Download - Business Plan for Ad MARKETPLACE

  • 8/11/2019 Business Plan for Ad MARKETPLACE


    Dhung Pvt Ltd 2014


  • 8/11/2019 Business Plan for Ad MARKETPLACE


    Dhung Pvt Ltd 2014

    -ontents1. E/ecutie Suar............................................................................................12. -opan Description..........................................................................................2




    Lon3 (er Ai of t*e Business........................................................................2+5ecties.......................................................................................................2

    S$( Analsis................................................................................................2

    6. Market Analsis...................................................................................................6

    Se3ents of t*is arket.................................................................................6

    Print Adertisin3 7 Ne,spapers! Ma3a8ines! Broc*ures! 9liers.........................6

    utdoor Adertisin37Bill+oards! iosks! (rades*o,s and Eents.....................6

    Broadcast adertisin37 (eleision! "adio and t*e Internet...............................6

    -oert Adertisin3 7 Adertisin3 in Moies......................................................6

    Surro3ate Adertisin3 7 Adertisin3 Indirectl.................................................6

    Pu+lic Serice Adertisin3 7 Adertisin3 for Social -auses..............................6

    -ele+rit Adertisin3 6

  • 8/11/2019 Business Plan for Ad MARKETPLACE


    Dhung Pvt Ltd 2014

    1. E/ecutie SuarAd Space deal is an online portal for Buin3 and Sellin3 ad spaces. (*is portal

    ,ould 3ro, rapidl since t*ere *as +een an increase copetition in t*e

    adertiseent industr. -opanies are coin3 up ,it* ne, and innoatie ,as

    of to ake ad spaces *o,eer t*e are cult to

  • 8/11/2019 Business Plan for Ad MARKETPLACE


    Dhung Pvt Ltd 2014

    2. -opan DescriptionProotersA5it 'auta and Pra+*at Sin*a are t*e prooters for t*e +usiness at t*e tie of

    ,ritin3 t*is docuent.

    AdisorsShatrunjay Krishna,ould +e t*e tec*nical adisor for t*e enture.

    Serices is an online portal for searc*in3 and coparison ofAdertiseent Serices for +uin3 and sellin3 adertiseent spaces. Man

    industries! includin3 adertisin3! are +ecoin3 saturated ,it* copetitors and it

    is +ecoin3 di>cult for diCerent copanies to

  • 8/11/2019 Business Plan for Ad MARKETPLACE


    Dhung Pvt Ltd 2014

    6. Market AnalsisSe3ents of t*is arketPrint Adertisin3 7 Ne,spapers! Ma3a8ines! Broc*ures! 9liers(*is popular adertisin3 ediu oCers options like prootional +roc*ures and

    Fiers for adertisin3 purposes! t*rou3* ne,spapers! a3a8ines! +roc*ures! etc.

    ften t*e ne,spapers and t*e a3a8ines sell t*e adertisin3 space accordin3 to

    t*e area occupied + t*e adertiseent! t*e position of t*e adertiseent Hfront

    pa3eiddle pa3eJ! as ,ell as t*e readers*ip of t*e pu+lications.

    utdoor Adertisin37Bill+oards! iosks! (rades*o,s and Eentsutdoor adertisin3 is also a er popular for of adertisin3 t*rou3* +ill+oards!

    kiosks! and also seeral eents and trades*o,s ,*ic* akes use of seeral tools

    and tec*niGues to attract t*e custoers outdoors. (*e kiosks not onl proide an

    eas outlet for t*e copan products +ut also ake for an eCectie adertisin3

    tool to proote t*e copanKs products. r3ani8in3 seeral eents or sponsorin3

    t*ose akes for an e/cellent adertisin3 opportunit. (*e copan can or3ani8e

    trade fairs! or een e/*i+itions for adertisin3 t*eir products.

    Broadcast adertisin37 (eleision! "adio and t*e InternetBroadcast adertisin3 is a er popular adertisin3 ediu t*at constitutes of

    seeral +ranc*es like teleision! radio or t*e Internet. (*e cost of teleision

    adertisin3 often depends on t*e duration of t*e adertiseent! t*e tie of

    +roadcast Hprie tiepeak tieJ! and of course t*e popularit of t*e teleision

    c*annel on ,*ic* t*e adertiseent is 3oin3 to +e +roadcasted. (*e radio i3*t

    *ae lost its c*ar o,in3 to t*e ne, a3e edia *o,eer t*e radio reains to +e

    t*e c*oice of sall scale adertisers

  • 8/11/2019 Business Plan for Ad MARKETPLACE


    Dhung Pvt Ltd 2014

    and t*eir popularit for adertisin3 t*eir products. Usin3 cele+rities for adertisin3

    inoles si3nin3 up cele+rities for adertisin3 capai3ns! ,*ic* consist of all sorts

    of adertisin3 includin3! teleision ads or een print adertiseents.

