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    2013 Bull Mock CAT 14

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    Bull Mock CAT 14

    Section I: Quant & DI

    DIRECTIONSfor questions 1 to 12:Answer these questions independently of each other.

    1. How many six-letter words can be formed from the letters of the word HINDUSTAN so that thewords contain exactly 2 vowels and 4 consonants?

    1. 23,760 2. 32,400 3. 17,280 4. 60,480

    2. In parallelogram ABCD, AB < AD and BAD = 60. The bisector of BAD intersects the side BC

    at point E. If AB = 4, what is the area of ABE?

    1. 43 2.3

    38 3. 162 4. 8

    3. Consider positive numbersx,y,z, a, b andc. Ifx2 +y2 +z2 = 49, ax + by + cz = 63 and



    + b


    + c


    = 83, what is the value of cba




    5 2.9

    7 3.15

    11 4.5


    4. A speaks the truth 75% of the time he is asked something, while B speaks the truth 80% of the timewhen he is asked something. What are the chances of them contradicting each other when asked thesame set of questions?

    1. 35% 2. 20% 3. 17% 4. 45%

    5. The pages of a book are numbered sequentially 1, 2, 3, , n. If 3689 digits are used in numbering allthe pages, what is the number of pages in the book?

    1. 1190 2. 1195 3. 1199 4. 1205

    6. The interest on a certain sum for 2 years is Rs. 1700 and for 3 years is Rs. 2712.50. If interest iscompounded annually, what is the rate of interest?

    1. 7.5 % p.a. 2. 12.5 % p.a. 3. 15 % p.a. 4. 17.5 % p.a.

    7. A man gives a 40% commission and still earns a 12% profit on the sale of an article. Had the manoffered the agent a commission of 25%, what would be the profit earned?

    1. 40% 2. 28% 3. 53% 4. 15%

    8. For positive values ofx, xx xxxxf 332241

    . Then, the value off(x) _____

    1. is maximum atx = 2 2. is maximum atx = 3

    3. decreases forx 16 4. is always increasing

    9. A number when divided by 5 leaves a remainder of 3. What is the remainder when the same numberraised to 100 is divided by 5?

    1. 3 2. 1 3. 4 4. 2

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    10. Ifp & q both are integers andp > q, what is the smallest value ofq for whichp3 5p2 + 8p 4 > 0?

    1. 2 2. 1 3. 1 4. 2

    11. A newspaper vendor delivers three newspapers, A, B and C to a neighbourhood of 100 families. Hedelivers copies of newspapers A, B and C to 54, 45 and 44 families respectively. The number offamilies who receive copies of only newspapers A, B and C are 17, 16 and 11 respectively. If 15families receive copies of all three newspapers, how many families do not receive copies of thenewspapers?

    1. 14 families 2. 10 families 3. 12 families 4. 15 families

    12. A square of side 1 foot is rotated about one of its diagonal. What is the volume, in cubic feet, of thesolid formed?

    1. 23

    1 2. 26

    1 3. 2 4. 3


    DIRECTIONSfor questions 13 to 16:A publishing house based in Delhi publishes a weekly magazine. Themagazine offers discounts to customers based on different subscription schemes as shown below.

    Period No. of Issues Discount1 year 52 17%3 years 156 25%5 years 260 35%

    The news stand price of the magazine is Rs. 25.A year is made up of 52 weeks.Subscriptions can be paid for by cash, D.D. or cheque.Subscriptions are rounded off to the nearest Rs. 50.The publishing house charges Rs. 50 as D.D. collection charges and Rs. 100 for out station cheques.The issues are delivered by ordinary postal mail at no extra cost. If a customer wishes the issues be delivered

    by courier, the publishing house collects a one time courier charge equivalent to 10% of the news stand valueof the subscription.

    13. Mr. Rajat lives in Kolkata. His bank charges Rs. 45 as D.D. making charges for values below Rs.5000. If Mr. Rajat pays the subscription charges by D.D. and requests that the issues be delivered byordinary postal mail, what is the effective discount that he gets for a 1 year subscription to themagazine?

    1. 9.69% 2. 11.53% 3. 8.07% 4. 15.84%

    14. Nikhil and Savita stay in Mumbai. Nikhil's bank charges Rs. 100 for a D.D, if the value is up to Rs.5000 and 5% if the value is above Rs. 5000. Nikhil pays for a 3-year subscription by D.D. andrequests that the issues be delivered by ordinary postal mail. Savita pays for a 3-year subscription by a

    cheque drawn on a bank in Delhi and requests that the issues be delivered by courier. What is theabsolute difference between the effective discounts that Nikhil and Savita get?

    1. 3.72% 2. 6.16% 3. 8.72% 4. 9.18%

    15. Pankaj stays in Delhi and has a 5-year subscription to the magazine. He paid in cash and asked thatthe issues be delivered by courier. Jasleen stays in Ahmedabad and has a 5-year subscription to themagazine. She paid by D.D., for which her bank charged 5% of the value as D.D. making charges.Jasleen asked that the issues be delivered by ordinary postal mail. What is the difference between theeffective discounts earned?

    1. Rs. 675 2. Rs. 275 3. Rs. 435 4. Rs. 385

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    16. Navneet stays in Bangalore and is contemplating two different options for a 5-year subscription to themagazine. Under option A, he plans to have two 1-year subscriptions followed by a 3-yearsubscription. Under option B, he plans to take up a 5-year subscription. He plans on paying by DD ashis bank does not charge for making a D.D. He wants the issues delivered by courier. Which optionshould Navneet choose and how much would he save, in `, as compared to the other option?

    1. Option B, Rs. 1000 2. Option A, Rs. 950 3 Option B, Rs. 200 4. Option A, Rs. 1090

    DIRECTIONSfor questions 17 to 20: Answer these questions independently of each other.

    17. If x8181xx 22 cossin , what is the value ofx?

    1. 12 2. 15 3. 30 4. 60

    18. In the figure below, AB and AC are tangents to the circle with centre O. If AE = 5, what is the

    perimeter of AXY?

    1. 12 2. 8 3. 10 4. 14

    19. Semicircles are drawn on the outside of each side of a right angled triangle. If the area of the triangle

    is , what is the ratio of the sum of the areas of the semicircles to the area of the triangle?

    1. 2.5 2. 2 3. 3 4. 4

    20. Consider (1034 1014), (1014 994) and (1024 1004). Which of these is the largest?

    1. (1034 1014) 2. (1014 994) 3. (1024 1004) 4. Cannot be determined

    DIRECTIONS for questions 21 to 23: The following table provides financial details of 4 companies, A, B, Cand D from the same industry. Profitability is defined as profit expressed as a percentage of sales.

