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Diet Butterflies are herbivores that means they can only eat plants. When the butterfly is a caterpillar than they will spend a lot of their time eating leaves. They can eat the leaves by using their very strong jaws. The caterpillar first meal that it will ever eat will be its eggshell. There are only a few butterfly species that are meat-eaters and that butterfly is called the Harvester butterfly. The food that they will like to eat is this types of food that is called woolly aphids. The butterfly’s favorite food is this type of food which is known to be very sweet and it is called nectar and they are often found in the flowers that they find. Butterflies do not eat with their mouth they will eat the nectar with their feet this skill is called tarsi. The Caterpillar will mostly eat different types of leaves and stems that can be found on this plant that is called the milkweed plant. When the caterpillar is a butterfly then they will normally eat the nectar that is in the flowers or they will also drink the juice that is coming from the fruit. Both butterflies and moths will only sip up the liquid of the food that they eat and to help them to do that they will use their tube-like nose that has an very long and flexible tongue on it. They have a very special noses that can uncoil so that the butterfly can sip up the food and then the butterfly will coil up again and then it will start to turn into a spiral but they will only do that if they are not using it. There are so many different types of butterflies will often eat flowers and they will also eat nectar that they will often find in the flowers that they eat. Butterflies can eat fruit by sipping the liquid that can be found inside of it. There are only a few butterflies that rather eat animal flesh or animal fluids then to eat plants and that butterfly is called the Harvester butterfly. The food that butterflies eat a lot of is this stuff that is called nectar and they get this nectar from flowers that they land on. Butterflies eat so many different types of foods and the food that they eat are sap, nectar, they can even eat different types of fruit juices. The Monarch caterpillar can trust this plant that is called the milkweed plant. This plant has lots of poison in it and this helps the caterpillar and the adults to protect them from predators but it does not harm the butterfly. Caterpillars or larvae will normally eat milkweed. Foliage, flower

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buds and they can also feed on a milky juice to. Butterflies will normally use their poison against their predators. When they are in the stage of being a caterpillar than they will normally eat milkweed and when they get a little older than they will start to eat other foods like the nectar that they get from the flowers that they eat. When the butterfly was a caterpillar the milkweed that they feed on it’s known to have a very poisonous toxin and when they eat it. That toxin is being stored into their bodies. This makes the Monarch butterfly not a very good meal to eat for predators. There are only a few species of butterfly that can eat meat and that butterfly happens to be the Harvester butterfly and they will usually eat the flesh of other animals or they will also eat animal fluids. When this bug is a caterpillar or a larva than they will normally eat milkweed foliage, flower buds and they will also eat really milky juice. When they get older like when they are a butterfly then they will start to eat this really sweet food that is called nectar and it can usually be found on flowers. Butterflies do not have noses that can help them to smell. To help them to smell they will have to use their antennae and this is how these bugs can find the nectar that they are looking for. They will get a lot of help from their proboscis and this is how these bugs can sip up the nectar that they are looking for. The proboscis will start to go deep inside the flower so that they can reach the nectar. When they are not using their proboscis then they will usually coil it up underneath their heads. Butterflies can use their wings just like birds to. To look for flowers they will usually fly to a flower to another flower so that they can get the nectar that is coming from a plant. A butterfly can play a very important role in ecology and this role that they do is that they are called pollinators. A adult butterfly can only eat different types of liquids and those liquids are pollen, fruit juice and they will also drink tree sap to. But the food that they like the best is this special type of food that they find in flowers and it is called nectar. How they eat it is by using their very long tube it is just like a tongue this can easily suck up the pollen and then they will use this special tongue like a straw.


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Butterflies can be found on every single place in the world and they can also be found on all different types of environments. So they can found in areas that are known to be hot and cold and there are some species that can be found in places that are known to be very dry and moist to. They can also be found in places that can be found in really high mountains and places that have sea level to. There are some species that can be found in tropical areas. The most common location to look for butterflies is really in tropical places and the best tropical place for a butterfly is in a tropical rainforest. Butterflies can be found on every single hot or cold places that can be found anywhere in the world. These insects can be found on every single habitat on the place that also means that they live on grasslands, forests and they can even live in places that are in tundra habitats and those places are known to be very cold. But the Monarch is a lot different butterfly because they do not live in places that are in the polar region. They can be found on every single place in the world but they do not live in Antarctica. Butterflies can live in so many different types of places and those types of places are the United States, South America, Central America, south Canada, there are some butterflies that live in some countries that are near the Mediterranean sea and the countries that butterflies live on are Australia and they can also be found on Indonesia to. There are some other species that live on the Pacific islands as well. The other habitats that they can live on are meadows, gardens, fields and they can also be found on marshes. The reason why they like to live in tropical areas is because there are so many different types of plants for the caterpillars to eat and there are so many flowers in those areas that can produce nectar for the butterflies. There are a lot of butterflies that like to live in places that have very cold climates. The Monarch butterfly that lives all over North America. The Monarch butterfly can be found on so many different types of habitats and those places are meadows, roadsides and they can also be found in areas that can be very sandy and these are the type of places where the milkweed plants grow all the time in these types of areas.

