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Page 1: Business report



Report Business Final Project


Bryan Teh 0318590

Darren Loong (A) 0318029

Ong Min Junn (L) 0317767

Tristan Yu 0317729

Woo Shir Ley 0317732

Page 2: Business report

A. Executive Summary

Ti Ratana Welfare Society is our main aim and objective to raise funds for it. Setting up a

business, we had to analyse our target market which includes students and lecturers of

Taylor’s University and approach them to sell our product

We sell food based products which includes a variety of choices which suits the Malaysian

taste together with a reasonable price. To obtain a high amount of donation, sponsors and

donation had to be approached and we had to promote our products efficiently to ensure

that we have more customers.

All our products does not contribute to polluting the nature but in fact everything is

recyclable. Finally at the end, we donated a large sum towards the organisation and

everything went smoothly.

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B. Objectives

a. Charity Organisation

The targeted organization that our group will be donating to is the Ti Ratana Welfare Society.

The organization is a sanctuary for those is need, including people of all ages, regardless of

race or creed. It provides shelter and education to the underprivileged through certain

centers such as home for the elderly, orphanage home, home for the handicapped and even

for women in need.

The organization itself is a non-profit organization that seeks to help the society. It requires

external funding to support the society so therefore, it is our main reason to donate the profit

earned to this organization to aid and support them in their actions.

b. Objectives to Be Accomplished

Our group has targeted a total amount of RM 3000 at the start of the Charity Drive week as

our main target and motivation. We believe that such an amount is acquirable and it will help

the organization as stated.

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C. Target Market

Our customers are mostly student as our booth are set up in Student Life Centre

located in Taylor’s University Lakeside Campus. Apart from that, there are also lecturers as

our customers and not forgetting, workers that are working in Taylor’s University and also

partly, parents and visitors. we all knows that student in Taylor’s University are assigned with

tons of assignments and also work and most of them were rushing either to discussion

meeting or rushing to class therefore neglected the time to have their lunch or even breakfast.

Therefore, we took this opportunity to offer something that is practical and easy. We offered

nasi lemak that are packed in a plastic container so that customers could take it anywhere

and only eat it when they are free without any hassle. Our packaging are sealed firmly and

tight to prevent any spilling. Students normally demand for something that are fulfilling and

also most importantly, cheap. Due to the student’s spending power around not more than

RM10.00 for a meal after some survey, we decided to sell our Nasi Lemak Ayam Rendang at

the price of RM5.00 and also fried maggi at RM3.00. We have set up a nice portion that would

satisfy our customers, not too much, not too little. Through this, we have grabbed many

business and sales. Secondly, choki-choki and Famous Amos cookies are offered also because

as a student myself, sometimes we might need something to chew or something to eat to

keep us up wide awake in lectures and we thought that these two products are pretty ideal

to sell. Whereby for the cordials, everyone need refreshments. Especially in a hot weather

like Malaysia.

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D. Competition Analysis

Our 2 main competitors would be a group led by Lovie Tey that are located directly opposite

our booth and also Group lead by Carol which have a booth that are located right beside us.

Lovie’s group are selling Onigiri and Carol’s group are selling ice cream, ice cream float, boiled

egg in tea and also cans drinks such as Sprite and also Coca-Cola. The reason we would say

they are our main competitors because they have their ability or strength to grab our sales

and also grab attention of customers away. For the group which is selling Onigiri, they are

easy to sell because there products is very convenient for the customers to have it and also

they offers varieties of flavours for their Onigiri. Onigiri are freshly sealed and packed and it

is also very delicious to consume for only RM5.00. For Carol’s group, they had an ice cream

refrigerator to store their ice-cream and also a big can drink refrigerator and I guess that is

where they grabbed the attention of the customers. Ice Cream floats offered by them are

really a good products to be sell as it is very refreshing to consume especially under a hot

weather in Malaysia. Other than that, the herbal tea eggs they offered has a very obvious

smell which actually smells good and can be smell even from a very far distance away.

