Download - Bts3900-Bts3900a-Dbs3900 Wcdma v200r011c00spc100 Parameter Reference


CoverRNCV200R009BTS3900-BTS3900A-DBS3900 WCDMA V200R011C00SPC110 Parameter ReferenceHuawei Technologies Co., Ltd. provides customers with comprehensive technical support and service. For any assistance, please contact our local office or company headquarters.Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.Address:Huawei Industrial BaseBantian, LonggangShenzhen 518129People's Republic of ChinaWebsite:http://www.huawei.comEmail:[email protected] Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2009. All rights reserved.No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written consent of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.Trademarks and Permissionsand other Huawei trademarks are trademarks of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.All other trademarks and trade names mentioned in this document are the property of their respective holders.NoticeThe information in this document is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made in the preparation of this document to ensure accuracy of the contents, but all statements, information, and recommendations in this document do not constitute the warranty of any kind, express or implied.

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About This DocumentPurposeThis describes NodeB parameters, including the meaning, values, and usage of NodeB parameters.VersionThe product version related to this document is: V200R011C00SPC110Intended AudienceNetwork plannersField engineersSystem engineersShift operatorsOrganizationEach parameter is described in the following aspects.DescriptionRemarksParameter IDA simple string for uniquely identifying a parameterParameter NameThe full name of the parameterNENet Elements which the parameter is setMML CommandAll the commands that use the parameter; optional/mandatory attribute of the parameter in each commandDescriptionThe definition, function, and the reference protocol of the parameterValue TypeThe data type of parameter value: integer, enumeration, and so onGUI Value RangeThe value range on the MML interface; the definition and the applied situations for enumeration valuesActual Value RangeThe actual value. For example, if the GUI value is 0, the actual value is OFF.UnitThe unit of parameter valueDefault ValueThe initial value specified by the systemRecommended ValueRecommended values in different situationsImpactThe affected range upon modifying the value, such as RAB, IPPATH, CELLParameter RelationshipThe restriction and relation with other parameters, such as, the switches to active the parameter and the value of related parametersAccessWhether this parameter is read/write,read only,or internal.Service Interrupted During ModificationModifying the parameters leads to service interruption?Interruption ScopeThe scope where the services are interruptedInterruption Duration (Min)The approximate duration of service interruption, in the unit of minuteCautionCautions to be taken during the modificationValidation of ModificationThe way that you can take it effect.Impact on Radio Network PerformanceImpact on Radio Network PerformanceIntroduced in VersionThe version that the var appear firstly.AttributeWhether this parameter is a radio parameter,a transport parameter,or an equipment parameter.


Parameter ListParameter IDParameter NameNEMML CommandDescriptionValue TypeGUI Value RangeActual Value RangeUnitDefault ValueRecommended ValueImpactParameter RelationshipAccessService Interrupted During ModificationInterruption ScopeInterruption Duration(Min)CautionValidation of ModificationImpact on Radio Network PerformanceIntroduced in VersionAttribute128KRSCLMTResource limiting for 128Kbps GBRNodeBSET RSCLMTPARA(Optional)Upper limit ratio of the power for the user with 128 kbps GBR to the total power of the cellInterval Type1~1001~100%None20CellNoneRead & WriteN (No impact on the UE in idle mode)Not involvedNot involvedTo modify the Mac-hs maximum resource limit ratio parameters of the specified local cell, ensure that the local cell supports HSDPA.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0Radio16KRSCLMTResource limiting for 16Kbps GBRNodeBSET RSCLMTPARA(Optional)Upper limit ratio of the power for the user with 16 kbps GBR to the total power of the cellInterval Type1~1001~100%None10CellNoneRead & WriteN (No impact on the UE in idle mode)Not involvedNot involvedTo modify the Mac-hs maximum resource limit ratio parameters of the specified local cell, ensure that the local cell supports HSDPA.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0Radio16QAMSW16QAM SwitchNodeBSET MACHSPARA(Optional)16QAM SwitchEnumeration TypeOPEN, CLOSEOPEN, CLOSENoneNoneOPENCellNoneRead & WriteN (No impact on the UE in idle mode)Not involvedNot involvedIt only takes effect on the new user after the parameter is set, and the old users use the old parameter. To modify the Mac-hs scheduling parameters of the specified local cell, ensure that the local cell supports HSDPA.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0Radio256KRSCLMTResource limiting for 256Kbps GBRNodeBSET RSCLMTPARA(Optional)Upper limit ratio of the power for the user with 256 kbps GBR to the total power of the cellInterval Type1~1001~100%None25CellNoneRead & WriteN (No impact on the UE in idle mode)Not involvedNot involvedTo modify the Mac-hs resource Limit scheduling parameters of the specified local cell, ensure that the local cell supports HSDPA.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0Radio32KRSCLMTResource limiting for 32Kbps GBRNodeBSET RSCLMTPARA(Optional)Upper limit ratio of the power for the user with 32 kbps GBR to the total power of the cellInterval Type1~1001~100%None15CellNoneRead & WriteN (No impact on the UE in idle mode)Not involvedNot involvedTo modify the Mac-hs resource Limit scheduling parameters of the specified local cell, ensure that the local cell supports HSDPA.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0Radio384KRSCLMTResource limiting for 384Kbps GBRNodeBSET RSCLMTPARA(Optional)Upper limit ratio of the power for the user with 384 kbps GBR to the total power of the cellInterval Type1~1001~100%None30CellNoneRead & WriteN (No impact on the UE in idle mode)Not involvedNot involvedTo modify the Mac-hs resource Limit scheduling parameters of the specified local cell, ensure that the local cell supports HSDPA.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0Radio64KRSCLMTResource limiting for 64Kbps GBRNodeBSET RSCLMTPARA(Optional)Upper limit ratio of the power for the user with 64 kbps GBR to the total power of the cellInterval Type1~1001~100%None15CellNoneRead & WriteN (No impact on the UE in idle mode)Not involvedNot involvedTo modify the Mac-hs resource Limit scheduling parameters of the specified local cell, ensure that the local cell supports HSDPA.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0Radio8KRSCLMTResource limiting for 8Kbps GBRNodeBSET RSCLMTPARA(Optional)Upper limit ratio of the power for the user with 8 kbps GBR to the total power of the cellInterval Type1~1001~100%None10CellNoneRead & WriteN (No impact on the UE in idle mode)Not involvedNot involvedTo modify the Mac-hs resource Limit scheduling parameters of the specified local cell, ensure that the local cell supports HSDPA.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0RadioARPPROXYARP ProxyNodeBSET ETHPORT(Optional)ARP ProxyEnumeration TypeDISABLE(Disable Arp Proxy), ENABLE(Enable Arp Proxy)DISABLE, ENABLENoneNoneNoneNodeBNoneRead & WriteN (No impact on the UE in idle mode)Not involvedNot involvedThe ARP proxy needs to be enabled when the local IP address of the OM channel is in the same subnet as the IP address of the Ethernet port on the board of the same slot.