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$1.4 trillion Everyday $1.4 trillion orbit round the planet electronically, and it is increasing, there is more money being created and available today than never before the problem is money is invisible, today, the bulk of it is electronic. so when people look for money with their physical eyes they fail to see anything, most people struggle to live from paycheck to paycheck and yet $1.4 trillion files around the world everyday looking for someone who want it and nurture it and grow it. If you know how to take care of money, money will flock to you. The next billionaires are those who offer internet base system especially mobile internet services. Note: If you want money to come to you, you must know how to POSITION yourself where if flow to, because it is a current that is why is called currency. Moreover you must know how to take good care of it. The reason for this free bulksms guide from the desk of Prince Adetula Yomi…. My purpose in writing this Bulk SMS Business Guide is to teach you how to make money through the Bulk SMS business the fastest way possible. ©Trinity Internet Services All Rights Reserved

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Hello friend, Congratulations on taking the first step towards learning how to make a living taking part in the extremely profitable Bulk SMS business. You now have access to the most complete and up-to-date information regarding the Bulk SMS business available today. In this guide, you’re going to learn every single thing you need to know in order to become successful in the Bulk SMS business. This guide is going to drastically cut your learning time and help you avoid all of the challenges & difficulties commonly encountered by people who are new to Bulk SMS Business. This guide is brief, concise and goes straight to the point. Abandon anything you thought you know about bulksms business!!! If you are tired of hearing how much money people are making in bulksms without showing you how easily it’s done, then listen carefully as I REVEAL A FULL PROFIT SYSTEM uncovering the secret strategies the bulksms business expert use to rake in millions of naira and how you too can use them to easily generate #200,000 monthly. However, before you keep reading, I have to beforehand….. I’m not a famous BULKSMS marketer, and I don’t wipe off other people to gain credibility, fame and cash all I am after is to inform you that becoming a CEO of one of the Mobile Marketing /Direct Marketing Company (technical name for bulksms business) is ©Trinity Internet Services All Rights Reserved

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inevitable if and only if you can take your time to learn the closed door secret that will change how you think about making money through bulksms business forever. But if you'd prefer to go off and read about your favourite “GURU HYPE” about their latest BREAKTHROUGH then sincerely, that cool with me. Read no further and just pass this to someone else who is interested and go waste your time somewhere else. On the other hand, if you'd stick around for a just a few moments longer, I’ll let you in on a strictly “CLOSED DOOR SECRETS” that will change how you think about making money through BULK SMS BUSINESS FOREVER. What I am NOT going to do here is insult your intelligence by giving you a lengthy pitch about “FANCY POINTS” wording in an attempt to sell this to you. HYPE SEEMS TO RULE THE BULK SMS BUSINESS WORLD AT THE MOMENT...and if you are anything like me, I bet you are sick to death of know the latest “this” …the latest “that”, the latest MILLIONS PUMPING SMS SYSTEM apparently showing you how to make millions as well... It’s all so unrealistic...The fact is why these guys make mega bucks selling bulksms guide so damn quickly is because they pay master copywriter to write their letters and they buy a responsive mailing list which you and I have been part of...Its disinformation at the highest level... ©Trinity Internet Services All Rights Reserved

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What am I offering?... HERE'S THE PLAN... Even though you'll start seeing some serious cash pretty quick if you follow instructions, as I have said this is NOT a some get-rich-quick scheme promising you millions overnight. Sorry if you are looking for that, you better stop reading this and go spend your time and money elsewhere or alternatively type “make millions with bulk sms” into google and continue from there. However, what I am going to show you is exactly what you need to do to realistically make N20,000 - N200,000 a month with ease doing your own bulk sms business...even with little startup capital and a FREE website, from the comfort of your home. Truth is you have to start somewhere and 20 – 200k is not too bad. I'm sure you will agree. Infact, by the time you see what I've got lined up, you’ll be shell shocked, no doubt about it. Introducing: HOW TO START AND RUN YOUR OWN LUCRATIVE BULKSMS BUSINESS... What I have created is this...a FULL BLOWN STEP TO STEP GUIDE/COURSE giving away many “inner circle secrets such as... ➢ How to start your own bulk sms business with little capital and a FREE website. ➢How to Make Money in the Bulk SMS Business

