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  • 8/3/2019 Buffy: Heart of Darkness Chapter 10



    Chapter Ten

    June 25, 2003


    Giles hung up the phone, turning to Xander. Pike says hell tell Willow and Oz rightaway. He adjusted his glasses. Right now I think I should be getting on with that warding


    Xander nodded, sitting on the floor in the kitchen. He gazed over at Buffy, who sat

    huddled in Joyces arms on the couch, her shoulders still shuddering. Giles paused a moment to

    watch her, shaking his head, and moved toward the stairs to retrieve his spell books.

    Faith slumped down on the floor next to Xander, gesturing to Buffy. Shes takin it

    pretty hard, Faith ventured.Xander nodded, pain filling his eyes. She sure is.

    Faith leaned close to him. Listen, Xander, you and me, we might be the only onesthinkin straight righthere.

    Xander tried to look at Faith but found himself unable to tear his eyes away from Buffy.

    What are you talkin about?

    You know what Im talkin about, Faith murmured. Theyre all gonna be talkin about

    restoring his soul, about turning him good again. She paused to check on Valeria, who laycurled up on the floor by the fireplace in a fetal position, holding herself tightly. And I say--

    Faith, Xander spoke softly. Not now.

    Faith shook her head. I say fuck that. And I know you say fuck that too.

    Faith, Xander warned her.What? Stick a soul back in him so he can go and fuckin lose it again and we all have to

    go through this shit a third time? She leaned in closer to Xander. No way. No fuckin way. Isay we end it once and for all.

    On the couch, Buffy disengaged from her mother, who watched her with equal parts

    concern and compassion, and stood up, turning around to face Faith and Xander. Xander stood as


    Listen to me, Buffys voice creaked out, hoarse from the crying. Giles? she croaked


    Giles bounded down the stairs. Buffy, he breathed.

    Everybody... she started, her wet eyes lingering on Faith. Anybody here touches a hairon his head, Ill break you in half myself. Is that clear?

    Perfectly, Xander hissed.

    Buffy closed her eyes, tears rolling down her cheeks. Xander, come here.Xander took a deep breath, pausing a moment before he made his way stiffly across the


    Buffy hugged him fiercely, pressing her face to his chest, kissing him through his t-shirt.

    I love you, she told him. But now is not the time to be all protective guy on me, okay? We didthis before and we can do it again. She looked up at him. But I am so gonna need your help

    with this. I cant do it alone. She stroked his cheek. And even if I could, I wouldnt do it

    without you.

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    Xander sighed, embracing Buffy. Im with you, Buff, he managed, his voice breaking.

    Buffy nodded, letting herself sag against him for a moment before they separated. She

    took his hand and continued, Now, we all know the drill. Giles has the Romany curse and Daisy

    can throw the spell. We already know that from Valeria. So we go get Daisy, right away, before

    Angel realizes it and goes after her. Then we get an Orb of Thessalia, and --

    Payne had one, Valeria spoke. She promised me she would restore my soul if you haddecided not to.But who knows where she went after Giles gave her the boot? Xander wondered.

    Giles began to reply, but Faith raised a hand. I have a pretty good idea. I can he ad over

    there and see--No, Buffy interrupted her. Nobody goes alone anywhere tonight. Angel -- Angelus --

    is gonna try to hurt us any way he can. So no slip ups, no screw ups, no mistakes. Nobody goes

    anywhere alone, especially after dark. No exceptions, period. Got it?

    The rest of them nodded.

    Good. By this time tomorrow we can have his soul back in his body. We play this right,

    nobody has to get hurt.

    What about Payne? Joyce inquired.Payne got what she deserved, Faith spat. Giles looked over at her but said nothing.

    Buffy looked over at Giles. Even she didnt deserve that, Buffy spoke softly.

    What happened? Joyce wondered.

    Xander pointed to his neck. Severe case of bite marks, he explained.We should have just cut her head off and burned the body, Faith continued. Only way

    to be sure.

    Joyce shuddered. You think Spike made her a vampire?Buffy frowned. I think killing her would be revenge enough for Druscilla.

    We cant be sure, Xander told Joyce. Thats why we have her locked up downstairs. If

    shes dead, well bury her. If not...

    Silence settled over the group for a moment.

    Yes, well, Giles spoke up. Ill start the warding spell, first here and then the holding

    pens. And just in case you arent already, everyone should take to wearing crosses until this

    matter is resolved. He moved off toward the front door.

    *You know, Angelus spoke, dropping the drained young woman to the macadam in the

    middle of the alley, it hasnt been that long, but somehow I always forget how good it feels to

    feed on a warm human being. He licked the blood off his lips. Nothing like it.

    You sure havent forgotten how to talk, Spike chided him, finishing off the young girls

    date and dropping him atop her.

    Dont forget, Spike, theres no Dru around to protect you any more. So dont be a smart

    ass with me.

    Spike glared at his sire. You really want to take me on? Now? After Ive fed twice

    tonight?Angelus tsked. You always were a glutton.

    Spike spread his arms wide. No reason to deny my appetites any more, old sire.

    Theres an appetite we share, Spike, Angelus told him. One that drives us both rightnow.

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    And it worked, Angelus reminded him. Which is exactly why theyre going to try it


    Good point, Spike agreed. So how do we stop em?

    You killed Payne -- thank you very much -- so she wont be throwing the spell.I didnt just kill her, Spike smiled evilly, flashing his fangs.

    You turned her? Angelus asked, surprised.Spike nodded. Though the white hats got to her first. I doubt well be able to get nearher.

    Angelus sighed. Probably. Good idea, Spike. Im proud of you.

    Spike made a face.

    Anyway, Angelus continued, ignoring his sneer, by now theyve probably told

    Willow that Ive gone all meanand nasty, but shes in L.A. and wont be here for a while, and

    they wont want to wait. They know Ill take steps to make sure they cant do me any big favors,

    like restoring me to my former self, so theyll be trying to do it quickly. Angelus snapped h isfingers. The magic store, where they get those damned orbs.

    Bloody Thessalians, Spike growled. They still makin those bloody things?

    Angelus gave him a look. Like Thessalia has anything else to offer.Youve been? Spike wondered. Always wanted to go and kick the crap out of them for

    coming up with those damned stupid orbs in the first place.

    Youre not missing anything, Angelus remembered. So, first order of business, we

    bomb that magic shop downtown.Better hurry, Spike enjoined.Its almost two a.m. Only got three hours of darkness


    Plenty of time to make a bomb, Angelus assured him. Plenty of time.

    *You think he did it? Faith asked, sitting on the floor cradling a crossbow.Buffy shrugged, fingering the string on her own crossbow. Does it matter? Either way

    shes dead. She cant help us.

    Faith nodded. I guess. Least wed know how pissed off Spike still is.He killed Payne and stole Angelus soul. Buffy gave Faith a long look. How much

    more pissed off could he be?

    Faith glanced back at Paynes corpse, laying on the floor in the containment cell theydheld Valeria in. Why dont we give her a soul? You guys seem pretty big on that.

    Buffy glared at Faith. She wasnt deserving of the one she was born with, let alone a

    second chance.

    Faith observed, Yeah, but shed be more useful than crybaby upstairs.Valeria? Buffy inquired. Shes okay. Shes got a lot to learn, though. But she means

    well. She looked at Faith pointedly.

    And I dont? the dark Slayer queried.

    Buffy leaned her head back against the wall. Lets just say its gonna take a little morethan a few days to get used to the idea of working with you again. She sighed. You havent

    exactly been the queen of trustworthiness in the past.

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  • 8/3/2019 Buffy: Heart of Darkness Chapter 10



    I know, Faith admitted. And I aint sorry about it, either. You chose sides, I chose

    sides, we just chose different ones, thats all. She brushed her hair out her eyes. We just

    happened to choose sides that didnt like each other a whole lot.

    Buffy shook her head. I love the way you justify things, she spat. You worked for theMayor. You tried to help him eat all of Sunnydale. You tried to kill Angel. You tried to kill me.

    You tried to kill Giles. You helped Ethan summon a demon whose whole purpose was to killSlayers. Buffy looked at Faith. Thats not choosing sides, Faith. Thats choosing to behomicidal.

    For a long moment Faith stared into Buffys eyes, anger tracing lines on her features, her

    lips pressed firmly shut as a hundred responses ran through her mind. She let out a long breath

    and told Buffy, You stabbed me in the gut and put me in a hospital for two years. You killed the

    Mayor -- the first person who ever really cared about me -- and Giles put that demon inside

    Ethan that made me kill him. And he was the first person who ever loved me, ever. Faith leaned

    in closer to Buffy. See, Ive only tried to fuck up your life. But you have fucked up mine, timeand time again.