    Company A Company B Company C Company D

    Estimated Actual Estimated Actual Estimated Actual Estimated Actual

    Sales 24586 20898 17416 18286 3946 5524 15782 18148

    Profit 7345 8079 5439 4895 576 716 4913 6632

    21. If profitability is calculated on the basis of estimated values, which company has the highestprofitability?

    1. Company A 2. Company B 3. Company C 4. Company D

    22. The actual sales of company A were 10% higher than reported while the actual profits of company Cwere 10% higher than reported. If profitability is calculated on the basis of actual values, what is thedifference between the profitability for companies A and C?

    1. 25.69% 2. 15.28% 3. 20.88% 4. 16.91%


    C F Y



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    23. Which company has the highest absolute difference between the profitability calculated on the basisof estimated as well as actual values?

    1. Company A 2. Company B 3. Company C 4. Company D

    DIRECTIONSfor questions 24 and 25:Answer these questions independently of each other.

    24. In ABC,2


    . If AB = c, BC = a and AC = b, which of the following is true?

    1. a is the geometric mean between b and (a + c)2. a is the geometric mean between c and (a + b)3. a is the geometric mean between b and (b + c)4. a is the geometric mean between c and (b + c)

    25. A man can row 30 km upstream and 60 km downstream in a total of 11 hours. The man can also row48 km upstream and 50 km downstream in a total of 13 hours. At what speed can the man row in still


    1. 8 kmph 2. 6 kmph 3. 10 kmph 4. 2 kmph

    DIRECTIONSfor questions 26 to 28: The following band diagrams provide information about the revenueand profits of a workshop from two activities - Denting and Painting. Profitability is defined as profitsexpressed as a percentage of revenue.









    2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

    Denting Painting







    2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

    Denting Painting

    26. Which of the following years has shown the highest profitability under the Painting activity?

    1. 2006 2. 2008 3. 2009 4. 2010

    27. Operating expenses are calculated as the difference between revenue and profit. Which of thefollowing years had the highest operating expenses as a percentage of revenue under the Dentingactivity?

    1. 2006 2. 2007 3. 2009 4. 2010

    28. Referring to the previous question, which of the following years had the highest operating expensesfrom both activities, Painting and Denting, as a percentage of total revenue from both activities?

    1. 2006 2. 2007 3. 2008 4. 2010

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    DIRECTIONSfor questions 29 and 30:Answer these questions independently of each other.

    29. In ABCD, ABC = ADC = 90. Let AB = a, BC = b, CD = c and DA = d. If diagonals AC andBD are e andfrespectively, then,

    1. ab + cd< ef 2. ab + cdef 3. ab + cdef 4. ab + cdef

    30. The selling price of an article is Rs. 10. The articles are bought for Rs. 5 each for the first 100 articlesand for Rs. 4 each thereafter. Which of the following represents the unit margin on the sale of allarticles?

    1. 2.

    3. 4.

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    Section II: Verbal & Reasoning

    DIRECTIONSfor question 31:Pick the best option which completes the sentence in the most meaningfulmanner.

    31. Cyril Connolly used a poor filing system as a _____for our imperfect memory when he said,Our memories are card indexed, consulted and then returned in ____ by authorities whom we do notcontrol.

    1. simile, meticulous 2. metaphor, disorder 3. epigram, chaotic 4. basis, coherent

    DIRECTIONS for question 32: The question consists of five statements labelled A, B, C, D and E whichwhen logically ordered form a cogent passage. Choose the option that represents the most logical order.

    32. A. Because most human activity takes place in social situations in the presence of other people wemust fit what we as individuals do with what other people in the same situation are doing.

    B. We go about our lives assuming that most people share our basic definitions of basic social

    situations.C. This agreement on definitions and meanings is the key to human relations in general, according tosymbolic interactionists.

    D. For example, a staff nurse in a mental hospital unlocking a door for an inpatient is doing more thanjust enabling the patient to pass from one ward to another.

    E. He or she also is communicating a position of social dominance over the patient (within thehospital) and is carrying a symbol of that dominance the key.


    DIRECTIONS for question 33: In the sentences given below one word has been used in different ways.

    Select the one in which the usage is incorrect.

    33. FACTOR

    1. If two or more terms contain the letter you are solving for, factor the letter out.2. They had forgotten to factor the height of the truck against the low clearance of the old underpass onthe campus.3. Poverty is only one of the factors in crime.4. Although military, economic and political strength certainly favours the more powerful side, thematter of simple justice is a counterbalancing factor.

    DIRECTIONSfor question 34:Given below are sentences that form a paragraph. Identify the sentence(s) orpart(s) of sentence(s) that is/are incorrect in terms of grammar and usage (including spelling, punctuation

    and logical consistency). Then, choose themost appropriate option.

    34. A. More than 100 militants armed with rockets and automatic weaponsB. attack two security checkpointsC. in north-western Pakistan on Monday,D. sparing intense fighting thatE. left at least 41 insurgents and two soldiers dead.

    1. A and E only 2. B only 3. B and D only 4. A, B and D

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    DIRECTIONSfor questions 35 and 36:5 friends - Prachi, Rupali, Sayali, Tanu and Roopam - are collegestudents and share an apartment. Each one of them must take responsibility for one chore - sweeping, dusting,mopping, laundry and shopping - on any one day from Monday to Friday.

    Laundry must be done on Fridays so that the clothes would dry over the weekend. Dusting must happen before sweeping and sweeping must happen before mopping. Sayali is fond of shopping and agrees to shoulder the responsibility, but not on Mondays or Wednesdays as

    she has extra classes on these days.

    Roopam completes her chore on the day immediately after sweeping, but before the day that Rupalicompletes her chore.

    Tanu is free only on Tuesdays and agrees to take care of sweeping.

    35. Which of the following is true?

    1. Roopam completes her chore on Thursday2. Rupali agrees to take care of mopping3. Sayali completes her chore on Tuesday

    4. Prachi agrees to take care of dusting

    36. Which of the following name chore day matches is true?

    1. Rupali Dusting Monday 2. Prachi Dusting Thursday3. Roopam Mopping Wednesday 4. Sayali Shopping Tuesday

    DIRECTIONSfor questions 37 to 39:The passage given below is followed by a set of questions. Choose themost appropriate answer to each question.

    The impact of ten years of gradualist economic reforms in India on the policy environment presents a mixedpicture. The industrial and trade policy reforms have gone far, though they need to be supplemented by labormarket reforms which are a critical missing link. The logic of liberalization also needs to be extended to

    agriculture, where numerous restrictions remain in place. Reforms aimed at encouraging private investment ininfrastructure have worked in some areas but not in others. The complexity of the problems in this area wasunderestimated, especially in the power sector. This has now been recognized and policies are being reshapedaccordingly. Progress has been made in several areas of financial sector reforms, though some of the criticalissues relating to government ownership of the banks remain to be addressed. However, the outcome in thefiscal area shows a worse situation at the end of ten years than at the start.

