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Page 1: By Paulina Fae

By Paulina Fae

Page 2: By Paulina Fae

Copyright ©2021 U.S. Games Systems, Inc.

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Published byU.S. GAMES SYSTEMS, INC.

179 Ludlow StreetStamford, CT 06902 USA

Page 3: By Paulina Fae


INTRODUCT ION Welcome to the Phantasma Tarot. Phantasma itself means daydream, fantasy, or magical vision. It’s also the name of a world of supernatural beings in which you’ll find so many kindred spirits at the ready to welcome you here, most of whom I’ve but recently discovered as well. Crafted over a four-year time span, Phantasma is my fourth tarot deck. It real-ly has been an exciting journey watching the deck’s heart and soul take the lead as it unveiled its personality. As the cards were painted and the messages penned, I felt like a traveler documenting their secret haunts and special playgrounds.

Within the world of Phantasma Tarot, may you discover new pathways, new powers, and new paradigms applicable in all that you do. Wishing you much health, happiness, and abundance.

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As in many traditional tarot decks the four suits of the Minor Arcana correlate to the elements and the four areas of human experiences.

Wands—fire (action)

Cups—water (emotional)

Swords—air (intellect)

Pentacles—earth (physical)

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With the curious nature of a child, the Fool sets out on his new journey. He carries confidence and intrigue while traveling the universe of endless possibilities. He’s a carefree spirit, yet he remains moderately mindful of where he’s headed.

Message: Take a trip into unknown places, and trust the process.

Keywords: Adventure, new beginnings, potential, curiosity, trust.

Reversed Message: Now is not the time for impulsive action. Ask others for advice.

Reversed Keywords: Recklessness, poor judgment, irresponsibility, irrationality.


The Magician can make anything pos-sible. He utilizes the highest virtue of his power by turning ideas into reality. By manifesting what he imagines and desires, he influences and shapes his life. Skills and knowledge gathered along his path have brought him to his present place.

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Message: Draw out a clear vision. Remain focused when bringing your goals to fruition.

Keywords: Manifestation, personal power, creativity, focused will, confidence.

Reversed Message: Double check every-thing before diving into a new project. Confront your problems, and do not limit yourself.

Reversed Keywords: Lack of direction, blocked creative energy, overconfidence, confusion.


The High Priestess accesses deeper knowl-edge by listening to her own inner voice. Drawing energy from the forces of nature, she provides the portal between the sub-conscious to the conscious. She holds the key to mysteries that are to be revealed at their proper time.

Message: Listen to your intuition and trust your path.

Keywords: Intuition, wisdom, psychic abilities, trust, patience.

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Reversed Message: Frustrations and im-patience will keep you from accessing your intuition. Take time out from your busy schedule to relax and reflect.

Reversed Keywords: Doubt, impatience, secrets, illusion, deception.


The Empress, graceful Mother Earth, walks among nature’s wealth of divine beauty. She brings life’s most free and simple pleasures that provide the greatest joys. She’s fertile with ever-blooming energies of mind, spirit and body. Carrying seeds of creativity, magic unfolds as her gardens of abundance come to fruition.

Message: Welcome the bounty that surrounds you, and nurture your creative ideas.

Keywords: Abundance, nurture, pleasure, creativity, fertility.

Reversed Message: Nourish yourself with rest and recovery.

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Reversed Keywords: Lack of growth, over-protection, insecurity, dead-end projects, self-neglect.


The confident Emperor has everything under control. He sees through a situation to assess it for what it truly is, bringing logic into play. His focused nature allows nothing to stand in his way. He’s passion-ate and conscientious in his leadership, and preserves a peaceful environment.

Message: Encourage calm out of chaos, and stick by your plan. Valuable wisdom acquired on your journey will influence others.

Keywords: Security, discipline, protection, control, logic.

Reversed Message: Loosen the reigns of your routine. Give yourself permission to relax.

Reversed Keywords: Lack of discipline, abuse of power, lack of control, fear, impulse.

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Welcome the mentor of esoteric knowledge. As a teacher of wisdom, spiritual guidance, and peace of mind, he shares the knowl-edge of past and present life experiences. He’s here to remind you to learn not only from outer sources, but also to learn from within. Representing perpetual interaction, the lemniscate on the Mentor’s forehead connects him to the roles of the hierophant; infinitely teaching and infinitely learning.

Message: Ask yourself how your belief system affects your life. Align your actions with ideals. Consider shaking up your old routines and paradigms, and venture into the unknown. Remember your power, and let your curiosity unearth your sacred truth.

Keywords: Open-mindedness, discovery, questioning, seeking, self-empowerment.

Reversed Message: You have the power to peel away structured restrictions.

Reversed Keywords: Closed-mindedness, herd mentality, satiety, status quo, self-doubt.

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Kindred spirits find within one another a bond of shared values and mutual un-derstanding. Open hearts create strong communication. Love is a creative energy born from harmony, and it exists on many levels.

Message: When faced with decisions, choose what your being best aligns with. Be authentic in your endeavors, and listen to your heart.

Keywords: Love, harmony, connection, choice, desire.

Reversed Message: Avoid making decisions too quickly. Spend time reconnecting to your own heart.

Reversed Keywords: Disharmony, poor choices, disconnect, conflict.

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Expanding forward into the unknown, the majestic unicorns are fueled by the power they’ve gathered thus far in life. Stagnation is chased away by motivation. They’re building momentum, remaining focused so as not to be steered off track. The Chariot is designed to withstand any amount of turbulence along with tranquility. The array of obstacles the team of unicorns faces, and always overcomes, keeps them in energetic balance.

Message: You are in control of making things happen. Let yourself be moved ahead by the strength of your own motion. Rising above challenges will grant the insight need-ed to conquer new difficulties in your path.

Keywords: Motion, willpower, courage, determination, discipline.