    Buffy turned away, checking on Paynes yet unmoving corpse. It still counts as evil if

    you try but fail, Buffy pointed out. You still tried to kill innocent people. The people in yourlife I killed I had to, because they were gonna kill other people. I didnt kill any of those people

    just to hurt you, Faith. I killed them to protect others. Thats something you dont understand.

    I understand it, Faith replied. I understand that its okay to kill the Mayor but not okay

    to kill Angelus. That you had Spike in your hands, defenseless, a few years ago, and you let him

    go. And now were sittin here at two in the morning waitin for a witch to come back to life

    because you guys didnt have the balls to stake Spike just cause he couldnt hurt you.

    That would be cold blooded murder, Buffy sniped. Something you dont have aproblem with, but I do.

    Theyre vampires, B. Theyre always a threat. You can break their necks and they dont

    die. You can plug em full of lead and they get back up. Theyre not people. Theyre demons and

    they want to kill us and if we have any mercy on them, theyll do it. Faith gestured to thewindow, high up on the wall. Look at Spike. Youda killed him, none of this would have

    happened. Payne would have thrown her little wolf spell and no one would have gotten hurt.

    She pointed at Buffy. But you guys let him go, and now Payne and Angel are dead. Because ofyou.

    Angel is notdead, Buffy growled. We can put his soul back.

    Faith tilted her head. We need a witch. Why not give Payne back her soul?We only have one orb, Buffy mentioned.

    We dont even have that, Faith reminded her. I aint completely sure Payne went to

    the Tiki.

    Buffy turned on her. You said you knew where she was.I said I was pretty sure. Its the first place Id think of if I was Payne. She kne w the

    place. Her little goobers guys used to visit me there.

    Wonderful, Buffy commented.

    Least she showed a little interest in me.Is that really all it takes? Buffy asked. Someone blowing smoke up your ass telling

    you how great you are?

    Faith blinked at her. You dont know what its like to never have that, she said. Yougot a mom, you got Giles. You got a boyfriend whos all ape shit over you. She went quiet.

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    Nobody ever told me I was any good for anything until the Mayor. She raised an eyebrow.

    Nobody cared.

    Giles cares about you, Buffy told her. I think maybe my idiot boyfriend does too.

    I know, Faith responded. Thats why I didnt kill him last week in the magic store.Because he was right.

    They sat there in silence a long moment, each young woman lost in her own thoughts.Suddenly, without warning, Payne sat up, her features crinkling into a demonic visage, her

    beautiful dark eyes shifting to a horrid yellow, and a long set of fangs flashing as she bared her


    Buffy and Faith aimed their crossbows and promptly shot her through the heart, watching

    with unblinking eyes as her body burst into a pile of dust.

    *Nice time to send away the only person who knows how to use computers, Faith

    groused, setting her crossbow down on the dining room table. Not to mention the chick who

    knew all the witches.We didnt send her away, Xander argued. She got a life.

    Timing still sucks, Faith complained.

    Will you two shut up? Joyce snapped at them.

    They both looked at her wide-eyed.

    Im sure Daisy gave me her number, Giles spoke, rummaging through his wallet.

    Several cards already littered his coffee table. Buffy sat next to him on the couch, thumbing

    through the phone book. As soon as I find it...Too bad Will doesnt have phone service yet, Buffy noted. Thatd make things


    Call Pike, Giles suggested tersely, tossing his wallet on the table. Im afraid Im

    useless in this matter.Buffy nodded and reached for the phone, dialing Pikes number. She let it ring until the

    machine picked up and informed him, Pike, Im at Giles. Call us now. We need to talk to Will.

    Tell her to call us here. Then she hung up.You dont know any other magicians? Valeria wondered.

    I could probably perform the spell in a pinch, Giles admitted.

    Id say were way past pinch time, Xander remarked.But we still need that orb thing? Faith clarified.

    Which well get tomorrow, Giles informed her, assuming Payne didnt hide it

    somewhere but had the courtesy of leaving it with her other belongings.

    We could go tonight, Faith urged.No, Buffy spoke. Nobody wants this more than me, but were tired and a little banged

    up and jittery, and those two are probably out laughing it up and feeding like theres no


    Which for Spike there isnt, as soon as we catch up to him, Xander promised.Buffy reached over and took his hand, clasping it tightly. Theyll be looking for a fight,

    theyll be looking for us, and were all off our game tonight. If we werent, Angel would still be

    here with us.

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    Let me try to talk to him, Valeria offered. Im one of his kind. He listened to me

    before he lost his soul. Maybe I can reach him.

    No offense, Buffy told her, but if he liked you at all before, when he was Angel, hes

    gonna hate you right now.A vamp with a soul hangin with Spike and Angelus, Faith spoke. Wow, they would

    set a speed record for making you so dead.Its worth a try, Valeria pushed.No, its not, Giles corrected her. Its a futile gesture and will lead to nothing other

    than your death. And youve worked too hard to just throw your life -- your new life -- away.

    Valeria nodded. I just feel so useless, she murmured.So do I, Joyce put in.

    Join the club, Buffy sighed. But you guys, at least youre here, where he cant get at

    you. She looked at Giles. Which reminds me, Giles, tomorrow morning youre going to have

    to do the whammy on our apartment.Giles nodded, picking up his wallet and going through the cards again.

    None of you guys know where to find this Daisy chick? Faith queried.

    Shes Willows friend, not ours, Buffy explained.Joyce offered, She runs the magic shop downtown.

    The blonde girl, Faith remembered, nodding. Yeah, real new age chick. So thats not

    just an act with the crystals and all that shit?

    Nope, Xander told her. She gave Valeria back her soul.Cool, Faith said.

    Giles slapped his wallet on the coffee table again. I know she gave me her bloody card.

    It had the shops hours on it, and their little logo, and she had written her phone number and here-mail on it, and --

    E-mail? Buffy echoed.

    The group all turned to look at the computer sitting on Giles dining table.

    You think shed have Daisys information in the Slayerbase? Buffy wondered.The what? Faith asked, trying to refrain from chuckling.

    Its a program we made so that we could learn how to kill things better, Buffy told her.

    Youd love it.Faith scowled at her.

    Joyce piped up, I dont know anything about any Slayer program, but I do know I work

    on a computer all day, so I have at least a basic knowledge of them. She looked at Giles.Maybe I could help?

    Buffy hugged her mom tightly. You really are the best, you know that?

    Joyce slid an arm around her daughter. Honey, its the least I can do, really.

    *Can I ask you something? Spike ventured, slinging the stuffed brown paper bags in the

    back seat of the DeSoto.

    Ask away, Angelus invited him, depositing his bags next to Spikes and sliding into the

    passengers seat.

    You had a soul for what, a hundred years? the younger vampire asked, starting the car.Pretty much, Angelus concurred.

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    And all that time, you were more or less just a little pity boy, right? Spike backed the

    car out of the space, purposely ramming the Audi parked across the street, crumpling its drivers

    side door, before he accelerated away from the hardware store with the gaping hole in its front

    window and alarm blaring.

    Angelus tapped his fingers restlessly on the top ofthe seat. Theres a point to this?

    Im just wonderin where in all that time you were walkin around feelin sorry foryourself that you learned how to make bombs, thats all. Spike took a corner sharply, tiressquealing. Not that I dont think its a handy skill -- I do, of course -- but it just seems kind of ...

    I dont know. Out of character.

    Angelus gazed out the window. Magic, he explained. You do any kind of magic, youhave to know some basic alchemy. You have to be careful mixing stuff so you dont blow

    yourself up.

    Spike nodded. Every silver lining has a dark cloud, he noted, smiling.

    Thats right. Angelus turned to look at the well-stocked bags. We should have enoughcrap in there to take out half the block. Take a few minutes to mix it up, but well be able to

    handle all that before sun up.

    Spike took another sharp turn, aiming them toward the heart of the downtown area wherehe knew the magic shop to be. He and Angelus -- well, at that time, Angel -- had been there

    together before, that time when Spike had come back to Sunnydale and kidnapped Xander and

    Willow and hid them in the abandoned factory. Theyd had a terrific fight at the magic shop and

    broken a whole bunch of merchandise and several heads. Pretty nice tussle, Spike remembered.

    That was the thing got me to go after Dru again, get her back. Spike sighed.Dru, baby...

    Stop thinkin about Dru, Angelus told him.

    Im gonna tear that Slayers heart right out of her chest, Spike promised.Tomorrow, Angelus figured. Theyll be hiding tonight, gathering their forces, calling

    Willow, crying, all that white hat bullshit. You can kill her tomorrow. Tonight we make sure

    there is a tomorrow for me -- the real me. He tapped Spike on the forehead. Focus.