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Size/WeightThe most largest butterfly in the world is the female Queen Alexandra Birdwing and these butterflies are usually found on New Guinea and their wingspan is about 12 ½ inches (32 centimeters.) long The males are a lot smaller than then the females are. The most second largest butterfly in the world is the Goliath Birdwing butterfly and they live in the rainforests that is in Indonesian and their wingspan can be bigger than 11 inches (28 centimeters) long. The most smallest in the world is this type of butterfly that us called the Western Pygmy blue butterfly and their wingspan can be bigger than 62 inch (1.5 cm). The wingspan of the monarch butterfly can be bigger than 3.7 to 4.1 in (94-104mm). The weight of the monarch butterfly is 72 to 25 oz. (7.1-21 grams). The normal wingspan of a butterfly is really about 3 to 5 inches and to 1 and to 3 ounce. The size of a caterpillar can be bigger than 70 mm (2.75 in). When they are a butterfly then they will start to have a wingspan that can bigger than about 88-100 mm (3.5-4 in.). These bugs can weigh about 0.27-0.75 g (0.0095-0.026 oz.). The other wingspan of a monarch butterfly is 3.7 to 4.1 in (9.4 to 10.5 cm). These bugs can weigh about 0095 to 026 oz. (27 to 75 g). The most largest butterfly in the world is the Queen Alexandra’s birdwing butterfly they can grow as bigger than 11 inches (27.9 centimeters). The most smallest butterfly is the western pygmy blue butterfly and they grow about 0.5 inch (1.3 centimeter) . A lot people do not know the weight of a butterflies is but there are some people that are saying that there are some butterflies that can weigh about 0.0001 ounce (0.003 grams) this weigh is activity for the more smaller species of butterflies and the largest butterfly species will usually weight about 0.1 ounce (3 grams).

Life span The butterflies that migrate like the monarch and the mourning cloak butterfly these butterflies can live until they are about 6 to 12 months old. There are some butterflies that do not live for a very long time they will only live in their adult

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stage in only for a few days and those butterflies are the coppers and the really small blues. These are the butterflies that that have very short life spans that mean that these butterflies do not live for a very long time. The butterflies that live in tropical ranges usually live much longer they will usually live in just one year, the butterflies that live in lots of places that have temperate climates then they will average life span will only just be in a few weeks or even in a few months. There are some species that can only live in just in a few hours. There are some species that live about 6 to 8 months. The monarch butterfly can live about 4 to 5 weeks but this will usually happen during the spring or in the early summer.

1 interesting factButterflies have special senses that can help them to look for food and a mate they can use their very good senses to help them to look for them and that means that they can use their senses like their sense of sight, touch, smell and they will also use their sense of taste to so these are all of the senses that they need to help them to survive in their national habitat. Their senses can also help them to lay eggs and to find a very good place to lay them to , They will also use their senses to help them to migrate as well and to stay away from very hungry predators. The vision between a butterfly and a moth is that will usually change all the time but they will usually change in different types of stages that will usually happen during their whole lives. The type of senses that a caterpillar has is touch, taste, smell, sound and they also have a sense of light to. A caterpillar will usually use fuzz when they are touching something. (They can also touch things by using their very long hairs that is called tactile setae). This will usually grow holes In their very hard exoskeleton. These are the types of hairs that can be stuck to the nerve cells. They information that they get will usually get sent right up to the brain of the insect. When the Caterpillar turns into a butterfly then they will use their setae that are usually found all over the insects body there is another way how butterflies can feel things and that is by using their antennae this is another way how these butterflies know what is going on in their surrounds and that is also have their feel things that is going on in their habitat. They will usually