Reversed Message: When feeling out of control of a situation, review where you want to be heading. You can forge ahead once actions calibrate with your desires.

Reversed Keywords: Tension, stagnation, out of control, defeat.

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Propelled by raw power within, the dragon overcomes all obstacles in his path. He is in complete control, breathing the fires of compassion and creative force. His flame is akin to releasing energies that will lead him into greater life changes. With every struggle, he grows stronger. Through it all, his empathic nature helps him to manage his actions and emotions so as not to cause any harm.

Message: Calm your inner storm. Carry the strength to trust that you will land on your feet. This self-assurance will give you what you need to control all aspects of your life.

Keywords: Courage, energy, compassion, patience, discipline.

Reversed Message: Invest in rest to restore depleted energy levels. Avoid impulsive actions.

Reversed Keywords: Doubt, lack of control, depression, lack of willpower, exhaustion.

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Taking a break from the hustle and bustle of life, the peacock emerges with serenity. The grounding force of nature brings her back to a state of balance. Her attention is drawn inward as she takes this time to absorb lessons learned thus far. She recon-nects with her true spiritual self, and in turn rediscovers her greater purpose. The clarity of the wisdom attained revitalizes her soul.

Message: Retreat to your private haven and tune into your inner guiding light. Let your soul cast its luminosity on your journey ahead.

Keywords: Soul-searching, contemplation, solitude, patience, discernment.

Reversed Message: The company of others will be beneficial at this time. Don’t be afraid to get back out into the world.

Reversed Keywords: Loneliness, paranoia, reclusiveness, fear, surrender.

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The wheel of life is in perpetual motion, and every action has an effect. With constant motion comes constant change, bringing the opportunity for the rabbit to reinvent himself. Whether on the upward or downward swing, he is meant to be at this point in his life, observing patterns and growing from lessons learned.

Message: In the ever-moving flow of life, consider how you can expand on the parts of your life that bring you the most happiness.

Keywords: Life cycles, movement, change, new opportunities, balance.

Reversed Message: When a challenge beyond your control presents itself, remember that this too shall pass.

Reversed Keywords: Resistance to change, setbacks, pessimism, stagnation.

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Seeing through illusions, the owl of justice exposes truth in its purest form. She weighs both sides of an issue equally, hon-estly, and with fair reasoning. She cares not about who wins—only that the results are just.

Message: With every action is a response. Be what you want to manifest.

Keywords: Responsibility, reason, honesty, balance, law.

Reversed Message: Look within, then apply honesty and fairness to a difficult situation. It can be overcome.

Reversed Keywords: Irresponsibility, lies and deception, corruption, lack of resolution.


A new perspective of the world around and within him opens space for new energies to move through. When stuck in a rut, his best strategy is to take a time-out to allow his mind and spirit to settle down

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so that his vision is not blinded by the in-evitable stresses of life. By doing so, he can move forward with clarity, release, and a renewed sense of spirit.

Message: When things come to a halt, let go and surrender to what is. Make space for yourself, and re-evaluate where you’re heading. Never give your power to things beyond your control.

Keywords: New perspectives, contempla-tion, relax, letting go, meditation.

Reversed Message: Avoid impulsive decisions. Take pause and let things become clearer.

Reversed Keywords: Discontentment, stagnation, stubbornness, detachment.


Passing through the veil, a metamorphosis takes place. It’s a surrender to the realiza-tion of what one has become, dying and being reborn at that moment of expanded consciousness. This card shows that a re-lease of what no longer serves must occur to make room for the new. Life is a series

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of death (endings) and rebirth, and this continues to align mind and spirit as life moves on. The removal of barriers brings growth, and the release from attachment brings freedom.

Message: A transitional cycle of letting go of old habits and mindsets will bring change for the better.

Keywords: New beginnings, transforma-tion, endings, change, creation.

Reversed Message: To move forward, change must be accepted.

Reversed Keywords: Resistance to change, stagnation, blind stubbornness, depression.


The Lady of Temperance basks in the flow of existence, embodying a mix of liquid tranquility and the spices of life blend-ed in perfect proportion with discerning care. She doesn’t rush things, but instead takes the time to do her best and enjoy the results, which is all that she really needs. She stays focused on her path to

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help prevent straying, especially in times of doubt. In turn, she becomes the highest version of herself she can possibly be at any given moment going forward. She’s learned many lessons, and as result has grown spiritually and intellectually.

Message: You know what you want to achieve, and you’re doing all you need to allow it to unfold. Don’t get sidetracked by things that don’t help you along.

Keywords: Balance, harmony, moderation, renewal of energy, patience.

Reversed Message: Prior to jumping in, test the waters. Know that things will get better. Take appropriate action to help make it so.

Reversed Keywords: Imbalance, extremes, disharmony, poor management, lack of faith.


The trickster Djinn is a master in creating illusion, weaving manipulative diversions and instilling fears that steer attention away from the intended path. He’s a

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clever and mischievous teacher in disguise, spinning stories that feed insecurity and dependency. Through such teachings, he unearths avant-garde realizations, which is all about the desire to disentangle oneself from self-delusion and self-entrapment.

Message: Let go of old programming; your options are not limited. Break free from the chains that hold you down. Freedom from fear is but a mindset away.

Keywords: Deception, control, spiritual awakening, self-delusion, temptation.

Reversed Message: Awareness of that which has been holding you back is a cru-cial step toward gaining personal freedom.

Reversed Keywords: Liberation, self- discipline, revelation, independence.


From destruction comes creation. The clearing away of old structures makes room for something new to be built. The shedding of old layers and outdated thought-forms makes way for healthy change. The soul yearns for change, but

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the pathway isn’t always clear. When cat-apulted out of a situation that no longer resonates, something much more fulfilling arises. The sudden crumbling of the tower is a powerful jolt into action. The upheav-al will ultimately be for the best, bringing new insight and new understanding in the midst of building something better.

