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C to the power of 4

Tools in a time of churning white surf

Asst. Prof. James (Skip) WardDepartment of Management and Marketing

Asst. Prof. Yaprak Dalat WardDepartment of Education/Advanced Education Programs

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Customer Service


Why C to the power of 4?

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3 (12 minutes)

When have you taken the view of the mice? What was your cheese?And….?

Who Moved My Cheese?

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The model was developed by the Swedish psychologist, Claes Janssen, in the late 60s and early 70s as part of his groundbreaking research on the dynamics of change.

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Another view- The Change Process

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Where are you right now today?

List the changes you have heard about today.

Assign a number to how you feel- Box 1, 2, 3 or 4.

Now the hard part, if you are in 3 or 4 what are you going to do about it?



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Chris Argyris (b. 1923) is an business theorist, Professor Emeritus at Harvard He is commonly known for seminal work in the area of "Learning Organizations".

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The Ladder of Inference can take us down the wrong path!

Think about a time you took action and later discovered you were wrong! Using the Ladder of Inference tool, where did you go wrong? What could you have done differently?

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Which way of working do you prefer? And what do we do? lol

Double loop learning uses feedback from past actions to question assumptions underlying current views.

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Another way to look at it

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Pick 6-8 adjectives that describes yourself. Place them in the window. Now do the same for a colleague!

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Words do carry meaning!

Look at the words that do contribute to change. Think of examples of where you said or heard these words spoken. How did that make you feel?

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Who are your customers?


Customer Service

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Successful collaboration depends on _____.

Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean." - Ryunosuke Satoro

"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much." - Helen Keller

"Few things in life are less efficient than a group of people trying to write a sentence. The advantage of this method is that you end up with something for which you will not be personally blamed." - Scott Adams


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"The purpose of life is to collaborate for a common cause; the problem is nobody seems to know what it is." - Gerhard Gschwandtner

"Gettin' good players is easy. Gettin' 'em to play together is the hard part." - Casey Stengel


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Think of a time someone you know failed to be accountable for their actions or lack of actions. To what extent did they blame others or make excuses? What caused them to finally own the problem? Why did they change and become accountable? Or did they just live outside of reality?!

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The Change Twins

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C to the power of 4

What were your ahaaa moments?