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get the information that they get from the wind from when they are flying in the air. Caterpillars have a maxilla that is a really small part that can be found on their mouth and they can also be found underneath the mandible this is where their taste cells are located. These chemical detectors can easily tell which food is right for them to eat and a food that is not right for them to eat. This is a type of tool that helps them with their sense of smell and that is called the antennae and they are known to be very small they can be located right next to the parts that are near their mouths. Butterflies will use their antennae, palps, legs and they will also use so many other different body parts that are known to be studded with the sense receptors this is what they will use when they smell something. They will use their sense of smell for so many different reasons and the activities that they will use their sense of smell so that they can get the flower’s nectar and so that they can get the other food that they eat. But they will usually use their sense to smell to for flower nectar more often than the other food that they eat. They will also use their sense of smell to help them to look for a mate to, when a female is looking for a male she will usually try to smell out his pheromones. In the butterflies feet they have sense organs that can help them to taste the sugar of the nectar that they are looking for. This will let the butterfly know if that food is good for them to eat or if the food can be very bad for them to eat. There are some female butterflies that will like to taste host plants and they can taste it by using the organs that is on their legs so that they can find a very good place to lay their eggs. These bugs have receptors that are called chemoreceptors and these receptor are located in the nerve cells that be found on the surface of their body which will normally will react to these types of chemicals. We have these same receptors to and they are located in our nose and it can also be found on our tongue to. These are the receptors are all located in different parts of the butterflies body. Caterpillars have very good hearing and they can help them to hear very loud sounds and butterflies do not have ears to hear what is going on around them instead of hearing with their ears they will use their wings to hear what is going on in their area. There is another organ that can be found on the butterflies antennae and that is called the Johnston’s organ. They will use this organ to control how they keep their balance and their orientation in check. They will totally will need this when they are flying high up in the sky. This is other way

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how butterflies can tell if a plant is really good for the females to lay their eggs. The way how they can tell is by using their taste sensors which can be located on their feet and when they are standing on top of a leaf then they can easily taste so that they can see if a caterpillar will be able to eat it. There are a lot of butterfly species that do not have the ability to bite or chew their food so they way on how they get to eat their food they will eat their food by drinking it and they will usually drink different types of liquids like sap, juices that they will usually get from the fruit that they eat and there are some species that rather eat fluid that is on a dead animal to. They will also use this skill to help them to eat the nectar which will be found in different types of plants on which they will land on. To help them to eat these liquids then they will use their very long tube like tongue that are called proboscis this kind a acts a lot like a straw they reason why it is like a straw is because it works like one this is how it works it will suck the liquid that it eats that is why this tongue acts like a straw. When they are not using it then it will just coil up just like a garden hose will do. The butterfly that has the largest proboscis is this type of butterfly that is called the Morgan’s sphinx moth. This bug is not really a butterfly it is a moth. You will learn about the difference between a butterfly and a moth in the next chapter but right now let’s just focus on the Morgan’s sphinx moth for right now. The size of the Morgan’s sphinx month proboscis can be bigger than 12 to 14 inches (30 to 35 centimeters) this how deep they will have the get the nectar out of the plant and out of the very deep orchid.

2 interesting factButterflies are one of the most interesting creatures on the planet and they are also known to be one of nature's most greatest wonders that is because of their gentle nature and also because of their very bright colors that is on their wings. There are a lot butterflies that are being used in different types of art and literature that is all being used over the world and they have been interested in lots of different types of cultures that can be found all over the world. Butterflies

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can do so many different thing than moths do that is because their antennae is like a club-like that has a swollen tip on it and a moths antennae are totally feathery. The other difference between a moth and a butterfly is that they all have different colors on them to because on a butterfly their colors are always totally colorful. The colors that are on a moth are a lot different than a butterfly’s colors are that is because moths have only a few brighter colors than a butterfly does and they are mostly white and brown most moths are usually these types of colors and a butterfly are usually colorful than a moth is. A butterfly are usually resting when their are wings are erect and they are being hold together will normally do this when they are resting. When a moth is resting then their wings will be open wide and they will also fold them right over their backs when they are resting they look like a train that is in a wedding dress. The other difference between a moth and a butterfly is that they are both active in different times of the day like a butterfly is mostly active during the day and a moth are usually active when it gets dark out and they will also be attracted to any light forms . The other difference between a butterfly and moth is that they both make their pupas very differently to. A butterflies pupate is an very unsafe chrysalis that will usually be found hanging on a branch or on other objects so that it can support the chrysalis. A moths pupa is a lot different than a butterflies that is because they are being safe inside of a cocoon or in a pupate that will usually be located underneath the ground. The butterfly and the moth all have different ways on how they fly high up in the sky. On the butterflies hindwing have a very large humeral that can be found on both sides of their hindwings. On the moths hindwings are a lot different than a butterfly that is because of the frenulum that is on them which happens to have bristles or spines that can be found on all of their hindwings. There are a lot people that think butterflies have the same appearance and they are also saying that they have the same characteristics as a moth does to. But there are so many different species of butterfly’s that sometimes get mistaken for different types of moths and there are times that moths get mistaken as a butterfly sometimes to. It is known for a fact that there are some butterfly species have more bright colors than a moth does. But there happens to be some exceptions through. There are a lot of people that are having a very hard time to tell the difference between a butterfly and a moth. There are a

