Download - BusinessesandInstitutionsNeedHarderWorkingSpacesarchitect. DEC LO RES.pdfcompany logo) in weekly E-News • 2 months in The Communicator, and The Communicator Member of the Month Profile.

Page 1: BusinessesandInstitutionsNeedHarderWorkingSpacesarchitect. DEC LO RES.pdfcompany logo) in weekly E-News • 2 months in The Communicator, and The Communicator Member of the Month Profile.

elcome to my last column of 2008. Ihave so many thoughts fluttering about myhead that I want to just share them all withyou instead of focusing on one topic. Someare about changes taking place at thechamber, while others are answers to someof your questions.Often to improve and offer new

opportunity, it leads to change.First, we’ve moved our luncheons to

various venues around the county. Some ofyou have embraced the change.We wantedto move around the county to give allmembers a better opportunity to attendluncheons. While we understand that theRoute 73 corridor is convenient for some ofyou, it’s not convenient for others. Ourmembership is spread throughoutBurlington County - the largest county in thestate. We also wanted to give our manymember restaurants, hotels and cateringfacilities a chance to host us. We’re hopingthat the new schedule will give everyone achance to join us a few times during thecourse of the year at our monthly luncheons.Secondly, two years ago we re-introduced

The Communicator, as a monthly printednewsletter, which used over 288,000 sheetsof paper annually. We are pleased toannounce that we are going online. Startingwith the January 2009 edition, TheCommunicator will be an online publication.Weare thrilled that not only arewedoingourpart for theenvironment,but you’ll be able tolink directly to the websites of our writers,

President’s Message


8 5 6 - 4 3 9 - 2 5 2 0 B C C O C . C O M 1 0 0 T E C H N O L O G Y W A Y , S U I T E 1 1 0 M O U N T L A U R E L , N J 0 8 0 5 4DE CE MBE R 2 0 0 8 | VOLUME 2 4

Kristi M.Howell-Ikeda


— continued on page 2

A large portion of an organization’soverhead can go into operating their facility.Over the last year, these expenses haveparticularly skyrocketed. With the currenteconomic downturn, good directors knowthey will need to get more, for less, fromtheir workplace.Here are ten strategies to improveproductivity and reduce costs:

• Reorganize the floor plan to createmore efficient & effective interiorlayouts and increase output.


SURVIVING THE ECONOMIC DOWNTURN:Businesses and Institutions Need HarderWorking Spaces

• Install energy saving systems for heatingand lighting, as well as the productionequipment you use.

• Optimize utilization of existing space,and/or strategically add new space.

• Improve the thermal envelope:upgraderoofs, walls, windows, and doors,increasing insulation, reducinginfiltration.

• Reduce transportation costs byrelocating to more accessible core areas,

— continued on page 4

The BCCOC’s The Communicatornewsletter will be created and sent to you ina new, interactive and progressive format -online! The eco-friendly, green, onlineversion will be very much like the printedpublication you have come to enjoy, withthe same monthly features and content,including the list of upcoming Chamberevents. It will even have some newcapabilities will benefit advertisers andmembers that we think you will enjoy.Beginning with our January 2009 edition,look for your issue of The Communicatornot in your mailbox,but in your inbox!

This interactive, online format will offerbigger benefits and exposure toCommunicator advertisers, authors andreaders. Are you a current or “want to be’”advertiser? Starting this January, ads will beinteractive – linking to the company orproduct website and/or email address youinclude in your ad. This will allow the readerto instantly retrieve additional informationabout your company in just one,quick click.

Including a contact email address in yourlatest article?We’re making it even easier forreaders to get in touch with you by linkingyour email address to their email program!

In addition to the interactive features,TheCommunicator will now be designed and

viewed in full color! That meansphotographs and logos submitted forMember News, Events or articles will be incolor as well as advertisements – at noadditional cost! There is no change to howyou will supply images and advertisementsto BCCOC – you will continue to supplyphotos as high resolution .jpg files, ads needto be supplied just as they are now - highresolution .pdf files.