➢ How to Start Your Own Corporate SMS Advertising, Marketing &Promotion Business ©Trinity Internet Services All Rights Reserved

S.E.C.R.E.T.S.= Something Everyone Can’t Reach Except They Search ➢ How to make N200, 000 to N500,000 monthly reselling bulksms Messages to big and small corporations, banks, oil companies, Insurance, NGO’s, Churches, Schools, Individuals, etc and lots more. And guess what? It’s absolutely FREE of charge to only the first 10 people to take action NOW. WHY I'M I DOING THIS... Whoa! You might be wondering if I am crazy to reveal such highly Priced information for FREE, well I set out to achieve some goals at the beginning of this year and they includes; ➢ To be a successful entrepreneur.

➢ To put smiles on people's face.

➢ To teach others how they can be self-employed.

➢ To reveal closely guided money making secrets FREE.

➢ To be a blessing to my Nation

➢ To give everybody an edge in all ramification...and lots more So let’s say you are privileged to be reading this now and PLEASE Don’t take the information here for granted just because it didn’t cost you anything, Infact this e-book is valued at N7,000 find out yourself. And after the first 10 resellers I get, I will start selling this for N5,000 for real NO HYPE... ©Trinity Internet Services All Rights Reserved

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Dear friend, it is now your turn to make cool money from bulksms and if you do it right people will begin to envy you and they might even accuse you of doing yahoo yahoo... Since we have so much to cover let’s begin serious work. Please drop whatever you are doing now and pay attention or you can drop this until when you are less busy, either way just give me your attention. I sincerely hope that you will enjoy every bit of this package and that you will get out of poverty faster than NNPC workers. I really look forward to hearing your own testimony and seeing you at the top. To your success Prince Adetula Yomi CEO: TRINITY INTERNET SERVICES +2347036616565 [email protected] ©Trinity Internet Services All Rights Reserved

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Benefits of the Bulk SMS Business Bulk SMS business is one of the easiest and most profitable businesses that one can get into in Nigeria today, the reason for this is because, with Bulk SMS business: ➢ It requires very little start-up capital (so you don't have to go around begging your family and friends for money in order to get started) ➢ You can operate it during your spare time without sacrificing your current job or career (unless you personally decide to operate it full-time in order to increase you earnings) ➢You do NOT require an office in order to get started (As your Bulk SMS Business grows and your income increases, you might decide to get an office to operate your Bulk SMS Business from, but when you're just starting out, an office is completely unnecessary, because your Bulk SMS Business is such that it can be operated from ANY location in Nigeria.) ➢There's NO limit to the amount of Money you can Make (As long as Companies & Individuals exist, and as long as people keep on receiving text messages (SMS) on their mobile phones, your income will keep going higher and higher) ➢ It does not require you to hire ANY employees - Bulk SMS ©Trinity Internet Services All Rights Reserved

S.E.C.R.E.T.S.= Something Everyone Can’t Reach Except They Search Business is one of the very few businesses in Nigeria today, where you honestly do not need any employees. This is because when it comes to providing Bulk SMS Services, ALL you're doing is helping Companies, Churches, Schools, & Individuals (that have already contacted you) to send Bulk SMS messages to their clients and potential clients mobile phones. In the next section, we’re going to talk about everything you need in order to be able to run your own part-time, income-generating Bulk SMS Business


To operate this system successfully, you do not need the following things; 1. You don’t need to be a Graduate, Lawyer, doctor, corper or even banker to operate this system. As long as you can read A.B.C and write 1,2,3, then you can do bulk sms. 2. You do not necessarily need a personal computer/laptop connected to the internet in you bedroom to get started. If you have one all well and okay, but if you don’t then just a walk to the cyber cafe when the need arises would be okay. 3. You do not need to quit you day job. If you are busy during the week, weekends would be very okay to operate the system. 4. You do not need to borrow any money or take a loan from the bank to operate this system. Infact I will show you how to start this system with very LITTLE-CAPITAL and still make money. These are the basic things you don’t need to start making money from bulk sms business. ©Trinity Internet Services All Rights Reserved

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1. You need the ability, desire and patience to learn, simple but hidden secrets of bulksms.