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lot people that think that butterflies are a type of moth but that is not true. Here is a very easy way to tell these two insects apart. The butterfly is a lot different than a moth that is because their antennae is a lot longer and a lot more smoother and they are also known to have a rounded part that can be found on their ends. There are some species of moth that can be very hard to tell the difference between them but on their antennae happens to be very feathery. It is also a fact that moths have a lot larger body than a butterfly does. There are a lot moths that can be a lot active when it gets dark out that means that these insects are nocturnal. Butterflies are mostly active during the day. The reason why butterflies are active during the day is because when they get very active then they will start to become even more colorful than moths do. But that is not always true. A person can really tell the difference is when they are resting. When a moth is resting then their wings will start to be flat that will usually go around their bodies There is one thing that they have in common and that is they both change in a chrysalis. But for a moth they do not call it a chrysalis for them it is mostly called a cocoon and it can be very protective when they are inside and then they will start to spin inside of it to. When people are talking about these types of insects then they may use a butterfly and a moth to describe them and all of them are all corrected. There is another thing that moths and butterflies have in common and that is they that both have wings that are very delicate and they are really easy to rip or to tear in just a sample touch. People have to look at these beautiful insects with their eyes not with their sense of touch. The Monarch butterfly can be called different types names to and the other names that some people call them are milkweed butterflies and the wandering butterflies.

3 interesting fact The Monarch butterfly will normally migrate in very large groups. These butterflies can travel for 2,000 miles during the months of August through the month of October. They can travel for a very long time. When they migrate then they can travel to so many different types of places and the places that they fly to is Canada and the United States. These are the types of places where they will go

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but they will have to go when the weather starts to get very hot. When the weather starts to get cold than they will start to migrate into that places are in coastal southern California and they can also travel to the mountains of central Mexico. This was discovered by scientist that lived in Canada who lived in the year of 1975. A female butterfly will normally lay their eggs during the migratory route. This migration can take about three generations for a monarch’s to complete their long trip. There are other species of monarch butterflies that will stay the same group in all of their lives and they will also stay in the same area in all of their lives to. The later generations cannot survive in the really cold winter and that is when the daylight and the temperature start to change and then they will start to migrate into climates that have the right temperate for them. The Monarch butterflies can travel to the west side of the United States so that they can travel to the Rocky Mountains that are in the state of California. This migration goes to the west monarch butterflies and those that live on the east side of the United States than they will normally travel to the Rocky Mountains and travel to the forest native areas that can be found in the mountains that can be located in Mexico. They will normally travel for 6,437 kilometers (4,000 millimeters) and that is a very long round-trip. Butterflies are very good at flying. These bugs have two pairs of wings and they happen to be very large and each of them are all covered with very colorful iridescent scales that can easily overlap into rows. The moth and the butterfly are the only insects in the world that have very scaly wings these are the wings that can help them to fly. The wings are attached to the butterflies’ thorax (mid-section.) The butterfly has veins on them that can give these bugs support for when they are using their wings and the veins also help them with their blood to. The body temperature of a butterfly has to be at less 86 degrees that is only way how butterflies can fly. Butterflies can keep themselves warm during the cold seasons by warming themselves with the sun. When the butterfly starts to grow than their colors will start to change on their wings and the other colors that was on them will start to disappear and then they will start to have an very ragged type of colors . How fast a butterfly goes it really depends on what type of species. The butterflies that are known to be very poisonous they are known to fly very slowly than the ones that are known not to be poisonous at all. The fastest butterflies in the world can fly about 30 miles per