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0TransportACNAntenna Connector No.NodeBSET TMAGAIN(Mandatory)ADD ALD(Optional)SET TILTAER(Optional)SET TMAGAIN(Optional)SET SASUDCLD(Optional)SET SASUDCSW(Optional)SET SASUGAIN(Optional)SET SASUMODE(Optional)SET TMAMODE(Optional)SET ANTTILT(Optional)Antenna Connector NumberEnumeration TypeN0A, N0B, N1A, N1B, N2A, N2B, N3A, N3B, N4A, N4B, N5A, N5BN0A, N0B, N1A, N1B, N2A, N2B, N3A, N3B, N4A, N4B, N5A, N5BNoneNoneNoneNodeBThis parameter is valid when the operating mode is CSATRead & WriteNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThe gain range supported by the STMA varies with models and vendors. It is recommended that you list the gain range supported by the STMA by running the DSP TMAFUN command before setting the gain.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentACVHLAC Upper Limit(V)NodeBSET ACDCVLIMIT(Optional)AC Upper Limit of the NPMU AC/DC Voltage Alarm ThresholdInterval Type60~30060~300V280NoneNPMUThis parameter value must be greater than [PARA]ACVLL[/PARA] in [MML]SET ACDCVLIMIT[/MML]Read & WriteNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedBefore setting the AC voltage alarm threshold value, make sure whether the 220 V AC or 110 V AC power is supplied to the NPMU.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentACVLLAC Lower Limit(V)NodeBSET ACDCVLIMIT(Optional)AC Lower Limit of the NPMU AC/DC Voltage Alarm ThresholdInterval Type60~30060~300V180NoneNPMU[PARA]ACVLL[/PARA] is less than [PARA]ACVHL[/PARA] in [MML]SET ACDCVLIMIT[/MML]Read & WriteNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedBefore setting the AC voltage alarm threshold value, make sure whether the 220 V AC or 111 V AC power is supplied to the NPMU.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentBEARBear TypeNodeBADD OMCH(Mandatory)Bearing Type, which indicates whether the Resource Group Bearing Type is configured on the IP link or the ATM link.Enumeration TypeATM, IPV4ATM, IPV4NoneNoneNoneOMCHNoneRead & WriteN (No impact on the UE in idle mode)Not involvedNot involvedThe parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0TransportBPTBootpTime(minute)NodeBSET BOOTPSWITCH(Optional)BootpTime. The Bootp Time starts when the OMCH is abnormal.Interval Type15~7000000015~70000000min500000500000NodeBNoneRead & WriteN (No impact on the UE in idle mode)Not involvedNot involvedAfter the NodeB is started, the time delay for starting BOOTP is set to 15 min by default, during which if the OM channel returns to normal, the time delay for starting BOOTP will be set to "BootpTime" in this command and the default value is 500000 min. If the time delay for starting BOOTP is set to 15 min, after the OM channel is in abnormal status for 15 min, and the NCP is also abnormal, BOOTP will be started. Every time the OM channel is found in normal state, the time delay for starting BOOTP will be set to BootpTime in this command. If you set the BootpTime to a relatively short period of time to trigger a BOOTP start, then it is recommended that you set the BootpTime to the default value 500000 min when the OM channel returns to normal. In this way, the BOOTP mistriggering caused by transmission intermittent can be prevented.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0TransportAERTilt Alarm Error Range(0.1 degree)NodeBSET TILTAER(Mandatory)Tilt Alarm Error RangeInterval Type0~100.1~1, Step:0.1degreeNoneNoneNodeBNoneRead & WriteNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThe parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentAGTHRESHOLDAG ThresholdNodeBSET MACEPARA(Optional)AG Threshold. If the UE-expected authorized value is equal to or great than the active authorized value plus this threshold value, authorize the UE through the AG channel. Otherwise, authorize the UE through RG channel; It may affect the rate of HSUPA.Interval Type0~310~31NoneNoneNoneCellIt is valid when [PARA]SCHEDULEPARA[/PARA] is YES in [MML]SET MACEPARA[/MML].Read & WriteN (No impact on the UE in idle mode)Not involvedNot involvedIt only takes effect on the new user after the parameter is set, and the old users use the old parameter.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0RadioAIDAlarm IDNodeBSET ALMSHLD(Mandatory)ADD OBJALMSHLD(Mandatory)Alarm IDInterval Type1~320001~32000NoneNoneNoneNodeBNoneRead & WriteNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedAfter you set an alarm to be shielded, the NodeB handles the alarm according to its current status. If the alarm exists at that time, the NodeB generates the alarm occurrence report. Then, when the alarm is cleared manually, the NodeB generates the alarm clearance report. If the alarm does not exist at that time, the NodeB does not generate the alarm occurrence report or clearance report.When you set an alarm to be unshielded, the NodeB handles the alarm according to its current status. If the alarm exists at that time, the NodeB generates the alarm occurrence report. If the alarm does not exist at that time, the NodeB does not generate any report.After you set an alarm to be unshielded, the NodeB handles the alarm in a normal way. If the alarm is generated, the NodeB generates the alarm occurrence report. If the alarm is cleared, the NodeB generates the alarm clearance report.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentAIDSTAlarm ID Select TypeNodeBADD OBJALMSHLD(Mandatory)Alarm ID Select TypeEnumeration TypeALL(All of alarm ID), ONEBYONE(One by one alarm ID)ALL(All of alarm ID), ONEBYONE(One by one alarm ID)NoneNoneNoneNodeBThis parameter is valid only when the [PARA]OBJN[/PARA] is set "BRD", E1/T1(E1/T1), E1/T1OnChannelsSubbrd.Read & WriteNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThe parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentALMIDAlarm IDNodeBSET ALMPORTAlarm IDInterval Type65334~6553565334~65537NoneNoneNoneNodeBWhen MODE = CUSTOM, this parameter is valid. If the parameter is not specified, the existing binding relation is not changed. If the original setting of the system is 0, the alarm ID is invalid.Read & WriteNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThe parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentBRTBinding RouteNodeBADD OMCH(Optional)Binding Route. When the remote maintenance IP address and local maintenance IP address are in different network segments, the binding route should be set. It indicates whether to bind a route.Enumeration TypeNO(not bind a route), YES(bind a route)NO, YESNoneNONoneOMCHThis parameter is valid when the [PARA]BEAR[/PARA] parameter in [MML]ADD OMCH[/MML] is set to IPV4.Read & WriteN (No impact on the UE in idle mode)Not involvedNot involvedThe parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0TransportANT1CNCabinet No. of Antenna Channel1NodeBADD SEC(Optional)Cabinet No. of Antenna Channel1: There are one or more antenna channels in one sector. The number of the channels equals antenna magnitude. The antenna channels are identified by antenna connectors at the cabinet top, hereinafter referred to as "antenna connector".Enumeration TypeMASTER(Master cabinet)MASTERNoneMASTERMASTERCellNoneRead OnlyNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThis parameter cannot be modified.