives you full CAD independence.

EdgeCAM Solid Machinist is a totally integrated CAM system for generating machining strategies and NCcode from solid parts. It allows you to import files directly into EdgeCAM where a wide range of innovativefeatures offer a quick and reliable route to manufacture.


Importing and Exporting IGES Files

Importing VDA-FS Files

Importing MicroStation Files

Importing AutoCAD Files

Exporting DXF Files

Importing ACIS Files

Solid CAD Integration

CATIA Loader

Exporting DXF Files

To export a DXF file from EdgeCAM, use the Save As (File menu) command and set the Save File asType parameter to DXF.

The DXF export option will only save entities that lie n a 2D plane. Interconnecting entities between XYplanes at different Z levels will not be exported.

The following table lists all AutoCAD DXF (Drawing eXchange Format) entities that can be exported byEdgeCAM, with details of how they are interpreted, where applicable:

EdgeCAM Entity Equivalent DXF Entity







Multiple boundary lines SOLID

Continuous TRACE

Multiple lines and arcs POLYLINE/VERTEX/SEQEND


Multiple lines 3DFACE


Line Styles:

EdgeCAM Style Equivalent AutoCAD DXF Style

Continuous Continuous

Dot Dot

Dashed Dashed

Hidden Hidden

Dashdot Dashdot

Centre Centre

  See Also

Specifying Parameters when Saving DXF Files


Page 33: CAD interface.pdf


CAD IntegrationEdgeCAM allows you to seamlessly import models from third party CAD systems while the high level ofsupport for industry standard translators gives you full CAD independence.

EdgeCAM Solid Machinist is a totally integrated CAM system for generating machining strategies and NCcode from solid parts. It allows you to import files directly into EdgeCAM where a wide range of innovativefeatures offer a quick and reliable route to manufacture.


Importing and Exporting IGES Files

Importing VDA-FS Files

Importing MicroStation Files

Importing AutoCAD Files

Exporting DXF Files

Importing ACIS Files

Solid CAD Integration

CATIA Loader

Specifying Parameters when Saving DXF Files

Once you have specified the file name of the DXF file, a dialog box is displayed which contains thisparameter:

Dimensioning – Select this parameter to include EdgeCAM dimension entities in the output file.

The output is 2D; that is, X and Y co-ordinates plus elevations.

Page 34: CAD interface.pdf


CAD IntegrationEdgeCAM allows you to seamlessly import models from third party CAD systems while the high level ofsupport for industry standard translators gives you full CAD independence.

EdgeCAM Solid Machinist is a totally integrated CAM system for generating machining strategies and NCcode from solid parts. It allows you to import files directly into EdgeCAM where a wide range of innovativefeatures offer a quick and reliable route to manufacture.


Importing and Exporting IGES Files

Importing VDA-FS Files

Importing MicroStation Files

Importing AutoCAD Files

Exporting DXF Files

Importing ACIS Files

Solid CAD Integration

CATIA Loader

Loading STL Files

To load a STL format file into EdgeCAM, use the Open (File menu) command and set the List Files ofType parameter to STL.

You can also insert an STL file using the Insert, STL File (File menu) command.

When opening or inserting an STL file, EdgeCAM will automatically generate a bounding box. The STL filewill be loaded/inserted using the current layer, colour and font for the solid.

You can intellisnap the corner points of the triangles which is useful for creating boundaries and digitisingcycle depth parameters.

STL entities can be rotated, translated, mirrored and scaled using the appropriate Edit, Transformcommands. For large STL models, any transformation may take some time. Please note that scaling a partwill scale the tolerance to which the triangles represent the original model.

  Please note that STL files can only be machined using surface cycles (except Surface Areaclear andSurface Lace).


Page 35: CAD interface.pdf


CAD IntegrationEdgeCAM allows you to seamlessly import models from third party CAD systems while the high level ofsupport for industry standard translators gives you full CAD independence.

EdgeCAM Solid Machinist is a totally integrated CAM system for generating machining strategies and NCcode from solid parts. It allows you to import files directly into EdgeCAM where a wide range of innovativefeatures offer a quick and reliable route to manufacture.


