Download - Bullet boy

Page 1: Bullet boy

For the first part of the ancillary products for the promotional package for a new film, I will be analysing posters from

different films in order to make our own for our own film.

Page 2: Bullet boy

Thirdly analysing Bullet Boy posterThe front and back of the character are

juxtaposed with each other, the back being dark and the front bright. This connotes many different things, for example it could suggest the characters past was dark, this could be the reason why the title and the caption line seems to be placed specifically behind the character, and in the darker section of the poster.

The front of the poster is shown to be a bright shining light which signifies that there may be a new life, and suggest the thought of hope within the future or completely the opposite as people are shown to see a bright light at the end of their life.

Page 3: Bullet boy

The title of the film is shown to be in a graffiti style font signifying that it is involved within crime as it is shown to be printed on a wall.

Also the character is surrounded by smoke again another connotation of crime in relation to smoke from a gun shot. It may also be implyinh there is nothing the character can do to escape his situation.

Page 4: Bullet boy

There are two images shown within his head on this poster, these two images are completely different but both from his childhood, one shows him as an innocent little boy and the other shows the violence of him holding a gun.

Also this is backed up by the colours, as red symbolises fire and danger.

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The title is shown behind a slogan to the film ‘You only get one shot at life’ this is something that will attract an audience as they will be thinking ‘why?’ which will lead the audience on, also it could have two meanings, first meaning that you only get one chance at night and secondly that you will only have one shot with a gun either to ruin someone’s life or save it, this therefore gives you an indication what the film is about.

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The close up on the mans face suggests that he is the main character and that as the audience you will follow him through the narrative. The close up adds to the drama and impact of which the poster already creates through other aspects such as the deep colours used.

Similarly the close up allows us to see the characters facial expressions, which appear to be deeply thoughtful and reflective.