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· .: .

A native of lillie Rock, Gil Ge rard was driving a cab in

New York wh en he wa s singled out fo r a role in LOile Story.

During the ne xt few years. he did most of hi s acting in tele

vision comme rcials- some four hu ndred of th em. Then came a

leading role in the daytime TV se ries, Th e Doctors. Mea nwh ile,

Gerard form ed his own produ ctio n company in pa rtnersh ip

with a wri ter.produce r. co-aut hored a sc reenplay ca lled /-Iooch

and filliled il . He co-s ta rr ed with Yve tte MiJllieux in TIle Ran-

som o f Alice an d pla yed Lee Grant 's lover in Airport '77. A

guest shot in Little '·Iouse 0 11 th e Prairie imp ressed produce r·

star Mi chael Landon wh o cast him in the lead ing ro le in a

TV m ov ie. Killillg Stolle.

One of tho se rare sc reen stars who grew up in th e heart

of Los Ang eles. Pamela Ilensicy attended the Ar gy le Academy

and then won an audition with the wo rld famou s Royal Aca-

demy of Dr amatic -Art s in London. After three years of in ten

sive theatrical train ing. shc felt she was at last ready to chal

le nge he r home town. Hensley soon appeared in such dramatic

TV se rics as Columbo , Ma cmillan and Wife, McCloud and The

Rock ford Files. She starred as James Caan's Ii ve· in love r in the

fUlUr istic fan tasy Rollerball. prod uced by onnan Jewison.Before Buck Rogers ca me Doc SO ilage, in which she was an

exotic Indian maiden wh o saved th e hero's life.

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Born and rai sed in Honolu lu , Erin Gray moved with her

fam il y to Cal iforni a when she was eight ycars o ld . She was fif.

(een when a chance meet ing with Nina Blanchard. head of aile

of Holl ywood's (OP model :Ige nt.:ics. convinced her of whal she

wa lll ed to do in life, Mov ing to . ew York she became one of

(h e town's most so ught after model s. TV view ers encount ered

her cOlllm ercials fo r Brec k. Ma x Fa ctor . Clairol. Ca may Soap

and RC Cola and a classic spot for English Leather cologne.

Bctwccn modcli ng assignmcllt s. shc studicd aCli ng. She ap·

peured on such scries as Police Story and Gibbsl1lle and co·

starrcd as a tough.m indcd rcporter in Ir win Shaw 's Hvcning in

By zan tium.

Ilorn to Basque· lta lian pa ren ts in Brook lyn, New York.

Henry Sil va quit public sc hool to attend drama cl asses at th e

age of 13. Wh en the Actors Studio sto ged A liai/ul 0/ Raill. it

cam c to Broadway with Henry Silva in a key role. In Holl y·

wood. he playcd a sll ccession of heav ies in fillil s includi ng Th e

Bravados. Green Man sions. Oceans Eleven. Th e Manchurian

Candidate and Johnny Cool. An Italian produce r made Henry

an offer and he moved hi s famil y overseas. A spa ghctli wc stern.

71,e Hills Run Red, made Silva popular in Spain, ltalY, Germany

and France. Re turning to th e United States. he co·s tarred wit hFrank Si natra in Con tract 0 11 Cherry Street, then signed on as

Buck Roge rs' ev il adversary.

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Best known to television viewers as Elliott Carson in the

TV se ries Peyton Place, Tim O'Connor began his acting career

with the Goodman Memo rial Theatre in Chicago just afte r

Wo rld War II. He appemed frequently on telev ision in the f1f-

ti es on the U1Iited States Steel !-Iollr and be came a main stay of

the Family Classics series. starring in such procltu : tions as The

Three Mu sketeers and A Tale of Two Cities. O'Connor has settled in Santa Mon ica and established himself as one of fillll

dom's most versati le performers. Recent film credit s have in-

cluded Illheels, Th e Man with the Power, Tailgwl1ler Joe and

Murder in Peyton Place . a TV special wh ich reunit ed him with

lIlany of his o l ~ in the original show.