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentANT1NAntenna Channel1 No.NodeBADD SEC(Mandatory)It is the No. of the first antenna connector; There are one or more antenna channels in one sector. The number of the channels equals antenna magnitude. The antenna channels are identified by antenna connectors at the cabinet top, hereinafter referred to as "antenna connector".Enumeration TypeR0A(Cabinet No.0A Ant), R0B(Cabinet No.0B Ant)R0A, R0BNoneNoneNone(ADD SEC)CellFor DBS:when [PARA]SECT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD SEC[/MML] is set to REMOTE_SECTOR, the value range is R0A, R0B.For BTS:REMOTE_SECTOR and LOCAL_SECTOR is valid.When [PARA]SECT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD SEC[/MML] is set to LOCAL_SECTOR, the value range is N0A, N0B, N1A, N1B, N2A, N2B, N3A, N3B, N4A, N4B, N5A, N5B;Read OnlyNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThis parameter cannot be modified.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentANT1NAntenna No. of Power Amplifier1NodeBADD LOCELL(Optional)It is the Antenna No. of the first antenna connector;Enumeration TypeANTA(No.A Ant of Power Amplifier), ANTB(No.B Ant of Power Amplifier)ANTA, ANTBNoneANTANoneCellFor DBS:when [PARA]SECT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD SEC[/MML] is set to REMOTE_SECTOR, the value range is R0A, R0B.For BTS:REMOTE_SECTOR and LOCAL_SECTOR is valid.When [PARA]SECT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD SEC[/MML] is set to LOCAL_SECTOR, the value range is N0A, N0B, N1A, N1B, N2A, N2B, N3A, N3B, N4A, N4B, N5A, N5B;Read & WriteNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThis parameter cannot be modified.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0RadioANT1SRNSubrack No. of Antenna Channel1NodeBADD SEC(Mandatory)Subrack No. of Antenna Channel1: There are one or more antenna channels in one sector. The number of the channels equals antenna magnitude. The antenna channels are identified by antenna connectors at the cabinet top, hereinafter referred to as "antenna connector".Interval Type20~25420~254NoneNoneNone(ADD SEC)CellFor DBS:When [PARA]SECT[/PARA] is set to REMOTE_SECTOR, the value range is 20~254;For BTS:REMOTE_SECTOR and LOCAL_SECTOR is valid.When [PARA]SECT[/PARA] is set to LOCAL_SECTOR, the value range is 4~5.When [PARA]SECT[/PARA] is set to REMOTE_SECTOR, the value range is 20~254;Read OnlyNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThis parameter cannot be modified.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentANT2CNCabinet No. of Antenna Channel2NodeBADD SEC(Optional)Cabinet No. of Antenna Channel2: There are one or more antenna channels in one sector. The number of the channels equals antenna magnitude. The antenna channels are identified by antenna connectors at the cabinet top, hereinafter referred to as "antenna connector".Enumeration TypeMASTER(Master cabinet)MASTERNoneMASTERMASTERCellNoneRead OnlyNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThis parameter cannot be modified.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentANT2NAntenna Channel2 No.NodeBADD SEC(Mandatory)It is the No. of the second antenna connector; There are one or more antenna channels in one sector. The number of the channels equals antenna magnitude. The antenna channels are identified by antenna connectors at the cabinet top, hereinafter referred to as "antenna connector".Enumeration TypeR0A(Cabinet No.0A Ant), R0B(Cabinet No.0B Ant)R0A, R0BNoneNoneNone(ADD SEC)CellFor DBS:when [PARA]SECT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD SEC[/MML] is set to REMOTE_SECTOR, the value range is R0A, R0B.For BTS:REMOTE_SECTOR and LOCAL_SECTOR is valid.When [PARA]SECT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD SEC[/MML] is set to LOCAL_SECTOR, the value range is N0A, N0B, N1A, N1B, N2A, N2B, N3A, N3B, N4A, N4B, N5A, N5B;Read OnlyNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThis parameter cannot be modified.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentANT2NAntenna No. of Power Amplifier2NodeBADD LOCELL(Optional)It is the Antenna No. of the second antenna connector;Enumeration TypeANTA(No.A Ant of Power Amplifier), ANTB(No.B Ant of Power Amplifier)ANTA, ANTBNoneANTANoneCellFor DBS:when [PARA]SECT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD SEC[/MML] is set to REMOTE_SECTOR, the value range is R0A, R0B.For BTS:REMOTE_SECTOR and LOCAL_SECTOR is valid.When [PARA]SECT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD SEC[/MML] is set to LOCAL_SECTOR, the value range is N0A, N0B, N1A, N1B, N2A, N2B, N3A, N3B, N4A, N4B, N5A, N5B;Read & WriteNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThis parameter cannot be modified.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0RadioANT2SRNSubrack No. of Antenna Channel2NodeBADD SEC(Mandatory)Subrack No. of Antenna Channel2: There are one or more antenna channels in one sector. The number of the channels equals antenna magnitude. The antenna channels are identified by antenna connectors at the cabinet top, hereinafter referred to as "antenna connector".Interval Type20~25420~254NoneNoneNone(ADD SEC)CellFor DBS:When [PARA]SECT[/PARA] is set to REMOTE_SECTOR, the value range is 20~254;For BTS:REMOTE_SECTOR and LOCAL_SECTOR is valid.When [PARA]SECT[/PARA] is set to LOCAL_SECTOR, the value range is 4~5.When [PARA]SECT[/PARA] is set to REMOTE_SECTOR, the value range is 20~254;Read OnlyNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThis parameter cannot be modified.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentANT3CNCabinet No. of Antenna Channel3NodeBADD SEC(Optional)Cabinet No. of Antenna Channel3: There are one or more antenna channels in one sector. The number of the channels equals antenna magnitude. The antenna channels are identified by antenna connectors at the cabinet top, hereinafter referred to as "antenna connector".Enumeration TypeMASTER(Master cabinet)MASTERNoneMASTERMASTERCellNoneRead OnlyNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThis parameter cannot be modified.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentANT3NAntenna Channel3 No.NodeBADD SEC(Mandatory)It is the No. of the third antenna connector; There are one or more antenna channels in one sector. The number of the channels equals antenna magnitude. The antenna channels are identified by antenna connectors at the cabinet top, hereinafter referred to as "antenna connector".Enumeration TypeR0A(Cabinet No.0A Ant), R0B(Cabinet No.0B Ant)R0A, R0BNoneNoneNone(ADD SEC)CellFor DBS:when [PARA]SECT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD SEC[/MML] is set to REMOTE_SECTOR, the value range is R0A, R0B.For BTS:REMOTE_SECTOR and LOCAL_SECTOR is valid.When [PARA]SECT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD SEC[/MML] is set to LOCAL_SECTOR, the value range is N0A, N0B, N1A, N1B, N2A, N2B, N3A, N3B, N4A, N4B, N5A, N5B;Read OnlyNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThis parameter cannot be modified.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentANT3SRNSubrack No. of Antenna Channel3NodeBADD SEC(Mandatory)Subrack No. of Antenna Channel3: There are one or more antenna channels in one sector. The number of the channels equals antenna magnitude. The antenna channels are identified by antenna connectors at the cabinet top, hereinafter referred to as "antenna connector".Interval Type20~25420~254NoneNoneNone(ADD SEC)CellFor DBS:When [PARA]SECT[/PARA] is set to REMOTE_SECTOR, the value range is 20~254;For BTS:REMOTE_SECTOR and LOCAL_SECTOR is valid.When [PARA]SECT[/PARA] is set to LOCAL_SECTOR, the value range is 4~5.When [PARA]SECT[/PARA] is set to REMOTE_SECTOR, the value range is 20~254;Read OnlyNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThis parameter cannot be modified.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentANT4CNCabinet No. of Antenna Channel4NodeBADD SEC(Optional)Cabinet No. of Antenna Channel4: There are one or more antenna channels in one sector. The number of the channels equals antenna magnitude. The antenna channels are identified by antenna connectors at the cabinet top, hereinafter referred to as "antenna connector".Enumeration TypeMASTER(Master cabinet)MASTERNoneMASTERMASTERCellNoneRead OnlyNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThis parameter cannot be modified.