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Business plan of Narmada Computers Limited 2011

Business plan


Narmada Computers limited



December, 2010-12

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Business plan of Narmada Computers Limited 2011

Table of C O N T E N T S

Chapter No. Title Page No.   Declaration   Acknowledgement  List of Tables  List of Graphs   List of charts   List if abbreviations   Executive summary I Introduction  

Background of the study Theoretical background of the topic Company profile Statement of the problem Need of the study Scope of the study Balance Sheet

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II Research Methodology  Research design Primary data Secondary data Sample design Sample unitSample sizeSampling methodMethod of data collection Instrument for data collection Limitations

Data Processing and AnalysisFindings Conclusions Recommendations

  Bibliography   Appendices / annexure

Questionnaire  Management lesson     

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Business plan of Narmada Computers Limited 2011


I, BIPIN BHARDWAJ, Hereby declare that this Business plan is the record of authentic work

carried out by me and has not been submitted to any other University or Institute for the award of

any degree / diploma etc.



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I take this opportunity to express my deep sense of gratitude to my mentor & Designated partner

Mr. KUSHAGRA BHARDWAJ for his guidance and other members of the organization for

extending their valuable support and help in the preparation of this Business plan.

It is my pleasure to acknowledge “Narmada Computers limited”, for giving me this wonderful

opportunity for allowing me to do my summer training here. I am also thankful to whole

department for their co-operation at the time of my training.

I am equally grateful to all the employees of various departments/processing units who have

provided me with adequate data/information and support, in spite of their hectic schedule.

And to my friends for extending their co-operation in completion of this business plan on

computers and peripherals products.



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List of TablesTable No. Title Page No.

1 Trial version are using (Questionnaire no 5)

2 Information about computers and peripherals products

(Questionnaire no 9)

List of Graphs Graph No. Title Page No.

1 computers and peripherals products version preference

(Questionnaire no 3)

List of ChartsChart No. Title Page No.

1 Competitors of Narmada Computers limited

(Questionnaire no 1)

2 change computers and peripherals products

(Questionnaire no 10)

List of Abbreviations Abbreviations Full form

LLP Limited Liability Partnership

ISO Indian Standard Organization

SWOT Strength Weakness Opportunity Threats

BPO Business process Outsourcing

CSR Corporate social responsibility

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The purpose of behind selecting the topic the Business plan of Narmada Computers Limited was

to understand the market and the challenges which play a key role in development of new

product. According to the studies most of the company needs to grow their revenues by

developing new product & services and expending in to new markets in shorts. The main

objective to work on this topic was to know the effect of improve or replacement product &

services on the sales and to understand the present market potential and customization of the

company. The methods used to study this Business plan were mainly through the primary data

collection that is through telephonic interview with different company and to extent personal

interview. As the data collection was primary mode of collecting data show the analysis was

done of the basis of the data collected. Various charts & graphs are shown in the study more

easily and effectively. And the analysis is carried on basis of those tabulation works. Various

conclusion and recommendation have been also included in Business plan study on the basis of

the data collected and analysis an observation made conclusion which are obtained from the brief

study are as follows .Few recommendations have been made in the study to the company should

improve Narmada Computers limited should produce this new product. In India there is less

number of producers of computers and peripherals products. In perspective of demand there is a

big market in India and also entirely globe. It is a big investment for Narmada Computers limited

to develop new computers and peripherals products. So Narmada Computers limited can invite

third party for development of the computers and peripherals products. Narmada Computers

limited is kept his first step stone in the field of software in the month of March in the city of

lakes Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh).Narmada Computers is a company of Credibility, Reliability,

Innovative, and Outsourcing. Software development. IT consultancy. Software Product

marketing company. Business plan done in our company is of satisfactory quality and cheaper in

cost. Companies also do marketing of the software product. It also consultant and create

awareness to the people who want to make their own software and website for their products.

Narmada Computers is a company of highly innovative people, and also they are down to earth


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Mr.Kushagra Bhardwaj (Designated partner) is pursuing his engineering in IT as a stream from R.G.P.V Bhopal (M.P)


Narmada Computers limited is a company which deals in Website Design and Development-Commerce Development Solutions, software development, open source development ,Steps, Tips and Detailed: How to Get A New website, Market survey, New product development includes promotion, marketing, selling of new product.

Narmada Computers limitedBy

Mr. Bipin Bhardwaj

E-7/128, Ashoka Society, Arera colony,Bhopal (M.P) - 462016

E-mail: bipin . kumar 16@ gmail . com Mobile: +919225772705, +919765795184, +919425676892

www . narmadacomputers . co . in

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Short term objective –There will be marketing and selling of new product like computers and peripherals products .outsourcing the computers and peripherals products from other Software Company or manufacturing company.

To gain credibility and sufficient revenue through building partnership with potential organization with very effective and efficiency way .We as Software Company add value to the new product computers and peripherals products.

Long term objective - : By delivering computers and peripherals products on time as per the customer requirement and with low cost with standard of ISO quality. We successful complete the software of computers and peripherals products as per within time by the client and with low cost .Making long term relationship with the customer by continuous follow up with the clients.

Narmada Computers limited stands for their Credibility, reliability, process standards, innovative ideas; goodwill provides satisfactory solutions to the clients. To gain clients goodwill by giving them consultancy time to time for the product up gradation in the software of computers and peripherals products. To make software in such a way that the, clients customer’s visit’s will become into repeaters. By outsourcing the software of computers and peripherals products our company adds values to the product and with the unique features of giving continuous suggestions to the clients for their software improvement and according to the current trends and patterns, and also takes time feedback from customers.

● To understand the present market potential of computers and peripherals products in Indian market.

