Download - Building Mobile Apps With jQuery For Any Device In The Cloud

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Building Mobile Apps With jQuery For Any Device In The Cloud

Max KatzExadel

Page 2: Building Mobile Apps With jQuery For Any Device In The Cloud

Tiggr Mobile Apps Builder by Exadel

Senior Systems Engineer

JSF, RichFaces, Java EE consulting, and training

Developer Advocate for Tiggr Mobile Apps Builder:

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Tiggr Mobile Apps Builder by Exadel

Author of Practical RichFaces

(Apress, 2008)


Lead-author of Practical RichFaces, 2/e

(Apress, 2011)

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Tiggr Mobile Apps Builder by Exadel

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Tiggr Mobile Apps Builder by Exadel


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Tiggr Mobile Apps Builder by Exadel

By 2013 mobile devices will overtake PCs as the

preferred way of accessing the Internet


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Tiggr Mobile Apps Builder by Exadel

The mobile apps market will be worth $25 billion by 2015


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Tiggr Mobile Apps Builder by Exadel

iOS: Android: BlackBerry: Windows Phone: WebOS:



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Tiggr Mobile Apps Builder by Exadel

I guess we can all agree that mobile [in all forms] is BIG

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Tiggr Mobile Apps Builder by Exadel

We are going to build a mobile app with jQuery Mobile components and access Twitter REST API...

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Tiggr Mobile Apps Builder by Exadel

...we are going to use Tiggr Mobile Apps Builder to build the app

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Tiggr Mobile Apps Builder by Exadel

With jQuery Mobile, we can build apps for any platform or device...

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Tiggr Mobile Apps Builder by Exadel

...and by adding PhoneGap library, we can create a native app

Wrap the app with PhoneGap and get access to native APIs

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Tiggr Mobile Apps Builder by Exadel

Just a reminder: Tiggr Mobile Apps Builder is still in beta.

We want to hear your opinion and feedback!

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Tiggr Mobile Apps Builder by Exadel

Okey, here is how easy and fast it is to build an app in Tiggr Mobile Apps Builder

Just 5 steps

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Tiggr Mobile Apps Builder by Exadel

1. Build the UI with jQuery Mobile components

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Tiggr Mobile Apps Builder by Exadel

2. Define and connect to data sources, then...

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Tiggr Mobile Apps Builder by Exadel

2(a) Map input UI components to service inputs

2(b) Map service output (result) to UI components

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Tiggr Mobile Apps Builder by Exadel

3. Glue all together with events and actions

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Tiggr Mobile Apps Builder by Exadel

3(a). Define JavaScript functions (if needed)

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Tiggr Mobile Apps Builder by Exadel

4. Test the app using Web Preview in Tiggr or...

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Tiggr Mobile Apps Builder by Exadel

or in the Tiggr Mobile Tester app

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Tiggr Mobile Apps Builder by Exadel

5. Get the binary (or source code) and install on your mobile phone (Android for now, iOS coming soon)

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Tiggr Mobile Apps Builder by Exadel

Let's build something...

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Tiggr Mobile Apps Builder by Exadel

Please do the following:

1. Go to

2. Sign up for Tiggr Mobile Apps Builder account

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Tiggr Mobile Apps Builder by Exadel

We built a Twitter Search app during the tutorial

Want to build the same app?

You can find the step-by-step tutorial at:

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Tiggr Mobile Apps Builder by Exadel

Road map● Themes

◦ jQuery Mobile themes

◦ Custom CSS ● Data source test connection

● Remote logging output viewer

● JavaScript syntax checker (Lint)

● More jQuery Mobile components

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Tiggr Mobile Apps Builder by Exadel

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Tiggr Mobile Apps Builder by Exadel

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Tiggr Mobile Apps Builder by Exadel

Email: [email protected]: @maxkatzBlog:


Twitter: @gotiggr

