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Following the Guiding Light of Ibn ArabiChristian Jambet

Le Monde diplomatique, 22 May 1992

This meditation of Michel Chodkiewicz on the works of the great theosophe is also a thesis on the destiny of the Muslim Community. Michel Chodkiewicz: An Ocean without Shore: Ibn Arabi, The Book and the Law,Le Seuil Publications, 222 p., 120 FF. The works of the great Andalucian theosophe Ibn Arabi (11651240) have an exceptional value. This does not mean that they are well-known. Despite translations, their immensity discourages the efforts, and it is necessary to refer back, sometimes, to those who dedicated their lives to read Ibn Arabi exhaustively to grasp, in a nutshell, the ultimate spirituality deployed in these thousands of pages. Michel Chodkiewicz has again, in his latest book, put forward a question concerning the integral interpretation of Ibn Arabi, by multiplying tiring readings of precision and knowledge. Lets dig in further: In this [latest] meditation he explores further meanings of the spiritual conquests of Mecca, this ocean with no limits of the gnosis which corresponds to the unlimited ocean of Quranic scripture. Michel Chodkiewicz proposes, for those who know how to read it, a thesis on Islam and the destiny of its Community. Thence we have at our hands a guide to access the writings of Ibn Arabi, and command a most instructed, authoritative, judgement on the essence of submission or obedience to God, the ultimate attitude of whoever wants to be a Muslim. It is astounding that, of the numerous authors who commented on Ibn Arabi, and those who cited him, and those who praised him, in Sunni Islam and in Shiism, never conceived the project to elucidate, publically, the scheme of Ibn Arabis major work. Michel Chodkiewicz discovers that this [the absence of such a general review] is neither due to ignorance, nor is the consequence of some amateurism, but is due to an esoteric reading [of Islam] guarded in secrecy. One must note that this dangerous word has a very precise meaning: Reading Ibn Arabi is not throwing words haphazard with an arbitrary meaning which might mean love. This is a manifestation of hidden and complex relations [with the One] which consider [in their expressions] the veiled structures of the Book and thought. Here is what Michel Chodkiewicz proves in detail: The structure of thought is always governed by the rigourous structures, infinite in power, of the Quranic text. Put in other words, there exists a conscious homology, a minute correspondence between the order of the Surahs, cut into verses, the pauses in the reading of such verses, sometimes even between isolated words in the Quran and the order of the chapters, their themes, the intention that guides them or the inspiration that they yield. The structure of these spiritual Conquests (Futuhat) is the same as that of the Holy Quran. What are then the results? First, we have to renounce the claim that Ibn Arabis method, the method of this grand Soufi, is equivalent in the Sunnite understanding to the exegesis of extremist Shiites: The Tawil (interpretation). If the Ismailites of Alamout, for exemple, conceived that exegetic understanding of the holy book amounts to transgression and an abrogation of the letter of the faith [the French text here is very confusing], the same does not hold in Ibn Arabis understanding. In fact, Ismailite Shiites value the letter of the faith by easing the symbol of the haqiqa, essential reality of the divine expression. [This understanding] makes it necessary [for Ismailites] to effect a metamorphosis of the [original meanings of the Quranic text], and bring about, under the guise of apparent meanings, a series of hidden understandings, sometimes out of touch with the spirit of the original text. In such a view, the haqiqa is no longer Law (the Sharia) itself, it is not even the legal body of the religion ordaining private and public obligations. [Haqiqa] is then the antithesis: the abolition of this same religious legal binding. The [Quranic] text identifies Law

The view of Ibn Arabi is then the complete opposite: Text, mystical inspiration, and devoilement (KashfDivine Unveiling) are rigourously put to the ultimate judgement of the Quranic text. The text is the norm in this quest. The letter of the book governs the order of the symbols (thence the sequence of theophanies is dictated by the verses of the second surah). [sicactually third]. In the final analysis, it is the letter, identified with the law, that formulates the essential truth of the verbium, Law is not the symbol of the haqiqa, it is the haqiqa. Lets stress here that Michel Chodkiewicz includes a remarkable critique of allegorism, targetting Philon of Alexandria, paralleling the works of Benny Levy, a Jewish scholar, in his le Logos et la Lettre. This yields a second consequence, namely that the gnosis of Ibn Arabi is a call to a state of childhood which is the condition for a testing of literal interpretation, to a practice that is based on the verses [of the Quran]. This richness of Parole yields a realisation of the whole architecture of the spiritual states of prayer, or the [complete] submission of the faithful to his Lord, expressing the eternal state of mankind. More than a legalism, reverting to Law (Sharia) is a discovery of the ontological status, the Ubudiyyah, which constitutes as such the state of the servant (abd). We will read [in Oceans with no limits] vibrant pages where Michel Chodkiewicz relates the silence of free-will, the silence of intelligence, and the silence of the being. Such will be the authentic mystical experience, where the beings join the unique being (Ittihad). Law (Sharia) is then the vehicle. Michel Chodkiewicz proposes, in Ibn Arabi, a modal of the Islamic conscience, between two perils of pseudoliteralism of exoterist doctors of the faith ([official] Saudi Islam ?) and messianic Shiite exigesis. In this understanding, Ibn Arabi is viewed at the origin of an irenic [conducive to or operating toward peace or conciliation] legality. Is it true that the whole debate [in Islam] revolves around this [central] theme: The spiritual realization of Islam. Does it essentially pass through Law (Sharia) or does it suppose the antithesis of the Law (the Imam for Shiites for exemple)?

