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Dementia/alzheimers Caregiver’s support groupBETHLEHEM - Are you caring for a loved one who has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s or another dementia? Do you want to share your concerns, your successes, and your frustrations with others who will understand? This is a caregiver’s support group waiting for you. Please join us on the fourth Wednesday of each month (except De-cember) at Bethlehem Town Hall. Please call Jane Sand-ers at 439-4955, extension 1174 for more details. The group is co-sponsored by Bethlehem Senior Services and the Alzheimer’s Association.

Bethlehem iDa meetingsBETHLEHEM - The Bethlehem Industrial Development Agency (IDA) generally meets on the fourth Friday of each month. The meetings are broadcast live on the web; the video, agenda and minutes are also available online. 8:00 AM at Town Hall Auditorium, 445 Delaware Avenue, First Floor, Delmar, NY 12054

toWn oF Bethlehem planning BoarD meetingsBETHLEHEM - Planning Board meetings are broadcast live on the web. The video, agenda and minutes are also available online. The Planning Board generally meets on the first and third Tuesdays of the month. 6:00 PM at Town Hall Auditorium, 445 Delaware Avenue, First Floor, Delmar, NY 12054

Bethlehem Cemetery assoCiation is seeking neW memBers For their BoarDBETHLEHEM - The Bethlehem Cemetery (located in the center of town at 286 Kenwood Avenue) is transitioning to new management, owing to the upcoming retirement of several long-term board members and the Administra-tor. The Cemetery has been well kept and run, and is in a better financial situation than most. Accordingly, the Bethlehem Cemetery Association is seeking new mem-bers for their Board, which under their bylaws must be lot owners. Persons interested in serving on the Bethlehem Cemetery Board should call the Bethlehem Cemetery As-sociation (518 439-2394) or email them at [email protected].

iF you are a senior resiDent, 60+, see all our senior serviCes Department has to oFFerBETHLEHEM - Get the latest Senior Services Newsletter in the Senior Services office at Town Hall, in one of the Senior Transportation vehicles or online to find out some of the great things available to our town’s senior popula-tion. Social outings to plays, musicals, dinners, sporting

events, movies and more are always going on. Transpor-tation to doctor’s appointments, grocery shopping, etc. is available by reservation, call 439-5770. Senior Legal Services Program and Smart Drivers Courses are offered on a regular basis. Discussion and Support Groups meet monthly. The staff can help with housing options, food and meal programs, referrals to available programs and finding senior organizations of interest. If you are in need of assistance with Medicare options, durable medical equipment (walkers, shower chairs, etc.), home heating help, Medicaid, food pantry or anything you would like to find out for which you qualify or if you need assistance with certain applications, contact the Outreach staff at extensions 1173, 1174 or 1175.

Bethlehem FooD pantry is availaBle to all toWn resiDentsBETHELHEM - The Bethlehem Food Pantry is located at 445 Delaware Avenue, Delmar, New York at the Bethle-hem Town Hall for town residents. It is run through Beth-lehem Senior Projects, Inc. with help from Bethlehem Senior Outreach workers and is kept stocked through the generosity of individuals and groups within the com-munity. Senior Services volunteers keep the shelves in order and make sure that a supply of food and store gift certificates are kept on hand for special needs. If you live in town (proof of address/residency required) and feel you could use the help of the Food Pantry, call 439-4955, extension 1173 or 1174 for a confidential appointment.

annual panCreatiC CanCer researCh WalkDELMAR – Albany Pancreatic Cancer Research Walk will be held on Sunday, September 13, at Elm Avenue Town Park in Delmar. Registration opens at 8:00am. Sign up at or call 1-866-789-1000.

Capital DistriCt patriot Flight inC.DELMAR – Patriot Flight Inc., Capital District Region – Honoring our Veterans. WWII, Korean & Vietnam Vet-erans flight on October 3. Send off Ceremony (to be scheduled). Help us find Veterans, Guardians & Fund-ing., PO Box 190, Delmar, NY 12054; 518.426.0461 or 518.439.9265; [email protected] [email protected]

venDor / CraFt FairWESTMERE – The Westmere Fire Department Ladies Auxiliary will hold its 2nd annual Vendor/Craft Fair on Sat-urday, September 19, from 9am to 3pm at the Firehouse, 1741 Western Avenue. A used book/CD/DVD/Video table will be included. Refreshments and lunch will be available for purchase. For an application or more information call

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Tammy at 518-588-5716 or Kathy at 518-3937541.

loCal author DayALBANY – Local Author Day Saturday, September 19th from 1pm-4pm Barnes & Noble, Inc., 131 Colonie Center, Suite 355, Albany. Bernard Conners – Loudonville, NY: Bernard Conners, former publisher of The Paris Review, has a distinguished career in government, business, pub-lishing, and film. He is the best-selling author of Dance-hall, Tailspin, and Don’t Embarrass the Bureau. Cruising with Kate: Enjoy a rollicking ride with Bernard and “Cool Kate,” his unflappable wife, on a trip behind the scenes at diverse places such as corporate boardrooms, The Paris Review, and the FBI. Follow the insecure Bernard’s nouveau riche climb up New York’s social ladder on this rags-to-riches literary joyride. Meryl Day – Delmar, NY: Meryl Day has been an attorney for children in Rens-selaer County Family Court for nine years. The sequel to Jordy the Jaguar is being prepped for publication. Jordy the Jaguar: An extraordinary feline, Jordy the Jaguar, joins Fred and Mary’s family. With his brother dog, Ollie, and sister cat, Tallie, Jordy tries to get along with his new family. Will Jordy finally claim his place in his new home?

neW sCotlanD hamlet zoning & site Design NEW SCOTLAND – The New Scotland Hamlet Zoning and Site Design Standards Study Advisory Committee has scheduled a public workshop for Thursday, Septem-ber 24 at the Voorheesville High School Commons from 7:00-9:00pm. The purpose of this meeting is to gather feedback from the public on potential zoning strategies for the New Scotland Hamlet area. The purpose of this study, which kicked off in April of this year, is to create a mixed-use zoning district to replace the current com-mercial zoning in the area surrounding the Route 85 and Route 85A intersection. Any new zoning district proposed will support the Town of New Scotland’s implementation of the Hamlet Master Plan that was completed in 2012. This study also includes the development of design stan-dards for the new district that balance the area’s sig-nificance as the town’s largest commercial zone with the highly scenic and rural character of the community. The Study Advisory Committee has assisted in this planning effort. The Committee consists of residents appointed by the Town Board, Albany County, the Capital District Re-gional Planning Commission, New York State Department of Transportation, and the Capital District Transportation Authority. The Capital District Transportation Committee and the Town chose AECOM (formerly known as URS Corporation) to conduct the study based on their exten-sive experience and skill in land use planning and zoning in communities similar to New Scotland. The Study Advi-sory Committee has met regularly since April to prepare materials and plan for the public workshop. Further in-

formation on the project and upcoming meetings can be found at / and at in the town calendar. “This work is the culmination of significant planning efforts by the Town and several county agencies”, said Thomas E. Dolin, Supervisor of the Town of New Scotland. “We look forward to new zoning recommendations for this impor-tant commercial zone in our town.” This study is being funded through the Capital District Transportation Com-mittee’s (CDTC) Linkage Program. The study has a total budget of $70,000, $52,000 of which is paid by CDTC and $17,500 by local cash match. CDTC is the metropolitan planning organization (MPO) for the Albany-Schenecta-dy-Troy and Saratoga Springs metropolitan area. CDTC provides a forum for state and local officials to discuss transportation issues and reach a consensus on transpor-tation plans and programs. The CDTC Linkage Program has funded 83 studies, with an investment of over $5 million in federal, state, and local funds since it began in 2000. Learn more about the Capital District Transporta-tion Committee at

Changes oF the 20th Century in alBany’s south enDALBANY – As part of the 16th Annual Hudson River Valley Ramble, Schuyler Mansion State Historic Site invites you to take a virtual ramble of Albany’s Historic South End, presented by City Historian Tony Opalka. Using seldom seen images of a century ago, Mr. Opalka’s presentation will explore how the continuous fabric of the South End has been broken up into smaller enclaves by urban re-newal programs of the 20th century, and discover what neighborhoods and ethnic groups have disappeared. A walk in the South End will follow. The presentation will be held at Schuyler Mansion on Saturday, September 26, at 10:00am. As space is limited, reservations are required. For further information, or to reserve your place, please call the site at (518) 434-0834 by September 22. Rain Date: Sunday, September 27 at 12:30pm. The Ramble brings people outside to enjoy our distinct cultural heri-tage and the natural resources of the Hudson Valley dur-ing the Northeast’s most beautiful time of the year. More than 150 environmental, land conservancy, trail and his-toric preservation organizations, New York State historic sites and parks, as well as the National Park Service par-ticipate by offering events, and many are free of charge and family friendly. For a complete listing of events, visit or look for the Ram-ble guide at most cultural institutions and historic sites. Schuyler Mansion, located at 32 Catherine Street in Al-bany’s historic South End, was the 18th-century home of Revolutionary War Major-General Philip Schuyler (1733-1804) and his family. The mansion is open for guided tours Wednesday through Sunday, 11am to 5pm. For fur-

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ther information about this or other site events, please visit,, or find us on Facebook.

arthritis FounDation seeks volunteersALBANY – We are looking for volunteers to give 3-4 hours per week to help out with general office duties, light maintenance, or program and event related proj-ects. Training is provided. Make your own hours. Call Terry for more information at 456-1203.

DeBtor’s anonymousALBANY – Debtor’s Anonymous is a 12-step fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their com-mon problem and help others to recover from compul-sive debting. Group meets on Tuesdays at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church (Room 5, upstairs), 10 North Main Street, Albany. For additional information, contact Donna at 588-3405.

