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Lansing Board of Water & Light

Emergency Action Plan


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Hometown People Hometown Power S u s a n   D e v o n

A s s i s t a n t  G e n e r a l Manager  C F O


October 28, 2013

T o: A l l B W L  employees

Attached is a copy of the 2013 B W L  Emergency  A c t i o n Plan  EAP).

This EAP is intended to provide the critical  f i rst steps taken by employees in an emergency and as such, all

employees should be intimately familiar w i th   it Safety and security are the responsibility of each and every

employee at the  B W L Please keep this important document readily accessible in case of an emergency

A n  electronic copy of this and other emergency plans can be found at Q:\_Emergency Plans Please take time

to familiarize yourself w i th these other plans as  w e l l

would  l ike to thank everyone for the great deal of effort and interdepartmental cooperation that was put into

making this document.

This document replaces the July 2012  B W L E A P ;  therefore, please discard all copies of that document.

Thank you f o r  taking the time to be prepared.

Susan DevonAssistant General Manager/CFO

1232 Haco Drive  |  PO  Box  13007  |  Lansing Ml  | 48901-3007  | 517-702-6000  | ww w. lbwl .com

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L A N S I N G   B O A R D   O F  W A T E R  L IGH T

E M E R G E N C Y   A C T IO N   P L AN

1RF ometown People.  Hometown Power.

A ppro v ed  by J . Peter Lark

Genera l ManagerE f fect ive D ecember   1 2013

Th is d ocu me n t  is s u b je c t  to  pe r iod ic changes   and updates and wil l be pub l ished  and d is t r ibu ted  as requ i red . Every e f for t  has been

m a d e  to m a k e  the in form at ion con ta ined w i th in th is document  as accurate  as poss ib le howe ver ;  it still  may con ta in e r rors . P lease

prov ide  any c o r re c ti ons  or ch ange s to the M a n a g e r  of Ente rp r ise Risk Manag emen t .

Spec i f ic depar tmenta l emergency p rocedures and /or emergency ins t ruc t ions f rom   BWL manag e me nt s u p e rs e d e th i s d ocu m e n t .  Any

d i rec t ive f rom any law e n fo r ce me n t  or emerg ency respo nse personne l dur ing an e me rge ncy  or  incident must be  f o l l ow e d .  The  latest

v e rs i on  of  th is document w i l l be p os te d on the BWL In trane t web-s i te .

The  information within this  E M E R G E N C Y   ACTION  PLAN  document is  CONF IDENTIAL

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Table of Contents

1: Introduction to the BWL EAP 5 2: Purpose of the BWL EAP 6 3: Employee Responsibilities 6 4: BWL Emergency Phone Numbers 7 5: Injury 9 

A.  Employee 9 B.  Public 11 

6: Evacuations 12 A.  General Information 12 B.  Fire Emergency 13 C.  Natural Gas Leak 13 D.  Bomb Threat 14 

7: Inclement Weather Conditions 16 A.  General 16 B.  Tornado or Major Storm 17 C.  Flooding 19 

8: Environmental Threats 21 A.  Chemical Spill or Release 21 B.  Asbestos Release 21 C.  Fugitive Dust 22 D.  Dam Breaks 22 

9: Sabotage & Vandalism 23 A.  Electric Generation 23 B.  Drinking Water 24 C.  Natural Gas 25 

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10: Active Shooter 26 A.  How To Respond When An Active Shooter Is In Your Vicinity 26 B.  How To Respond When Law Enforcement Arrives On The Scene 27 

11: Receipt of a Suspicious Package 28 A.  Procedure 28 B.  Identification of Suspicious Mail/Packages 28 

12: Emergency Communications and Loss of Radio Communications 30 A.  Responsibi lity For Emergency Communications 30 B.  Emergency Communications Procedures 30 C.  BWL Radio System – Emergency Use 30 D.  Loss of BWL Radio System 31 

13: Catastrophic Event Coordination 33 A.  Catastrophic event causing mass casualties and loss of BWL facilities 33 B.  BWL Command And Communication Center (CCC) 34 C.  City of Lansing’s Emergency Operations Center (EOC) 34 

14: Electrical Unscheduled Outages 36 A.  Areas of Responsibi lity 36 B.  Contact Phone Numbers 36 

15: Maximum Emergency Generation Event 37 16: Personal Planning 38 

A.  Introduction 38 B.  Personal Plan Elements 38 

17: Definitions 40 18: Record of Revisions to the BWL EAP 41 

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1: Introduction to the BWL EAP

The Lansing Board of Water & Light’s (BWL) Emergency Action Plan (EAP), has been prepared frominformation and guidance of BWL personnel who will be responsible to act during emergency situations. It isintended to provide information and guidance of initial actions and/or contact information to employees whomay be assigned special duties to provide the most orderly handling of emergencies. Every possible

combination of conditions causing some type of emergency and response cannot be predicted – however, it isthe intent of this document to provide basic response triggers and actions for most emergencies includingelectric, drinking water, and weather related.  Section 2 provides the purpose of this document.

  Section 3 provides responsibilities of all BWL employees.

  Section 4 provides a sample of the BWL EMERGENCY RESPONSE CALL LIST. This list is found on theBWL intranet site (4th button on the left side) and is updated for each weekend.

  Section 5 provides guidance for injuries.

  Section 6 explains general evacuation procedures. Each BWL facility will have specific evacuationprocedures posted.

  Section 7 describes actions to be taken during inclement weather situations.

  Section 8 describes procedures to follow in the event of environmental spills or threats.

  Section 9 is to provide a quick reference to the "Lansing Board of Water & Light Sabotage ReportingProcedure"; deals with water contamination and/or sabotage events directed toward the BWLwater supply system. It is also to establish guidelines to be followed when reporting theseevents.

  Section 10 provides directions for dealing with an active shooter situation.

  Section 11 provides directions for dealing with suspicious packages or items delivered or found on BWLproperty.

  Section 12 provides details and procedures for emergency communications and loss of radiocommunications.

  Section 13 provides information for catastrophic event coordination, including activation of the BWLCommand and Communication Center (CCC), and coordination with the City of Lansing’sEmergency Operations Center (EOC).

  Section 14 provides guidance on unscheduled electrical outages.

  Section 15 is to make employees aware that during certain situations the BWL may be called on toimplement measures to mitigate a Maximum Emergency Generation Event.

  Section 16 provides suggestions for personal planning of emergency situations.

  Section 17 provides definitions for words, phrases, and acronyms used in this document.

  Section 18 will be an ongoing record of revisions to this document.