Original French Article La meditation que propose Michel Chodkiewicz sur loeuvre du grand theosophe est aussi une these sur le destin de la communaute islamique Un ocean sans rivage: Ibn Arabi, le livre et la Loi,

Michel Chodkiewicz. Le Seuil, 222 p., 120 F. loeuvre du grand theosophe andalou Ibn Arabi (11651240) jouit dune faveur exceptionnelle. Cela ne veut pas dire quelle soit toujours bien connue. Malgre les traductions, son immensite decourage les efforts, et il est necessaire parfois de se referer a ceux, tres rares, qui ont consacre leur vie a lire Ibn Arabi exhaustivement pour saisir, dans une intuition densemble, la signification ultime de la spiritualite deployee en tant de milliers de pages. Michel Chodkiewicz sait a nouveau, dans son dernier livre, poser une question qui engage linterpretation integrale dIbn Arabi, tout en multipliant les lectures etourdissantes de precision et de savoir. Disons mieux : dans la meditation quil propose du sens dernier des Conquetes spirituelles de la Mecque, cet ocean sans rivage de la gnose qui correspond a locean sans rivage de lecriture coranique, Michel Chodkiewicz propose a qui sait le lire une these sur lislam et sur le destin de sa communaute. Ainsi disposons-nous ici, tout ensemble, dun guide pour lire Ibn Arabi, et dun jugement dentre les mieux instruits et les plus autorises sur lessence de la soumission ou de lobeissance a Dieu, en quoi consiste pour finir toute attitude qui se veut musulmane.

Setonnant de ce que les nombreux auteurs qui ont commente Ibn Arabi, qui lont cite, qui lont loue, dans lislam sunnite comme dans le chiisme, naient jamais concu le projet delucider publiquement le plan de louvrage majeur dIbn Arabi, Michel Chodkiewicz decouvre que ce netait ni leffet dune ignorance, ni la consequence dun quelconque amateurisme, mais la pratique tenue secrete dune lecture esoterique. Il faut prendre ici ce mot dangereux en un sens precis: lire Ibn Arabi, ce nest pas degager de la lettre un sens arbitraire qui y serait love, cest manifester les relations cachees tres complexes qui rendent compte des structures voilees du livre et de la pensee. Or, voici ce que demontre, dans le detail, Michel Chodkiewicz : la structure de la pensee est toujours gouvernee par les structures rigoureuses, mais infinies en puissance, de la lettre coranique. Ou encore, il existe une homologie consciente, un travail minutieux de mise en correspondance entre lordre des sourates, la decoupe des versets, les pauses dans la lecture de ces versets, parfois meme les mots isoles du Coran et lordre des chapitres, le choix de leur objet, lintention qui guide ou linspiration qui entraine. La structure des Conquetes spirituelles (Futuhat) est celle-la meme du Coran. Quelles en sont les consequences? dabord, nous devons renoncer a traiter la methode du grand soufi que fut Ibn Arabi comme si elle etait lequivalent dans le monde sunnite de lexegese chiite extremiste, le tawil. Si les ismaeliens dAlamut, par exemple, ont concu le rapport exegetique au Livre saint comme une transgression et une abolition de la lettre, il nen va pas de meme chez Ibn Arabi. Ou plutot, les chiites ismaeliens valorisent la lettre en en faisant le symbole de la haqiqa, ou realite-essentielle du Verbe divin, de sorte que pour saisir pleinement le sens symbolique des versets du Coran, il est necessaire de les metamorphoser, de faire monter, sous le sens apparent, une serie de significations cachees, parfois tres eloignees du sens obvie. On voit que dans une telle perspective, la haqiqa divine ne saurait etre la Loi (charia) ou meme, plus largement, la religion legalitaire, ordonnee aux obligations privees et publiques, mais quelle ne surgit que dans labolition de cette vie legalitaire. La lettre identifiee a la Loi

La perspective dIbn Arabi serait tout autre : la lecture, linspiration mystique, le devoilement sont soumis rigoureusement a lultime legislation de la lettre coranique. Cest la lettre qui norme la quete, cest la lettre qui gouverne lordre symbolique (ainsi lenchainement des theophanies est-il dicte par celui des versets de la deuxieme sourate). Enfin, cest la lettre, identifiee a la Loi, qui est la realite essentielle du Verbe : La Loi nest pas le symbole de la haqiqa, elle est la haqiqa. Signalons que Michel Chodkiewicz esquisse une remarquable critique de lallegorisme, dont la cible est Philon dAlexandrie, dans une orientation fort semblable a celle que Benny Levy a suivie, fidele a la lettre hebraique, dans le Logos et la Lettre (1). De la cette seconde consequence : la gnose dIbn Arabi est linvite a un etat denfance qui est la condition dune mise a lepreuve de la litteralite, dune pratique qui consiste a faire accueil aux versets. Cet abandon de la Parole aura pour fin de realiser toute larchitecture des etats spirituels dans la priere, ou la vassalite du fidele a legard de son Seigneur exprime le statut eternel de lhomme. Plus quun legalisme, le retour a la Loi est une decouverte de ce statut ontologique, la ubuda, qui constitue le serviteur (abd) comme tel. On lira les pages vibrantes ou Michel Chodkiewicz met en relation le silence de la volonte, le silence de lintelligence, le silence de letre. Telle serait lexperience mystique authentique, celle ou les existants rejoignent lexistence unique. La Loi en serait le vehicule et Michel Chodkiewicz propose, en Ibn Arabi, un modele pour la conscience islamique, entre les deux perils du pseudo-litteralisme des docteurs exoteristes (lislam saoudien actuel ?) et de lexegese chiite messianique. Ibn Arabi serait ainsi lorigine dune legalite irenique. Et il est vrai que tout le debat porte sur ce point : la realisation spirituelle en islam passe-t-elle essentiellement par la Loi, ou suppose-t-elle lautre de la Loi (limam des chiites par exemple) ?