Bereavement support groupTROY- Seton Health is holding a support group for indi-viduals who have recently lost a loved one. The Bereave-ment Support Group meets at St. Mary’s Hospital on the first and third Tuesday of every month from 4:45-5:45pm in Conference Room D. The Bereavement Support Group is a confidential meeting for anyone who has recently lost a family member due to illness or injury. Individuals experiencing symptoms such as disbelief, anger, resent-ment, loneliness or guilt from the loss of a loved one who has recently passed away are encouraged to attend. This event is free and open to the public. To register, or for more information, call 371-1400 x162.

giFFy’s BBQ LOUDONVILLE – Shaker Road Loudonville Fire Depart-ment is hosting a Giffy’s BBQ Chicken Dinner on Friday, September 11th from 4pm-7pm. $10 per dinner (cash/credit). Dinner includes 1/2 chicken, baked potato, cole-slaw, roll & butter, and dessert. 550 Albany Shaker Road, Loudonville. Call 458-1352 for more information. The proceeds from this event will be given to the Firefight-ers Cancer Fund in memory of Chief Meaghan Sammons. Please support!

CraFters WanteDLOUDONVILLE – Shaker Road-Loudonville Fire Dept. La-dies Auxiliary is looking for crafters for our annual Craft Fair, which will be held on Saturday, October 17, from 10am-4pm. Handmade items are preferred. $25 for one space or $40 for two. 550 Albany Shaker Rd. Call Donna at 782-4928 or the firehouse at 458-1352 for more in-formation.

eXplorer post 475 is reCruiting neW memeBersLOUDONVILLE – Shaker Road Loudonville Fire Dept. Ex-plorer Post 475 is currently recruiting new members. If you know a young person between the ages of 14-18 that is interested in Firematics and Emergency Services have them contact us. Prospective Explorers are asked to attend 3 meetings and drills as an observer to make an informed decision on joining our group. Meetings and drills are held on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of every month starting at 6:30pm at Shaker Road FD Sta. 1 - 550 Albany Shaker Road, Loudonville, NY. For further infor-mation please call 458-1352.

ongoing FunD raising eXerCise ClassesLOUDONVILLE – Shaker Road Fire Department cares about your health and wellness, so take part in our vari-ous ongoing fund raising classes and be a better you! Baby Boot Camp, Morning Wellness Workout, Midday-Get-Away, Kids Zumba, Adult Zumba, Qigong. Visit our website at

annual FreeDom WalkCOLONIE – The Capital region Blue Star Mothers are hosting their annual Freedom Walk at the Crossings in Colonie, on Friday, September 11. There will be a mile walk around the lake to commemorate the day’s events in ‘01, with pictures, and then local politicians speaking on behalf of our lost heroes. All local fire department members and police are invited, as well as the entire community. There will be refreshments and a rolling fire truck memorial from that terrible day.

Farmers market at the Crossings parkCOLONIE - through Saturday, September 12, 2015. 9am-1pm. 580 Albany Shaker Rd., Loudonville. Parking: Available in the field across from the Market. Contact: [email protected] or call 518-456-2136.

Colonie harvest FestCOLONIE – The Town of Colonie will host Harvest Fest, a free community celebration, Sunday, September 13 from noon to 5pm at The Crossings. The event fea-tures activities for all ages, including wagon and pony rides, crafts, clowns, puppet and magic shows, food and craft vendors. Children’s music by the Zucchini Brothers, 3:00pm; crooner Nick Coluccio (noon-1:00pm); Big Ra-dio (1:15-2:45pm); and classic rock with the Pipe Kings (3:15-5:00pm). The Town thanks CDPHP, Waste Connec-tions, Inc., and County Waste & Recycling for supporting Harvest Fest. Call 456-2136 for more info.

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8th annual hometoWn heroes 5k run & WalkCOLONIE – The New York National Guard Family Readi-ness Council will hold its 8th annual Hometown Heroes 5K Run/Walk on Sunday, September 20, at 9:15am. It will take place at The Crossings of Colonie. It is USATF Cer-tifiied. T-shirts to the first 250 runners. Chip timing. This fundraiser is to benefit NY National Guard members and their families in need. Register at

annual Crossings 5k Challenge & kiDs runsCOLONIE – The 12th Annual Crossings 5K Challenge and Kids Runs to benefit Colonie Youth Center and the CAP COM Cares Foundation will be held on Sunday, Septem-ber 27. Registration begins at 8:00am. 5K Run/walk kicks off at 10am followed by the Kids ¼ mile Fun Run and Kids 1 mile chip- timed run. Event starts and finishes at CYC’s Rudy A. Ciccotti Family Recreation Center. Course will run through the Colonie Crossings Park. Walkers are welcome. Register by September 23 for the best deal. For more information write to us at [email protected] and like Crossings 5K Challenge and Kids Runs on Facebook. Register online today!

Colonie CurBsiDe ColleCtion BeginsCOLONIE – Colonie’s free weekly yard waste collection has begun. Regular weekly curbside collection is by fire district, as follows: Monday, Midway/Stanford Heights; Tuesday, Shaker Road/Loudonville; Wednesday, Latham/Schuyler Heights; Thursday, Verdoy/Boght/Maplewood; and Friday, Fuller Road/West Albany. When a legal holi-day falls on a collection day, pick up for all districts may occur on another day during the week. Regular weekly service continues through November 6. After November 6, the Town will continue to pick up yard waste, but not on the regular weekly schedule. Collection continues through December 11, weather permitting. Call 783-LEAF for information.

support For Family CaregiversCOLONIE – The Town of Colonie Senior Resources De-partment provides individual support, assistance and counseling to family caregivers caring for an aging loved one or friend. For information and assistance please con-tact the Senior Resources Dept. at 459-5051. Caregiver support services are partially funded by Albany County Department for Aging.

“a seConD ChanCe” thriFt shopCOLONIE – Come visit our upscale thrift shop offering clothing and shoes for men, women, and children, house-hold items, books, toys, linens, small appliances, and jew-elry, all at reasonable prices. The shop is located at 1229

Central and Frederick Avenues. Hours are: Sat. 10am-1pm, Tues. 10am-3pm. All proceeds go to the American Italian Heritage Association and Museum, a non-profit organization.

toWn oF Colonie BoarD anD Committee meetingsCOLONIE - Board of Assessment Review -- Annually 4th Tuesday in May; Community Development Citizen Adviso-ry Committee -- as needed; Conservation Advisory Council -- 1st and 3rd Thursday of month; Friends of Pruyn House -- 2nd Monday of each month; Highway Safety Committee -- 3rd Wednesday of each month; Industrial Development Agency -- as needed; Justice Court -- Every Monday and Wednesday night and Thursday morning; Library Board -- 3rd Wednesday of the month & special meetings as announced; Planning Board -- Every other Tuesday (Sub-ject to change, please see Planning Board Agenda web-page to verify).; Senior Citizen Advisory Committee -- 3rd Thursday of month, 9:30 AM; Sign Review Board -- 1st & 3rd Tuesday of month, 7:00 PM; Significant Environmen-tal Areas Management Appeals Board -- Meets monthly on Wednesdays at 7:00 PM at Public Operations Center, 347 Old Niskayuna Road. For exact meeting dates, please contact the Plannning and Economic Development De-partment at 783-2741.; Solid Waste Alternative Planning Committee (SWAP) -- Normally meets monthly on Fridays at 7:00 AM at the Public Operations Center, 347 Old Nis-kayuna Road. For exact meeting dates, please contact the Division of Environmental Services at 783-2827.; Town Board -- Usually the 2nd & 4th Thursday of month, spe-cial meetings as announced (Subject to change, please call ahead, 783-2700 to verify).; Youth Advisory Board -- 1st Thursday of month, 12:00 PM; no meetings in June, July or August.; Zoning Board of Appeals -- Every other Thursday, 7:00 PM (Subject to change, please see Zoning Board of Appeals webpage to verify)

elks soCCer shootLATHAM – Colonie Lodge #2192 and Watervliet Lodge #1500 have teamed up to hold the annual soccer shoot at Colonie Lodge #2192, 11 Elks Lane, Route 155, Latham on Saturday, September 12th, from 8:30-11:00. Ages: 7 and under; 8-9; 10-11; 12-14. Age is determined by a birth-day by August 1. Refreshments and awards to be given. Winners will go on to sectionals. Admission is FREE. Con-tact Joshua Mertins at 518-331-2857 or Ed Quackenbush at 518-810-9961. Colonie Elks is a part of the Benevolent and Protected Order of Elks, a charity driven organization dedicated to helping those in need.

latham Colonie knights oF ColumBus CraFt FairLATHAM – Craft Fair on Saturday, September 12, 9:00am-4:00pm at the Latham Colonie Knights of Columbus Coun-

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cil Hall. Rain or shine! Represented vendor products in-clude: jewelry, crochet items, Tupperware, Perfectly Posh products, Clean it with Zap Cloths, holiday decorations, greeting cards, photography, sewing items, quilts, crystal, beads, gemstones, scrapbooks, home décor items, and snowberry wreaths. Food will be available for purchase. Hope to see you there!

k oF C “all you Can eat” BreakFastLATHAM – Latham Colonie Knights of Columbus will hold an “All You Can Eat” Breakfast on Sunday, September 13 from 8:30am-11:30am. Menu includes: juice, coffee, tea or hot chocolate, fruit cup, scrambled eggs, pancakes with hot syrup, French toast, home fries, corned beef hash, bacon, sausage, cereals & banana, Danish pastries, bagels, toast plus an omelet station. Come relax and let us do the cooking! All you can eat for only $9.00, children ages 5-10 $4.00 & children under 5 free. Latham Colonie Knights of Columbus is located at 328 Troy Schenectady Rd., Latham; 518-783-0572;

polka DanCe at DanCelanD latham nyLATHAM – Polka Dance at Danceland in Latham on Sun-day, September 13 from 2-6pm. Music by Donnie P & Cel-ebration. Area’s best dance floor!

