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Page 1: Building a Feedback Loop between Electrical Stimulation ... · ample, polyrhythm (2:3, 3:4 etc.) where the right hand and the left hand simultaneously beat ffent beat are generally

Building a Feedback Loopbetween Electrical Stimulation and Percussion Learning

Ayaka EbisuDigital Nature Group,University of Tsukuba

[email protected]

Satoshi HashizumeDigital Nature Group,University of Tsukuba

[email protected]

Yoichi OchiaiDigital Nature Group,University of Tsukuba

Pixie Dust Technologies, [email protected]



3 rememberthe movement4

5 reproduce the movement

System ON

muscle moves

System OFF

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 1: (a) Process of Rhythm Learning, (b) The user plays the castanets with his right hand stimulated by the StimulatedPercussions, (c) The user tries to remember the movement of her limbs and a drum rhythm pattern

ABSTRACTA sense of rhythm is essential for playing instruments. However,many beginners learning how to play musical instruments havedifficulty with rhythm. We have proposed "Stimulated Percus-sions," which is a musical instrument performance system usingelectrical muscle stimulation (EMS) in the past. In this study, weapply it to the learning of rhythm. By the movement of musclesstimulated using EMS, users are able to acquire what kind of armsand legs tomove at what timing. In addition to small percussion in-struments such as castanets, users can play the rhythm patterns ofdrums that the require the simultaneous movement of their limbs.

CCS CONCEPTS•Human-centered computing→Human computer interac-tion (HCI);

KEYWORDSelectrical muscle stimulation (EMS), rhythm, drums

ACM Reference Format:Ayaka Ebisu, Satoshi Hashizume, and Yoichi Ochiai. 2018. Building a Feed-back Loop between Electrical Stimulation and Percussion Learning. In Pro-ceedings of SIGGRAPH ’18 Studio. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2 pages.

SIGGRAPH ’18 Studio, August 12-16, 2018, Vancouver, BC, Canada© 2018 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).This is the author’s version of the work. It is posted here for your personal use. Notfor redistribution. The definitive Version of Record was published in Proceedings ofSIGGRAPH ’18 Studio,

1 INTRODUCTIONA sense of rhythm is indispensable for playing instruments. How-ever, many beginners learning how to play musical instrumentshave difficulty with rhythm. In some cases, some people hesitateto start playing instruments, because it is difficult to read a musicalscore and play the correct rhythm. If a player does not understandthe rhythm, the player will not be able to performance with confi-dence, the volume will be reduced, and the tones will change.

With electrical muscle stimulation (EMS), the muscles contract in-voluntarily and the arms move. By stimulating the muscles ac-cording to the rhythm users want to play, EMS can act as ateacher and teach them the rhythm through their own body. Thereare several studies that have applied EMS to music performance[Tamaki et al. 2011]. We focus on the learning of rhythm anddemonstrate rhythm learning as an application of "Stimulated Per-cussions," which was proposed in a previous study [Ebisu et al.2017].


2.1 ImplementationThe basic hardware implementation is the same as "StimulatedPercussions" [Ebisu et al. 2017]. Arduino with a USB-MIDI device1was used to control the electrical stimulation generation circuitand generate pulses. The system configuration is as shown in Fig-ure 2.

We implemented a step sequencer user interface that allows users

1dualMocoLUFA Project Copyright (C) 2013,2014,2015 by morecat_lab (last accessed May 16th, 2018)

Page 2: Building a Feedback Loop between Electrical Stimulation ... · ample, polyrhythm (2:3, 3:4 etc.) where the right hand and the left hand simultaneously beat ffent beat are generally

SIGGRAPH ’18 Studio, August 12-16, 2018, Vancouver, BC, Canada Ayaka Ebisu, Satoshi Hashizume, and Yoichi Ochiai



Arduino (MIDI device)

power supply


Figure 2: Configuration of the Stimulated Percussions

to enter their own rhythm patterns using the WEB MIDI API (Fig-ure 3). With this UI, it is possible to control multiple Arduinos. Inaddition, the rhythm input and the ON / OFF of the electric stim-ulation can be switched to each Arduino. By sending an electricalstimulus before the step is visually indicated, the hitting tone willsound at the timing of the step. Two examples of drum rhythmpatterns sent as input to the UI are shown in Figure 4 with theassociated score.

2.2 Rhythm Learning ProcessUsing this system, themuscles move according to the rhythm stim-ulated by the EMS. As a result, users will remember the timing ofthe movement. After users are able to remember the movement,the movement can be reproduce without the system. Users repeatthis process to acquire rhythm as shown in Figure 1 (a).

By adding EMSwhile listening to a sound or reading musical notesas a visual aid, the timing of the movement of each limb becomeseasy to understand. Once the timing of the movements is learned,it will be easier for users to practice without the aid of this system.

Users who practiced drum performance using this system providedthe following feedback. "By using electrical stimulation, I was ableto feel the beat in my body and it is easy to understand when eachlimb should be moved. When I play the beat, my stroke matches thestimulus if I hit on the timing to hit, so I know that I struck at thecorrect timing. It felt more fun and easier to hit than when watchinga movie of lesson on how to play drums." "By using electrical stimula-tion, it was good that I was able to think separately from the rhythmpattern of the foot and hand."

3 APPLICATIONUsers can not only learn the rhythm with one hand (Figure 1 (b))but also the rhythm that uses both arms simultaneously. For ex-ample, polyrhythm (2:3, 3:4 etc.) where the right hand and theleft hand simultaneously beat different beat are generally difficultrhythms.

In addition, it is possible to learn playing drum rhythms that re-quire a player to not only use the arms but also the feet at thesame time. As the order and timing of movement of limbs can be

Set the devices in the outputs

A button is a sixteenth-note Toggle of

each output’s on/off

Orange indicates step

Figure 3: Screenshot of the sequencer user interface

Right handLeft handRight foot

Right handLeft handRight foot

Right handLeft handRight foot

Right handLeft handRight foot



Figure 4: Drums rhythmpatterns: (a) Represents eighth notebeats, (b) shows shuffle beats

acquired, this system is considered to be effective for a rhythm pat-tern in which multiple limbs, such as polyrhythm and drums, areseparately moved at the same time. Our study shows that this sys-tem even work for a user who is a non-drummer and has very littleexperience with playing musical instruments. By practicing withdozens of minutes of EMS, it became possible to hit eight beats.The user shown in Figure 1 (c) has a little drum playing experi-ence. She was not able to beat patterns such as a changing bassdrum pattern. By practicing with Stimulated Percussions, she wasable to learn the rhythm.

REFERENCESAyaka Ebisu, Satoshi Hashizume, Kenta Suzuki, Akira Ishii, Mose Sakashita, and

Yoichi Ochiai. 2017. Stimulated Percussions: Method to Control Human for Learn-ing Music by Using Electrical Muscle Stimulation. In Proceedings of the 8th Aug-mented Human International Conference (AH ’17). ACM, New York, NY, USA, Ar-ticle 33, 5 pages.

Emi Tamaki, Takashi Miyaki, and Jun Rekimoto. 2011. PossessedHand: Techniquesfor Controlling Human Hands Using Electrical Muscles Stimuli. In Proceedings ofthe SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’11). ACM,New York, NY, USA, 543–552.