Download - by: Rev. Msgr. Emmanuel Suñga · 2017-05-17 · parishworks! 1 Vol. 6 No. 34 November 20, 2010 Pastor’s Message Victory in Man’s Failure by: Rev. Msgr. Emmanuel Suñga Sunday


parishworks! 1Vol. 6 No. 34 November 20, 2010

Pastor’s MessageVictory in Man’s Failureby: Rev. Msgr. Emmanuel Suñga

Sunday GoSpel

lk 23:35-43

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Dear Parishioners,


The King of Kings is the title of a film produced by Cecil B. DeMille about 60 years ago. It tells the inspiring story of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. It has been called the mightiest movie of all time, since it has been seen by over a billion people all over the world. The main reason for the film’s popularity can be expressed in the words of Will Rogers to De Mille: “You will never make a greater picture, because you will never find a greater subject than Jesus.” Of all the tributes De

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Saint andrew the apostle parish community celebrates feast of patron saint

On November 21-30, St. Andrew the Apostle Parish celebrates the feast of its patron saint with the theme: “St. Andrew, the Protoclete: A Celebration of Life and Love.”.

Novena masses with different themes and presided by well-known homilists from the vicariate will usher in the festivities. Other program of activities include the Mass Wedding, Youth Fiesta Saya, Senior Citizens’ Activity, and Medical and Dental Mission. Another highlight is the Feed My Sheep Program, where adopted communities will be treated to breakfast and lunch as a loving response to Jesus’ command to Peter (and to us now) to “feed my sheep.”

The blessing and distribution of the St. Andrew bread, to the community during the nine-days celebration is a tradition of the Parish to honor St. Andrew, known for the

A Celebration of Life and Love

St Andrew the Protoclete:


Multiplication of the Bread and the Fish miracle.

A prelude to the fiesta day is the celebration of the Anniversary of the Dedication of the Church.

On fiesta day, Most Rev. Francis de Leon of the diocese of Antipolo and former SAAP parish priest, will be the Mass presider.

A procession will preceed the Holy Mass.

The Mass will include the commissioning of newly appointed pastoral chairs; offering of the Pondo ng Pinoy cans, sand offering of St. Andrew bread. The bread will be brought to the homes of the sick members of the community by the Lay Ministers.

After the Eucharistic celebration, there will be a fireworks display.

A simple fellowship with the clergy will cap the day’s celebration.

By: Glo V. Pineda

The Music Sub-Ministry sponsored a 2-hour psycho-spiritual team building on November 16, Tuesday at the Board room attended by the different leaders and potential leaders from the music and parish youth ministries. The fun and deep rooted workshop was facilitated by Mr. Armin Demetillo, also an active lector in the parish. Armin is a well versed speaker and teacher, a social worker/volunteer involved in community activities and services in various projects and foundations in the country.

The workshop started off with an exercise on “carrot, egg and coffee” that enabled the participants to a better understanding of themselves: how they identified with the character which they created to defend themselves from the world, how they invite and repeat certain life experiences to ‘justify’ these defenses and the patterns which they perpetuate and how, through fear and desire, they resist becoming all that they can be and truly are and settle for a compromised and limited existence.

The work on the self is enhanced and strengthened when we work with other people. Working with others intensifies and accelerates this experience further, by challenging and supporting our inner growth process. We need to both experience and understand how we live our lives. So this psycho-spiritual development workshop synthesizes experiences.

The workshop was clear-cut yet creative and imaginative – waking the inquisitiveness and leaving a trail of questions at the back of the mind. The workshop does not end there: A question was posted to the participants that remained unanswered even at the end - giving another thought for pondering. . . .or simply just to stress the vigorous participants? (hahaha)

karot, Itlog, kape, at Iba pa. . .

November 20, Saturday5:00 PM Christ the King Mass and


November 21, Sunday6:00 AM Blessing of St. Andrew

bread9:00 AM Medical/Dental Mission3:00 PM Christ the King Procession6:00 PM 1st day Novena Mass

