Download - By: History Matters ... · ¾ Germany was to make reparation payments to the amount of $33 Billion. ¾ Germany must demilitarize the Rhineland, which was the area of Germany that

Page 1: By: History Matters ... · ¾ Germany was to make reparation payments to the amount of $33 Billion. ¾ Germany must demilitarize the Rhineland, which was the area of Germany that

By: History Matters

Page 2: By: History Matters ... · ¾ Germany was to make reparation payments to the amount of $33 Billion. ¾ Germany must demilitarize the Rhineland, which was the area of Germany that

Social Studies Name: ______________________

Directions: Read the following sources and complete the related questions.

After being defeated in World War One, Germany was made to accept the terms of the Treaty of Versailles, which was the treaty that ended the First World War. The terms of the treaty included:

¾ the “war guilt clause”, which stated that Germany accepted sole responsibility for the war and was responsible for all damage caused by the war.

¾ Germany was to make reparation payments to the amount of $33 Billion. ¾ Germany must demilitarize the Rhineland, which was the area of Germany that bordered France,

Belgium, and the Netherlands. ¾ Germany lost territory within Europe and its overseas colonies. ¾ the German army was to be limited to no more than 100,000 troops. ¾ the German navy was limited to no more than 15,000 men, with a limited number of vessels. ¾ the manufacture, import and export of weapons including tanks, submarines, aircraft, and artillery

were prohibited.

Cartoon “A” – The person under the bag represents Germany, which was made to pay the reparations to cover the damages of the war.

Cartoon “B” – Adolf Hitler brought fascism to Germany in the 1930’s. Fascists reject liberal values such as democracy and individual rights and freedoms.

The Weimar Republic was Germany’s first democratic government. Even though the Weimar Republic was established in 1919, after the signing of the Treaty of Versailles, it had to accept the terms of the treaty following World War One and many Germans would come to associate the Treaty of Versailles with the Weimar Republic and democracy in general.

Page 3: By: History Matters ... · ¾ Germany was to make reparation payments to the amount of $33 Billion. ¾ Germany must demilitarize the Rhineland, which was the area of Germany that

The League of Nations was an international organization created following World War One with the goal of preventing another war from breaking out. It was hoped that the League of Nations would bring stability to global affairs by allowing disputes between countries to be settled through negotiation rather than conflict. If a dispute did occur, the League of Nations had three options to stop a conflict from occurring. First, the League of Nations could call on the states in dispute to sit down and discuss the problem in an orderly and peaceful manner. If this failed, the League of Nations could introduce economic sanctions against an aggressor nation in the hope that it would face bankruptcy if it did not follow the orders of the League of Nations. Finally, if the economic sanctions failed to work the League of Nations could potentially use their armies to fight.

Cartoon “C” – American President, Woodrow Wilson, introduced the idea of the League of Nations as part of his Fourteen Points for the reconstruction of Europe at the end of World War One. However, America refused to join the League of Nations, preferring instead to maintain its policy of isolationism.

Cartoon “D” – International Strife.

Italy was a permanent member of the League of Nations, yet in late 1934 the Italian leader, Benito Mussolini, attacked Abyssinia (modern day Ethiopia). The Abyssinians lacked the ability to defend against the strength of the Italians and appealed to the League of Nations for help. The League of Nations condemned the attack by Italy and all members of the League of Nations were ordered to impose economic sanctions against Italy. These sanctions were fundamentally ineffective as they excluded an oil embargo - the only viable sanction for halting the Italian war effort. In December of 1935 the British Foreign Secretary and the French Prime Minister met and presented a plan that gave large areas of Abyssinia to Italy, which Mussolini accepted and agreed to.

Page 4: By: History Matters ... · ¾ Germany was to make reparation payments to the amount of $33 Billion. ¾ Germany must demilitarize the Rhineland, which was the area of Germany that

Appeasement is the policy of settling international conflicts or disputes by making political or material concessions to an enemy power in order to avoid conflict. The term is most often used to refer to the foreign policy of the British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain towards Nazi Germany between 1937 and 1939 and the actions of its leader – Adolf Hitler. Neville Chamberlain’s policies of avoiding war with Germany have been the subject of intense debate for seventy years among historians.