Message: Move with the changes, as it will liberate you to walk your own path.

Keywords: Revelation, sudden change, chaos, destruction, freedom.

Reversed Message: The knowledge gained from a recent failure will give you a clear restart. You have the power to take control of your life.

Reversed Keywords: Fear of change, procrastination, imprisonment, ongoing depression.


Renewed after the storm, the Star illumi-nates the pathway ahead. She’s learned to create her own light even in times of dark-ness. A metamorphosis takes place as she

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evolves into the truest and most powerful version of herself. A fresh perspective helps direct her energy and attention toward a bright and nourishing future.

Message: Let yourself shine; the world needs your light.

Keywords: Rejuvenation, inspiration, peace, healing, bright prospects.

Reversed Message: Shift your attitude. A new perspective will help you discover opportunities in front of you that you’re not yet seeing.

Reversed Keywords: Unfulfilled hope, imbalance, pessimism, depression, disconnect.


Drawing insight and wisdom from both the darkness and the light, she releases the moonlight into the mists of night. The complimentary aspects of opposites reveal a new perspective. From this illumination, the unfurling of creativity spirals from the depths of the subconscious. The world around her seems different, but things

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are not always what they seem. What was previously perceived as an obstacle may now be seen as clarity—or the other way around.

Message: Rely on your intuitions and trust your feelings. Take note of flashes of information that come from seemingly nowhere.

Keywords: Intuition, illusions, imagina-tion, perception, irrational fears.

Reversed Message: Facing your innermost fears with confidence will help you to reconnect with your deeper, wiser self.

Reversed Keywords: Worry, blocked intu-ition, imagination running wild, mental anguish.


The healing rays of the sun touch and sustain every living thing. It warms the chill from weary bones. The sun illumi-nates the way to clear perception so that life may be lived to the fullest potential. These companions bask in the sun-kissed dazzle of morning, celebrating vitality and

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freedom. Others are drawn to the light of their joyful spirits.

Message: You hold the light and energy within to succeed in all you want to do.

Keywords: Abundance, clarity, healing, achievement, joy.

Reversed Message: You will overcome obstacles by releasing yourself from per-ceived limitations.

Reversed Keywords: Delays, sadness, lack of clarity, low vitality.


She hears the call and is ready to move into the newest version of herself. She trusts her own judgment in making deci-sions, and is aware that her choices will bring meaningful change. After purging what has held her back, she is now re-newed, recharged, and ready to rise to new challenges.

Message: Open the door to the gifts life has to offer, and leave behind perceived limitations. A new spiritual journey awaits.

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Keywords: Rebirth, inner calling, new plans, progress, spiritual awakening.

Reversed Message: Doubt will block you from fulfilling your highest potential. Be your own best friend, and remind yourself that you’re perfectly capable.

Reversed Keywords: Delays, regrets, im-balance, indecision, hasty judgments.


The falling away of boundaries opens a brand new world, blooming with love and opportunities. Pieces are falling into place, and there’s much to celebrate. Deeper un-derstanding has been gained through ef-fort and experience, and new perspectives are carried into future journeys. Barriers are successfully overcome, and the growth that has been achieved is empowering.

Message: Be proud of what you’ve achieved, and know that more great adventures are on the horizon.

Keywords: Completion, renewal, success, fulfillment, triumph.

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Reversed Message: When obstacles block your path, keep working through it. You will attain your goals.

Reversed Keywords: Obstacles, anxiety, suffering, insecurity, lack of vision.


Seeds of enthusiasm have been planted within her, and she’s bursting with new creative ideas. Fueled by passion, she’s ready to put in the work that will bring her dreams to fruition.

Message: New creative ideas are calling for your attention, and there’s no better time to begin than now.

Keywords: Creative spark, adventure, growth, enthusiasm, new lease on life.

Reversed Message: Focus on your true passions to reignite your motivation. Give it thought, and be patient with yourself.

Reversed Keywords: Creative blocks, lack of motivation, missed opportunities, delays.

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Yearning to explore new territory, this magnificent creature carefully considers the best course of action. Achievements in his life have paved the way to ascend into greater journeys and deeper experiences. Should he traverse unknown trails on earth, or soar into starry skies?

Message: Take advantage of opportuni-ties, and be willing to go the distance.

Keywords: Decisions, two paths, options, wanderlust, restlessness.

Reversed Message: Check in with your long-term goals to make sure they align with who you are today. Let your curiosity surpass your fears.

Reversed Keywords: Fear of change, self-doubt, rushed decisions, disappointment, stagnation.


A charming vista energizes this creative soul. She believes in her vision, and this place of enchantment helps her see the big

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picture. Plans put into action will guide her to exciting new places, both in the physical and spiritual realms.

Message: Expanding into new terrain will lead you to the opportunities you seek.

Keywords: Forward planning, freedom, moving ahead, self-confidence, adventure.

Reversed Message: Pace yourself, and pay attention to the details before proceeding.

Reversed Keywords: Lack of clarity, impa-tience, self-doubt, restriction, frustration.


A homecoming ceremony welcomes the spirit of community. From a foundation of love and safety, this pair has created something stable and enduring. They protect what they’ve worked hard to build, and take pride in their achievements.

Message: Past efforts are paying off. Bask in the glory of your achievements.

Keywords: Celebration, harmony, joy, stability, new beginning.

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Reversed Message: If you aren’t where you want to be right now, celebrate the little things that bring you joy.

Reversed Keywords: Instability, uproot-ing, lack of teamwork, cancellations, restrictions.


There’s little sign of cooperation as these two rivals find themselves caught up in petty battle. Each competing to be heard, their tempers are frayed and disputes over-ride any sort of productivity.

