Download - Buckhurst Hill Community Primary School · So here we are at the beginning of the summer term Y3 BHCPS, and everything seems and feels a liYle different. We ... //^ This

Page 1: Buckhurst Hill Community Primary School · So here we are at the beginning of the summer term Y3 BHCPS, and everything seems and feels a liYle different. We ... //^ This

Buckhurst Hill Community Primary School

Lower Queens Road Buckhurst Hill

Essex IG9 6DS

Tel/Fax: 0208 505 7300 Headteacher: Mrs A Farquharson @BuckhurstHillPS

Friday 24th April 2020

Dear Children, Parents/Carers,

So here we are at the beginning of the summer term Y3 BHCPS, and everything seems and feels a liYle different. We hope you are all doing well, staying safe, and enjoying yourselves! Five weeks without seeing you all, seven in some cases, is a really long ^me.


Home Learning!

There seems to be a consensus of opinion that there are a few really good all-in-one websites that cater for a whole day’s learning, and we wanted to be sure you’re all aware of them. Firstly there’s The Oak Academy hYps://www.thena^ This is government approved and really well laid out. Secondly there’s the BBC hYps:// which has got three lessons a day for all ages. Also there’s Twinkl hYps:// . This has lots of lessons and is broken down into a kind of school day ^metable, with breaks and lunch^mes factored in, and lets you know too what’s coming up tomorrow. Feel free to pick one you like, or mix and match. If it’s too easy you could try another year. Please remember we are here if you have any issues. Just email [email protected] or [email protected] .

That said there’s s^ll the websites that cater for individual subjects and they’re s^ll listed on the class pages.


If possible, we should all be reading every day. Fic^on, non-fic^on, picture books, novels, comic books, magazines... it really doesn’t maYer as long as we’re reading for pleasure! Reading together is one of the best ac^vi^es you can do with your child. As you read, every once in awhile stop and ask them if they can work out what an unfamiliar word might mean. We do this in class and have to be “detec^ves” as we try to


Page 2: Buckhurst Hill Community Primary School · So here we are at the beginning of the summer term Y3 BHCPS, and everything seems and feels a liYle different. We ... //^ This

figure it out. Is it an adjec^ve? A noun? A verb? Do we think it’s a good thing or a bad thing, based on the context? It is always surprising how challenging children find this in class, but they also enjoy it! As for wri^ng, this is a great chance to give the children crea^ve wri^ng opportuni^es! They can write stories, playscripts, poems, non-chronological reports, newspaper reports, tv news reports, diaries, leYers... the choice is endless. The subject maYer can be based on anything they’re interested in as well. Having a say in what they write should help with mo^va^on.

Maths There are so many fantas^c websites and resources out there, and we have put links to some of these on our class pages. The White Rose home learning website is useful because it has video lessons, then worksheets to accompany the lessons. Carol Voderman’s website also includes teaching videos and games the children can play. It is free to sign up for it at the moment. hYps:// TTRockstars is another fun way to keep your children learning, working independently, earning coins and developing healthy compe^^on skills. We need to get more Year 3 children on the school’s leader board! So far Maxwell is the only one. Come on, Year 3... you can do this! We have logins if anyone’s lost theirs. Looking for printed ac^vi^es? The Mystery Maths ac^vi^es from Twinkl are fun and keep children going for long stretches as they try to solve the mysteries. See the Games & Ac^vi^es sec^on on the 3G Class Page. There are some differen^ated ones in the Mrs Conway’s Group area as well.

Updates from the children:

Livvy 3S

Livvy has been busy and this is her tea stained caveman artwork.

Eliza 3S Eliza has been working hard too.


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Amber 3S

Amber's been enjoying the Carol Vorderman maths lessons. She's currently researching facts for her Earthquake project which hopefully she would have completed by next week. Our days mostly consist of bitesize videos, a bit of maths, garden ^me, learning how to bake new things, poYery, spelling and reading. Amber's currently reading the Dork Diaries. She's also really enjoying using Word & PowerPoint on the laptop, she's been playing around with fonts / designs. We're also learning about Ramadan as it starts this Friday, we found some useful worksheets on twinkl.

Amber can't wait to see you all, including her friends. As much as she's happy and keeping busy, we all miss the human interac^on.

Grace 3G

Helping in the garden during the beau^ful weather we’re having.


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Alice 3S

I wish year 3 would have another year with you and Mrs Gove. I have also started a new series of books called: A series of unfortunate events and I am on the ninth book. It was fun pain^ng rainbows and s^cking them onto the windows for the NHS workers. Me and mummy have painted two canvases and we got five more canvases to paint. I am s^ll prac^cing my music and we face^me on zoom my piano teacher and I really enjoy it.

Chloe F 3G Tayler 3S - and his giant maths puzzle