Importing and Exporting IGES Files

Importing VDA-FS Files

Importing MicroStation Files

Importing AutoCAD Files

Exporting DXF Files

Importing ACIS Files

Solid CAD Integration

CATIA Loader

CATIA V4 Loader

Requires the CATIA Loader licence (EN000-7)

The Catia V4 loader provides the ability to load CATIA model (*.model) and export (*.exp) files from CATIAV4 into EdgeCAM.

To import CATIA model or export files into EdgeCAM, use the Open (File menu) command and set theFiles of Type parameter to CATIA Model Files (*.model) or CATIA Export Files (*.exp).

Note that there is also a loader for CATIA V5 files - see Solid CAD Systems and EdgeCAM Licenses. 

Entities supported in the CATIA V4 Loader

When opening a CATIA V4 file you can specify the entity types that you want to load (by default all typesare selected):

CATIA Entity EdgeCAM Entity

Point Point

Line Line

Circle Arc

Ellipse Ellipse

Parabola/Hyperbola Nurbs Curve

Curve Nurbs Curve

Composite Curve Nurbs Curve

Surface Nurbs Surface

Face Trimmed Surface

Volume/Skin/Exact Solids/Skd Trimmed Surfaces

Mockup Solids/Polyhedral Surface Wire Frame/Trimmed Surfaces

Layers from CATIA V4

EdgeCAM entities will be created on the same layer as the original CATIA entities.

Whilst CATIA has numbered layers, EdgeCAM supports named layers. Thus, equivalent layers will becreated in EdgeCAM for those used in the CATIA file, for example

CATIA Layer EdgeCAM layer

5 “layer 5”

123 “layer123”

Page 36: CAD interface.pdf


CAD IntegrationEdgeCAM allows you to seamlessly import models from third party CAD systems while the high level ofsupport for industry standard translators gives you full CAD independence.

EdgeCAM Solid Machinist is a totally integrated CAM system for generating machining strategies and NCcode from solid parts. It allows you to import files directly into EdgeCAM where a wide range of innovativefeatures offer a quick and reliable route to manufacture.


Importing and Exporting IGES Files

Importing VDA-FS Files

Importing MicroStation Files

Importing AutoCAD Files

Exporting DXF Files

Importing ACIS Files

Solid CAD Integration

CATIA Loader


(C)1988-2005 Pathtrace Engineering Systems. All rights reserved.

Pathtrace Engineering Systems and its registered resellers or sub-resellers shall have no liability orresponsibility to the licensee or any other person or entity with respect to any liability, loss or damagecaused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this product, including but not limited to anyinterruption of service, loss of business or anticipatory profits or consequent damages resulting from the useor operation of this software. Microsoft, Windows and Windows NT are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.MemoHASP is a registered trademark of Aladdin Knowledge Systems Ltd.NetSentinel is a trademark of Rainbow Technologies, Inc.OpenGL(r) and Optimizer are trademarks of Silicon Graphics Inc.Parasolid is a trademark of Unigraphics Solutions Inc.Autodesk Inventor (tm) is a trademark of Autodesk Inc.SolidWorks is a registered trademark of SolidWorks Corporation.Solid Edge is a registered trademark of EDS Inc.PTC, Pro/DESKTOP, Pro/ENGINEER(r), GRANITE (tm) One, are trademarks or registered trademarks ofParametric Technology Corporation or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and in other countries.AutoCAD and DXF are registered trademarks of Autodesk Inc.MicroStation is a trademark of Bentley Systems Inc., an affiliate of Intergraph Corporation.IGDS is a trademark of Intergraph Corporation.EdgeCAM Simulator and EdgeCAM Verify use technology developed by Lightworks Designs Ltd.ACIS is a trademark of Spatial Technology, Inc., and was developed in co-operation with Three-Space, Ltd.,Cambridge, England, and Applied Geometry Corporation, Seattle, Washington.

Other brands and product names are trademarks of their respective owners.

The information contained within this document is subject to change without notice and does not representa commitment on the part of the vendor. The software described in this document is furnished under alicence agreement and may only be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of the agreement.


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