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Theory Comput Syst (2011) 48: 693–714DOI 10.1007/s00224-010-9255-x

Topological Dynamics of Cellular Automata: Dimension


Mathieu Sablik · Guillaume Theyssier

Published online: 10 April 2010© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2010

Abstract Topological dynamics of cellular automata (CA), inherited from classicaldynamical systems theory, has been essentially studied in dimension 1. This paperfocuses on higher dimensional CA and aims at showing that the situation is differ-ent and more complex starting from dimension 2. The main results are the existenceof non sensitive CA without equicontinuous points, the non-recursivity of sensitiv-ity constants, the existence of CA having only non-recursive equicontinuous points

and the existence of CA having only countably many equicontinuous points. They allshow a difference between dimension 1 and higher dimensions. Thanks to these newconstructions, we also extend undecidability results concerning topological classifi-cation previously obtained in the 1D case. Finally, we show that the set of sensitiveCA is only Π 02 in dimension 1, but becomes Σ 03 -hard for dimension 3.

Keywords Multidimensional cellular automata · Topological dynamics ·

Complexity of decision problem

1 Introduction

Cellular automata were introduced by J. von Neumann as a simple formal modelof cellular growth and replication. They consist in a discrete lattice of finite-statemachines, called cells, which evolve uniformly and synchronously according to alocal rule depending only on a finite number of neighbouring cells. A snapshot of 

M. Sablik ()LATP, UMR 6632—CNRS, Université de Provence, CMI, Université de Provence, Technopôle

Château-Gombert, 39, rue F. Joliot Curie, 13453 Marseille Cedex 13, Francee-mail: [email protected]

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the states of the cells at some time of the evolution is called a configuration, and acellular automaton can be view as a global action on the set of configurations.

Despite the apparent simplicity of their definition, cellular automata can have verycomplex behaviours. One way to try to understand this complexity is to endow the

space of configurations with a topology and consider cellular automata as classicaldynamical systems. With such a point of view, one can use well-tried tools fromdynamical system theory like the notion of sensitivity to initial condition or the notionof equicontinuous point.

This approach has been followed essentially in the case of one-dimensional cel-lular automata. P. Kurka has shown in [10] that 1D cellular automata are partitionedinto two classes:

– E qu, the set of cellular automata with equicontinuous points,– S ens, the set of sensitive cellular automata.

We stress that this partition result is false in general for classical (continuous) dy-namical systems. Thus, it is natural to ask whether this result holds for the model of CA in any dimension, or if it is a “miracle” or an “anomaly” of the one-dimensionalcase due to the strong constraints on information propagation in this particular set-ting. One of the main contributions of this paper is to show that this is an anomaly of the 1D case (Sect. 3): there exist a class  N  of 2D CA which are neither in E qu nor inS ens.

Each of the sets E qu and S ens has an extremal sub-class: equicontinuous and ex-pansive cellular automata (respectively). This allows to classify cellular automata in

four classes according to the degree of sensitivity to initial conditions. The dynamicalproperties involved in this classification have been intensively studied in the litera-ture for 1D cellular automata (see for instance [3, 4, 6, 10]). Moreover, in [5], theundecidability of this classification is proved, except for the expansivity class whosedecidability remains an open problem.

In this paper, we focus on 2D CA and we are particularly interested in differencesfrom the 1D case. As said above, we will prove in Sect. 3 that there is a fundamentaldifference with respect to the topological dynamics classification, but we will alsoadopt a computational complexity point of view and show that some properties or

parameters which are computable in 1D are non recursive in 2D (Propositions 8 and 9of Sect. 5). To our knowledge, only few dimension-sensitive undecidability resultsare known for CA [2, 9]. However, we believe that such subtle differences are of great importance in a field where the common belief is that everything interesting isundecidable.

Moreover, we establish in Sect. 5 several complexity lower bounds on the classesdefined above and extend the undecidability result of [5] to dimension 2. Notably, weshow that each of the class E qu, S ens and N  is neither recursively enumerable, norco-recursively enumerable. This gives new examples of “natural” properties of CAthat are harder than the classical problems like reversibility, surjectivity or nilpotency(which are all r.e. or co-r.e.).

Finally, we show two additional results advocating the importance of dimension in

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2 Definitions

Let A be a finite set and M= Zd  (for the d -dimensional case). We consider AM, theconfiguration space of M-indexed sequences in A.

If  A is endowed with the discrete topology, AM

is compact, perfect and totallydisconnected in the product topology. Moreover one can define a metric on AM com-patible with this topology:

∀x, y ∈ AM, d C (x,y) = 2− min{i∞:xi     =yi i∈M}.

Let U ⊂ M. For x ∈ AM, denote xU ∈ AU the restriction of  x to U. Let U ⊂ M

be a finite subset, Σ  is a subshift of finite type of order U if there exists F  ⊂ AU

such that x ∈ Σ  ⇐⇒ xm+U ∈ F  ∀m ∈M. In other word, Σ  can be viewed as a tilingwhere the allowed patterns are in F .

In this paper, we will consider tile sets and ask whether they can tile the plane ornot. In our formalism, a tile set is a subshift of finite type: a set of states (the tiles)given together with a set of allowed patterns (the tiling constraints).

A cellular automaton (CA) is a pair (AM, F ) where F  : AM → AM is definedby F(x)(m) = f ((x(m + u))u∈U) for all x ∈ AM and m ∈ M where U ⊂ Z is afinite set named neighbourhood  and f  : AU → A is a local rule. The radius of F  isr(F) = max{u∞ : u ∈U}. By Hedlund’s theorem [8], it is equivalent to say that F 

is a continuous function which commutes with the shift (i.e. σ m ◦ F  = F  ◦ σ m for allm ∈M).