November 22, Monday6:30 AM Blessing of St. Andrew

bread6:30 PM 2nd day Novena Mass

November 23, Tuesday6:30 AM Blessing of St. Andrew

bread6:30 PM 3rd day Novena Mass

November 24, Wednesday6:30 AM Blessing of St. Andrew

bread7:30 AM Senior Citizens’ Activity6:30 PM 4th day Novena Mass

November 25, Thursday6:30 AM Blessing of St. Andrew

bread6:30 PM 5th day of Novena Mass

November 26, Friday6:30 AM Blessing of St. Andrew

bread6:30 PM 6th day of Novena Mass

November 27, Saturday6:30 AM Blessing of St. Andrew

bread4:00 PM Mass Wedding6:00 PM Youth Night6:30 PM 7th day of Novena Mass

November 28, Sunday6:00 AM Blessing of St. Andrew

bread6:00 PM 8th day of Novena Mass

November 29, Monday6:30 AM Blessing of St. Andrew

bread6:30 PM 9th Day Novena Mass

Anniv. of the Dedication of SAAP Church

November 30, Tuesday6:30 AM Fiesta Mass Blessing of St. Andrew

bread7:00-1:00 PM Feed My Sheep

Program12:15 NN Fiesta Mass Lay Ministers to bring

bread to homes of sick4:00 PM Procession6:00 PM Fiesta Mass Commissioning of

appointed chairs7:30 PM Dinner with Clergy (PPC,


Final Fiesta activities

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pastor’s Messasge from page 1...

Mille received for producing the movie he treasured most highly a letter he received from a woman who had only a few days to live. Her nurses wheeled her to a hall to see the movie. Then she wrote: “Thank you, thank you for The King of Kings. It has changed what is about to happen from a terror to a glorious anticipation.” The feelings of that woman were like the feelings of the good thief who heard, as we just read, the promise of Jesus: “Today you will be with me in paradise.” The woman and the thief were both suffering. Both expected to die soon. Both received new hope from Jesus. This is the true Kingship of Christ, shared by those who follow Him carrying their own crosses.

We have arrived at the last Sunday of our liturgical year, celebrating an event which historically is to take place still in the future. But in a liturgical celebration where God’s presence envelops and permeates in its every moment, the past becomes present as well as the future, as Jesus said

“ I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last” (Rev. 22:13) Therefore that future event is now being celebrated because it is now here with us through God’s loving presence.

But since this proclamation we have, is through the gospel of St. Luke, let us look what is that particular message which Jesus is telling us through this gospel.

As we had seen during the past Sundays, Jesus continuously was giving our spiritual formation as He was going to Jerusalem for His paschal Mystery (Suffering Death and Resurrection). One of His instructions was

“ If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me ”. (Lk 9:23)

And all those Sundays we were all following Christ carrying our crosses in all humility, constantly falling but being lifted up again and again till we all would reach and enter that narrow gate. But how can our crucifixion to the cross we are carrying be a sign of our victory?

Yes it will be our victory if it is patterned after that of Christ. But is Christ’s crucifixion in St Luke’s gospel, a victory and a triumph? To answer that question let us examine the gospel for this Sunday.

(A.) The threefold taunt or mockery that comprises the heart of the Lucan crucifixion are actually proclamation of Jesus divine saving power. It is arranged that way by St. Luke.

(1.) There is that mockery of the leaders

“ He SAVED others; let him SAVE himself if He is the MESSIAH of God, the CHOSEN one”. (V.35) Messiah here means “the ANOINTED ONE”. In the mind of the Jews, this title combines the notions of KING and SAVIOR OF ISRAEL.

The title “Chosen One” however points to the transfiguration scene where God the Father from the cloud says “This is my CHOSEN SON; listen to him” ( Lk 9:35).

It also points to the suffering but vindicated servant of Deutero- Isaiah “Here is my servant whom I uphold, my CHOSEN one with whom I am pleased” (Is 42:1).

(2.) There is the mockery of the soldiers “If you are the King of the Jews save yourself ” (v.36). This title, Jesus of Nazareth King of the Jews, is also placed over His head on the cross. In fact this is the same as what the soldiers are shouting about. Both are proclamations of acts of faith and allegiance to the Lord.

(3.) There is the mockery of one of the criminals on the left of Jesus “Aren’t you the MESSIAH? Then SAVE yourself and us. Luke has so theologically put everything in its rightful place that the enemies of Jesus are the one’s who proclaim unknowingly and acknowledge His true nature as the Messiah, Savior and King.

(B.) But in the case of the good thief, we get a true picture of what our true selves should be.

We have been carrying our crosses following the footsteps of Christ. In our own Paschal mystery we are crucified too with Christ with our own sufferings. Like the good thief we acknowledge that “We are only paying the price for what we have done, but this man has done nothing wrong”.