2. You do need the zeal to implement what you have learnt.

3. You need to start talking to your friends, family, church, mosque ,pastor, uncle, aunt e.t.c.

4. You need a Access to a Bulk SMS Website (RESELLER


5. A Way to make Customers & Potential customers Call You & Request for Your Bulk SMS Services.

6. Lastly you need the ''GRACE OF GOD'' to succeed. And with that, you are better equipped to start and run you own Profitable bulk sms business. If you are ready then lets start making cool money.

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Overview of the Bulk SMS Business Like I said earlier, Bulk SMS is simply the sending of text messages to multiple phone numbers at the same time using Internet-based services. Bulk SMS is widely used by Individuals, Schools, Churches, Companies & even Politicians. For example: Schools use Bulk SMS services to inform the parents of their students of upcoming School Events, Meetings & Increases in School Fees. ➢Companies use the services of Bulk SMS Providers to inform their customers & potential customers of their products, services, promos & bonanzas. ➢ Churches use the services of Bulk SMS Providers to inform heir members of upcoming Church meetings, Crusades & Special Events. ➢Socialites & Wealthy Individuals use the services of Bulk SMS Providers to inform their friends & business associates of special events they're going to be having such as: Birthdays, Weddings, and Anniversaries etc. ©Trinity Internet Services All Rights Reserved

S.E.C.R.E.T.S.= Something Everyone Can’t Reach Except They Search ALL of the Individuals & Organizations above need your services as a Bulk SMS service provider to be able to send Bulk SMS to their Clients, Customers, Members, Friends & Business Associates. In order to be able to run your own part-time, Income-Generating Bulk SMS Business. However, the reason why companys, organizations, e.t.c needs your services is because SMS communication has proven to being effective, cheaper and reliable. In Nigeria, according to a recent statistics on the NCC's website a total of 90million active lines have been registered in June,2011, but let’s see current statistics from marketing and advertising experts. 9% of Nigerians watch Television daily 19% of Nigerians listen to radio daily 4% of Nigerians read Newspapers daily 2% of Nigerians use the Internet daily 75% of Nigerians use GSM phones daily. What do you think would be the best business to start, considering your potential market, having a target audience of 90million people is enough motivation to get started now.

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CHAPTER 3. WHY BULK SMS BUSINESS Everyone is aware of the billions the telecommunication industry is generating on a daily basis. The industry is so enormous that those who are not directly involved can also make millions of naira even without START-UP capital. A smart businessman or woman will know that having the smallest percentage of the profits in such viable industry can make you exceptionally wealthy. But the concern is how can a small business owner (job seeker or even student) with limited resources participate in an industry that requires millions of Naira to acquire a license before you can even start any business, let alone the heavy money you will need to invest in the equipment and personnel to make it work. There is a market in the telecoms industry that is emerging fast and going quite strong. Everywhere you turn you will see something on SMS communication. Any transaction you make with your bank you will receive a text message on your phone almost immediately. If someone pays money into your account you will also receive a notification through SMS, If you visit any church for the first time you will get an invitation for the next service through SMS. ©Trinity internet services All Rights Reserved

S.E.C.R.E.T.S.= Something Everyone Can’t Reach Except They Search You must have received a text message with the name of a customized company, church, fellowship, advertising or inviting you to a program or just to pass information. Short Message Service (SMS) business is becoming very popular by the day presently market observers are saying that the next level of advertising and marketing is SMS messaging. That is why SMS messaging is a market that must catch the attention of every smart person that want to be part of telecoms booty. Recent statistics shows that over 90millions Nigerians now use GSM phones and the number keeps increasing daily. Let’s use a conservative number of 20million Nigerians send at least two text messages per day at the rate of N5.00 that is N200million just in one day and a whooping sum of N6.2billion in a month can you see why the GSM operators will always be making exceptional money. Now imagine just having 1% out of N6.2billion that can quietly enter your pocket. That is N620, 000 for you in a month, whoa that’s pretty big and interesting, don’t you think so? And the better news is that I will be revealing to you how you can tap into the massive wealth in bulksms with little capital and a FREE website, just follow me closely. ©Trinity Internet Services All Right Reserved