From Montreal. Canada. Joseph Wisema n came to

Broadway in the 1930's. where he was critically hailed for per-

fo rmances in Shake speare' s King Lear, Clifford Odet s' Go /den

Boy and Chekhov's Uncle Va1lya. Am ong hi s most moving

charac ter portra its wa s the fath er in the award·winning New

York sta ge ve rsion of The Diary of Alllle Frank. Wiseman ha s

been see n in numerous film s. including Detective Slory star

ring Kirk Dougla s. Vi va Zapata with 1arlon Brando, Th e Gar-

mem Jungle. The Nig ht Th ey Raided Min sky's, The Valac"i

Papers and Th e Apprelllices"ip of Duddy Kravitz, whichbrought him back 10 hi s na tive Ca nada for a co-starring role

with Richa rd Dre y fu ss.

Rai sed in a small villagc out side Romc. Felix Silla trained

a c ircus pcrformcr and toured with thc Rin gling Brothers

and Barnum & Bailey Show. His t<J lcllt s :lS OJ bareback rider.

trapeze 'Irlis l tlnd tumbler brought him to Ho ll ywood where

he becamc a Stu ll tman, start ing with the fi lm A Ticklish Allair.

His best known rolcs arc t.he mi nia ture Hit ler wh o menaced

George Segal in Th e Black Bird and Cousin It t 011 the TV series.

The Addams Family. He has doubled - often for chi ldren - in

Th e Towering Inferno, Th e lIindenberg and Bafl/es lar Galae-

tica. He frequentl y appear s with his own mu sical combo. The

Ori ginal Harm onica Band .

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Historivol notes-,..;.

The production of Buck R ogers recalls the birth of science fict ion's most celebrated he ,o almoS! fifty years ago.

Bu ck Rogers was inspired by J ohn P. Dille , head of the Nat iona l Newspaper Syndicate which pub lished some of

Am e rica's most popular comic sTrjps during the 1920' s. Convin ced that t e Su nday funnies-were fall ing behind the

times. he hired short story writer Philip Nowlan and 3(tisfR i chard Ca lkin s to crea te a new, futuri stic str ip.

Nowlan adapted his ownSanta sy Armageddon 2419 to the PLoject, bu t Calkins at nrst held ou t \or an idea he

liked better , an adventure se rial set in prehistoric times. Calkins fina1ly re ented and Bu ck Rogers made his ini tial

appearance on January 7 , I n 9. On March 3Q,.J930, anot ll! rSunday ver,sio ofJJ.upk Rogers began. The strip fea tured

Buddy Deering, Wilma' s brolller, and Alura, a y o u ~ prin ces a I t ' T h e : s u n d a y : : v e l s i Q n , w hile signed by artist

Calk in s, wa s actually drawn by hi s assi stantsJ{usseli Keato'n. an aer J93'3y witti. RiehaI! :-.ney Yager,Within a few

years, th e exploit s of the time-traveli,ng hero were featured il l 400 Americ ln' n wspapers and undreds more ab road,

through translation into 18 foreign languages. 1:::::::::- ,

The fir st Blick Rogers radio show aired on No vember 7, J932 and Dnlversa l produced the fir st widely see n Bu ckRogers movie as a twelve chapter serial starrin,g ex -Olympic medalist Larry "Buster" Crabbe in 193 9 , In the se rial Buck

awakens in th e Arctic after five hundred years of sleep, He teams up with Wilma Deering and Dr. Huer to conquer Ki ller

Kane, Actually, Buck R ogers first appeared on film in a movie short p r e ~ a r e d for department slores under the direction

of Dr. Harlan Tarbell. The ftlm premiered at tne Chicago World's Fair in J934. In the flIJll\ Bu ck and his companion

Buddy are sent into suspended animation due to a dose of Nirvana gas from a disab led'balloo

It is es tima ted that Bu ck R ogers has fascinated 1110re than fourbiUion enthu siasts around lhe world since Calkins

and owlan collaborated on the fir st str ip, One more item for trivia buffs is the hero 's (cal name, Phil Nowlan uriginally

dubbed him An thony ,Rogers, but re-christened him "Bu ck" before the str ip wa s launched when publisher Dill e asked

for a more virile image.

