Download - Build a Better Survey - Part 1


This series takes you step by step through the elements of envisioning and building a stellar survey and making it shine. These tips and best practices will help you position your next survey for success.

Build Better Surveys Part 1

by Lauren Franco

Outline for presentation

How to start building a better survey:• Envision Results • Know Your Purpose • Know Your Audience • Make It Easy • Put Your Best Face Forward

Life’s a little bit better when you have a plan.


So why should you

build better surveys?

Simple. The best surveys give you the best results.


Now that’s been established, let's sit down and think.


What first comes to mind when you think of creating

the perfect survey?


Need lots of data (i.e. high

response rates)

Include all key questions

(in the right order, too)

Keep it visually appealing

to participants.


Got some goals? Get a plan.

After all, even the most experienced survey experts

plan their surveys.


Follow these 5 steps to

Build A Better Survey!


Smart planning gets

you data that can

inspire action.

If you want useful data, start by thinking about the report you’ll need when the survey is complete.

Envision Results1

What is your goal?

Your purpose must be clear to you and your participants.

• Why are you running this survey?

• What do you hope to achieve?

What moves you? And why?

Know Your Purpose2

Who must you connect with?

If you build a survey that is relevant they will be more likely to participate and give valuable feedback.

Who are your ideal participants and what do you already know about them?

Know Your Audience3

How fast and easy can it be?

Attention spans are short, patience is finite.

Respect your participants’ timeand make it crystal clear what you’re trying to accomplish.

Make it Easy4

Still, an attractive survey offers an edge over the

boring surveys filling inboxes.

What impression does it create?

There’s more to a survey than good looks.

Put Your Best Face Forward5

Now that you're equippedwith SoGoSurvey jet fuel…

Power up your survey rocket and plan your course into survey space!