    Critics often blame the delays in implementation and failure to act in certain areas to the choice of gradualismas a strategy. However, gradualism implies a clear definition of the goal and a deliberate choice of extendingthe time taken to reach it, in order to ease the pain of transition. This is not what happened in all areas. Thegoals were often indicated only as a broad direction, with the precise end point and the pace of transition leftunstated to minimize oppositionand possibly also to allow room to retreat if necessary. This reduced

    politically divisive controversy, and enabled a consensus of sorts to evolve, but it also meant that the

    consensus at each point represented a compromise, with many interested groups joining only because theybelieved that reforms would not go too far. The result was a process of change that was not so muchgradualist as fitful and opportunistic. Progress was made as and when politically feasible, but since the end

    point was not always clearly indicated, many participants were unclear about how much change would have tobe accepted, and this may have led to less adjustment than was otherwise feasible.

    The alternative would have been to have a more thorough debate with the objective of bringing about a clearerrealization on the part of all concerned of the full extent of change needed, thereby permitting more

    purposeful implementation. However, it is difficult to say whether this approach would indeed have yieldedbetter results, or whether it would have created gridlock in Indias highly pluralist democracy. Instead, Indiawitnessed a halting process of change in which political parties which opposed particular reforms when in

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    opposition actually pushed them forward when in office. The process can be aptly described as creating astrong consensus for weak reforms!

    Extract from an article by MS Ahluwalia in Journal of Economic Perspectives, Summer 2002

    37. What area does the author mention as being worse off post-liberalisation?

    1. Fiscal area 2. Banking 3. Agriculture 4. Industrial

    38. What does the author imply by the phrase a strong consensus for weak reforms?

    1. Most parties agreed with the reforms because they believed that the change from status quo wouldbe minimal and the timelines for doing this change were flexible.2. People in power are never interested in the implementation of the reforms.3. Weak reforms are thought to yield better results because expectations of the reforms doing well are

    pretty low.4. All agree to disagree on how the reforms should be implemented.

    39. As used in the second paragraph what does the word fitful mean?

    1. That which fits in the given parameters2. In jumps and starts, not continuous3. Suited to the party and in power as well as to the one in opposition4. Effective regardless of the fact that it took a long time to implement.

    DIRECTIONSfor question 40:Pick the best option which completes the sentence in the most meaningfulmanner.

    40. The defense acknowledged the ______________ witness, one who was called because of her expertopinion, but who could also __________ the case because she knew too much through doctor / patient


    1. belligerent, engender 2. erudite, bolster 3. hostile, endanger 4. pernicious, threaten

    DIRECTIONSfor questions 41 to 43:A builder is planning to construct four single storied buildings - G, H,J and L - and three multi-storied buildings - X, Y and Z - over a period of 7 months. Each building takesexactly a month to be completed.

    A multi-storied building must be constructed in the fourth month. Building L must be constructed in the month immediately before the month in which building X is


    Buildings Y and Z cannot be constructed in consecutive months. Building G can only be constructed in either the fifth or the seventh month.

    Building J is constructed before building H.

    41. If building H is constructed in the fifth month, which of the following must be true?

    1. Building L is constructed in the third month2. Building Y is constructed in the fourth month3. Building J is constructed in the first month4. Building G is constructed in the seventh month

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    42. If building X is constructed in the fourth month, which of the following is always true?

    1. Building H is constructed in the sixth month if building G is constructed in the seventh month2. Building J is constructed in the second month if building Y is constructed in the sixth month3. Building H is constructed in the fifth month if building J is constructed in the first month4. Building J is constructed in the first month if building Z is constructed in the second month

    43. If a multi-storied building cannot be constructed in the fifth or the seventh month, which of thefollowing must be true?

    1. Building H is constructed in the seventh month if building G is constructed in the fifth month2. Building H is constructed in the fifth month if building G is constructed in the seventh month3. Building L is constructed in the third month if building G is constructed in the fifth month4. Building J is constructed in the first month if building G is constructed in the fifth month

    DIRECTIONS for question 44: In the following paragraph, a part of the paragraph is left unfinished.

    Beneath the paragraph, four different ways of completing the paragraph are indicated. Choose the best

    alternative amongst the four.

    44. Many things can compromise drivers attention, from kids to food to the radio. But mobile phonespose the biggest risk, for research shows that these gadgets distract in a more pernicious way. Thehuman brain has to work harder to process language and communication with somebody who is not

    physically present. Such distractions make drivers more collision prone than having a blood alcohollevel of 0.08%, the legal limit in America. It appears to raise the risk of an accident by 4 times.Texting multiplies that by several times again.

    Officially distraction accounted for 16% of traffic deaths in 2009 and for 20% of injuries. The agegroup at greatest risk is, unsurprisingly, teenagers though older drivers are not immune.

    1. But statistics understate the truth, because few drivers after a crash admit to using mobiles and

    police rarely demand phone records.2. A good solution is to make driving distracted, like drunk driving, totally uncool, sociallyunacceptable, especially among teenagers.3. In a car-and-gadget culture, the best hope is gradually to raise compliance over time.4. Hands free technology could come to the rescue here; using hands-free in contrast to handheld ledto a lesser reduction in activity in the parietal lobe, where spatial tasks are processed.

    DIRECTIONSfor question 45:Answer the question on the basis of the information given below.

    45. Four suspects, A, B, C and D are being questioned for a crime that one of them has committed. It isknown that a criminal always lies while the others would always tell the truth.

    A says: C did not commit the crime.

    B says: D committed the crime.C says: B did not commit the crime.D says: I did not commit the crime.

    Who committed the crime?

    1. A 2. B 3. C 4. D

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    DIRECTIONSfor questions 46 to 48:The passage given below is followed by a set of questions. Choose themost appropriate answer to each question.

    There are built-in reasons why Indias economic growth has not and will not trickle down any time soon.Most of the growth is taking place in the IT-enabled services sector which requires the kind of cultural capitalthat is not readily available to the masses. Manufacturing makes up only 16 percent of Indias GDP, incontrast to 35 % for China. This sector is experiencing a relatively jobless growth due to growing automationand the recent economic downturn. India has also witnessed a massive land-grab by the private sector, aidedand abetted by the state in the name of development a process that has been dubbed developmentalterrorism.

    The poor suffer not only from direct dispossession but from neglect and cutbacks in public sectoremployment. The vast majority eke out a living in the unorganized, or informal, sector. Governments owndata shows that 86 percent of Indias labor force was in the unorganized sector, either self-employed orworking for wages. The vast army of informal workers has no welfare floor below which they are not allowedto fall, and no exploitation ceiling beyond which they cannot be squeezed. Their relationship with theemployers is not regulated by legal contracts but by traditions, enforced by religion and custom.

    In the informal economy, the adverse effects of neo-liberalism are felt in an inverse proportion to onesstanding in the socio-economic order; those who are lowest in the scale the Dalits and the Muslims are themost badly hit. Yet, influential voices are emerging that celebrate market reforms as liberating for Dalits.They call for democratizing capitalism by enabling Dalits to enter the market economy via an American-styleaffirmative action in the corporate sector. Proponents point to the rising levels of consumption and wagesamong the Dalits as a result of the tightening of labour markets in some parts of the country as evidence thatcapitalism is breaking the back of the caste system.

