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22 September 1995


AGENDA ITEM Rlo.Z%@) C9SLA Piornoring Scottish Local Government

Your Ref.

Our Rei: PSI20-DMH

Chief Executives New Councils Orkney, Shetland and Western Isles

Dear Chief Executive c


I enclose a copy of a letter dated 8 August 1995 from the Netherlands Minister of the Interior concerning the Second International Conference on Local Authorities Confronting Disasters and Emergencies, which will be held in Amsterdam from 22 to 24 April 1996. In case your authority wishes to be represented at the Conference, your attention is drawn to the addresses on the back page of the attachments to the letter.

Yours sincerely


Raymund McC lus key Assistant Secretary




Convention of Scottish Loul Authorities

Roseky H o w 9 Haymarket Te- Edinburgh EH12 5XZ Fu: 0131 346 0355

DX No. ED407 Edinburgh TeIcphone 0131 346 1222


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Encl Your ref.


D.Q.P. Fundter

International Conference

Intormation availatde from


Ministry of t h e Interior

Our ref. Dare

EB95 / 1658 8 August 1995 Telephone

4/31 70 3027323 Depanmen!


I would like to draw your attent-Jn to the enclosed br-:hue with infornation sbout the Second International Conference "Local Authorities confronting Disasters ;md Emergencies". This conference vi11 be organised by my ministry in close cooperation with the Association of Netherlands Hunicipalities, the I U L A and t h e UN/DHA/IDNDR. The conference will be held from 22 to 24 April 1996 in Amsterdam. The chance that a large-scale accident will occur in our industrialised and highly urbanised society is greater than ever. A catastrophe of this kind may have grave effects for mankind and the environment. Consequently it is important to exchange our experiences with disaster relief.

During this international conference you will have ample opportunisy to share your experiences with administrators, relief workers and scientists of many countries. I also hope that this conference will contribute to t he forming of a g l o b a l ( i n f o d ) network, vhich, if necessary, will help you to contact each other quickTy and efficiently. I would like to note in this respect that I vould especially encourage speakers from non-vestern countries to respond to the "call for papers" mentioned in the brochure. Starting point will be the specific role of local authorities.

I am looking forward to welcoming you next year April in Amsterdam.


H . F . Dijkstal

Postal address

2500 EA The Hacue The Netherlands

P.O. BOX 2001 i Telephone 31-70-3326302 Vis:tfnQ address Please quore dare. Telefax 31 -70-36391 53277 Scheoeldoetshaven 200 reference and suqecr Telex 32 109 biza nl TSC Hague in reply

The herherlands

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2nd International c i n s

’ .

Second International Conference ‘Local Authorities confronting Disasters and Emergencies‘22, 23, 24 April A996 Amsterdam, The Netherlands

The Netherlands Ministry of the Interior is organising the second international conference entitled ‘Local Authorities confronting Disasters and Emergencies’, to be held on 22, 23 and 24 April 1996 at the RA1 Congress Centre in Amsterdam.

Large-scale disasters and emergencies call for an intepr;\red approach by the (local) administrative authorities. emergency services and the various experts. as appropnate. This conference offers you an excellent opportunity to discuss this type of joint approach as well as the latest developments in the field of emergency planning and crisis management. I n addition. you will have an opportunity to establish or strengthen your international contacts, to exchange experiences. and to, acquire expert information on current events. During the conference. not only the European countries will be represented; speakers from Asia. Africa, North. Central and South America are also invited.


In October 1994, on rhe iniriative of the Union of Local Authorities in Israel. the first conference entitled ‘Local Authorities confronting Disaslers and Emergencies’ was held in Tel Aviv. In order to strengthen international contacts and to exchange matters of policy and technical solutions. the panicipants of the first conference established the International Forum ‘Local Authorities confronting Disasters and Emergencies’. The continuity of the discussion and the information exchange within the framework of the International Forum is endorsed by an International Board, consisting of representatives from Australia, Canada, China, Germany. Great Britain. India. Israel, The Netherlands. Russia. South Africa. Sweden and The United States. The United Nations and the International Union of Local Authorities u e also represented on this International Board. Hopefully this biennial conference will contribute to a better understanding of the necessity of cooperition between adminisirators and disaster relief organisations and even an improvement of the quality of emergency

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After the official opening of the conference. the Alinister of the Interior from the Netherlands. Mr. H.T. Dijkstal, will give the opening speech. During the plenary sessions. there will be guest spenkers from Europe. Asia. Africa and the United States. Highlights will be the lectures on recent large- scale disasters. which will be analysed by the authorities and emergency services directly involved.