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E. Product and Packaging


a. Products Sold

Plain nasi lemak, nasi lemak ayam rendang, fried maggi, fried meehoon, Famous Amos

chocolate chip cookies, Choki-Choki (a type of chocolate) and cordial drinks.

b. Features and Benefits

Most types of food that are sold are suitable to the market because it is Malaysian’s common

food, nasi lemak and even fried meehoon are suitable for breakfast and even lunch as well.

The food are self-prepared daily to ensure an original taste without any preservatives and

additional flavouring. With a suitable serving, delicious and reasonable price, people are tend

to buy it. Food are prepared daily early in the morning to ensure freshness and customer



a. Packaging of Products

i. Nasi lemak, fried meehoon and fried maggi.

The following type of food are packaged in plastic containers to ensure proper

packaging in order for the insides to not flow out. This proper package will ensure a

clean packaging instead of the usual banana leaf wrap which can cause messiness.

ii. Famous Amos chocolate chips cookie

The cookies obtained are in large packets and needs to be repacked into smaller

packets. We repacked the cookies into sealed plastic packets with about 8 cookies in

each packet. The packaging is simple and cost-effective.

iii. Cordial

The drinks are packaged into simple plastic cups with a cover on top. Cost efficient and


iv. Choki-Choki

Does not require any packaging as it is readily packaged when bought.

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b. Attraction of Packaging

The packaging will attract customers because all of the packaging are transparent, allowing a

clear view for all customers to look into what they are interested to buy. With a simple

packaging and a clear view of the food, customers need not worry about anything and they

are able to carry about as the food prepared are readily available and convenient to carry


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F. Pricing

a. Product Unit Cost Price and Unit Selling Price

b. Product Popularity

During the Charity Drive event, the best-selling product was the nasi lemak ayam rending.

Most customers found that the nasi lemak was delicious and it was worth the price they were

paying. The nasi lemak includes ayam rendang, potatoes, anchovies, roasted peanuts and a

hard-boiled egg. The price remained constant throughout the week to ensure customer

satisfaction. Since it was already profitable, it does need to have a drop or raise in price.

c. Marketing Strategies

Most products sold are suitable for breakfast and lunch. Customers would automatically

approach our booth to check out our Nasi Lemak, Fried Maggi and Fried Mee Hoon as they

are preferred products for their breakfast. We would reach our booth way before the charity

drive event started, which is 10am, so that we can sell off those three products quickly.

Once the main products are sold off by lunch time, we focus on selling our cookies, Choki-

Choki and cordials. Apart from that, we had sets that tied the main products with our cordials

and cookies for a cheaper price, hence being able to attract more customers.

Product Unit Cost Price (RM) Unit Selling Price (RM)

Nasi Lemak Ayam Rendang 2.50 5.00

Nasi Lemak Biasa 1.10 2.00

Maggi Goreng 1.40 3.00

Fried Mee Hoon 1.20 3.00

Choki-Choki (Per Stick) 0.25 1.00

Choki-Choki (Per Packet) 1.30 5.00

Famous Amos Cookies 1.10 4.00

Cordial 0.90 2.00

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G. Promotion

a. Marketing Message

‘Lift a Hand, Light a Heart’ is our main marketing message as we intend to raise funds for the

Ti Ratana Welfare Society. By helping in raising funds, we are able to improve lives of others

as well and not just having profit for the sake of it. Customers as well will be more willing to

buy our products as long as they know that the profit made are all contributed towards charity


b. Promotion Tools

i. Hand-produced posters

Hand-produces posters are a great way to deliver the wanted message across many

customers in a short amount of time. As posters are designed with large and short

sentences, customers are able to receive the message in an instant instead of

explaining or persuading each customer one-by-one. Hand-produced posters are cost

efficient as well rather than printing it out large A3 boards.

ii. Face-to-Face Conversations

Face-to-face conversations are a direct way to approach customers, thus persuading

customers to purchase our products will be much easier compared to an indirect way

of approaching customers. By meeting face-to-face, it allows us to persuade our

customers as well as allowing customers to have a look at the product they are

purchasing. Approaching customers in this way is the best way among other ways

throughout the entire Charity Drive week.