    There is only one problem with this vision: it is a fairy tale. In India, capitalism is not dissolving the existingcaste relations but rather using them to maintain a vast army of workers. While there might be some localtightening of labour markets, the fact remains that being a Scheduled Caste makes a person twice as likelyto be a casual labourer in agriculture, and poor.

    In many ways Muslims in India are faring much worse than even the Dalits. They are largely self-employed only 13 percent of the entire Muslim population has salaried jobs. The recent Sachar committee report foundthat globalization has hit the Muslim worker harder than other communities. Many of the traditionaloccupations of Muslims in industries such as silk, weaving, leather and garment making have been hurt bycheaper imports from China.To sum up: the rising tide is not lifting all boats!

    Extract from The God Market by Meera Nanda

    46. As used in the first paragraph, what does the term cultural capital mean?

    1. Experts in scientific fields

    2. Technical knowledge and language skills3. Higher education4. People from specific cultures and backgrounds

    47. Referring to the last line of the passage, what measures need to be adopted to lift the boat of thebackward castes?

    1. Levy extra taxes on imported goods and incentives to local produce2. Fix a level beyond which the backward castes cannot be exploited3. An option would be to reduce the cutbacks in the public sector4. Make sure that the proportion of people in each sector represents their proportion in the country.

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    48. What data in the passage can be used to refute the argument that the Muslims are not faring well inIndia?

    1. Muslims are largely self-employed only 13 percent of the entire Muslim population has salariedjobs.2. The adverse effects are felt in inverse proportion to ones standing in the society.3. The American Style of affirmative action is lifting the condition of those in the lower strata ofsociety.4. Data is inadequate to refute the argument.

    DIRECTIONS for question 49: In the following paragraph, a part of the paragraph is left unfinished.

    Beneath the paragraph, four different ways of completing the paragraph are indicated. Choose the best

    alternative amongst the four.

    49. When Houdini made the decision to focus on escapes instead of magic tricks, it was consideredprofessional suicide. There wasnt a market for escape acts. There wasnt a demand for it.It had neverbeen done before. No one knew what it was worth and no one could tell him how long or how

    demanding his act should be.Who could have imagined that Houdini would succeed by spending more than an hour and a halfdoing just one trick, in a closed room, out of sight of the audience?

    Where is it written in the magicians manual that the best way to become famous ___________

    1. is to fake not only the outcome but the event itself?2. is to fake only the outcome not the event itself?3. is to fake neither the outcome nor the event?4. is to fake either the outcome or the event?

    DIRECTIONSfor question 50: The question consists of four statements labelled 1, 2, 3 and 4 of which one

    does not fit into the paragraph. Identify that sentence which is a misfit and choose that option as your answer.

    50. 1. Medieval alchemists hunted in vain for the rejuvenating Philosophers Stone; industrial-agequacks got rich off their patent elixirs.

    2. Most religions offer an attenuated version of immortality in which some fuzzily defined soulendures even after the body has died.

    3. Many explanations have been offered and discarded to explain the power of dieting.4. For as long as people have been growing old, theyve been wishing they didnt have to.

    DIRECTIONSfor questions 51 to 53:A team of three engineers from amongst M, N, P, R and S and threeadvertising professionals from amongst V, W, X, Y and Z is to be formed.

    If M is selected, X is also selected. If R is selected, Y is also selected.If P is selected, then so are N and S.

    51. Which of the following could be a team of six members?


    52. If Y is not selected, which of the following is true?

    1. X is not selected 2. M is not selected 3. R is not selected 4. P is not selected

    53. If P is selected, which of the following is true?

    1. M is selected 2. Y is selected 3. V is selected 4. N is selected

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    DIRECTIONS for question 54: In the sentences given below one word has been used in different ways.

    Select the one in which the usage is incorrect.

    54. DIVERT

    1. The traffic was diverted due to the demonstration.2. We need more money for recruitment advertising - we'll have to divert some money from thetraining budget.3. I was studying hard for the exam when my attention was suddenly diverted by two extra-terrestrialsentering the room.4. We can't do it because it diverts from company policy.

    DIRECTIONSfor questions 55 to 58:The passage given below is followed by a set of questions. Choose themost appropriate answer to each question.

    Until I was 35 years old I thought talking about the weather was for losers. A waste of time, insulting even.No one can do anything about the weather anyway. I believed that any comment that does not offer new

    insight or otherwise advance the cause of humanity is just so much hot air. I might make an exception forintimate friends, but I sure did not want that kind of intimacy with the man on the street, or the one in myoffice.

    Then something happened. Alone for the first time in a long time, living in challenging circumstances,experiencing a cold winter in New England, I noticed the weather. It affected me deeply and directly, everysingle day. Slowly it dawned on me that the weather affected everyone else, too. Maybe talking about itwasnt totally vacuous after all.

    I started with the cashier at a gas station. I figured Id never see her again, so it was pretty safe. She has noclue that I was a smart person with a lot of potential. Years of cynicism made me almost laugh as I said. Suregot a lot of snow this year so far. Yep, was her reply. Then she said, I could barely get my car out of thelot, be careful driving. Talking about the weather was easy, even effortless. An entre to at least one person

    on the planet who apparently cared about me, at least enough to share her small challenge and want me safeon the road.

    Next time I tried it at work. It turned out to be even more effective with people I already knew. Talking aboutthe weather acted as a little bridge, sometimes to further conversation and sometimes just to the mutualacknowledgment of shared experience. Whether it was rainy or snowy or sunny or damp for everyone, eachhad their own relationship with the weather. They might be achy, delighted, burdened, grumpy, relieved orsimply cold or hot. Like anything of personal importance, most were grateful for the opportunity to talk aboutit.

    Then something else happened. As talking about the weather became more natural, I found myself talkingabout a whole lot more. I found out about peoples families, their frustrations at work, their plans andaspirations. Plus, I found out that the weather is not the same for everyone! And its only one of many factors

    dependent on location that youll never know about without engaging in casual conversation.

    For a businessperson, there may be no better way to make a connection, continue a thread, or open a deeperdialogue. Honoring the simple reality of another persons experience is an instant link to the bigger worldoutside ones self. Its the seed of empathy, and its free.

    Excerpted from The Big Moo edited by Seth Godin.

    55. As used in the third paragraph, the wordentre most likely stands for -

    1. An ice-breaker 2. An example 3. An accompaniment 4. A critical comment

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    Bull Mock CAT 14

    56. What is the main theme of the passage?

    1. Weather is the most important aspect of everyday conversation for all sections of society.2. Talking about the weather leads to increased sales and increased commissions.3. Casual conversation can often lead to profound insights.4. Weather is a topic which can be talked about with the most vacuous of minds.