The Illost famous of the technical marvel s in the Buck R ogers storie s, oth er than rocketships, were the flying belt s

and di sintegrators, Since the creation of the comic strip, both have approached sc ientifit reality, The ro cket flying belt

un derwent its first sa tisfactory te st in 196 1 at Niaga ra Falls Airport. The toy di sin tegra, ors,whi ch appear today in the

Buck Rogers exhibit in the National Air and Space Mu seum. seem close to actuality consider ing th e recent deve lop

ments in lase r tec hnology,

BUCK ROGERS the firs/days 1929

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Cllara0te.r notesBuck Rogers

A cl ean -cut , daring hero, Buck Rogers is all alert , self-reliant youth originally from the twentieth cen tury. While

surveying an abandoned mine wh ich caved in 0 11 him , Bu ck succumbs to the vapors of a radioactive gas. l1e s th rown

mt o a stat e of suspended anll1131100 and awakens fi ve hundred years later mto a new, unfamiliar world. Whlie not a

sup er- hero lik e Batman or ST erman.Bu ck ISex tremel y Ulle llige nt lind charismatk. He is loved by many wom en In theco urse of the strip , mcJudin ilma Deenn g, Flame D' Amou r, Thavia of Venus, Tiki of Eldonia and Doctor Merberec

of Venus. .

i l m a DeeringI , '.

A co mbatant yet f,minine citizen of the centu ry, Wi lma Dee ring is a beautiful, slender, blue·eyed

lieutenant in the Earth 's ipace-age army, Wilma is th e supreme example o f th e strong ye t vulnerable woman . l-fer home

town is Mountain City . She is suspicious of Buck at ii rst but eventually grows to Jove him. In the comic st r ip, she is

loved by many men is occasiona lly kidnal?ped or rans'llgured in to a e a t 1 1 s afue. She was kissed by Bu ck less

than ten times in the of the strip .

Kill er Kane

The Illost n ' n . , ~ c " " villain in the galaxy , Killer Kane combines a credible mi x-ture of trai torous qualit ies. Some

time in the past , was a re spec ted member of th e army and Wilma's SUitor, bes ides. After defecting fr om the

arm y, Kane grows hate Wilma when she and Bu ck involved . Kane js killed three times in the course of the

strip. He always several epi sodes later. As ev il as he is, Kane fosters a love for Princess Ardala.

Princess Ardala

An unpred' temptress, Princess is a shap ely brun ette who is treache rous and evil. Conspi ring with

Killer Kane, the !l- ;n r p « is totally untrustwor thy and will often d ece ive her aJlies. She tries to dominate Kill er Kan e but





her way. She longs for Buck though sh e only infrequently acknowledges th ose fee lings. Known as

or iginal stri p, she appears in unu suaJ places in fantastic gu ises: as Quee n o f ES lar ia on Ve nus or

Monk ey Men on Planet X.

Do ctor Hu er

" "nstelp o f th e twenty-fifth century. Doc tor Hu er is a sc ient ist with almost super-hu man int ellige nce. He is

President and active ly seeks the company of Buck and Wilma as well. Huer's powe rs are de sired by

he is often prey to abduction effort s by remote controlled robot s. In one epi sode of the strip , Doc tor

of th e Nine Moons of Saturn. Hi s chief accomp lishmen ts, however, are his invent ions, which in

metal that w ill not dent ; in lertron , matter tha t falls upward ; the electro-hypno tic test chair ; ultra

the nucleonic o sc illator.

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Film not0s"The most beautIful sound il l my li fe

was . . . a folded newspaper kiting {"rough the

summer air alld landing 0 11 my [ ro l l I porch.

'" lepr OU I, eyes blazing, mouth gasping

for breath. hands seizing 01 the paper . . . so

that the hUllgry soul of Olle of Wauk egan, IIl i·nois' /ines t small ;lIlel/eels could feed upon

Bu ck Rogers."

That's science fi c tion writer Ray Bradbury's fo nd

reco llec tion of Bu ck Rogers, the daily comic strip which

fa sci nated hundreds of millions of readers, in fift y countries

and 18 languages, during a forty year span. Bu ck made hi s fir st

appeara nce in 1929, a lime wh.en comm ercial air traffic was

limited to a few thou sand we ll -heeled travelers and when the

thought of se ndin g a rocke t th rough space or a moving picture

through th e air was pure fantasy. But as America's first pop

ular space hero, he se t the tone fo r a new kind of adventure to

come and predicted many of the scientific marvels we tak e for

granted today, from hi gh speed computers to nuclea r weapons.

In th e original Buck Rogers. the hero was an ex ·Air

Force pilot who was sent to survey an aband oned mine shaft

out side Pitt sburgh . Ove rcome by a stra nge, nox ious gas, he

spent five hl!.ndred yea rs in a state of suspended animation.

"That was "a'" fanciful idea, without any real va lidity ," says

Leslie Stevens, a filmmaker with a lifelong int eres t in sc ience .

" We took an approach which is ju st as imaginative, maybe

more so, bu t sci entifically feasible."

