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Built-in Arrays

� C++ native array type

� Two versions� fixed size arrays

� array size is fixed and must be specified with a constant expression at the declaration

� we will see this type now

� array pointers� array size is dynamically allocated

� we will not see it in this course

� use of both types are the same except definition

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Built-in Array declaration

� As we said, we will discuss fixed size built-in arrays, not the pointer version with dynamic allocation

� size must be able to be determined at compile time

� constant, literal or an expression that involves constants and literals only

const int CLASSSIZE = 100; // constant

string names[CLASSIZE]; // array of 100 strings

double grades[CLASSIZE*5]; // array of 500 doubles

int list[200]; // array of 200 integers

� The following array declaration is INVALID

int size;

cout "Enter how many students ? ";

cin >> size;

string names[size]; // array size cannot be a variable

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Built-in array initialization at declaration

� You may specify a list of initial values at declaration. See

following example:

string dayNames [] = {"Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday","Friday", "Saturday"};

� dayNames is an array with 7 elements of type string

� 0th element is “Sunday”, 1st is “Monday”, ...

� not necessary to specify size (7), since the number of elements make

the size clear

� but you can specify the size, if you wish

string dayNames [7] = {"Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday","Friday", "Saturday"};

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Assignment rules in arrays

� tvectors with the same element type can be assigned to

each other by =

� LHS vector becomes the same as the RHS vector

� size and capacity also become the same

� Built-in arrays cannot be assigned to each other by =

int coins[] ={1,5,10,25};

int temp[4];

temp = coins; // illegal

temp[1] = coins[2]; // legal – array element assignment

� How can we assign coins to temp?

� element by element

for (i=0; i<4; i++)

temp[i] = coins[i];

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Passing built-in arrays as parameters

� A built-in array can be passed only as reference

parameter or const-reference parameter

� cannot be passed as value parameter

� But, we do not use ampersand character, &, at

parameter declaration

� and we do not specify the array size in array parameter

� however array size is generally passed as another integer parameter since we do not have a size()

member function for built-in arrays

void Change(int list[], int numElts);

void Print(const int list[], int numElts);

reference parameter

const-reference parameter

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Built-in array demo

� See fixlist.cpp (slightly modified from the version in


� Why did we use const in Print?

� to avoid accidental changes in array list

� Why did we pass numElts as parameter for the

number of elements in the array?

� because we don’t know the total number of elements in the

array while writing the functions

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Example – Fibonacci numbers� Used in many areas of Mathematics and Computer Science

F0 = 1F1 = 1Fn = Fn-1 + Fn-2

1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 610 987

� You can see many examples of Fibonacci numbers in nature� E.g. Increase of number of branches of trees in time� See more examples

const int MAX_SIZE = 100;

int list[MAX_SIZE];

int k;

list[0] = list[1] = 1;

for (k=2; k < MAX_SIZE, k++)


list[k] = list[k-1]+list[k-2];


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Arrays of structs

� We can define vectors of structs

struct student


unsigned int id;

string name, lastname;

double gpa;


student class[11];

// a vector with 11 students

class[1].gpa = 3.2;

for (i = 0; i <= 10; i++)

class[i].id = i + 1250;


id gpa










id gpa






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Vector of struct

� Example

� define a struct for a track on a CD

� track number and title are fields

� define a vector for 10 tracks

� shuffle these 10 tracks at random

� see shuffle.cpp (in book, but this version is slightly


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Array Processing Examples – 1

� write a function that takes an array of integers as parameter and returns the maximum of numbers in it

� process all array elements – for loop from 0 to array’s size - 1

int max (int v[], int boyut)//pre: aray v is not empty//post: return max of elements in v{

int i, max_so_far = INT_MIN;

for (i=0; i < boyut; i++){

if (v[i] > max_so_far){

max_so_far = v[i];}

}return max_so_far;


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Array Processing Examples – 2 (vectorproc.cpp)

� Write a function that takes an array of integers as parameter and returns true if the array is sorted in ascending manner, false otherwise

� may not process all array elements

� In this type of rule-checking applications, a possible method is to assume that the rule is satisfied before the loop and find a counterexample in the loop

bool issorted (int[] v)//post: returns true if the array is acsending sorted {

bool s = true; // initially assume that array is sorted//in the function try to break this assumption

int i =1;

while (i < v.size() && s == true) { //check until the end of array or until a counterexample is found

if (v[i-1] > v[i]) // if not sorteds = false; // counterexample is found

i++;}return s;


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Searching a vector� We can search for one occurrence, return true/false or the indexof occurrence

� Search the vector starting from the beginning

� Stop searching when match is found

� We can search and count the number of occurrences and return count

� Search entire vector

� Similar to one occurrence search, but do not stop after first occurrence

� We can search for many occurrences, but return occurrences in another vector rather than count

� In all these cases, we search the vector sequentially starting from the beginning

� This type of search is called “sequential search”

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Counting searchint countmatches(const string[] a, int boyut,

const string & s)// post: returns # occurrences of s in a{int count = 0;int k;for(k=0; k < boyut; k++){ if (a[k] == s)

{ count++;

}}return count;


� How can we change this code to return the index of the

first occurrence?