    57. In the fourth paragraph, what is meant by the phrase each had their own relationship with theweather?

    1. Though everyone experiences the same things, their reactions are different.2. Weather was a metaphor for the varied reactions that the author encountered3. Though weather meant different things to different people, all handled the situation analogously.4. The reaction to the weather decided the extent of involvement of the person in his surroundings

    58. Why does the author call a discussion about weather a seed of empathy?

    1. When your feelings about the weather match that of the other person, a permanent rapport is built.2. Showing sympathy generates a feeling of fellowship with the customer.3. Letting others vent their feeling in the form of reactions to the weather, helps to calm down the

    person.4. By getting the other person to talk, you are making an effort at understanding him.

    DIRECTIONS for question 59:Given below are sentences that form a paragraph. Identify the sentence(s) orpart(s) of sentence(s) that is/are incorrect in terms of grammar and usage (including spelling, punctuation

    and logical consistency). Then, choose themost appropriate option.

    59. A. In those days, there was no real need for a calendar or a watchB. to keep track of the hours, days, months and years.C. We knew what to do, just as the Iraqi geese knew when to fly north, driven by the hot wind

    D. that blows in from the desert, and the ewes knew when to give birth to wet lambsE. that stand on long, shaky legs in the chilly March wind and baaed hesitantly, because their

    were small and cold.

    1. B and E only 2. D and E only 3. A, D and E 4. B and C only

    DIRECTIONS for question 60: In the following paragraph, a part of the paragraph is left unfinished.

    Beneath the paragraph, four different ways of completing the paragraph are indicated. Choose the best

    alternative amongst the four.

    60. Archaeologists working at the mysterious Easter island in the Pacific were puzzled by the fact thatwhat appeared to be ancient farmland was strewn with rocks. The presence of rocks seemed to beliethe explanation that these were high-yielding farms feeding thousands of people. Yet planting rocks in

    a semi arid area can transform an arid plain into a productive farm.

    1. After all, the people of Easter Island had had thousands of years to improve the quality of theirfarms and plenty of reason to do so, as it appears that they starved to death.

    2. Anyone who has spent time hauling rocks to clear a farm would know that the best farmland isfree of rocks, stumps, and stones, making it easy to plow and harvest.

    3. The rocks warm the soil by absorbing sunlight all day and releasing its heat at night. They collectdew and create pockets of moisture underneath.

    4. The rocks prevent dusty topsoil from eroding as quickly, and they even add a bit of fertilizer tothe soil.

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    Bull Mock CAT 14ANSWER KEY

    1. 3 31. 22. 1 32. 13. 3 33. 24. 1 34. 35. 3 35. 4

    6. 2 36. 37. 1 37. 18. 4 38. 19. 2 39. 210. 4 40. 311. 1 41. 412. 1 42. 4

    13. 3 43. 114. 2 44. 115. 4 45. 416. 1 46. 2

    17. 3 47. 318. 3 48. 119. 3 49. 120. 1 50. 321. 2 51. 222. 3 52. 323. 1 53. 424. 3 54. 425. 1 55. 1

    26. 3 56. 327. 1 57. 128. 2 58. 429. 2 59. 330. 1 60. 3

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    2 Explanations


    1. There are 3 vowels and 6 consonants with 2 Ns amongthem. 2 vowels can be chosen in 3C2 = 3 ways. If theword has 4 distinct consonants, these 4 consonants can

    be chosen in 5C4 = 5 ways.

    If the consonants contain 2 Ns, the remaining 2

    consonants can be chosen in 4C2 = 6 ways.Once the vowels and consonants have been chosen, we

    can arrange these 6 letters in 6! = 720 ways.

    So, there are 3 720 5 = 10800 words that contain 4distinct consonants and 3 6 720/2! = 6480 wordsthat contain 2 Ns.

    Thus, the total number of words is 10800 + 6480= 17280.

    2. Consider the following diagram.

    Since BAD = 60, BAE = 30.Since AE is a transversal, BAE = BEA = 30. Dropa perpendicular BF on to AE. BFA BFE and bothare 30-60-90 triangles.

    In BFA, since AB = 4, we get BF = 2 andAF = 23.Since AF = EF = 23, AE = 43.Thus the area ofABE = 2 43.

    3. Sincex2 +y2 +z2 = 49, by trial and error, we can getx,

    y andz take values 2, 3 and 6 in some order. Similarly,

    since a2 + b2 + c2 = 83, by trial and error, we can get a,b andc take values 3, 5 and 7 in some order.Since ax + by + cz = 63, we get

    x = 2,y = 3,z = 6, a = 3, b = 5 andc = 7.




    zyx .

    4. A and B will contradict each other when exactly one ofthem speaks the truth and the other one tells a lie. The

    probability that A speaks the truth and B lies is






    3 , while the probability that A lies and B

    speaks the truth is20





    1 .

    So the probability that A and B contradict each other is








    Thus the chances of A and B contradicting each otherare 35%.

    5. 1 digit each is used to number pages 1 to 9; 2 digitseach are used to number pages 10 to 99; 3 digits eachare used to number pages 100 to 999.

    The number of digits used so far is (9 1) + (90 2) +(900 3) = 9 + 180 + 2700 = 2889.The remaining 3689 2889 = 800 digits are used tonumber pages from 1000 onwards; i.e., each of the

    page numbers will now require 4 digits.Since there are 800 digits left, another 800/4 = 200

    pages can be numbered.

    Thus the last page number would be 999 + 200 = 1199.

    6. After 2 years, the interest is 1700







    After 3 years, the interest is 2712.5







    Solving these equations, P = 6400 andR = 12.5% p.a.

    7. S.P.= M.P.(0.6) = C.P.(1.12).M.P. = C.P.(28/15)Acc. to given stat. S.P.= M.P.(3/4)= C.P. (28/15)(3/4) = C.P.(1.4).Hence the profit is 40%.

    8. f(1) = 1 + 8 = 3.828;

    f(2) = 92 41

    = 4.189;

    f(3) = 8341

    = 4.144;

    f(4) = 113441

    = 12.044.

    Asx increases, the value of 41

    x also increases.

    Similarly, the value under the square root sign will alsoincrease asx increases.So we can safely conclude that the value off(x) isalways increasing.

    9. Suppose the number isx.

    We know thatx 5 leaves remainder 3.Subsequent powers ofx will leave remainders as

    powers of 3 divided by 5.

    So,x2 5 will leave remainder 32 remainder is 4.x3 5 will leave remainder 33 remainder is 2.

    x4 5 will leave remainder 34 remainder is 1. After


    , the subsequent powers ofx will leave remainders 3,4, 2, 1 and so on.In other words, the remainder will be repeated afterevery 4th power ofx.

    Now, 100 4 leaves remainder 0x100 5 will leaveremainder 1.

    10. We can rewrite the given expression asp

    3 5p

    2+ 8p > 4.

    Assuming integral values ofp andq, ifq = 2, then thesmallest value ofp is 1;ifq = 1, then the smallest value ofp is 0;ifq = 1, then the smallest value ofp is 2 andifq = 2, then the smallest value ofp is 3.Whenp = 1, the value of the expression is 14 < 4;whenp = 0, the value of the expression is 0 < 4;whenp = 2, the value of the expression is 4 = 4 and

    whenp = 3, the value of the expression is 6 > 4.Thus the smallest value ofq = 2.