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2: Purpose of the BWL EAP

The purpose of the BWL EAP is to provide information and guidance of initial actions and/or contactinformation to employees who may be assigned special duties to provide the most orderly handling ofemergencies

3: Employee Responsibilities

It is the responsibility of all BWL employees to

A. Report any type of emergency to the Employee-in-Charge for the safety and protection of BWLemployees, customers and facilities. Examples of emergencies include, but are not limited to, naturaldisasters, fire emergencies, chemical spill or release, catastrophic event, bomb threat, inclementweather conditions, etc.

B. Periodically review this document and department specific documents for appropriate responses incase of an emergency.

C. Conduct periodic drills in each BWL department or area for fire, adverse weather conditions and/orother emergency response actions.

D. Obtain specific instructions from the Employee-in-Charge of their area or their supervisor foremergency situations not covered in this document before proceeding with work.

An electronic copy of this and other emergency plans can be found at Q:\_Emergency Plans. Please taketime to familiarize yourself with these other plans as well.

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4: BWL Emer gency Phone Number s

The purpose of this Section is to provide a sample of the BWL EMERGENCY RESPONSE CALL LIST. Thislist is found on the BWL intranet site (4th button on the left side) and is updated for each weekend.

Facilities and personnel designated to receive and evaluate emergency calls and plan a course of action are

located at the Brush Electric System Operations Center (BESOC). BESOC is staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days aweek, 365 days a year, and can assist in directing after hours calls during an emergency. BWL’s uppermanagement may also be involved depending on the type of emergency.

 A revised EMERGENCY RESPONSE CALL LIST document is issued by the Executive Administrative Staffeach week to provide contact numbers for emergencies. This document provides names and numbers ofindividuals who can be contacted, along with a list of upper management/executives that are available. TheEMERGENCY REPSONSE CALL LIST is critical – and should be made available to all employees thatwould need it. At a minimum, all Managers, Leaders and Supervisors should receive this list; however, anyBWL employee can receive this list by contacting the Executive Administrative Staff. This list is also postedweekly on the BWL Intranet website.

SAMPLE of the Emergency Call List 

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Flood Emergency Response Plan Exper ts 

NAME - Title  Home Phone  Cell Phone  Pager  

Mike Collins - Enterprise RiskManagement Department Manager

Jane Schueller – Central Maintenance and

Construction Manager

Debi Allen – Erickson Station Manager

Roberto Hodge – REO Town Manager

Tom Dickinson – Eckert Station Manager

Ray Moore - Customer Projects &Development Manager

Lynn McKinstry - System Operations


Scott Hamelink – Water Production Manager

Patrick Hanes - Electric Transmission &Distribution Manager

Dan MacLennan - Purchasing, Warehousing& Fleet Services Manager

Mark Matus – Environmental ServicesManager

Tom Gray – Human Resources Manager

Mike McCarty - Eckert Station OperationsSupervisor

John Thomas Jr. - Facilities & MaterialsManagement Supervisor

Randy Sinko – Water & Steam Construction& Maintenance Lead Supervisor

Jessica Harbitz – Environmental RegulatoryCompliance Specialist

Information Technology Department

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5: In jur y

The purpose of this Section is to provide a quick reference to the “BWL Safety Manual” Sections 107 InjuryReporting and Investigation and 109 Public Injury.

 A. Employee



For any injury that involves a BWL employee and is the result of a work-place accident, an Employee Incident /Injury Report form must be completed and submitted to the Safety Department.


Procedure and Phone Checklist for Serious Injury Notification

Safety Manual Section 107 – Injury Reporting and Investigation 

107.1 All injuries shall be reported to the Employee-in-Charge.

107.2 Injury Response Actions.

 A. Immediate medical treatment of injured persons; including calling 911 ifrequired.

B. Secure and stabilize the accident site – shut down equipment or powersources if necessary. Cordon off the area.

C. Immediately communicate (verbal/ voice mail, cell phone) all serious injuriesinvolving medical treatment, emergency response or medical transport to theEmployee-in-Charge, Safety Department, and Human Resources.

D. Identify possible witnesses.

E. Notify Environmental Services if a release of hazardous materials is suspected.

107.3 Safety Department or Human Resources shall make all regulatory requiredcontacts and reporting.

107.4 The employee shall complete the BWL Injury Report Form. If the employee isunable to complete the form within 24 hours due to the nature or extent of theinjuries, the Employee-in-Charge shall complete as much of the form as possible.

1This is the Serious Injury Notification Procedure which includes excerpts from the BWL Safety Manual Section 107 Injury

Reporting and Investigation

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Injury Communication Procedure

1. Immediately notify a representative from the Safety Department. The Saf etyrepresentative will assist with all further notif ications.

2. Under No Circumstances should you talk to the media. Refer all calls to the BWL

Director of Communications.

3. Family Notification

 A. NEVER inform the family over the phone that death has occurred. Contact Human Resources for immediate assistance.

B. When employees are transported for medical treatment family members should beimmediately notified.

1. If the employee is unable to provide emergency contact information contact HumanResources for assistance.

2. Human Resources will coordinate additional family contacts.

Injury Communication Phone List 

Off ice Cell  Home Time Called 

Safety Department (Only one contact call needed)

Bruce Cook – Director

Oscar Rodriguez-Franco

Human Resources

Thomas Gray

Darold Oxender

Secur ity 

Dan Barnes

Department Manager, Director, Executive Dir ector  


Mike Stanley

Ron Byrnes

Communication Dir ector  

Stephen Serkaian

OnLine Employment Services - Tami Paddock

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Information Collection 1. Who is calling? Phone number?

2. Department

3. Time of call

4. Who was injured?

5. When did the injury occur?

6. Exact location

7. Has the injured employee been taken for medical treatment? Where?

8. Describe what happened

9. Photos taken by

B. Public2 

If a non-BWL employee is injured on BWL property, contact the area manager and the BWL Security


1. In the event of a public injury, the area manager and the BWL Security Coordinator shall beimmediately notified.

2. All available information about the incident shall be promptly gathered. The names, addresses, andtelephone numbers of the aggrieved, injured, and all witnesses shall be obtained and recorded.

Complete the BWL The BWL General Public Incident Report form (available in the Safety intranetwebsite) and forward it shall be completed and forwarded to the Enterprise Risk Management andSafety DepartmentsIf the incident involves a vehicle owned, leased or rented by the BWL or a personal vehicle used for

BWL business, the BWL Vehicle and& Equipment Accident Report form shall be completed. Theinstructions on the back of the form shall be followed.

