Download - Business Quiz

  • 1.
    • Business Quiz
  • Thanks to
  • Mr. Joseph Francis


  • Which company is headquarted in 1, Infinite Loop, Silicon Valley , California, US?

3. Apple 4.

  • What is meant by eating our own dog food?


  • This is a term popularised in Microsoft and is used to describe the policy that the microsoft employees first use the product thmeslves before launching it to the outside world.


  • Which company was originally called Jerry and Davids Guide to the World Wide Web?

7. Yahoo 8.

  • Identify the company: "Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle"?

9. Yahoo 10.

  • Which popular Produts launch was announced through a famous $ 1.5 Million TV Commercial 1984, which was directed by Ridley Scott?

11. Apple Macintosh 12.

  • Which computer giant was started by Stan Shih and his wife Carolyn Yeh as MultiTech in 1976 in Taiwan?

13. Acer 14.

  • Their founders wanted to name the company Moore Noyce but felt that the name was ill suited and hence named their comaopny as NM Electronics. How do we now know this company?

15. Intel 16.

  • In 1951, Sir Hugh Beaver went on a shooting party in Ireland. He became involved in an argument over which was the fastest game bird in Europe, the koshin golden plover or the grouse. That evening he realised that it was impossible to confirm in reference books whether or not the golden plover was Europe's fastest game bird. This incident resulted in the creation which popular organisation/product?


  • Guinness Book of World Records


  • Always is a popular brand of feminine hygiene products of Procter and Gamble. How do we know it in India?

19. Whisper 20.

  • Which brand was origianlly luanched in India as a flaked version of Sunlight, a detergent Soap?


  • Lux


  • Leela Chitnis was the first Indianlady to endorse which popular brand?

23. Lux 24.

  • The Padlock is the logo of which popular Indian Company?

25. SBI 26.

  • Thank You!