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentANT4NAntenna Channel4 No.NodeBADD SEC(Mandatory)It is the No. of the fourth antenna connector; There are one or more antenna channels in one sector. The number of the channels equals antenna magnitude. The antenna channels are identified by antenna connectors at the cabinet top, hereinafter referred to as "antenna connector".Enumeration TypeR0A(Cabinet No.0A Ant), R0B(Cabinet No.0B Ant)R0A, R0BNoneNoneNone(ADD SEC)CellFor DBS:when [PARA]SECT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD SEC[/MML] is set to REMOTE_SECTOR, the value range is R0A, R0B.For BTS:REMOTE_SECTOR and LOCAL_SECTOR is valid.When [PARA]SECT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD SEC[/MML] is set to LOCAL_SECTOR, the value range is N0A, N0B, N1A, N1B, N2A, N2B, N3A, N3B, N4A, N4B, N5A, N5B;Read OnlyNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThis parameter cannot be modified.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentANT4SRNSubrack No. of Antenna Channel4NodeBADD SEC(Mandatory)Subrack No. of Antenna Channel4: There are one or more antenna channels in one sector. The number of the channels equals antenna magnitude. The antenna channels are identified by antenna connectors at the cabinet top, hereinafter referred to as "antenna connector".Interval Type20~25420~254NoneNoneNone(ADD SEC)CellFor DBS:When [PARA]SECT[/PARA] is set to REMOTE_SECTOR, the value range is 20~254;For BTS:REMOTE_SECTOR and LOCAL_SECTOR is valid.When [PARA]SECT[/PARA] is set to LOCAL_SECTOR, the value range is 4~5.When [PARA]SECT[/PARA] is set to REMOTE_SECTOR, the value range is 20~254;Read OnlyNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThis parameter cannot be modified.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentANTMAntenna MagnitudeNodeBADD SEC(Mandatory)It refers to the magnitude of antennas in the sector. Do not use it when Sector Type is Distributed Sector.Enumeration Type1(single antenna), 2(two antennas), 4(four antennas)1, 2, 4NoneNoneNoneCellThis parameter is valid only When the [PARA]SECT[/PARA] is REMOTE_SECTOR or LOCAL_SECTOR. When [PARA]WM[PARA] of [MML]SET DEMODE[/MML] is set to DEM_2_CHAN, there will be 1 or 2 antena; When [PARA]WM[PARA] of [MML]SET DEMODE[/MML] is set to DEM_4_CHAN or DEM_ECON_4_CHAN , there will be 1/2/4 antena.Read OnlyNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThis parameter cannot be modified.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentBTBER ThresholdNodeBSET BERTHRESHOLD(Optional)BER ThresholdEnumeration Type1E-3(E1/T1 high bit error rate threshold 1E-3), 1E-4(E1/T1 high bit error rate threshold 1E-4), 1E-5(E1/T1 high bit error rate threshold 1E-5), 1E-6(E1/T1 high bit error rate threshold 1E-6)1E-3, 1E-4, 1E-5, 1E-6None1.00E-051ENone5NodeBNoneRead & WriteN (No impact on the UE in idle mode)Not involvedNot involvedReducing the Bit Error Rate (BER) threshold of the NodeB lowers the upper limit of the BER alarm threshold.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0TransportASTALD(Antenna Line Device) System TypeNodeBSET ALDPWRSW(Mandatory)Antenna Line Device (ALD) System TypeEnumeration TypeTMA12DB_ONLY_NON_AISG (Only TMA 12dB (NON_AISG)), TMA24DB_ONLY_NON_AISG (Only TMA 24dB (NON_AISG)), RET_ONLY_COAXIAL (Only RET (COAXIAL)), RET_ONLY_MULTICORE (Only RET (MULTICORE)), TMA12DB_AISG (12dB TMA and RET or Only TMA 12dB (AISG)), TMA24DB_AISG (24dB TMA and RET or Only TMA 24dB (AISG)), CUSTOM (Custom)TMA12DB_ONLY_NON_AISG TMA24DB_ONLY_NON_AISG RET_ONLY_COAXIAL TMA12DB_AISG TMA24DB_AISG CUSTOMNoneNoneNoneNodeBNoneRead & WriteNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThe parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentATAlarm TypeNodeBSET NEMUDBAV(Mandatory)Alarm Type ValueEnumeration TypeWATER (water immersion), SMOKING (smoking), INFRARED (infrared), GATING (door control)WATER, SMOKING, INFRARED, GATINGNoneNoneNoneNEMUNoneRead & WriteNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThe configuration takes effect immediately after the parameter is modified.This command is valid only for the NEMU manufactured by Huawei.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentATMODEAuto Test ModeNodeBSET BATATPA(Mandatory)Battery Auto Test ModeEnumeration TypePERIOD (Period Auto Test), POWERCUT (Power Cut Auto Test), PERIODPOWERCUT (Period and Power Cut Auto Test), NOAUTOTEST (No Auto Test)PERIOD, POWERCUT, PERIODPOWERCUT, NOAUTOTESTNoneNoneNoneBatteryThis parameter TDSTM is valid only when [PARA]TDSTM[/PARA] in [MML]SET BATATPA[/MML] is set to "PERIOD" or "PERIODPOWERCUT"Read & WriteNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThe delayed discharge test time has a direct impact on power-off test, timing test and manual background test.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentATTENRx Attenuation Value(dB)NodeBSET RXATTEN(Mandatory)Value of the WRFU/RRU RX AttenuationInterval Type0, 4~220, 4~22dBNoneNoneNodeBNoneRead & WriteYNodeBThe service is affected until the configuration is correct.When no TMA is used, the attenuation value is set to 0. When the 12 dB TMA is used, the attenuation value is set between 4 dB to 11 dB. When the 24 dB TMA is used, the attenuation value is set between 11 dB and 22 dB.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentCCTMTimer_CC(ms)NodeBADD SAALLNK(Optional)Timer_CC, which indicates the length of the SSCOP timer Timer_CC specified in the SAAL-related protocol.Interval Type100~65535100~65535ms10001000SAALNoneRead & WriteN (No impact on the UE in idle mode)Not involvedNot involvedThe parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0TransportAUTHMODEAuthentication ModeNodeBSET SSLAUTHMODE(Optional)SSL Handshake Authentication ModeEnumeration TypeNONE (Verify None), PEER (Verify Peer Certificate)None, PEERNoneNoneNoneNodeBNoneRead & WriteNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThis command can be run only by the network administrator.After the command is sent, the NE uses a corresponding authentication mode at the next SSL connection. This command does not affect the existing connections.When the identity is authenticated, the NE must be configured with the root certificate, public key certificate, and private key certificate. If any of the certificates is not configured, a message is displayed, reporting that a certificate is not configured.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentAUTOSWAuto Touchoff SwitchNodeBSET EMGLICENSE(Optional)Auto Touchoff SwitchEnumeration TypeON, OFFON, OFFNoneOFFNoneNodeBNoneRead & WriteN (No impact on the UE in idle mode)Not involvedNot involvedThe parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0RadioCLKMClock ModeNodeBSET E1T1WORKMODE(Optional)Clock Mode. If this parameter is not specified, the original value is kept.Enumeration TypeMASTER(Master), SLAVE(Slave)MASTER, SLAVENoneNoneNoneNodeBNoneRead & WriteN (No impact on the UE in idle mode)Not involvedNot involvedWhen multiple NodeBs are cascaded, a lower-level node is connected to an upper-level one through E1/T1 cables and extracts the clock from the E1/T1 cables. Therefore, the clock mode of the upper-level node must be set as master and that of the lower level node must be set as slave.