If you want to share your company’sMember News or an article with clients orprospects who may not Chamber members(yet…) you will simply forward them thelink to the newsletter. The potential toexpand your reach,and the online“shelf”lifeof your article, ad or Member News islimitless.

Aside from the addition of greater color,another great feature is the ability to turneach online page with a click of thebutton…look – no paper cuts!

If you would like to advertise in TheCommunicator in 2009, contact BCCOCtoday at (856) 439-2520 – we have a feelingspace will be limited.•

The author,Melissa Siladji is theMarketing andCommunicationsManager at ChameleonAdvertising &Marketing, Moorestown

This is Your Last Issue of The Communicator...In PrintBY MELISSA SILADJI, CHAMELEON ADVERTISING & MARKETING

Page 2: BusinessesandInstitutionsNeedHarderWorkingSpacesarchitect. DEC LO RES.pdfcompany logo) in weekly E-News • 2 months in The Communicator, and The Communicator Member of the Month Profile.


Published Monthly by the BurlingtonCounty Chamber of Commerce


Chameleon Advertising & MarketingMoorestown(856) 722-0080


Good Impressions Printing, Inc.Riverside

(856) 461-3232


BCCOCMarketing Committee

Advertising and ArticleSubmissions Deadline

1st of the Month

100 TechnologyWay, Suite 110Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054Ph (856) 439-2520Fax (856) 439-2523

[email protected]

CommunicatorTHE President’s Message — continued from page 1

sponsors and advertisers (find out more - seearticle on page one).Also, you will see changes to our online

membershipdirectory,calendar of events andregistration process in December. It willprovide you more value and enhance yourlistings,aswell as streamline office operations.We are excited about the changes.We understand that you need to look for

ways to savemoney in these tough economictimes. We have always been cost consciouswhen it comes to our members but we’rethinking about new ways to maximize yourmembership and save youmoney.The cost of our events includes the meal,

dedicated staff, use of a private room andother items. We charge just a bit more thanthe venues charge us.We offer several FREE opportunities for you

to enhance your skills and learn. OurEmployment Practices and MarketingCommittees offer roundtable discussions onthe latest andhottest topics lead by leaders inthe industry. These opportunities areadvertised through e-news and in TheCommunicator. These are small groupswhereyou can ask specific questions and engage in

meaningful dialogue. If you’re interested ineconomic development, join us wherespeakers give 15–20 presentations on currenthappenings in their towns, regions or withspecific businesses and projects. We’ve hadsome of the county’s cutting edge projectsshowcased at those committeemeetings.Tell uswhat youwant! Finally,wewere a bit

disappointed with the results of our recentmembership survey to help us plan for 2009as less than 10% of our members responded.Your company – and their employees - areour members, and we want to hear what youhave to say. What programs and services canwe provide to serve you better? Would youlike to be involved in a committee but thetime isn’t good for you? Do you like listeningto speakers at lunch or would like more timetonetwork? Let us knowandwewill look intochanges.The bottom line is we’re here to serve you

and we want to know how to do that better.So I’mgoing toend2008with this…here’smyemail address [email protected] a line and let me knowwhat we cando to help you get the most out of yourBCCOCmembership. •

Page 3: BusinessesandInstitutionsNeedHarderWorkingSpacesarchitect. DEC LO RES.pdfcompany logo) in weekly E-News • 2 months in The Communicator, and The Communicator Member of the Month Profile.


ReserveTodayLuncheon Sponsorships

Sponsor one of the (only!) nine GeneralMembership Luncheons being held in 2009.How it works:Luncheons are held on the 3rd Wed. of eachmonth with the exception of Jan., April andSept. Luncheons begin with networking at11:45am, followed by lunch, and program at12:15pm. Attendance average: 80 people. Callfor locations and speakers. Cost $450.Benefits Include:• 4 weeks listing your sponsorship (includingcompany logo) in weekly E-News

• 2 months in The Communicator, and TheCommunicator Member of the MonthProfile. Article on your company 300 - 350words in length w/photo or logo. Publishedto coincide with your Sponsorship

• Listing on the BCCOC’s website• At the luncheon a company representativewill have 3 minutes to address the audi-ence about your company’s products andservices.

