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Dear Friends.

I have had the privilege of serving on St. Mark’s Vestry as chair for Pastoral Care for 3 ½ years.

During that time, I have learned so much about caring. We are fortunate to have 18 ladies who work in

teams of 2 or 3, to make sure parishioners who may need some extra support, are taken care of by St.

Mark’s. These ladies who are dedicated to this ministry are: Julia Lansing, Judy Schwenn, Rose

Renfroe, Ellen Andersen, Sue Boyd, Peggy Cantrell, Juli Hayes, Carol Burchfield, Debbie Johnson,

Kathi Reisz, Deb Hull, Sue Killcreas, Mary Squires and Anne Blaylock. Teams rotate every 2 weeks,

reaching out to friends who may need some extra TLC. In addition to these ladies, Don Hoffmeyer

and Marilyn Lance offer Eucharist for those who are unable to attend church. Please let me, Don or

Marilyn know if you would like to receive communion at home, in the event you can’t get to church.

These folks are angels! To reiterate Rick and Jan’s words in last week’s Dear Friends letter…”we may

not know there is a need for us to offer help, unless someone tells us!”

There are many definitions of Pastoral Care, but I like this one: pastoral care consists of helping

acts done by representative persons, directed towards the healing, sustaining, guiding, reconciling and

nurturing of persons whose troubles and concerns arise in the context of daily interactions and ultimate

means and concerns. If you think of it, we ALL offer pastoral care in our daily lives as we reach out to

comfort friends or family.

Though it may seem paradoxical for the Christian, self-care is essential for a healthy life (Matt.

22: 37-39; Eph. 5:29-30). Yes, we must love God first and love others as well, but we also need to get

adequate rest to renew our bodies and spirits. Sometimes self-care means stepping away and graciously

allowing others to help us with our burdens. Jesus often slipped away to rest and pray (Mark 6:30-32).

When we follow His example, we will be more effective in our relationships and better able to give care

to others. (excerpt from Our Daily Bread)

Take care of yourself first!

Blessings to you,

Sally Little

Pastoral Care Vestry Chairperson

Bulletin Board October 4, 2019

St. Mark’s

Episcopal Church

901 West Emery Street

Dalton, Georgia 30720

Tel. 706-278-8857

Beer provided by: Dalton Brewing Company

Music provided by: Sneary Family Band

Blessing of the Animals starts at 5:00 pm

at 5:00pm


A prayer of the

Blessing of the Animals

from our Parish Life

Vestryperson, Deb Hull

Blessed are you. Lord God, maker of all living creatures. On the fifth and

sixth days of creation, you called forth fish in the sea, birds in the air and

animals on the land,. You inspired St. Francis to call all of them his

brothers and sister. We ask you to bless the animals and all living

creatures. By the power of your love, enable them to live according to your

plan. May we always praise you for all your beauty in creation. Blessed are

you, Lord our God, in all your creatures! Amen.

My name is Bowen. I am three years old. I like to swing on the playground. My aunt got me a new Cabbage Patch doll.

Preschooler Spotlight

Chili Supper

Friday, November 1st Tickets $8.00

11:00 am – 2:00 pm Corporate Orders

Drive Thru Only Orders of 10 or more

Chili, Crackers and a brownie available for delivery

from Mama Wilson’s Questions-

St. Mark’s Episcopal Church call Laura at

901 W. Emery Street 706-278-8857 or email

[email protected]

Chili Presale- Friday, October 25th

9:00 am – 12 Noon $15 (two quarts)


Creation Care Helpful Hint by Marilyn Lance

Animal Care Today is the feast day of St. Francis of Assisi, who is the patron saint of animals. We have been given responsibility for caring for the creation, and our pets are a big part of this. The following are a few reminders: 1. Be sure fresh water is always available. In a drought like we have now, stray dogs and cats (as well as wild animals) have a hard time finding water. 2. Feed good food but don’t overfeed. Obese pets are really a sign of neglect. Human food is NOT good for dogs and cats. 3. Spend time with your pet. 4. Pets living outside need adequate shelter. 5. Make sure all dogs and cats have a yearly rabies shot. Consult with your veterinarian about other shots and tests. 6. ALL dogs and cats should be neutered.