Message: Manage control of your actions when facing opposition, and let your will-power guide you.

Keywords: Conflict, defensiveness, anxi-ety, inner-struggle, disturbance.

Reversed Message: A problem could con-tinue to spiral if it isn’t addressed now.

Reversed Keywords: Avoidance, failure, difficulty, setbacks, arguments.

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For this creative soul, recognition is the reward for his ongoing work in mastering his craft. He’s grateful for the appreciation he receives for his musical creations, and commemorates success by enjoying the fruits of his labor.

Message: Celebrate the steadfast power you’ve built from within.

Keywords: Celebration, victory, progress, self-esteem, recognition.

Reversed Message: Believe in your value and your abilities; it matters not what others think.

Reversed Keywords: Delays, impatience, lack of confidence, frustration, narcissism.


When faced with opposition, there isn’t anything this winged one can’t handle. Taking the high road in times of conflict, he chooses to preserve energy to maintain the stamina needed to stand his ground. Determination will lead the way.

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Message: You have what it takes to perse-vere. Show ‘em what you’re made of.

Keywords: Perseverance, challenge, oppo-sition, willpower, courage.

Reversed Message: Don’t let anyone try to tear you down. You will overcome this hurdle.

Reversed Keywords: Quitting, weakness, compromise, burn-out.


A flurry of energy sets the wind to her sails. She’s gaining momentum, and things are quickly taking shape. Results and solutions are a welcome outcome to her perseverance and hard work.

Message: Put your ideas into action. Be prepared to buckle down, and you’ll make excellent headway.

Keywords: Direction, speed, exciting times, progress, journey.

Reversed Message: Remain patient when things seem to come to a standstill. You’ve done all you can do for now.

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Reversed Keywords: Lack of progress, burnout, missed opportunities, impa-tience, poor timing.


In response to trouble on the horizon, he stands prepared for battle. Evaluation of the situation incites him to gather all the strength and stamina within. In a firm refusal to back down, he defends his position.

Message: Within you is the strength to overcome and achieve. Proceed with a watchful eye, but keep going.

Keywords: Persistence, conflict, guarded, force of will, introspection.

Reversed Message: You may be fighting a past battle long forgotten. Let it go.

Reversed Keywords: Stubborn, paranoia, burnout, volatile, chip on shoulder.


A succession of exhausting and seemingly endless tasks has overtaken this weary

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traveler. Although it’s important to take care of business, the burden has become too heavy to carry. It’s imperative that she makes time for herself to avoid epic burnout.

Message: Organize time and breaks around tasks—you’ll get there.

Keywords: Overloaded, drudgery, stress, responsibility, duty.

Reversed Message: Learn to put a limit on commitments and duties—your health and well-being are more important.

Reversed Keywords: Collapse, breakdown, learning to say ‘no’.


The playful Page of Wands is a messenger of good news. Brimming with ideas, he’s eager to bring them to fruition. With a fiery energy flowing through his veins, he holds unlimited potential to make some-thing out of nothing.

Message: Something new and exciting is heading your way. Trust your instincts

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when choosing which opportunities to seize, and remember to have fun in the process.

Keywords: Good news, creativity, enthusi-asm, ambition, vitality.

Reversed Message: When your drive seems to have dissipated, focus on some-thing you’re passionate about to inspire enthusiasm.

Reversed Keywords: A standstill, impul-siveness, immaturity.


The excitable Knight of Wands stirs up a frenzy of activity wherever he goes. He acts upon situations without hesitation, and combats any obstacles that come his way. He’s a trailblazer who thrives on creativity, and wanderlust keeps him from slowing down or fizzling out.

Message: When a flurry of inspiration hits, now is the time to really make things happen.

Keywords: Action, excitement, motivation, confidence, stubbornness.

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Reversed Message: Consider the conse-quences when making rash decisions. Put thought into your course of action ahead of time.

Reversed Keywords: Overbearing, lack of motivation, hasty, impatient, reckless.


The Queen of Wands is a beacon of fiery passion. The work she’s done to resolve issues supplies her with confidence and courage. A taskmaster, she’s successful in her ventures and continuously sets new goals. She stands up for what she believes in, and is an assertive protector for those who cannot defend themselves.

Message: Be courageous in your endeav-ors. Let your willpower blaze a pathway to bring you what you desire.

Keywords: Energetic, passionate, control, confidence, courageous.

Reversed Message: Burnout is the result of taking on far too many tasks. Give your-self space and time to catch your breath.

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Reversed Keywords: Overbearing, exhaus-tion, manipulation, low self-confidence, melodrama.


The King of Wands leads the way. He doesn’t waste his energy, and confidently finishes whatever he begins. He’s bold and focused when pursing goals, which always yield brilliant results. Future oriented, he’s always on the lookout for creative new concepts.

Message: Finish what you begin, and express your originality.

Keywords: Inventive, leadership, dynamic, daring, enthusiasm.

Reversed Message: Mustering up the excitement to finish something is currently a challenge.

Reversed Keywords: Lethargy, lack of mo-tivation, restricted, impulsive, risky.

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The power of these friends’ spirits shines with the dawning of their voyage into a new realm of magic. Love ignites a rush of energy, opening new channels for opportunity and creativity. Hearts are connected to the flow of love both given and received.

Message: Open your heart, and be fully you.

Keywords: Happiness, love, new begin-nings, intuition, vitality.

Reversed Message: When emotionally drained, put your shields up. Give yourself the space you need to recover.

Reversed Keywords: Sadness, resentment, pessimism, guilt, stagnation.


The harmonization of these partners’ complimentary energies creates a loving and powerful force. By working together, they maintain balance within their rela-tionship, and a mutual bond solidifies the

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connection they’ve built. Common goals are nourished through communication and support.

Message: Reach out to someone you con-nect with; the contact is energizing.