3. The Vehicle & form shall be routed to Enterprise Risk Management , Fleet Services and SafetyDepartments.

4. All motor vehicle accidents shall be reported to the appropriate police agency.

2BWL Safety Manual Section 109 Public Injury

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6: Evacuations

The purpose of this Section is to explain general evacuation procedures. Each BWL facility will have specificevacuation procedures posted.

 A. Gener al Inf or mation 

1. All departments are required to create and regularly review/update department specific plans forevacuation and inclement weather. The plans shall include, but are not limited to:

o Department maps which illustrate evacuation routes with meeting areas and ”Take Shelter ” areas

o The identification of the Incident Commander and the alternate

o Employee checklist


Location of First Aid supplies, AED, evacuation/inclement weather supplies to take with thegroup (blankets, National Weather Service radio, flashlights, etc)

o Location fire extinguishers and an explanation of how to use them and what to do with themafter use

o Procedures for declaring the “ All Clear ” 

o  A list of the types of alarms in your department and a description of them. For example, Firealarm: continuous bell sound with flashing red strobe light.

2. Occupants of BWL buildings shall be given instructions on building evacuation procedures.

o The Employee-in-Charge shall instruct employees on area evacuation procedures.

o Building or area evacuation procedures shall be reviewed with new employees at their initialdepartmental orientation and periodically.

o Building or area evacuation procedures shall be posted.

3. Periodic drills shall be held in each BWL department or area for fire, adverse weather conditions and/orother emergency response actions.

4. Do not collect personal belongings before you exit.

5. Shut down any machinery that you can safely shut down.

6. Walk – do not run as you leave your building.

7. Proceed to the evacuation assembly area for your facility.

8. Follow any directives given from an Emergency Coordinator or floor monitor.

9. Follow any other specific instructions relating to the Evacuation Procedures for your facility.

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B. Fir e Emer gency 

1. If a fire breaks out within your area or facility (waste-basket, etc.), you may attempt to control it with fireextinguishers, if you can do so safely. You must announce or yell “Fire!” so that anyone in theimmediate area will be aware and can assist if needed. All fires shall be reported to the SafetyDepartment, the Security Coordinator and/or Building Maintenance and the Manager responsible for

the area.

2. In the event the fire cannot be controlled or you have a general fire emergency, shout or page toemployees in your area for their own safety (use fire alarm pull stations if so equipped), and call theFire Department by dialing 911(4-911 on BWL VoIP lines) on the telephone to give them the specificarea.

3. EVACUATE - Each BWL facility should have specific fire detection, notification, alarm and evacuationprocedures that are to be followed. The process to confirm that all employees, vendors, customers andguests have been safely evacuated MUST BE FOLLOWED. Directions from the Incident Commanderor the floor monitor must be followed.

4. All BWL departments and facilities shall have an emergency action plan for fires that complies withBWL policy and other governmental regulations3.

C. Natur al Gas Leak4 

Natural Gas is a colorless, tasteless, odorless and non-toxic substance. The “rotten odor ” smell is added tomake it easier to recognize a leak.

Natural Gas can not burn by itself; it must be mixed with air and have an ignition source like a pilot light or anelectric arc. If the gas does ignite let it burn because burning gas will not explode.

Natural Gas is NOT a liquid petroleum gas such as propane. Liquid petroleum gases are heavier than air andtherefore settle near the ground and in low places. Natural Gas however is lighter than air so it rises.

If you think you have a natural gas emergency, go to a safe location and call the REO Town Control Room.

Knowing how to recognize, react to and report natural gas emergencies can eliminate or minimize theirconsequences.

1. Recognize

Signs of a natural gas leak include:

o  A "rotten egg" odor

o  A blowing or hissing sound

3Such as the BWL Safety Manual Sections 105 Fire Control & Prevention, 106 Emergency Plan and 119 Adverse Weather Conditions

Michigan Occupational Safety and Health (MIOSHA) Standard 1107, Part 6, Fire Exits; and MIOSHA Standard 1314, Part 18, FireProtection and Prevention.

4From the Consumers Energy website Gas Leaks and Safety Tips and modified for BWL

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o Dead or discolored vegetation in an otherwise green area

o Flames, if a leak has ignited

o Dirt or dust blowing from a hole in the ground

o Bubbling in wet or flooded areas

2. React

If you suspect a natural gas leak, follow these steps

o Go to a safe location and call the REO Town Control Room, and follow the instructions given.

o Do not use any electrical device, such as light switches, telephones or appliances such asgarage door openers. They could spark and ignite the gas.

o Do not use an open flame, matches or lighters

o Do not try to locate the source of the leak

o Do not try to shut off any gas valves or appliances

o Do not start vehicles

o If the natural gas ignites, let it burn. Do not put out the flame; burning gas will not explode.

3. Report

It is important that natural gas emergencies are reported.

o If you think there is a natural gas emergency go to a safe location and call the REO TownControl Room.

o If you see any unusual activity near the natural gas pipeline or facility, and call the REO TownControl Room.

Calls can be made 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

D. Bomb Thr eat 

The person receiving the call or threat should be alert so that they can carefully and accurately remember what

the caller said and to answer the following questions:

1. What time was the threat received?

2. When is the bomb going to explode?

3. What does it look like?

4. What kind of bomb is it?

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5. What will cause it to explode?

6. Has the bomb been placed? Where?

7. Where is the caller calling from?

8. Male or female voice?

9. Anything unusual about the caller ’s voice or choice of words?

10. Did you recognize the voice?

11. Is there any unusual background noises (machinery, vehicles, music, street noise, etc.)?

12. If a threat is made by letter or document, handle carefully to preserve fingerprints.

The person receiving the call should contact the following:

1. 911(4-911 on BWL VoIP line) – to get the proper authorities en route as quickly as possible.

2. Employee-in-Charge. The Employee-in-Charge will make the following notifications:

o Security Coordinator

o Department Manager

o  Assistant General Manager

o  Any available Executive Director or Director

o Human Resources

If evacuation is ordered by either local law enforcement or any of the individuals above, please follow theevacuation procedures for your specific facility.

No Attempt Should Be Made By The BWL Employee To Locate The Bomb.

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7: Inclement Weather  Conditions

The purpose of this Section is to describe the actions to be taken during inclement weather situations andprovide some basic guidelines for determining employee exposure while working in the immediate vicinity ofinclement weather (except during emergency restoration procedures). The Employee-in-Charge shalldetermine weather conditions by referencing the following information.

Inclement Weather Conditions (per MIOSHA) – Thunderstorms, high winds, snowstorms, ice storms or anyother weather situation that has the potential to make work hazardous.