    11. We can show the given information in the followingVenn diagram.

    From the above diagram, a + b = 22, a + c = 14 and






    15b c


    B C





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    b + c = 18.Solving these equations gives a = 9, b = 13 andc = 5.

    Now, the sum of all values in the diagram is 86.Thus, 100 86 = 14 families do not receivenewspapers A, B or C.

    12. The solid formed will look like two congruent conesplaced one on top of the other.Each of these cones will have height and radius equalto half the diagonal of the square.

    Since the diagonal of the square is 2, the heights andradii of the cones are each equal to 1/2.Thus the volume of the solid will be










    1 .

    13. The value of a 1-year subscription is 25 52 = `1300.He gets a discount of 17% and should pay

    1300 0.17 1300 = 1300 221 = `1079.This will be rounded off to `1100.

    In addition, he pays D.D. collection charges of`50 andD.D. making charges of`45.

    So, he effectively pays 1100 + 50 + 45 = `1195towards his subscription and gets an effective discountof 1300 1195 = `105.

    Thus he gets an effective discount of 105/1300 8%.14. The value of a 3-yr subscription is 25 156 = `3900.

    After a discount of 25%, the subscriber would have to

    pay 3900 0.25 3900 = `2925, which will berounded off to `2950.

    Nikhil pays an additional `100 as D.D. making chargesand 50 as D.D. collection charges.He pays a total of 2950 + 100 + 50 = `3100 towards a

    3-year subscription.Since he saves 3900 3100 = `800, he gets an

    effective discount of 800/3900 = 20.51%.Savita has to pay 10% of subscription value, i.e., 10%

    of 3900 =`

    390 as courier charges.She pays a total of 2950 + 390 = `3340 towards a 3-

    year subscription.Since she saves 3900 3340 = `560, she gets an

    effective discount of 560/3900 = 14.35%.The absolute difference between these discounts is20.51 14.35 = 6.16%.

    15. The value of a 5-year subscription is 25 260 = `6500.After a discount of 35%, a subscriber would have to

    pay 6500 0.35 6500 = `4225, which would berounded off to `4250.

    Pankaj has to pay 10% of subscription value, i.e., 10%of 6500 = `650 as courier charges.

    So he pays a total of 4250 + 650 = `4900 towards his

    subscription.He thus gets an effective discount of

    6500 4900 = `1600.Jasleen has to pay an additional `50 as D.D. collection

    charges.So, she would have to make a D.D. for`4300. The

    D.D. making charges will be an additional 5% of 4300= `215.So she pays a total of 4300 + 215 = `4515 towards her

    subscription. She thus gets an effective discount of6500 4515 = `1985.

    The difference between these discounts is 1985 1600= `385.

    16. A 1-year subscription would cost 1300 0.17 1300 =1300 221 = 1079, which would be rounded off to


    In addition to this, there will be a courier charge of10% of 1300 = `130 and D.D. collection charges of


    So, a 1-year subscription would effectively cost 1100 +130 + 50 = `1280.

    A 3-year subscription would cost 3900 0.25

    3900 =3900 975 = 2925, which would be rounded off to


    In addition to this, there will be a courier charge of10% of 3900 = `390 and D.D. collection charges of

    `50. So, a 1-year subscription would effectively cost2950 + 390 + 50 = `3390.

    Thus, option A would cost (2 1280) + 3390 = `5950.A 5-year subscription would cost 6500 0.35 6500 =6500 2275 = 4225, which would be rounded off to

    `4250. In addition to this, there will be a courier

    charge of 10% of 6500 = `650 and D.D. collectioncharges of`50.

    So, the 5-year subscription in option B would cost4250 + 650 + 50 = `4950.

    Navneet should choose option B so that he saves 5950

    4950 =`1000.17. Substitute from the options.

    Whenx = 30, sin2 30 =4

    1 and cos2 30 =4

    3 .

    So the given expression is 43



    8181 = 3 + 33 = 30.Thus,x = 30.


    In the given diagram, EX = XZ, FY = YZ andAE = AF = 5 (tangents from the same point).AE = AX + XE = AX + XZ and

    AF = AY + YF = AY + YZ.

    The perimeter of AXY = AX + XY + AY= AX + XZ + YZ + AY= AX + EX + FY + AY= AE + AY = 10.

    19. Suppose the sides of the triangle are 6, 8 and 10.

    The area of the triangle is 6 8 = 24.The radii of the semicircles will be 3, 4 and 5.

    So the sum of the areas of the semicircles will be (32 + 42 + 52) = 25 75.Since 24, we have 75 3.

    20. The actual values can be computed for the comparison.



    ) = 112550881 104060401 = 8490480;(101

    4 99

    4) = 104060401 96059601 = 8000800;

    (1024 1004) = 108243216 100000000 = 8243216.So the largest value is (1034 1014).

    Alternate solution:


    1014) = (103

    2+ 101

    2)(103 + 101)(103 101) =


    + 1012)(204 2).(1014 994)

    = (1012

    + 992)(101 + 99)(101 99)

    = (1012

    + 992)(200 2).

    (1024 1004) = (1022 + 1002)(102 + 100)(102 100) =

    (1022 + 1002)(202 2).In each of the expressions, 2 is multiplied by the

    product of two other numbers.Option 1 will yield the highest value since the other


    C F Y




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    4 Explanations

    two numbers are the highest.

    21. Based on estimated values,

    Profitability of A is24586

    7345 24600

    7350 = 29.87%;

    Profitability of B is


    5439 17400

    5450 = 31.32%;

    Profitability of C is3946



    575 = 14.74%;

    Profitability of D is15782

    4913 15800

    4900 = 31.01%.

    22. The actual sales of A are 1.1 20898 = 22988.

    The profitability of A is22988

    8079 23000

    8000 = 34.78%.

    The actual profit of C is 1.1 716 = 788.

    The profitability of C is5524

    788 5500

    800 = 14.54%.

    The absolute difference between these values is20.24%.

    23. Based on actual values,

    Profitability of A is20898

    8079 20900

    8100 = 38.75%;

    Profitability of B is18286

    4895 18300

    4900 = 26.77%;

    Profitability of C is5524

    716 5500

    725 = 13.18%;

    Profitability of D is18148

    6632 18150

    6625 = 36.50%.

    (The calculation of Estimated % profit is taken fromsolution of Q.21)Absolute difference between the estimated and actual

    profitability for company A is 38.75 29.87 = 8.88%;Absolute difference between the estimated and actual

    profitability for company B is 31.22 26.76 = 4.46%;

    Absolute difference between the estimated and actualprofitability for company C is 14.74 13.18 = 1.63%;Absolute difference between the estimated and actual

    profitability for company D is 36.50 31.01 = 5.41%.Thus the absolute difference between the estimated andactual profitability is maximum for company A.