We recall here general definitions of topological dynamics used all along the arti-cle. Let (X,d) be a metric space and F  : X → X be a continuous function.

• x ∈ X is an equicontinuous point  if for all ε > 0, there exists δ > 0, such that forall y ∈ X, if d ( x , y ) < δ then d(F n(x),F n(y )) < ε for all n ∈N.

• (X,F) is sensitive if there exists ε > 0 such that for all δ > 0 and x ∈ X, thereexists y ∈ X and n ∈N such that d ( x , y ) < δ and d(F n(x),F n(y )) > ε.

In the definition above about properties of topological dynamics, the dimensionof the cellular automaton considered do not appear explicitly. Whereas essentially

studied in dimension 1 in the literature, the present paper consider those propertiesin any dimension. A first (trivial) approach to study topological dynamics propertiesaccording to dimension is given by the following proposition through the notion of canonical lift from dimension d  to dimension d  + 1. The canonical lift of a CA of dimension d  with neighbourhood U and local rule f  is the CA of dimension d  + 1,of local rule f  and of neighbourhood U obtained by adding a coordinate equal to 0to each vector of U.

Proposition 1 Let  F  be a CA of dimension d  and let  F ↑ be its canonical lift to

dimension d + 1. Then we have the following:– F has equicontinuous points if and only if F ↑ has equicontinuous points;

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This proposition essentially says that what can be “seen” in dimension d  (concern-ing some topological dynamics properties) can also be “seen” in dimension d  + 1.One of the main point of the present paper is to show that the converse is false: somebehaviours cannot be “seen” in low-dimensional cellular automata.

3 The Core Construction

In this section, we will construct a 2D CA which has no equicontinuous point andis not sensitive to initial conditions. This is in contrast with dimension 1 where anynon-sensitive CA must have equicontinuous points as shown in [10] (such differencesaccording to dimension will be further discussed in Sect. 5).

The CA (denoted by F  in the following) is made of two components:

– a solid component (almost static) for which only finite type conditions are checkedand corrections are made locally;– a liquid component  whose overall behaviour is to infiltrate the solid component

and allow some particles to move left and to bypass solid obstacles.

The general behaviour of this cellular automaton can be seen as an ero-sion/infiltration process. States from the solid component can be turned into liquidstate according to certain local conditions but the converse is impossible. Thereforethe set of solid states is decreasing (erosion process) until some particular kind of configuration is reached (erosion result). Then, in such configurations, the particles

can bypass any sequence of obstacles and reach any liquid position (infiltration).

3.1 Definition

Formally, F  has a Moore’s neighbourhood of radius 2 (25 neighbours) and a stateset A with 12 elements : A = {U,D, 0, 1, ↓, ↑, ←, →, , , , } where thesubset S  = {1, ↓, ↑, ←, →, , , , } corresponds to the solid component andL = {U,D, 0} to the liquid component where 0 should be thought as the substratumwhere particles made of elementary constituents U  and D can move.

Let Σ S  be the subshift of finite type of AZ


defined by the set of allowed patternsconstituted by all the 3 × 3 patterns appearing in the following set of finite configu-rations:



L L L ↓ ↓ ↓ L L

L L L → 1 1 1 ← L L

L L L → 1 1 1 ← L L

L L L → 1 1 1 ← L L

L L L ↑ ↑ ↑ L LL L L L L L L L L L

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Fig. 1 A particle separatinginto two parts (U  and D) tobypass a solid obstacle (theblack region)

The local transition function of F  can be sketched as follows:

– states from S  are turned into 0’s if finite type conditions defining Σ S  are violated

locally and left unchanged in any other case;– states U  and D behave like a left-moving particle when U  is just above D in a

background of 0’s, and they separate to bypass solid obstacles, U  going over and D

going under, until they meet at the opposite position and recompose a left-movingparticle (see Fig. 1).

A precise definition of the local transition function of F  is the following:

1. if the neighbourhood (5 × 5 cells) forms a pattern forbidden in Σ S , then turn intostate 0;

2. else, apply (if possible) one of the transition rules depending only on the 3 × 3neighbourhood detailed in Fig. 2;

3. in any other case, turn into state 0.

Note for instance, that any solid state surrounded by a valid neighbourhood is leftunchanged by F  (second case of the definition above apply since the 3 first transitionsof Fig. 2 include all possible valid 3 × 3 neighbourhoods seen by a solid state).

3.2 Erosion and Infiltration

A configuration x is said to be finite if the set {z : x(z)     = 0} is finite. The next lemmashows that Σ S  attracts any finite configuration under the action of F . Moreover, aftersome time, all particles are on the left of the finite solid part.

Lemma 1 (Erosion process) For any finite configuration x, there exists t 0 such that 

∀t  ≥ t 0 : F t (x) ∈ Σ S  and , in F t (x), any occurrence of  U  or  D is on the left of any

occurrence of any state from S .

Proof  First, the set {z : x(z) ∈ S } is finite and decreasing under the action of F . More-over, U  and D states can only move left, or move vertically or disappear. Since thetotal amount of vertical moves for U and D states is bounded by the cardinal of

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Fig. 2 Part of the transition rule of F  (curved arrows mean that the transition is the same for any rotationof the neighbourhood pattern by an angle multiple of π/2)

cells in a state of S  is governed only by the first case of the definition of  F . There-fore, after a certain time, finite type conditions defining Σ S  are verified everywhere.To conclude, it is easy to check that Σ S  is stable under the action of F .