Following these plenary sessions. parallel workshops will be held. offenng items specifically tailored for a profound discussion between local authorities, scientists and disaster relief manasers. Different aspects of emergency planning and disaster relief will be reviewed. in a logical order. This nor only means that mention will be given to rhe safety aspects in the design phase of infrastructure (pro-action and preven- tion). but subjects such as risk analysis. disaster planning and training (prepararion) wi l l also be looked into. In addition. actual disaster relief itself will be addressed. both by the authorities and the emergency senices (intervention). Finally. the after care process wili be discussed. whereby not only the social aspects, but also the handling of collective stress will be covered, all on the basis of current case studies.

Against the background of the 'safety chain' the i'ollouing subjects can be chosen in the workshops:

compound disasters floodings eanhquakes droughts ,

. accidents with hazardous materials air traffic accidents

. nuclear accidents

. environmental incidents - policy and administration in the framework of

emergency planning the organisational aspects of emergency planning

On Tuesday afternoon, the theoretical part of the conference will come to a close with a look ahead to the next conference in Canada in 1998. In the evening the Minister of the Interior will host an official dinner for all participants.


To give an impression of the way in which the Netherlands has prepared itself for disasters and emergencies. several excursions will be organised. There will be something to suit the taste of every administrator. scientist and disaster relief manager. We offer you a choice to visit: the storm surge barrier in the province of Zeeland. the central storage of nuclear waste in Zeeland. the Borssele nuclear power plant. the Port of Rotterdam. a number of emergency services such as the fire brigade, police and medical services. or the emergency hospital of the ministry of Defence located at the Utrecht University Hospital. The way in which more than 200,000 people were

start of this year. due to the threat of flooding, attracted considerable internationiil attention. As a participant at this conference, i t is also possible to visit the areas threatened by the flooding. During all the excursions you will naturally be able to speak to the authorities and services involved in disaster relief.


evacuated at very short notice in rhc Netherlands at the . .

After the closing ceremony of the conference, you have the opportunity to visit the international fire trade fair "Brand '96'*, which will be held at the RA1 Congress Centre. between 23 and 27 April 1996.


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2nd Iniernrrironal C 'ng


This conferencc I S srganlsed by the Netherlands Ministry of the lnrcrior and supponed by the Association of Xctherlands Municipalities (VNG), the lnternarional Union of Local Authorities (IULA), he Europcnn Union, rhc Depanment of Humanitarian

IDNDR Secrernnar, and within the framework of the International Decndc for Natural Disaster Reduction.


I ' ,

@Affairs of the United Norions (DHA) through the


. . The recommending committee is chaired by the Minister of the Interior and Vice-Premier of the hkherliinds, Mr. H.T. Dijkstal. Other nientbers of the c o n rn i tree ;I re ad in in ist rators. scient is ts and men? bers of emergency services. all from various countries.



The International Conference 'Local Authorities confronting Disasters and Emergencies' is to be held in the RA1 Conference Centre. located close to the centre of Amsterdam. and only a shon distance from Schiphol International Airpon. There is a direct train connection to Schiphol.


The costs for conference participation will be DFl750. This amount will include admission to the conference: a11 conference papers: entry to the tire trade fair 'Brand '96': public rranspon between hotels and the conference location: an invit;ition to the ice breaker pany on the Sunday prior to the conference: coffer. lunches and dinners on Monday and Tuesday and entry to the Wednesday excursions.


The travel organisation for the Netherlands govemnient .Government Travel' can arranse your air travel and hotel accommodation at special rates. All reserved hotels. in a range of different price categories. are located close to the city centre of Amsterdam. near the RA1 Congress Centre.

The official conference language will be English, with simultaneous interpretation into French and Spanish.


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I nstitution


N 03 N

not to be filled in

Abstract Sample

Informing the public

Mrs T. Schraffordt

Schraffordt & Koops Management Consultaiicy

Local Authoritiestreet 1996, 2223 AP Amsterdam The Netherlands

In the sixties, a national campaign was conducted in the Netherlands, for the first atid only time, 10 inform the public about what to do in case of a disaster. l h e effects of this campaign - in a negative sense - arc still being felt. Everyone in the Netherlands received an instruction folder by mail. The contents of this communication and the way it was written (‘crawl with a sheet over your head under the stairs’) made people laugh. There is coiiccrn that this may also be the case now. People are afraid of the so-called “Koot-and-Bie” effect (Koot and Bie are satirists who have had a weekly TV programme here for more than twenty years. The quality of their performances and their fame can be compared to England’s John Cleese).