● To forecast the sales of computers and peripherals products for the company.● To find weather it is feasible or not for the company.● To understand the competition level of computers and peripherals products in the market.

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New product development

The process

1. Idea Generation

Ideas for new products can be obtained from basic research using a SWOT analysis

(Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats), Market and consumer trends,

company's R&D department, competitors, focus groups, employees, salespeople,

corporate spies, trade shows, or Ethnographic discovery methods (searching for user

patterns and habits) may also be used to get an insight into new product lines or

product features. Idea Generation or Brainstorming of new product, service, or store

concepts - idea generation techniques can begin when you have done your

OPPORTUNITY ANALYSIS to support your ideas in the Idea Screening Phase

(shown in the next development step).

2. Idea Screening

The object is to eliminate unsound concepts prior to devoting resources to them. The

screeners must ask at least three questions: Will the customer in the target market

benefit from the product?

What is the size and growth forecasts of the market segment/target market?

What is the current or expected competitive pressure for the product idea?

What are the industry sales and market trends the product idea is based on? Is it technically feasible to manufacture the product?

Will the product be profitable when manufactured and delivered to the customer at the target price?

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3. Concept Development and Testing

Develop the marketing and engineering details

Who is the target market and who is the decision maker in the purchasing process?

What product features must the product incorporate?

What benefits will the product provide?

How will consumers react to the product?

How will the product be produced most cost effectively?

Prove feasibility through virtual computer aided rendering, and rapid prototyping

What will it cost to produce it?

Testing the Concept by asking a sample of prospective customers what they think of

the idea. Usually via Choice Modeling.

4. Business Analysis

Estimate likely selling price based upon competition and customer feedback

Estimate sales volume based upon size of market and such tools as the Fourt-

Woodlock equation Estimate profitability and breakeven poi

5. Beta Testing and Market Testing

Produce a physical prototype or mock-up

Test the product (and its packaging) in typical usage situations

Conduct focus group customer interviews or introduce at trade show

Make adjustments where necessary

Produce an initial run of the product and sell it in a test market area to determine

customer acceptance

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6. Technical Implementation

New program initiation, Resource estimation, Requirement publication

Engineering operations planning, Department scheduling, Supplier collaboration,

Logistics plan, Resource plan publication, Program review and monitoring,

Contingencies - what-if planning

7. Commercialization (often considered post-NPD)

Launch the product, Produce and place advertisements and other promotions

Fill the distribution pipeline with product; Critical path analysis is most useful at this


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Company Profile

Narmada Computers limited is incorporated on 7th of March 2011.Company registered office is

in Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh) “The city of lakes “.Company deals in

1. Create web based solutions that you can access anywhere, anytime.

2. Provide bespoke software solutions - tailored to your requirements.

3. Help you discover the potential of your business data.

4. Support and maintain your existing software and legacy systems.

5. Increase your productivity by automating repetitive tasks.


To make simple and unique approach to develop software for computers and peripherals, by

adding new upcoming technology like E-commerce applications and web applications.

To overcome the problem is in a very efficient and cost effective way.


To make the company world best in quality of computers and peripherals design in innovative


To sell the software product, computers and peripherals with very lowest price.

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SWOT analysis of Narmada Computers limited


■ Low cost

■ Fully integrated operations from. Lower adverse impact due to market fluctuation.

■ Good quality of software and technology for productivity improvement.

■ Manpower and good profile of employees.


■ High development cost


■ High demand growth potential

■ High potential for value added products with improved reserves, lower cost of


■ Good scope for expansion and export.

■ Competitive advantage to India


■ International software development price downward fluctuations.

■ Environment concerns and failing tariff structure also affecting profitability.

■ Reductions or withdrawals of export benefits.

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Marketing mix -:

Place -: Company concentrate on the local customer like schools, colleges, small scale business, coaching institute, while concentrating on these segment company can make software for computers and peripherals.

Price -: price can be varied from according to the segments wise price list according to the market share and market size of computers and peripherals, what the features clients want according to that price varies.

Promotions -: events, B2B approach presentation to the company or the target clients for the computers and peripherals software development /design, web marketing example -: Google.

Products -: 1. Computers and peripherals development.2. Internal software development for the company.3. How to make new software for computers and peripherals.4. Computers and peripherals design.5. Software engineer (freelancer software engineer)6. SMS software.

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1. What the company needs to do about new product of computers and peripherals.

2. What information is needed and how should be obtained.

3. It should be action oriented or information oriented.


The basic need of the study behind can be as follows

1. Developing a marketing strategy for introducing a new product for computers and

peripherals market.

2. Estimating total sales of computers and peripherals market

3. Making budget of new product development for computers and peripherals.

4. For proper planning and organizing new product development for computers and


5. To draw ideas from customers for the computers and peripherals market.

6. For better concept development & testing of new product for computers and

peripherals market.

7. For business analysis & future forecasting of new product development for computers

and peripherals market.


1. Making market budget for new computers and peripherals, along with proper planning and organizing of the new Business plan.

2. To forecast the sales of every new product and developing a strong market for the product.

3. To understand the market and requirement of a computers and peripherals.4. To understand the customer requirement and increase the sales by increasing customer

loyalty.5. To develop market strategies for the computers and peripherals products.6. Testing of the market and generating new ideas before developing a new product.7. Commercialization of new product.