The following lemma states that finite configurations from Σ S  consist of rectan-gle obstacles inside a liquid background. Moreover, obstacles are spaced enough toensure that any position “sees” at most one obstacle in its 3 × 3 neighbourhood.

In the sequel we use notation South(·), East(·), West(·), North(·) for the

elementary translations in Z2.

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Fig. 3 Definition of the path(zn)n in the presence of obstacles

Proof  Straightforward from definition of Σ S .

An obstacle is a (finite) rectangular region of states from S  surrounded by liquidstates.

The following lemma establishes the key property of the dynamics of F : particlescan reach any liquid position inside a finite field of obstacles from arbitrarily far away

from the field.

Lemma 3 (Infiltration) Let  x ∈ Σ S  be a finite configuration. For any z0 ∈ Z2 such

that x(z0) = 0 there exists a path (zn) such that :

1. zn∞ → ∞

2. ∃n0, ∀n ≥ n0, if  xn is the configuration obtained from x by adding a particle at 

 position zn ( precisely, xn(zn) = U  and xn(South(zn)) = D) then (F n(xn))(z0) ∈

{U, D}.

Proof  First, we suppose that x ∈ Σ S  ∩ ({0} ∪ S )Z2. Since x ∈ Σ S  and x(z0) = 0,

then either x(South(z0)) = 0 or x(North(z0)) = 0 by Lemma 2. We will consideronly the first case since the proof for the second one is similar. Let (zn) be the pathstarting from z0 defined as follows:

– If x(East(zn)) = 0 and x(South(East(zn))) = 0 then zn+1 = East(zn).– Else, position East(zn) and/or position South(East(zn)) belongs to an obstacle

P . Let a, b and c be the positions of the upper-left, upper-right and lower-rightoutside corners of P  and let p be its half perimeter. Then define zn+1, . . . , zn+p+1

to be the sequence of positions made of (see Fig. 3):– a (possibly empty) vertical segment from zn to a,

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We claim that the path (zn) constructed above has the properties of the lemma. In-deed, one can check that for each case of the inductive construction of a point zm

from a point zn we have:

– zm∞ > zn∞,– F m−n(xm)(zn) = U  and F m−n(xm)(South(zn)) = D.

The lemma is thus proved for x ∈ Σ S  ∩ ({0} ∪ S )Z2. It extends to any finite

x ∈ Σ S  because in such a configuration Lemma 1 ensures that after some time t 0all occurrences of U  and D are on the left of z0, whereas the path constructed aboveis on the right of  z0. More precisely, if  x is the configuration obtained from x byreplacing any liquid state by 0, and if  (zn)n is the path constructed for x, then thepath (zt 0+n)n fulfills the requirements of the lemma for x.

3.3 Topological Dynamics Properties

The possibility to form arbitrarily large obstacles prevents F  from being sensitive toinitial conditions.

Proposition 2 F  is not sensitive to initial conditions.

Proof  Let ε > 0. Let cε be the configuration everywhere equal to 0 except in thesquare region of side 2− log ε around the center where there is a valid obstacle.

∀y ∈ A


, if  d(y,cε) ≤ ε/4 then ∀t  ≥ 0, d(F t 

(cε), F t 

(y)) ≤ ε since a well-formedobstacle (precisely, a partial configuration that would form a valid obstacle whencompleted by 0 everywhere) is unalterable for F  provided it is surrounded by statesin L (see the 3 first transition rules of case 2 in the definition of the local rule): this isguarantied for y by the condition d(y,cε) ≤ ε/4.

The erosion and infiltration process described above ensures that particles can cir-culate everywhere in the liquid part of finite configurations. This is the key ingredientof the following proposition.

Proposition 3 F  has no equicontinuous points.

Proof  Assume F  has an equicontinuous point, precisely a point x which verifies∀ε > 0, ∃δ : ∀y,d(x,y) ≤ δ ⇒ ∀t,d(F t (x),F t (y)) ≤ ε.

Suppose that there is z0 such that x(z0) = 0 and let ε = 2−z0∞−1. We will showthat the hypothesis of  x being an equicontinuous point is violated for this partic-ular choice of  ε. Consider any δ > 0 and let y be the configuration everywhereequal to 0 except in the central region of radius − logδ where it is identical tox. Since y is finite, there exists t 0 such that y+ = F t 0 (y) ∈ Σ S  (by Lemma 1). More-over, Lemma 1 guaranties that for any positive integer t , F t (y+)(z0) = x(z0) = 0.Applying Lemma 3 on y+ and position z0, we get the existence of a path (zn)

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F n(y)(z0)     = F n(y)(z0) and therefore d(F n(y),F n(y) ) > ε. Since, if n > − logδ,both y and y are in the ball of center x and radius δ, we have the desired contradic-tion.

Assume now that ∀z,x(z) ∈ S . There must exist some position z0 such that

x(z0) ∈ S  \ {1} (it is straightforward to check that the uniform configuration every-where equal to 1 is not an equicontinuous point). It follows from the definition of Σ S 

that z0 belongs to a forbidden pattern for Σ S  (any solid state different from 1 musthave a liquid state in its neighbourhood). Therefore F(x)(z0) = 0 and we can use thereasoning of the previous case of this proof on configuration F(x).

Finally, if ∀z,x(z)     = 0 and ∃z0,x(z0) ∈ {U, D} then necessarily F(x)(z0) = 0 andthe first reasoning of the proof can be applied.

4 Variations

4.1 Adding Wang Tile Constraints

The first variation on F  we consider is to add some tiling constraints to the solidcomponent.