• Your company banner will be displayed atthe luncheon and you will be able to placeyour promotional materials at each placesetting.

• One complimentary lunch

Please indicate your 1st, 2nd and 3rd preference on the line preceding date

� ___ July 15th,Double Tree,,Mt. Laurel � ___ August 19th, Braddocks,Medford

� ___ October 21st,Deerwood Country Club,Westampton

� ___ November 18th,Double Tree,Mt. Laurel � ___ December 16th, Braddocks,Medford

Contact ____________________________________ Phone ________________________________________

Title ________________________________________ Email ________________________________________

Company __________________________________________________________________________________

Street Address ______________________________________________________________________________

City __________________________________________ State ______________ Zip ____________________



CARDTYPE:� VISA � MC � AMEX � CARD#: __________________________________________________________

EXP.DATE: __________________________________________SECURITY CODE: __________________________________

CARD BILLING STREET ADDRESS ________________________________________________________________________

CITY _______________________________________________________ STATE ___________ ZIP____________________

CARD HOLDER'S NAME ___________________________________ SIGNATURE __________________________________

Sponsorships are available on a first-come first serve basis and limited to one per lunch and one percompany within a 12 month period. Sponsorships not booked at least 60 days in advance are not

guaranteed placement in advertising and are not final until availability has been verified and approved byChamber office. Payment must accompany your reservation to guarantee placement.

100 TechnologyWay, Suite 110,Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054Ph (856) 439-2520 Fax (856) 439-2523



Pro Computer Service - staff and growth are the keyPro Computer Service, LLC (PCS),

headquartered in Medford, is this month’sfeatured member.PCS was founded in 2001by Anthony Mongeluzo, and has alreadygrown into a company that employeesover 15 full time staff with sales overtwo million dollars.PCS provides a singlesource offering of IT services to businessand residential clients located in NJ, PA,DE,MD,NY and worldwide with remoteaccess support.

For the past two years PCS has beennoted as the fastest growing IT companyin the Tri-State area by both ThePhiladelphia Business Journal andNJBiz Journal. In September of 2008,company president, Anthony Mongeluzo,was awarded the prestigious 40 under 40award by The NJBiz Journal and was theyoungest member of his class.

Earlier in 2008, Mongeluzo was alsohonored by the Burlington CountyChamber of Commerce as the recipient of

their New Voice of Business award.Mongeluzo commented, “The BurlingtonCounty Chamber of Commerce has beensuch an important part of our growth and

networking relationships. This chamber Ihold near and dear to my heart as they havesupported PCS since 2004 when we wereonly a 3 employee business.” PCS has wonnumerous other awards such as the Philly100, South Jersey 25, New Jersey Finest 50,and Mongeluzo attributes these honors tothe dedication of his team.“Most of the PCS

team has been together for well over twoyears,my team is dedicated,knowledgeable,and a big part of our growth and success.”commented Mongeluzo. Pro Computer

Service also has a full service customsoftware and web division in house toaccommodate their 2,600 clients.

When it comes to the community,PCSgives back by helping local rotaryorganizations and the YMCA. AnthonyMongeluzo is also giving back byserving as President of the College ofBusiness Alumni Board at RowanUniversity. Which is a position he ishonored and humbled to hold since

graduating from the University in 2002.Mongeluzo adds,“The community support,our customers, our talented team, and justso many people have supported PCS andmy vision for so many years. I’m grateful foreverything and proud that PCS is thismonth’s member spotlight in BCCOC’sCommunicator.”•

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Employment Practices, and MarketingCommittees presented roundtablediscussions on various topics of interest.TheEconomic Development Committee alsopresented quarterly forums on such topicsas the housing market and COAHregulations. The Government AffairsCommittee presented breakfasts withSenate Majority Leader Stephen Sweeneyand our County Freeholders as well as theThird Congressional District CandidatesForum, enabling members to speak withtheir current and future elected officials.TheMarketing Committee presented theChamber’s annual media day,Using Media inan Online World.The Community RelationsCommittee coordinated our member’sparticipation as a Chamber team for theUnited Way Day of Caring as well as anemergency preparedness seminar forbusinesses.