healing serviCesLATHAM – William M. Champine will conduct Healing Ser-vices at the Days Inn and Suites Hotel, 954 New Loudon Rd. (Rt.9), Latham, at 3pm on the following dates: Sun-day, September 13; Sunday, September 20; and Sunday, September 27. Bring your families, friends, and children. William has had the gift of healing since 8-9-91. For in-formation see or call (518) 237-6378. All are welcome in the hope that those in need of the healing power of Jesus will receive it.

sQuare DanCesLATHAM – Single Squares of Albany (modern western square dancing) will hold dances on the following dates: Wednesday, September 16, 7:30-10pm; Caller: Dave Eno; Cuer: Dave Eno. Wednesday, September 23, 7:30-10pm; Caller: Bruce McCue; Cuer: Dennis Viscanti. Dances are held at Colonie Elks Club, Watervliet-Shaker Road, Latham; Cost: $7. For more information, call 518-674-2076.

proFessional Development: a Winning CultureLATHAM – A professional development discussion focus-ing on organizational and corporate culture, led by Dr. Phil Gauthier from Insight Coaching & Consulting, LLC, will be held on Thursday, September 17, at The Century House in Latham. Registration & Breakfast: 7:30am; Program:

8-9:30am. Dr. Phil Gauthier is the President and CEO of Insight Coaching & Consulting, LLC. He is a licensed Ex-ecutive Coach, as well as a Corporate Culture and Organi-zational Development Consultant. Dr. Phil utilizes various professional tools (i.e., DISC assessment, 360 surveys, etc) to provide expert analysis of leadership and manage-ment styles. His 30-plus years of leadership training ex-perience under-girds his expertise in developing leaders and their organizations.

shaker Class oF 1965 to holD 50th reunionLATHAM – Shaker class of 1965 will hold a 50th reunion celebration on Friday, September 25 and Saturday, Sep-tember 26, 2015. Friday night from 7 to 11pm, there will be an informal gathering at the Gazebo Room of the Holi-day Inn, 400 Old Loudon Rd., Latham. Saturday evening from 6 to 11pm at the same location, we will have a din-ner dance with entertainment by Bobby Dick, and a brief program commemorating classmates and some honorary guests. Members of the class are asked to send their e-mail addresses to [email protected] or call Jack Hebert at 518-729-5618.

annual small Business alBany shoWCase & JoB FairLATHAM - The annual Small Business Albany Showcase and Job Fair will be held on Wednesday, October 7th at The Holiday Inn Express & Conference Center in Latham on at 400 Old Loudon Road, Latham. Admission is Free. The SBA Showcase is an all-day event that features semi-nars on the latest in business technology, social media strategies, mobile applications, digital marketing, and ca-reer enhancement. Google will be presenting at 10am & 2pm. Find everything you need to grow your business from start up funding to expansion and outsourcing. Find your next job with over 30 employers that are hiring! Talk to recruiters and get hired on the spot! Attend a variety of business seminars, network with area business owners and marketing professionals. For more details and free tickets: go to Admission is free, the show is open to the public from 8am to 5pm. The SBA Showcase is underwritten by The Daily Gazette and Albany Broadcasting.

rummage saleLATHAM – The women of St. Matthew’s Church, 129 Old Loudon Road, will hold their Rummage Sale on Friday, October 9th from 4-7pm. Bag Sale will be on Saturday, October 10th from 9am-noon.


latham Women’s CluB seeks neW memBersLATHAM – The Latham Women’s Club is a group whose

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main goal is fundraising for many different charities in the Capital Region. We meet seven times a year in various area restaurants. Our members range in age from 30 to 100 yrs.! We are now in need of young members with new and different ideas to help people in our communities. If you are that person and would like to find out additional infor-mation, please call Mo at 518-810-6272, after 6pm.

venDors WanteDNISKAYUNA – Vendors wanted for the Largest Flea Market in the Town of Niskayuna! The 39th Annual Flea Market at the Niskayuna Reformed Church, 3041 Troy Schenectady Rd. (Route 7), Niskayuna, will be held on Saturday, Sep-tember 26 from 9am-4pm. Rain or shine! The Flea Market is 4 miles west of Northway exit 6 on Route 7. Parking donation is $2. Homemade hot soups, pies, cakes, chili, as well as delicious luncheon selections. Vendors are wanted. Cars & vans may stay with dealers. Spaces are 20’x20’. Reserved outdoor spaces are $25 by September 18 or $30 thereafter. Indoor spaces are $40 by September 18 or $50 thereafter. Proceeds to benefit Church ministries. For more information, call 785-5575.

4th annual FunDraiser For the mohaWk huDson humane soCiety oF menanDsMENANDS – Please held save animals lives! You can make a difference. Saturday September 12, from noon-6pm at the American Legion 476, 93 Oneida St, Cohoes. Event will feature awesome DJ Ernie Apisa, Auctions, 50/50 Raffle, Fantastic Buffet with minimal $10 Donation. Also accepting Dog/Cat food and supplies drop spots: American Legion in Cohoes. All proceeds go directly to Mohawk Hudson Hu-mane Society. Adoption clinic will be held outside the day of fundraiser from noon-3pm (weather permitting). For ad-ditional information, call Vickie at 518-852-8478.

Free puBliC leCturesMENANDS – Concrete Evidence Proving The Messiah’s Birth, Life, Death, Burial and Resurrection! The Institute of Divine Metaphysical Research, Inc. presents Free pub-lic lectures explaining uncommon facts about the Creator and the creation. In these lectures we show how this pat-tern operates throughout the Bible and the creation, even how your body is made by this pattern. Lectures are held every Wednesday and Friday from 7:30-9:30pm and Sun-days from 11am-1pm at 100 Broadway / Mid City Plaza / Menands. For further information, email us at [email protected]

olD FashioneD sunDayNEWTONVILLE – The Friends of Pruyn House will celebrate the 32nd annual “Old Fashioned Sunday” at the Pruyn House, 207 Old Niskayuna Rd., Newtonville, on Sunday September 13th from 12 noon to 4pm. The public is invited

to this FREE event, which will be held rain or shine. Old Fashioned Sunday is a festive fun day in a lovely setting at this 5-1/2 acre site. The historic house built between 1825 and 1830 will be open for touring. The day will feature music throughout the afternoon featuring three different bands from the Town of Colonie. A number of attractions are planned including Old Tyme craft demonstrations, ex-hibits, vendors, visiting the beautiful gardens and other outbuildings such as the one-room schoolhouse and tool museum. For children, there will be pony rides, face paint-ing, a storyteller, a magician, an art show and live animals. There will be homemade baked goods as well as vendors selling hamburgers, hot dogs, soda, ice cream and pop-corn. Old Fashioned Sunday is hosted by the Friends of Pruyn House. The mission of the Friends of Pruyn House, a not-for-profit community organization in partnership with the Town of Colonie, serving as the educational, historical and cultural center of the Town, is to restore, conserve and preserve the Pruyn House Complex. It is the site for a wide variety of public, private, civic and corporate events throughout the year. For further information, call the Pruyn House at (518) 783-1435.

neWtonville uniteD methoDist ChurCh sponsors Brooks BBQsNEWTONVILLE – The Newtonville United Methodist Church, located on the corner of Maxwell Rd. & Rt. 9 near Siena College will sponsor Brooks BBQs on Thursday, October 15, from 4:00pm until sold out. Menu includes ½ chicken or 3 ribs, baked potato, snowflake roll, applesauce and home baked brownie. Price: Chicken dinner: $10.00; chicken only: $7.00. Rib dinner: $12.00; ribs only: $9.00. Take-out only; no reservations. For information, call the church of-fice at 785-6789.

ChiCken & BisCuit DinnerWATERVLIET – Watervliet United Methodist Church will hold a Chicken & Biscuit Dinner on Saturday, September 26 from 4-6pm. Take-outs & Free delivery in Watervliet. The Church is located at 1401 First Ave., Watervliet. For more information, call (518) 273-0191 x4.

storytime at liBraryWATERVLIET – Storytime at the Watervliet Public Library every Wednesday at 6pm. The Library is located at 1500 Broadway. Registration is required; call 274-4471.

FaBulous FinDs thriFt shop WATERVLIET – Fabulous Finds Thrift Shop located at Wa-tervliet United Methodist Church, 1401 First Avenue, Wa-tervliet. Open every Thursday from 10:00am to 2:00pm. We have clothing, accessories, shoes, household items, books, furniture, etc. For further information, please call (518) 273-0476.

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ChilDren’s ChurChWATERVLIET – Free Spirit Fellowship Church is now hav-ing Children’s Church services at their branch office every Thursday night at 7:00pm. The address is 1401 First Av-enue in Watervliet. Free Home Bible Studies are also avail-able. Please call 518-961-3464 for information.