    Marketin3 Industr DnaicsMarketers in India tpicall utili8e teleision! print and t*e Internet for arketin3t*eir oCerin3s. Soe ke

  • 8/11/2019 Business Plan for Ad MARKETPLACE


    Dhung Pvt Ltd 2014

    +et,een ultiple parties Hi.e. t*e copan! its clients! stake*olders!eploees! etc.J. $it* social edia! copanies can create! sustain and

    leera3e connections and stren3t*en t*eir position in t*e arket.

    PES( Analsis

    Social actors!

    India is relatiel a poor countr and

    people ,ould +e ,illin3 to si3n up for

    postin3 adertiseents on t*eir

    e*icles and +uildin3s to 3enerate

    additional reenue and proide ad


    "olitical actors!

    -*an3es on 'oernent "e3ulations on

    adertisin3 locations and restrictions

    ,ould ipact t*e ad space proiders

    #conomic actors!

    &u3e copetition in t*e adertisin3 space

    leadin3 to cooditi8ation opportunities ,*ic*

    can +e easil tapped + ,e+sites like ad space


    Technological $actors!

    Ne, #inl printin3 *as +een on

    t*e rise and printin3 costs are


  • 8/11/2019 Business Plan for Ad MARKETPLACE


    Dhung Pvt Ltd 2014

    4 Direct 9orei3n

    ;,,,.3lo+aladertis Direct 9orei3n

    @ ,,, Cers All B2+ Serices 9orei3n

    = ,,, Cers All B2+ Serices India

    ? ,,, Cers All B2+ Serices India

    ,,, Cers All B2+ Serices India



    Proides Director Serice 'ies 9ilterin3 as

    additional Serice




    Proides Director Serice

    'ies 9ilterin3 as

    additional Serice




    o Auto ads India

    -ate3or 2 -opetitors ,it* er Speci

  • 8/11/2019 Business Plan for Ad MARKETPLACE


    Dhung Pvt Ltd 2014

    4. Marketin3 and Strate3ProotionAdspacedeal.coKs strate3 is to attract ,e+site isitors s*ould +e supported + a

    stron3 prootions eCort t*at co+ines adertisin3 and pu+lic relations strate3ies.

    (*e prootional eCorts ,ill focus on +uildin3 +rand andT+u88around t*e nae.

    9or adertisin3 t*e need is to create ,e+site presence across ultiple ,e+ +ased

    edius oer internet. can use its eail access to its

    e+ers*ip to send prootional eails a+out discount ads t*at eet t*ecustoerKs needs. a also esta+lis* alliance partners*ips

    orT*ot linkson ot*er sall +usiness ,e+sites! proidin3 a strea of reenue for

    t*e *ost for eer custoer 3enerated + t*at link.

    "ecent (rends in AD IndustrTheadertisin3 industr is a 3ood ,indo, to ake sense of t*e c*an3e t*rou3*

    its essa3in3 and capai3ns ,*ic* capture t*e c*an3es ,it*in t*e Indian societ.

    At a acro leel! (# *as +ecoe t*e doinant edia toda at 42 H6=in 200;J of t*e total ad spends! ne,spapers *ae a s*rinkin3 s*are of t*e

    pie at 6 H4 in 200;J and di3ital edia is 3ro,in3 rapidl V fro 1

    in 200;! toda it attracts @ of t*e total ad spend. $*at is also apparent

    is t*at ore and ore adertisers ,it* a national footprint are tappin3 (#

    as a ediuO and ore local and re3ional ones are lookin3 at print. Not

    surprisin3l! t*e nu+er of ads + t*e top 10 (# adertisers is relatiel

    t t d t* i t I 2012 t* t 10 d ti t i+ t d

  • 8/11/2019 Business Plan for Ad MARKETPLACE


    Dhung Pvt Ltd 2014

    ;. Sta>n3 and perations9or t*e initial operations! for 3ettin3 people to si3n up a arketin3