Our larger events were all very successful.The Voice of Business dinner attracted arecord turnout. The Women’s BusinessForum brought over 100 women togetherto network and learn how to sharpen their

business skills. TheAnnual Committee of 50dinner brought in a sizable audience to hearrenowned real estate economist JeffOutteau give us a glimpse into the future ofthe real estate market. Our annual BusinessExpo featured a new component—-threeworkshops on topics to help you grow yourbusiness.

In addition to all of these successfulevents and meetings, the Chamber held itsmonthly Breakfast Before Business andBusiness After Business programs, offeringnumerous networking opportunities. Weeven expanded our networking functions toinclude joint programs with The BuildersLeague of South Jersey and the NationalAssociation of Women Business Owners –South Jersey.

The Chamber truly has much to offer itsmembers.To learn more, visit Ifyou’re a current member and you know of aprospective member, ask about our newincentive program for new memberreferrals. •

Chairman's Message

uring mytime as yourChairman of theBoard, I wasfrequently askedby prospectivemembers whatthe Chamber canoffer them, andwhy they shouldbecome involved.

A quick review of 2008 very clearly answersthose questions.

The speakers at our monthly generalmembership luncheons touched on avariety of important topics, includinglegislative initiatives and their potentialimpact on the business community; thestate of the economy; occupational healthand safety; smart growth; and generatingcash flow for your business.

The Chamber’s Economic Development,

Richard Pokrass


with available utilities, highways,workers, and support services.

• Use more efficient or waterlessplumbing fixtures to reduce water use.Cut back on irrigation.

• Reconsider solar and wind orientationof entries and building mass. Plantlandscaping to passively shade andprotect structure.

• Upgrade finish materials to reducemaintenance.

• Reduce the incidence and fear of crimeusing (Crime Prevention ThroughEnvironmental Design (CPTED)principles.

• Better signage & graphics can facilitateexterior/interior traffic, and sharpenyour profile.

Before investing in any of these tactics,theinitial costs of capital improvements willhave to be weighed against the costreductions. Then calculate your paybackperiod.Thereafter, the savings will continueindefinitely. •

ReganYoung is the principal of RYEBREADArchitects,Mt.Holly,and amember of BCCOC’sEconomic Development Committee.

— continued from page 1

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By helping them avoid theminefields in labor andemployment law.

Successfully serving business clients means being able toput together all of the pieces in a constantly changing puzzle.At Capehart Scatchard, we’re proud of the reputation we’ve earned for protecting employers’ interestswith skill and honesty.We know that the constantly evolving statutes and regulations governing family and medical leave, work-ers with disabilities, harassment, discrimination, wrongful termination and even workers’ compensationcan be a minefield for unsuspecting and even well-informed employers.By championing employers’ rights, we’ve been helping to shape our clients’ success with vigorous andinnovative legal representation for more than 130 years.Our strong client relationships demonstrate our ability to protect our clients. And have positioned us toeffectively handle all of our clients’ legal needs.

We protect employers.