Feast oF the triumph oF the CrossSCHENECTADY – Eucharistic Procession commemorating the Feast of the Triumph of the Cross, Sunday, September 13, 3:00pm at St. Luke’s Church, 1241 State St., Sche-nectady, led by Fr. Dominic Isopo. Join us for Eucharistic Adoration, procession on State St., with rosary, hymns and patriotic songs. Call Viviane 384-0699.

monDay noon programs Books sanDWiCheD in Fall seriesSCHENECTADY – The Friends of Schenectady County Pub-lic Library will offer their fall series of Books Sandwiched In programs at the Central library, 99 Clinton Street in Schenectady beginning September 14. The programs are held in the McChesney Room, beginning at 12:00pm. All are open to the public. Attendees are encouraged to bring a lunch; beverages are available for a nominal fee. The schedule for September is: Sept. 14: The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: the Japanese Art of Decluttering and organizing, by Marie Kondo, translated by Cathy Hirano; reviewed by Claudia Jakubowski, of Put Together by Clau-dia. Sept. 21: This Old Magic: A New Look at Old Fairy Tales, presented by Dr. Anastasia Pease, Lecturer, English Department, Union College. Sept. 28: The Iron King, by Maurice Druon; reviewed by Dr Helene Scheck, Director, Medieval Renaissance Studies Program at the University at Albany. View Online:

mini Quilts For many usesSCHENECTADY – “Mini Quilts For Many Uses” -- Assorted sizes and colors of homemade quilts at very reasonable prices. Available during Fire Plug 500 in Central Park, Sat-urday, September 19th. Part of profit goes to Schenectady Animal Shelter. Great gifts!

haBitat For humanity oF sCheneCtaDy County eXpanDs BuilD-a-Bash eventSCHENECTADY – Habitat for Humanity of Schenectady County has celebrated its Women Build program with a Bash held at Schenectady’s Central Park for the last two years. The 2015 event is taking on a new, expanded look with the announcement that the Saturday, September 19 “Build-a-Bash” has been moved to the Schenectady Ar-mory, located at 125 Washington Avenue in Schenectady

(opposite Schenectady County Community College). The event is from 5-8pm on Saturday, September 19. Tickets are $65 and may be made through Schenectady Habitat’s web site at and clicking on events or by mailing a check to Karen McLane at 115 N. Broadway, Schenectady, NY 12305. For further informa-tion, please contact Karen McLane at 518-395-3412 x103 / [email protected].

23rD annual Fireplug 500 Walk For animalsSCHENECTADY – The Animal Protective Foundation in-vites you to join us on Saturday, September 19th for our 23rd Annual Fireplug 500 Walk for Animals! This amazing event will be held in Schenectady’s beautiful Central Park from 11am-3pp. The Fireplug 500 is the area’s largest and longest-running dog walk in the region and important fun-draiser, which helps us to provide shelter, care, and hope for thousands of animals each year. Register online today at Questions? Call 374-3944 x113 for more information. Organize a team, come walk with your dog, and show your support for the Animal Pro-tective Foundation!

40 Days For liFe kiCk oFF rallySCHENECTADY – Schenectady 40 Days for Life Kick Off Rally - Sunday, September 20 from 3-5pm at Christ Church, 970 State St., Schenectady. Guest speaker: The Rt. Rev. Daniel W. Herzog, Bishop Emeritus, Episcopal Diocese of Albany. The Fall Campaign is September 23 – November 1 from 7am-7pm. The Prayer Vigil site is in front of Planned Parenthood, 1040 State St., Schenectady. Join us in prayer and fasting for an end to abortion. Call Viviane at 384-0699 or go to

a night From the Big BanD eraSCHENECTADY – The Stockade Soiree - “A Night from the Big Band Era” to benefit Schenectady Civic Players’ new elevator project and playground enhancements at the Stockade’s Riverside Park. Dance to the music of The Joey Thomas Big Band. Evening attire, black tie and 30’s to 40’s attire optional. Sunday, September 20 from 5-9pm. The Stockade Inn, 1 No. Church St., in Schenectady’s historic Stockade district. $75 per person includes cuisine provided by The Stockade Inn. Reservations or more information, 518-334-3687.

sCheneCtaDy suDs - a historiC Beer tour oF the stoCkaDe DistriCtSCHENECTADY – Take a walk along what was once known as “Brewer’s Street,” looking at local history through the lens of a beer glass. This walking tour of the Historic Stockade District will examine the history of brewing and its impact on our history, from the Colonial era to today’s

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Bulletin BoardBulletin Boardcraft brew revival. The tour begins with a look at the SCHS exhibit Hops & Hogsheads: Beer from Colonial to Craft Brew, and concludes with a tasting and tour at Mad Jack Brewery / The Van Dyck Restaurant and Lounge! Date: Thursday, September 24; Times: Tours depart at 5:30pm, 6:00pm, and 6:30pm; Location: Schenectady County Historical Society, 32 Washington Ave. Schenect-ady, NY 12305. Cost: $12.00. Pre-registration required! Buy your tickets at Tour meets at the Schenectady County Historical Society, 32 Washington Ave, Schenectady, NY 12305. Off-street parking is available in the adjacent YWCA lot. For more information, please contact Jenna Riley at 518-887-5073 or [email protected].

the 55th annual stoCkaDe WalkaBoutSCHENECTADY – The Stockade Association and the Schenectady County Historical Society are proud to pres-ent the 55th Stockade Walkabout, celebrating three centuries of Schenectady history and architecture. Ever wanted to peek inside the beautiful, historic houses of the Stockade? Join us September 26 and tour the fine homes and spaces that grace our neighborhood! Times: 11:00am-5:00. Location: Maps, tickets, and information at Schenectady County Historical Society, 32 Washing-ton Ave. Schenectady, NY 12305. Cost: $20.00 (advance tickets) or $25.00 (day of, cash or check ONLY) or $10.00 (students only). Buy your discounted tickets NOW at or by visiting one of these locations: Proctor’s Box Office, 432 State St., Schenectady; Sche-nectady County Historical Society, 32 Washington Av-enue, Schenectady; Open Door Bookstore, 128 Jay St, Schenectady; Nott St. Office, Nott St. Niskayuna; Kulak’s Nursery, 1615 Route 146, Rexford. For tickets purchased in advance at outlets, please pick up wristband and tour map day of event at Schenectady County Historical So-ciety, 32 Washington Ave. Schenectady, NY 12305. For tickets purchased online, please print confirmation and present at advance sale table at the Schenectady County Historical Society the day of the event to get wristband and tour map. Note that there will be no refunds, and that event will be held rain or shine. For more informa-tion, please contact Mary Zawacki at 518-374-0263 or [email protected].

Whitney Book Corner Book saleSCHENECTADY – The Whitney Book Corner, 600 Union Street, Schenectady, will hold a sale on children’s and young adult books during the month of September. Books will be half price. The store is open seven days a week, Monday-Saturday, 10am-4pm (Thursday until 7pm); and Sunday, 1:30pm-3:30pm. On the first Thursday of each month from 4-7pm books are half price. The Whitney Book Corner sells quality used books at reasonable prices

as well as used audio books, CDs and DVDs. It is oper-ated by the Friends of Schenectady County Public Library. All proceeds benefit the library system.

genealogy DaySCHENECTADY – The Schenectady County Historical So-ciety’s Genealogy Day. Our annual Genealogy Day is a great way for family history researchers - from begin-ners to experts - to learn more about where and how to find information, to share stories with other researchers, and to have time to use resources in our Grems-Doolittle Library. This event will feature four speakers on various topics of genealogy along with open research time in our library. Date: Saturday, October 3; Time: 9:00am - 4:00pm; Location: SCHS, 32 Washington Ave, Schenect-ady, NY 12305; Cost: $5.00; SCHS members free! Full Schedule: 9:00am – Doors open. 9:30am-10:15am - Ge-nealogical Research in the Albany County Hall of Records by Craig Carlson. 10:30am-11:15am - Breaking Through Genealogy Brick Walls by Lisa Dougherty. 11:30am-12:15pm - The Contractual Fabric of Life: Using Wills, Deeds, and Marital Records to Discover the Past in New York by John T. McGuire. 12:30pm-1:30pm - Lunch break on your own. 1:30pm-2:15pm - Genealogy in the New York State Library by Stephanie Barrett. 2:30pm-4:00pm - Open Research Time in the Library. The Schenectady County Historical Society is wheelchair accessible, with off-street parking behind the building and overflow parking next door at the YWCA. For more information, please contact Michael Maloney, Librarian/Archivist, at 518-374-0263 x3 or [email protected].

aarp taX-aiDe seeks volunteersSCHENECTADY/MONTGOMERY/FULTON COUNTIES – AARP Tax-Aide, the nation’s largest free volunteer-run tax assistance and preparation service is seeking volun-teers to assist in tax assistance and preparation and to become leadership coordinators. Volunteers of all ages and backgrounds are welcome; you do not need to be an AARP member or retiree to volunteer. Volunteers receive free tax training. They help customers one-on-one at tax sites. It is a great way to learn new skills and to be in-volved in your community. For more information on how you can join the AARP Tax-Aide team, for Schenectady, Montgomery or Fulton Counties contact (Robert Parsons, 518 371-7729, email [email protected]) or call our toll-free number, 1-888-OUR-AARP (1-888-687-2277) or visit our web site at

Donations neeDeDSCHENECTADY – The Home Furnishings Program, Inc. is seeking donations to serve clients in need in Schenectady County. Program operates at no cost to the donor or re-cipient. Currently needed: beds, dressers, kitchen tables & chairs, coffee tables, end tables, loveseats and house-

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Bulletin BoardBulletin Boardhold items such as blankets, pots & pans, towels, small kitchen appliances and kitchenware. Donations are tax deductible. To arrange a pick up (in Schenectady County only), call 346-2444.

aDDitions to liBrary pass programSCHENECTADY-- The Schenectady County Public Library has added three museums to its Library Pass program: Albany Institute of History and Art, the Berkshire Mu-seum and the FASNY Museum of Firefighting. The Li-brary Pass Program is a partnership between the public library and area museums and cultural venues. Library patrons can sign out a pass – just like a book – to visit participating locations. Each pass offers free or reduced admission according to the terms for that pass. For more information and a full listing of passes, visit or call 388-4508. The program is made possible through the support of the Friends of the Library.