More precisely, for any tile set τ , we define a 2D CA F τ  which is identical to F 

except for the following modifications:

• the solid state 1 is replaced by the set τ  so that the state set of  F τ  is Aτ  =

{U,D, 0, ↓, ↑, ←, →, , , , } ∪ τ  where the solid component is the sub-set S τ  = {↓, ↑, ←, →, , , , } ∪ τ  and the liquid component is also L =

{U,D, 0};– the sub-shift of ‘admissible’ obstacles now becomes Σ F,τ  defined by the set of 

allowed patterns constituted by all the 3 × 3 patterns appearing in the following setof finite configurations:



L L L ↓ ↓ ↓ L L

L L L → τ τ τ  ← L LL L L → τ τ τ  ← L L

L L L → τ τ τ  ← L L

L L L ↑ ↑ ↑ L L



with the additional condition that two adjacent cells in a state from τ  must fulfillsthe tiling constraints involved in the tile set τ .

The behaviour of F τ  is similar to that of F  replacing Σ S  by Σ F,τ . More precisely:1. if the neighbourhood (5 × 5 cells) forms a pattern forbidden in ΣF τ , then turn

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3. in any other case, turn into state 0.

As for F , the erosion/infiltration mechanism prevents from any equicontinuouspoint. Moreover the sensitivity to initial conditions of  F τ  is controlled by the tile setτ  as shown by the following proposition.

Proposition 4 Let τ  be any tile set . Then we have the following:

– F τ  has no equicontinuous point ;– F τ  is sensitive to initial conditions if and only if τ does not tile the plane. Moreover ,

in this case, the maximal sensitivity constant is an exponential function of  n, where

n × n is the size of the largest admissible square tiling.

Proof  Firstly, it follows from definition of  F τ  that Lemmas 1, 2 and 3 as well as

Proposition 3 remain true. Indeed, considering any configuration x of  F τ , and anyt  ≥ 0, then we have

{z : F t τ (x)(z) ∈ S τ } ⊆ {z : F t (x)(z) ∈ S }

where x is the configuration of F  obtained from x be replacing any occurrence of states from τ  by 1.

Moreover, if τ  can tile the plane then it is possible to form arbitrarily large validobstacles, so F τ  is not sensitive to initial conditions (same reasoning as in Proposi-

tion 2). Conversely, if τ  cannot tile the plane, then there is n such that no valid tilingof a (2n + 1) × (2n + 1) square exists. This implies that, in any configuration x of F τ , there is some z0 with z0∞ ≤ n such that either x(z0) ∈ L, or F τ (x)(z0) ∈ L (z0

corresponds to some error for Σ F,τ ). Then, applying Lemma 3 to position z0 as inthe proof of Proposition 3, we have:

∀δ > 0, ∃y, ∃t  ≥ 0 : d(x,y) ≤ δ and d(F t τ (x),F t 

τ (y)) ≥ 2−n.

Since the constant n is independent of the choice of the initial configuration x, wehave shown that F τ  is sensitive to initial conditions with sensitivity constant 2−n.

4.2 Controlling Erosion

In this section, we define Gτ , another variant of F , which has an overall similar be-haviour but uses a different kind of obstacles and a different kind of erosion processdepending on a tile set τ . Obstacles are protected from liquid component by a bound-ary as the classical obstacles of F , but they are made only of successive boundarieslike onion skins. Moreover, invalid patterns in the solid component do not provoke

the complete destruction of obstacles as in F .The solid component of Gτ  is the set Rτ  = τ × X where

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Fig. 4 Inside (white) andoutside (black ) positions forstates of X

The obstacle sub-shift Σ G,τ  of Gτ  is defined by the set of allowed patterns consti-tuted by all 3 × 3 patterns appearing in the following set of partial configurations:


L L L Rτ  Rτ  Rτ  L L

L L L Rτ  Rτ  Rτ  L L

L L L Rτ  Rτ  Rτ  L L


with the additional conditions that the τ  component is a valid tiling and the X com-ponent is made exclusively from the set of 2 × 2 patterns appearing in the followingpartial configuration:

↓ ↓

↓ ↓ ↓ → → ↓ ← ←

→ → → ⊥ ← ← ←

→ ↑ ←

↑ ↑ ↑

↑ ↑

The X component is used to give to any cell inside a solid region a local notion of inside and outside as depicted by Fig. 4 (up to π/2 rotations): arrows point to theinside region.

The behaviour of Gτ  is precisely the following:

1. if the neighbourhood (5× 5 cells) forms a pattern forbidden in Σ G,τ , then the stateis left unchanged except for the following cases where it turns into state 0:

– if the cell is in a liquid state;– if the inside region of the cell forms a forbidden pattern,– the cell together with one of its neighbour forms a forbidden pattern

2. else, apply (if possible) one of the transition rules depending only on the 3 × 3neighbourhood detailed in Fig. 2 (replacing S  by Rτ );

3. in any other case, leave the state unchanged if it is solid and turn into 0 if it isliquid.

As for F , a configuration is said finite if it contains only a finite number of cells ina solid state.

Lemma 4 (Erosion result) Let τ be any tile set . Let x ∈ Σ G τ be a finite configuration.

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Proof  By definition of  Σ G,τ , x is necessarily made of rectangular obstacles whichare pairwise spaced by at least 2 cells.

Moreover, the X component ensures that the border of any rectangular obstacle ismade as follows:

– only state → (resp. ←, ↓ and ↑) on the left (resp. right, top and bottom) side;– only state (resp. , and ) on the top-left (resp. top-right, bottom-right and

bottom-left) corner.