Keywords: Connection, commitment, romance, friendship, balance.

Reversed Message: Relationship difficul-ties will benefit from stepping back and reassessing.

Reversed Keywords: Disharmony, fear, separation, imbalance.


Giddy friends making a toast are excited to be together. It’s party time and there’s much merriment to be shared. Their collective energies intensify the reciprocal fulfillment of life’s many celebrations, big and small.

Message: Celebrate the fruits of life, and surround yourself with those who bring out the best in you.

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Keywords: Festivity, merriment, healing, emotional growth, friendship.

Reversed Message: Do some soul-search-ing, and trust your instincts about whom you want to spend time with.

Reversed Keywords: Overindulgence, canceled celebrations, isolation, gossip.


Exhaustion has set in for this weary little traveler, and he’s lost his motivation. Anticipating greener pastures elsewhere, he’s oblivious to the magic all around him and within him. By continuing to dwell on the negative, he’s robbing himself of the beauty to be found in the now moment. Yet in this time of quiet passivity, his state of reflection will help him to eventually sort it all out. As perspectives shift, “aha moments” arise.

Message: Being open to opportunities around you will spark new plans of action.

Keywords: Frustration, missed oppor-tunities, contemplation, disinterest, fantasizing.

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Reversed Message: Take the initiative and embrace a new adventure.

Reversed Keywords: Awareness, a new start, excitement.


Pulled down by frustration and despair, this poor fairy finds it difficult to let go. A release of these weighty emotions will not only set her free, but it will open her eyes to a refreshing change in perception.

Message: Regardless of how bad things may seem, there’s always a silver lining.

Keywords: Sadness, loneliness, broken spirit, focusing on loss, isolation.

Reversed Message: The clearing away of an old and difficult situation makes way for something better.

Reversed Keywords: Emotional recovery, moving forward, accepting help.


Nostalgia has a way of rebalancing energy and clearing the mind. These dear friends

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haven’t forgotten any of the magic, and the magic has not forgotten them. The joyful memories that live in their hearts integrate into all they are and all they shall be.

Message: Revisit an enjoyable tradition from childhood; it holds the ability to bring simple pleasures back into your routine.

Keywords: Nostalgia, peace, giving and receiving, emotional security, joy.

Reversed Message: Stagnation is the result of holding too tightly to the past. Move ahead by letting go of what no longer serves you.

Reversed Keywords: Moving on, poor memory, stagnation, neglect.


She doesn’t know what she wants, because she hasn’t yet figured out what makes her happy. She watches her dreams float by, and finds it difficult to make a decision. However, her lack of enthusiasm has urged her to wake up and explore new

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directions that will bring her fulfillment and nourish her spirit.

Message: Set the intent to sort yourself out, and focus on what’s important.

Keywords: Soul-searching, decisions, retreat, illusions, daydreaming.

Reversed Message: Don’t give up your ideas; keep pursuing your goal.

Reversed Keywords: Realization, clarity, manifestation.


This wistful woman sets out on a journey of self-discovery. Having grown as much as she can from past experiences, it’s now time to change direction and venture into a new territory. It may or may not be easy, but for the sake of avoiding depletion, it’s a necessary decision.

Message: When a situation is no longer working, explore something new.

Keywords: Walking away, self-discovery, introspection, fatigue, courage.

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Reversed Message: Confusion will make way for clarity when you take the time to consider what’s truly important.

Reversed Keywords: Stagnation, preten-tious happiness, low self-esteem, fear of moving on.


Overflowing with love and fulfillment, this mirthful mermaid appreciates all she’s gone through to get to where she is. Hard work and effort has paid off, and she’s flying high on life.

Message: Enjoy your good fortune, and indulge in simple pleasures.

Keywords: Realizing dreams, abundance, fulfillment, celebration, pleasure.

Reversed Message: You may find that what you thought you wanted isn’t quite what you hoped it would be.

Reversed Keywords: Overindulgence, disappointment, greed.

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Happiness radiates from the foxes’ hearts. They’ve reaped the rewards for their past hard work, and they have everything they need. They’ve established solid connec-tions with one another, and the security of home brings peace.

Message: The uplifting energy you radiate will benefit those around you. Great things are being set in motion.

Keywords: Happiness, harmony, security, abundance, enlightenment.

Reversed Message: Direct your energy where it’s needed most and do not neglect your own needs.

Reversed Keywords: Lack of security, con-flict, unhappy home, isolation, emotional blockage.


The sentimental Page of Cups always fol-lows his heart, and is no stranger to surges of excitement. He’s a bringer of messages, and knows how to have fun. The surfacing

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of new creative ideas encourages him to continually see the world with fresh eyes.

Message: Explore the element of play and fun, and don’t take yourself too seriously.

Keywords: Spirited, passionate, young at heart, romantic, sentimental.

Reversed Message: Learn from experi-ence, and keep your heart open.

Reversed Keywords: Vulnerable, broken dreams, daydreamer, unrequited love, moody.


The peaceful Knight of Cups moves at his own pace, reflecting upon his inner world. This imaginative fellow is often in a state of reverie, and he’s deeply connected to his emotions. He appreciates beauty, and depends upon his intuition when drifting into new adventures.

Message: No need to rush—take time to enjoy life’s pleasures.

Keywords: Imagination, peace, charm, following your heart, diplomatic.

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Reversed Message: Don’t lose sight of where your life is heading; stay in touch with your dreams and goals.

Reversed Keywords: Stagnation, manipu-lation, betrayal, selfishness, moodiness.


A sensitive soul and dedicated listener, the Queen of Cups uses her intuitive abilities to connect to energies within and around her. She embraces nourishing moments of silence, and revels in the harmonious experience of tender love. Tuned into the flow of her intuition and emotions, her waters run deep.

Message: Be aware of the energies you’re putting out into the world, and consider what you’d like reflected back into your life.