NOTE: Work shall be discontinued/altered at any time when adverse weather conditions make workhazardous

Employees should take extra care to assist any disabled employee, and to instruct contractors,vendors, customers and other guests within the area that are unaware of the procedures for thatfacility. 

 A. Gener al 

1. When major life threatening weather or a natural disaster is approaching the BWL service territory,appropriate alarms and sirens should be activated. The National Weather Service5 will also broadcastan alert. When BESOC is notified, they will provide radio communication to field crews to take shelter.

The Employee-in-Charge shall make the determination whether adverse weather conditions have thepotential to make field or outdoor work hazardous6.

2. All departments are required to create and regularly review/update department specific plans forevacuation and inclement weather. The plans shall include, but are not limited to:

o Department maps which illustrate evacuation routes with meeting areas and ”Take Shelter ” 


o The identification of the Incident Commander and the alternate

o Employee checklist

o Location of First Aid supplies, AED, evacuation/inclement weather supplies to take with thegroup (blankets, National Weather Service radio, flashlights, etc)

o Location fire extinguishers and an explanation of how to use them and what to do with themafter use

o Procedures for declaring the “ All Clear ” 

o  A list of the types of alarms in your department and a description of them. For example, Firealarm: continuous bell sound with flashing red strobe light.

5National Weather Service 24-hour Forecaster ’s Desk 

6BWL Safety Manual Section 119 Adverse Weather Conditions 

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3. Occupants of BWL buildings shall be given instructions on building evacuation and inclement weatherprocedures.

o The Employee-in-Charge shall instruct employees on area evacuation and inclement weatherprocedures.

o Building or area evacuation and inclement weather procedures shall be reviewed with newemployees at their initial departmental orientation and periodically.

o Building or area evacuation and inclement weather procedures shall be posted.

Periodic drills shall be held in each BWL department or area for fire, adverse weather conditions and/or otheremergency response actions.

B. Tornado or  Ma jor  Stor m 

1. If an employee sees an approaching funnel cloud, they should call BESOC immediately so theappropriate individuals can be notified3.

2. If the employee is in a BWL facility, some means of alerting all the facility employees should also betaken immediately3.

3. Outdoor or field work shall be discontinued or altered in the presence of adverse weather conditions,except in the case of emergency restoration3.

4. Outdoor work shall not be permitted when thunderstorms are in the immediate vicinity and for tenminutes after lightning ceases3.

5. Work involving the possibility of electrical shock shall not be permitted during heavy precipitation,except in the case of emergency restoration3.

6. Outdoor work on equipment such as bucket trucks, aerial lifts, etc., shall be performed in accordance

with manufacturer ’s guidelines for high wind conditions3


7. At no time shall outdoor elevated work be permitted in the presence of winds at or exceeding 40 milesper hour 3.

8. Employees working outdoors shall identify “Take Shelter ” areas when receiving notification of adverseweather conditions7.

o Employees exposed to adverse weather conditions in a shelter area should try and maintaincommunications with the Employee-in-Charge and with BESOC to update their situationperiodically.


Employees should go to identified shelter area as soon as possible.

•  BWL Facilities – 

Shelter areas may change, and specific instructions and maps for your facility should befollowed.

7BWL Safety Manual Section 119 Adverse Weather Conditions

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•  Electric Substations – 

It is strongly recommended that you do not take shelter in an electric substation orsubstation yard, especially for most storm/tornado conditions. You should leave thesubstation and/or yard immediately, and either take shelter at the lowest point possible(away from transmission and distribution electric lines), or get into your vehicle and driveto the nearest shelter; or drive away from the tornado’s path.

•  Field Personnel  – 

NOTE: BESOC will make every attempt to notify field crews of approaching severeweather.

 Additionally, BESOC is not responsible for the declaration or the “all clear notification” ofa severe weather alert.

•  If you are caught outdoors, seek shelter in a basement, shelter or sturdy building.The safest place to be is underground.

•  If no underground shelter or safe room is available, a small, windowless interiorroom or hallway on the lowest level of a sturdy building is the safest alternative.

•  Construction trailers (mobile offices, office trailers or mobile homes) are not safeduring tornadoes or other severe winds.

•  If you cannot quickly walk to a shelter immediately get into a vehicle, buckle yourseat belt and try to drive to the closest sturdy shelter.

o If flying debris occurs while you are driving, pull over and park. Now youhave the following options as a last resort:

•  Stay in the car with the seat belt on. Put your head down belowthe windows, covering with your hands and a blanket if possible;

•  If you can safely get noticeably lower than the level of theroadway, exit your car and lie in that area, covering your head withyour hands;

•  Your choice should be driven by your specific circumstances.

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C. Flooding8 

Periodic updates on flood water conditions should be issued to the heads of the potentially affected BWLDepartments. Refer to the EMERGENCY RESPONSE CALL LIST. These updates should come fromdesignated Flood Emergency Response Plan Experts in the areas affected. It is possible that the extent of the

flooding will be sufficient to cause the Lansing Emergency Operations Center 9 to be activated.

Buildings located within the floodplain should be marked with elevation markings and checked periodically todetermine if and when they may become impacted. Several facilities have Site specific Flood EmergencyResponse Plans which identify when and what actions to be taken. Some examples of these actions include:

1. Move Equipment to higher ground

2. Fill and place sand bags

3. Make arrangements for alternative fuel supplies

4. Contacting BESOC or other qualified personnel to assist in de-energizing equipment and areas

Contact your Supervisor to see if your facility has a Flood Emergency Response Plan.

The following conditions will warrant the facilities in the table below to be watched closely for possible flooding:

1. Red Cedar Monitoring Station reaches 830.00', (1.39' below stage).

2. Sycamore Creek Bridge Gauge reads 820.00'.

3. Moores Park Dam Tailwater reads 821.00'.

4. North Lansing Dam Headwater reads 820.00'.

8National Weather Service 24-hour Forecaster ’s Desk

The National Weather Service Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service (AHPS) forecasts flooding in certain areas  

The USGS site for current river data: scroll down to the Grand River Basin and select a location. 

9For additional information regarding the City of Lansing’s Emergency Operations Center (EOC) refer to Section 13B of this document.