mohaWk toastmasters Develop CommuniCation & leaDership skillsSCHENECTADY/ ROTTERDAM – Toastmasters is an ef-fective program to develop your leadership, communica-tion, and listening skills in both social & business environ-ments. The Mohawk Toastmasters Club in Schenectady/Rotterdam is part of the Toastmasters International, a non-profit, membership based organization and a world leader in communication and leadership development. Club members improve their skills by attending one of the 14,650 clubs in its global network. All are welcome to attend our meeting on every first and third Wednesday of the month at Rotterdam Senior Center at Hamburg Street and East Campbell Road. You can also learn more about Mohawk Toastmasters on

german Fest at our reDeemerSCOTIA – Our Redeemer Lutheran Church on the cor-ner of Glen Ave. and So. Reynolds Street in Scotia will hold its annual German Fest on Sunday, September 20, from 11:30am to 3:30pm. Homemade German dinners will be available for a donation of $10.00. Dinners will include fresh made Bratwurst & Knockwurst, Sauerkraut, German Potato Salad, Rye Bread, Beverage and Dessert. There will also be a snack bar featuring German Potato Pancakes, chips and sodas. German music will be pro-vided by Victor Meister and there will be vendors selling Maple Products and plants and a Pumpkin Patch for the kids. Join us for a great time. For more information call the church at 393-5031 or go to

BBQ pulleD pork DinnerSCOTIA – St. Andrew’s in Scotia is holding a BBQ Pulled Pork Dinner on Saturday, October 3rd from 4-7pm. Eat in or take out. Adults: $10; Seniors: $9; Children: $7. St. Andrews is located at 50 Sacandaga Road.

animal proteCtive FounDation seeks volunteersSCOTIA - The Animal Protective Foundation is seeking daytime volunteers within the shelter, located at 53 Ma-ple Avenue in Scotia, and morning and evening help at its PetSmart Cat Adoption Center on Balltown Road in Niskayuna. Time commitment varies and training is pro-vided. Volunteer positions include: adoption; dog walk-ing; special event and outreach support; laundry; bottle and can sorting; and morning cage cleaning at PetSmart. Must be at least 18 years. Contact Denise Altobelli, vol-unteer coordinator, at 374-3944 x118 or [email protected].

sCotia-glenville FooD pantrySCOTIA – The S-G Food Pantry, located at the City View Church, 132 Mohawk Ave., Scotia, provides a 3-day sup-ply of food to residents of Scotia-Glenville. Pantry is open Tuesdays 5:30-7:00pm and Fridays 9:00-11:00am. In-formation: 399-9426, ask for Janice Cooper; or call Tim Horn at 377-0372.

transportation For seniorsSCOTIA/GLENVILLE - The Glenville Senior Center offers transportation to seniors who live in the Town of Glen-ville or Village of Scotia. We’ll take you to the hairdresser, grocery store, Walmart, to visit a friend, the bank etc. We are not able to transport folks to medical appoint-ments. Available pick up at your home Mon.-Fri., 9:00am-3:00pm. For additional information, call 374-0734. Dona-tions gladly accepted.

volunteers neeDeDSCOTIA – Compassionate and caring individuals needed to assist in providing care for the dying. The Joan Nicole Prince Home, a community home for the terminally ill, is looking for individuals wanting to “make a difference” by caring for terminally ill residents who lack the support and options to remain at home during their final days. Volunteers are needed to provide personal care, sup-port, meal preparation, laundry and light housekeeping. Training and ongoing support is provided. If interested, please call 346-5471 or e-mail [email protected].

al-anon Family group meetingsSCOTIA – If you are affected by a loved ones’ addic-tive behavior (alcohol, substances, gambling), Al-Anon can help restore your sanity. We, as a group, come to-gether to share our experience, strength and hope, and discover ways to live a happier life. Every Friday from

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Bulletin BoardBulletin Board6:30-7:30pm, we meet upstairs at Our Redeemer Lu-theran Church, So. Reynolds St. (corner of Glen Ave.) in Scotia. Questions? Call 377-9765 or email [email protected] with Meeting in the

Questions aBout liFe? try alpha!GLENVILLE – You’re invited! Join us Monday nights start-ing September 14 at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, 547 Saratoga Road, Glenville. Alpha is a chance to ex-plore and question the meaning of life. Over a series of about ten sessions, you’ll find out about the basics of the Christian faith. Each session involves a main talk and some time to say what you think. It’s fun, relaxed and free, and you can ask anything you like! Dinner is at 6 and childcare will be provided. Did we mention it’s FREE? For more info visit

rally DayGLENVILLE – FREE Community Event! Good Shepherd Church, September 20, noon-3:30pm. Free food; bounce house, slide and Velcro wall; pet adoption; music; face painting, crafts and games. Plus information tables from local community services and more! Good Shepherd Church is located at 547 Saratoga Road. For more info visit or call 399-4540

rCia meet & greetGLENVILLE – The Church of the Immaculate Conception located at 400 Saratoga Road in Glenville is having a meet and greet evening on Monday, September 21, for any-one interested in learning more about The Catholic Faith through our Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA). If you have been searching for a faith community, and are considering the Catholic Faith or would like to learn about receiving sacraments in the Catholic Faith, please come join us on Monday, September 21, starting at 7pm in the Parish Center Flicker Room. If you are interested, please call our rectory at 399-9168. If this date is not convenient for you, call us at 399-9168 for a more convenient time. All are welcome!

ChiCken BBQ – eat in or take outGLENVILLE – Centre Glenville United Methodist Church lo-cated at the corner of Sacandaga and Bolt Roads (across from Glendaal School) on Saturday, September 26, from 4-6:30pm or sold-out. Adults: $10.00; Kids 5-12: $5.00; Under 5: Free.

“islam 101” presenteD By reverenD James kaneGLENVILLE – Talk - “Islam 101” presented by Reverend James Kane, Director of the Commission for Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs for the Albany Diocese. Tuesday, September 29 from 7:00-9:00pm at the Church of the Im-maculate Conception, 400 Saratoga Road, Glenville. For

additional information, contact Kim Klementowski at [email protected] or 384-2234. All are welcome.

presentation on enD oF liFe issuesGLENVILLE – End of Life Issues Presentation will be held on Tuesday, October 6th at 7pm at Immaculate Concep-tion Church Parish Hall, 400 Saratoga Rd. (Route 50), Glenville. “Doctor-Assisted Suicide: Unethical, Unnec-essary and Dangerous -- What You Need to Know” by Kathleen Gallagher, Director of Pro-Life Activities for NYS Catholic Conference. No cost to attend. Teens and Adults are encouraged to attend and learn about the moral teaching and principles of the Catholic faith and how they offer a better alternative to today’s destructive right-to-die culture. Sponsored by the parish Respect Life, Youth, and Adult Faith Enrichment Ministries.

venDors WanteD GLENVILLE – Vendors wanted for Fall Craft & Vendor Fair to be held at Centre Glenville United Methodist Church, corner of Sacandaga and Bolt Roads on Saturday, Oc-tober 17. Art, baked goods, crafts, farmers market, etc. Registration Flat Fee $35.00. For Vendor Application Con-tact: Sue 518-399-8544; Melanie 518-860-6892 [email protected]

Joseph miChael kolarCik FounDation to holD 7th annual “angelversary” DinnerGLENVILLE – Joseph Michael Kolarcik Foundation’s 7th Angelversary Dinner will be held on October 17 from 6-9:30pm at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, 547 Sara-toga Road, Glenville. Advance tickets please: $15.00. Con-tact Cynthia at 518-878-9000 or [email protected]. All proceeds benefit families of stillborn or infant loss. Joseph Michael Kolarcik Foundation is a non-profit organization spreading awareness regarding stillborn ba-bies & infant loss such as SIDS and neonatal deaths. Our mission is to raise money to provide financial assistance to parents of stillborn babies, SIDS and neonatal deaths. Enjoy Good Food, Music, Dancing, Fun Auctions, 50/50 Raffle, New Friends. An evening like no other!


Donations oF sChool supplies & BaCkpaCks neeDeDGLENVILLE – Help Give Kids a Running Start this school year! The Glenville YMCA is accepting donations of school supplies and backpacks to help get kids started off right in the upcoming school year. The generosity of our com-munity has been overwhelming, but there are still chil-dren who need a backpack sponsor; can you help them? Contact Patty McCormack at 399-8118.

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Bulletin BoardBulletin Boardare you a Family memBer in Crisis?GLENVILLE – Families Anonymous is a free support group for family and friends of a loved one who is suffering from alcohol, drugs, or other addictive behavior. You are not alone and there is help. Meetings are every Monday at 7:15pm at Conifer Park (not associated), 79 Glenridge Road, Glenville, off main lobby in room 117. Come listen to other FA members, become stronger, and learn new ways to improve the situation. For more information, con-tact Sharon at 518-488-0995, or e-mail [email protected]

Boy sCout Bottle & Can DriveGLENVILLE – Boy Scout Troop 65, chartered by the Church of the Immaculate Conception, conducts a re-turnable bottle and can collection drive and accepts used printer cartridges for recycling on the 1st Saturday of ev-ery month from 9:00am-12noon at the Church located at 400 Saratoga Road (Rte. 50) in Glenville. Follow the signs at the entrance of the parking lot of the Church to the Boy Scout Troop 65 garage. The Scouts will unload the returnables from your vehicle.