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Environmental influence -:

While India holds a dominant share of the global offshore IT-BPO sector, yet, at USD 46.3 billion in 2008-09, Indian IT-BPO exports accounted for less than 2.8 percent of the global spend on IT-BPO. Over the next decade, the industry will be influenced by several global macro-economic, demographics, social, business and technological trends that will shape the face of global business. These trends include:

Macroeconomic and demographic trendsShifting centers of economic activity–GDP of Asia and Europe will convergeWorking age population shrinking in key developed countries (e.g., Japan, Italy, US)

Social and environmental trendsIncreased Internet and mobile connectivity transforming the way people live and interactRapidly increasing consumption and associated supply gap in key natural resources (e.g., oil, water) creating need for resource efficiency and climate change solutions

Business and technology trendsGlobal economic crisis leading to major shift in industry structures and higher regulatory controlCorporate boundaries being redefined (e.g., open innovation, extended supply chains, web of partnerships)

Technology radically transforming the way traditional corporations and governments function This will lead to new opportunities for companies to capture new markets largely untapped so far. So far, the prime focus of the global sourcing industry has been on core markets- large enterprises from North America, Western Europe and Japan in verticals such as BFSI, telecom, retail, pharmaceuticals, manufacturing and travel. While these core markets will continue to grow over the next 10 to 15 years, driven by growth in the cost base, the industry will be redefined along four key dimensions:

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New services in core markets:

1) There is still further growth potential (beyond the cost-based growth) even in the core markets described above. The global sourcing industry has largely focused on cost reduction through replication of processes in low-cost locations. Going forward, the industry can propose additional services to these core markets in three ways: 1) offer beyond-cost services, e.g., revenue enhancement, capital avoidance;

2) Suggest integrated manufacturing and services solutions e.g., end-to-end development of new auto parts; and

3) Redesign and transform processes, leveraging automation.

New customer segments: Enabled by mega trends such as increased digital connectivity and the

availability of new delivery platforms, the industry can expand its influence beyond large

enterprises to SMBs. The emergence of new service offerings will also allow players to serve

smaller enterprises in an unconventional but profitable manner. The industry can also offer direct

business-to-consumer services (such as financial, healthcare and travel services) to the emerging

class of well-connected retail consumer’s

new geographies: As economic growth expands into new markets, Asia will bypass Europe as

the second largest target market, led by India and China. On the back of greater adoption of

technology and outsourcing by enterprises, BRIC markets will become a sizeable target domestic

outsourcing market, with India and China accounting for almost 50 per cent of the opportunity.

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Several trends:

An estimated 80 per cent of the growth in the addressable market will come from segments that

have not been traditional markets for the industry The addressable market for BPO will exceed

that of technology services by 2020The BRIC domestic outsourcing opportunity will rival that of

core geographies

Innovation can create an additional opportunity (around USD 200 billion for solutions and

products in three select areas alone - namely climate change solutions, clinical research and

mobile applications

Areas of Focus Drivers of India’s advantage

Energy efficiency and climate change

Smart buildings (integrated BMS Linked to outside environment, e.g., weather, light, smart

HVAC,occupancy-based lighting) Smart grid solutions (user-level )Smart monitoring, automated

T&D, monitoring, load)

Growing carbon credits market

Increasing domestic demand to reduce carbon Footprint (India’s carbon footprint from

Electricity generation will grow at a CAGR of 4% double the global average CAGR of 2%from

2010 to 2020)

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Improving regulatory environment -: Mobile applications, Internet offerings like search, mail,

Messenger on mobile platform

SMS-based searches, applications

Mobile middleware solutions, roaming applications, SMS gateways

Large domestic market Robust local ecosystem of companies, value Chain players and investors

Established IT resource pool & development Infrastructure

Total addressable market for global sourcing and domestic outsourcing, 2020-21

Areas of Focus Drivers of India’s advantage

Clinical research Target identification & validation

Lead generation &optimization

Clinical development & trials

Data management & statistical Analysis

Lower time-to market due to easy access to


Large patient pool

Availability of talent for high quality trials

Data Management

Favorable regulations

Domestic market and


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The outsourcing opportunity in climate change, mobile applications and clinical research could

add over USD 200billion to the total addressable market. India can have a distinctive impact in

these areas including clinical trials and data analysis, Internet offerings on mobile platforms and

creating smart grids for energy efficiency. If India is able to capture distinctive roles in these

value chains, over USD 75 billion could be added to Indian technology and BPO exports by


Current market size

The Indian IT-BPO industry (excluding hardware) is estimated to be a USD 63 billion industry

by March 2010 employing over 2.2 million people and contributing to over 4 percent of India’s

GDP. On the back of the global economic recession, the growth rate for the industry for FY 2010

is estimated to decline to a low of 7 percent. The past year has witnessed a depressed demand

environment with budget cuts and delayed decision making. However recent data indicates that

the impact of the recession is bottoming out, decision making is starting to happen and there will

be demand for IT-BPO services.

Industry structure

The industry has a healthy mix of Indian providers and foreign providers, with the latter

contributing to 30 per cent of total revenues. Companies operate through a range of sourcing


1. Captive - An internal cost center or a 100% subsidiary company set up to execute IT-BPO


2. Strategic Alliances/Joint Ventures - provider owned/joint operations transferable to the

customer or provider at certain milestones/timelines

3. Outsourced/Third party - Use of a third party service provider to provide IT-BPO services

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IT- BPO Expert market

The export industry is diversified across three major focus segments – IT Services, BPO and

engineering services. While IT Services have been the mainstay of the industry, BPO and

engineering services sector has built upon the India value proposition and today there exist

integrated service providers across the three focus areas as well as niche providers.

IT-BPO Domestic market

The domestic IT-BPO segment is estimated to aggregate revenues of INR 650-670 Billion in

FY10, as Indian firms increase IT adoption across verticals. The Government is expected to

contribute significantly to this growth with budget allocation of US$10 billion over the next 3

years for the National e-governance Plan (NeGP). Leading Indian firms, multinationals as well

as the SMEs is gearing their products and services to tap into the e-governance opportunity.