2. 3. 4.


Cornpletc ;ill details on tlic enclosed abstract fonii. I’lcase note tliat all correspontlcnce w i l l be SCIII to the presenting iiutlior. Intlicale your preference for ;in orill or poster present;itioii. Follow careftilly the “instructioiis for sul)initting ;iii iibstr;ict”. Information on iicceptnnce or rejcction of your p;ipcr/postcr will be sent to yoii in November 1095 Sciitl the completed Abstract Form and 4 photocopies by (air)mail (hrxed copies iire u~i:ic~ept;iblc) in iili e ~ i v c l o l ~ with ciidboard backing to prevent tl;iliiiige aiitl inail i t to: 2nd Interiiational conference ‘1,ocaI Aalliorities corifroritirig Disasters ancl Etncrgeiicics’ c/o Eurocongres Coliferclice Maii;igement

NI,- 1075 I IP Amsterdiim Al l ;hstracts sliould rc;ich tlic Coiifcrciicc Secrctiiriiit bcfiwc 30 Srptrnihrr~ 199.5. Unfortunately, late proposals wil l not he consitlcretl.

J . viiii Goycnkade 1 I

6 .


INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMITTING AN ABSTRACT 1 licse instructions ;ire presented to assist you with preparing a typescript which is soiliible for direcl photo-offset reproduction. Abstracts sliould be typed on the original abstract form only. 1.

2. 3.



Use ;I laser printer (no matrix printer) o r an clcclric type writer with ;I new black carbon ribbon. I’nictice typing the iibstract carefully 011 a copy of the abstract fonn. Avoid stiic;irs and crasiirc marks, since those letters wi l l be visible in

Lenvc one Olaiik liiic ;itid type the entire ;ibstr;ict ushg single sl)ilcilig

witl i in [lie lines of the blue box. 1’le;ise use full width of the traine but tlo iiot type oulsitlc the f i -me . Al l ;ibstr;icts should be siibiiiittetl in English.

the iibstKict book.


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1 not to be filled in

t I I

Abstract Sample I I 1 Title Informing the public

A uthor(s) Mrs T. Schraffordt

liistitution Schraffordt & Koops Management Consultancy

Atldress Local Authoritiestreet 1996. 2223 AP Amsterdam The Netherlands

N 03 N

In the sixties, a national campaign was conducted in the Netherlands, for the lirst and oiily time, to inform the public about what to do in case of a disaster. The effects of this campaign - in a neptive sense - are still being felt. Everyone in the Netherlands received an instruction folder by mail. The contents of this communication and the way it was written (‘crawl with a sheet over your head under the stairs’) made people laugh. There is coiicern that this may also be the case now. People are afraid of the so-called “Koot-and-Bie” effect (Koot and Bie are satirists who have had a weekly TV programme here for more than twenty years. The quality of their performances and their fame can be compared to England’s Joliri Cleese).


2. 3. 4.




Coriipletc 1111 cletails on tlic eiiclosed abstract form. Please note h a t all coriespontlence w i l l be sent to tlie presenting iiutlior. Intliciite your preference for ;in otitl or poster prese~~ration. Follow careflilly the “instructions for su1)initting :in iibstriict”.

Iiifoiinalion on ;\cceptnnce or rejection of your pepcr/posler wi l l be sent to you in Novenibcr 1995 Send the coniplctcd Abstract Foiin ant1 4 pliotocopies by (air)mail (faxed copies are uiiaccept;ible) in ;in envelope with cardboard

2nd International conference ‘1,ocaI Autl ior i l ics confronting Disasters ancl Enicrgcncics’ c/o Eiirocongres Conference Maii;igciiicnt

NI,- 1075 I IP Amsterdiitn All ;ibstracts should rc;ich the Conference Sccrct;iri;it ticfirre 30 Sqilenlhrr 199-5. Uiilortun;ilcly, liitc proposals wil l no1 be consitlci-etl.

backing to prevent tlaniage ant1 111 a1 .I I t . 1 0 :

J . viili Goyenkiitle I I

INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMITTING AN ABSTRACT ‘I‘iiese iristriictions :ire presented 10 assist you with preparing a typescript which is suitiiblc for direct photo-offset reproduction. Abstracts should be typed oil [lie original abstract form only. I .