Remark that the X component requires that the sequence of state obtained by startingfrom a corner and advancing in the corresponding diagonal direction is a successionof identical diagonal arrows, then the state ‘⊥’ and then a sequence of opposite diag-onal arrows. This implies that the obstacle is a square of odd side length and that thestate ‘⊥’ is in the center.

From now on, we call valid obstacle for Gτ  a n × n square (n odd) of solid stateswith state ‘⊥’ in the center and forming a valid pattern of Σ G,τ .

Lemma 5 (Conservative erosion process) Let τ  be any tile set . For any finite config-

uration x we have the following:

1. there exists t 0 such that , ∀t  ≥ t 0, Gt τ (x) ∈ Σ G,τ  and , in Gt 

τ (x), any occurrence of 

U  or D is on the left of any occurrence of any state from Rτ ;2. if z0 and n ≥ 7, n odd , are such that x contains a valid n × n obstacle centered on

z0 then ∀t  ≥ 0 Gt τ (x) contains the same valid  (n − 4) × (n − 4) square obstacle

centered on z0

Proof  The first part of this lemma follows by applying arguments of the proof of Lemma 1 to Gτ . The only point to check is that given any forbidden pattern for Σ G,τ 

we have (straightforward from the definition of Σ G,τ  and interior regions):

– either a pair of cells at distance at most 2, both in a solid state, and which form aforbidden pattern by themselves,

– or a cell in a solid state whose inside region forms a forbidden pattern.Thus, the number of cells in a solid state is guaranteed to decrease while the currentconfiguration is not in Σ G,τ . Therefore Σ G,τ  is reached in finite time (any configura-tion without solid states belongs to Σ G,τ ).

For the second part of the lemma, consider all cells z of the lattice such thatz − z0∞ ≤ n−5

2 (i.e. cells belonging to the (n − 4) × (n − 4) square centered onz0). Initially, those cells have a valid neighbourhood so after one step, they all stayin the same state. Therefore, by definition of a valid square obstacle, they all have avalid interior region after one step. Moreover, in their exterior region, they all haveeither valid solid states as in the initial step, or liquid states (if some cell at the bound-ary of the n × n square has turned into state 0): in any case, by definition of exterior

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The infiltration lemma (Lemma 3 for F ) remains true here, simply replacing Σ S 

by Σ G,τ . Combined with the above lemmas, it implies the following proposition.

Proposition 5 Let τ  be any tile set . Then Gτ  is sensitive to initial conditions if τ  does

not tile the plane, and it admits equicontinuous points if  τ  tiles the plane. Moreover ,in the latter case, any equicontinuous point has the following properties:

– it is made only of solid states;– it contains exactly one occurrence of state ‘⊥’;– its τ  component forms a valid tiling.

Proof  First, suppose that τ  cannot tile the plane. Then there exists n such that thereis no valid square tiling of size n × n. Using the same reasoning as in Proposition 4,we deduce that Gτ  is sensitive to initial conditions (because, by Lemma 5, after some

time a liquid state must appear at some position z with z∞ ≤ n and the infiltrationcan be applied to that position).

Now suppose that τ  can tile the plane. Consider the configuration x made only of solid states and such that:

– the τ  component is a valid tiling;– the X component is made of state ⊥ is at position (0, 0) and completed everywhere

in a valid way.

Since any n × n square centered on position (0, 0) is a valid square obstacle,

Lemma 5 shows that x is an equicontinuous point. Indeed, for any n and for anyconfiguration y having a valid n × n square obstacle centered on position (0, 0),we have that the orbits of  x and y under the action of  Gτ  coincide on the central(n − 4) × (n − 4) part.

Finally, consider any equicontinuous point x of  Gτ . Using the reasoning of thefirst part of this proof, we show that x contains only solid states and that its τ  com-ponent forms a valid tiling. Moreover, suppose that the X component contain at least2 occurrences of state ‘⊥’ and let n be such that 2 occurrences of ‘⊥’ are containedin the n × n central square of x. By Lemmas 5 and 4, for any finite configuration y

identical to x on the central n × n region, there is some time after which some cell inthe central n × n region is in a liquid state (because no valid obstacle can contain twooccurrences of ‘⊥’). From that point, the infiltration argument can be applied, con-tradicting the fact that x is an equicontinuous point. To conclude the proposition, itremains the case where the configuration x considered contains no occurrence of ‘⊥’.This case is treated as above, since valid square obstacles must contain an occurrenceof ‘⊥’ as stated by Lemma 4.

4.3 Combining Two Solid Components

Our last variation, called H τ , is a simple combination of  F  and Gτ  (for any givenil ) M i l i i h CA d fi d S ∪ R ∪ L i h h

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 Automaton Solid component Behaviour 

F  S N 

F τ  S τ  S ens if τ  tiles,  N  elseGτ  Rτ  E qu if τ  tiles, S ens else

H τ R

τ  ∪S E 

qu if τ  tiles, N 

elseFig. 5 Summary of constructions

– if the neighbour contains only states from Rτ  ∪ L then behave like Gτ ;– in any other case, turn into state 0.

Using what was previously established for F  and Gτ , we have the followingproposition for H τ .

Proposition 6 Let τ  be any tile set . Then H τ  is not sensitive to initial conditions and it admits equicontinuous points if and only if  τ  tiles the plane.

Proof  Since arbitrarily large obstacles of type S  can be formed, the reasoning of theproof of Proposition 2 can be applied here showing that H τ  is not sensitive to initialconditions.