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Financial statement

Balance sheet

Balance sheetcurrent assets  cash 1,00,000debtors  stock  total current assets (A) 1,90,000current liabilities  creditors  salaries payable  provision for tax  provision for dividend  total current liabilities (B)  working capital C=(A-B) 1,90,000fixed assets  land and building 8000plant and machine 50,000less accumulated depreciation  Net fixed assets (D) 58,000Net assets E=(C+D) 2,48,000share holder equity  share capital  share premium  reserve and surpluses  net worth (F)  long term liabilities  institutional loan 1,00,000debentures  total debt (G)  H=(F+G) 1,00,000

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Fund flow statementfund flow statement

   source  working capital from operation  sale of plant  intuitional loan  issuance of ordinary share  funds provided     uses     purchase of land and building 5,00,000purchase of plant and machine 50,000payment of cash dividend  fund applied  increase in working capital  

Income Statement

Income Statement   Sales  cost of goods sold  gross margin on sales  operating expenses  depreciation machine  building  other expenses  net margin from operations  gain on sales on long term inventories  Total  loss on sales of machinery (proceeds from sales )  net income  

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Narmada Computers limited is a company of software and according to the market survey, The Indian IT-BPO industry (excluding hardware) is estimated to be a USD 63 billion industry by March 2010 employing over 2.2 million people and contributing to over 4 percent of India’s GDP.There is so much scope in software sector; government is taking very much care of Software industry .They is investing in infrastructure for the software industry in India.

There are thousands of competitors in software such as Infosys, Wipro, TCS, Accenture .They are following the different pattern to give solutions to the clients, because many software companies are going global and taking new technology from the abroad and implicating on the Business plan. Now the software industry cultural had become fixed cultural every software companies are adopting the same process. With our company, there many such reasons to be different from other are that we had adopted -:

Continuous follow-up with the clients for their software up gradation after handover the computers and peripherals products to the clients. We can increase our software company goodwill in the market and with the quality standard.

Target Market -:

● Large scale industry ● Small scale industry● Government sector ● Colleges/schools.

We can target the following market by visiting them -:

● Appointment  -: By phone /By E-Mail /By reference/ by employee● Demonstration and presentation of company.● Features and details description of a company.● Leave business card and take business card.● Feedback /greeting mail /add them in our website.● By giving them updated information on software launching/ computers and peripherals

market news in what why we can increases the customer visitors on their website.

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Target market is defined as a large scale industry, small scale industry, government sector, colleges and schools. Now to do advertisement of software company can be done in a following means -:

● Company website ● Networking website (can give advertisement of company on other  networking website)● Professional contact /friends contact.● Attending business events.


Narmada Computers as a brand in market we are taking care of the following fundamentals concepts.

● To make our company as a brand the parameters of advertisement can be helpful.● Outsourcing the software modules which another software company is expertise in

designing, development for computers and peripherals products.● Core competency of a company can be innovative ideas, standard work process, and

goodwill in market, on time delivery of computers and peripherals products.

Sales forecasting

It depends on the company brand value in the market. As per the sales of the services is concerned we can predict that by giving the computers and peripherals products on time to the client (what the time is decided by the clients for a particular modules in a software) with the quality standard, fraction of the market, at present we can concentrate on college for computers and peripherals products. By giving suggestion to the college administration for upgrading their college computers and peripherals products and to make the computers and peripherals products as per the current scenario.

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Critical risk management

If there is some good things there is some bad things are also associated with them.There is certain risk involved in a company also. When it is not in process and when it is running good. Recession can be a major risk in IT industry. Every software organization had to face with the risk. At the time recession company engages the employee to the CSR activities and take participate in government CSR.

Management Risks

As per management risk is concerned we can say that If some of the share holder leaves the company or one of the Director wants to leave the company.

Marketing Risks

market risk are the risk in which we are 100% depends on the computers and peripherals products market, if the computers and peripherals products market decreases then the Company also revenue also tends to go down.

Operations Risks

Suppose in the company there is some employee those are sharing some information to the other company, can be one operation risk.

Financial Risks

If the investors /clients take all this money back from company.

Intellectual Property Infringement

Innovative idea that is given by the company is taken by other company

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New Product Development on (Computers and peripherals products )

Name of the computers and peripherals products -: NCLFeatures -: Processor Description Processor Manufacturer

Processor Name Processor Cache Memory (KB) Front Side Bus Processor Speed (MHz) 

Hard Disk Drive Type Inbuilt Hard Disk Drive Capacity (GB)CD ROM DriveDVD DriveCombo DriveOptical Drive

Display Features Display Screen Size (Inches)Maximum Display Resolution (dpi)Screen Type

Video Display Card ManufacturerVideo Card

Internet and Fax Utilities Internal ModemModem Speed (Kbps)

Multimedia MicrophoneSpeakers

Camera Built-in Camera Resolution (Mega Pixel)

Computer Interfaces (Ports and Cards) Express Card USB Port BluetoothDigital Media Reader

Mouse Type of MouseMachine Dimensions Weight (Kgs)Battery Battery (Type) 

Battery Life (Hours) 

Rate /price – 10000/- per piece M.R.P

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SWOT analysis of computers and peripherals products -:

1. Strength -: Quality of software for computers and peripherals products, software is made within time limit, which is given by the client and with the company.

a) Credibility.b) Reliability.c) Goodwill within the customer and suppliers

2. Weaknesses -:

If the computers and peripherals products is not made within the time limit or duration on which client and the company made and agreement.Narmada Computers limited is newly launched in the software industry. There is much such other big company, so that Narmada Computers limited had to struggle more than any other company.Computers and peripherals manufacturer are large in numbers.Employees are less in number (For that it took time for the computers and peripherals products completion).