    24. Since ABC is any triangle in general, the option thatis true must also be true for a 30-60-90 triangle.Suppose ABC is a 30-60-90 triangle withB = 30, A = 60 andC = 90.Then, AC = b = 1, BC = a = 3 and AB = c = 2.Substituting these values, we get a

    2= b (b + c),

    i.e., (3)2 = 1 (1 + 2).Hence option 3 is true


    6030 yxyx

    and 135048 yxyx


    Solving these givesx = 8 kmph andy = 2 kmph.

    26. For Painting, profitability in 2006 =3000

    2000 = 66.66%.

    For Painting, profitability in 2008 =4500

    3000 = 66.66%.

    For Painting, profitability in 2009 =5000

    3500 = 70%.

    For Painting, profitability in 2010 =6000

    4000 = 66.66%.

    27. Under Denting, the operating expensesin 2006 were 2500 1600 = 900,in 2007 were 3000 2000 = 1000,

    in 2009 were 4000 3000 = 1000 andin 2010 were 4500 3500 = 1000.The operating expenses as a percentage of revenue in

    2006 were2500

    900 = 36%.

    The operating expenses as a percentage of revenue in2007 were


    1000 = 33.33.

    The operating expenses as a percentage of revenue in

    2009 were4000

    1000 = 25%.

    The operating expenses as a percentage of revenue in

    2010 were4500

    1000 = 22.22%.

    Alternate solution: The operating expenses as apercentage of revenue would be the highest when theprofitability for the same year is the lowest.So, instead of calculating for operating expenses, wecan compare profitability and choose the year in whichit was the lowest.

    Under denting, profitability in 2006 =25001600 = 64%, in

    2007 was3000

    2000 = 66.66%,

    in 2009 was4000

    3000 = 75%, and

    in 2010 was4500

    3500 = 77.77%.

    Since profitability is lowest in 2006, the operatingexpenses must be the highest in 2006.

    28. The revenues from both activities in 2006, 2007, 2008and 2010 were 5500, 7000, 8100 and 10500respectively.Profits from both activities in 2006, 2007, 2008 and2010 were 3600, 4400, 5400 and 7500 respectively.

    The profitability in 2006 was5500

    3600 = 65.45%.

    The profitability in 2007 was7000

    4400 = 62.85%.

    The profitability in 2008 was8100

    5400 = 66.66%.

    The profitability in 2010 was10500

    7500 = 71.42%.

    Since profitability is lowest in 2007, the operatingexpenses must be the highest in 2007.

    29. ABC andADC are at the end points of diagonalBD.

    So, ABCD is either a square or a rectangle.Suppose ABCD is a rectangle with a = c = 3, b = d=

    4 ande =f= 5.Now, ab + cd= 12 + 12 = 24 andef= 25.So, ab + cd< ef.

    Suppose ABCD is a square with a = b = c = d= 2 ande =f= 22.

    Now, ab + cd= 4 + 4 = 8 andef= (22)2 = 8.So, ab + cd= ef.

    Thus, ab + cdef.30. For the first 100 articles, the margin is constant at `5

    each.So the graph will be a line parallel to theX-axis,

    passing throughy = 5.Beyond this, the margin is constant at `6 each.

    So the graph will jump up toy = 6 and continue

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    parallel to theX-axis.Hence option 1.

    31. Option 2. A figure of speech in which an implicitcomparison is made between two unlike things thatactually have something in common is a metaphor.Here just like the poor filing system has things in ahaphazard manner, the imperfect memory too thoughhaving a card system, when consulted for informationwhich is then returned lands up in a disorderly manner.

    Meticulous cannot fit the second blank as we arecomparing the memory with a poor filing cabinet.A simile - or to be like something - is to retain someirresolvable difference which means one can neverfully substitute for the other. On the other hand, ametaphoractually is a substitution - it is an equation in


    32. Option 1.The paragraph talks about human activity andsocial situations. Here C will follow B as sharingdefinitions is continued with this agreement ondefinitions.

    33. Option 2. It should read -factor in the height of

    34. Option 3. As we are talking on Monday the time isthe past. Hence attackedinstead ofattack.The word is sparking (anything that activates orstimulates; inspiration or catalyst) and not sparing( economical, scanty)



    From the 1st

    clue, we know that laundry will happen onFriday.From the 2ndclue, since dusting has to happen beforesweeping and mopping, dusting cannot happen onWednesday or Thursday.Also, since sweeping must happen before mopping,sweeping cannot happen on Thursday.Similarly, mopping cannot happen on Monday orTuesday.So, dusting can happen on Monday or Tuesday,sweeping can happen on Tuesday or Wednesday and

    mopping can happen on Wednesday or Thursday.From the 5

    thclue, Tanu does sweeping on Tuesday.

    Combining this with the 2nd

    clue, we know that dustinghappens on Monday.From the 3rdclue, Sayali will do shopping on Tuesdayor Thursday.Since sweeping is done on Tuesday, Sayali must doshopping on Thursday.Therefore, mopping must be done on Wednesday.From the 4th clue, Roopam does her chore onWednesday and Rupali does her chore on Friday. Thus,Mondays chore must be done by Prachi.The correct order ofDay Name Chore is:Monday Prachi Dusting;Tuesday Tanu Sweeping;

    Wednesday Roopam Mopping;Thursday Sayali Shopping;Friday Rupali Laundry.

    35. Prachi agrees to take care of dusting.

    36. Roopam takes care of mopping on Wednesday.

    37. Option 1. The author states that one needs to look atagriculture, power sector and fiscal area.However the worst off is the fiscal area at the end often years

    38. Option 1. The passage states that gradualism has beena strategy employed by the party in power.Groups agreed on particular reforms when they thoughtthat the reforms would not go too far.The irony is that the reforms which the opposition

    opposed when in opposition were pushed forward bythem when in power. This means that the reforms wereweak in the first place but even the opposition once in

    power agreed with them. It is not that they do not wantto implement the reforms, hence option 2 is incorrect.It is not mentioned that weak reforms yield goodresults. Hence option 3 is incorrect.Here all parties seem to have a consensus onintermittent implementation, not disagree. Henceoption 4 is incorrect.

    39. Option 2. The passage states that the progress wasmade as and when politically feasible, hence the wordfitful means occurring irregularly.The word does not imply suitable and hence option 1and 3 are incorrect.The word opportunistic means the policy or practice, asin politics, business, or one's personal affairs, ofadapting actions, decisions, etc., to expediency oreffectiveness regardless of the sacrifice of ethical


    40. Option 3. At first glance we think that erudite can fit

    the first blank as she is called for her expert opinion.However, the wordbut tells you that what she knowsis going to be harmful rather than beneficial for thecase. Hence option 2 is ruled out.The wordengender which means give rise to cannotfit in the second blank. To Acknowledge is torecognize the validity of something.Pernicious means evil, wicked or ruinous and hence istoo strong a word to fit in the first blank.