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Facility Elevation

(Feet amsl)

100 Year Flood

(Feet amsl)

500 Year Flood

(Feet amsl)

Eckert/Moores Park Complex 820  833  837 

Dye Water Conditioning

Complex828  830.5  834.9 

Penn-Hazel Complex 824  835  839 

Haco 830-840 836.5  839 

BESOC 836.13 835.8  838.8 

Diesel Room 835.62

Top of berm on

east side of building839.4 


Frandor   832.4  836.5 

Magnolia  833.3  836 

Howard  838  836  839.5 

Other important information to be aware of during a flood is what roads and routes will be impacted. Below is atable of common road closures.

Road  Direction From  To 

E. Grand River East  Capitol Ave Center

Oakland  East  N. Grand River Cedar  

Saginaw  East  N. Grand River Pennsylvania

Michigan  East  Kipling City Limits

Kalamazoo East  Grand  Cedar  

Kalamazoo East  Fairview City Limits

I-496 E & W East  Grand  Larch Ramp

Mt. Hope Ave East  Harding City Limits

Cavanaugh East  Tranter Aurelius Rd.

JollyRd.  East  Tranter Dunkel Rd.

Tecumseh River Dr. East  Kuerbitz Northwest

Tecumseh River Dr. East  Darby  Edgebrook

Willow  East  Seymour The River

Cedar   South  Monroe Shiawassee

Cedar   South  Kalamazoo Baker  

Larch  South  Monroe Erie 

Larch  South  Kalamazoo Baker  

S. Pennsylvania South  Hazel  Pershing

 Aurelius Rd. South  Walsh  Wabash

 Aurelius Rd. South  Worden Miller  

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8: Envir onmental Thr eats

The purpose of this Section is to describe the procedures to follow in the event of environmental spills orthreats.

 A. Chemical Spill or  Release 

Contact the Environmental Services Department On-Call, Employee-in-Charge of the area, and the areasupervisor immediately – use the EMERGENCY RESPONSE CALL LIST.

Please use extreme caution and keep a distance between the spill or release and you, other employees andthe public. It is recommended that you remain on-site to keep others away and until assistance arrives, unlessthe hazard requires you to leave the area.

The person responding from Environmental Services Department will need the following information, if known:

1. Exact location of spill or release (address, landmark, section of river, etc.).

2. Type of spill or release along with any related Chemical Safety Data Sheet (SDS) or other handlinginstructions available.

3. Source of spill or release.

4. Approximate amount or area covered by spill or release.

5. Name and contact information of person reporting spill or release.

6. Name of any exposed personnel.

7. Weather conditions.

ONLY PROPERLY TRAINED INDIVIDUALS should attempt to control and/or remedy the spill or release.

B. Asbestos Release 

 Asbestos containing materials are located throughout the BWL. Asbestos is used as thermal insulating materiaand commonly found in many BWL facilities.



Notify Central Maintenance and Construction

o Notify Environmental Services Department

o Notify Safety Department

2. Request air monitoring pumps and cassettes from either the Environmental Services or the SafetyDepartments.

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3. The Environmental Services Department will assume Incident Command.


1. Isolate hazard area, close doors and/or windows that may cause the asbestos to blow around to alarger area.

2. If breathing protection such as respirators or SCBA (Self Contained Breathing Apparatus) is available,

everyone in the area of contamination should put them on while isolating the area. Leave the area assoon as possible when it is secured.

3. Barricade area with Asbestos Hazard or Caution tape to warn others.

C. Fugitive Dust 

Fugitive dust: Michigan defines fugitive dust under R 336.1106(k) of the Michigan Air Pollution Control Rulesas "particulate matter which can originate from indoor or outdoor industrial or commercial processes, activities,or operations and is emitted into the outer air through building openings and general exhaust ventilation." Dustis also characterized as "fugitive" when it originates from unintended activities such as soil disturbances by

wind or from human activities such as walking or driving through an unpaved parking lot. Emissions that aredischarged from building stacks are not defined as fugitive dust, nor is fugitive dust considered to be a by-product of open burning activities.

Examples of fugitive dust include dust blown off of storage piles, road dust, and emissions leaking from sidesof buildings or open areas in buildings.

In the event of Fugitive Dust contact the Environmental Services Department.

D. DamBreaks 

The BWL owns and operates 3 dams: the North Lansing Dam in Old Town, the Moores Park Dam at the EckertStation, and the Erickson Dam (a.k.a. Ash Pond) at the Erickson Station.

In the event of a dam break or potential failure involving the North Lansing Dam or the Moores Park Dam,contact the Eckert Control Room. Explain the situation to the Operator as accurately and quickly aspossible.

In the event of a dam break or potential failure involving the Erickson Dam (a.k.a. Ash Pond) contact theErickson Control Room. Explain the situation to the Operator as accurately and quickly as possible.

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9: Sabotage & Vandalism

 A. Electr ic Gener ation10 

The purpose of this Section is to provide a quick reference to the "Lansing Board of Water & Light Sabotage

Reporting Procedure". All BWL employees are required to annually certify by signature that they have read andunderstand the procedure and are required to follow the procedure. The Sabotage Reporting Procedure is animportant component of the BWL's regulatory compliance requirements with the North American ElectricReliability Corporation (NERC).

1. General

 Any confirmed and/or suspected sabotage to any Lansing Board of Water and Light (LBWL) facility(i.e. power plants, substations, office buildings, etc.) shall be immediately reported to theTransmission and Distribution Supervisor at BESOC.

It will be imperative to be able to distinguish the difference between sabotage, vandalism, or an

equipment failure. These definitions will be provided below.

2. Safety Concerns

 As normal, should any of the above situations occur, all personnel will conform to all LBWL safetypolicies and procedures.

No employees will at any time place themselves in harms way during a sabotage or vandalismsituation.

3. Definitions

Sabotage –

 Intent; premeditated coordinated acts to achieve a particular outcome. Sabotage is adeliberate act of destruction or disruption in which equipment is damaged intentionally.

Note: Equipment damage or failure at more than one facility at the same time occurring on alight generation load day during mild weather conditions could be a reason to suspectsabotage.

Vandalism  – Malicious destruction of property with no intended outcome.

Note: Breaking windows on buildings or shooting transformer insulators would be consideredacts of vandalism.

10Erickson, Eckert, and REO Town have site specific Sabotage and Vandalism procedures. Please review these

documents for more detailed site specific information.

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4. Procedures

If there are reasons to believe that a sabotage event has occurred on LBWL property, the T&DSupervisor at BESOC shall be contacted immediately. Also notify your immediate supervisorand Security Personnel.

Note: Sabotage can involve computer systems, phone lines, communication devices, and otherdevices as well as physical structures.

The affected area of sabotage is to be caution taped off to protect the employees and thescene for investigation.