Keywords: Intuition, kindness, harmony, loyalty, creativity.

Reversed Message: When stressed out due to an emotional situation, step back so that you can recharge your batteries.

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Reversed Keywords: Shallow, needy, blocked intuition, vengeful.


The peacekeeping King of Cups holds a well of wisdom within. Seeing the best in others, he trusts in human nature. With the voice of reason, he takes a calm ap-proach when dealing with a problematic situation. He’s filled with a sea of com-passion, yet he knows how to discipline his emotions, remaining balanced and composed even in rough waters.

Message: When offering a sympathetic ear, look into the heart of the matter.

Keywords: Compassion, disciplined emo-tions, wisdom, intuition, balance.

Reversed Message: Avoid putting yourself in a position where others can take advan-tage of you.

Reversed Keywords: Anxiety, gullibility, overwhelmed, depression, manipulation.

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Energetic and intellectual, the Ace of Swords always seeks new ways of under-standing the world. This spirited unicorn cuts through falsehood and uncovers truth. She clears the way for a new way of thinking, piercing through the darkness to see things as they truly are.

Message: Breakthrough moments happen when you let go of old habits and belief systems that no longer serve you.

Keywords: Mental clarity, breakthroughs, vision, communication, justice.

Reversed Message: Hold back on making impulsive decisions until you’ve cleared your mind.

Reversed Keywords: Misinformation, confusion, lack of ideas, injustice, wrong decisions.


Her path is not yet clear. At a crossroads, she fights an inner battle when making an important decision. Tuning into her inner

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wisdom helps her to trust the nethermost messages in her heart. A realization will soon dawn that it’s time to speak her truth, and move past the issues that bring her turmoil.

Message: Find answers within the stillness. Surrender into the deepest truth of being who you designed yourself to be.

Keywords: Difficult decisions, crossroads, facing fears, opposition, avoidance.

Reversed Message: Stand up for your principles, and consider taking a new approach to your situation.

Reversed Keywords: Indecision, wrong choices, overwhelming stress.


Brokenhearted, he needs time to process events in his life. He’s drowning in disil-lusionment, but it’s up to him whether to remain down, or to raise himself up. His challenging experience will open the door to life’s deeper meaning, bringing greater wisdom and vigilance.

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Message: Give yourself the necessary time to heal, and don’t be afraid to reach out to loved ones.

Keywords: Sadness, upheaval, alienation, disorder, upset.

Reversed Message: It’s time to let go—there’s much to look forward to in life.

Reversed Keywords: Releasing pain, recovery, getting over the worst, ongoing suffering.


This tender creature was at risk of crashing and burning. She was in dire need of rest and repair. She takes a quiet journey with-in, and reconnects with her spirit. In this stillness, her batteries will be recharged. Inner wisdom will lead the way in tackling future challenges.

Message: Slow down and find a moment of solitude. Take time to gather new strength.

Keywords: Anxiety, mental overload, needing solitude, self-protection, renewal.

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Reversed Message: When emerging from a time of repair, be gentle with yourself while you regain your strength.

Reversed Keywords: Taking care of your-self, slow healing, coming out of isolation.


A battle is concluding, yet the tension remains. The participants have all come to the end of their rope and are no longer interested in taking the issue further. It seems to be a no-win situation, and the struggle they must now fight comes from within.

Message: Handle defeat with grace, and do not place too much pressure on yourself.

Keywords: Conflict, defeat, fighting back, intimidation, sacrifice.

Reversed Message: Sometimes the best solution is simply letting go.

Reversed Keywords: Peaceful resolution, compromise, overcoming challenge, revenge.

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In the midst of transitions and uncertainty, they must remember that the distress is temporary. Aspiring to a more promising future, they glide into calm skies while leaving tumultuous waters behind. A new breathing space brings in the necessary elements for healing and regrouping.

Message: Moving on is the wisest option to support your future.

Keywords: Transition, moving on, healing, guidance, travel.

Reversed Message: Resistance to change will hold you back from moving forward.

Reversed Keywords: Lack of progress, resistance, unyielding, overwhelm, delay, instability.


She’s secretive about her mission, and remains on guard. She follows through on her plans and schemes, remembering all the important details. She’s figured out which steps to take for the desired outcome.

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Message: Work smart, and watch your back. A new approach will help you over-come challenges.

Keywords: Strategy, risk, courage, mind games, escapism.

Reversed Message: Stop deceiving your-self, and face your situation head on.

Reversed Keywords: Danger, deceit, turn-ing a blind eye, getting caught, lies.


In his current position he feels trapped and powerless, and wonders how to find his way out of this dilemma. What he’s soon to discover is that he has more power within than he realizes. With a shift in perspective, he can break free.

Message: Apply patience and courage when feeling restricted. Trust your feelings, and make your move when the energies shift.

Keywords: Feeling trapped, disillusion-ment, anxiety, obstacles, fear.

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Reversed Message: Take back control by facing fears.

Reversed Keywords: Freedom, escape, overcoming obstacles.


A nightmare has jolted her awake. She’s been overthinking and stressing, and has reached her breaking point. At the dawn of morning light, she will see that things are not as bad as they seem. By working through her torment she will regain a state of inner peace.

Message: Evaluate what’s contributing to your anxiety, and remember that you have control over how you respond to situations.

Keywords: Worry, mental anguish, stress, fear, making mountains out of molehills.

Reversed Message: Enduring a stressful situation will make you stronger.

Reversed Keywords: Recovery, letting go of stress, learning to cope, the light at the end of the tunnel.

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A sense of hopelessness has punctured his soul. He dreams of better times, but feels stuck and is having difficulty moving forward. Yet through such experiences, he’s learned much about himself and the vast energies at play around him. The truth of the matter is that he needs to move through the uncomfortable feelings in order to finally move out of them. In doing so, he’s coming to a realization that he truly has the power to sort himself out, to release the pain, and move on.