Mt. Laurel, NJ – 856.234.6800 • Trenton, NJ – 609.394.2400 •

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December 5thQuarterly Economic Development Forum-Transportation ForumSPONSOR

Learn about the current and future transportation plans for the County!Topics:New Jersey Department of Transportation UpdateDavid Kuhn,Executive Director, Capital Investment StrategiesDiscover the future plans for the Transportation Fund and generaltransportation projects.Delaware Valley Regional Planning CommissionBarry Seymour,Executive Director, Delaware Valley Regional Planning CommissionLearn about the current regional transportation issues, including funding needsin our region.County of BurlingtonJoseph B. Donnelly Deputy Director Board of Chosen FreeholderLearn about the current transportation plans taking place in Burlington County.New Jersey TransitVivian E. Baker, Assistant Director,Transit Friendly Land Use and Development, New Jersey TransitHear about the current plans for the RiverLine and some other initiatives NewJersey Transit is working on to enhance the land use/transit connection.Location:The Enterprise Center at BCC3331 Route 38, Mount LaurelTime:8:00 am Registration, Continental Breakfast, Networking8:30 Program and Q&A11:00 AdjournCost:$25 Members • $30 Prospective Members & Guests*Deadline to Register:December 3rd

December 9thBusiness After BusinessHOST

Join us for networking, refreshments and more!Location:AAA Mid-AtlanticLarchmont Commons Shopping Center3115 Rt.38, Suite 150, Mount LaurelTime:5:30 – 7:30 pmCost:FREE to Members • $10 Prospective Members & Guests*Deadline to Register:December 5th

December 17thGeneral Membership LuncheonSPONSOR

Speakers:Colonel Balan Ayar, 305 Mobility Wing Commander, Air Force Base McGuireand Colonel Ronald Thaxton, Installment Officer, US Army, Fort DixLocation:Braddocks39 South Main Street, MedfordTime:11:45 am Networking12:15 pm Lunch and ProgramCost:$30 Members • $40 Prospective Members & Guests*Deadline to Register:December 15th

Events: December & January

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bccoc.comRegister for BCCOC events using the form on page 12, or online(calendar of events) at

January 13thBreakfast Before BusinessHOST

Join us for networking, refreshments and more!Location:Laurel Corporate Center6000 Midlantic Drive, Mount Laurel(rear entrance, lower level)Time:8:00 – 9:30 amCost:FREE to Members • $10 Prospective Members & Guests*Deadline to Register:January 12th

January 28thAnnual Installation & Recognition DinnerJoin us as we say install our 2009 officers and say “Thank you” to ourmembers for making 2008 a success!Location:Riverton Country Club1416 Highland Avenue, Cinnaminson, NJTime:5:30 pm Cocktails and Networking6:30 pm Dinner and ProgramNew this year, join us for the Dessert ReceptionLook for your invitation coming soon.

* Prospective members and guests must be pre-registered; we areunable to accommodate non-member walk-ins at the door.

—COMPLETE, CHOOSE YOUR DATE SELECTION ANDMAIL OR FAX (856-439-2523) THIS FORM—Breakfast before Business are booked in advance on a first come first served basis.

Members must be in good standing to be considered. Limit of one B-Before-B event annually.


’09 BREAKFAST BEFORE BUSINESS 8:00 am – 9:30 am� July 14th � Aug.11th � Sept. 15th � Nov.10th � Dec.8th

Event Location __________________________________________________________________________

Contact ____________________________________ Phone __________________________________

Title ________________________________________ Email __________________________________

Phone ________________________________________ Fax __________________________________

Company ______________________________________________________________________________

Street Address __________________________________________________________________________

City __________________________________________ State ______________ Zip________________

100 TechnologyWay, Suite 110,Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054Ph (856) 439-2520 Fax (856) 439-2523

2009 BREAKFAST BEFORE BUSINESS HOST SIGN-UPSign up now to host one of our Breakfast before Business Card Exchanges

You provide the location, food and beverages, the Chamber staff and memberswill provide a great networking event for you and your business.

Benefits Include:Advertising: 4 weeks listing your sponsorship (including company logo) in weekly

E-News, 2 months in The Communicator, and inclusion onBCCOC’s website.Direct-to-Member-Promotion: At the event a company representative will have 3minutes to address the audience about your company’s products and services.The

Communicatoris going green



The new, interactive version ofour newsletter is coming nextmonth - call to be a part of it,and show off your company's

commitment to green!