When contacting BESOC, state the f ollowing: 

1. Your name, department, and job title

2. Reason for your call

3. Phone number(s) where you can be contacted

4. A detailed explanation of what transpired up to this point

The BESOC T&D Supervisor or Designate shall be responsible for making the necessar yphone calls.

 As soon as the proper notifications have been made and the situation is under control, all partiesinvolved shall sit down and write up incident reports. These reports need to be concise with dates,times, outside communications (possible dialects, background noises, etc.)

B. Dr inkingWater  

The purpose of this Section is to deal with water sabotage, vandalism, and/or contamination events directedtoward the BWL water supply system. This system includes the production and distribution of water to,through, and from the Dye and Wise Water Conditioning facilities and satellite facilities. This Section alsoestablishes guidelines to be followed when reporting these events.

1. Procedure

In the event an employee observes an individual in the act of committing vandalism or sabotagethat is an immediate threat to personal safety or BWL property contact 911 (4-911 on BWL VoIPline) immediately.

In all other cases of suspicious activity, immediately contact the on-call Water ProductionSupervisor. The on-call Water Production Supervisor will be responsible for making all necessaryphone calls, including contacting the Security Coordinator.

No employees will at any time place themselves in harm’s way during a vandalism or sabotagesituation.

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2. Warning signs of potential sabotage / contamination event:

o Someone in the act of suspicious and / or destructive behavior

o Something looks suspicious or out of place

o BWL property has been damaged or destroyed

The Water Utility Emergency Response Plan will be utilized by the appropriate individuals todetermine what actions need to be taken to resolve the issue at hand. This plan spells out step-by-step what is to be done and specifies all agencies that are to be contacted.

 As soon as the emergency has been addressed and some type of action is put into motion, theBWL Security Coordinator will contact the City of Lansing Police Department and initiate aninvestigation in an attempt to identify responsible parties.

C. Natur al Gas 

The purpose of this Section is to deal with natural gas sabotage and vandalism

If there are reasons to believe that a sabotage or vandalism event has occurred on BWL property, the T&DSupervisor at BESOC shall be contacted immediately. Also notify your immediate supervisor, the SecurityCoordinator, and the REO Town Control Room.

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10:  Active Shooter

The purpose of this Section is to provide directions for dealing with an active shooter.

 An Active Shooter is an individual actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined andpopulated area, typically through the use of firearms. (Department of Homeland Security)

 A. How ToRespondWhen  An  Active Shooter  Is In Your  Vicinity 

1. Quickly determine the most reasonable way to protect your own life. Customers and clients are likely tofollow the lead of employees and managers during an active shooter situation.

o Evacuate - If possible evacuate the area/building where the shooter is located

•  Have an escape route in mind

•  Leave your belongings behind

•  Keep your hands visible

•  Evacuate building if a safe route is available

o Hide out – If no safe evacuation route is available, take shelter in a safe area

•  Hide in an area out of the active shooter ’s view

•  Block entry to your hiding place and lock the doors

o  As a last resort Take action – If no safe route to exit or no good hiding place is available,prepare to take action

•  Only if your life is in imminent danger

•  Attempt to incapacitate the active shooter

•  Act with physical aggression and throw items at the active shooter

2. Call 911(4-911 on BWL VoIP line) When It Is Safe To Do So

o Information You Should Provide To Law Enforcement or 911 Operator

•  Location of the active shooter

•  Number of shooters, if more than one

•  Physical description of shooter/s

•  Number and type of weapons held by shooter/s

•  Number of potential victims at the location

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B. HowToRespondWhen LawEnf or cement  Arr ives On The Scene 

1. Remain calm, and follow officer ’s instructions

2. Immediately raise hands and spread fingers

3. Keep hands visible at all times

4. Avoid making quick movements towards officers such as attempting to hold onto them for safety

5. Avoid pointing screaming and/or yelling

6. Do not stop to ask officers for help or direction when evacuating, just proceed in the direction fromwhich officers are entering the premises

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11: Receipt of a Suspicious Package

The purpose of this Section is to provide directions for dealing with suspicious packages or items delivered orfound on BWL property.

The employee who knows of the item or package should be sure there is no contact with the package. If there

was contact, the employee(s) should immediately disinfect hands by whatever means available in theemployee’s area (antibacterial product if available).

 A. Pr ocedur e 

1. Refrain from touching, opening, shaking, or handling the package.

2. Refrain from touching, smelling or attempting to clean up any spill or discharge from the package.

3. Contact your immediate Supervisor or Manager as well as BWL. The Supervisor / Manager will contactthe Security Coordinator.

Call 911 (4-911 on BWL VoIP line).4. Employees should leave the immediate area and warn other employees to do the same.

5. Contact Building Maintenance to let them determine if building ventilation and HVACshould be immediately turned off.

6. Anyone else that may have had contact with the package should be isolated until Emergency MedicalResponders arrive.

B. Identif ication of  Suspicious Mail/Packages 

1. No return address, a strange or unexpected return address.

2. Postmark that does not match the return address.

3. Addressed to a person who no longer works or never worked for the BWL.

4. Marked “Fragile”, “Use Caution”, “Do Not Crush”, etc.

5. Marked “Personal” or “Confidential” or some other restrictive term.

6. Use of excessive postage.

7. Foreign post marks.

8. Addressed to a “Title” only, i.e. Director, Manager, etc.

9. Package is extremely bulky, lopsided, uneven packaging, etc.

10. Items with strange odors, stains, discoloration, leaking substance, etc.

11. Protruding wires.

12. Excessive tape.

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13. Threatening comments on the envelope or if opened, inside the package.

Stay calm and follow the directions provided by the r esponder s.

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12: Emer gency Communications and Loss of Radio Communications

The purpose of this Section is to provide details and procedures for emergency communications and the lossof radio communications.

 A. Responsibility For  Emer gency Communications 

1. Notification of appropriate personnel should be made using the EMERGENCY RESPONSE CALL LIST.If no other contact is available contact BESOC.

2. The Director of Communications will coordinate emergency communications to BWL customers,outside agencies, and any other news media. Media communications will be the responsibility of theGeneral Manager or their designee in the absence of the Communications Director; until an officialBWL spokesperson is named.

B. Emer gency Communications Pr ocedur es 

1. The Communications Department will immediately inform the Customer Service Call Center andBESOC of the initial emergency and subsequent updates.

2. Routing of Emergency Calls

General Emergencies to BWL Call Center – (517) 702-6006 - daytime (calls routed toPowerLine and voice mail after-hours; monitored by Customer Service on call staff).