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hour or they can go even faster than that. The butterflies that will often fly very slow they can fly about 5 mph. The butterfly’s wings are actively pretty complex. The main structure for the butterflies wings are activity made out of very small layers that is called chitin. They also have a protein on them that can make up an outer shell that can be all over their body. These layers are so small that you do not even notice see them. These layers are usually covered with thousands of very small and modified that are called scales. These scales are activity how the butterfly gets its colors and the patterns that we usually see on them. If a person ever touch a butterfly’s wings than the scales will start to get very dusty if a person ever touches it. The wings also have lots of different kinds of veins that can carry a lot of blood in them and that has very strong muscles that the butterfly has on their body and these very strong muscles and their blood can help the butterfly to move their wings up and down. The wings will normally move about in a figure "8" that will help the butterfly to move into the air. The Monarch is known to be very dangerous that is because it is known to be very poisonous. When one of their predators wants to eat them than that animal will activity start to get very sick and they will also start to vomit to. (But they will usually never die from this type of poison). All of the animals that normally hunt them will always remember how the coloring of these butterflies helps them to protect themselves from predators and that is how these animals will start to get very sick. Butterflies are very easy to break apart and these insects are known to be very defenseless creatures. These Insects depend on all of their skills that they have to help them that is because so that they can protect themselves from very hungry predators. Butterflies have so many different types of predators that will normally eat them and those animals are different species of birds, reptiles, spider and even other insects will also see them as prey to and the type of insects will normally go after them are wasps, flies, mites and different types of spiders will also go after them and even very small mammals will also try to eat them to. These are the types of predators that will normally kill a butterfly for their prey. There are a lot of species of butterfly that can be very poisonous to other animals. When a predator sees a butterfly like a bird and when the bird wants to eats it than the bird will start to get very sick and it will start to vomit very badly and they learn very quickly is to never eat a butterfly and they learn it very well to.

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Butterflies and moths will also use camouflage to help them to protect themselves from other animals that wants to eat them. Both butterflies and moths are totally amazing at hiding in their surroundings that can be somewhere in their habitat. Their camouflage is so good that it is really hard to know that they are even there especially when they are resting on a branch. There are some species that look like they are leaves that are dead like the Indian leaf butterfly. There are some that look lot like a bark from a tree like the carpenter moth. The monarch butterfly shares their habitat with other creatures to but they are mostly insects and those insects are buckeyes, painted ladies, viceroys, Luna moths, bumblebees and they will also share their land with dragonflies to.

Responding /Life cycle In the butterflies life cycle there can only be just 4 stages that the caterpillar has to go through when they are turning into a butterfly. The first stage that the butterfly will go through is when the female will start to lay her eggs. She will normally lay her eggs 5 to 10 days. The second stage that they will have to go through is that the egg will start to hatch into a very small creature that is called a caterpillar or a larva . The first food that the caterpillar will ever eat will be its egg shell then it will start to eat other different types of food but mostly they will eat leafs to. Then it will start to eat a lot of food and then it will start to go to the next stage which is the time they will start to make a pupa or a chrysalis. When the caterpillar is in the chrysalis then it will no longer eat any food when they are inside of the pupa. Then finally it will be the time for the butterfly to hatch out of the chrysalis this will be the last part of the life cycle will be the butterfly stage which is when they are an adult. The life cycle of a butterfly this will be the last part of the life cycle of a butterfly. The life cycle of a butterfly goes through 4 different stages. The first stage is the egg; the second stage is the larva or a caterpillar. The third stage is when they will start to make a chrysalis and the last stage which happens to be the fourth stage is when they turn into a butterfly. When the caterpillar turns into a butterfly than they are totally a adult now. Every

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single species that is a butterfly will use have different life spans and different ways on how they grow up to be adults. A female monarch butterfly will normally lay about one hundred eggs that is how much a female will lay her eggs. Their life will start to begin on a plant that is called the milkweed leaf. Right after the caterpillar comes out of the chrysalis than it will start to weigh about 1/25th in a inch. For the next two weeks the caterpillar will never stop to eat the leaves that is on top of the plant . To help the caterpillar to grow even more they will normally eat very good plants that can help them with their size and they will normally grow about two inches and they can even grow a lot more when they are born and they will start to weigh more than 2,700 times that is how big they are during their normal birth weight . Then the caterpillar will start to launch itself onto the branch and then it will start to make their chrysalis. The moment that they are inside of their chrysalis then they will be safety protected this will be the time when the metamorphosis will start to happen. The butterfly will start to come out of the chrysalis right after 15 days and then a very beautiful monarch butterfly will start to come out of the chrysalis. Their black and orange striped wings will start to be dry and then they will also start to become very stiffen to. The butterfly will normally wait for a very long time for their wings to come out they will normally wait for an hour for their wings to transform into black and orange stripes . Right after the wings are dried and stiffen then that will be the time when they will start to take their very first flight. Now the butterfly is an adult now that means it can have babies, they will have to travel to every far places so that they look for food that can be found all around their habitat and so that they can migrate to. The number of eggs that a female butterfly will usually have is only a few or even thousands eggs. When they are first hatched out of the egg then they can weigh at least about 0.1 inch ( 3 millimeters) or even smaller than that. There are a lot of different types of butterfly species that will usually grow up in so many different ways than other species do. The egg will start to hatch in 7 days. In 2 or 4 weeks than the egg will start to turn into a caterpillar. They will start to go into the pupa in 1 week or in 4 weeks whatever comes first. There are a lot of species that will usually take about 7 years for this process to work. A life of a butterfly all starts as a very small egg. That is the first stage of an butterflies life. The next stage is when the egg hatches into a larva or a caterpillar