“tops” take oFF pounDs sensiBly GLENVILLE – TOPS meets every Thursday evening at 6:45pm at Immaculate Conception Church, 400 Saratoga Rd., Glenville. Please check us out if you would like a fresh start and looking to change your weight loss rou-tine. For more information, please call 374-9659.

are you a nursing mother?GLENVILLE - The Breastfeeding USA: Capital Region NY Chapter’s Breastfeeding Cafe is now meeting from 10:15am to noon on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month in the Training Room of the East Glenville Fire De-partment, 433 Saratoga Road (Rt. 50), Glenville. We wel-come all women, together with their babies and children, who are interested in learning more about breastfeeding. Thank you for bringing quiet toys for your children, and a nutritious snack to share. In bad weather, we follow Glenville and Burnt Hills school closings. For more infor-mation, email [email protected]

looking For veteransGLENVILLE – Wanted: A lot of good men & women who have served our country in combat, hostile fire and im-minent danger duty. All current members of the Armed Forces and Veterans of combat related military service are invited to join our Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 4660 (Mayfair-Glenville). Qualifying dates of military service are stated in your DD214 (separation document). In the absence of the DD214, Hostile Fire or Imminent Danger Pay can be established through your pay records. If you choose to join us, the Post will pay for your first year’s

dues! We meet at the East Glenville Firehouse at 7:00pm on the 2nd Tuesday of each month. For more information, please contact Larry Zeglen at 399-7559 or Bob Bishop 399-9249. Visit our website at

Fire Company seeks volunteer helpersWEST GLENVILLE – West Glenville Volunteer Fire Com-pany is looking for basic help. We need folks for com-puter input, grant writing, shopping, gardening, event planning, photo album organizing and as basic helpers in the ‘social’ end of the fire service. If you are a district resident that can commit a few hours a week, this call for help is for you. This is an opportunity for couples to get out and for community service for teens! Firefighters are always needed. Mondays at 7:00pm, 2024 West Glenville Road, 399-0567.

glenville toWn BoarD meetingsGLENVILLE – Glenville Town Clerk Linda Neals has an-nounced that all regular Town Board meetings and work sessions will now convene at 7:00pm. Glenville Town Board meetings are held at the Municipal Center, 18 Glenridge Road, on the 1st & 3rd Wednesday of each month, except June, July, & August, when meetings are held the 3rd Wednesday only. Town Board work sessions are scheduled for the 2nd Wednesday of each month, at 7:30pm.

seeking CraFters For CraFt FairCHARLTON – Crafters wanted for Craft Fair on Saturday, September 12th, 9am-3pm at the Charlton Freehold Pres-byterian Church. Please call 882-7390 for additional infor-mation.

CraFt Fair & Bake saleCHARLTON – The Charlton Freehold Presbyterian Church annual Craft Fair & Bake Sale will be held on Saturday, September 12th from 9am to 3pm. Lunch will also be available. Crafters interested in indoor or outdoor spaces can call 882-7390 for information.

Burnt hills ChurCh to host 67th annual ChurCh FairBURNT HILLS – The Burnt Hills United Methodist Church will host its annual Lord’s Acre Fair on September 11 and 12. The church, located at 815 Route 50 in Burnt Hills, is popular for its autumn event originally named for pa-rishioners allotting an acre of their property to grow fruits and vegetables for the fair. The first fair was held in 1948. “The first fair netted $2,600, which was no small sum in 1948,” said Greg Adams, a member of the committee that oversees the event. “Last year we exceeded $28,000, which is split between the church budget and commu-nity outreach programs.” The balance is dedicated to the church’s outreach program, including funds for various

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Bulletin BoardBulletin Boardlocal organizations including local missions and food pan-tries, the Salvation Army Soup Kitchen, Bethesda House, the Community Library and the Methodist Camp Skye Farm. “As you can imagine, there are fair leftovers,” said Adams. “We know there is always a need for good, used furniture, kids books, linens, and various other items and we get materials to organizations that can help.” In ad-dition, the Fair features a variety of food, entertainment, kid’s games, a country store tent, and various crafts and crafters. For more information, call the church office at 399-5144.

Women’s CluB Begins neW yearBURNT HILLS – The Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake Women’s Club will open its new year on Monday, September 14 at noon at the Burnt Hills Methodist Church Hall, Route 50, Burnt Hills. The program will be presented by repre-sentatives from Wellspring, a Saratoga County organiza-tion devoted to helping victims of domestic violence. A business meeting will follow. The program is open to the public. The Club has been in existence since 1949 and is a member of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs. New members are welcome.

Fall roWing season Begins BURNT HILLS – Burnt Hills Rowing Fall Season begins Monday, September 14th for Middle School students. Be-ginners are welcome! Please visit us at or on Facebook at Burnt Hills Rowing Association for de-tails and registration.

ms selF help groupBURNT HILLS/SARATOGA – Saratoga Multiple Sclerosis Self Help Group meets the first Thursday of every month from 6-8pm at the Town of Ballston Community Library, 2 Lawmar Lane, Burnt Hills (399-8174). Registration is not required. For more information, call 1.800.FIGHT.MS (1-800-344-4867, Press option #1).

Charlton CuB sCout Bottle Drop loCationBURNT HILLS – Please support Charlton Cub Scout Pack 4 Bottle Drop at its new location at Purdy Realty, 123 Lake Hill Road in Burnt Hills.

enJoy your liBrary at homeBURNT HILLS – Visit the Town of Ballston Community Li-brary website,, install the free soft-ware, browse the collection, and add titles to your cart. Check out with a valid library card and download titles to a personal computer or laptop. When the download pro-cess is complete, you can enjoy titles on your Windows or Mac computer or transfer to supported devices, like an MP3 player or Apple iPod. Many audio titles can be burned to CD to listen in the car. For more information and help resources, visit

gooDreaDs Book CluBBURNT HILLS – The Burnt Hills Teen Reading Club is the Town Of Ballston Community Library’s virtual discussion group for teens. We will talk about our favorite books, have reading challenges and raffle prizes! Our Club is open to students in grades 7-12 and is a private group on that is not visible to non-members. Students can participate by signing up on, with parent permission. Interested parents are also welcome to join our online group. For more information please mail [email protected].

moms CluB oF Bh-BlBURNT HILLS – Social and support group with activities during the day for moms and children, including play dates, field trips, informational lectures, crafts, and com-munity service projects. Contact us at 631-4633 or [email protected]. Membership area includes Burnt Hills, Ballston Lake, Charlton, Glenville, and Scotia.

ChurCh yarD saleBALLSTON LAKE – Our Lady of Grace Church invites you to a Yard Sale on Friday, September 25, 10am-2pm and Saturday, September 26, 8am-2pm. A Country Store with baked goods, home canned goods and fresh produce will be available. Handmade crafts will be on hand. The event will also feature household items, games & toys, jewelry, sports and much more. Don’t miss it! Join us at 73 Midline Rd., Ballston Lake. For more information call 399-5713.

teen ministry meetingsBALLSTON LAKE - Greater Grace Community Church, Malta Mall, 43 Round Lake Rd., Ballston Lake, would like to invite teens between the ages of 12-19 to their Fri-day night meetings as part of the church’s Teen Ministry. Meetings begin at 7:30pm. Come have a great time with plenty of other teens and listen to the Pastor Scott Et-man, preach the Word of God. Take the advice from this teenager whose life has never been the same. For more information, call 899-7777.

elks thursDay night BingoBALLSTON LAKE - The Clifton Park Elks hold bingo ev-ery Thursday evening (except major holidays). There are a wide range of games including a progressive jackpot and ‘Bonus Ball’. Proceeds help support the Elks’ Charity Programs. The Lodge is located at 695 MacElroy Road, Ballston Lake. Admission is $5 plus game cards (vari-ous prices). Doors open at 6pm and the first game starts promptly at 7pm. Refreshments are available for sale. For additional information visit or call (518) 877-5200.


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Bulletin BoardBulletin BoardFaith Baptist ChurCh to host the Dave ramsey FinanCial peaCe university REXFORD – Faith Baptist Church in Rexford will host the Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University. This nine-week course will teach you God’s way of handling money. The average turnaround is $8000 in just the first three months. Classes are Thursday evenings from 7 to 9pm, starting September 10th and ending November 5th. Cost of the course is $93. Register online at Location is 11 Glenridge Road, Rexford NY. For more in-formation call 399-2220. All are welcome.

milton eagles roCk City Falls vol. Fire Dept. 75th anniversary CeleBrationBALLSTON SPA – Milton Eagles Rock City Falls Volunteer Fire Department 75th Anniversary Celebration will be held on Saturday, September 12, from 1:00pm-9:00pm at Town of Milton Burgess Kimball Park, Rowland Street, Ballston Spa. Food and Beverage by: Deetz Catering, Lunch Brake Truck and Bully Dogs. Special Thanks to the following for their support: Allerdice Rental, Stone Inc., Stewart Company, Town of Milton.

25th annual antiQue truCk, traCtor & gas engine shoWBALLSTON SPA – September 26 & 27, 2015. Come visit our 25th Annual Antique Truck, Tractor & Gas Engine Show sponsored by the ATHS at the Saratoga County Fairgrounds. Vehicles from 1920 and earlier thru 2015 on display, rain or shine! Flea Market and old parts for sale. No vehicle Registration fee. Admission is $1.00 / per per-son. 9am-5pm Sat. and Sun. Children under 12 admitted free. Food and drinks will be available. Antique Tractor pull is planned on September 27. No Pets are allowed due to Fairground rules.

the 13th annual “the Way We Were” Car shoWBALLSTON SPA – The Ballston Spa Business & Profession-al Association (BSBPA) & Saratoga Automobile Museum are pleased to announce plans for the 13th Annual “The Way We Were” Car Show to be held Sunday, October 11, from 9:00am-4:00pm on Front Street in Ballston Spa. The rain date will be October 18. “We are very excited for another year of “The Way We Were” Car Show in Ballston Spa,” said Dan Barner of the BSBPA who serves on the car show’s leadership team. “We are also very excited to partner with the Saratoga Automobile Museum this year to make the show even greater. We invite the public to come stroll our historic village, check out the hundreds of cars and trucks on display, and enjoy the music, ven-dors and downtown businesses. It’s a great day for the

whole family.” Front Street will be blocked off from Milton Avenue past the Old Iron Springs to accommodate car ex-hibits and vendors. A new addition to the show this year is the “Kids Zone”, located by the Old Iron Springs, which will feature several free children’s activities. The car show is a judged show and several trophies will be awarded, including Best of Show, Mayor’s Choice, Best Engine, Best Paint, Best Stock, Oldest Vehicle plus the top 3 in each of 13 categories. Judging begins at 9:00am with trophies awarded at 3:30pm. The event is free to spectators. Ex-hibitors can pre-register by 10/1/15 for $10.00 per car or $15.00 the day of show. All proceeds will benefit BSBPA community activities and the Saratoga Automobile Mu-seum. Dash plaques will be given to the first 400 cars registered and the first 200 cars registered will receive car show souvenirs. Pre-registration can be completed online at or the BSBPA website, A printable, mail-in registration form is also available on the BSBPA website. For more infor-mation, contact the BSBPA at [email protected] or 885-2772. The Ballston Spa Business and Professional Associ-ation was founded in 1983 with the mission of promoting Ballston Spa as a great place to visit, do business and live. The Saratoga Automobile Museum was organized in 1999, and opened to the public in 2002. The Museum’s mission is to preserve, interpret and exhibit automobiles and automotive artifacts.


vFW #358 meetingsBALLSTON SPA – The VFW Post 358, 68 E. North St, Ballston Spa has announced their meetings schedule: Men - Every 3rd Wednesday of the month at 7pm; La-dies Auxiliary - Every 3rd Monday of the month at 7pm; and Men’s Auxiliary - Every 3rd Thursday of the month at 7pm. Call 885-8580 for more information.