Page 8: BusinessesandInstitutionsNeedHarderWorkingSpacesarchitect. DEC LO RES.pdfcompany logo) in weekly E-News • 2 months in The Communicator, and The Communicator Member of the Month Profile.


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FitnessTogether110 Marter Ave, Suite 411, Moorestown856-778-3700A personal training

Key Coaching Associates24763 East Main Street, Columbus609-298-0634Key Coaching Associates partners withindividuals and companies to design andfacilitate processes that enable our clients todevelop the substantial competitive advantagethey will need to succeed in the future.

The Boost! CompanyP.O. Box 204, Riverside856-461-1000Boost! is a beverage syrup developed in 1913by Ben Faunce. The Company alsomanufactures premium slushie


This month we welcome memberswho joined us in November.

Members in the NewsDavid R.Dahan Named to the NJ Biz“Forty Under 40”List

Parker McCay shareholder, David Dahan, wasrecently named to the NJBiz 2008 “Forty Under40” list. The “Forty Under 40” list recognizes younghigh-achievers who have chosen to build theircareers in New Jersey. Mr. Dahan concentrates hispractice in the areas of Commercial Transactionsand Litigation; Franchise Distribution andLicensing Transactions and Litigation; IntellectualProperty; Construction Litigation; andCondominium and Homeowner Association Law.He earned his law degree from Temple UniversitySchool of Law and received a bachelor’s degreefrom Temple University. He is admitted to practicelaw in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and before theU.S. Supreme Court, U.S. District Court for theDistrict of New Jersey, and U.S. District Court for theEastern District of Pennsylvania.

Two Award-Winning South JerseyMarketing Agencies CombineTalentsto Offer Expanded Services to theRegion’s Businesses

Chameleon Advertising & Marketing, a full-service marketing communications firm located inMoorestown, and Reggie Scott & Associates (RSA),an interactive design and web development agencylocated in Bridgeton, announce their companies’merger effective January 1, 2009.The merger bringstogether two of South Jersey’s most talentedagencies, combining Chameleon’s award-winningstrategic advertising and marketing capabilitieswith RSA’s interactive media expertise.

“With Scott’s deep knowledge of interactivemedia and integrated advertising acrosscommunication channels, we will continue toaccelerate our ability to offer leading-edgestrategies, create and implement them. Thisconfirms our commitment to our clients to keeppace with the ever-evolving opportunities ofinteractive marketing,” said Marina Pino-Unland,president and creative director of ChameleonAdvertising & Marketing.

Reginald Scott, Jr., owner and creative director ofReggie Scott & Associates, adds: “I havecollaborated with the Chameleon team on a widevariety of projects for over 15 years, and I amlooking forward to seeing the incredible results ourpartnership will bring to all of our clients.”

The company will be called ChameleonAdvertising & Marketing, and will remain inMoorestown.

Apex IT Group Appoints MelissaCaruso Solutions Consultant

Apex IT Group, a fast-growth proactive technologymanagement solutions provider delivering expertiseto maximize and enhance business applications,reports the appointment of Melissa Caruso to theposition of Solutions Consultant, effectiveimmediately. Caruso brings more than a decade ofexpertise in the IT field to Apex IT Group. Caruso hasplayed instrumental leadership and managementroles in a targeted portfolio of IT projects, includingperformance for a Silicon Valley based networksupport company providing network consultation forsmall and medium sized businesses. “We arethrilled to welcome Melissa Caruso to the Apex ITGroup team,” reports Robert Marziano, CEO of ApexIT Group. “Ms. Caruso brings to our clients herexpertise and understanding of the IT infrastructuresthat power today’s small and medium sizedbusinesses, as well as her strong work ethic andattention to client service and support.”