    Ill give you focus, Spike said, his vampiric features creasing even further into a scowl.Ill take your bloody head off, you. Just because you got your set back, dont think you can go

    pushin me around, mate. Ill--

    A siren and flashing red and blue lights cut through the night as a police car moved up

    behind them.

    Bloody hell, Spike swore.

    Angelus switched his features to their human guise. Pretty faces, he told Spike. Copsare stupid, they dont like things they dont understand. Just relax and Ill talk usout of this.

    Talk us out of this? Spike repeated, continuing to drive at his reckless speed.

    Angelus nodded. Pull over, let me do the talking. Well have that little magic store up in

    flames in no time.Spike reversed his features with a little effort and nudged the long black car over to the

    side of the road. The police car pulled up behind them, and an officer stepped out, his pistol

    raised. He approached the drivers side slowly, cautiously, and called out from a safe distance,

    Out of the car, hands on the roof.Spike looked over at Angelus. You really wanna talk your way out of this?

    Just follow my lead, the older vampire instructed. The two of them exited the car and

    put their hands on the roof, as the officer instructed.

    Were not armed, Angelus called out genially.

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    Shut up! the cop barked. Keep your hands where I can see them.

    What seems to be the problem, officer? Angelus asked. Spike rolled his eyes.

    Where you boys headin at quarter to three in the morning, speedin away from a crime

    scene? The cop edged closer.Angelus shrugged. Were gonna build a bomb, he answered.

    Youre what? the policeman asked.Spike grinned in understanding.Were gonna build a bomb, Angelus repeated. What, are you deaf and stupid? Or just


    The policeman took two steps toward Angelus, his revolver raised. Thats enough out ofyou, asshole. Head down on the roof. When the handsome vampire failed to comply, the

    policeman ordered, Now!

    Quicker than the cop would have thought possible, Angelus vaulted over the wide trunk

    of the huge car and grabbed the pistol, yanking it out of the policemans two handed grasp.Cops, Angelus spat, tossing the gun to Spike. Take away their pistols and theyre nothing.

    He shifted his features back to his hunting face, his yellow eyes glinting in pleasure as he

    chomped down on the cops neck, ignoring the spout of blood that streamed onto the pavement.Spike chuckled as Angelus sucked the cop dry, dropping the corpse after a minutes greedy

    work, and wiped his mouth on his sleeve.

    I gotta give you credit, mate, Spike admitted, you are really makin up for lost time

    with a vengeance. I like that.Angelus nodded. Lets not get sidetracked. He jogged to the police car and removed the

    shotgun from inside and gathered up all of the ammunition he could find. He moved back to the

    DeSoto and dumped it all in the back seat and climbed in the car. Spike followed his lead.

    Youre a right bastard, Spike grinned.

    Thank you, Angelus replied. Now lets get moving. We only have two hours left

    before the sun comes up, and well need some of that to find a place to stay.

    Spike closed the door and hit the gas, tires spinning as the big fat car took off into the


    *I think this is it, Buffy spoke, checking the names on the row of mailboxes. Its hard to

    concentrate fully on what Im doing with my mom here, she realized, checking the names againstthe scrap of paper in her hand. Im way too worried about her. Please, please, Angel, just be

    inside now, okay? Buffy glanced up at the sky, frowning at the thin red band on the horizon.

    Sunrise isnt for another twelve minutes, Giles informed her. He gestured to the

    mailboxes. Is it there?Theres a Flora, Buffy relayed. But no Flores.

    Maybe she moved, Xander suggested.

    Will keeps that thing pretty up to date, Buffy reminded him. If sheda moved, we

    wouldnt be here.Xander nodded, stifling a yawn.

    Wake up, Faith tapped him on the shoulder. Stay sharp.

    Xander checked the area again. Im not used to bein up this early.

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    Wed all better get used to that, Giles spoke. Until we ... fix things with Angel, wed

    better get used to sleeping during the day, and staying up most of the night. He sighed. Thank

    God its June, and not December.

    Got it! Buffy announced. Flores, 310. She turned to the others. Come on, troops.Third floor.

    Wonderful, Joyce muttered. Why couldnt she live on the first floor like you andXander?We wont be livin there much longer, Buffy replied as they started up the stairs.

    You wont? Joyce asked.

    We wont? Xander echoed.Buffy rounded the first landing. Well, not for the next few days, anyway, she yawned.

    Angel knows where I live. Until we get the ward spell put up...

    Our first stop after some sleep, Giles huffed, I assure you.

    Within two minutes they had all ascended the stairs, passing a young woman on her way

    down to go jogging. They clustered about Daisys door, and Giles raised his hand to knock.

    I hope she doesnt have a roommate, Buffy mentioned.

    Or a boyfriend, Faith chimed in. Thatd be fun.Giles gave her a tart look, then knocked on the door.

    Daisy opened it after a single knock; she wore a long bathrobe with a green paisley

    pattern on it and fuzzy green slippers. Her hair was pulled back in a long ponytail, and dark rings

    circled her eyes. Mr. Giles, she greeted him. And friends. You neednt have gotten out of bedso early, but thanks for your concern.

    The group exchanged looks briefly. Are you alright? Giles wondered.

    Ill be fine, Daisy replied. And again, thank you for caring.Giles raised an eyebrow. Im sorry?

    Your concern? Daisy repeated, as if echoing her words would somehow imbue them

    with meaning. When none of the group ventured to add anything aloud, she continued, About

    the Dragons Cove?What about it? Xander queried.

    Its not there any more, Daisy told them. Someone blew it up. Took half the block

    with it, too.The group exchanged looks once more. Can we come in? Buffy asked her.

    Daisy gestured. Of course. I apologize for the mess... she trailed off as they entered.

    This aint messy, Faith commented.Xander nodded in agreement. Compared to our place, this is pretty-- Buffys elbow

    prodding his stomach cut him short.

    Can I get any of you anything? Tea? Coffee? Daisy offered.

    Tea would be nice, Giles affirmed.Id like tea also, thank you, Joyce responded.

    Tea would be great, thanks, Buffy told her.

    Xander, Faith, and Valeria shook their heads. Daisy moved into the kitchen and filled a

    pot with water, placing it on the stove. She padded back in toward the group. Im guessing bythe looks you all gave one another that you know who blew up my store.

    We cant be certain, Giles began, but Faith cut him off.

    Yes we can. Pretty certain, anyway. It was Spike. And Angel.Angelus! Valeria corrected her. Faith shrugged indifferently.

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    Daisy blinked. Angel has lost his soul?

    Buffy glanced at her sharply. What do you know about that?

    Willow told me about the spell she cast to restore his soul, the Romany curse. She also

    told me about the time he lost his soul, and what a foul creature he became. Daisy sat down onan empty bean bag chair. I see that hasnt changed.

    We want him back, Buffy told her. You restored Valerias soul, so we know you havethe goods. We can get our hands on another orb. Will you help us?After he blew up my store? Daisy frowned.

    Spike burned down my house, Joyce put in.

    Yeah, but we aint tryin tosave him, Faith pointed out.Oh, thats right, Joyce said. Sorry.

    Buffy leaned forward. Daisy, we need you. We dont want to lose Angel and we need to

    get him back as quickly as possible, before he... She spread her hands wide. Blows more stuff

    up.Im bettin that was Spikes idea, Xander ventured. Angelus always seemed like more

    of a subtle psycho terror guy. Spike is the one who hires demons and goes for the pyro stuff.

    It was Angelus idea, Valeria stated.How do you know? Buffy rasped.

    Valeria frowned. Because he knows the first thing well try to do is restore his soul. And

    hes trying to make that impossible for us by taking away anything that can help us do that. She

    looked at Daisy. Im sorry you got caught up in all of this, but he probably thought your storecontained something we could use.

    An orb of Thessalia, Daisy murmured, thinking aloud, and then frowned, holding her


    Giles leaned toward her. The ensorcelment? he asked.

    Its gone now, Daisy mumbled, rubbing her brow slowly. Payne... Payne did it. She

    cast it.

    Theres a surprise, Xander commented.Daisy regarded Giles. She took my last Orb of Thessalia, but she didnt want me to

    know it. Daisy raised an eyebrow. Somehow she knew I would be of help to you and tried to

    interfere.Youre sure it was Payne? Giles queried.

    Daisy nodded. The spell would be broken with her death.

    How do you know shes dead? Joyce inquired.If she were alive, you wouldnt need me for the spell, Daisy explained. And she would

    be here with you. She stood up as the tea kettle began to shriek its readiness.

    Shes good, Buffy announced.