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0TransportAVAlarm VoltageNodeBSET NEMUDBAV(Mandatory)NEMU Dedicated Boolean Alarm VoltageEnumeration TypeHIGH (High), LOW (Low)HIGH, LOWNoneNoneNoneNEMUNoneRead & WriteNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThe configuration takes effect immediately after the parameter is modified.This command is valid only for the NEMU manufactured by Huawei.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentAVOLAlarm VoltageNodeBSET ALMPORTAlarm VoltageEnumeration TypeHIGH (Alarms at high impedance), LOW (Alarms at low impedance)HIGH, LOWNoneNoneNoneNodeBWhen [PARA]PT[/PARA] in [MML]SET ALMPORT[/MML] is BOOL, this parameter is valid.Read & WriteNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThe parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentBAND1Frequency BandNodeBSET ALDDEV(Mandatory)Frequency BandEnumeration TypeNo, YesNo, YesNoneNoNoNoThis parameter is valid when [PARA]OPESORT[/PARA] in [MML]SET ALDDEV[/MML] is set to DEV.Read & WriteNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThe parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentBAND2Frequency BandNodeBSET ALDDEV(Mandatory)Frequency BandEnumeration TypeNo, YesNo, YesNoneNoNoNoThis parameter is valid when [PARA]OPESORT[/PARA] in [MML]SET ALDDEV[/MML] is set to DEV.Read & WriteNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThe parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentBAND3Frequency BandNodeBSET ALDDEV(Mandatory)Frequency BandEnumeration TypeNo, YesNo, YesNoneNoNoNoThis parameter is valid when [PARA]OPESORT[/PARA] in [MML]SET ALDDEV[/MML] is set to DEV.Read & WriteNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThe parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentBAND4Frequency BandNodeBSET ALDDEV(Mandatory)Frequency BandEnumeration TypeNo, YesNo, YesNoneNoNoNoThis parameter is valid when [PARA]OPESORT[/PARA] in [MML]SET ALDDEV[/MML] is set to DEV.Read & WriteNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThe parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentBAND5Frequency BandNodeBSET ALDDEV(Mandatory)Frequency BandEnumeration TypeNo, YesNo, YesNoneNoNoNoThis parameter is valid when [PARA]OPESORT[/PARA] in [MML]SET ALDDEV[/MML] is set to DEV.Read & WriteNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThe parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentBAND6Frequency BandNodeBSET ALDDEV(Mandatory)Frequency BandEnumeration TypeNo, YesNo, YesNoneNoNoNoThis parameter is valid when [PARA]OPESORT[/PARA] in [MML]SET ALDDEV[/MML] is set to DEV.Read & WriteNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThe parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentBASEID11Base station IDNodeBSET ALDDEV(Mandatory)Base station IDString TypeNoneA string of up to 12 bytesNoneNoneNoneNoThis parameter is valid when in [MML]SET ALDDEV[/MML] [PARA]OPESORT[/PARA] is set to OPE and [PARA]OPEVER[/PARA] is set to V1.1.Read & WriteNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThe parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentBASEID20Base station IDNodeBSET ALDDEV(Mandatory)Base station IDString TypeNoneA string of up to 32 bytesNoneNoneNoneNoThis parameter is valid when in [MML]SET ALDDEV[/MML] [PARA]OPESORT[/PARA] is set to OPE and [PARA]OPEVER[/PARA] is set to V2.0 or 3GPPRead & WriteNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThe parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentBCBattery CapacityNodeBADD BATTERY(Optional)Battery CapacityInterval Type5~6005~600AhNoneNoneNodeBThe value range is 30~600 when [PARA]PTYPE[/PARA] is APM100.The value range is 30~600 when [PARA]PTYPE[/PARA] is APM200.The value range is 5~600 when [PARA]PTYPE[/PARA] is APM30.Read & WriteNot involvedNot involvedAPM100:Battery Capacity(AH):100;Battery Current Limiting Coefficient:0.15APM200:Battery Capacity(AH):200;Battery Current Limiting Coefficient:0.15APM30: Battery Capacity(AH):36; Battery Current Limiting Coefficient:0.07The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentBCDBoost-Charging DurationNodeBADD BATTERY(Optional)Boost-Charging DurationInterval Type30~24030~240day6060NodeBNoneRead & WriteNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThe parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentBCLCBattery Current Limiting CoefficientNodeBADD BATTERY(Optional)Battery Current Limiting CoefficientAny Type0.05~0.250.05~0.25NoneNoneNoneNodeBNoneRead & WriteNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThe parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentEMEnvironment ModeNodeBADD BATTERY(Mandatory)Environment ModeEnumeration TypeINNER, OUTERINNER, OUTERNoneNoneNoneNodeBNoneRead & WriteNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThe parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentTULTemperature alarm Upper LimitNodeBADD BATTERY(Optional)Over-temperature alarm threshold of battery temperatureInterval Type40~7940~79CelsiusNoneNoneNodeBNoneRead & WriteNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThe parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentTLLTemperature alarm Lower LimitNodeBADD BATTERY(Optional)Under-temperature alarm threshold of battery temperatureInterval Type-19~5-19~5CelsiusNoneNoneNodeBNoneRead & WriteNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThe parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentBCVOLBoost-charging VoltageNodeBSET BCFCVOLTAGE(Optional)Boost-Charging Voltage of the NPMUAny Type43.2~57.643.2~57.6, Precision: 0.01V56.556.5NodeBThis parameter must be greater than [PARA]FCVOL[/PARA] in [MML]SET BCFCVOLTAGE[/MML] and less than [PARA]DCVHL[/PARA] in [MML]SET ACDCVLIMIT[/MML]-1, and between 43.2 and 57.6.Read & WriteNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThe value must be larger than the value of the FCVOL and between 43.2 and 57.6.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentBEAMWIDTH11BeamwidthNodeBSET ALDDEV(Mandatory)BeamwidthRange Type0~2550~255degNoneNoneNoThis parameter is valid when in [MML]SET ALDDEV[/MML] [PARA]OPESORT[/PARA] is set to DEV and [PARA]DEVVER[/PARA] is set to V1.1.Read & WriteNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThe parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentBEAMWIDTH12BeamwidthNodeBSET ALDDEV(Mandatory)BeamwidthRange Type0~2550~255degNoneNoneNoThis parameter is valid when in [MML]SET ALDDEV[/MML] [PARA]OPESORT[/PARA] is set to DEV and [PARA]DEVVER[/PARA] is set to V1.1.Read & WriteNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThe parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentBEAMWIDTH13BeamwidthNodeBSET ALDDEV(Mandatory)BeamwidthRange Type0~2550~255degNoneNoneNoThis parameter is valid when in [MML]SET ALDDEV[/MML] [PARA]OPESORT[/PARA] is set to DEV and [PARA]DEVVER[/PARA] is set to V1.1.Read & WriteNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThe parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentBEAMWIDTH21BeamwidthNodeBSET ALDDEV(Mandatory)BeamwidthRange Type0~655350~65535degNoneNoneNoThis parameter is valid when in [MML]SET ALDDEV[/MML] [PARA]OPESORT[/PARA] is set to DEV and [PARA]DEVVER[/PARA] is set to V2.0_3GPP.Read & WriteNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThe parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentBEAMWIDTH22BeamwidthNodeBSET ALDDEV(Mandatory)BeamwidthRange Type0~655350~65535degNoneNoneNoThis parameter is valid when in [MML]SET ALDDEV[/MML] [PARA]OPESORT[/PARA] is set to DEV and [PARA]DEVVER[/PARA] is set to V2.0_3GPP.Read & WriteNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThe parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentBEAMWIDTH23BeamwidthNodeBSET ALDDEV(Mandatory)BeamwidthRange Type0~655350~65535degNoneNoneNoThis parameter is valid when in [MML]SET ALDDEV[/MML] [PARA]OPESORT[/PARA] is set to DEV and [PARA]DEVVER[/PARA] is set to V2.0_3GPP.Read & WriteNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThe parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentBEAMWIDTH24BeamwidthNodeBSET ALDDEV(Mandatory)BeamwidthRange Type0~655350~65535degNoneNoneNoThis parameter is valid when in [MML]SET ALDDEV[/MML] [PARA]OPESORT[/PARA] is set to DEV and [PARA]DEVVER[/PARA] is set to V2.0_3GPP.Not involvedNot involvedNot involvedThe parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentDRDiscard RateNodeBSET HSDPAFLOWCTRLPARA(Optional)Discard Rate. The link is not congested when the frame loss ratio is lower than or equal to this threshold.Interval Type0~10000~1, Step: 0.001None11NodeBNoneRead & WriteN (No impact on the UE in idle mode)Not involvedNot involvedThe link is regarded as not congested when the discard rate is lower than or equal to this threshold, and thus the congestion judgement may be influenced by [PARA]DR[/PARA].The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.It will affect the transffers-rate.Versions earlier than RAN11.0TransportDSTIPDestination IP AddressNodeBADD OMCH(Mandatory)Destination IP Address. This parameter must meet all the following conditions: The IP address must be the one of legal A, B, or C type, excluding the default route (IP address The IP & mask must be equal to this IP address.The mask in binary does not allow "0" before "1", or "1" after "0".IP Address Type- parameter is valid when in [MML]ADD OMCH[/MML] [PARA]BEAR[/PARA] is set to IPV4 and [PARA]BRT[/PARA] is set to YES.The [PARA]DSTIP[/PARA] & the [PARA]DSTMASK[/PARA] must be equal to the [PARA]DSTIP[/PARA].Read & WriteN (No impact on the UE in idle mode)Not involvedNot involvedThe parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0TransportDSTMASKDestination IP MaskNodeBADD OMCH(Mandatory)Destination IP Mask. This parameter must meet all the following conditions: The IP & mask must be equal to this IP address.The mask in binary does not allow "0" before "1", or "1" after "0".IP Address Type- parameter is valid when in [MML]ADD OMCH[/MML] [PARA]BEAR[/PARA] is set to IPV4 and [PARA]BRT[/PARA] is set to YES.The [PARA]DSTIP[/PARA] & the [PARA]DSTMASK[/PARA] must be equal to the [PARA]DSTIP[/PARA].Read & WriteN (No impact on the UE in idle mode)Not involvedNot involvedThe parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0TransportEBSExcessive Burst Size(kbit)NodeBSET LR(Mandatory)Excessive Burst SizeInterval Type0~1550000~155000kbitNoneNoneNodeBThis parameter is valid only when the [PARA]FUNCTION[/PARA] parameter is set to ENABLE.Read & WriteN (No impact on the UE in idle mode)Not involvedNot involvedThe parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0TransportBEARINGAntenna BearingNodeBSET ALDDEV(Mandatory)Antenna BearingRange Type0~655350~65535NoneNoneNoneNoThis parameter is valid when in [MML]SET ALDDEV[/MML] [PARA]OPESORT[/PARA] is set to OPE.Read & WriteNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThe parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentBFLGBattery Overtemperature Shutdown FlagNodeBSET HTPROTECT(Optional)Battery Overtemperature Shutdown FlagEnumeration TypeDISABLE(Disable), ENABLE(Enable)ENABLE, DISABLENoneENABLEENABLENodeBNoneRead & WriteNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThe parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentBMBackup ModeNodeBADD RRUCHAIN(Mandatory)Link Backup Mode (For Ring Topology Only)Enumeration TypeCOLD, HOTCOLD, HOTNoneNoneNoneNodeBThis parameter is valid only when [PARA]TT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD RRUCHAIN[/MML] is set to RING.Read & WriteNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThe backup mode of the chain or ring decides whether the CPRI hot redundancy is supported by the equipment on the chain or ring. Currently only the MRRU supports the CPRI hot redundancy. In this case, the backup mode should be set as hot redundancy.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentBNSub Board No.NodeBSTR E1T1RTTST(Optional)Number of the Sub-Board of the E1/T1 Routine TestInterval Type00None0NoneNodeBNoneRead & WriteNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThe parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentESEnable SwitchNodeBSET CPSWITCH(Optional)Enable SwitchEnumeration TypeDISABLE(Disable), ENABLE(Enable)DISABLE, ENABLENoneDISABLENoneIUBCPNoneRead & WriteN (No impact on the UE in idle mode)Not involvedNot involvedIf this switch is not enabled, the added SLAVE CP channel will not take effect. If you disable this switch when the NodeB is using the SLAVE CP channel, the NodeB does not switch to the MASTER CP when the MASTER CP is restored. This switch should be consistent with that of the RNC to ensure communication.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0TransportBRKPOS1Break Position1NodeBSET RRUCHAINBRKPOS(Mandatory)First Break Point Position of the RRU Chain/RingInterval Type0~80~8NoneNoneNoneNodeBNoneRead & WriteYNodeBThe service is affected until the RRU Chain configuration is correctFor an RRU chain, only one break point can be set and the chain can be divided into two parts:Part one consists of the RRUs between the chain head and the break point position. The services of the RRUs in this part are not affected.Part two consists of the RRUs between the break point position and the chain tail. The RRUs in this part are isolated, and the services are disrupted. You can rectify the fault through the RMV RRUCHAINBRKPOS command. You can run the DSP RRUCHAINSTATE command to query the attributes of the CPRI interfaces of the RRU.For an RRU ring, two break points can be set and the ring can be divided into three parts:Part one consists of the RRUs between the ring head and the first break point position. The services of the RRUs in this part may be affected.Part two consists of the RRUs between the break point positions. The RRUs in this part are isolated, and the services are disrupted. You can rectify the fault through the RMV RRUCHAINBRKPOS command.Part three consists of the RRUs between the second break point position and the ring tail. The services of the RRUs in this part may be affected.For an RRU ring, the value of Break Point1 should be larger than that of Break Point2. For an RRU chain, only the value of Break Point1 can be set. You can run the command to adjust the break point position of the RRU chain/ring. You can run the RMV RRUCHAINBRKPOS command to cancel the break point.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentBRKPOS2Break Position2NodeBSET RRUCHAINBRKPOS(Optional)Second Break Point Position of the RRU Chain/Ring (For Ring Topology Only) If it is not specified, it equals to the value of the first break point position.Interval Type0~80~8NoneNoneNoneNodeBThis parameter is valid only when [PARA]TT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD RRUCHAIN[/MML] is set to "RING"Read & WriteNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedFor an RRU chain, only one break point can be set and the chain can be divided into two parts:Part one consists of the RRUs between the chain head and the break point position. The services of the RRUs in this part are not affected.Part two consists of the RRUs between the break point position and the chain tail. The RRUs in this part are isolated, and the services are disrupted. You can rectify the fault through the RMV RRUCHAINBRKPOS command. You can run the DSP RRUCHAINSTATE command to query the attributes of the CPRI interfaces of the RRU.For an RRU ring, two break points can be set and the ring can be divided into three parts:Part one consists of the RRUs between the ring head and the first break point position. The services of the RRUs in this part may be affected.Part two consists of the RRUs between the break point positions. The RRUs in this part are isolated, and the services are disrupted. You can rectify the fault through the RMV RRUCHAINBRKPOS command.Part three consists of the RRUs between the second break point position and the ring tail. The services of the RRUs in this part may be affected.For an RRU ring, the value of Break Point1 should be larger than that of Break Point2. For an RRU chain, only the value of Break Point1 can be set. You can run the command to adjust the break point position of the RRU chain/ring. You can run the RMV RRUCHAINBRKPOS command to cancel the break point.