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CHAPTER 4. BETWEEN BULK SMS AND RECHARGE CARD PRINTING BUSINESS Since the telecom industry is generating so much money you might be wondering which telecom product is the most lucrative to start, but I just want to briefly compare two of the hottest and most lucrative telecommunications products i.e. Bulk sms and Recharge card Firstly, you would agree with me that to start a recharge card printing you would need a capital of at least N50,000 if you want to be making good profit, but you don’t need that much to start a bulk sms business. Secondly, in recharge card printing business there are very few agent who generate the recharge pins directly, the others are resellers who pose as agents, buy from the agents and sell not only to other resellers but to the road side sellers making the process of getting any roadside seller to patronize you a harder task since they will be buying at almost the same rate you bought your own pins, but this rarely happens in bulk sms business, Infact in bulksms it is you the reseller who determines the price to buy and what you want to sell. Thirdly, lets do a little calculation here, if you invest N10,000 to buy recharge card pins, lets say you buy at N85 for the N100 cards thats about 117 cards and you sell at N98 to the road side sellers, you would make N11,466 that a profit of N1,466 which is good, ©Trinity Internet Services All Rights Reserved

S.E.C.R.E.T.S.= Something Everyone Can’t Reach Except They Search now if you take that N10,000 and invest in bulksms and you buy at N1.0k per sms(of course I will show you where you can buy at a cheaper rate N1.0k) that would give you about 10000 units of sms, now if you sell that at N4 only you will make N40000 that a profit of N30000 or if you decide to sell at N5 (that normal sms price) you will make N50,000 that’s a profit of N40,000 which is a very high return on investment. With this type of interest you can be making up to N200,000 monthly without too much work and capital. Don’t forget you can combine this with other business comfortably and still make huge profit. Finally, I will want you to choose for yourself which business you will want to start considering its earning potential, and the amount of capital you will need to start with, remember it’s the middle of the year and you don’t want to end the year with a lean bank account...TIME WAITS FOR NO ONE DECIDE TODAY!!! ©Trinity Internet Services All Rights Reserve

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CHAPTER 5 HOW TO BUILD A SUCCESSFUL BULKSMS EMPIRE Building a successful bulksms business with ease is by two ways viz;

1. be a basic reseller: A bulksms reseller is someone who buys bulksms and resell to clients or final users. In other words he is like a middleman between the final users and the sms service provider. Since bulksms business profit is volume driven, it is necessary to buy larger volume at a reduced price and resell to clients/individuals at a higher price. The advantage of this is that you can create as many clients as possible and have them buy at your own fix price, and you keep all the profit. To get started you will need a Website and a reseller account. This is only N6,000 if you are among the first 10 people to sign-up @ you will get the following benefits;

• Create unlimited clients • FREE (unbranded) website with your own preferred name • FREE 2000 units SMS credit instant • FREE control panel and reseller panel • FREE e-book on how generate traffic (customers) • FREE Marketing Proposals • FREE phone numbers (available on request) • Reduced Reseller Price from N1.0k • FREE 5000 active Numbers (worth N5,000) and lots more...

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S.E.C.R.E.T.S.= Something Everyone Can’t Reach Except They Search 2. BE A MASTER RESELLER; I recommend you start as a master reseller,remember we said bulksms is volume driven. This plan gives you an added advantage over the basic reseller, as you work less, earn more and increase your sells volume all you have to do is setup as many resellers as you want under you and they'll do all the work while you just credit their account from time to time. Imagine if you have 30 other resellers signed up under you, the volume you can sell monthly will quickly increase. Startup fee is N50,000 but if you are reading this now and you are among the first 10 lucky to sign-up, you will get 20% discount that means you will only pay N25,000 and enjoy the following benefits ; • Create unlimited Reseller account • FREE website with your own preferred name ( • FREE 10,000 units SMS credit instantly • FREE control panel and reseller panel • FREE e-book to generate traffic (consumer) • FREE sms model analysis • FREE Marketing Proposals • Reduced Reseller Price of N0.90k •FREE software installation (Numbers generator software) Before you even think about making payment for your Bulk SMS website, sit down, take a pen and a piece of paper and write down the name you want for your