    departent ,ould +e reGuired! t*is departent can +e scaled do,n later as ore

    people 5oin t*e portal and t*e +usiness +ecoes selfsustainin3. An I( departent

    for +uildin3 and scalin3 t*e ,e+site and proidin3 support to t*e custoers and

    solin3 t*eir Gueries. A eri

  • 8/11/2019 Business Plan for Ad MARKETPLACE


    Dhung Pvt Ltd 2014

    @. 'oernent Policies and -opliances(*e parties t*at are si3nin3 up for t*e serices ,ould *ae to copl ,it* policies laid + t*e 3oernent. Since t*e initial tar3et arket

    location is 3oin3 to +e in Del*i! soe of t*e ke polic stateents are listed +elo,

    Ma5or Policies aCectin3 utdoor adertisin3 in Del*i

    Del*i utdoor Adertisin3 Polic 200?

    Section 142 to 14@ Del*i Municipal Act

    Ad space deal ,ould also *ae to keep updatin3 its policies in accordance ,it* notices sent out + t*e Municipal -orporation of Del*i

    HAdertisin3 DepartentsJ.

    .he g&vernent als& ip&ses payents &n displaying advertiseent in !&er!ial vehi!les/ .hese have t& be ta"en int& a!!&unt (hile

    appr&a!hing *&r ad spa!e pr&viders/

    (*e Polic Docuent and paent notices ,it* *i3*li3*ted points is attac*ed in t*e appendi/ section


  • 8/11/2019 Business Plan for Ad MARKETPLACE


    Dhung Pvt Ltd 2014

    =. "eenue Model

    (*e Business could +e e/ecuted in t*ree laers as eac* laer 3ets successful t*e ne/t laer could +e added

    1. (*e ,e+site can start 3eneratin3 reenue + akin3 soe of t*e services as paidafter a year o$ $ree subscription. (*is is t*e

    siplest et*od and ,ill 3enerate t*e least reenue aon3st t*e ot*er approac*es.

    2. (*e data+ase collected fro t*e surroundin3 re3ion ,ould +e *u3e after a ear and t*is can +e pitc*ed to lar3er clients and edia

    a3encies and t*e copan could +ecoe an outsourcing partner.

    6. (*e prooters could start an ad agency,*ic* ,ould support full capai3ns t*at are reGuired + t*e corporates. (*is ,ould

    reGuire an additional departent for desi3nin3 t*e capai3ns and e/ecutin3 t*e. (*e operation details of t*is point is not in t*e

    scope of t*is docuent.


  • 8/11/2019 Business Plan for Ad MARKETPLACE


    Dhung Pvt Ltd 2014

    9inancial Stateents ear 1 ear 2

    ear 1

    ear 2


    Nu+er ofSu+scri+ers

    PerSu+scri+er Nu+er of Su+scri+

    Paid Su+scription 0100000

    00 0 0 2000 ;000

    (otal "eenue 0100000



    EGuipent purc*ases Per UnitNo ofUnits Per Unit No of Units

    -oputers for 0000 0 60000 6 60000 0


  • 8/11/2019 Business Plan for Ad MARKETPLACE


    Dhung Pvt Ltd 2014

    DeelopentMo+iles for Marketin3tea 20000 0 2000 10 2000 0

    Misc E/penses 60000 60000


    0 60000

    Sta>n3 Per Mont*No ofMont*s

    No ofPeople Per Mont*

    No ofMont*s No of Pe

    Mana3eent Marketin3

    4?0000 4?0000 40000 12 1 40000 12

    Marketin3 StaC Salar?4000

    0 ?40000 14000 12 ; 14000 12

    Deelopent (ea14400

    0 144000 12000 4 6 12000 4


    r to D*u-urrent o


    >ce Space6@000

    0 6@0000 1;000 12 2 1;000 12


    0 6@0000

    (otal Pro

  • 8/11/2019 Business Plan for Ad MARKETPLACE


    Dhung Pvt Ltd 2014

    (,o ears (otal4=420



  • 8/11/2019 Business Plan for Ad MARKETPLACE


    Dhung Pvt Ltd 2014

    ?. 9inancial StateentsAssuptions (*e arketin3 tea is a+le to retain at least 2000 corporate su+scri+ers. All t*eir eCorts ,ould +e ade durin3 t*e

  • 8/11/2019 Business Plan for Ad MARKETPLACE


    Dhung Pvt Ltd 2014

    Appendi/'.1 (overnment "olicy

    '.2 (overnment payment )otices $or &ommercial *ehicles

    '.3 http!++,,,,spaper-'dvertisement-"olicy.html