2. 3.


Use ;I laser printer (no rriatrix printer) o r an clcctric Iype wrilcr with it new bl;ick carbon ribbon. I’iiiclice typing [lie iibslract carefully on a copy of the abslr;ict fonn. Avoid snic;irs ;intl eraslire marks, since those letters wi l l be visible in t lie itbst ract book. Leiivc one bliiiik line end type the entire iibslrilct rising single sl)iicing within [lie lines of tlie blue box. I’lease use full width of the liaine but tlo i i o t type outside the f i - m e .

5. Al l iibsti~iicts should be subinittetl in English. ,

i I...;.. . I ,.,.“I A..,l.,.r :I; - .

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I - w c: ..





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A special tourprogramme has been organised in order 10 offer panicipants the oppomnity of getting to know the Netherlands. Each of the Dutch towns has its own distinctive character. often dating back to the flourishing 17th century. Why not make an excursion

to Delft. famous for its blue delftware, Gouda with it

unique international atmosphere can be enjoyed while sitting on one of the numerous terraces in town. Anyone interested in history and culture will appreciate the Rijksmuseuin with its worldfamous collection of paintings from Rernbrandt. the Vincent van Gogh museum or the 'Stedelijk' museum of modern art. Of course a visit to the Keukenhof can not be missed. Especially in April. millions of tulips, daffodils and hyacinths in countless varieties fom a breathtaking carpet of colours.


: traditional cheesemarket or to Amsterdam where a m -


The conference 'Local Authorities confronting Disasters and Emersencies' wants to give special interest to the role of the local authorities in emergency management and disaster relief. Therefor what we are looking for most, are new ideas and recent developments in this field, to initiate the discus- sions. If you can make an interesring contribution to our programme in the form of a paper. we hereby invite you to send us an abstract. Information and instructions can be found in the attached tear-off form. The closing &e for submitting an abstract is 30 September 1995. A scientific committee, chaired by Prof.Dr. U. Rosenthal (Professor of Administrative Studies at the University of Leiden and Head of the Netherlands , Crisis Research Center) will evaluate all submissions. You will be informed before 15 November 199.5, if selected as a speaker.

@* . I .

I .


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- .i

-- e .... . .

I am interested in your conference and would like to receive in November 1995: International F~~~~ .. Relevant Innovating

the preliminary programme and the regismtion form

information about the special travel arrangement of 'Govemement Tnvei'

Amsterdam 22-23-24 April 1996

I Please also send rhis informarion to: !

' Initials Title mr/mrs First name j Firstnome

Initials Title rnrlrnrs

Company/Organisation i Cornpany/Or, oan is at ion

Address Address


ZipPostal Code





' Zip/Postal Code



Fax 2nd International c


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information on the conference subjects: Ministry of the Interior ICLA project office. H1603 Mr. D. Fundter P.O. Box 20011 2500 EA The Hague The Netherlands Tel. +3 1(0)70 302 7323

Fax +3 1(0)70 302 6204 +3 1(0)65 32 1 75 11 (after 17.00 Cenaal European Tme)

Informarion on registrarion: Euroconges Conference Management Jan van Goyenkade 11 1075 HP Amsrerdam The Netherlands Tel. +3 1(0)20 679 54 11 Fax +3 1 (0)20 673 73 06

I t formarion on travel and hotel arrangements: Government Travel, Section Special Projects Mr. P. Bakker P.O. Box 11751 2502 AT The Hague The Netherlands Tel. +31(0)70 31 00 I 0 0 Fax 1 3 1 (0)70 34 68 789

Information on the International Forum 'Local Aitrhoriries confronting Disasters and Emergencies' : Union of local Authorities in Israel Mr. A. Rabinovitch 3 Haftman Street Tel Aviv 61200 Israel .

Tel +972 36 95 50 24 Fax +972 36 96 71 47

z - 1


- 1 t - publication of the brochure with the preliminary programme and registration form: - 8 November 1995 3

- final submission date for abstracts: i 30 September 1995

final date for submission of papers, if selected: 1 February 1996

- selection results: before 30 November 1995 -