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Bulk SMS website (For example:,,, or you can even use your name; i.e. if your name is Patrick, you can chose as the name of your Bulk SMS website). But let the name be unique. Then after you've done this, write down 2 additional names you want for your Bulk SMS website just in case the name you chose is not available. Once you've made a list of the 3 preferred names you want for your Bulk SMS website, make payment for the Bulk SMS website using the account details below: Bank Name: FIRST BANK Account Name: TRINITY INTERNET SERVICES Account Number: 2023209321 Amount: N6000(BASIC) N25000(MASTER) After payment send the following to us

1) payment detail 2) your unique website name( at least 3names) 3) your email and phone number.

Within 48hrs I’ll set-up your own professional, fully functional Bulk SMS website for you after payment has been confirm.

NOTE: This is a Promotional offer that would last for only this month.

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CHAPTER 6 ADDED SERVICES TO BULKSMS Although bulksms alone can make you money,if you truly want to earn much more there are other products you need to offer in addition to bulksms,the list Is endless but I will just list out the important once ➢ Web registration, hosting and design: to make more profit from bulksms you need to also be able to register domain names,host and design websites for your resellers and other individual. A good knowledge of web design is necessary to be able to maximally profit from this. ➢ Serminars: You stand a great chance of making money and signing up resellers when you organize seminars regularly. You can form a joint venture partnership with TRINITY INTERNET SERVICES and we would help you make the seminar a huge success. Just drop a mail to [email protected] ©Trinity Internet Services All Rights Reserved

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CHAPTER 7. HOW TO BUILD YOUR OWN DATABASE OF MILLIONS OF GSM USERS WITH EASE Having your own reliable database of millions of Gsm Users is a GOLDMINE and this can make you millions in a year, not only that, it also affords you the opportunity to START YOUR OWN CORPORATE SMS ADVERTISING, MARKETING AND PROMOTIONS BUSINESS helping organizations, churches, companies, schools etc to send messages on their behalf with your database and they pay you for it. Why I said that this is a GOLDMINE is because with this your earning potential is increased, since you will be selling both the sms credits and yourdatabase of phone numbers. Lets say you have 1million reliable phone numbers and a company wants to launch a new product and they approach to handle the transaction for them, well that means they will be buying 1million worth of sms credit and of course paying you for your database of numbers, this single transaction will definitely make you a millionaire, you see why I called it a GOLDMINE. You might be wondering how do you acquire and have your own database of gsm users without spending a fortune? I am going to reveal just ONE powerful ways of doing that without spending a KOBO and the other method will be for those who take action with this information and become a reseller with TRINITY INTERNET SERVICES. HOW TO BUILD A RELIABLE DATABASE OF GSM USERS This method I will be revealing to you has given me millions of gsm numbers and of course added a boost to my bulksms business, so treat it as IMPORTANT.

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To start building your own gsm database of phone numbers you must bear in mind that people love FREE services and offering a FREE service to your customers will always leave them smiling and bring them back to you for further transaction. Having said that take the following steps; ➢ Approach churches, companies, schools, etc with a promotional offer to help them send bulksms message to their members or customers for FREE, they will just pay for the SMS credit while you handle the rest. Trust me they will jump at such offer. ➢ Get the database of gsm numbers they give you(of course it has now

become your own), but to ease your stress always tell them to type the numbers in the required format using notepad and give you a soft copy of it. ➢ They will also give you the message they want to send and also pay for just the required SMS units according to their database of numbers. Don’t forget they will also be buying the SMS credit from you too this would increase your sales turnover and gives you more profit. ➢ Having the number and their messages you just stroll into a café (or

office if you have one) and pay just N100 to buy time and within 30 minutes you must have finished sending the messages and have a reliable database of phone numbers which can be sold to companies, churches, political parties e.t.c to use for their products launch, invitations, SMS adverts etc. NB; Make sure you always keep to your words, and don’t abuse any database you get from your clients. What I mean is this, for instance if your are given gsm numbers from Living Faith Chapel to send messages to their members about an upcoming program, it won’t be nice if you sell those numbers to Christ Embassy or any other church to use for invitation too.