    Daisy returned a moment later with three steaming mugs. Im sorry, but all I have at themoment is chamomile. I hope that will suffice. Joyce and Buffy nodded; Giles failed to

    completely conceal his dismay.

    So, Daisy continued, Angel is targeting all of your residences?

    Well, mine was done in by Spike, Joyce reminded her.But thats a good bet, Buffy told Daisy. Thats how he works. She sipped her tea.

    Thank God itll be light out in ten minutes.

    Angel doesnt know me, Daisy told them. Weve only met a few times. Hell probablyknow my name, but hell have no idea where I live. She glanced at them. Any or all of you are

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    welcome to stay here until you can straighten things out with him. She slumped slightly. The

    goddess has seen fit to involve me in this matter, she told them. I will not defy her will. Rather,

    Ill embrace it. Ill help you in any way I can.

    Thats very kind of you, Daisy, Giles thanked her. I dont know that we can everrepay you such generosity.

    Restore Angel to his true self, Daisy remarked. That will be payment enough.Faith rolled her eyes. Oh, great. A hippie. Just what we need.

    *Think we got enough of this stuff? Spike grumbled, pointing to the counter full of

    ammonia bottles.

    You wont think I overdid it when half of Sunnydale is in flames, Angelus responded,

    shaking out the plastic container hed been rinsing.Spike pointed at his sire with a half-empty beer bottle. Thats another thing, Spike

    mentioned. What are you gonna do, blow up the whole bloody town?

    You got a better idea? Angelus asked, setting down the empty gallon container andpicking up the next one.

    Im all for demolition, Spike agreed. Gets people upset and leaves a nice burned out

    shell to remind them how mortal they are. He sloshed the beer around in the bottle. But I like

    my arson to have a purpose behind it, like when I burned your girlfriends house, or--So now blowing up the magicians shop had no purpose? Angelus queried.

    Spike nodded, sucking on the beer. Sure it did. It kept them from getting supplies. That I

    can appreciate. But this... He waved an arm in the direction of the counter. This looks likesomeones going to be mopping up a lot of floors.

    Angelus set the container down in the sink and turned to Spike. This from a guy who

    was living in the sewers until last night.

    Spike pointed at him. Its called a bloody low profile. Somethin you seem to haveforgotten how to keep.

    Angelus shrugged. Go back to the sewers if you dont like it here.

    I dont mind it here, Spike responded. I just think your old mansion is a bit bloodyobvious.

    It is, Angelus concurred. Its so obvious, theyll never think of looking for me here.

    Theyll think its such an obvious move that I wont make it. He smiled evilly. Once in awhile you have to count on being overestimated and work with it.

    Spike polished off his beer. You wont think its such a great idea if your girl Fluffy

    comes crashing through the bleedin windows.

    If she can stop bawling her eyes out for two seconds, you mean, Angelus sniped. Oh,poor me, Im the Slayer and my ex-boyfriend went bad again. Boo hoo, what do I do?

    Spike folded his arms. Youre sellin her short.

    And youre afraid of her, Angelus alleged. Shes kicked your ass so many times

    youre scared to move against her. You sit back and take what she lets you. The oldervampireshook his head. Thats no way to live.

    Better than bein a dust pile, Spike opined.

    Angelus rubbed his hands. Spike, I can remember when you had so much potential. Youhad everything ahead of you. He spread his arms. I admit it sucks they killed Druscilla. And it

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    pisses me off too. Well get em back, Spike, you know that. Well kill Faith and then well kill

    Buffy and well have an easy couple of years before the idiot Watchers Council sends another

    Slayer against us.

    What about them sodding werewolves? Spike wondered. Thats a bunch of bleedinnonsense we dont need.

    With Payne dead, whos gonna lead em? Angelus retorted. She took that secret to hergrave. The dark vampire nodded. That was good work, killing her. She could ha ve been amajor thorn in our side. Be a lot easier to take out Buffys little gang without her.

    If they really wanna return your soul, theyll find a replacement, Spike pointed out.

    That little redhead that hangs off the Slayer like a baby pup suckling on her moms teat. Angelus grinned. Willow.

    Thats the one, Spike concurred. He pitched his bottle in the corner, glancing away as it


    Shes in Los Angeles, Angelus informed him.Road trip? Spike suggested.

    Angelus shook his head. No distractions. Were gonna focus on the Slayers. We can kill

    the bit players later.Spike tilted his head. She can return your soul, old mate, he pointed out.

    Not from L.A. she cant. And Buffy would never leave me alone in Sunnydale to go

    fetch her. Angelus rubbed his chin, thinking. Id rather not have to worry about her, though.

    Spike pulled out one of the cell phones they had appropriated last night. You knowanyone back in your home town you can call to take care of the problem?

    Angelus shrugged. They still think Im a good guy there. None of the bad eggs would

    work with me, and Id never convince the simps up there that Willow went bad. Spike slipped the phone back in his pocket.

    Hold on, Angelus said, gesturing for the phone. Spike withdrew it from his pocket and

    tossed it to the dark vampire. Angelus punched in a number he knew by heart and let it ring. He

    frowned when he got the answering machine. Hi, Buffy, its me. Just wanted to let you knowhow much Im thinking about you and how much I miss you and all of your friends. I cant wait

    to see you all again. He flicked the phone off.

    No one home? Spike wondered.Angelus shook his head. Either theyre taking full advantage of the daylight, the

    bastards, or Buffys found someplace else to stay.

    Spike frowned. You think?Angelus handed the phone back to him. I doubt it. Shes probably just out gathering up

    supplies while she knows we cant get at her. He sat down on the floor and folded his arms, lost

    in thought. He looked up at Spike after a minute and told him, We gotta discourage that.

    *We had the room, Buffy complained. We should have brought them with us.

    B, Faith admonished her, chill. Its daytime. Theres no way to get to Giles from thesewers, which means theres no way the pasties can get to him. Or your mom.

    Xander turned the big blue van on to the wide cross street. They were close to their

    destination now, just a few more blocks. They said they needed to talk, Buff, Xander remindedher, glancing over at her in the passengers seat and she stared out the window, her hazel eyes

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    hidden beneath dark sunglasses. And pick up some books and supplies. What Faith says is right.

    The dead boys cant get around that much in sunlight. We gotta take advantage. At least Giles

    put up that anti-Angelus ward at our apartment before he went all privacy guy with Buffys mom

    on us, he added.

    I still dont like it, Buffy admitted.

    Well be as quick as possible, Daisy assured her. In and out before you know it.There it is, Faith spoke from the back, pointing at the tacky neon sign that advertisedthe Tiki Hotel.

    Xander nodded, signaling for a turn, and headed into the parking lot. Something familiar

    about this place, he ruminated as he pulled into a spot.I know Ive been here before.Nice digs, Buffy deadpanned.

    You try payin your own rent sometime, not havin a steady job, Faith replied. I aint

    proud of this place, but at least its a roof over my head.

    You stay here too? Daisy queried.Did, Faith told her. Got all my stuff out a few days ago. Now Im stayin with G.

    With my mom, Buffy added silently. Talk about all time creep-outs. Nice weird little

    family with Faith taking my place! Lets get moving, Buffy advised. She turned to Faith.Which room was she in?

    The dark Slayer shrugged. I dunno.

    Buffy frowned. Then what are we supposed to do, knock down every door till we find

    the one thats hers? She shook her head. Nice plan, Faith.Buff, Xander spoke up, I bet we could find out at the office.

    We dont want people to know we came looking for her, Buffy pointed out.

    Why not? Faith wondered. Payne kept a pretty low profile. Not like she advertisedbein in Sunnydale. No ones gonna come lookin for her. Cept us.

    Buffy lowered her sunglasses, giving Faith a grade A glare. If we leave a trail where we

    have been, that gives Spike and Angel-- She paused. Angelus, I mean, some information.

    Ammunition. Anything we can do that they cant find out about, so much the better.Faith chuckled.

    You think this is funny? Buffy asked sharply.

    Youre gettin paranoid, B. Thats what theyd want. We cant let em get to us likethat. She turned to Daisy. Lemme borrow your sunglasses.

    Daisy slipped her shades off, handing them to Faith.

    Come on, B, lets go get some information.Faith, did you hear what I said? About leaving a trail? Hello? Buffy folded her arms.

    B, trust me. When were done with Louie, he wont remember anything.

    Buffy raised an eyebrow. Louie?

    How do you think I keep my rent so low? Faith winked.Buffy shook her head. Youre a real tramp, you know that?

    Faith raised her eyebrows. Okay, time of the month girl. Well do it your way. Well

    knock down every fuckin door and let Louie call the cops and try to explain it to them, or we

    can give him a two minute show and hell tell us what we want. Hell, he might even give us thekey to the place.

