Download - Building a Serverless Sensor Network in Javascript - Josh Marinacci


Building a serverless sensor network in Javascript

About Your Speaker

Josh Marinacci

Head of Developer Relations at PubNub

Very nasty cold

Keep it short

Sensor Network

● Small, fairly dumb devices connected to the Internet● Collect data in realtime● Do something with the data, in realtime

IoT-Enabled Smart Parking Meter

Sensor Options

●● Weather: (temperature, humidity, wind speed, etc.)● Cameras● Buttons and switches

Arduino MKR1000

Arduino MKR1000

● Built in WiFi● Lots of IO● Power Saving● Built in LiPo● Turn into Soft AP● No host PC required● Have to code in C●

Arduino Uno

● Cheaper● Mature● Requires host PC● Code in JavaScript on the host

Arduino Uno

Controlling with JavaScript

1. var five = require('johnny-five');

2. var board = new five.Board();


4. board.on('ready', function() {

5. var led = new five.Led(13); // pin 13

6. led.blink(500); // 500ms interval

7. });

Controlling with JavaScript1. pubnub.subscribe({

2. channel: 'smart-led',

3. callback: function(m) {

4. if(led) {

5. r = (m.color === 'red') ? m.brightness : r;

6. g = (m.color === 'green') ? m.brightness : g;

7. b = (m.color === 'blue') ? m.brightness : b;


9. led.color({red: r, blue: b, green: g});


11. console.log( 'color change to...' );

12. console.log( led.color() );

13. }

14. }

15. error: function(err) {console.log(err);}

16. });

Serverless Architecture

● Combine micro-services● No server administration, hosting, owning, etc.● Run code at higher level: Module, Object, Function● Pay by usage● Leverage microservices● Not all or nothing. Usually hybrid.


● Global Data Stream Network● Low latency● High security● M:n● 70+ SDKs


● Computation in global Data Stream Network● Just Javascript w/ Promises● Distributed data store● Secure: NodeJS + cgroups + DSN● Web or CLI● Fast, low latency● Pay for just what you use● Just released. Free until Dec.

EON: Charts + MapsCreating Realtime Data Visualization


Light sensor

Temperature sensor


var five = require('johnny-five');

five.Board().on('ready', function() {

var temperature = new five.Thermometer({

controller: 'DS18B20', pin: 2


photoresistor = new five.Sensor({

pin: 'A2', freq: 250


temperature.on('data', function() {

console.log(this.celsius + '°C', this.fahrenheit + '°F');

temp = this.celsius;


photoresistor.on('data', function() {

console.log('photoresistor: ' + this.value);

light = this.value;


setInterval(sendData, 3000);


Using Johnny-Five to get the data from Arduino!

We’re going to publish the data from sensors every 3 seconds

function sendData() {

var data = {

'temperature': temp,

'light': light



channel: 'temperature-photoresistor',

message: data,



Publishing data to PubNub

<div id="chart">

<div id="light"></div>

<div id="temp"></div>

<div id="pot"></div>


<script type="text/javascript">

var pubnub = PUBNUB.init({

subscribe_key :'sub-c-d784e128-da7d-11e5-9511-0619f8945a4f'




channel: 'temperature-photoresistor',

generate: {

bindto: '#light',


pubnub: pubnub,

transform: function(m) {

return {

eon: {

light: m.light





transform() takes raw data to transform to fit in the schema that EON understands!

{'temperature': 20,

'light': 350 };

Receive raw data


channel: 'temperature-photoresistor',

generate: {

bindto: '#temp,


pubnub: pubnub,

transform: function(m) {

return {

eon: {

temp: m.temp





var five = require('johnny-five');

five.Board().on('ready', function() {

potentiometer.on('data', function() {

// value range 0 - 1023

console.log(this.value, this.raw);


channel: 'potentiometer',

message: { eon: {

'potentiometer': this.value





Note:I am sending the object differently this time.

Instead of the raw data,{pot: value}, I am publishing {eon:{pot: value}}, so EON can read the data directly.

You don’t need to use transform(), when you receive the data.


channel: 'potentiometer',

generate: {

bindto: '#pot',

data: {

type: 'gauge'



pubnub: pubnub



channel: 'potentiometer',

generate: {

bindto: '#pot',

data: {



gauge: {


format: function(value, ratio){

return value; //returning here

the value, not in %



min: 0,

max: 1023




color: {

pattern: ['#FF0000', '#F6C600', '#60B044'],

threshold: {

values: [341, 682]




pubnub: pubnub


0 to 341 = red342 to 682 = yellow683 to 1023 = green