3. Opportunity -:

Favorable time for the company is there is no recession and company gets as many as Business platform foreign country or from Indian company.Outsourced computers and peripherals products marketing from other company Long term selling and distribution of the computers and peripherals products.Design marketing strategy and marketing plan of other company for computers and peripherals marketing of the computers and peripherals products.

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4. Threats -:

For computers and peripherals products company recession is the major threats.Inflation increases can also be threats to a company.Not getting appropriate skill employee for a particular computers and peripherals products.Not getting the long term marketing and selling and distribution of the computers and peripherals products.

Strategic research

Marketing strategy -:

1. Segmentation -: As per the segmentation part is concerned there are following -:

a) student (management and engineering)b) Outsourcing.c) Company website.d) SME (Financial software)

For New product development for computers and peripherals products -:

a) Retailers b) Direct marketing c) Cyber café d) SME company /organizations.

Target market selection -:

It is much more important than the segmentation. Software related market place (where there are software companies).IT Company which outsourced their computers and peripherals products work.Market selection for an computers and peripherals products can be computers and peripherals products related company.

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Positioning -:

Positioning of computers and peripherals products can be where there is computers and peripherals products market for example -: in India major computers and peripherals products related states are Maharashtra, Karnataka, New Delhi, and Andhra Pradesh.We as a software company can positions our company in these states to get software of computers and peripherals products because if there is no market place for the particular things there cannot be competition, profit, revenue, growth.

For example -: If a person is new some place and he/she wants to buy vegetable if there is no market then He/she cannot find the vegetable.

Computers and peripherals products can be position where there is niche market only we can concentrate on these who are awareness of the internet and those who are using computers and peripherals products /PC owner of cyber café can position there.And we’re there are manufacturer of computers and peripherals products worldwide positioning also we can do as per the country wise.

Limitation -:

Browsing pattern (which computers and peripherals products are open in foreign country) according to it computers and peripherals products is design. So it increases the work load of the company for every country we had to design.

CRM (customer relationship management)-:

a. Gain enterprise commitment.b. Build a CRM team c. Business needs analysis.d. Define the CRM strategy.

Market survey -:

Outsourcing the market survey to the agency (rates) Rs 60 per day on per 6 person questioners’ data. = 60 rs per day*365 days = 21900 rs per year .We can include it as another expenditure for the company.


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Advertising Research

Advertising, promotion and branding -:

Web advertising on websites like Google (rates)-: 1500/- per year or spacing wise /per impression Radio /TV advertising -: A rate per 30 second varies from rs20000 to rs30000. (According to the TV channels TRP rates if it is peak time then rates are double.)  Rates of radio -: peak 30 to 60 second rates are different varies from rs5000 to rs7000 peak time

Total cost on adverstiment -: 71,500

Copy testing (story board)

Demo -:“Wife- sunoji market me ek naya computers and peripherals products aaya hai.Husband- computers and peripherals products, tumhara matlab ke laptop se hai.Wife – nahi ji ye to apne bacho ke kaam ka hai.Husband -: aab to hamara bacho ko kaabi bhi padosi ke gahr par nahi jana padega.Wife -: aur bhi kuch hai ess computers and peripherals products me.Husband -: bahut sahi hai ye naya laptop to. Wife – are agar dhanyewad dena hai to NCL walo ko do.Husband – dhanyewad NCL.

Media Research -:

Promotion in events (rates) -: sponsorship minimum rs20, 000 (for college level event) and in business event sponsorship varies from 1, 00,000 to rs 5, 00,000.

Put stalls in various events (rates)-: according to the square foot space .for example 6*4 foot it cost rupees (at college level 20,000 to rs30,000 it also depends on where we are takingLocation for example first stall rates are high 30, the middle rates are low < than 30,000).

Banner promotion -: flex rates -: 50 to 60 rs per square foot for advertising purpose 12*6 = 72 = 72 square foot *rs60=rs 4320 and normal glow sign -: 100 to 500 rs 12 * 6 =72 =rs 36000 square foot per square foot.SMS promotion -: 1 lakh SMS @ rates of 250 to 500 rs.

Total advertising cost -: 500+4320+36000+30000+500000+7000+3000+1500 +21900 + 20000 =rs 624220/-

Distribution research

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Channel management

Franching margin -:Security deposit -:rs 1 lakh to 5 lakhShould have to buy minimum 1000 products (mandatory) MRP rs 8500/-

Distributor margin -: Security deposit -: rs 50,000/- to rs 1, 00,000/-Should have to buy minimum 500 products (mandatory) M.R.P for distributor is rs9000/-

Retailer’s margin-:Security deposit -: 25,000/- to 50,000 minimumShould have to buy 250 products (mandatory)M.R.P for retailers -: rs 9500/-If the retailers is buying directly from distributor then M.R.P is 9500/- .or if client is buying from company then it is M.R.P 9800/-

Income received -:  1, 00,000 + 50,000 + 5, 00,000 = rs 6, 50,000/-

Total cost from sales and distribution – (total sales)

Franchise margin -: suppose they sales whole lot in 1 year 1000 products * 8500 = 85, 00,000/-From distributor -: Suppose they sales whole consignment which they demand from the company 9000 * 500 product = 45, 00,000/-From retailers -: whole stock was finished by the retailers 9500 * 250 products = 23, 75, 000/-

Total = 1, 53, 75,000/-

Other income from deposit can be added to other income to the company that is from the deposit from the franching, distributors, and retailers. Rs 6, 50,000/-

Assumptions of expenditure for manufacturing of new computers and peripherals product.