    Buffy fumed. Lets go.

    Faith appraised her as they got out of the van. Not bad, she spoke, looking at Buffysoutfit; a snug white tank top and baggy black running shorts. Put your hair up, and fold your

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    shirt up like this. Faith grabbed the bottom of her own tank top, a dark blue number, and folded

    it up over her ribs, then smoothed it out. There. Now youre showin off a lot more skin.

    Buffy shook her head. I dont believe this.

    Hey, B, Faith spoke, when it comes to monsters and shit, I wouldnt argue with you,yknow? But face it -- I have a lot more experience dealin with low-life scum like this guy. That

    aint somethin to envy, lemme tell ya. She snaked her hand behind her head and put her hair upin a sloppy ponytail. Now come on, lets go give this guy a hard-on.Buffy sighed. I hope this works. I suck at undercover.

    Faith led her toward the office door. Just pretend hes Xander. Youd act sexy for him,

    wouldnt ya?Before Buffy could respond, Faith opened the door and stepped inside. Buffy followed

    her lead.

    Louie, as it turned out, was old enough to be their father. He sat behind the desk in a

    stained white t-shirt, drinking a Rolling Rock and watching a baseball game on a small color

    television. He didnt look up at first, but his shifty eyes widened when he finally did, poring over

    the two young women as if they were items on a dessert tray.

    Hi there, Faith greeted him, smiling, leaning over the counter.Oh, brother, Buffy thought, forcing a smile.

    What can I do for you two fine -- and I do mean fine -- young ladies?

    I have a problem, Faith frowned.

    Louie was unable to take his eyes off her cleavage. Maybe I can help? he offered.I hope so, Faith brightened. We have this friend were supposed to meet here, but she

    forgot to tell us what room shes staying in.

    Why dont you give me her name? Louie suggested. Ill ring her up for you. Hissmile -- well, leer, really -- widened.

    Its supposed to be a surprise, Buffy chimed in. We didnt tell her for sure if we were

    coming, because we wanted to surprise her. She likes that. She moved up and joined Faith at the

    counter. And if you call her, we cant really surprise her now, can we?Louie looked at them a little dubiously. Im not supposed to give out information like

    that. He eyed them both. Not even to sweet young things like yourselves.

    Faith stood up straight and slid an arm around Buffys waist, drawing her close. Wewould really appreciate it, she purred. A lot.

    Buffy nodded in agreement, smiling. Bunches.

    For a moment Louies resolve held; then whatever illicit thoughts he entertained aboutthe two women overcame him, and he nodded. Okay, what the hell. Id hate to disappoint you

    young ladies -- or your friend. Whats her name?

    Payne Hollis, Faith supplied.

    Louie checked the registry log. Room 225.Thanks, Faith told him, running a finger down his chest. We really appreciate you

    bein so nice.

    Louie fought to avoid trembling at her touch. Aw, sure, no problem.

    Faith disengaged her arm from Buffy. Lets go say hello, she told the other Slayer, andthe two of them turned in unison and walked out the door. Faith cast a glance over her shoulder

    as they exited and gave Louie a little wave.

    Buffy turned to her as they headed for the van. You do that a lot?

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    Faith shrugged, letting down her hair. Bettern beatin people up all the time. That gets


    I think I need a shower, Buffy admitted, rolling her shirt back down.

    Yeah, Im pretty sure thats what Louie was thinkin too, Faith offered as they reachedthe van and Xander and Daisy hopped out.

    Buffy gave Xander a hug. She is such a tramp, she whispered in his ear.Xander gave her a little squeeze in the middle of the hug. Did it work? he asked.Course it worked, Faith replied, handing Daisy her sunglasses. Whos gonna say no

    to me and B?

    Daisy shook her head, replacing her sunglasses. Which room?225, Buffy provided. Lets go before he... She shook her head at disturbing mental

    images. Yeuck. Lets just go.

    A minute later Daisy had used a simple spell to open the lock, over Faiths argument that

    a good shot with her boot heel would have the same effect, and the four of them entered Paynesold room.

    Clothes were scattered about the place, strewn over the bed and the floor. A pile of books

    stood on the night stand, and various bits of spell components sat in a basket by the TV stand. Inthe middle of the mess, and all of Paynes belongings, sat the three homunculi, cross -legged,

    backs to one another, facing outward, forming a small triangle.

    They made no movement as Buffy and Faith closed in on them. Buffy put a hand on

    Faiths shoulder and pointed to the object that rested in the center of the triangle they formed. A Thessalian orb, Daisy breathed.

    *I wasnt sure Buffy was going to agree to the two of us being re latively safe during

    daylight hours, Giles spoke, pouring Joyce a glass of white wine.

    Im not sure I agree, Joyce told him.Valeria is holed up at Daisys apartment, completely safe, anyway. And weve defeated

    Spikes army, Giles pointed out. So he cant have too many minions left at all, much less ones

    that can traipse about during the day. He gestured around his apartment. This place has enoughwards on it so that a vampire would have trouble coming in even if he were invited. He offered

    her a warm smile. Given your daughters absence, we are as safe as we can possibly be. He

    met her eyes. In Sunnydale, anyway.No, Joyce spoke firmly, setting her fork down. No you dont.

    Joyce, I heard the conversation that you and Buffy had earlier this morning. Shes right,

    and you know it. Angelus habitually attacks those things which Buffy loves. That will make you

    a target.I thought you were going to replace his soul, Joyce told him.

    We have every intention of it, Giles agreed. But the last time we did so it proved to be

    a bit tricky, and Im sure his evil self will know thats what were up to. Last time we were able

    to surprise him. This time, I doubt well be able to affect that.So hell be coming for all of us, guns blazing? Joyce wondered. She glanced around his

    apartment. And even here wont be safe?

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    Giles chose his words with care. This will be the safest place in town. But Sunnydale

    will be a war zone for everyone connected to the Slayer until we retrieve Angelus. Youd be far

    safer outside of town than you ever could be here.

    Then why are you staying? Joyce asked him.I have to, he answered simply. Buffy needs me. And Im the back up for casting the

    Romany spell in case anything happens to Daisy.Joyce furrowed her brow. How come it was safe to stay here when it was only Spikecoming after us, in revenge for killing his girlfriend?

    Spike doesnt operate like Angelus, Giles explained. Spikes anger was focused on

    Faith and Buffy. He doesnt even look at the collateral players. Giles sipped his wine. Angelus,on the other hand, understands that if you hurt those whom your enemy loves, you weaken him.

    Didnt seem to weaken Spike, Joyce observed.

    Giles tilted his head. I dont know about that. Spike hasn t been very successful, despite

    all his attacks and the dozens of lives he threw away. He got Payne, Joyce reminded him.

    Payne got herself, Giles snapped. It was stupid and irresponsible of her to go out to

    that field all alone.Rupert, Joyce responded sharply, you sound like youre glad they killed her.

    He shook his head. Of course Im not. But Payne, if shed had any sense, would have

    simply left town when I told her to. I didnt advise her to attempt that spell again, or to go out

    after dark when she knew Spike would be looking for her. That was stupid and careless, and itsnot a nice thing to say, but she got what she deserved.

    I cant believe youre saying that! Joyce told him.

    Im not pleased shes dead, Giles admitted. But I also dont feel responsible. Shemade up her own mind and took actions that led to her death.

    Joyce gave him a long look. And you dont want me doing the same thing?

    He nodded. Exactly. If you leave town for a week or so, Angelus wont know where you

    are. And even if he did, hes limited to driving. You could stay ahead of him forever. Gilesshook his head. He wont come after you, though. After you leave, hell shift his attention to the

    next easiest target.

    Oh, so Im an easy target now? Joyce wondered, raising an eyebrow.Valeria is a vampire, he reminded Joyce. Faith and your daughter are superhumanly

    strong. Xander has trained for years with Buffy, and I know much about demons and magic. That

    leaves Daisy, and she can cast spells too. That doesnt mean youre a weak target, Joyce, but itmakes you a weaker target than any of us.

    You say the most romantic things, she goaded him.

    Im sorry, Giles spoke. Would it sound rather more romantic to say that bastard

    Angelus killed the last woman I loved, and Ill be bloody damned if he does it to this one?Joyce blinked. I didnt know you loved me, she murmured.

    Giles sighed. You wouldnt realize it in the last few days, given everything thats going

    on around here, but I have been thinking about you an awful lot, Joyce. He removed his glasses.

    Seems bloody silly we havent gotten together earlier, really. We have a great deal in common.Besides my daughter, she offered.

    Besides your daughter. Who has given more than my fair share of grey hair but whom I

    love as well. He reached over and took Joyces hand. For so long we didnt want you to knowabout her, and when you did find out, you didnt seem to take it well.