    41. Building G must be constructed in the 5t or the 7t

    month.If H is constructed in the 5th month, then G must beconstructed in the 7th month.

    42. Instead of putting down all possible arrangements, it iseasier to find an arrangement that shows an option to

    be not necessarily true.

    In option 1, if building G is constructed in the 7 thmonth, a possible arrangement from the 1

    stto the 7


    month is JZLXHYG. So option 1 is not necessarilytrue.The same arrangement also shows that option 2 is notnecessarily true.In option 3, if building J is constructed in the 1 st month,a possible arrangement from the 1

    stto the 7

    thmonth is

    ZJLXHYG. So option 3 is not necessarily true.Hence the correct answer is option 4.

    43. Instead of putting down all possible arrangements, it iseasier to find an arrangement that shows an option to

    be not necessarily true.In option 2, if building G is constructed in the 7 thmonth, a possible arrangement from the 1st to the 7th

    month is JZLXYHG. So option 2 is not necessarilytrue.In option 3, if building G is constructed in the 5 thmonth, a possible arrangement from the 1st to the 7thmonth is JLXYGZH. So option 3 is not necessarilytrue.In option 4, if building G is constructed in the 7 thmonth, a possible arrangement from the 1st to the 7th

    month is ZJLXYHG. So option 4 is not necessarilytrue.Hence the correct answer is option 1.

    44. Option 1. Unlike with alcohol, there is no way that thepolice can check whether the person was using hismobile or not when the accident took place and hence

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    6 Explanations

    the statistics can be untrue as people would not admitthe truth.The problem is not only among teenagers and option 2will solve only a part of the problem.When the risk of accident is 4 times, there is point inhoping that people will comply. Hence option 3 isincorrect.The distraction is because of the signals to the brainand hence whether the mobiles are hand free or handheld, they are still a hazard and will lead to accidents.

    45. Suppose A is the criminal. Since As statement is false,it means that C is the criminal. This is a contradiction.So A is not the criminal.Suppose B is the criminal. Then C tells the truth that Bis not the criminal. This is contradiction. So B is notthe criminal.Suppose C is the criminal. Since Cs statement is false,it means that B is the criminal. This is a contradiction.So, C is not the criminal.Suppose D is the criminal. Since Bs statement is trueand Ds statement is false, we can conclude that D is

    the criminal.46. Option 2. The author is talking about the IT enabled

    services and hence is talking about technicalknowledge and language (English) skills.These skills are not found readily among the masses.Higher education and experts in scientific fields arevery general answers.

    47. Option 3. The passage states that the poor are exploitedby both the government and the private sector. As mostof the poor are in the private sector, it is difficult tomonitor the extent of their exploitation and even ifknown it is difficult to put restrictions on them as thereare no legal contracts between the poor labourer andthe employer. If cutbacks in the public sector arereduced, more jobs would be generated and this wouldlead to the upliftment of the backward castes as there is

    reservation for backward castes in PSUs. Hence option3 is correct.Levying taxes on imported goods cannot generate jobsor improve the condition of the poor. Hence option 1 isincorrect.As there are no legal contracts, option 2 is not feasible.Option 4 is impossible as we have so many religionsand so many castes.

    48. Governments own data shows that 86 percent ofIndias labor force was in the unorganized sector,either self-employed or working for wages.So only 14 percent of total Indian population is salaried

    not very different from the figure for the Muslims(which is 13 percent).Option 2 will support the fact that the Muslims are not

    faring well.There is a call for democratizing capitalism, whichmeans it has yet not been implemented. Hence option 3is incorrect.

    49. Option 1. A magicians act is dependent on the skill ofthe magician. How well can he fake the outcome. Healways uses tricks to perform magic. Fake cards, Fakehats, Fake wands etc. are used to come to the desiredoutcome.Houdini would perform the trick out of sight of theaudience, which means not only the outcome wasfaked but the event itself was faked.

    50. Option 3. The paragraph talks about growing old andwhat are the things that people have being doing to

    counter that. Option 3 talks of dieting which is notwhat the paragraph addresses.

    51. Option 1 is wrong because if P is selected, N and Smust also be selected.Option 2 is correct as it satisfies all the givenconditions.Option 3 is wrong because if R is selected, Y must also

    be selected.Option 4 is wrong because if P is selected, N and Smust also be selected.

    52. If R is selected, then Y must also be selected. Since Yis not selected, it implies that R has not been selected.

    53. If P is selected, then N and S must also be selected.

    54. Option 4. The word should be deviate and not divert.Deviate, on the other hand, has the idea of a change tosomething less acceptable or normal, often though notalways less morally acceptable, (as in sexual deviation)It's used in the context of changes in belief or

    behaviour :In 60 years as a priest he never oncedeviated from his vows.When the route of a plane/train or anything else which

    follows an established path is changed we say it isdiverted.Divertcan also be used to talk about a use ofsomething (usually money) for something other than itsnormal use.Divertis also used to talk about a changein attention.

    55. Option 1. The author started to put his realisation thattalking about the weather was not after all a vacuous

    job into practice for the first time with the cashier atthe gas station. It was like a conversation starter.It was not an example and neither a critical comment,

    just an opening sentence. He uses the weather to startthe conversation and hence we cannot call it anaccompaniment.

    56. Option 3. The author states that speaking of theweather leads to information on a lot of other things like family, ambitions, frustrations and plans.Talking of the weather gives the author insight into thelives of others, but that does not mean the weather isthe most important aspect for all sections of thesociety.Money and weather are not related in the passage. Theauthor realises that talking about the weather is notvacuous and not that the people have vacuous minds.

    57. Option 1. The way every person looked at the weatherwas different and the way they reacted to the weatherwas also different. The environment affects every

    person differently. People looked at weather fromdifferent perspectives and hence option 3 is incorrect.There is not talk of the involvement of people withtheir surroundings.

    58. Option 4. The author uses the phrase a seed of

    empathy when he is referring to a businessperson andstates that talking about the weather creates aconnection or leads to a deeper dialogue.It is a way to understand the other person and his plans,aspirations, family and frustrations. It is not only aboutthe customer, hence option 2 is incorrect. Moreoversympathy and empathy are different. Whether therapport is permanent or not cannot be ascertained.Whether talking about the weather has a calming effector not is not mentioned.

    59. Option 3. In A the word calendar is incorrectly spelt.The tense used is the past tense. Hence in D, instead ofblows we needblew. In E, standshould be stoodand

    theirshould be there.

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    60. Option 3. The paragraph ends with The rockstransform an arid plain into a productive farm andhence option 3 which explains to you why in spite ofthe rocks the farms were high-yielding is the bestcontinuation of the paragraph.A farmland which is high yielding would not have adusty topsoil and hence option 4 is ruled out. An islandin the Pacific would definitely be affected by the sharpchanges in temperatures as well as the winds andstorms.There is no doubt that the clearer the farm, the better itis; however, in the Pacific island clear farmland meansthat soil could be blown off and the farmland couldturn arid with the constant beating of the sunrays.