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H. Sponsors

a. Approached Sponsors

Our group has approached different sponsors in hope of getting a few but all of them failed

except from each member’s parents.

b. Reason for Approaching Stated Sponsors

Most of our parents have a wider range of contacts and are closer to certain suppliers. It

would be easier for our parents to approach certain sponsors and to persuade them for

supplies. Apart from that, our parents are much more willing to help sponsor compared to

any others. They aid in providing services such as cooking and transporting our main products,

nasi lemak, fried maggi and fried meehoon, to our stall in campus.

c. Method of Approaching

i. Face-to-Face Meetings

We approach our parents directly in person to request sponsorship from that. With

this method, Darren Loong, one of the group’s member, has managed to receive a

sponsorship of Famous Amos cookies in terms of cash and even the ingredients for

nasi lemak which includes the cooking services

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I. Distribution

a. Sales Location

Our stall is located in front of the Student Life Centre of Taylor’s University Lakeside Campus

and around campus as we carry food around campus to be sold as well

b. Transportation of Products

Most of our products except for the cordials are delivered fresh daily from Darren’s house

early in the morning. As all products are packaged properly and without any mess, it is simple

to transport it around

Cordials are made daily in campus as well and are transported to the stall. Kept in ice boxes,

the drinks are easily transported to the stall.

c. Delivery Time

It takes very minimal time for the customers to obtain the products they have bought as all

products are packaged individually and are ready to be taken on the spot. Our stall sold food

with a grab-and-go concept, thus only time needed was only for payment.

d. Number of customers

With an average of 100 packets of a mixture of nasi lemak, fried maggi and fried meehoon,

we have at least an average of 100 customers each day considering that we still have

customers that buy our cookies and cordial separately.

e. Other Methods of Ordering

Via phone; customers can always call our lines and inform us about their interested products

and we will deliver it to them considering that they are within campus’ boundaries.

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J. Green Measures

a. Environmentally-Conscious Manner

b. Environment-Friendly Product Packaging

Before starting up this business, we have discussed about the materials used for our product

packaging that is disposable so that it does not bring harm to the environment. Our target is

to reduce minimal waste created in order to encourage using packaging that is recyclable

I. Packaging for nasi lemak, mee goreng, meehoon for the customer are using plastic

container that is easily disposable and recyclable

II. Plastic cups and straw is use for drinks packaging that is recyclable as well.

III. Reduction in usage of plastic bag. Instead we only use plastic bags when costumer

requests for it. In such way, we can reduce the way of disposing non-renewable waste.

IV. Usage of corrugated board that is reusable and recyclable material to beautify our

stall. After this charity event, corrugated boards are kept for further purposes, thus

saving the material

V. Plastic hand glove to ensure cleanliness and recyclable easily.

c. Reduction of Carbon Footprint

We reduce the number of plastic bags used for customers. In addition, we walk around

campus to sell food instead of using transportation services to deliver our products to people.

Our food does not require refrigeration unlike most stalls requires electrical appliances to

store their food or keep their food fresh or chilled.

We were strictly concern about the usage of disposable material and packaging in this project.

Our objective is to protect and improvement of the health of the environment by reducing

usage of non-renewable resources, particularly as the measure for this health seeks to

incorporate the concerns of non-human elements. Making a difference of preservation,

restoration and/or improvement of the natural environment, and may be referred to as a

movement to control pollution or protect plant and animal diversity.[1] For this reason,

concepts such as hazardous effects and disposing products that is non-renewable figure


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d. Waste Management

The product wastes such as plastic container, cups and straw after being use and throw into

the 3R bin which is Recycle, Reuse and reduce bins provided around the campus. Customer

can simply easily throw into it, and all these waste will be taken to the recycling centre where

they are sorted by type and sometimes colour. They are crushed together and formed into a

huge cube or bale. The bales of plastic are shipped to a plastic processing plant. Then, the

plastic is broken apart and shredded into flakes or pallets and then cleaned. The flakes or

pellets are shipped to manufacturers of plastic goods. The manufacturer melts the plastic

flakes or pallets down for moulding into new products again.

e. Measures Taken to Reduce Consumption of Resources

I. Usage of plastic bags only when required

II. Electricity usage for electrical appliances is minimal

III. Our products does not require much washing therefore reduces water usage

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K. Human Resource Planning

- Monitor day-to-day of advertising

- Advertising through social media:


(2)research and sales/promotion

- Organize details of information around stall

- Coordination of advertising our food

• - Maximize the selling of food - display efficiency in gathering customer

feedback - sales strategy to attract customers - maintains quality service towards the


• Overall responsibility for the successful initiation, planning, design, execution, monitoring, controlling and closure of a project.