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    Rupert, please. The first I knew that Buffy was anything other than a decent girl with a

    wild streak was when she staked a vampire on my front steps. Thats a pretty striking

    introduction to her whole world. You leave your house in the morning and the world is normal

    and you come home and your daughter is some kind of chosen mystical warrior with super

    powers who kills vampires -- which are real, by the way -- and now she has to go kill her evil ex-

    boyfriend, who lost his soul when they had sex, because hes going to open a portal that willbring hell to Earth. She squeezed his hand. So ofcourseI didnt take it well. But as I got usedto the idea, and as it grew on me, and as I came to realize that every time Buffy left the house it

    wouldnt be the last time I saw her... Joyce shrugged. Its a lot to deal with, still, sometimes.

    Precisely my point, Giles agreed. I was afraid by getting closer to you that you mightbe sucked into this world whether you wanted to or not. He met her eyes. Bad enough the

    daughter will never be free of it. I didnt think it fairthe mother share that fate as well.

    My daughter is the chosen one, Joyce reminded him. Just how far away from that

    world did you think I was going to get?Giles chuckled lightly, shaking his head. You really remind me of her sometimes. Or

    she reminds me of you, Im not sure which. He took her other hand. I only know I thought it

    was a wise move all that time I stayed away, whereas now it feels like a stupid idea.There was that time with the spiked chocolate bars, Joyce teased him.

    Giles tried not to blush. Good God, yes. Im surprised you still talked to me after that.

    As I remember, it took two of us to christen that police car.

    Joyce! Giles exclaimed.She smiled. And Id be lying if I said I hadnt wondered what you might be like when

    you werent under the influence of some mystical candy.

    Giles struggled to respond. Joyce stood up, still holding his hands, and he followed suit.

    She released his hands and slid her arms around him, kissing him fully, running her hands

    through his hair and fencing her tongue with his until she had to come up for air.

    Joyce smiled at his flabbergasted, but very pleased, expression.

    Now I know youll call me as soon as the dangers over, she smiled.Sod that, Giles told her. Ill fly out to wherever you are and come and fetch you

    myself for another kiss like that.

    I dont think youll have to go that far, Joyce whispered, kissing him deeply once more.As their embrace grew more passionate, the phone rang.

    Bloody hell, Giles breathed after a long moment. Im going to kill whoever that is.

    *And the phone guys are coming when? Rachel queried.

    Friday, Willow answered her. Morning, I think.When do you start work? Shelley wondered, sipping on a Diet Pepsi.

    I start Monday, Willow responded. She looked over at Oz. Honey?

    Oz cleared his throat. Officially they can call me in any time. They told me it probably

    wouldnt be until later on next week.Still, playing music for a livings not a bad gig, Pike offered. Sounds l ike a neat line

    of work.

    Everyones jealous of him, Willow relayed. You shoulda seen Giles. He was all,oooh, you lucky bastard, and everything. Willow smiled at her husband.

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    He shrugged. Probably be drudgery, he admitted, though the rest of them scoffed.

    So... Shelley began. You know why we invited you over today. What do you think?

    Willow shifted uncomfortably in her seat. I dont know why Buffy gave you a mystery

    call looking for me. Did you try calling her?No answer at her place, no call back, Rachel told her. Number at her moms place is

    kaput.Spike burned her moms house down, Oz explained. Things are that bad there? Pike queried.

    Theyre not good, Willow responded. Spikes still on the loose, but theyve got him

    on the ropes. In fact, Buffy might even have staked him last night.I doubt it, Shelley countered. She wouldnt have called us so concerned if she had.

    Willow nodded, absorbing that fact. Did you call Giles?

    Thats where the call came from, Pike told her. No answer there either.

    Oz leaned forward. So we have a missing Buffy?Rachel and Shelley glanced at one another, then both of them looked at Pike. We dont

    know that for sure, Pike responded. But we cant find anyone. Any of them. They picked a hell

    of a time to go on vacation.Theres no way Spike could have killed them all, Willow concluded. Theres no way.

    Thats why we want to go down to Sunnydale, have a look, Shelley suggested. If

    Buffy and Spike have some blood feud going on, thats fine. I dont feel the need to interfere.

    Weve crossed paths with him and hes a lot to handle. But if shes in trouble or something, wewant to help.

    Thats why we wanna try Giles one more time, give the place a ring and see if anybody

    answers. Rachel shrugged. I mean, we did call em back at six a.m. They might have been up,or out, or...

    Willow shook her head. No, most people are home at six in the morning. Sounds like we

    have a problem.

    Thats what we thought too, but you know Buffy, and the rest of them, better than wedo, Pike admitted. So, another call, and if we get no answer, then we have to make some pretty

    big decisions.

    Willow nodded in agreement, and Pike slid a cell phone in her direction. Go ahead. Callhim.

    With some reluctance, Willow picked up the phone and dialed Giles number,

    remembering to add the area code first. The phone rang a few times, and just when she was about

    to give up, the other end picked up. Hello?

    Giles? Willow wondered.

    Speaking, he answered tersely. Oh, hello, Willow, he greeted her as it dawned on

    him who had called. How are things in L.A.?Things are good, Willow assured him. Giles, why did Buffy call Pike at three in the

    morning looking for me? Whats going on?

    A long pause ensued, and finally Giles told her, Angels lost his soul.

    Oh no, Willow gasped. Did Faith have anything to do with it?What? Giles asked. No, it wasnt Faiths fault. Spike had some sort of soul gathering

    demon with him, from what I can tell. Im not sure -- Spike killed him before we could get to

    him --but the upshot is, Angel is, well, Angelus again.

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    Do you need my help? Willow queried. The rest of them at the picnic table looked at

    her with some concern. Hows Buffy taking it?

    Buffy is, as youd expect, not exactly ecstatic. The reason we called for you was because

    we were looking for Daisy, Giles explained, but we found her, thanks to the Slayerbaseprogram. Thats why we called, because we thought you might know where to findher.

    Are you gonna have her throw the gypsy spell? Willow inquired. Because I can comeback if you need me, Giles. This is big.Daisy did fine in your absence with Valeria, Giles related. Im sure shell be fine with

    this one too. I dont want to burden you, Willow.

    Its not a burden, Giles. Helping you and Buffy is never a burden.And bless you for saying so, Giles told her. But I think we have this one more or less

    under control. And besides, if you come to town, youll just be making yourself a target for

    Angelus anger. I dont know what Buffy or I would do if anything happened to you. He paused

    a second. No, stay there. Well call you if we need anything.I wont have a phone until Friday, Willow remarked.

    Take that one, Pike said.

    Giles? Pike is lending me his cell phone. Call his number if you want to reach me.Willow looked at Pike and mouthed thank you.

    Which reminds me, Willow, were all staying at Daisys until this is all resolved. So feel

    free to call any of us over there should you want to contact us.

    Will do, Willow replied. And you guys be careful.We will, I assure you, Giles spoke. Ill be in touch.

    Bye, Willow said, clicking the phone off.

    What happened? Rachel wondered.Willow sighed. Angel went bad again. Oz reached out and took her hand.

    Ill start packing up our gear, Shelley announced, standing up.

    No, Willow informed her, they said if we showed up wed just make ourselves targets.

    And I remember what Angelus was like from the last time. Theyre right.Youre not afraid? Pike queried.

    Youre damn right Im afraid, Willow told him. All the years I helped Buffy with the

    slaying, I never ran into anyone as creepy and evil as Angelus. Hes really sick, and really evil.She squeezed Ozs hand. I just hope they can handle him.

    Shelley and Pike shared a long look but said nothing. Rachel caught them and nodded her

    head in understanding. Were goin. To hell with lettin them handle it.

    *Giles leaned forward, examining the three homunculi that sat on Daisys low end table.

    And they havent shown any sign of life?

    Not since we picked them up, Buffy affirmed. She reached into the big black canvas

    bag and withdrew the orb of Thessalia. Here you go, she spoke, offering it to Giles.

    He placed it very gently on a bright green throw pillow on the coffee table.

    Now we can throw the spell to restore Angels soul, Valeria spoke up.

    He doesnt have to be here? Faith wondered.

    He wasnt the last time, Xander informed her.

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    No, Buffy said. Not during the day. Hell be weak and disoriented when he gets his

    soul back, and I dont want him alone with Spike when we do that. At least at night he can run

    away, or we might be nearby. But if hes vulnerable around Spike... She folded her arms. We

    oughtta try to separate him and Spike if we can before we throw the spell. Xander nodded. Youre right.

    Giles nodded in agreement and looked at Daisy. What else did you retrieve?She had quite a few spell books, Daisy mentioned. Some of them look extraordinarilyancient. A few seem to be in a language Ive never seen before.