Message: Do not allow present circum-stances to sabotage your future happiness. There’s a solution to every problem.

Keywords: Hitting rock bottom, seeking a new beginning, major transformation, release.

Reversed Message: You’ll weather the storm, and are reaching a turning point. The only way to go is up.

Reversed Keywords: Relapse, giving up, holding onto pain, inner turmoil, chronic fatigue.

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The vigilant Page of Swords is a strong communicator, and he’s at the ready to share exciting new messages. He gener-ates a plethora of ideas, and is quick in making important decisions. His thirst for knowledge guides him in finding new perspectives, bringing to light a clearer understanding of how things work.

Message: When exploring ideas for a project, be open to new approaches.

Keywords: Planning, ideas, inquisitive, communication, vigilance.

Reversed Message: Think before speaking, and avoid getting caught up in unneces-sary conflict.

Reversed Keywords: Lack of ideas, lies, cynicism, recklessness, gossip.


The daring Knight of Swords doesn’t sit still for long. He loves to be out and about accomplishing tasks. His adventurous na-ture propels him into spur-of-the-moment

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decisions. A quick-witted fellow who goes against the flow, he always puts his ideas to the test. He’s masterful at expressing his opinion and getting straight to the point. Honest in his dealings, he fights for what is right, standing up for himself and for others.

Message: Use your head while putting your plans into action, and remain aware of all that’s going on around you.

Keywords: Courage, honesty, leadership, forward thinking, impulsiveness.

Reversed Message: To avoid crashing and burning, try not to leave everything to the last minute. Play smart and plan ahead.

Reversed Keywords: Chaos, insensitive, intimidation, arrogance, recklessness.


The self-reliant Queen of Swords has worked hard for her place in the world and she cannot be fooled. She’s intently clear about where she’s headed. A protec-tive soul, she’ll call out any wrongdoing when she sees it, defending those who are

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vulnerable. She’s no stranger to suffering and loss, and from such she’s gained a great deal of strength and spiritual wisdom.

Message: Listen to your heart while pro-tecting it with reason, and rely on your tenacious spirit to speak your mind.

Keywords: Discerning, truth, protective, sharp wit, communicative.

Reversed Message: Words are powerful; be mindful of how you communicate with others.

Reversed Keywords: Mental fogginess, overly critical, bitter, unforgiving, spiteful.


The King of Swords never lets his feelings get in the way of sound judgment. An eth-ical leader who encourages honesty and high standards, he’s the first to speak out. He’s a master of clarity and vision, cutting through mental fog to find solutions to any problem.

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Message: Make a decision only after thor-oughly investigating all the facts.

Keywords: Leadership, structure, routine, logic, self-discipline.

Reversed Message: When dealing with a difficult situation, talk to the right people and ask the right questions.

Reversed Keywords: Poor judgment, intimidation, punishment, arrogance, powerlessness.


Casting new energy into the material world, she explores her options and cre-ates a plan. Her ideas are on the cusp of becoming a reality.

Message: Initiate actions for manifesting a goal, and keep your eyes open for oppor-tunities. You’re already standing upon the foundation to create great things.

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Keywords: New beginnings, opportu-nities, financial abundance, prosperity, fulfillment.

Reversed Message: Setbacks happen; try to maintain your optimism and do not lose focus.

Reversed Keywords: Disorganization, poor investment, delays, difficulties.


As time moves on, this duo adapts to change with a continual and delicate rebalancing. Even one small shift could knock them off axis, but they remain flex-ible and poised while staying in step with the dance of life.

Message: Keep yourself in balance through planning, and limit the amount of work you take on at one time.

Keywords: Balance, flexibility, resourceful-ness, juggling life, partnerships.

Reversed Message: You’re trying to juggle too much; take a break.

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Reversed Keywords: Imbalance, disorga-nization, overwhelm.


Working with galactic energies, this trio of bats is making magic happen. They’re counting on one another’s expertise to complete their project, and their efforts will be met with mutual recognition and appreciation.

Message: Put plans into action. Remain focused, and continue to develop your skills.

Keywords: Teamwork, focus, creativity, patience, commitment.

Reversed Message: Avoid taking shortcuts; ensure the job is done correctly every step of the way. You may be taking on too much at once.

Reversed Keywords: Lack of effort, weak foundations, mistakes, lack of motivation, lack of team spirit.

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This young woman is protective of the boundaries she has set and also of her resources. She is focused on building and maintaining a future for herself and for those she loves.

Message: Your hard work will pay off. With good judgment and wise invest-ments, you have control over the quality of life you want to live.

Keywords: Structure, control, success, power, security.

Reversed Message: Allow room for growth, and consider letting go of what no longer serves you.

Reversed Keywords: Hoarding, shortsight-edness, insecurity, isolation, anxiety.


The winds have grown icy cold and the skies have turned dimly sullen. Amid the temporary turbulence, this pair finds warmth and balance within one another, knowing this too shall pass.

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Message: Do the best you can with what you have, and know that things will get better.

Keywords: Financial loss, adversity, struggle, broken dreams, slow progress.

Reversed Message: Everything you have endured will make you stronger.

Reversed Keywords: Light at the end of the tunnel, financial stability, steady progress.


The trees communicate through a network of signals, and their collective spirits shine. Permeating with the power of universal love, their earth energy attracts and supports life all around them. They share their gifts, and in return they receive love and care.

Message: You will grow from the expe-rience of sharing your wisdom and gifts with others.

Keywords: Giving and receiving, commu-nity, prosperity, power, gratitude.

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Reversed Message: Don’t let others take advantage of your good nature. In turn, do not let yourself become too dependent on others.

Reversed Keywords: Greed, abuse of power, cruelty, fake charity, gullibility.