NewAttorney Joins Trenton OfficeMt. Laurel, Capehart Scatchard is pleased to

announce Michael W. Kulakowski, Esq. has recentlyjoined the Firm’s Regulatory and GovernmentalAffairs Department in its Trenton office. Mr.Kulakowski, a Philadelphia resident, representsprivate and public sector clients in all aspects offederal, state and municipal civil litigation and stateadministrative matters. He will focus his practice onenvironmental law, municipal government, land use(including Pinelands development, municipal landuse approvals, and condemnation) and commerciallitigation. He will also represent software companiesin contracts and litigation matters.

Mr. Kulakowski received his law degree fromRutgers University School of Law in Camden, hisB.S. degree from Penn State and his M.S. degreefrom University of Oregon. He is admitted to practicelaw in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Mr. Kulakowskiis a member of the American Bar Association.

JimHarte Recognized asTechnologyLeader in 2008The CPATechnologyAdvisor 40 Under 40

The program spotlights young professionals whoare actively who are actively bringing technologyimprovements to the account and tax fields.Honorees exemplify the leadership qualitiesnecessary for the ongoing success of the professionfor which technology integration is critical. The CPATechnology Advisor provides independenttechnology reviews, implementation strategies andadvice fro small and mid-sized professional tax andaccounting practices.

Jim combines his passions for technology andsound business practices to help clients managetheir businesses more efficiently and lessexpensively by leveraging appropriate technology. •

Send yourMember News,announcements,new hires or awards (100wordmaximumplease) to communicator

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It is that time ofyear again when

managers are presented with the dauntingand time-consuming task of completingperformance appraisals.This undertaking isusually coupled with questions frommanagement as to why evaluations arenecessary. Employees often wonderthemselves.

Employee performance appraisals are animportant tool in any organization if usedproperly.

For instance, evaluations may be used to:• assess an employee’s skills• pinpoint areas for improvement• access performance over time• provide a basis for promotion, training

and professional development• justify compensation or disciplinary

decisions; and select personnel for areduction-in-force

An effective performance evaluationsystem should include objective criteriadirectly related to the assessment of the



Completing Accurate and Effective Performance EvaluationsBY CHRISTINE V. BONAVITA, ESQUIRE

essential functions and necessaryqualifications for each position. Behavior-oriented traits should be evaluated, notpersonality traits.

When completing evaluations, managersshould be mindful of focusing on the entireperiod of review, not just the most recentpast or one incident. Care should also betaken to avoid “grade inflation” by ratingemployees higher than warranted in aneffort to motivate them. Furthermore, thereview should be based on factual data, notgeneral opinions about an individual.

Following the completion of theevaluation the next step (which can oftenbe the most difficult), is communicating theassessment to the employee. Managers areurged to be honest with employees abouttheir performance.Specific information anddetails should be provided rather thangeneralizations. When assessing negativequalities, an emphasis should be placed onmethods for improvement when possible.For example, an “action plan” with welldefined goals and timelines should bedeveloped to assist an employee in

achieving performance goals.It is also important that management not

do all of the talking during the performancemeetings. Part of the evaluation discussionshould include an opportunity for theemployee to respond to issues raised in themeeting and to express interests inpromotion and career development. Theemployee should also be required to signthe evaluation, acknowledging his or herreceipt and understanding of the document.

Although many organizations onlyrequire annual performance appraisals,informal feedback throughout the year isencouraged. This is important to correctsubstandard performance when it occurs,rather than months later during the annualappraisal. Finally, on-going feedback alsotakes the element of surprise out of asituation when the poor performanceresults in disciplinary action or dismissal. •

The author Christine V.Bonavita,Esquire is apartner at Blank Rome,LLP.Mrs.Bonavita isalso an activemember of the EmploymentPractices Committee. •

The BCCOC has added anotherbenefit to yourmembership!

Member to MemberDISCOUNTS

Reach out to prospects by offering adiscount through the Burlington CountyChamber of Commerce’s Member to

Member Discount Program.

Take this opportunity to supply andobtain benefits and discounts from

Chamber members.