    Giles adjusted his glasses. She did mention something about tomes from Atlantis, but I

    assumed she was just embellishing her story.Daisy reached in another bag. Have a look. She handed Giles a large maroon book with

    a wide crack down the spine. Giles opened it carefully, leaning close, his eyes poring over the

    strange blue script.

    What is that? Joyce queried.Giles bent back from the book so that Joyce could see. I dont recognize the script, he


    Its not Greek or Arabic, thats for sure, Joyce confirmed. Or anything African, as faras I can tell.

    Giles blinked. Of course -- your work at the gallery. You could probably help us identify

    quite a few things.

    Joyce grinned. I dont know about that, she told him. I dont know what this is.Giles nodded and closed the book gingerly, setting it down.

    There are several spell books we can read, however, Daisy told him, opening the bag

    wide so he could see. Payne had quite a collection.Faith picked up an earthen jar. She also had a buncha this shit. Clay jars, glass jars, all

    fulla weird crap. She popped the top on the small clay jar she held and wrinkled her nose.

    Smells like something died in there.

    Something probably did, Xander put in.Valeria moved from the bean bag to the table to take a look at the items they had

    retrieved. She reached in Faiths bag to look at something when she felt a jolt, a searing, biti ng

    pain. She yelped and withdrew her hand; the skin along one finger was burnt.

    Are you alright? Giles asked.

    No, Valeria replied. Something burned me.

    Faith jostled the bag open wider. Here you go, she spoke, pulling out a large, ornatelycarved golden cross. Man, she didnt dick around, did she?

    This has been blessed, Giles remarked.

    Like a holy cross? Xander suggested. But wait, arent they all holy?

    This would be like double holy, Buffy surmised. Kinda heavy to carry around,though.

    Joyce eyed the homunculi. Are they dead?

    Dormant, Giles answered her. They will slowly die and turn to stone. Or ash, Im not

    certain which.Joyce nodded, touching one on the shoulder tentatively. The little green man didnt move.

    So, G, besides the ball, anything we can use? Faith queried.

    Im sure her spell books will prove most illuminating, Giles responded. Once we havethe time to sift through them.

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    Anything a little more immediately useful? Xander wondered.

    You mean like an Initiative pulse rifle? Giles retorted. Im afraid not. Payne was a

    mage; she recruited warriors to do her fighting for her. He looked at Faith.

    She shrugged. Got me here, didnt it? Drus dead cause of me. One down, two to go.One to go, Buffy hissed icily.

    Right, my bad, Faith averred.Rupert, Joyce spoke up, Im sorry to interrupt you, but I have to get to the airport ifIm going to make my flight.

    Giles nodded, setting a book back in its bag. Right, Ill take you.

    Im coming too, Buffy announced.Giles opened his mouth to argue but Buffy cut him off. Faith and Xander can guard

    Daisy, and well be back long before dark. I wont be any use looking through this stuff.

    And I will be? Xander offered.

    Shes not your mom, Buffy snapped in reply.Fair enough, Xander agreed.

    So, lets go, Buffy enjoined them.

    *I cant believe the planes delayed, Buffy frowned, standing up again, staring out the

    window at the tarmac. A small commuter plane taxied and prepared for take-off.

    Id rather wait, Joyce told her daughter. Honey, if the plane isnt safe, it doesnt

    matter how much I need to get away from here. If I cant fly safely, then Id rather not fly.

    Buffy nodded, trying not to let the slowly sinking, slowly reddening sun bother her too

    greatly. What time is it? she wondered.

    Quarter past seven, Giles provided. We still have plenty of time before the sun sets,

    Buffy. Well be home long before dark. He took Joyces hand, and she smiled at him.

    Buffy nodded and moved over to the window, watching the little plane defy gravity and

    slowly angle upward into the sky. She glanced at Joyces craft, slightly larger, which a blue -

    jumpsuited mechanic still hovered over, attacking the port engine with what Buffy assumed was

    determination.Just get the damn thing fixed already, she complained silently. With mom safely

    away from here I can keep my mind on business and get Angel back the way hes supposed to be.

    All the rest of us can take care of ourselves.

    Youll be gone how long? Giles queried.The tickets are for two weeks, Joyce told him. But I can move the flight up if you get

    things under control here sooner. She squeezed Giles hand.

    It had better not take that long, he responded in a quiet voice. I should think after

    staying at Daisys for two weeks we shall all stink of incense. Not to mention be quite cross withone another from being so confined.

    I thought you could cast the spell tonight? Joyce asked.

    Giles shrugged. We have the spell and we have the orb. But Buffy seems to think we

    should separate Spike and Angelus -- Angel -- and Im inclined to agree. I wasnt there the lasttime we restored his soul, but Buffy told me he was disoriented and vulnerable immediately

    afterward. I wouldnt put it past Spike to kill him out of spite, just because we killed Druscilla.

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    Buffy wandered back from the window and sat down next to Giles. If I have my way,

    Spike will be a little pile of dust tonight, and we wont have to worry about what hed do to

    Angel. She folded her arms.

    You still love him, Joyce spoke.Buffy looked at her mother sharply. What?

    Youre still in love with him, Joyce repeated.Buffy shook her head. I still care about him, sure. I loved him. I cant forget that. I wontforget that. But Im not in love with him. I love Xander now.

    You can love someone new and not completely let go of someone old, Giles told her. I

    love your mother--Buffy failed to repress a shudder.

    A sentiment I see you are still having difficulty accepting.

    Im trying, she confessed. Its still a little weird.

    Giles nodded. Yes, well, anyway ... as I said, I love your mother, but theres a smallcorner of my heart that will always love Jenny. Even though shes gone and I can never get her

    back.He tightened his grip on Joyces hand. Even though for the first time in a long while I

    wouldnt want to bring her back, still. And Im sure theres some part of your mother that willalways in some way love your father.

    That would be a small part, Joyce admitted.

    Just so, Giles grinned. And there will always be a part of you that will hold on to

    Angel. Theres nothing wrong with that. It doesnt mean that you love Xander any less. It justmeans you still have a space in your heart for the first man you ever loved. Giles adjusted his

    glasses. Sort of romantic, really.

    Buffys hazel eyes shifted from Giles to her mother and back. Lets talk aboutsomething else, she suggested.

    You arent letting that make your decisions for you, are you? Joyce queried.

    Buffy blinked. What?

    The part of you that loves him. You arent letting that guide you, are you?Mom! Buffy scowled.

    Its a fair question, Giles concurred.

    Oh, great, you guys have been dating like two hours and already youre pl aying Momand Dad with me. Buffy turned to face them in her chair.

    Ive been playing Mom a lot longer than that with you, Joyce reminded her daughter.

    Buffy glared at her mother. Im not letting my heart guide me, if thats what youreasking. Im just doing the right thing. I thought that was obvious.

    It is obvious, Giles agreed. Just make sure you do it for the right reasons.

    Who are you, Faith? Shes the one that wants to kill him. Are you on her side?

    No, Giles answered firmly. Im onyour side, Buffy. You know that. Im usually onyour side, assuming youre right.

    Thanks, Buffy told him tonelessly.

    But we have to be very sure of ourselves here. Angelus will remember all of his time as

    Angel. Hell have some fairly large axes to grind. And most of all, he will not want to be restoredto his former self. Last time he was unaware we had that potential. Now he knows that will be

    our first move. Hes very shrewd, and hes already tried to stop us. Giles met her eyes. He has

    a slight advantage because he knows our plan.

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    We cant get around that, Buffy responded. We are gonna give him his soul back,

    whether he wants it or not. Thats non-negotiable.

    I didnt mean to suggest that it was, Giles replied. But how much would you sacrifice

    to get him back?Buffy sat back in her chair, stunned by Giles question. Before she could form an answer,

    a flight attendant approached them. Maam, your plane is finally ready for takeoff. Were sorryfor the delay.Thank you, Joyce told her, standing up. Well, I guess this is it.

    Have a safe flight, Giles said, hugging Joyce tightly.

    Joyce nodded, hugging him back. Ill call you when I get to Arlenes place.Do, Giles enjoined her. I shall be greatly relieved when I know you a re safe at your


    They kissed briefly, hands lingering on each others shoulders, before Joyce released him

    and turned to Buffy.

    Youre the Chosen One, kiddo, she said, running a hand down Buffys cheek. Fate

    chose you for a reason. So dont listen to us. Listen to whats inside you. That way you know for

    sure youll be doing the right thing.Buffy embraced her mother, sighing deeply. I love you, mom, you know that?

    Joyce kissed Buffy on the top of her head. I know you do, honey. How cou ld I not

    know? I love you too.