Having persevered through slow growth and setbacks, he’s beginning to see results. He continues to nurture his celestial gar-den so that it may flourish into something robust.

Message: Direct your energy toward what you want to achieve. You have the power to make it happen.

Keywords: Planning, patience, nurturing, perseverance, results.

Reversed Message: Stop and access the steps it will take to achieve what you want. Plan with careful consideration.

Reversed Keywords: Aimlessness, impa-tience, setbacks, frustration.

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This feline creature is committed to her craft. The skills she learns along the way bring her closer to her vision. Through hard work and diligence, a new level of mastery is achieved. She strives to be the best she can be, and isn’t afraid to call for help if things become overwhelming.

Message: Remain focused; your hard work will lead to rewarding results.

Keywords: Craftsmanship, dedication, con-centration, ambition, accomplishment.

Reversed Message: Contemplate what you want to achieve, and prioritize your tasks.

Reversed Keywords: Lack of effort, careless-ness, mediocrity, a boring job.


Through trial and perseverance, this accomplished woman has gained much wisdom and spiritual understanding. Surrounding herself with kindred spirits intensifies her sense of balance and peace. She has found her personal heaven on

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earth, and indulges in the luxuries her successes have delivered.

Message: Take time to truly enjoy all the success you’ve earned.

Keywords: Abundance, indulgence, freedom, confidence, experience.

Reversed Message: If feeling unfulfilled by your accomplishments, reset your goals and make a change.

Reversed Keywords: Lack of self-discipline, imbalance, over-indulgence, reckless spending.


Together the dual tigers prowl the starlit skies of their sacred reality. They blaze a pathway of bounty and bliss for all time past, present and future. Acutely aware of the magic surrounding them, they use it wisely on their path. They’re connected to the divine, and have found peace in all areas of their lives.

Message: Make decisions that not only bring a positive outcome today, but for the future as well.

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Keywords: Solid foundations, prosperity, home, accomplishment, spiritual wisdom.

Reversed Message: Take account of your own personal goals and dreams rather than catering to others’ expecta-tions of you.

Reversed Keywords: Rocky foundations, discord, friction, lack of motivation, burdens.


The studious Page of Pentacles puts in the groundwork for success, and is thorough in his efforts. Disciplined and explorative, he’s always on a quest to further his knowledge. His thirst for learning jump-starts his enthusiasm and directs his focus.

Message: When you find something that captures your interest, explore it further. Nurture that excitement.

Keywords: Motivation, skillful, seeking education, consistency, developing a plan.

Reversed Message: When you’ve grown bored of something that once interested

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you, re-examine what it is that excites your soul today.

Reversed Keywords: Immaturity, bore-dom, irresponsibility, procrastination.


The resilient Knight of Pentacles stands rooted to the earth, patiently studying the terrain and assessing risks. He dedicates himself to a task, and is thorough in all steps taken. Through sheer perseverance, he achieves what he sets his sights on.

Message: Thoughtfully explore your plans, and be consistent in your efforts.

Keywords: Persistence, protection, dedica-tion, patience, ambition.

Reversed Message: Reflect on how past disappointments have made you stron-ger, and let yourself be at peace with the present.

Reversed Keywords: Pessimism, apathy, impatience, irresponsibility, unreliable.

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The earthy Queen of Pentacles is a sensible soul who enjoys the finer things in life. She knows how to take care of herself and her home, and her compassionate heart fuels her desire to nurture others. She’s created a rich and fulfilling life, and makes her wishes come true. She possesses natural healing powers, and thrives on spending time in nature.

Message: Continue to build a good life while keeping relationships nourished.

Keywords: Nurturing, success, practical, determination, reliable.

Reversed Message: Don’t burn yourself out. When overwhelmed by responsibili-ties, take care of you first.

Reversed Keywords: Lack of control, disor-ganization, ungrounded.

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Having achieved much in his life, the enterprising King of Pentacles is enjoying the fruits of his labor. He knows the impor-tance of rest and relaxation and thrives in a harmonious, luxurious environment. He’s the embodiment of abundance in finances and happiness, and is generous with his time and energy.

Message: Commit to your goals; you have the power to manifest whatever you desire.

Keywords: Protection, caring, stability, prosperity, power.

Reversed Message: Be realistic about finances, and work out a proper budget.

Reversed Keywords: Hoarding, impracti-cal, manipulation, lack of commitment.

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Our spiritual path toward inner truth is one of constant adjustment and refinement as we learn and evolve. This five-card spread will help you discern what is helpful and what may be hinder-ing your progress.

Card 1: What visions inspire me?

Card 2: What illusions might be leading me away from my vision?

Card 3: What reality do I need to focus on more?

Card 4: What have I been doing that impedes my own progress?

Card 5: Where do I envision myself when I embrace my highest truth?

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This simple three-card spread encourages you to examine the essence of a situation from three different viewpoints and levels. Shuffle the cards as you concentrate on the question at hand. Remove three cards and place them face up as shown in the diagram.

Card 1: Your mind / Your past / Background history of the issue

Card 2: Your body / Your present / Obstacle in solving the issue

Card 3: Your spirit / Your future /




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ABOUT THE CREATORPaulina Fae (aka Paulina Cassidy) creates her work using watercolor and pen/ink. A designer of tarot and oracle decks since 2007, Paulina draws a passage into worlds born of intuition and imagination. She is the creator of Paulina Tarot, Joie de Vivre Tarot, Spiritsong Tarot, Witchlings, and Pixiekins. She also contributed to Pride Tarot: A Collaborative Deck. Paulina is also a songwriter and recording artist for Projekt Records (under the nom de plume Polly Fae) and has produced nine full-length albums to date.

Instagram: ladypaulinafae

The Art of Paulina Fae:

Polly Fae Music:

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