The Munich Conference (or Munich Agreement) was a settlement reached between Nazi Germany, Great Britain, France and Italy in September 1938 that allowed the German annexation of the Sudetenland in Western Czechoslovakia. After his success in absorbing Austria into Germany in March of 1938 without Britain or France taking action to stop him, Adolf Hitler turned towards Czechoslovakia, where about three million people in the Sudeten area were of German origin. In May of 1938, Hitler and his generals were preparing for the occupation of Czechoslovakia. The Czechoslovaks, aware of Hitler’s plans, were relying on military assistance from France, with which they had an alliance. As Hitler continued to make inflammatory speeches demanding that Germans in Czechoslovakia be reunited with their homeland, war seemed imminent. Neither France nor Britain, however, felt prepared to defend Czechoslovakia, and both were anxious to avoid a military confrontation with Germany at almost any cost. Instead, the Munich Conference was held and Nazi Germany was given control over the Sudetenland of Czechoslovakia, in exchange for an end to his aggression and the territorial demands of Germany in Europe.

(Left) British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, on the left, shakes hands with Adolf Hitler, on the right.

Cartoon “E” – Spineless Leaders of Democracy.

In March of 1939, Germany seized the remainder of Czechoslovakia after having been given the Sudetenland at the Munich Conference. On August 23, 1939, representatives from both Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union met and signed the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact, which guaranteed that the two countries would not attack each other. By signing this pact, Germany had protected itself from having to fight a two-front war in the event of a conflict. For its part, the Soviet Union was awarded land, including parts of Poland. The pact was broken when Nazi Germany attacked the Soviet Union less than two years later, on June 22, 1941. On September 1st 1939, Germany began its invasion of Poland. On the same day, Poland requested military assistance from Britain and France. Two days later, in fulfilment of their pledge to support Poland, Britain and France declared war on Germany. World War Two had begun.

Page 5: By: History Matters ... · ¾ Germany was to make reparation payments to the amount of $33 Billion. ¾ Germany must demilitarize the Rhineland, which was the area of Germany that

Social Studies Name: ______________________

Directions: Answer the following questions in relation to the sources.

1. In the years following World War One the German government printed massive amounts of new money (German Mark) in order to make the reparation payments required in the Treaty of Versailles.

a. How would printing so much new money affect the value of it?

b. How would the changing value of the German Mark affect the German people?

c. In what way does Cartoon “A” represent the effect that the Treaty of Versailles had on Germany and the average German?

2. According to “Source 2: Weimar Republic” and Cartoon “B”, what assisted Hitler’s rise to power in Germany?

Page 6: By: History Matters ... · ¾ Germany was to make reparation payments to the amount of $33 Billion. ¾ Germany must demilitarize the Rhineland, which was the area of Germany that

3. Many Germans, including Hitler, found the Treaty of Versailles to be humiliating. Why do you suppose this was?

4. The League of Nations was created following the end of World War One. a. What was the goal of the League of Nations?

b. Who first proposed the creation of an organization like the League of Nations?

c. What steps could the League of Nations use in the event of an international dispute?

5. What is the message or “big idea” of Cartoon “C”? Explain how the symbolism of the cartoon can be used to explain the message or “big idea”.

Page 7: By: History Matters ... · ¾ Germany was to make reparation payments to the amount of $33 Billion. ¾ Germany must demilitarize the Rhineland, which was the area of Germany that

6. In what ways are “Source 4: Abyssinia” and Cartoon “D” similar in terms of their overall message?

7. Write a definition for appeasement using your own words and ideas.

8. In what way was the Munich Conference a form of appeasement?

9. What is the significance of the Munich Conference in terms of who attended and who did not attend? Explain.

10. Why did Hitler agree to the Non-Aggression Pact with the Soviet Union?

Page 8: By: History Matters ... · ¾ Germany was to make reparation payments to the amount of $33 Billion. ¾ Germany must demilitarize the Rhineland, which was the area of Germany that

11. World War Two is generally viewed as beginning on September 1st, 1939. What occurred on this date?

12. What does “Source 7: Poland” tell us about the policy of appeasement?

13. What is the message or “big idea” of Cartoon “E”? Explain how the symbolism of the cartoon can be used to explain the message or “big idea”.

14. Besides the Treaty of Versailles, the League of Nations and the policy of appeasement, some historians also consider the actions and goals of Adolf Hitler as a major cause of World War Two.

a. Considering all of the sources, what actions or goals by Hitler led to or caused the outbreak of World War Two?

b. Considering all of the sources, what led to or assisted the rise to power of Hitler?