7. Report any animal abuse to 911. The Humane Society has no jurisdiction to help. 8. Call 911 to have stray dogs picked up by animal control. Because of the new management at the pound, many of these dogs go to rescue groups in Atlanta and up north. And, if a stray dog has an owner, that person will look for them at the pound. 9. Consider adopting a rescue animal. 10. Volunteer at the new Humane Society Center or for another rescue group.

Remember that all animals need and deserve your time, love, care and respect.


We have some new and exciting offerings for Adult Formation this year. These are the outstanding offerings of Don Hoffmeyer (aka "he's not afraid to go there!"):

• Do we need Priests?

• How did God spend his Summer?

• What we can learn from/about some Old Testament characters (Example: Did David kill Goliath?)

• How the Fundamentalist movement begun in the US in 1919 has created “more than one Christianity”

• Are we afraid to believe in Predestination & Hell?

Did God send Jesus to be sacrificed?

Additionally, with a view to Creation Season this fall and the transition to a new rector beginning soon, we will have 3 Sunday Creation sessions. These sessions will include lunch, study and activity.

Study will involve a book review of "The Agile Church, Spirit Led Innovation in an Uncertain Age" by Dwight J. Zscheile. The author "understands that innovation must be a way of life for churches in the next decades." This will be an interesting study on how we can stay flexible yet true to our heritage and bring others to Christ. I have 20 copies of the book at a cost of $15.60 each. I will have them at church beginning this Sunday.

Activities will involve creating and decorating a stole for the new priest; working on a scrapbook introducing ourselves to the new priest; Creation work in our green space; and possibly creation of chalices to be used in various services.

More details later, but for now, mark your calendars!

October 20 11:30 - 2:00

November 17 TBD

See you Sunday!

Just a quick note from Deloris Hefner: There are numerous casserole dishes and plates that have been left behind from previous 2nd Sunday Potlucks. We are doing a clean up in the Parish Hall kitchen and would like these to be picked up as soon as possible. So, please come and get them!!

Also, the Birdfeeder Pantry is collecting condiments (ketchup, mustard, mayo, etc.) along with microwaveable foods (Ramen noodles, soups, etc.)

Thank you for the great response to this OutReach!

THIS SUNDAY!! October 6th - Blessing of the Animals and Oktoberfest with The Sneary Family Band playing and

Dalton Brewing Company providing beverages October 13th - 2nd Sunday Potluck!!!




Classes at 9 & 9:45 in the Parish Hall.

Refreshments Provided by Daughters of the King

Are all invited and Youth Are Welcome

From Joann Williams on 9/25/29:


Wilfred Grenfell, Medical Missionary to

Labrador and Newfoundland

October 9 has been set aside to honor a 2 0

t h c e n t u r y

Canadian sa in t . Wilfred Grenfell was born in southwestern England in 1865. He was raised in the Church of England and trained as a physician at London U n i v e r s i t y a n d Hospital. During his time in London

Grenfell experienced a kind of religious conversion after meeting Dwight L. Moody, the American evangelist. In 1892 the Royal National Mission to Deep Sea Fishermen sent Grenfell to Newfoundland to improve the health and lives of fishermen and coastal inhabitants. For the next 40 years or so he worked tirelessly in Labrador and Newfoundland. He built and staffed hospitals and clinics. He developed schools and an orphanage. He helped develop agricultural cooperatives and industrial work projects. He took an active part in social work, driven by his Christian values. Dr. Wilfred Grenfell was knighted by King George V in 1928 in recognition for his work. He and his wife retired to Vermont where he died on October 9, 1940. His ashes were buried on the coast near St. Anthony, Newfoundland.