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One occurrence search

int firstmatch(const string[] a, int boyut, const string& s)

// post: returns the index of occurrence of s in a, -1 // otherwise{int k;for(k=0; k < boyut; k++){ if (a[k] == s)

{ return k;

}}return -1;


� Does not search the entire array if one match is found

� good for efficiency purposes

� How could you modify this to return true/false?

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Collecting search� Collect the occurrences in another vector

void collect(const string[] a, int boyut, string[] matches)

// pre: matches is empty// post: matches contains all elements of a with// first letter 'A'{int k;for(k=0; k < boyut; k++){

if (a[k].substr(0,1) == "A"){

matches[k] = a[k];}


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Binary search

� Alternative to sequential search for sorted vectors

� If a vector is sorted we can use the sorted property to eliminate half of the vector elements with one comparison� What number (between 1 and 100) do we guess first in number guessing game?

� Idea of creating program to do binary search� Check the middle element

� If it has the searched value, then you’re done!

� If not, eliminate half of the elements of the vector

� search the rest using the same idea

� continue until match is found or there is no match

� how could you understand that there is no match?

� let’s develop the algorithm on an example

� we need two index values, low and high, for the search space

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Binary Search (search for 62)

10 24 34 52 55 62 67 75 80 81 90 92 100 101 111

low=0 mid=7 high=14

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

low = 0 mid=3 high=6

low=4 high=6

mid=5 => FOUND

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Binary Search (search for 60)

10 24 34 52 55 62 67 75 80 81 90 92 100 101 111

low = 0 mid=7 high =14

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

low=0 mid=3 high=6

low=4 high=6


low=4 high=4


low=5 high=4 => NO MATCH FOUND – STOP

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Binary search code

int bsearch(string[] list, int boyut, const string& key)// pre: boyut == # elements in list// post: returns index of key in list, -1 if key not found{

int low = 0; // leftmost possible entryint high = boyut-1; // rightmost possible entryint mid; // middle of current range

while (low <= high){ mid = (low + high)/2;

if (list[mid] == key) // found key, exit search{ return mid;}else if (list[mid] < key) // key in upper half{ low = mid + 1;}else // key in lower half{ high = mid - 1;}

}return -1; // not in list


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Comparing Sequential and Binary Search

• Given a list of N elements:

• Binary search makes on the order of log N operation

O(log N)

• Linear (sequential) search takes on the order of N operations


Table 8.1 Comparing sequential / linear search with binary search Number of Items Examined (at worst)

List Size Binary Search Sequential Search

1 1 1

10 4 10

1,000 11 1,000

5,000 14 5,000

100,000 18 100,000

1,000,000 21 1,000,000

A Computer Science Tapestry page 375

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� One of the fundamental operations in Computer


� Given a randomly ordered array, sort it

� ascending

� descending

� Many algorithms exists

� some in Chapter 11

� we will discuss two of them – Selection Sort (11.1.1)

and Insertion Sort (11.1.2)

� Analysis in 11.4

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Selection Sort

� N is the number of elements in vector/array

� Find smallest element, move into 0th vector/array location� examine all N elements

� 0 .. N-1

� Find next smallest element, move into first location� 0th location is already the minimum

� examine N-1 elements

� 1 .. N-1

� Find next smallest element, move into 2nd location� 0th and 1st locations are already the minimum two elements

� examine N-2 elements

� 2 .. N-1

� Generalizefor kth element, 0 <= k <= N-2

- find the minimum between kth and last element (element with index N-1) of array

- swap the kth element with the minimum one

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Selection Sort: The Codevoid SelectSort(int[] a, int boyut)// pre: a contains a.size() elements// post: elements of a are sorted in non-decreasing order{

int j, k, temp, minIndex;for(k=0; k < boyut - 1; k++){ minIndex = k; // minimal element index

for(j=k+1; j < boyut; j++){ if (a[j] < a[minIndex])

{ minIndex = j; // new min, store index}

}temp = a[k]; // swap min and k-th elementsa[k] = a[minIndex];a[minIndex] = temp;


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Insertion Sort

� Insert 1st element before or after 0th

� first 2 sorted

� Insert 2nd element (element with index 2) in

proper location

� first 3 sorted

� Generalize

� insert kth element (element with index k) within first

k elements

� first k+1 sorted

� run this for all k between 1 .. N-1

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Insertion Sort – The Codevoid InsertSort(string[] a, int boyut)

// precondition: a contains boyut elements

// postcondition: elements of a are sorted in non-decreasing order


int k, loc;

for(k=1; k < boyut; k++)

{ string hold = a[k]; // insert this element

loc = k; // location for insertion

// shift elements to make room for hold (i.e. a[k])

while (0 < loc && hold < a[loc-1])

{ a[loc] = a[loc-1];



a[loc] = hold;