Moreover, any equicontinuous point of  x of  Gτ  is an equicontinuous point of H τ . Indeed, for any n, any configuration y identical to x is the central n × n regionverifies that at any time t , the central n × n region of  H t 

τ (y) is made only of states


τ  ∪L

and is therefore governed by Gτ . Thus, the reasoning of Proposition 5applies here. Hence, if τ  can tile the plane, then H τ  admits equicontinuous points.Conversely, suppose that τ  cannot tile the plane. So H τ  has no equicontinuous

points in (Rτ  ∪ L)Z2

because it would be an equicontinuous point for Gτ , thus con-

tradicting Proposition 5. Similarly, there cannot be equicontinuous point in (S  ∪ L)Z2

because it would contradict Proposition 3. Finally, a configuration x containing statesfrom both sets S  and Rτ  cannot be an equicontinuous point either because x or H τ (x)

necessarily contains a liquid state and in such a case the infiltration argument can beapplied as in Proposition 3 (Lemmas 2, 1 and 3 are true for H τ ).

5 Topological Classification Revisited

Equipped with the various constructions detailed above (see Fig. 5), we study in thissection the topological classification of P. Kurka (put aside expansivity) for higherdimensional cellular automata.

In [5], the authors give a recursive construction which produce either a 1D CA withequicontinuous points or a 1D sensitive CA according to whether a Turing machinehalts on the empty input or not. By Proposition 1, we get the following result.

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However, this is not enough to establish the overall undecidability of the topo-logical classification of 2D CA. The main concern of this section is to completeProposition 7 in order to prove a stronger and more complete undecidability resultsummarised in the following theorem.

Theorem 1 For any dimension strictly greater than 1, we have the following:

– each of the classes E qu, S ens and  N  is neither recursively enumerable nor co-

recursively enumerable;– any pair of them is recursively inseparable.

Proof  The proof of this theorem is made of 3 similar parts: each one gives the insep-arability of two classes A and B among S ens, E qu and  N , as well as the non enumer-

ability of A and the non co-enumerability of B . The propositions focus on 2D cellularautomata but, by Proposition 1, results remain true for higher dimensions (becausethe canonical lift from some CA F  to F ↑ is recursive). The 3 parts are proved in thefollowing way:

A = S ens and B = E qu: this is Proposition 7 (our construction Gτ  gives an alterna-tive proof by Berger’s theorem).

A = N  and B = S ens: this follows by Berger’s theorem [1] (the set of tile sets whichcan tile the plane is not recursively enumerable) and Proposition 4 since F τ  can

be recursively constructed from τ .A = E qu and B = N : again since the set of tile sets that can tile the plane is not

recursively enumerable, this follows by Proposition 6.

Besides complexity of decision problems, other differences appears between di-mension 1 and higher dimensions. Let us first stress the dynamical consequence of the construction of CA F τ . It is well-known that for any 1D sensitive CA of radiusr , 2−2r is always the maximal admissible sensitivity constant (see for instance [10]).Thanks to the above construction it is easy to construct CA with tiny sensitivity con-stants as shown by the following proposition.

Proposition 8 The (maximal admissible) sensitivity constant of sensitive 2 D CA can-

not be recursively (lower-)bounded in the number of states and the neighbourhood 


Proof  This follows directly from Proposition 4 since the size n of the largest n × n

valid tiling for a given tile set is not a recursive function of the tile set.

To finish this section, we will discuss another difference between 1D and 2D con-

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both having pattern u in their center, we have:1

∀t  ≥ 0, ∀z : z∞ ≤ r ⇒ F t (x)(z) = F t (y)(z)

where r is the radius of F .For any F  with equicontinuous points, there exists a finite word u such that ∞u∞

is an equicontinuous point for F  (proof in [10]). The construction Gτ  can be usedwith the tile set of Myers [11] which can produce only non-recursive tilings of theplane. Therefore the situation is more complex in 2D, and we have the followingproposition.

Proposition 9 For any dimension strictly greater than 1, there exists a CA having

equicontinuous points, but only non-recursive ones.

Proof  By Proposition 5, any equicontinuous point of Gτ  is made solely of solid statesand its τ  component forms a valid tiling. Now consider the tile set τ 0 of Myers [11]:it can tile the plane but only with non-recursive tilings. Therefore, by Proposition 5,Gτ 0 admits equicontinuous points, but only non recursive ones.

 Remark 1 Since the construction Gτ  enforces the apparition of a particular state (⊥)in any equicontinuous point, we could have proved Proposition 9 using the simplertile set of Hanf [7], which produces only non-recursive tilings provided some fixedtile is placed at the origin.

Any 1D CA with equicontinuous points, admits in fact uncountably many equicon-tinuous points. Indeed, if u is a blocking word and if c is any bi-infinite sequence of 0 or 1, then the configuration:

· · · c(−n) · u · · · c(−1) · u · c(0) · u · · · c(n) · · ·

is always an equicontinuous point. The next proposition shows that it is no longer thecase for higher dimensional CA.

Proposition 10 For any dimension strictly greater than 1, there exists a CA having

a countably infinite set of equicontinuous points.

Proof  Let τ 0 be a trivial tile set (a single tile and no constraint). By Proposition 5,Gτ 0 admits equicontinuous points which are all identical on their tiling component.Moreover, it follows from definition of Σ G,τ 0 that if two equicontinuous points havethe state ‘⊥’ in the same position, then they are identical. Thus Gτ 0 possesses only acountable set of equicontinuous points and the proposition follows for dimension 2.