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IT IS AN ABUSE... But you can however sell those numbers to any company for their marketing campaign or to a christian body like CAN(Christian Association of Nigeria),PFN, or any church that wants to have a major program such as a crusade in you area. Now by the time you have done this for about ten churches with ten thousand numbers each, three companies with One hundred thousand gsm numbers each, that will leave you with a reliable database of FOUR HUNDRED THOUSAND GSM NUMBERS with this you can start singing IM ABIG BOY/GIRL...and don’t forget the message were duly paid for, so if you made just N1per sms sent that’s N400,000 profit without robbing any bank, or even doing yahoo, yahoo and with this kind of cash of course you own Sms Advertising and Marketing company has started without you going to get a loan from anywhere. It is as simply as A.B.C. MY FREE OFFER: Register as a reseller/Agent this month and get FREE PHONE numbers to Start your own M-Marketing Company HOW TO MAKE N100,000 THIS MONTH If you are thinking, what is this? Can it be really true? Yes it’s true. You can make N100,000 this month without much stress. I know I have not told you that just one customer can make you rich in bulk sms business. I know I shouldnt be saying that, but it’s true. I don’t encourage you to be looking for that one customer, but that’s how it’s been working. Just one customer may be giving you over 50 percent of your volume. I have my own one customer. But if you set out to look for just that one customer you may get discouraged. Do your marketing as though getting 1,000 customers is the best way to go and leave that one customer to God. Now I will also advice you to be smart, do everything you have to do. I know so many people would like the idea of a business they can invest today and reap their investment tomorrow. It’s not entirely impossible with bulk sms, rather seek to grow your customer.

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Look out for one thing, more customers, because I know that each new customer that you can get today increases your sms volume to the next million. So focus on getting new customers. If you target to sell to resellers (they buy more), then hold more frequent seminars. If you can sign up at least 3 new customers per seminar, if you hold 10 seminars you would have signed up 30 more customers. Now imagine if those 30 customers buy an average of 10,000 sms monthly, that’s 300,000 sms for you. If your profit is 50kobo then you would have made N150,000 profit monthly. Just have only one point agenda for bulk sms business, and that is to WIN MORE CUSTOMERS. The more customers you can win the more sms you can sell. Have the same mindset. Many bulk sms resellers would close shop for this one reason alone. Let your pursuit always be to win more customers. Set monthly targets for new customers and strategies on how to accomplish it. I have my monthly target for new customers. Let me tell you a secret, 80 percent of your customers would buy just 20 percent of your products, while 20 percent would buy 80 percent of your sms. So the more customers you win the more of them would qualify for the 20 percent that buy more.

How to win 100 customers for your business in 90 days: Remember, you usually get some free sms when you sign up. Like in the Master Reseller Pack you get 10,000 sms(PROMO offer) along with the website and other bonuses. If you sell that 10,000 sms at N2.50 per sms you will earn N25,500 from it. However, I will advise that you don’t sell that 10,000, rather reinvest it. The question now is how? My answer here may seem radical but that’s because I’m a radical marketer. If I have 10,000 sms I would rather use it to win customers that would buy 10,000 sms from me over and over again than sell it once and loose more customers. Imagine how many customers you can win if you send 10,000 sms adverts. Among those who would get your advert may be those who buy in 100,000 sms and above.

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S.E.C.R.E.T.S.= Something Everyone Can’t Reach Except They Search However, if you don’t feel the same way that I do, then, just use some part of it to advertise and keep the remaining for sell. I will strongly advice that you do this. You have nothing to lose if you pour all your 10,000 sms into sms advert. You will attract many interested customers. Imagine 100 customers contacting you in the first month of your business to buy from you. That would be the beginning of new levels of millions. If your concern is where to get the phone numbers, you can get random phone numbers from for FREE if you signup as a reseller. But you must ask for it before it can be given to you. Apart from that you can use the reseller model to expand and get more customers faster than you can imagine. If you have 100 customers and I have 10 resellers, I have the advantage of making money regularly than you. While you are limited to those 100 customers, my capacity to increase my customer base is limitless. Even if I do nothing on my own to get new customers, my 10 resellers would be out to get me customers. As a bulk sms resellers focus more on building resellers than end users, as resellers will help you grow faster and expand into areas you may never would have been able to get customers from With 30 resellers who buys 10,000 units monthly thats 300,000 sms in a month and if you make N1/sms thats N300,000 in a month or with 10 resellers who buy just 10,000 units per month that 100,000 sms and with N1 profit on each you will be smiling to the bank with N100,000 pure profit. Don't forget you will also make money from their signup fees, seminar fees and phone numbers sales, so tell me why you won't start this business now.