In thi s adve nture , Bu ck is an American ast ronaut , circa

1987 , piloting NASA's final deep space probe . Wh en he sa ils

through a showe r of meteori te s, both he and hi s li fe suppor tsystem s are frozen solid while hi s craft is th row n of f it s

trajectory at incred ible speed.

" Acco rding to Einstein, nothing can exceed the speed

of light beca use at th at poin t , matt er becomes ene rgy," ex

plains Steven s. " But as you approach light speed, time moves

faster fo r you th an it does fo r your environment.

"That's why o nly a few month s go by for Bu ck whi le

some five hundred yea rs elapse on Earth. Scie nti sts have

observed the same phenom enon in the stud y of sub-atomic

particles, w hich move so fast th at they exist in a different

time frame and their ma ss chan ges. When they hit the speed

of light , they ex plode infinitely, which is the basis for the

atomic bomb ."

Once hav ing found a logical way for Buck to leapfro g

five ceIlturies. an even mo re fasci nati ng prob lem confront ed

th e produce rs. Wh at would socie ty be like in the distan t

futu re? Th eir an swers were execut ed by a slllall army of spe ·

cialists including visual effec ts creators Dave Garber and

Waync Smi th , se t deco rator Rich Reams, ar t director Paul

Pete rs and cos tum e designe r Jean-Pierre Dorleac.

Th e c it y of the future is governed by computcrs and pro ·

lee ted by an invisib le for ce field which keeps ou t sueh enemies

as the barbaric Dr<lco nians. When Buck returns to Ea rth, the

Draconians have sued fo r pea ce and an historic summit meet

ing is about to take place.

I ·

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II • , - • T

- -

The chronology enab led the filmmakers to give Bu ck Rogers two contra sting appearances. The city of the future

is a gleaming realm of glass and po lished metal , where electronic gadgets do mu ch of the wo rk and even make the laws

.. It 's an Oz- like city where pure scie nce is king," says Garber. On e sequence was filmed in the lobby of the Bonaventu re

Hotel in Los Angeles. a sleek se lling where pa rts o f Fanrastic } ourlley were milled.

Art directo r Paul Peter s based his costum e designs for 25 th century Eart h on th ose of Edwardian Eng land.

Produce r Stevens had wa nte d to indicate a culture th at was morally rigid. The dresses and uniforms have hi gh collars

and long sleeves to sugges t a represse d men tality. Ant ique furniture is scattered throughout the sleek, futur istic se t to

sugges t an ea rlier era before the nuclear holocau st.

The Dra conian empire, in cont ras t , is se nsuou s and prim itive. Stevens and Peters com pared Prin cess Arda la and

her kingdom to th e Mongols that conquered Europe centuries ago. The make -up reflects thi s war-like mood . Draconians

hav e tattooed faces, occasiona l metal eyes, necklaces of tee th and claw s and also helmets similar to those of sa murai


There were a few problems unique to the produ cti on of Buck Rogers. Wilma Deerin g is a blonde and Erin Gray,

wh o portrays Wilm a, is a brunette. Her hair wa s dyed ove r and over again to achi eve the right loo k. Th e midgets , in side

heav y robot costume s. would occasionall y have to stop and take o ff the ir costumes to avoid fainting from the hea t.

It took a wealt h of spa ce-age technology to film Buck Rogers. Most chall engi ng we re th e aerial dogfight s wh ich

special effects men Dave Garber and Way ne Sm itl"Lchoreograp hed with th e aid of a Hewlett ·Packard "45" comput er.

Indiv idual movements of dozens of miniature spa cecrart we re fir st trac ke d on comput er tape. The co mputer th en

co ntrolled th e cameras wh ich made the ships see m to loop, pitch, dive, ya w and co llide at in credible speed and fi re lase r

blasts with un err ing accuracy.

Am ong the ot her demands of the aerial seq uences wa s th e constru ct ion of scores or fly ing spaceships. including

Buck's Ranger II I space shuttle , the Dr aco nian mo th er ship. the pira te marauders and the starfighters under Wilma 's

command . " Al most every ship wa s constructed tw ice:' says Dave Garber. " On e versio n was a sca le model whi ch could

be ma de to move lik e a real ship ror the dogfight sce nes. Th e o th er wa s a rull-s ize mock·up with electroni c working

pa rt s which wa s bu ilt at the studio."