Page 9: By: History Matters ... · ¾ Germany was to make reparation payments to the amount of $33 Billion. ¾ Germany must demilitarize the Rhineland, which was the area of Germany that

15. The Treaty of Versailles, the League of Nations and the policy of appeasement are all generally considered to be the main causes of World War Two. Consider all of the sources, in what ways did each of the following lead to the outbreak of World War Two?

a. Treaty of Versailles:

b. League of Nations:

c. Policy of Appeasement:

Page 10: By: History Matters ... · ¾ Germany was to make reparation payments to the amount of $33 Billion. ¾ Germany must demilitarize the Rhineland, which was the area of Germany that

Social Studies Name: ______________________

The Treaty of Versailles, the League of Nations and the policy of appeasement are all generally considered to be the main causes of World War Two. In the space below complete a paragraph response in which you establish an argument to the question listed below, and explain and give specific and historically accurate information. Finally, you need to support your response using evidence from the sources and your understanding of the issue. You will need to be persuasive and convincing in your writing in order to support your argument..

¾ Of the three main causes of World War Two discussed in the sources (Treaty of Versailles, the League of Nations and the Policy of Appeasement), which cause do you think was the most important to the outbreak of war in World War Two?


Page 11: By: History Matters ... · ¾ Germany was to make reparation payments to the amount of $33 Billion. ¾ Germany must demilitarize the Rhineland, which was the area of Germany that


Page 12: By: History Matters ... · ¾ Germany was to make reparation payments to the amount of $33 Billion. ¾ Germany must demilitarize the Rhineland, which was the area of Germany that

Social Studies Name: ______________________

Besides the Treaty of Versailles, the League of Nations and the policy of appeasement, some historians also consider the actions and goals of Adolf Hitler as a major cause of World War Two. In the space below complete a paragraph response in which you establish an argument to the question listed below, and explain and give specific and historically accurate information. Finally, you need to support your response using evidence from the sources and your understanding of the issue. You will need to be persuasive and convincing in your writing in order to support your argument..

¾ To what extent were the actions and goals of Adolf Hitler responsible for the start of World War Two?


Page 13: By: History Matters ... · ¾ Germany was to make reparation payments to the amount of $33 Billion. ¾ Germany must demilitarize the Rhineland, which was the area of Germany that


Page 14: By: History Matters ... · ¾ Germany was to make reparation payments to the amount of $33 Billion. ¾ Germany must demilitarize the Rhineland, which was the area of Germany that

Social Studies Name: ______________________ Mark: /10 Written Response Evaluation


E 8 Explanations are deliberate and comprehensive,

revealing a perceptive understanding. Support is specific and accurate, and errors, if present, do not detract from the response. A thorough understanding of the assigned task is demonstrated.

2 The writing is fluent and purposefully organized. Vocabulary is precise. The writing demonstrates confident control of sentence construction, grammar, and mechanics. Errors, if present, are inconsequential.


Pf 6.4 Explanations are appropriate and purposeful,

revealing a clear understanding. Support is relevant and appropriate, but may contain some minor errors. A clear understanding of the assigned task is demonstrated.

1.6 The writing is straightforward and clearly organized. Vocabulary is specific. The writing frequently demonstrates effective control of sentence construction, grammar, and mechanics. Errors do not detract from communication.


S 4.8 Explanations are general and straightforward,

revealing an acceptable understanding. Support is relevant but general, may be incompletely developed, and/or contains errors. An acceptable understanding of the assigned task is demonstrated.

1.2 The writing is generally clear and functionally organized. Vocabulary is adequate. The writing demonstrates basic control of sentence construction, grammar, and mechanics. Errors do not seriously interfere with communication.


L 3.2 Explanations are overgeneralized and/or redundant,

revealing a confused, though discernible, understanding. Support is superficial, may not be always relevant, and may contain significant errors. An incomplete understanding of the assigned task is demonstrated.

0.8 The writing is uneven and incomplete, but is discernibly organized. Vocabulary is imprecise and/or inappropriate. The writing demonstrates a faltering control of sentence construction, grammar, and mechanics. Errors hinder communication.


P 1.6 Explanations are tangential or minimal, revealing a

negligible understanding. Support, if present, is incomplete, may be marginally relevant, and contains significant and/or frequent errors. A minimal understanding of the assigned task is demonstrated.

0.4 The writing is unclear and disorganized. Vocabulary is ineffective and frequently incorrect. A lack of control of sentence construction, grammar, and mechanics is demonstrated. Errors impede communication.