Join CuB sCouts BALLSTON SPA - Boys 1st to 5th Grade, Pack 2, Ballston Spa. Wednesday Nights, 7-8pm, 1st Presbyterian Church, 22 West High Street. Info: Buddha Hurtt, CubMaster 884-8666

Free home BiBle stuDyBALLSTON SPA - A Great way to study through the Bible at your convenience. Exciting and informative study that could change your life. Compliments of Free Spirit Fellow-ship, 885-3149.

elks Weekly BingoBALLSTON SPA – The Ballston Spa Elks Lodge #2619, 10 Hamilton St., Ballston Spa, holds a $1,600 plus Bingo every Wednesday night. Doors open at 5:30pm and Bingo starts at 7pm. There is a progressive game and a 50 / 50 special as well as a $700 coverall. Refreshments and Bell

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Bulletin BoardBulletin BoardJar Tickets are available. Call 885-1149 for more informa-tion.

Caregiver support groupBALLSTON SPA – Evergreen Adult Day Services, 357 Mil-ton Avenue, Ballston Spa, an affiliation of The Wesley Community in Saratoga Springs, hosts a Caregiver Sup-port Group the last Tuesday of each month from 3-4pm. This group is designed for caregivers, families and friends of people with dementia. The group offers participants a chance to meet others in similar situations, share stories of successes and challenges, exchange tips and ideas and learn more about daily care-giving issues. The group also provides an opportunity for additional education on vari-ous aspects of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias. For more information or to register, please contact Trudi Cholewinski, at 691-1516. The caregiver support group is provided in conjunction with the Alzheimer’s Association of NENY.

Fall aCtivites BroChure noW availaBle on registration siteMALTA – The Town of Malta’s Department of Parks, Recre-ation and Human Services Fall Activities Brochure is now available on our online registration site: Registration for your favorite activities has started! New classes, sports programs and special events are scheduled to begin in September. Please call the Malta Community Center at 899-4411 for more information.

malta Community Day sCareCroW DeCorating Contest 2015MALTA – Attention all area scarecrow artists who are look-ing for a challenge. The Malta Department of Parks and Recreation will be holding their annual Scarecrow Deco-rating Contest during the Malta Community Day celebra-tion being held at Shenantaha Creek Park off of Eastline Road in Malta on Saturday, September 12th (rain date September 13th). No fee to enter. This year’s theme is “Scarecrows at Work” entry forms are available at the Malta Community Center, 1 Bayberry Drive, Malta or by visiting For more information call 899-4411.

aDironDaCk Chapter 60, korean War veterans’ assoC. lunCheonMALTA – The September luncheon for the Adirondack Chapter 60, Korean War Veterans’ Assoc., will be held on Thursday, September 17th, from 11:30am, at Carson’s Restaurant. Turn East off Rt. 9 in Malta. Host is Louise Finan. Please phone 584-3151 by September 15th with your reservations and further directions. Korean War Vet-erans, spouses, widows and friends are all invited to at-tend.

DeFensive Driving ClassMALTA – The Malta Community Center at 1 Bayberry Drive in Malta is offering a Defensive Driving Class on Saturday, September 26th from 9am-3pm. State law requires all in-surance companies to provide a 10% reduction for three years and up to a 4-point reduction on your NYS driving record. No tests! DMV-approved. For registration please call 899-4411.

neW 16u girls soFtBall teamMALTA/BALLSTON SPA – A new girls 16U travel softball team is forming for the 2015 Fall and 2016 Spring/Sum-mer season based in the Malta/Ballston Spa Area. Looking for position players and pitchers. For more information please contact Mike Simmons at 518-331-0558 or Rebec-ca at [email protected]

CraFters WanteDMALTA – The Malta Department of Parks and Recreation announces the date for the Malta Community Center Arts, Crafts, and Gifts Fair as Saturday, November 7 from 9:00am-3:00pm. Crafters and artisans of handmade items are being sought and vendors of manufactured merchan-dise will be considered on a juried basis for this lovely event at the Malta Community Center, 1 Bayberry Drive in Malta. Booth fees are $60. Call 899-4411 or visit for a show application.

play CarDs With retireD seniorsMALTA - Come join retired seniors Tues & Friday 12:00-4:00pm at the Malta Community Center playing cards. Open table, no requirements, enjoy pleasant afternoons without a TV set. (This is an independent group and not a community center program.)

art Display spaCe MALTA – The Malta Dept. of Parks and Recreation is look-ing for artists either professional or amateur who are looking to display their artwork in the Malta Community Center on a month long basis. Contact Holly Kane, the art display coordinator at 899-4411 for further information.

venDor / CraFt FairROUND LAKE – The Round Lake United Methodist Church is hosting a Vendor and Craft Fair on Saturday, September 12th from 10:00am to 3:00pm. There will be a variety of vendors including Mary Kay, Pampered Chef, Taste-fully Simple, Thirty-One and Tupperware. Participating lo-cal crafters will have their jewelry, wood turnings, photo greeting cards and candles for sale. Each participant will have an item available to bid on during a silent auction. All proceeds from the sale will be used to support the ministries of the Round Lake UMC.

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Bulletin BoardBulletin Boardarts attituDes eXhiBit anD saleROUND LAKE – 40 Regional Artists – featuring Anne Dig-gory. Opening Reception: Thursday, September 17, 6:00-8:30pm; Historic Round Lake Auditorium, Northway Exit 11. Wine and hor d’oeuvres, live auction, conversation with featured artist. Entertainment by HEARD. At the door - $20.00, Students - $10.00, Children under 12 free. Additional Hours: Friday, September 18, 3:00-7:00pm; Saturday, September 19, 11:00am-4:00pm; Sunday, Sep-tember 20, 1:00-7:00pm. – for additional information

BBQ FunDraiserROUND LAKE – A BBQ Fundraiser will be held on Sep-tember 20 from 4:30-7pm at the Round Lake Auditorium. Money raised will support the largest, oldest working fer-ris tracker organ in the U.S. Tickets on sale now at Leah’s Cakery and the Village Office. Call 899-2800 for more information. Pre-sale tickets strongly encouraged!

CraFt Fair at Corpus Christi ChurChROUND LAKE – Lots of parking will be available at the Corpus Christi Craft Fair! A variety Craft Fair will be held on Saturday, November 7 from 9am to 6pm and Sunday, November 8 from 9am to 1pm at Corpus Christi Church Hall in Round Lake. Featured will be over 20 vendors with a large variety of handmade crafts. In addition, the “Church Mice” of Corpus Christi will be selling their hand-crafted items. There is NO admission fee. Lots of Christmas shopping ideas! The day will include a Bake Sale, Morning Café, light lunch with homemade soup and pizza, until 2pm. Raffles of unique prizes will also be oc-curring. New this year will be children’s activities – face painting and Christmas crafts. Corpus Christi is located at 2001 Route 9 and Ushers Road, Round Lake (east of Exit 10 of the Northway and North of Route 146). For further information, contact Matt Duclos at 877-8506.

Free health Fair at simpson umCROCK CITY FALLS – Simpson United Methodist Church, 1089 Rock City Road, Rock City Falls (.4 mi. south of Rt. 29) is hosting a Free Health Fair on September 24 from 10am-3pm. Representatives from legal aid, hearing, nu-trition, hospice, home helper, cancer, and other health services; funeral planning, and more will be available to answer your questions, provide information, brochures, referrals, etc. There will be giveaways and free blood pressure screenings. All in the community are invited to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to visit with so many resources under one roof at the same time. Any questions please call Mary at 322-9585.

saratoga County arts CounCil eXhiBition at liBrary CLIFTON PARK – The Saratoga County Arts Council “Art in Public Places” Exhibition will be on display for the month of September in the 2nd floor Gallery at the Clifton Park-Halfmoon Public Library. Caroline Love Miller and Tim Do-bert will be this month’s featured artists.

spring house trioCLIFTON PARK – The Spring House Trio accordion band will play a mix of music: waltzes, polkas and traditional songs with some harmonizing and a few patriotic tunes at the Clifton Park-Halfmoon Public Library on September 11 at 10:30am. All are welcome to attend this Friday Morn-ing Free-For-All program. No registration required.