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Guidelines 1929-79

Th e fo ll ow ing Buck Roge rs credo was estab lished at the

strip's inceptio n and faithfu lly adhe red to for th e 38 years

of its existence as a powerful fo rce in American life .

l. Bu ck Rogers rea lism was to be based on th e sc ientifica lly

possible and probable. Scientific develo pments depicted were

tu give the impression thai hypotheses being theorized in the

20 th century were coming to fr uition in th e 25th century.

2 . Buck Rogers was to portray scie nce and edu cat ion in a

po sitive manner. Th e st rip's secondary lead characte r, Doc

tor Hue f, wa s to be a friend ly, helpful sC ien tist/edu cato r.

Youngsters didn' t need bu lging mu scles to succeed. Wh at

they needed wa s a bone·deep respect for learning and mat ters of the mind.

3. Buck Rogers was to cany no heavy.handed social mes

sage . Th e s trip wa s to be non-political and non-discrimina .

tory. Women were to be presented as the respe cted equals

of men. Ea rth men we re to be p ictured as eage r to cooper

ate with the Mart ians, Venusians o r the inh abi tant s of any

ot her planet.

4. Th e importance of the female sex wa s to be under

scored . Wilma Deering, a lieuten ant , appea red in th e first

day's release on Janua ry 7. 1929 , and shared 1110S1 of

Bu ck's advelllures on an equal footing. Oth er women, such

as Elth ana of Venus and Amara o f Deos, had sta rrin g parIs.

5. Buck Rogers wa s to be basica lly adventure and ent er

tainment. All der ring-do was to represent the age·old can.

n ict between good and ev il ; between avaric ious self.seeke rs

and peacemakers. Th ere was to be enough sof:-pedalcd roo

mance to hook tee n-agers and adult s. bu t no prolonged kisses.

Did ad herence to th is credo payoff? Emphat ically . The adven tu res of Bu ck Rogers as depicted in a long runn ing com·

ic strip , book s. radio serials and olllhc movie sc reen. inspired

a genera tion of Am er ican s 10 se riously consider th e possi

bi lities of space tra ve l and atom ic ene rgy. We a lready have,

here in th e latter quarter of th e 20th century , atomic

energy , telev ision, la se r beams and more th an a hund red

other development s emph asized or pro phesied in the fea ture.

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Glen A. Larson

Executive Producer and Co -Writer

One of loda y's mosl prolifi c sc reenwriters. Glen A.

Larson began hi s career in a musica l group, The Four Preps.

Am ong the tunes he com posed for the quartet were three Gold

Record win ne rs. 26 Miles (Soma Ca talilla j. Big Mall and

Dowli by fi le Sta tion Ti red of cons tant tra ve lin g. he

tried telev ision wri tin g. On e of hi s first sc ripts became <Ill epi .

sude uf TlVelve 0 'Clock High. He sold a scree llpby to th e

se ries If Takes a Thief and SOO I1 became its produ ce r. Afte r a

long assol.:i ation with II Takes a Thief, he left 10 produce seg

lIIents of Men from Shiloh and th en developed Alias Smith

and Jones , McCloud. Th e Six Million-Dollar )\-/011, Swirch,

Quincy , The lIardy Boy s alld Nancy Drew My steries and

Sword o f Jllstice. Larson recently shared credit ror bOlh th c

s(.; rccnpl:Jy and pr odu c tion or Evening in Byz allfiulIl and

l1aff/esfar Galaef iea.

Daniel Haller


Bo rn in Glendale. Ca liro rn ia. Daniel I-taller rece ived hi s

art t raining al th e renowned Chouinard Institute. By chance.

he met di rector Roger Corman in the mid -1950's wh en Cor

man wa s still an unknown . independ ent producer. direc tor.

Corman pe rsu ad ed I-Jailer to become an art director. a re lation·

ship which con ti nued through so me thirt y Corman film s.

Hall er lat er becam e a direc tor unde r Corman's banner, turning

out such film s as Paddy , Ch eckered Flag and DeI/iI 's Angels,

with John Ca ssavetes. In 1971 he moved to television, direct

in g ep iso de s o r K ajak, Owell Mar shall and The Blue Knight, as

wel l as such movies ror televi sion asBlack Beauty and Little Mo.

Hall er lives in th e wes te rn San Fernando Vall ey Ull a r:lIIdl

with hi s ralllily. where he rai ses horses.