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentESEnable SwitchNodeBSET DHCPRELAYSWITCH(Optional)Enable SwitchEnumeration TypeDISABLE(Disable), ENABLE(Enable)DISABLE, ENABLENoneENABLEENABLENodeBNoneRead & WriteN (No impact on the UE in idle mode)Not involvedNot involvedTo enable the DHCP Relay function, you need to run [MML]ADD DHCPSVRIP[/MML] to add the DHCP Server IP address, and you may need to run [MML]ADD IPRT[/MML] to add related routes to ensure the current NodeB can communicate with this IP address.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0TransportBSDFBattery Shutdown FlagNodeBSET SDPA(Optional)Battery Shutdown FlagEnumeration TypeDISABLE(Disable), ENABLE(Enable)ENABLE, DISABLENoneENABLENoneNodeBIf the value is "ENABLE", the value of [PARA]BSDV[/PARA] in [MML]SET SDPA[/MML] is valid.Read & WriteNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThe parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentBSDVBattery Shutdown VoltageNodeBSET SDPA(Optional)Battery Shutdown VoltageAny Type35.0~55.635.0~55.6, Precision: 0.01V43NoneNodeBThe parameter is valid only when the [PARA]BSDF[/PARA] in [MML]SET SDPA[/MML] is set to Enable.Read & WriteNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThe BSDV is valid only when the BSDF is set to ENABLE.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentFERATFrame Error Rate AppearThreshold of FE MAC LayerNodeBSET ETHPORT(Optional)Frame Error Rate AppearThreshold of FE MAC LayerInterval Type0~1000~0.1, Step: 0.001NoneNone10Ethport[PARA]FERAT[/PARA] should be greater than or equal to [PARA]FERDT[/PARA].Read & WriteN (No impact on the UE in idle mode)Not involvedNot involvedThe parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0TransportBTBoard TypeNodeBADD BRD(Optional)Added Board TypeEnumeration TypeNEMU (NE Environment Monitoring Unit), NFAN (NodeB FAN Box), WMPT (WCDMA Main Processing & Transmission unit), UTRP (Universal extension TRansmission Processing unit), WBBPa (WCDMA BaseBand Process unit type A), WBBPb (WCDMA BaseBand Process unit type B), UPEA (Universal Power and environment Interface Unit A), UPEB (Universal Power and environment Interface Unit B), UEIU (Universal environment Interface Unit).WMPT, UTRP, WBBPa, WBBPb, MRRU, RHUB, PRRU, SRXU, WRFUNoneNoneNoneNodeBNoneRead OnlyNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThis parameter cannot be modified.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentBTBoard TypeNodeBACT SOFTWARE(Mandatory)Activated Board TypeEnumeration TypeHBBU/HBBUC, MRRU, RHUB, PRRUHBBU/HBBUC, MRRU, RHUB, PRRUNoneNoneNoneNodeBThe parameter is valid only when the [PARA]SWT[/PARA] in [MML]ACT SOFTWARE[/MML] is set to HOMOBRDSW or HOMOBRDROM.Read OnlyYThe board be activedUntil be actived successfully.This parameter cannot be modified.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentBTEMBattery Shutdown Temperature.NodeBSET HTPROTECT(Optional)Battery Shutdown TemperatureInterval Type40~7040~70degree5353NodeBBTEM could be configed when [PARA]BFLG[/PARA] in [MML]SET HTPROTECT[/MML] is ENABLERead & WriteNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThe parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentCARRIERCarrier No.NodeBSET RTWPINITADJ(Optional)Number of the Carrier in the Initial RTWP AdjustingInterval Type0~1(2 carrier RRU), 0~3(4 carrier RRU)0~1(2 carrier RRU), 0~3(4 carrier RRU)None0NoneNodeBNoneRead OnlyNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThis parameter cannot be modified.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentCASEScenarioNodeBADD ALD(Optional)SET ALDPWRSW(Optional)Antenna Line Device ScenarioEnumeration TypeREGULAR (Regular Installation Scenario: One RET antenna connects to one antenna connector for signal transmission), SECTOR_SPLITTING (Sector Splitting Scenario: A number of RET antennas transmit signals to cover one cell in which the single sector is logically divided into multiple sub-sectors), DAISY_CHAIN (Antenna Cascaded Scenario: A number of RET antennas are sequentially connected to a single cable), 2G_EXTENSION (2G Extension Scenario: Control the RET antennas of 2G networks by NodeB)REGULAR, SECTOR_SPLITTING, DAISY_CHAIN, 2G_EXTENSIONNoneREGULARREGULARNodeBNoneRead OnlyNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThis parameter cannot be modified.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentFERDTFrame Error Rate DisappearThreshold of FE MAC LayerNodeBSET ETHPORT(Optional)Frame Error Rate DisappearThreshold of FE MAC LayerInterval Type0~1000~0.1, Step: 0.001NoneNone8Ethport[PARA]FERDT[/PARA] should be smaller than or equal to [PARA]FERAT[/PARA].Read & WriteN (No impact on the UE in idle mode)Not involvedNot involvedThe parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0TransportCCAEnableStaEnable state of the certificate chainNodeBSET CERTFILE(Optional)Enabled State of the SSL Certificate ChainEnumeration TypeDISABLE(Disable), ENABLE(Enable)Disable, EnableNoneNoneNoneNodeBNoneRead & WriteNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThe parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentFLAGFlagNodeBADD OMCH(Optional)A flag, which indicates whether the OM channel is the master one or the slave one.Enumeration TypeMASTER(Master Channel), SLAVE(Slave Channel)MASTER, SLAVENoneMASTERMASTEROMCHNoneRead & WriteN (No impact on the UE in idle mode)Not involvedNot involvedThe parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0TransportFPMUXSWITCHFPMUX SwitchNodeBSET FPMUX(Optional)FPMUX Switch, which is a switch to enable or disable FP multiplexing.Enumeration TypeDISABLE(Disable FP multiplexing), ENABLE(Enable FP multiplexing)DISABLE, ENABLENoneDISABLEDISABLENodeBNoneRead & WriteN (No impact on the UE in idle mode)Not involvedNot involvedThe parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0TransportCertChainName of the certificate chain fileNodeBSET CERTFILE(Mandatory)Name of the SSL Certificate Chain FileString TypeNoneA string of up to 64 charactersNoneNoneNoneNodeB[PARA]CertChain[/PARA] is valid while [PARA]CCAEnableSta[/PARA]=Enable in [MML]SET CERTFILE[/MML].Read & WriteNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThe parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentCFCondition for FailureNodeBACT BATCHFILE(Optional)Fault Handling Mode for Failure in Running the Batch Command FilesEnumeration TypeBEST_EFFORT (Best effort), BREAK_ON_FAILURE (Break on failure)BEST_EFFORT, BREAK_ON_FAILURENoneBEST_EFFORTNoneNodeBNoneRead & WriteNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThe parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentCFCompress FlagNodeBSET CHRSWCompress FlagEnumeration TypeCOMPRESSED, UNCOMPRESSEDCOMPRESSED, UNCOMPRESSEDNoneCOMPRESSEDCOMPRESSEDNodeBThis parameter is valid only when [PARA]CHRSW[/PARA]=ON in [MML]SET CHRSW[/MML]Read & WriteN (No impact on the UE in idle mode)Not involvedNot involvedThe parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentCHANNELRx Channel No.NodeBSET RTWPINITADJ(Mandatory)Number of the RX Channel in the Initial RTWP