It’s easy!Just follow the these steps below:

• Submit your company’s discount,coupon or wording to Monique [email protected] couponsneed to be in jpeg format.• Supply us with your logo and url

Search for discounts online on

Annual DinnerSponsorship and Advertising Opportunities

TABLE SPONSORIncludes 10 TICKETS at a reserved table, and company name and logo

will be in the Year in Review program book $750

DINNER SPONSORIncludes TWO TICKETS; your corporate logo on the invitation, half page ad in the Year in Review

program book and display of logo on dinner banner $500 (Limit five)

RECEPTION SPONSORIncludes ONE TICKET, display of logo on reception banner, quarter page ad in the Year in Reviewprogram book, company name and logo will be promoted in the Chamber’s Annual Installation

Dinner printed marketing materials $350

� � � NEWSPONSORSHIP POST EVENT,DESSERT RECEPTION SPONSOR� � �Includes ONE TICKET, logo on the invitation, logo on reception signage and recognition in the Year in

Review program booklet. $250

YEAR IN REVIEWPROGRAMBOOKADVERTISING RATES� Inside Front Cover $350 (8W x 10.5h) � Whole Page $200 (8W x 10.5h)

� Half Page $100 (8W x 5.125h) � Quarter Page $75 (4W x 2.562h)


NEW!TheYear in Review!The Annual Dinner’s program book will have ads and photos from 2008!

Page 11: BusinessesandInstitutionsNeedHarderWorkingSpacesarchitect. DEC LO RES.pdfcompany logo) in weekly E-News • 2 months in The Communicator, and The Communicator Member of the Month Profile.


Page 12: BusinessesandInstitutionsNeedHarderWorkingSpacesarchitect. DEC LO RES.pdfcompany logo) in weekly E-News • 2 months in The Communicator, and The Communicator Member of the Month Profile.

Event Registration



CARDTYPE: � VISA � MC � AMEX � CARD#: ____________________________________________________________ EXP.DATE: __________ SECURITY CODE: ________

CARD BILLING ADDRESS _____________________________________________________________ CITY ____________________________ STATE ______ ZIP ________________

CARD HOLDER'S NAME___________________________________________________ CARD HOLDER'S SIGNATURE ____________________________________________________





Event Registration Policy: Guests are welcome to all Chamber events. Business casual attire is welcome at most events. Registration is required for all events. Occasionally we can still accept registrations after thedeadline date. However, registrations made less than 3 business days prior to the event will be charged the non-member fee. Cancellations must be made no later than 2 business days prior to the event to avoidthe event charge, unless otherwise specified. Non-members must pay in advance for all events.


To register for BCCOC events: fax this form to 856-439-2523;mail to 100 TechnologyWay,Suite 110,Mount Laurel,NJ 08054 OR go online to (calendar of events).

COMPANY NAME__________________________________________________________ CONTACT NAME ____________________________________________________________

STREET ADDRESS___________________________________________________________________ CITY ____________________________ STATE ______ ZIP ________________

PHONE ________________________________________ EMAIL ____________________________________________________� YES,BCCOCMEMBER (M) � NON-MEMBER (NM)

� DECEMBER 5 Quarterly Economic Development Forum � BCCOCMEMBER $25.00 � PROSPECTIVE MEMBER $30.00ATTENDEE 1)______________________________________________ 2)___________________________________________3)____________________________________________

� DECEMBER 9 Business After Business � BCCOCMEMBER FREE � PROSPECTIVE MEMBER $10.00ATTENDEE 1)______________________________________________ 2)___________________________________________3)____________________________________________

� DECEMBER 17 General Membership Luncheon � BCCOCMEMBER $30.00 � PROSPECTIVE MEMBER $40.00ATTENDEE 1)______________________________________________ 2)___________________________________________3)____________________________________________

� JANUARY 13 Breakfast Before Business � BCCOCMEMBER FREE � PROSPECTIVE MEMBER $10.00ATTENDEE 1)______________________________________________ 2)___________________________________________3)____________________________________________