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Leslie Stevens

Supervising Producer and Co-Writer

For Broadway, Leslie Stevens wrote the hit comedy

Marriag e-Co-Round , whi ch he later adapted to the scree n and

produced as a starring ve lticle fo r Su san Hayward. He wrote

the sc reenplay The Left-Handed GUl l directed by Arthur Pen n

and sta rring Pau l Newman, Other films which Stevens pro-

duced, dire cted and wrote include lIeroes Island. sta rr ing

James Maso n , and Private Property , starring Warren Oates. Intelev ision he created the Outer Limits series, wh ich he also

wrote, direc ted and superv ised as executive producer. He was

writer, directo r and executive producer of the p il ot fil m and

major episodes of It Takes A Thief and McCloud and wrote

and produced in stallments for the series The Inv isible Mall

and Gemini Mall. Te levision features which he ha s written and

produced included Fer' de Lance and St onestreet.

Ri cha rd Caffey


A na ti ve of San Francisco, Ri chard Caffey graduated

UCL A with a degree in business administration but headed

st ra igh t for the se t of the sc ience fict ion cla ssic, George Pal's

The t l o f the Wo rlds, where he was assistant direclOr. He

subsequently served as product ion manager on score s of major

movies including A Place ill the Sun and Ce cil B. De Mi lle 's

epic,The Tell Commandments.

As a telev isio n produ ce r, hehelmed such popular se rics as Combat. Jigsaw l a/III and Medi

ca l Cel/ter. Namcd to head MG M's video arm , he was instru-

mental in devcJop ing a succ ess ion of hit shows, incl uding

CHiPs, Logan's RUIl and HolV the West Was WO l . Caffey had

wa nted to do Buck Rogers for years and promptly qu it his

execut ive post at MGM to produ ce the new ve nture.

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Cost"Bu ck Roge rs. .G IL GERARD


Princess Ard ala .

Wilm a Dee ring

Kane . . .

Doctor Huer .


Ti gcrm an .

Twiki .

You ng Woman

Supe rviso r

Pil ol . .ComlclOfficer

Tech nicia n .

Guard # 1.

Guard # 2 . .

Office r

Ti gCTll1<1 1l # 2

Wrathe r .

Pil ot # 2.

Pilot #3.





Producer ...Directed by

Wri tte n by .

Exe cutive Producer .

Supervising Producer .

Director of lIH)lOg"ph)l .

An Dirc (; l or .

Edited by.....Music Composed and c i ~ " c i f l Assoc ia te Producers .. .

Sci Deco ra tions.Assistalll Art Director

Sound . . .... Andy l " lm ,l' ' ' .Sou nd Herecordin g .

Mu sic Editor. . . . . . . . . .... .

Uia loguc Editor. . i I .

Sml!HJHfg<; !i , I , , , , , , , I , • • , , , •

Unit Prod uc liull ; l I l g

R ivCll i. Ch ris Nibley'....... ; , , ..Syd DuHon


Opli C"al Supervi sor ,

Todd. h ck Slone. ~ p " ~ D ~ ~ c ~ i b ~ a ~ . . . . . . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ; " : , , ; ' : : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Costume Supe rvi sors ,

Scrip, Supervisors .

Cas ti ng by ,


Stullt Courdi nator s

Special Effccts

Prope rt y

Key Grip ,

Gaffer . '

· .... Yam Wise. Ge ne Ostler· . Di :m a Loomis. Jo yce li ef el

. . . , .... . Bob Edmi slon

...... Miriam Nelson

· .Tony Brubak er . Fred Wau gh

. .... Bu d Ewing. Jack FaggardJ oe Kuri. Jay r-,'lill cr

. , . . , Steve Clark

. . . , .. . , .J :lck Toud

Edilori:ll Assist:lIl ts

Product iun Ass ',s,.

For additional copies of this sOllvenir program. send

45 East 55 th Street, New York . N.Y. IOO:!2.

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Allow six to eight wceks fo r IEdi tcd by Anne Ll I l lpC rl DeSigned by Don Lc Jesse


unl"",11 Ti lle

John Moulds.David Stypfs

. . Pal rkk MurphyJames Kibbee

Leonie An!!<l .

. Michael Joyce.

Smiley. Ken Larso n

. . . . .David Jones

Geo rge Brcnll<lll

. , , .(,oli n Can) y.'eJI

:md Rubert C. Dille

Super Programs, Inc .

Printed in U.S.A.

Page 20: Buck Rogers Souvenir Program

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