    They held on to one another for a long moment, and then Buffy let go. Tell Aunt ArleneI said hi, she mentioned.

    Joyce nodded. I will. Ill see you soon, honey.

    Buffy nodded back. I hope so.

    *Faith zipped up a large black canvas bag. Thats another stash, she muttered, placing

    the bag on the floor near the door by three others just like it. She glanced over at Xander, who sat

    on the couch looking at a book.

    Hey, she called out. B said to get weapons while she was away. Not read stories.These are weapons, Xander retorted. How do you think were gonna give Angel his

    soul back? He held up an old tome. A book. How did we know how to cure him that time you

    shot him with the poison arrow? A book. Or how about the time Ethan summoned this badass old

    demon that wanted to kill Buffy? Three guesses how we stopped him.

    B and Angel stopped him, Faith reminded him. You did a lot of layin around


    Actually, Giles stopped the demon by stickin himin Ethan. And how did he do that?Xander snapped the tome shut. By readin from a book, miss all the blades I can carry.

    Tell you what, Faith snapped. Ill take Angelus on with a knife, and you go after

    Spike with a book. Well see who lasts longer.

    Xander shook his head, setting the tome down. We shoulda brought Daisy with us.Shed know which books were important and which books werent. He appraised the tall pile on

    Giles coffee table. I think.

    Stick to what you know, Faith advised him. You got the computer?Packed, Xander announced. How many empty bags you have left?

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    Faith checked the floor nearby. Two.

    How about you fill up one with swords and stuff, and Ill take a stab at the books and try

    to grab some important looking ones.

    Faith gave him a nasty look. Like youd know.Xander gestured to the four pregnant bags by her feet. How many weapons you think

    were gonna need? Theres only six of us, and two of them. We dont need to equip an army.G thought hed need this many, she shrugged.Some of them were for training Buffy, Xander told her. And me.

    Faith raised an eyebrow. You?

    Xander nodded. Thats right, yeah. Buffy ran away for a summer, and there was no oneto patrol Sunnydale, so Giles and me--

    You? Faith interrupted.

    Xander set his hands on his hips. What is so hard to believe about that?

    Faith shook her head. Nothin, I guess. So lemme get this straight. You wanted to be Bandget inside her pants?

    Xander shook his head. Anya had nothin on you.

    Faith furrowed her brow. Whats that supposed to mean?Never mind, Xander sighed. Just get the weapons, and Ill get the books.

    Faith tossed him a canvas bag. Whatever. I still think we should just get stuff thatll

    actually work.

    Spells work, Xander reminded her. Why do you think were all runnin around onerrands and lettin Daisy relax? So she can be all rested to drop the whammy on Angel later on.

    After we kill Spike, Faith spoke, anticipation dripping from her words.

    Xander looked up at her. You want a piece of him, dont you?She set her hands on her hips. Was up to me, Id take em both on. Her dark eyes lit up.

    Come, on, Xander, Angelus is supposed to be the baddest of the bad. The biggest mean ass

    vampire there ever was. She gestured to herself. Im a Slayer. Killin vamps is my job. So if

    youre askin me would I like to test myself against the best, then hell yeah. She frowned. ButB says no, so I gotta settle for Spike. Ill kick his ass instead.

    If youcan, Xander told her.

    Faith raised both eyebrows. You dont think I can take him?I think hes hard to kill, Xander replied. If he was easy, Buffy wouldve done him in

    by now.

    Faith nodded. B can kick some ass, no two ways about it. She took a step toward him.But I think maybe she cares a little too much.

    Thats called being human, Xander remarked.

    Faith shook her head. Never mind. You wouldnt understand.

    He leafed through a book and slid it into his bag. Try me. Faith moved to the weapons cabinet, opening it up and removing the last two swords, an

    axe, and the last crossbow. If we forget all this save Angel bullshit and just went after the two

    of them, no holds barred, me an B against those two, they wouldnt stand a chance. A nd she

    might have trouble killin Angel, but she wouldnt have a problem killin Spike if it came to it.Again with you and the fighting, Xander groused. Faith, Im not exactly thrilled Angel

    went all Darth Vader on us again, but Buffys right. We can bring him back, he can still do a

    world of good.

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    I can do a world of good too, Faith offered. And at least we know I wont lose my


    Xander passed over another book. Ya know, it was only recently we were even sure you

    had one.Faith stopped, turning around completely to stare at him. You son of a bitch, she said,

    taking a step toward him.Xander looked up at her and felt a chill run down his spine at the way she regarded him,

    like a predator would a meal. The hair on the back of his neck stood up, and Faith took another

    step toward him. Xander rose shakily to his feet and flicked his eyes to the front door, directly

    behind Faith. Oh, shit, he thought.

    Faith relaxed her body and cracked a wide smile. Gotcha.

    Xander let out a long breath, sighing. Dontdo that again, he told her.

    Faith sneered. Pee yourself?

    *Youre not havin second thoughts, are you? Spike wondered, glaring at the sun as itstraddled the horizon, a dim purple ball through thoroughly darkened windows.

    Course not, Angelus assured him. Knowledge lost is knowledge lost, period.

    Anything they dont know and cant look up will help us. I just wish we could take some of it

    from them, instead of destroying it all.Spike shook his head. Who has time for readin all them damn books about demons and

    witches and blah blah blah. He shook his head. Damn eggheads. No wonder the Watchers

    Council never got you. Or me. Bloody useless bunch of ponces.Angelus turned and stared at him. Dont forget the Romany curse, he reminded the

    blond vampire. I lived with that for over a century. Having a soul is a torment you cant even


    Spike shook his head. Happy to take your word on that. He glanced out the windowagain, watching as the half-circle of the sun slimmed down. Come on, old bean, sink under the


    Soon enough, Angelus muttered to himself. Then we blow up Giles place, and thenBuffys place, and then they have no place to stay, no resources, nowhere to turn. And theyll

    have to face us then. No more running, no more hiding, no more--

    You suppose if they have two of them orbs, those Thessalian jobbers, they could putsouls in the both of us?

    Angelus laughed. You should be so unlucky. They may hate you, Spike, but they dont

    hate you enough to do that to you.

    They dont hate you at all, Spike responded, still eyeing the sun as it sank to a tinysliver on the western edge of the world. They love you, baby.

    Angelus shook his head. Idiots.

    Ive been sayin that a long time, Spike agreed. He gestured to the sun, which at that

    very moment dipped down below the horizon. Ready?Angelus nodded, reaching into the back seat and grabbing a canvas shopping back full of

    pipe bombs. Ready. Lets go.

    As they started to get out of the car, a loud THUMP stopped them in their tracks. The two

    vampires looked at one another.

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    What was that? Angelus asked.

    Somethin hit us, Spike responded.

    Behind them, tires screeched; Angelus moved like lightning, throwing himself out of the

    DeSoto and across the hood of the Oldsmobile next to it. Spike exited the car in similar fashion,

    darting around in front of the pick-up truck on the other side.

    A battered old green Ford Falcon slammed full tilt into the DeSoto again, pushing thehuge old car forward, butting it up on to the curb.

    Angelus frowned, hunting features revealing themselves. Who the hell?

    Spike hopped up on top of the pick-up trucks hood. Ill be damned, he spat. Its the

    bloody Slayer!Buffy? Angelus asked.

    Wrong one, Spike grinned.

    The Falcon swerved, its front end demolished, and smacked the considerably less sturdy

    Ford Bronco. The truck hopped the curb, sending Spike flying.

    Get out of the car, Angelus growled, leaping over the low-slung Oldsmobile and

    landing next to the Falcons driver-side door. Faith glared at him as she forced the old car into

    reverse; Angelus grabbed the handle, but succeeded only in tearing it off the frame.Hey! a voice called out behind Angelus. The dark vampire spun about in a flash.

    Xander connected hard, the baseball bat cracking in two as he slapped it across Angelus


    Man, that felt good, Xander smiled as Angelus dropped to the ground like a sack ofcement.

    Better enjoy it while you can, Spike hissed, slipping out from between the Olds and an

    Audi and wrenching the sharp bat handle out of Xanders hand. Cause its the last thing youllever do, you sodding little pansy. Fangs flashed; demonic features shifted, and dead yellow eyes

    bored into Xander as Spike moved in for a bite.

    Faith pushed against the door, but even her prodigious strength could not budge the

    shattered lock mechanism. She scooted across the seat and kicked hard, a bootheel shattering the

    glass; but even as she wriggled out of the car, she could see she would never close the gap in

    time to save Xander.

    And in that instant, the DeSoto went up in a brilliant fireball, throwing everyone who

    wasnt already there to the ground.

    * * *