Saint of the Week by Marilyn Lance

Adult Formation Jan Littell [email protected] Children and Youth Formation Adam Davenport, Co-Chair [email protected] Juli Hayes, Co-Chair [email protected] Finance Jim Halverson [email protected] Jr. Warden Jan Littell [email protected] Outreach Adam Davenport, Co-Chair [email protected] Juli Hayes, Co-Chair [email protected] Parish Life Deb Hull [email protected] Pastoral Care Sally Little [email protected] Property & Grounds Rick Jackson ricky,martha,[email protected] Sr. Warden Rick Powell [email protected] Stewardship Rick Powell [email protected] Welcoming Bob Caperton [email protected] Worship Marilyn Lance [email protected]

Church Staff


October 2019 Sunday, October 13 - Pentecost 18 8:00 am Holy Eucharist Rite I 9:00 am Early Adult Sunday School

10:30 am Holy Eucharist Rite II 11:30 am Second Sunday Potluck

Office Hours: Offices Closed - volunteer only Monday, October 7 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Wednesday, October 9 10:00am - 2:00 pm Tuesday, Thursday & Friday October 8, 10 & 11 10:00 am - 4:00 pm

Sunday, October 6 - Pentecost 17 8:00 am Holy Eucharist Rite I 9:00 am Early Adult Sunday School 10:30 am Holy Eucharist Rite II 5:00 pm Blessing of the Animals 5:30 - 8:00 pm Oktoberfest

We celebrate the lives that make up the

community of St. Mark’s Church.

Happy Birthday

October 7 - October 13

Sadie Hoy Davis Witt Andy Hull

Emilie Leyssens Paul Alderman

Janet Johnson Sue Boyd

Organist/Choir Director Beth Nichols Parish Administrator Curry McClurken Preschool Director Laura Bock

Stewardship Report

Giving for week ending 9/29/19:

Weekly Giving $ 3,121.00

Total Giving for September $ 33,005.50

MTD Budgeted for September $ 31,250.00

Difference for September $ 1,755.50

YTD Budgeted $ 248,750.00

YTD Giving $ 229,632.02

YTD Difference $ (14,117.98)

Thank you for your generosity and support for the

work of God here at St. Mark’s!

(Parishioners indicated by *)

*Geneva Albertson

*Joan Anderson

*Walter Arms

*William Brammer

*Max Buckner

*Jon Burchfield

*Tracey Burke

*Patti and Gary Cole

*Cathie Cope

*Nola Culverson

*Lisa Dinverno

*Scott Hamlin

*Carolyn Hawkins

*Brenda Hoffmeyer

*Jacob Jones

*Steve Jordan Family

*Emilie Leyssens

*Jan Littell

*Sandy Martin

*Norman McCoy

*Kim Miller

*Teresa Noble

*Alice Oosterhoudt

*Ethel Rutledge

*John Schwenn

*Doris Shoemaker

*Bernadette Smith

*Pete Smith & Family

*Mary Squires

*Carol Taylor

*Virginia Weaver

*Terry & Celia Williams

Kelly Allgood

Thad Arms

Bobby Ray Armstrong

Lynn Bailey

Jean Bivens


Maxine Broeker

Margie Bruner

Mary Bucy

Marita Cantrell

Ron Cantrell

Judith Catalano

Carole Cook


Jack Dale


William Edwards

Janelle Fergueson

Phil Gailey

Colleen Halverson


Mary Haughie

Janet Hayes

Tasha Hemphill

Hyde Family

Katherine Kelehear

Beverly Kellett

Aaron Kitchings

James Lambert

Austin Lansing

Becky Lewis

Hannah Locke and family

Jim Lord

Reese Lukei

Ann Lumpkin

Minnie Marsh

Steve Masingill

Bridget McClure

Maryanne McDaniel


Esme Miller

Teresa Mitchell

Charlie Neal

Rebekah Nichols

Billy Nimmons

Jeremy Norton

Martha Painter

Mary Elizabeth Paris

Randy Perry

Steve Plott

Diana Poarch

Michelle Pritchett

Shirley Puckett

Bob Rodric


Mary Schaugh

Edwina Schwegmann

John Sewell

Mac Starr

Laura Stephens


Bailey Underwood

Christine Williams

Bradley Wilson

Melanie Wilson

Jason Yates

Intercessory Prayer List – September 2019