1To simplify the definition, we require that the blocking word fixes the 2r + 1 central columns of the

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For dimension 3 we will use a lifted version G+ of Gτ 0 : G+ is essentially a canon-ical lift of Gτ 0 with the additional condition that 2 cells whose coordinates differ by1 only on the third dimension must be in the same state, otherwise they turn into state0 whatever the 2D dynamics of Gτ 0 says. By a straightforward adaptation of the rea-

soning of Proposition 5 we have the following: for any equicontinuous point of  G+,the set of occurrences of states ‘⊥’ is exactly a line co-linear to the third dimension.Therefore, by the same reasoning as above, we deduce that G+ has only a countableset of equicontinuous points.

The lift arguments can be iterated and thus the proposition follows for any dimen-sion.

6 Complexity of Sensitivity According to Dimension

In this section, we study the complexity of the set of S ens from the point of view of the arithmetical hierarchy. More precisely, we establish an upper bound in the 1Dcase and a lower bound in the 3D case showing that the complexity of S ens does varywith dimension.

Proposition 11 For 1 D cellular automata, the set S ens is Π 02 .

Proof  As said above, a 1D CA is sensitive if and only if it does not possess any

blocking word [10]. Let F  be a CA of radius r . Following the definition of blockingwords given in Sect. 5, the fact that F  possesses a blocking word can be expressed asfollows:

∃u∀t R(u, t )

where R(u,t) is true if and only if for all t  ≤ t  and all pair of configurations x and y

having u in their center, we have:

∀z : z∞ ≤ r ⇒ F t  (x)(z) = F t  (y)(z).

R(u,t) is recursive since the checking involve only a finite part of the initial config-uration (precisely the 2r(t  + 1) central cells). Hence, the set S ens is characterised bythe Π 02 predicate ∀u∃t  ¬R(u,t).

We will now give a hardness result for the set S ens in dimension 3. We will reduceCOFIN, the set of Turing machines halting on a co-finite set of inputs, to S ens thusproving that S ens is Σ 03 -hard (see [12] for the proof of Σ 03 -completeness of COFIN).

We will use simulations of Turing machines by tile sets in the classical way (orig-inally suggested by Wang [14]): the tiling represents the space-time diagram of thecomputation and the transition rule of the Turing machine are converted into tilingconstraints. For technical reasons which will appear clearly in the proof of Lemma 6,

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symbol of the Turing machine) and some special tile α used to initiate the computa-tion, but no tile corresponding to a final state of the Turing machine. More precisely,each tile set enforces the following:

– if some row contains α, it is of the form ∞βαwβ∞ where w is a sequence of non-

blank symbols which will be treated as input (at this point we can not enforce bytiling constraint that w is finite);

– the tile on the right of α must represent the Turing head in its initial state readingthe first letter of the input.

Thus, each time a valid tiling contains α, we are guaranteed that it contains a validnon-halting computation starting on some (potentially infinite) input.

The ith Turing machine in a standard enumeration is denoted by Mi and to eachMi we associate a tile set τ i whose constraints ensure the simulation of Mi as men-tioned above, and which contains the special tiles αi and βi as described above.

We now describe the construction, for any Turing machine Mi , of a cellular au-tomaton I i which is sensitive to initial conditions if and only if Mi ∈ COFIN. It willessentially consist in a lift to dimension 3 of a modified version of  Gτ i . We firstdescribe this modified version, denoted Gi, which is a 2D CA.

The intuition is the following: we want that any equicontinuous point of Gi con-tains a valid non-halting computation of  Mi starting from a finite input. More pre-cisely, we will define Gi in such a way that any equicontinuous point has a validτ i -tiling on some of its components, which contains an occurrence of the special stateαi , and which contains only a finite sequence of non blank symbols on the right of αi .

The definition of Gi differ from that of Gτ i only by the definition of the subshiftΣ G,τ i : for Gi this subshift becomes Σ i defined as follows. A configuration x is inΣ i exactly when:

– x ∈ Σ G,τ i ;– αi is the only tile allowed in the tiling component of a state having its X component

equal to ⊥;– a solid state having a tile different from βi in its tiling component is not allowed to

be on the immediate left of a liquid state.

Gi is built upon Σ i exactly as Gτ i is built upon Σ G,τ i . Precisely, any cell of Gi behave like this:

1. if the neighbourhood (5 × 5 cells) forms a pattern forbidden in Σ i, then the stateis left unchanged except in the following cases where it turns into state 0:

– if the cell is in a liquid state;– if the inside region of the cell forms a forbidden pattern,– the cell together with one of its neighbour forms a forbidden pattern

2. else, apply (if possible) one of the transition rules depending only on the 3 × 3

neighbourhood detailed in Fig. 2 (replacing S  by Rτ i );3. in any other case, leave the state unchanged if it is solid and turn into 0 if it is

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Lemma 6 Gi is sensitive to initial conditions if  Mi halts on any input . Moreover ,if  Mi doesn’t halt on all inputs, then Gi admits equicontinuous points and each

equicontinuous point verifies the following:

– its tiling component forms a valid tiling for  τ i ;– it contains exactly one occurrence of the special tile αi ;– there is a finite sequence w of consecutive non-blank symbols on the right of  αi ,

therefore the tiling component simulates a valid non-halting computation of  Mi

starting on a finite input  w.

Proof  The modifications introduced in Gi (compared to Gτ i ) concern only newcases in which a solid state is turned into 0. Therefore, all necessary conditions aboutequicontinuous points of Gτ i (Proposition 5) apply here. Besides, if Mi possesses a

non-halting input, it is easy to construct an equicontinuous point x which contains avalid space-time diagram of a non-halting computation. The fact that the computationis slow ensures that we can find arbitrarily large squares centered on the tile αi (andthe state ⊥) without any non-blank on the right boundary of the square. With suchprecautions, the conservative erosion apply here exactly as in the proof of Proposi-tion 5.