Development cost -: in this product, the development cost is the cost of design computers and peripherals products software from a software company name Narmada Computers limited.Cost of out sourcing the development to software firm and maintenance and updating etc can cost more than rs 1,75, 00,000/-Total manufacturing and development cost = 1,75, 00,000/-

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Labor expenses salary and wages -: though we are out sourcing the development part we had deleted our engineering department from organization .so now we left with the marketing, finance and HRDepartments.In our organization we are giving salary according to the designation level of the person.

Company structure






CEO salary -: 1, 00,000 per month.

Finance department -:70,000/-GM -: 40,000/- per month Manager -: 20000/- per month Account executive -: 10,000 per month

Sales and marketing department -:70,000/-GM -: 40,000/- per month Manager -: 20000/- per month Sales executive-: 10,000 per month

HR department -: total salary - : 40,000+20,000+10,000 = 70,000/-GM -: 40,000/- per month Manager -: 20000/- per month HR executive -: 10,000 per month

Total salary -: 2, 10,000 + 1, 00,000 =rs 310,000/-

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Packaging -:

Total cost for the packing of the computers and peripherals products software includes laminated think sheet which can be foldable from And from it we can make a good design package .it should attractive, customer see first time, pick the product and buy.Total cost of printing the primary packing – it varies from normal primary pack to jilting pack with colors.For normal pack = rs 10 to rs 15 for 1750 quantity. Total = 26,250/-For lilted pack -:rs20 to rs 25 for 1750 quantity.    Total = 43,750 /-

Raw material cost -: It also includes cost of CD (compact disk)/DVD that is minimum rs 15 to rs 25 for CD and for DVD varies from rs 25 to rs 40 maximum.

Total = 15*1750 + 25 * 1750= rs 70,000/-

Raw material cost -: For franchise distribution -:a) CD = 25 * 1000/- = 25,000/-b) DVD = 40 * 1000/- = 40,000/-

For distributor distribution -:a. CD = 25 * 500 = 1,25,00/-b. DVD = 40 * 500 = 20,000/-

For Dealers -:a. CD = 25 * 250 = 6250 /- b. DVD = 40 * 250 = 10,000/-

Product Patent licensing -:

Logo design patent -: logo should be registered in only patient office .there is in four places in India Mumbai, Delhi, and Calcutta.For design total cost is rs 10,000 (approx) it may also varies state wise department. It will become my company assets afterwards.Total cost = rs 10,000/-

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Fuel, power, light –: Inverter cost = 15,000/- to 30,000/-Electricity cost = suppose it cost 5.50/- per unit cost 5unit per day * 5.50 /- = 27.50 /- 27.50 *365 = 10,037.50 /- Total cost = 40,037.50 /- per year

Administrative cost -: Stationary cost1 laptop -: 15,000 /- to 25,000/- 4 PC’s = 15,000 to 20,000/-20,000 * 4 no’s = 80,000/-Laser printer -: 25,000/- to 30,000/-Other stationary (pen, pencil and paper) = 10,000/-

Total = 2, 55,000/- per year

Terms and condition-:

If the price increases/decreases then we had to tell distributors to change the price as well.

Distributors had to give compulsory the details of retailers /resellers and distributors. Without the

permission of the company, distributor cannot give the retailer ship to the resellers/retailers.

Distributors or retailers had to take permission from Narmada Computers limited for giving

every computers and peripherals product to the retailer. They had to insert data in their online

traction system (made by company) Day to day traction details should be their in the CRM tools.

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In this study of exploratory research has been used which is focused on discovery of new product

of computers and peripherals products. It is based on secondary data.


The sources of primary data are

1. Customer

2. Market Corporate


Secondary data may either be published data or unpublished data. Usually published data are

available in:

1. Report and publications of various associations connected with business and industry, banks,

stock exchanges, etc.Reports prepared by research scholars, universities, economics, etc. in

different field.

3. Technical and trade journals, books, magazines newspapers, various publications of the

central, state or local governments;

4. Various publications of foreign governments or of international bodies and their, Subsidiary organizations, Public records and statistics, historical documents, and other sources of publishedInformation, Website

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Sample Design

The sample design involved working out a concrete plan that would involve in our data

collection process and activity. The population was initially studied for the same and then a

definite sample was derived for analysis and study.

Sample Unit: student

Sample Size: 30

Sample Method: Non probability sampling method has been used.


Primary Data: - Primary Data was collected through questionnaire.

Secondary Data: - Main sources of secondary data was from

1. Companies own data

2. Internet

The following stages were used during the market research:

● Formulation of Business plan objective: - A few days were spent for gaining knowledge

and information about Narmada Computers limited broad strategies.

● Desk research: - A few days were spent in marketing questionnaire.

● Pilot testing: - Initially a questionnaire was prepared and calls were made to match the

Business plan objective.

● Work: - A few days were spent for filling up the questionnaire.

● Data tabulation and analysis: - Data collected was then tabulated and analyzed. Analysis

was then interpreted to arrive at a conclusion that was used for giving necessary



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1. Questionnaire Interviews

2. Telephonic Interviews


● Companies were not ready to disclose the material facts.

● Time for the study was limited to only two months.

● It was difficult to know whether willing respondent were truly representative.

● There was lack of adequate data for survey.

● Faced problem in taking appointment.

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Name -: ……………………………………………………Age -: ………… E -Mail –ID -: ……………………………………………………………

Note-: Kindly tick mark (√) on the selected items.