Country FairCLIFTON PARK – All are welcome at the SUMC Country Fair! Lots to do - Bouncy Bounce, music, games, dunk tank, food, huge book sale, household, toy and collect-able sales, farmer’s market. Friday, September 11, Chick-en BBQ, games, sales, 4:00pm-9:00pm. Come back Sat-urday, September 12, for the sales, music, games and food from 10am to 3:00pm. Reduced prices after noon Saturday. Great fun for the kids! All the fun is at Shen United Methodist Church, 917 Rt. 146, Clifton Park. Spa-ghetti Dinner to benefit Boy Scout Troop 30.

septemBer 11th BlooD DriveCLIFTON PARK – The Winfield Group Insurance Agency is sponsoring their 4th annual blood drive at their 3 Cor-porate Drive offices in Clifton Park. The drive will begin at 8:30am and end at 2:30pm. To schedule your appoint-ment, please call John DeBlasio at 688-0561 or go onto the Red Cross website at Come out and give the gift of life – one pint of blood can help save the lives of up to 3 people! Is there a better day than September 11th to help save the life of a fellow American?

make it morning: upCyCleD CoasterCLIFTON PARK – Is Pinterest your passion? Why should the kids have all the fun?! Join us for an adult DIY morning at the Clifton Park-Halfmoon Public Library on September 12 at 9:30am. This month we’ll be making coasters from discarded books. Feel free to bring along a favorite book you’d like to immortalize! Please register online or by contacting the library at 371-8622.

greg nazarian’s DanCe BanDCLIFON PARK – On the second Saturday of every month Greg Nazarian holds a dance at the Shenendehowa Adult Community Center, 6 Clifton Common Court, Clifton Park. The next dance will be Saturday, September 12, at 7pm.

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Bulletin BoardBulletin BoardThe cost is $10 per person, $5 for members of the Center. Proof of membership is required to receive the discount. Come and enjoy this wonderful event. This event is open to the public.

presChool story time registration septemBer 14 at 10amCLIFTON PARK – Online registration begins for the fol-lowing preschool programs: Parent/Child Library Time, Bouncing Babies, and Wonderful Walkers. Registration is restricted to residents of the Clifton Park-Halfmoon Public Library District for the first 48 hours, registration will then open to non-library district residents. This story time series begins the week of September 28 and runs through November 19. Please note that registration is for the complete series of dates. Please call the Library at 371-8622 if you have any questions.

musiC in the garDen series septemBer 14 at 7pmCLIFTON PARK – Come and enjoy the jazz improvisa-tions of Gabi Kosoy in the Clifton Park-Halfmoon Public Li-brary’s Reading Garden. Suitable for adults and children. No registration required.

presChool movies septemBer 15 at 10:15amCLIFTON PARK – Preschool movies at the Clifton Park-Halfmoon Public Library. Children between the ages of 3-6, who are accompanied by an adult, are invited to attend this series of short, age-appropriate, literature-based films including Peanut Butter & Jellyfish, Duckling Gets a Cookie and Goodnight, Goodnight, Construction Site. This is a drop-in program; no registration required.

Care links & Chili’s team up For FunDraising DayCLIFTON PARK – Care Links of Southern Saratoga County and Chili’s in Clifton Park are teaming up for a fundrais-ing day. Chili’s will present Care Links with 10% of all sales generated on Tuesday, September 15th, exclusive of tax and tip, as long as the diner presents the necessary voucher when seated at the restaurant. This offer is good for dine in and take out. Vouchers can be downloaded from the Care Links Website, and presented either at lunch or dinner on September 15th to be credited for the sales amount. This program is a simple for Care Links supporters to assist in raising funds of this valuable program. Care Links, started in 1996, provides volunteers to provide non- medical supportive services at no cost to person 60+ who reside in Clifton Park, Halfmoon, Malta, Mechanicville, Ballston and Charl-ton. Additional information may be obtained by calling 399-4624.

memories to memoirs (halFmoon session)CLIFTON PARK – Clifton Park-Halfmoon Public Library’s Memories to Memoirs (Halfmoon Session) will be held September 15 through October 13 at 12:30pm. For adults of all ages who would like a gentle, supportive atmosphere and thought-provoking assignments. Time allowing, participants can request editorial suggestions to improve their writing. The class runs for five Tuesdays. In-person registration and $15 fee are required before the first class. Space is limited. This class will be held at the Halfmoon Senior Center. Please call 371-3892 for more information.

Wagging their tails For talesCLIFTON PARK – Wagging Their Tails for Tales: Read-ing Therapy Dogs at the Clifton Park-Halfmoon Public Li-brary on September 15 at 4pm. Help your children gain more confidence in their reading abilities and improve their reading skills with this special therapy dog program in the Children’s Library. Children build confidence from the experience and are encouraged to continue with their reading at home. For children entering grades 1-4. Lim-ited 15-minute appointments are available by calling the Youth Services Department at 371-8622. Walk-ins wel-come if time slots are available.

Diy FooD series: non-Dairy milsCLIFTON PARK – DIY Food Series: Non-Dairy Milks at the Clifton Park-Halfmoon Public Library on September 15 at 6pm. Our DIY Food Series is back by popular demand! Join Christina Davis from Healthy Living Market for a de-mo-style class on making your own non-dairy milks from home, including almond, soy, and coconut. Please regis-ter online, in person or by calling the Library at 371-8622.

CiBerseCurityCLIFTON PARK – Cybersecurity at the Clifton Park-Half-moon Public Library on September 16 at 6pm. Today privacy and security have taken on new meanings. This class will explore our digital lives and our online pres-ence, discuss privacy and security, as well as manage your computer, email, and social media settings. Regis-tration required; please register online, in person or by calling the Library at 371-8622.

lego BuilDing For graDes 3-5CLIFTON PARK – LEGO Building (Grades 3 – 5) at the Clifton Park-Halfmoon Public Library on September 17 at 4pm. Children in grades 3-5 are invited to create a LEGO display based on the theme Bridges. Constructions will be photographed for display on the Library’s Flickr page. Registration is required and will begin on September 10 at 9:30am. You may register online or by calling the Li-brary at 371-8622.

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Bulletin BoardBulletin BoardsCraBBle & Chess night at liBraryCLIFTON PARK – SCRABBLE & Chess Night at the Clif-ton Park-Halfmoon Public Library on September 17 at 6:30pm. Come out for an evening of word-building fun playing Scrabble® or a challenging game of chess with your friends and neighbors. Anyone age 17 and up is wel-come to come. Registration is requested for this program and can be made online, in-person or by phoning the Library at 371-8622.

CliFton park-halFmoon puBliC liBrary BuDget vote/trustee eleCtion CLIFTON PARK – The Friends of the Clifton Park-Halfmoon Public Library urge residents of our Library District to sup-port their Library by voting. Vote on the 2016 Budget Proposal at the Library on Thursday, September 17, 7am-9pm (main floor of the Library). Complete an Exit Survey in the Josephine Piracci Board Room. The Friends will be serving light refreshments in the Piracci Board Room throughout the day. The Library values your opinion.

kinship Caregiver support groupCLIFTON PARK – Seeking all Caregivers raising a child that is not biologically their own, such as grandparents, aunts & uncles. Meeting at Christ Community Reformed Church, 1010 NY Route 146, Clifton Park, on Septem-ber 17th from 6-7pm in the Library Room. Together we can: Learn more about NYS Kinship Navigators. Find out about financial and legal resources. Discuss issues facing Caregivers. Share experiences & concerns. See how other Caregivers are coping. Plan future meetings on topics of interest. Questions? Please call, text or email Jean at 506-4284, [email protected]

FrienD’s vote Day CeleBrationCLIFTON PARK – The Friends of the Clifton Park-Half-moon Library will have a Two Towns-One Book display table on the 1st floor of the Library (under the stairs) on Library Vote Day, Thursday, September 17, from 9am to 9pm. Included on the table will be the 5 top book finalists revealed for this coming year. Copies of the books for bor-rowing, ballot boxes to vote for the book to be the finalist and Boscov’s Sale Day tickets will also be available.

gone With the WinD DisCussion & Film sCreeningCLIFTON PARK – Gone with the Wind at Clifton Park-Halfmoon Public Library on September 18. Discussion at 10:30am; Film screening at 1pm. Pauline Bartel, local au-thor of The Complete Gone with the Wind Trivia Book, will be speaking and sharing stories about one of America’s most famous movies. All are welcome to attend this Fri-

day Morning Free-For-All program. Feel free to join us at 1pm for a screening of the beloved Civil War classic. No registration required.

CeleBrity CheF at the CenterCLIFTON PARK – On September 18, at 5:30pm, the Shenendehowa Adult Community Center, located at 6 Clifton Common Court, Clifton Park, will host a Harvest Fest Dinner featuring food from Farmers Place Catering. For information on how to attend, please contact the Center at 383-1343. This event is open to the public.

FriDay morning momsCLIFTON PARK – The Shenendehowa United Methodist Church invites mothers of all ages to attend a weekly sup-port and fellowship group, “Friday Morning Moms,” begin-ning September 18, and held each Friday that Shenen-dehowa schools are in session, from 9:00-11:00am in the church Hearth Room. Each week’s meeting includes a Bible study and discussion on issues related to parent-ing. Refreshments are served and professional childcare is provided. Newcomers are always welcome. The church is located at 971 Route 146, Clifton Park, directly across from the Shenendehowa schools campus. For more in-formation, please visit our Web site

Farm Fest kiCk-oFFCLIFTON PARK – Farm Fest Kick-off at the Library on September 19 at 9am. All are welcome to help kick-off Clifton Park’s Annual Farm Fest at the Clifton Park-Half-moon Public Library with a free continental breakfast of cider donuts, apples, juice and coffee -- while supplies last (generously sponsored by the Friends of the Library). Local performer and educator Diane Payette will entertain with farm-themed songs and stories in the “music barn.” Visit rescue vehicles in the parking lot. Farm Fest informa-tion and maps will be available. This is a drop-in program, no registration required. For more information, call the Library at 371-8622.

talk like a pirate DayCLIFTON PARK – Talk Like a Pirate Day 2015 Treasure Hunt – September 19 at 10am at the Clifton Park-Half-moon Public Library. Little buccaneers are invited to drop-in between 10am and 2pm in honor of Talk Like a Pirate Day. Come and search for treasure hidden within the Chil-dren’s Library. This is a drop-in program; no registration required.