Page 15: By: History Matters ... · ¾ Germany was to make reparation payments to the amount of $33 Billion. ¾ Germany must demilitarize the Rhineland, which was the area of Germany that

Teachers Key Name: ______________________

Directions: Answer the following questions in relation to the sources.

1. In the years following World War One the German government printed massive amounts of new money (German Mark) in order to make the reparation payments required in the Treaty of Versailles.

a. How would printing so much new money affect the value of it?

Printing more money would cause the value of it to decrease. This would lead to hyperinflation in that the value of the German Mark would decrease and the cost of goods and services would increase.

b. How would the changing value of the German Mark affect the German people?

As the price of goods and services would increase with the hyperinflation, Germans would be distraught at the sight of their savings becoming worthless and goods and services becoming so expensive that they can no longer afford them. Germans would be angry.

c. In what way does Cartoon “A” represent the effect that the Treaty of Versailles had on Germany and the average German?

The cartoon shows the heavy bag of reparations as a burden on the people of Germany. Germans were made to pay reparations after WWI and the economic cost of this created a burden on the people of Germany. The heavy bag in the cartoon symbolizes this economic burden.

2. According to “Source 2: Weimar Republic” and Cartoon “B”, what assisted Hitler’s rise to power in Germany?

Germans did not trust democracy as a form of government as they associated democracy with their economic problems. Therefore, they looked to a different ideology (fascism under Hitler) as a solution to their problems and this led to the rise to power of Hitler.

Page 16: By: History Matters ... · ¾ Germany was to make reparation payments to the amount of $33 Billion. ¾ Germany must demilitarize the Rhineland, which was the area of Germany that

3. Many Germans, including Hitler, found the Treaty of Versailles to be humiliating. Why do you suppose this was?

The treaty blamed Germans for WWI and required them to take blame for the war. Germans would have found this humiliating because they are forced to accept blame for a war that had many different causes. As well, the limitations on the German armed forces would have humiliated Germany’s nationalistic pride.

4. The League of Nations was created following the end of World War One. a. What was the goal of the League of Nations?

The goals of the League of Nations were to prevent another war from breaking out and attempting to maintain peace.

b. Who first proposed the creation of an organization like the League of Nations?

American President Woodrow Wilson was the first to propose the creation of an organization like the League of Nations.

c. What steps could the League of Nations use in the event of an international dispute?

The League of Nations could: warn the aggressor country, impose economic sanctions or use their armies to stop the aggression.

5. What is the message or “big idea” of Cartoon “C”? Explain how the symbolism of the cartoon can be used to explain the message or “big idea”.

The message of the cartoon is that while the United States was central to the creation of the League of Nations, it chose to not participate in the League of Nations and this weakened the League. The symbolism of the “keystone” in the cartoon shows that the bridge (League of Nations) is weakened by having the United States as a member country.

Page 17: By: History Matters ... · ¾ Germany was to make reparation payments to the amount of $33 Billion. ¾ Germany must demilitarize the Rhineland, which was the area of Germany that

6. In what ways are “Source 4: Abyssinia” and Cartoon “D” similar in terms of their overall message?

Source 4 is referencing the idea that the League of Nations was unable to stop the Italian invasion of Abyssinia and therefore it was weak when faced with international disputes or conflicts. Cartoon “D” is showing the same message as Source 4 in that the weakness of the League is symbolized as a rabbit while the international strife is symbolized by a snake, showing that the League will be unable to stand up the outbreak of international conflicts.

7. Write a definition for appeasement using your own words and ideas.

*Answer can vary.

Giving into the demands of aggressive nations.

8. In what way was the Munich Conference a form of appeasement?

The Munich Conference involved Britain and other European countries giving Hitler his demands for control over the Sudetenland of Czechoslovakia. Therefore, the Munich Conference involved giving Hitler what he demanded in hopes that his aggression would end.

9. What is the significance of the Munich Conference in terms of who attended and who did not attend? Explain.

The Munich Conference involved Britain, France, Italy giving away the Sudetenland of Czechoslovakia to Nazi Germany. It’s significant that Czechoslovakia was not invited to the conference, seeing as it was their nation that was being handed over to the Nazi’s.

10. Why did Hitler agree to the Non-Aggression Pact with the Soviet Union?

He was hoping to avoid a two-front war in the event that Britain or France decided to assist Poland.

Page 18: By: History Matters ... · ¾ Germany was to make reparation payments to the amount of $33 Billion. ¾ Germany must demilitarize the Rhineland, which was the area of Germany that

11. World War Two is generally viewed as beginning on September 1st, 1939. What occurred on this date?

The German invasion of Poland.