C. BWL RadioSystem – Emer gency Use 

 All employees and crews who have access to a BWL radio can communicate any emergency on channels 1 Aor 1B; both channels are monitored by BESOC personnel 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. 1Ais the designated Emergency Channel as most radios have the capability to lock onto 1A during an emergencyand override any current communications.

 All employees should be aware of this emergency procedure, and how to use each basic type of radio.However, if unsure of the radio’s specific operation, the transmit button should be activated and the words“Emergency, Emergency” stated over the radio. When the dispatcher responds, the specifics of theemergency should be provided so assistance can be started as soon as possible.

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D. Loss of  BWL RadioSystem 

1. Notification

If there is a loss of radio communications contact the following

o Communications Technician for the BWL Radio system.

o Call the Information Technology Department.

2. Procedures

If there is a loss of the BWL radio system, contact the appropriate support personnel as instructedabove.

Radio communications between BESOC and many field crews will not be available until the radiosystem is back up and running.



If a T&D crew leader or Supervisor has a cell phone they should attempt to contact their Supervisor,Manager, or BESOC if they suspect the radio system is down.

The operator should attempt to contact field crews who have cell phones to inform them that the radiosystem is not available.

o During normal business hours, the operator or their designate will contact the following areasvia land line or cellular to inform them that the radio system is down:

•  Manager of System Operations

•  Manager of Electric T&D

•  Manager of Electric System Integrity

•  Manager of Water Distribution

•  Manager of Customer Service

•  Safety and Training for T&D

•  Erickson Station

•  Eckert-Moores Park Station

•  REO Town Plant

The Managers will be responsible to pass the information onto their supervisors and crews. o In the event of a loss of the radio system after-hours; the operator will contact the following

areas via land line or cellular to inform them that the radio system is down:

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•  Water Department Station Operator

•  Eckert Station Control Room Operator

•  Erickson Control Room Operator

•  REO Town Control Room

•  Penn/Hazel Security Guard

•  Any known field crew personnel that are out in the system

o If a major catastrophic or storm event has occurred, and field crews cannot contact or locateanyone within their department or facility, including their respective supervision andmanagement:

•  Contact BESOC by phone at any of the numbers listed below. These numbers are foremergency operations only and shall not be given out to the general public or otherNON-BWL persons:

System Control Supervisor

Bulk Power Controller

BESOC On-call personnel (refer to Emergency On-call List forphone and pager numbers)

•  If no other form of communication is available, field crews shall proceed to theirrespective supervisor or home office locations; or as a last resort the BESOC facility for

verbal communications and instructions.

•  If BESOC is not available, refer to Part A and Part B of this Section and proceed to theannounced evacuation site for BWL employees, as instructed over publiccommunications by the BWL Communications Director or General Manager.

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13: Catastr ophic Event Coor dination

The purpose of this Section is to provide information for catastrophic event coordination, including activation othe BWL Command and Communication Center (CCC), and coordination with the City of Lansing’s EmergencyOperations Center (EOC).

 A. Catastr ophic event causingmass casualties andloss of  BWL f acilities 

In the event that a catastrophic event occurs involving the loss of BWL facilities and personnel, the followingsteps should be taken.

1. First person on the scene shall call

o 911 (4-911 on BWL VoIP line)

o all members of the BWL Unified Command Team

2. The Unified Command Team will report to the BWL Command and Communications Center (CCC) andfollow the procedures presented below in Section 13B BWL Command and Communication Center. Ifthe CCC has been damaged, the Unified Command Team will choose an alternate location and notifyall pertinent parties.

3. All equipment and materials needed for the CCC should be stored and maintained by the BWLInformation Technology Department. This will help ensure that when it is needed it will be accessible.

4. Initially, personnel should use BWL radios for communications11 (assuming the BWL radio tower isundamaged) since telephone land lines and cellular phones may not function for a short term followinga catastrophic event.

5. Personnel involved in post-catastrophe operations should wear appropriate personal protectiveequipment.

6. All emergency communications to the public shall be made by the Director of Communications12 ordesignee.

7. If casualties/fatalities have occurred, contact Human Resources. They will implement the appropriateidentification and notification procedures. At a minimum, Human Resources will follow the SeriousInjury Notification Procedure created by the Safety Department.

11For further details on the Emergency Communications and Loss of Radio Communications refer to Section 12 of this document. 

12Refer to Section 12A Responsibility for Emergency Communications and 12B Emergency Communications Procedures for more


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B. BWL Command AndCommunication Center  (CCC)

1. Location – REO Town Training Room13, 2nd floor REO Town office building, room 208.

2. Purpose  – Executive and support staff use this as a central location for gathering and disseminatinginformation during a catastrophic event.

3. Procedure – In a catastrophic event, the Unified Command Team14, charged with managing the BWL’semergency response, will determine whether or not the situation warrants activation of the CCC. Thepurpose of the CCC is to assess the catastrophic event, determine what steps need to be taken torestore electrical and / or water distribution to the citizens of Lansing while ensuring their safety, andcoordinate the activities required to achieve this.

The first Director at the CCC will act as the lead individual until relieved by a member of the UnifiedCommand Team. This individual will notify other appropriate departments to report to the CCC and willassign a Communications Officer.

The CCC’s Communications Officer will act as the primary contact for, and the liaison between, boththe BESOC Communications Officer 15 and the BWL Public Information Officer 16.

The BESOC Communications Officer primary responsibility for the duration of the emergency will be tocoordinate information with the CCC.

The BWL Public Information Officer will be responsible for disseminating information to the public andBWL employees as needed. In the event the City of Lansing’s Emergency Operations Center isactivated (See Part B of this Section), the Public Information Officer will typically be located there andnot at the CCC.

 All communications between BESOC, the CCC, and the City of Lansing’s Emergency Operations Center willbe coordinated through the respective Communications Officer / Public Information Officer.

C. City of  Lansing’s Emer gency Oper ations Center  (EOC) 

The City of Lansing, as mandated by the State of Michigan, has established the Lansing EmergencyOperations Center (EOC) located in the basement of Fire Station #8 at Marshall Street and Grand River Ave.The Emergency Program Coordinator (a.k.a. Emergency Management Chief) is the official contact person forthe Lansing EOC.

The Lansing EOC incident management structure is organized by the National Incident Management System(NIMS) Incident Command System (ICS) to establish effective management of agencies and their incidentresponse functions. This structure is referred to as the Multi-Agency Coordination (MAC) Group. The BWL ispart of the MAC Group. On-scene/field operations use the ICS as required for managing tactical operations.

The appropriate responding agency will assume incident command or a unified command may be establisheddepending on the incident and capabilities.