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HOW AND WHEN TO START In my over 2 years of giving bulksms marketing strategies to Nigerians, I found out that only 2 out of every 10 will implement what they have learnt. With the information you have now, you won’t make a dime if you just read and never take ACTION now, remember “IF YOU PAY TODAY YOU WILL PLAY LATER, BUT IF YOU PLAY TODAY YOU WILL PAY LATER” So here is HOW you can be part of the million naira Bulksms industry and start making huge profits; ➢ To get on our list as a reseller, rush to and

register as a reseller and text you Full names(or business name),Location, email and phone numbers to 08106816606 or 07036616565 ➢ Make payment for any required sms units to our bank account below; Make all payments for required SMS units to; Bank : FIRST BANK Branch : Any branch. Account Holder : TRINITY INTERNET SERVICES Account Number : 2023209321 Amount: N6000 (BASIC) with FREE 2000 SMS unit N25000 (MASTER) with FREE 10000 SMS unit Then text payment details such as Depositors name, teller num, amount paid, branch paid into, date of payment, phone number, three preferred websites names of your choice. ➢ FREE sms model analysis will be sent to resellers

➢ If you reach the 100,000 SMS credit purchase within a month I will give you 5000 FREE SMS units and send you the following highly priced e-books. MULTIPLE STREAM OF to turn anything you know into a N50,000 – N100,000 monthly income selling simple information products. With little or no start-up capital. VALUE:N6,500

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S.E.C.R.E.T.S.= Something Everyone Can’t Reach Except They Search FINALLY... I think i have been able to do more than you expected. I have shown you all you need from scratch on how you can build a successful BULKSMSBUSINESS WITH LITTLE CAPITAL Before i round off, i will like you to do me a little favour. Once you start applying this principles and they are working for you, which they would, just send me a testimonial with your name, location, number and email to [email protected] Your testimonial and criticism will help me improve future products,and your testimony will be included in any of my future products, thats free adverts for you and your business, so send me one. I am also creating an “advance training class” for those who want to be mentored to up their own TELECOM SERVICE PROVIDING COMPANY and deal with so many products in the telcoms sector, all you have to do is send an email to [email protected] and we will get you started. You can also add me as a friend on facebook just search TRINITY SMS, and on and we can also share some other things together. Lastly, the most important thing is to TAKE ACTION NOW on this proven system, and stick with it with focus and commitment. Those that make big money are those that repeat a successful model over and over again. I know I sound like a broken record here but this is the “secrets” of my success and I sincerely hope it will be yours too.

©Trinity Internet Services All Rights Reserved

S.E.C.R.E.T.S.= Something Everyone Can’t Reach Except They Search

So lets wrap this up... Its the middle of the year and people are already making money from telecommunications industry. How long do you want to wait before you join this Billion Naira Industry? I'm sure you know the right time is NOW! Don't wait till tomorrow to do what you can do today, join me and that dream of yours a reality. I'm standing by to receive the first 10 resellers to order any moment from now. Make sure you are among the first 10 lucky resellers that will enjoy this offer. TO YOUR SUCCESS! Prince Adetula Yomi

©Trinity Internet Services All Rights Reserved

S.E.C.R.E.T.S.= Something Everyone Can’t Reach Except They Search PS: I forgot to mention this. You will have a BIG problem in this business. People will accuse you of doing something illegal or even yahoo-yahoo because they just can’t understand how you are making your money. If you are like me, that is you don’t care what others think as long as your conscience is clear then this is for you. Looking forward to hearing from you.

©Trinity Internet Services All Rights Reserved