

The Excretory System

The Excretory System

Hello and welcome to our adventure through the excretory system. Today you will learn allabout the excretory system, like what all the organs are, what are their functions, commondiseases, and many more. We hope you have a fun learning experience.

What the system does for the body cells

• The excretory system is a system of organs that removes waste products from the body. If these wastes stock up, it becomes dangerous to the body’s health. If the cells die, you die.

Your Kidneys

As your blood travels along within your body, it becomes more and more polluted with urea and other wastes. Eventually the blood enters a special filter known as your kidneys. Your kidneys are bean shaped organs. As your blood enters your kidneys, the blood is cleaned, getting rid of urea. The urea is sent to your bladder for storage in the form of urine. It takes about 45 minutes for your kidneys to filter all the blood in your body. When cells in the body break downProteins, they produce wastes such asurea.

Your Bladder

Slowly but surely, your bladder fills up with urine being produced by your kidneys. Eventually as your bladder fills, you will feel a sensation telling your brain that you Need to remove the urine from your body. Urine leaves your body through the process of urination, commonly known as peeing.When your urine is a bright yellow, that indicates thatYour urine is hydrated.

Common dieses

Bladder cancer. When various cells present in the bladder start growing. Bladder cancer develops. These growing cells develop mutations. And goes out of control . And does not die. The reasons you can get bladder cancer is smoking and radiation.

Pneumia is a flammatory condition that involves the alvedi and fills the lunge with fluid. Pneumia is caused by various factors that includes bacterial, viral, fungal.

Kidney cancer is a disease in which kidney cells become cancerous and grow out of control, forming a tumor. Almost all kidney cancers first appear in the lining of tiny tubes (tubules) in the kidney. This type of kidney cancer is called renal cell carcinoma. The good news is that most of kidney cancers are found before they spread to distant organs. And cancers caught early are easier to treat successfully. However, these tumors can grow to be quite large before they are detected.

Kidney stones are the smaller sized disposed of calcium and can be seen in the nephrons. The stones could also get infected causing further set of complications. Causes are painful urination, fever or chills or smelly urine, back or side pains

Healthy facts

1.  Drink water when you feel thirsty. 2.  Go easy on the salt, which makes you

retain water. 3.  Consider reducing your caffeine intake. 4.  Take extra water when you are out in

the sun or doing aerobic exercise. 5. Don’t wait too long to use the restroom.

Withholding urination can put added pressure on your bladder which can lead to infection.

How system works with other systems

The excretory system is a close worker with the circulatory system because it filters the body's blood. If the excretory system didn’t work with the circulatory system, you will get a blood clot, which can result in death.

The excretory system also works with the digestive system by exposing of wastes. If the excretory didn’t work with the digestive system, wastes would ad up, and again end in death.

Five fun facts

Kidneys are bean shaped organs.Kidneys filter the blood and take out waste. The kidney is made up of nephrons.The largest excretory organ in your body

mainly is your skin.Kidney beans look like kidney’s, as you can

tell by the name.