1. Which computers and peripherals products you are using?


Analysis -:

2. How many times you contact with your computers and peripherals products service provider.

1. Daily2. Weekly3. Monthly4. Never

Analysis -:

4. from where you want to buy computers and peripherals products.

a. Shop online

b.Buy from distributors or retailers

Analysis -:

Recommendation -:

6. What are the features you prefer for your computers and peripherals products which you are using?

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1. Compact.2. Simple operating system.3. Light weight.4. Other ……………………………………………………

Analysis -:

Recommendation -:

7. What are the uses of computers and peripherals products according to you?………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Analysis -:

8. How long have you been using your current computers and peripherals products service providers?

1. 0 -6 months                2. 6 months – 1 year3. 1 year – 3 years4. 3 years – and above

Analysis -:

Recommendation -:

9. From where you got information about computers and peripherals products.

1. Relatives

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2. Friends3. Websites4. Newspapers5. Radio/TV6. Retailers/distributors of computers and peripherals products

Sources out of 30 respondent relativesfriendswebsitenewspaperradio/TVDealers Total 30

Analysis -:

Recommendation –:

10. Do you want to change computers and peripherals products? 1. Yes2. No

Analysis -: Recommendation -: If yes, which computers and peripherals products you would like to use why?………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Comments from respondent -:

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Thanks for your supportWith warm regards

Bipin Bhardwaj Narmada Computers limited

Features of computers and peripherals products -:

Processor Description Processor ManufacturerProcessor Name Processor Cache Memory (KB) Front Side Bus Processor Speed (MHz) 

Hard Disk Drive Type Inbuilt Hard Disk Drive Capacity (GB)CD ROM DriveDVD DriveCombo DriveOptical Drive

Display Features Display Screen Size (Inches)Maximum Display Resolution (dpi)Screen Type

Video Display Card ManufacturerVideo Card

Internet and Fax Utilities Internal ModemModem Speed (Kbps)Video Card

Multimedia MicrophoneSpeakers

Camera Builtin Camera Resolution (Mega Pixel)

Computer Interfaces (Ports and Cards) Express Card USB Port BluetoothDigital Media Reader

Mouse Type of MouseMachine Dimensions Weight (Kgs)Battery Battery (Type) 

Battery Life (Hours) 

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There are following suggestions which will further help in increasing production & sells:

1. Narmada Computers limited should produce new product Computers and peripherals products

because there is huge market potential as there are less number of producers of Computers and

peripherals products.

2. Since huge investment is required for development of software for Computers and peripherals

products, Narmada Computers limited should invite third party for development of computers

and peripherals products.

3. Narmada Computers limited has to optimally utilize the software.

4. Narmada Computers limited should undertake the awareness campaign among the potential

customer for Computers and peripherals products through online and personal approach.


1. Product Brochure- Computers and peripherals products

2. Software Bulletin Research.

3. Company Information (Narmada Computers limited)

4. Marketing Management by Philip Kotler.

5. Websites:

http :// www . infovinity . com /

Marketing Management by Philip Kotler

www . webmill . in

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We as software and market research company what to write only there things.

1 .Outsourcing

2. Innovative

3. Market survey

4. Credibility

5. Reliability

Management lesson

Why need of management lesson -: To assess an individual performs in term of the highest level of work, the individual will be able to handle comfortably and successfully in future without being over stretched. The organization in discharging its responsibility of selecting and developing mangers for the future to ensure continuous growth of the organization.

Date -: 08/04/2011 Time -: Place -: pune Party /person involved -: Bipin BhardwajIncident -: introduction about the Business plan, discussion was held at 11:00 am .It was first formal meeting with the company designated partner.Comment -: Meeting with company designated partner was fixed at 11:00 am .when I entered the room. company designated partner was sitting at his place. I was very much excited that my Business plan is going to start .Then he tell that mainly punctuality is more important is more importance in organization’s keep this words in my mind and after the brief introduction was over. I started my Business plan. Management lesson -: punctuality

Date -: 22/04/2011Time -:

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Place -: Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh)Party /person involved -: Mr.bipin bhardwaj and company designated partner kushagra bhardwaj Incident -: in the morning with punctuality we both want to the office of register in Bhopal to register the company of software. We decided to open Software Company in Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh) .sharp 10:00 are we reach office, after all the formality of the office over at that day we had not taken lunch. Comment -: we both learn on things from it that without hard work we cannot do any things, at some place to reduce time we both also do some smart work.Management lesson -: hard work/smart work

Date -: 27/04/2011 Time -: Place -: Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh)Party /person involved -: mr.kushagra bhardwaj Incident -: There was a call from the registrar that there are something more to give the documents. I had some more personal work to do then I tell that you go and submit the documents. Company designated partner kushagra bhardwaj had done so much nicely handle the situation. Comment -: We both learn the lesson that one should had problem solving approach skill with logical way Management lesson -: problem solving approach

Date -: 06/05/2011Time -: 07:00 pm Place -: Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh)Party /person involved -: Mr. Kushagra bhardwaj Incident -: we had to decide the salary of the employee .It was so completed situation that to whom to give the highest salary in compare to his/her experience according to experience or according to salary or with job profile.Comment -: I learn from kushagra bhardwaj that how to solve the analytical skill and make the problem into workable units and reformation the structure.Management lesson -: Analytical skill -: ability to breakdown or reformate an apparently complicated problem into workable units.