13The BWL CCC will continue to be located at the ITD Training Room at Haco until January 1, 2014 when it will be relocated to the

REO Town Training Room. 14

Unified Command Team: General Manager, Assistant General Manager, and the Manager of Enterprise Risk Management 15

The Manager of System Operations or designate. This individual is a high level employee in BWL with technical knowledge of theelectric system and its operations.

16The Director of Communications or his designate.

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In the event the Lansing EOC is activated, the BWL personnel listed below will be notified, regardless of thetime:

1. The BWL Security Coordinator

2. The BWL Manager, System Operations

3. The BWL Manager, Water Production

Each of these individuals will contact other designated individuals, including but not limited to, the BWL CCCUnified Command Team and inform them of their need to report to the CCC 17.

Communication with the Lansing EOC will be by telephone or by radio. Directives and instructions by radio willbe transmitted on the BWL channel. The channel being used will be determined at the time of the emergency.

17For further details on the CCC refer to Section 13B of this document.

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14: Electr ical Unscheduled Outages

The purpose of this Section is to provide guidance on unscheduled electrical outages.

NOTE: Please limit all calls to BESOC to critical personnel and information only, since they will be very busyresolving the outage. 

 A. Ar eas of  Responsibility 

During a major outage which impacts a substantial number of BWL customers, the following organizationalstructure will be implemented;

1. Executive Staff or the BWL CCC – Coordinate restoration efforts from the BWL and maintaincommunication with the Lansing EOC.

2. BESOC - Manage the restoration efforts.

3. Line Department  – Provide resources as needed, both internal and supplemental.

4. Delivery Support/System Integrity – When called upon or as needed, initiate the Spotter Room,provide engineering support or fulfill site Incident Command role.

5. Customer Service  – Take calls that are re-directed from Twenty First Century and, along with inputfrom BESOC, update the All Caller phone system messages.

6. Director of Communications  – Handle all media requests and updates regarding the scope of theoutages and restoration updates.

B. Contact Phone Number s 

Calls to BESOC for status updates during major system disturbances shall be made to the Manager of SystemOperations or Supervisor of System Operations. Current phone numbers for BESOC, Customer Service andthe Toll-Free PowerLines Power Out are available on the EMERGENCY RESPONSE CALL LIST.

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15: Maximum Emer gency Gener ation Event

The purpose of this Section is to make employees aware that during certain situations within the BWLgeneration, transmission, and distribution territory, and/or within the Midcontinent Independent SystemOperator (MISO) Bulk Electric System footprint, which the BWL is part of, the BWL may be called on toimplement measures to mitigate a Maximum Emergency Generation Event.

Procedures exist so as to dictate the BWL’s response to “Maximum Emergency Generation Events”, asannounced by MISO, when there is a serious generation/load issue on the electrical grid impacting the BWLservice territory. The procedures are documented and will be followed by System Operations staff at BESOC.

 Additional notifications will be announced and/or broadcasted to BWL employees asking for immediatereduction and curtailment in electric loads. This includes, but is not limited to:

o Turning off non-essential PCs

o Turning off unnecessary lights but leaving enough for safety considerations.

Reduction or postponement of nonessential maintenance activities can reduce BWL electrical load


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16: Per sonal Planning

The purpose of this Section is to provide suggestions for the personal planning for emergency situations.

 A. Intr oduction 

Disasters can strike at any time and may result in significant disruption of your daily routines. Some examplesof disruptive events may include the following:

o Long term sheltering or quarantine

o Evacuation with the inability to access vehicles or personal belongings

o Injury

o Inability to travel

For this reason, it is important that each employee be

o Familiar with the contents of this plan, and

o Prepare a basic personal plan for disaster response.

B. Per sonal Plan Elements 

1. Telephone Lists:

o Spouse or significant other

o Parents

o Children

o Day Care/Schools

o Doctors

o Neighbors

2. Common Check-In Points:

o  An out of the area/out of state relative

o  An out of the area/out of state friend

o  An out of the area/out of state affiliated office or business

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3. Personal Disaster Kit Contents:Prescribed essential medications, enough to cover 24 – 48 hours

o If you carry a cell phone, an extra charged battery

o  A set of prescription glasses or contacts if required

o  A small flashlight

o Pen/Pencil and paper

o Food; i.e. trail mix, crackers, candy, energy bars

o Water

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17: Def initions

 Active Shooter: an individual actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and populatedarea, typically through the use of firearms

BWL Unified Command Team: General Manager, Assistant General Manager, and the Manager of Enterprise

Risk Management

CCC: BWL Command and Communication Center. The CCC is where the BWL Unified Command Team andtheir support staff gathers during an incident

EAP: Emergency Action Plan

Employee-in-Charge or Supervisor: Any person, regardless of classification, who is directly in charge of aspecific job or specific jobs. (Depending upon local classification, this person may be a leader, workingsupervisor, crew leader, acting crew leader, general supervisor, supervisor, or superintendent, manager,engineer, etc.)

EOC: Emergency Operations Center. The EOC is where the City of Lansing’s Unified Command Team andsupport staff gather during an incident.

Fugitive Dust: particulate matter which can originate from indoor or outdoor industrial or commercial processes,activities, or operations and is emitted into the outer air through building openings and general exhaustventilation.

Inclement Weather Conditions (per MIOSHA): Thunderstorms, high winds, snowstorms, ice storms or anyother weather situation that has the potential to make work hazardous.

Properly Trained Individual: BWL employees who have received training by an approved BWL trainingcompany or policy. The training includes presented objectives, measurable goals, and verification of acquired


Sabotage: Intent; premeditated coordinated acts to achieve a particular outcome. Sabotage is a deliberate actof destruction or disruption in which equipment is damaged intentionally.

Vandalism: Malicious destruction of property with no intended outcome

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18: Record of Revisions to the BWL E AP

The purpose of this Section is to provide an ongoing record of revisions to this document.


Date Description of Revision 

May 2011 Original publication

July 2012

Reorganized and formated of the entire document.

Updated: Sec 1 Purpose of the LBWL EAP; Sec 3 Catastrophoic Event Coordination; Sec 4

Personal Injury; Sec 7 Electrical Sabotage; Sec 8 Water Contamination / Sabotage; Sec 9

Incement Weather Conditions; added of Sec 10 C Dam Break procedures; and added of Sec

16 Record of Revisions.


Reorganized the Sections based on frequency of use.

 Added information related to natural gas in Sections 6 Evacuation and 9 Sabotage &


 Added Section 17: Definitions