12. What does “Source 7: Poland” tell us about the policy of appeasement?

Britain had hoped that it had stopped German aggression at the Munich Conference. Source 7 shows that appeasement failed to stop Nazi aggression and led to the outbreak of World War Two in that Hitler was allowed to capture territories unchecked.

13. What is the message or “big idea” of Cartoon “E”? Explain how the symbolism of the cartoon can be used to explain the message or “big idea”.

The cartoon shows Hitler climbing up the backs of the “spineless leaders of democracy”. The cartoon is suggesting that Hitler’s rise to power was assisted by the democracies of the world (especially Europe) in that they did not respond to the aggression of Hitler.

14. Besides the Treaty of Versailles, the League of Nations and the policy of appeasement, some historians also consider the actions and goals of Adolf Hitler as a major cause of World War Two.

a. Considering all of the sources, what actions or goals by Hitler led to or caused the outbreak of World War Two?

Hitler’s aggression in the years before WWII led to the outbreak in that he tried to recapture territories (Sudetenland, Austria, etc.) that Germany lost in the Treaty of Versailles and this led to Britain and France finally standing up to him, which led to WWII.

b. Considering all of the sources, what led to or assisted the rise to power of Hitler?

The Treaty of Versailles and its harsh nature caused Germans to seek a different leader and form of government, and both the failure of the League of Nations and the failure of the policy of appeasement allowed Hitler to capture territories unchecked before Britain and France finally declared war on September 1st, 1939.

Page 19: By: History Matters ... · ¾ Germany was to make reparation payments to the amount of $33 Billion. ¾ Germany must demilitarize the Rhineland, which was the area of Germany that

15. The Treaty of Versailles, the League of Nations and the policy of appeasement are all generally considered to be the main causes of World War Two. Consider all of the sources, in what ways did each of the following lead to the outbreak of World War Two?

a. Treaty of Versailles:

The Treaty of Versailles and its harsh nature caused Germans to seek a different leader and form of government, which led Germany to resent the terms of the treaty and to seek a change. Led to rise of Hitler.

b. League of Nations:

The League of Nations failed in that it was not able to deal with international issues and therefore was not able to properly handle Hitler’s aggression in the years before WWII. Therefore, Hitler was allowed to rise to power.

c. Policy of Appeasement:

The policy of appeasement failed to stop Nazi aggression and allowed Hitler to capture territories through Europe in the years before WWII.

Page 20: By: History Matters ... · ¾ Germany was to make reparation payments to the amount of $33 Billion. ¾ Germany must demilitarize the Rhineland, which was the area of Germany that

Teachers Explanation Name: ______________________

The Treaty of Versailles, the League of Nations and the policy of appeasement are all generally considered to be the main causes of World War Two. In the space below complete a paragraph response in which you establish an argument to the question listed below, and explain and give specific and historically accurate information. Finally, you need to support your response using evidence from the sources and your understanding of the issue. You will need to be persuasive and convincing in your writing in order to support your argument..

¾ Of the three main causes of World War Two discussed in the sources (Treaty of Versailles, the League of Nations and the Policy of Appeasement), which cause do you think was the most important to the outbreak of war in World War Two?

The intent of this assignment is for students to argue in favor of one of the main causes of WWII and back up their response using evidence from the sources. The goal is to have students expand on the information they developed in the questions in order to show the skill of developing and defending an argument. Rubric included.

Page 21: By: History Matters ... · ¾ Germany was to make reparation payments to the amount of $33 Billion. ¾ Germany must demilitarize the Rhineland, which was the area of Germany that

Teachers Explanation Name: ______________________

Besides the Treaty of Versailles, the League of Nations and the policy of appeasement, some historians also consider the actions and goals of Adolf Hitler as a major cause of World War Two. In the space below complete a paragraph response in which you establish an argument to the question listed below, and explain and give specific and historically accurate information. Finally, you need to support your response using evidence from the sources and your understanding of the issue. You will need to be persuasive and convincing in your writing in order to support your argument..

¾ To what extent were the actions and goals of Adolf Hitler responsible for the start of World War Two?

The intent of this assignment is for students to argue a position on the role of Hitler in the causes of WWII and back up their response using evidence from the sources. The goal is to have students expand on the information they developed in the questions in order to show the skill of developing and defending an argument. Rubric included.