Date -: 10/05/2011Time -: 10:00 am

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Place -: Indore /Madhya Pradesh Party /person involved -: Mr.Kushagra bhardwaj Incident -: We both together was travelling in bus and he told some creative thing to me that why we can’t open a job consultancy along with software company. I keep this in mind and started working on it. I created a business plan for it related to Computers and peripherals products.Comment -: I learn from Mr.kushagra bhardwaj that how to creative in nature and one should have a creative imagination his/her mind.Management lesson -: Creative imagination -: ability to become ditched from “what is in order to enter the realm of new possibilities”

Date -: 20/05/2011 Time -: 10:00 amPlace -: Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh)Party /person involved -:Mr. Kushagra bhardwaj and Mr Bipin bhardwajIncident -:We both in the morning start visiting the company which are related to real state manufacturing ,college ,schools for the software development for Computers and peripherals products .we visited 17 companies on that day ,so we decided that we do visit more company next day. So we started searching more company to visit.Comment -: I learn that day we had to more practical in nature while working so we stop making more documents and become more practical oriented towards our company mission and vision. Management lesson -: Practical thinking

Date -: 27/05/2011 Time -: Place -: Indore (Madhya Pradesh)Party /person involved -: mr.kushagra bhardwaj /Mr. Bipin bhardwajIncident -: when we visited one company called www . webmill . in company director was sitting in his cabin .we both were sitting at the reception counter, waiting for the director call. Then after few minutes director of the company call reception and tell to send us kushagra, so nicely present the Business plan concept for Computers and peripherals products.Comment -: I learn that how much innovative we had to be in work and day to day activity.Management lesson -: Innovative thinking -:

Date -: 03/06/2011

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Time -: 10:00 amPlace -: Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh)Party /person involved -:mr.bipin bhardwaj and Mr. Kushagra bhardwaj Incident -: We both started to work on the Business plan given to the director of www . webmill . in .we through that we had to work on the Business plan seriously, so we went to many people done of matrimony to make Business plan done and take some suggestion from and we prepare a questionnaire for it Comment -: management lesson learn from my side that we had to be initiator in mature and always take the responsibility to do work ahead.Management lesson -: Initiator

Date -: 10/06/2011 Time -: 06:00 pm Place -: Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh)Party /person involved -:Mr. Kushargra bhardwajIncident -:I usually go first with god and then I start the work .I always keep the god in first place mr.kushagra one day tell me that you always do wish you are not hard working person you had to in involving of the situation approach more.Comment -: At that day I realize that I had to be more concentration work.Management lesson -: Sense of reality -: He should not engage in wishful thinking, be able to maintain objective approach to situation in which own personal involvement is considerable.

Date -: 17/06/2011 Time -: 06:00 pm Place -: Indore (Madhya Pradesh)Party /person involved -:Mr. Kushargra bhardwaj and bipin bhardwajIncident -: We both were sitting at the office of the www . webmill . in and one person was sitting beside us he was listening the conversation of both of us, then after some time he told us that we had to look this Business plan just like that .he was the website developer of the company www . webmill . in Comment -: Then we learn that one should had a hostitic view in nature with higher thinking and to look at the higher things and point of view.Management lesson -: Holistic view -: looks at the problem from a higher wattages point with simultaneous attention to relevant details to shape one’s work and act according.

Date -: 24/06/2011 Time -: 06:00 am

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Place -: Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh)Party /person involved -:Mr. Kushargra bhardwaj and bipin bhardwajIncident -:in the morning I was very upset that we now had to stop the Business plan,because due to some money problem ,financial status of the company was not so good that we can now start the Business plan and done it completely then mr.kushagra bhardwaj call me and said that we are now going for microfinance institute.Comment -: Then I realize that Mr. Kushagra bhardwaj had ability to go quickly to the heart of a problem .he was always concentrating on the main objective of the company.Management lesson -: Insight thinking -: The individual displays the ability to go quickly to the heart of a problem, thus he does not start with the wrong orientation or loss of time by wondering off the main course.

Date -: 30/06/2011 Time -: 10:00 pm Place -: Indore (Madhya pradesh)Party /person involved -:Mr. Kushargra bhardwaj and bipin bhardwajIncident -: We are sitting together for the preparation of the presentation of the Business plan that we had work on it .we had done so much work in deep on it .we had to now stuck in something then Mr. geete told us that we had to more concentrate on the content of the website and then make the overall presentation.Comment -: Then we realize from the thing that Mr. veete had told us that we had to action oriented in nature.Management lesson -: Action oriented approach -: He is able to sum up the total needs of a situation and to take the necessary steps at the right moments of the time.

Date -: 08/07/2011 Time -: 11:00 pm Place -: Indore (Madhya Pradesh)Party /person involved -:Mr. Kushargra bhardwaj and bipin bhardwajIncident -:Mr. Kushagra bhardwaj is doing engg from Bhopal he is in 3rd year of engg in stream of computer science .he always software Comment -: I learn from him that we can’t do all the work at a time .We had to concentrate on the one thing and give attentionManagement lesson -:Seeing the relative nature -: He judges correctly he relative weight of his own specialist knowledge or experience when the problem tie with many other fields .He will then be able to denote appropriate attention to other relevant aspects and to put mean full questions to specialists in other fields.

Date -: 22/07/2011 Time -: 08:00 pm Place -: pune (Maharashtra)

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Party /person involved -:Mr. Bipin bhardwaj and pune friends Incident -: We are sitting in durga café and one of the friends told me that you had to concentrate on the sales and distribution of the software.Comment -: From the friend I decided to go for the website marketing give to the outsource and make it happen .It was very much welcome advice from me that from the day itself .I started my website marketing and concentrate on the sales of the software for Computers and peripherals products.Management lesson -: Judgment -: He is a source of welcome advice to together and is known not to hold readymade or overly one-sided views. His judgment correctly surprise and satisfied by taking into account wider aspects of the problem that may narrower vision.

Date -: 28/07/2011 Time -: 11:30 am Place -: pune (Maharashtra)Party /person involved -:Mr. Bipin bhardwaj and pune friends Incident -: Our class was over and we were absent to leave the class then one annocement from the APO was made that from APO that there are some changes in the structure.Comment -: I think that why can’t we in the Business plan we can make some changes and make the website online transaction.Management lesson -: Alertness -: He can swiftly re –organize resources to deal effectively with a completely different subject on new situation .He has ability of quick re-orientation.

Honesty and being loyal to the organization.

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