All man suffer without any exceptions. But if we offer and combine our sufferings to that of Christ and accept it as part of God’s plan for us, ( the same way He did for His Son ), then it become salvific. Together with the good thief we can tell Jesus “Remember us when you enter into your kingdom” and the Lord with a 100% assurance will say “Today you shall be with me in Paradise”.

That is the way St. Luke is telling us how we can enter the narrow gate by carrying our crosses and be crucified with Christ. Then, with Christ, we will be on our own way to our own Eternal Victory and Success.

Hard to believe but this is the gospel truth.


Ria Salvaña Matthew LizaresParish Works StaffEllie Medina, Angelina Poe,Emilio Medina, Teresita CabralJohn David OngAnnouncements CoordinatorsPia Sanedrin, Rochelle Pineda Bulletin Board EditorEJ CarlosPowerpoint CoordinatorGing Santos, JayR PaduaContributor: Glo Pineda, Emma Entao, Wina de Vera

Spiritual AdvisorRev. Msgr. Emmanuel Suñga

PublisherSt. Andrew the Apostle ParishN. Garcia St. cor. Kalayaan Ave.Bel-Air II, Makati CityPhones: (632) 890-1796 / 890-1743 [email protected]

Parish Works is the official weekly newsletter of Saint Andrew the Apostle Parish. Media and Communications Ministry Co-coordinators




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487 J.P Rizal St. Makati

First ChoiCe

In celebration of Christ the King there will be a mass on November 20 (Saturday) at 5:00pm at the San Miguel Village Covered Court. The mass will be followed by an Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and an overnight vigil. The following day a procession after the vigil will start at 3:15pm and will end at St. Andrew with a closing prayer at 4:30pm.

The devotees of Our Lady of Penafrancia are sponsoring a free Medical checkup tomorrow on November 21 from 9:00am to 3:00pm at the Parish Jubilee Hall. Everyone is invited to come.

Novena masses in honor of our patron, St. Andrew the Apostle will be held starting November 21 through November 29 at 6:00pm on Sundays and at 6:30pm on weekdays. On his feast day, November 30 (Tuesday) masses will be held at 6:30am, 12:15pm, and at 6:30pm. The last mass will be celebrated by Bishop Francis de Leon. A procession in honor of St. Andrew the Apostle will start from the church grounds at 4:00pm.

November 28 is Pondo ng Pinoy Sunday. Please don’t forget to bring your properly labeled cans and offer them during the Presentation of the Gifts or bring them to the Parish Office.

The Education Ministry is inviting everyone to an Advent Recollection December 3 (Friday) at 8:00pm at the Parish Jubilee Hall. Rev. Fr, Yolito “Itoy” Ignacio, the Spiritual Director of the Philosophy Department of San Carlos Seminary will be the Recollection Master.

November 20 (Saturday) Start of Vigil

6:00 - 7:00 pm San Miguel Village Sub Parish (Group 1) 7:00 - 8:00 pm. Rizal Village Sub Parish (Group 1) 8:00 - 9:00 pm. Santiago Village Sub Parish (Group 1) 9:00 - 10:00 pm. Bel-Air Village 2 Sub Parish & Salcedo Village 10:00 - 11:00 pm. Ministry of Altar Servers / Youth Ministry11:00 - 12:00 am. Ministry of Greeters & Collectors

November 21 (Sunday)

12:01 - 1:00 am. Adoracion Nocturna Filipina 1:00 - 2:00 am. Adoracion Nocturna Filipina 2:00 - 3:00 am. E M H C (Group 1) 3:00 - 4:00 am. E M H C (Group 2) 4:00 - 5:00 am. Knights of Colombus 5:00 - 6:00 am. Legion of Mary 6:00 - 7:00 am. Apostleship of Prayer 7:00 - 8:00 am. Family Rosary Crusade 8:00 - 9:00 am. Shepherding Group 9:00 - 10:00 am. Liturgical Environment Ministry 10:00 - 11:00 am. Bel-Air Village 1,3, 4 Sub Parishes 11:00 - 12:00 nn. Rizal Village Sub Parish (Group 2)

12:01 - 1:00 pm. Santiago Village Sub Parish (Group 2) 1:00 - 2:00 pm. San Miguel Village Sub Parish (Group 2) 2:00 - 3:00 pm. Lectors & Commentators Sub Ministry 2:00 - 3:00 pm. All SAAP Parishioners

Christ the king novena Schedules