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Building appetite on reading

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Books are the best tools to gain knowledge, but before you gain knowledge from books, you should learn how to read. People start to enhance their reading skills when they go to school. Teachers teach students the proper way of reading. If you don’t know how to read or hard to understand every word; you will surely have a problem on gaining new knowledge. There are people who become addicted on reading books because their knowledge expands and they can use that knowledge to tackle the trials that come into their life. Books can also be use as a stress remover especially when they are reading novels. If you love reading novels, you can search all the best selling novels online, in that way you can choose the novel that you like. You can also tell if the novel that you will choose or buy is interesting by the comments of other people. If you are losing appetite on reading books, you should read the tips below.

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Here are some Tips on

How to Build Appetite on Reading


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Most people or readers are losing appetite because the book that they read has lots of characters and has some difficult issues. For beginners, they will surely have a hard time absorbing the story. There are also people who become lazy and stop reading the book because it has a very long story. All you need to do is start reading a short story. When you can already read fast and you can absorb or understand a short story properly, you can read long story books. The more books you read, the more your reading skills can improve. You also need to start reading a book which is interesting. People who read book wherein they have no idea about it usually stops reading and lose appetite on reading.

Begin with small books

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Do you know a person that really loves reading books and already recommend some good books on you? If you know someone that knows you very well and they already read the book that they recommend to you, it will be easier for you to find a book that will suit you. That person will also helps you and motivate you to continue read books. Try asking a friend that is close to you, they surely know you well. You can also discuss or share the book that you read with your friend. In that way, you can have fun with your friend while reading a book. You can also ask your family members if they have some interesting book that they can recommend.

Ask someone

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In order to concentrate or focus on reading book, you should avoid distractions. You should find a place that is peaceful and away from noise. There are people who can focus on reading books even if they are listening on some music. Since you only start reading books, you should read into a place where you feel comfortable. You should also find a position to read. If you are in your house and there are some noise around. You can put ear plugs on your ear so that you won’t hear noise. If you really want to read peacefully and without noise; you can go and read in the library.


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The first thing you need to do if you want to enjoy reading books is to choose a book that interests you. Most people think that reading book is not enjoyable because they read random books. If you want a book that will make you happy, you should read a book that is funny. If you already read a book that you enjoy, try looking for another book that has the same author. In that way, you be sure that the book that you will read is enjoyable too. If you choose a book that you don’t like, you will surely not enjoy it and you will lose appetite.

Interesting Books

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If you want to expand your reading skills and build appetite on reading, you can join a book club. In a book club, members will surely recommend some books that are interesting. You can also try some books that you don’t read. Since you have a type of book that you like, there are times that you won’t even bother to try reading other types of books. For example, you like reading funny books and you already read lots of them. Why don’t you try reading horror, suspense, romance or fiction? It is also a good idea to try reading other books so that you will gain different knowledge.

Book Club

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If you have lots of books in your house, try cleaning them. Do you want to read a book that is full of dust? You may not know, there are some interesting books in your shelf. There are times that you don’t notice that you have interesting books in your house because the title of the books is covered with dust. Try to clean your book shelf and do some sorting. You can put all the books that are interesting in one place in the shelf. In that way, you will be able to know where to get the books that are interesting.

Clean book

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If you want to enjoy reading a book, you can eat snack and drink juice while you are reading. In that way, you don’t need to stop reading just to get food when you feel hungry. Always remember to put a book mark into the page where you stop reading so that you will know where to start when you read the book again. If you want to finish the book that you read quickly, all you need to do is carry your book anywhere you go. If you are going out, you can put your book into your bag. If you love reading novels, I recommend Peter Andrew Sacco because his books are interesting and he is also a great author.

Begin with small books