• Delegation work to every group members, dealing with problems and decision making on the project

• Responsibilities can include analyzing : - accounting records - developing budgets - profit earn and loss - expenses used to achieve financial goals

Roles of

Group members

Ong Min Junn

(Project Manager)

Darren Loong


Woo Shir Ley

& Bryan Teh (Sales Executives)

Tristan Yu



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L. Evaluation of Results

a. Profit & Loss Report

(Refer to Excel Spreadsheet, Charity Drive Accounting Report)

b. Merits and Mistakes

i. Merits

Understand who is our customers - One vital part of our successful business marketing is

understanding who our ideal customer is. It's not enough to create a marketing budget and

try a little bit of everything. We did survey to identify who are we trying to reach, where we

can easily find them and how they will react to our marketing activities.

Set a goal - We set our goal to reach at least minimum rm500 profit each day in a week in

order to reach rm2500 profit. Therefore, we make sure that our food finished selling everyday

to ensure that we can reach our target goal sells for each day and we did it.

Making a commitment - Starting a business requires a number of success-oriented character

traits such as drive, dedication and a serious sense of commitment. Therefore, we make

sacrifices, put in the time necessary, and face challenges head-on to ensure business runs


We all make mistakes. The key is being aware of those mistakes that have been made and

consistently working to make smart, well-informed decisions in our business. We promise and

be confident we can do it, and remain resilient when encounter any mistake again.

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ii. Mistakes

Weak delegation of work - At the first day starting up our business, common mistake that

have been made is delegation of work to every members. Everything seems to be very hustle

because we did not divide our work properly to everyone. Things start to get messy when few

customers come to stall at the same time. But changes has been made on the second day,

seems to be much better after assign each of members with their work.

Did Not approach customers first - At first, we tend to just hang around and waiting for

customers to come our stall buy food. But after awhile it did not seems many customer come

to our stall. Therefore, we plan to approach customers in a way that attract many of them to

come our stall. We promote our food to those passer-by and many of them tend to come and

buy our food. We also took cookies and chocolate walk around the campus to approach

people. We sold a lot through that way. From here, I have learn that we as seller should be

proud of what we are selling and approach customers first before they approach us. That’s

the way how start up business technique should be upon reaching our goal.

Ignoring Competition - Ignoring the competition won’t make it go away and can be fatal to

our business. For example, we plan to sell our drink for rm3, but since after we heard that

theirs other stalls selling drinks as well. We tend to lower down our cost and also do

promotion for customers who bought combo set in a way that keep our competition constant

without losing customers choice.

c. Ways to Improve

During the entire period of the Charity Drive event, the only mistake that we made was that

we focused too much on selling just the Nasi Lemak, Maggi Goreng and Fried Mee Hoon and

we turned our attention away from the other products, which are the cordial, Choki-Choki

and the Famous Amos cookies. For this reason, we had to give a lot of promotion on the other

products in order to sell it off.

If we had the chance to repeat the event one more time, we would not sell food products

because food will tend lose its freshness overtime. What we would sell is probably various

types of drinks. This is because the cost of the drinks is not expensive at all and we can earn

a large amount of profit from selling drinks.

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M. Appendix

a. Receipts from Charity Organisation

Total Amount for Donation = RM 3973.30

Donation Amount = Final Gross Profit + Cost Price

=RM 2659.90 + RM 1313.40

= RM 3973.30

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N. Reference

I. Ti Ratana Welfare Society. (n.d.). Retrieved on 25th November 2014 from

II. How to reduce your carbon footprint. (n.d.). Retrieved on 27th November 2014 from