Finally, since the definition of  Gi implies that occurrences of  ⊥ coincide withoccurrences of αi , the lemma follows from the following property: if a configurationx of Gi contains a cell having an infinite sequence of non-blank symbols on its right,

then it is not an equicontinuous point. This property follows from the definition of Σ i since, for any finite configuration sufficiently close to x, the non-blank symbolsallow liquid states to infiltrate towards a fixed position (after some time) and thereforethe usual technique of particle infiltration shows that x cannot be an equicontinuouspoint.

The 3-dimensional cellular automaton I i The idea is that on each horizontal planeP c = {(a,b,c) : a, b ∈Z2} of the space, I i generally behaves like Gi. However, I icontains an additional 3D mechanism, whose role is to ensure that the non-halting

simulations done on successive planes start from different inputs of  Mi . I i containsan additional component of states, called Z, that can take 3 values ‘+’, ‘−’ and‘=’ (the state set of I i is Qi × Z where Qi is the state set of Gi). To describe thelocal constraints on Z, we use notations South(·), North(·), East(·), West(·)

to describe relation between positions in the same horizontal plane, and Top(·) andBot(·) for the 3rd dimension:

– if the Z-component of a cell z ∈ Z3 is ‘=’ then it is also the case for cells East(z), West(z), Top(z) and Bot(z);

– if the Z-component of a cell z ∈ Z3 is ‘+’ then it is also the case for cellsEast(z), West(z) and Top(z), whereas North(z) and South(z) must have aZ-component equal to ‘=’;

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Fig. 6 Two planar (simplified) views of a valid solid configuration

– if the tiling component of a cell z (in a solid state) is αi then its Z-component mustbe either ‘+’ or ‘−’; moreover Top(z) and Bot(z) must also be in a solid statewith a tiling component equal to ‘αi ’;

– if a cell z in a solid state has its Z-component equal to ‘+’ and its tiling componentis βi , then, if West(Bot(z)) has also its Z-component equal to ‘+’ and is alsosolid, it must have its tiling component also equal to βi ;

– if a cell z in a solid state has its Z-component equal to ‘−’ and its tiling componentis βi , then, if West(Top(z)) has also its Z-component equal to ‘+’ and is alsosolid, it must have its tiling component also equal to βi .

The global result of those local conditions is illustrated by the following lemma.

Lemma 7 Let x be a purely solid configuration of I i such that , each horizontal planecontains one occurrence of αi and a valid tiling, and all the previous local conditions

are verified . Then x has the following form:

– on each plane, all Z components are ‘=’ except on an east/west line which con-

tains αi ;– all the occurrences of αi are aligned in a top/bottom column;– the space is made of a top half corresponding to planes P c having some state with

Z-component ‘+’ and a bottom half corresponding to planes P c having some state

with Z-component ‘−’;– if a plane P c is in the top half and simulates Mi on an input of length n, then for 

any a > 0, the plane P c+a simulates Mi on an input of length strictly greater than

n;– similarly for the bottom half , the input length is strictly greater for plane P c−a

than for plane P c.

Proof  Straightforward.

I i is then defined as follows: if one of the previous local conditions is violated inthe neighbourhood of a cell in a solid state surrounded only by cells in a solid state,then the cell turns into state (0, =), else it behaves according to Gi depending only

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Proof  We show that I i is sensitive to initial conditions if and only if Mi admits aninfinite set of non-halting inputs, which yields a reduction from COFIN to S ens.

First, it is easy to see that if Mi has an infinite set of non-halting inputs, then anequicontinuous point for I i can be build: given an infinite sequence of non-halting

inputs of different lengths, one can build a purely solid configuration, made of twohalves, each one corresponding to the sequence of valid simulations on each planefor successive inputs, and respecting all the conditions on the Z component. It isstraightforward to check that such a configuration is an equicontinuous point.

Conversely, if x is an equicontinuous point for I i then each plane P c must be anequicontinuous point for Gi when we forget the Z component. Indeed, the addi-tional 3D conditions of I i never affect liquid states and can only turn a solid state intostate 0. Now, adding 3D constraints, we deduce by Lemmas 6 and 7 that Mi musthave an infinite set of non-halting inputs.

7 Future Work

In this paper, we adopted the classical framework of topological dynamics (whichdoes not explicitly refer to dimension) and studied how its application to cellularautomata may vary with dimension.

The first research direction opened by this paper is the study of new dynamical be-haviour appearing in dimension 2 and more. Indeed, the mechanisms of informationpropagation can no longer be explained by the presence of particular finite words

(blocking words in dimension 1). In this general direction, the following questionsseems particularly relevant to us:

– what kind of dynamics can be found in the class N ?– what kind of 2D cellular automata can be built which are in E qu and have a set of 

equicontinuous points of full measure? can we characterise such CA?– what happens when we restrict to reversible cellular automata? more generally to

surjective ones?

The second part of the paper concerns complexity of decision problems relatedto topological dynamics properties. Our construction techniques allow to prove sev-

eral complexity lower bounds. However, upper bounds seems harder to establish. Wethink the following questions are worth being investigated:

– what is the exact complexity of S ens in 1D? is it Π 2-complete or only at level 1 of the arithmetical hierarchy?

– we believe that the set S ens is in the arithmetical hierarchy for any dimension, butwe have no proof yet starting from dimension 2.

– can we generally implement “Turing-jumps” in the complexity of the problem weconsider when we increase dimension? or is there limitation coming from the na-ture of the problem?

Finally, the various kind of sensitivity to dimension change we encountered, sug-gest to consider those problems from of more general point of view by allowing the

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