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right after the caterpillar is out of the egg then it will start to eat lots of leaves and flowers they will mostly eat them every single day. When the caterpillar starts to grow then it will start to molt that means it will start to lose their old skin. Right after that stage then it will be in a chrysalis during this time they will do a lot of resting when they are in a chrysalis it can also be called a pupa to. Then this is the very last stage and that is when the caterpillar will transform into a beautiful butterfly during this stage they will stop growing when they are a butterfly. Then that adult will start to continue the life cycle and they will also reproduce later in their lives.

Survival StatusThe future for the butterflies that live in tropical areas that is in hands of the rainforests that they live in. There are a lot of butterfly farms that can be found on every single part of the world. These farms can help keep the butterflies safe but they do not save their rainforest habitats. There are other butterfly species in the world that are known to be less in danger than the ones that live in tropical rainforests. The monarch butterflies are usually found all over their range. But the butterflies that live in places that are in the eastern part of North America during the summer time the population for these butterflies are starting to become very small. In their home range there has been a lot going on that is because they are dealing with lots of dangers like the ones that life in Mexico they have lots of natural disasters that is going on in their home range especially when the winter comes and the other problems for the monarch is that there is not a lot of milkweed planets that are in their summer habitats which often grows a lot over there. This has been a predication that one of the most dangerous threats for a monarch butterfly is the change of the climate like when they are in an area that has lots of wet and cold winters. But that place has to be good enough for the butterfly to dry themselves off. These butterflies will normally survive in temperatures that have to be below freezing. But if they happen to get wet and then the temperature will start to drop that is because the butterfly will start to freeze to death. The reason why they will freeze to death is because there are

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hundreds and millions of monarchs that can be located on a really small area that can be found in Sierra Nevada that is found in Mexico this will normally happen in the winter. If a monarch gets really cold then that will be very terrible for them. That is how they will freeze to death. There are other dangerous threats that the monarch butterfly is facing and the other threats that the monarch is facing is that they are losing their habitats and they are also losing a lot of milkweed but this really depends on the larvae and its survival. The other threats that these insects are going through is that they are also getting into trouble with logging and that is a very big problem today but this mostly happens in Mexico and they are also happening in very protected locations and this is making things hard for the butterflies that live in habitats that have very cold seasons like winter. When the world starts to warm up than that means that their suitable habitat will start to move to northward this makes their migration take a very long time. This also means that they will be forced to live and to produce another generation so that they can reach the north but no one knows why they do that. But there are a few monarch butterflies that can to survive in very long distance trips when they are traveling to Mexico for the winter.

Message from author We must do something to help and to save these amazing animals. These insects need all the help that they can get. Butterflies have the right to continue living on this planet. They are doing their part in nature and we should find a place in nature to. This is a really big planet that is filled with wonders and discoveries that are just waiting to be found. We have to make this planet a safe place for us and for the other creatures that we share it with. This is our beautiful home it deserves to have a second chance to live on for the next generation to come on this planet. There is a big, bright and beautiful future that is what will happen if we find a way to protect our planet. Then our world and our home will be a much happier and a much cleaner place to live in. We have to make room for other living creatures to. God made animals for a reason just like he made us. That is what I know about Butterflies and the other animals that live on this planet to.

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Together we can make a difference in our beautiful planet that we all share. Thank you so much for doing your part. With you reading and enjoying this book. You are helping your favorite animal and its survival in the world. Without your support and love and respect. Your favorite animal will have a chance to make a comeback. This is a huge thank you for helping these great animals and everything else that has to do with nature. Nature it is very important. Without nature our planet will not be so beautiful and full of wonder that can open a person’s eyes to the world that they never will had imagined. Nature thanks you for your support.