AdjustingInterval Type0~10~1NoneNoneNoneNodeBNoneRead & WriteNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThe parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentCHRSWCHR SwitchNodeBSET CHRSWCHR SwitchEnumeration TypeON, OFFON, OFFNoneOFFOFFNodeBNoneRead & WriteN (No impact on the UE in idle mode)Not involvedNot involvedThe parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentCHRTYPECHR TypeNodeBSET CHRSWCHR TypeEnumeration TypeALL, ABNORMALALL, ABNORMALNoneALLALLNodeBThis parameter is valid only when [PARA]CHRSW[/PARA]=ON in [MML]SET CHRSW[/MML]Read & WriteN (No impact on the UE in idle mode)Not involvedNot involvedThe parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentCHTChange Time(S)NodeBSTR RTWPRTTST(Mandatory)Value of the Change Time in Starting the RTWP Routine TestInterval Type5~6005~600NoneNoneNoneNodeBThis parameter is valid only when [PARA]TYPE[/PARA] in [MML]STR RTWPRTTST[/MML] is set to "CHANGE" or "CHANGE_THRESHOLD"Read & WriteNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThe parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentCHTPType Of ChannelNodeBSET SASUGAIN(Mandatory)Type of the Channel in Setting the SASU GainEnumeration TypeBS (Channel of BS), UMTS (Channel of UMTS)BS, UMTSNoneNoneNoneNodeBNoneRead & WriteNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThe gain range supported by the SASU varies with models and vendors. It is recommended that you list the gain range supported by the SASU by running the DSP SASUFUN command before setting the gain.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentFRAMELENFrame Max Length(byte)NodeBSET FPMUX(Optional)Frame Max Length, which indicates the maximum length of the FP, without the IP/UDP header after multiplexing.Interval Type100~1031100~1031byte270270NodeBThis parameter is valid only when the [PARA]FPMUXSWITCH[/PARA] parameter in [MML]SET FPMUX[/MML] is set to ENABLE.The difference between [PARA]FRAMELEN[/PARA](Frame Max Length) and [PARA]SUBFRAMELEN[/PARA](Sub Frame Max Length) is greater than 4.Read & WriteN (No impact on the UE in idle mode)Not involvedNot involvedThe parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0TransportIDLETimer_Idle(ms)NodeBADD SAALLNK(Optional)Timer_Idle. Length of the SSCOP timer Timer_Idle specified in the SAAL-related protocol. The value of this parameter should be larger than or equal to the value of KATM.Interval Type100~65535100~65535ms1500015000SAALThe value of this paramter must be greater than or equal to the value of [PARA]KATM[/PARA].Read & WriteN (No impact on the UE in idle mode)Not involvedNot involvedThe parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0TransportIFNOInterface NumberNodeBADD OMCH(Mandatory)Interface NumberInterval Type0~150~15NoneNoneNoneOMCHThis parameter is valid when in [MML]ADD OMCH[/MML] [PARA]BEAR[/PARA] is set to IPV4 , [PARA]BRT[/PARA] is set to YES and [PARA]RT[/PARA] is set to IF.Read & WriteN (No impact on the UE in idle mode)Not involvedNot involvedThe parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0TransportIFTInterface TypeNodeBADD OMCH(Mandatory)Interface TypeEnumeration TypePPP(PPP), MPGRP(MLPPP GROUP)PPP, MPGRPNoneNoneNoneOMCHThis parameter is valid when in [MML]ADD OMCH[/MML] [PARA]BEAR[/PARA] is set to IPV4 , [PARA]BRT[/PARA] is set to YES and [PARA]RT[/PARA] is set to IF.Read & WriteN (No impact on the UE in idle mode)Not involvedNot involvedThe parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0TransportIMPEDANCELine Impedance(ohm)NodeBSET E1T1BEAR(Optional)E1 or T1 line ImpendanceEnumeration Type75(the line workmode is E1), 120(the line workmode is E1), 100(the line workmode is T1)75, 120, 100ohm75NoneNodeBNoneRead & WriteN (No impact on the UE in idle mode)Not involvedNot involvedFor the E1 lines, the 75-ohm and 120-ohm modes are supported; for the T1 lines, only the 100-ohm mode is supported. After you modify the line impedance by running this command, you must reset the Iub interface board manually to make your modification valid.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0TransportCLKSRCClock Source TypeNodeBSET CLKMODE(Optional)Clock Source Type of the NodeBEnumeration TypeGPSCARD (GPS card clock source), LINE(LINE clock source), IPCLK(IP clock source), PTP(PTP clock source), PEERGPSCARD, LINE, IPCLK, PTP, PEERNoneLINELINENodeBThis parameter is valid only when [PARA]MODE[/PARA] in [MML]SET CLKMODE[/MML] is set to "MANUAL"Read & WriteNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedIf a clock source exists and the clock mode is set to FREE, the clock source is invalid and the clock works in free-run mode.The system clock works in free-run mode when the clock source is faulty. After the reference clock source is restored, the NodeB uses the clock source.Ensure that the clock source is available before running the command.If the system uses the IP clock source, the IP clock source can be configured to automatic or manual mode. In automatic IP mode, the IP source link in a normal state and with a high priority will be chosen as the clock source. In manual IP mode, the cabinet number, subrack number, slot number, and IP link number are required, and they can be configured successfully.The command cannot be run when the clock quality test is being performed.If the system responds with a "Clock source is unavailable" message after you run the command, do as follows:For the LINE clock source, check whether the LINE clock is configured through the DSP LNKSRC command. If not, add the LINE clock source through the ADD LNKSRC command.For the GPS card clock source, check whether the GPS is configured through the DSP GPS command. If the system responds with no information, you can infer that the NodeB does not support the GPS. If the system responds with some information, you can infer that the GPS is faulty. Handle the fault first.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentCLSSub Board TypeNodeBSTR E1T1RTTST(Mandatory)Sub-Board Type of the E1/T1 Routine TestEnumeration TypeBASE_BOARD, E1_COVERBOARDBASE_BOARD, E1_COVERBOARDNoneNoneNoneNodeBNoneRead & WriteNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThe parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentCNCabinet No.NodeBADD AAL2PATH(Optional)ADD ALD(Optional)ADD BACKE1T1(Optional)ADD BRD(Optional)ADD CABINET(Mandatory)ADD DEVIP(Optional)ADD FRAATM(Optional)ADD IMAGRP(Optional)ADD IMALNK(Optional)ADD IP2RSCGRP(Optional)ADD IPCLKLNK(Optional)ADD IPPATH(Optional)ADD IPRT(Optional)ADD LNKSRC(Optional)ADD MPGRP(Optional)ADD MPLNK(Optional)ADD NPSU(Optional)ADD OBJALMSHLD(Mandatory)ADD OMCH(Optional)ADD PPPLNK(Optional)ADD RRU(Optional)ADD RRUCHAIN(Optional)ADD RSCGRP(Optional)ADD SAALLNK(Optional)ADD SCTPLNK(Optional)ADD SUBRACK(Optional)ADD TREELNKPVC(Optional)ADD TSCROSS(Optional)ADD UNILNK(Optional)ADD CFMMA(Optional)ADD CFMMEP(Optional)ADD ETHTRK(Optional)ADD ETHTRKLNK(Optional)ADD BFDSESSION(Optional)SET ACDCVLIMIT(Optional)SET ALDPWRSW(Optional)SET ALMPORT(Optional)SET ANTTILT(Optional)SET BATATPA(Optional)SET BATCTPA(Optional)SET BCFCVOLTAGE(Optional)SET CLKMODE(Optional)SET HTPROTECT(Optional)SET IFOFFSET(Optional)SET OUTPORT(Optional)SET PWRSYSCFG(Optional)SET CMUCFG(Optional)SET RFDESPARAM(Optional)SET RTWPINITADJ(Optional)SET RXATTEN(Optional)SET RXSW(Optional)SET SASUDCLD(Optional)SET SASUDCSW(Optional)SET SASUGAIN(Optional)SET SASUMODE(Optional)SET SASUVSWRTHD(Optional)SET SDPA(Optional)SET SUBBRD(Optional)SET TILTAER(Optional)SET TMAGAIN(Optional)SET TMAMODE(Optional)SET TXSW(Optional)SET VSWRALMPARAM(Optional)SET E1T1BEAR(Optional)SET E1T1LOP(Optional)SET E1T1WORKMODE(Optional)SET ETHPORT(Optional)SET HSDPAFLOWCTRLPARA(Optional)SET IPREMOTELOOP(Optional)SET LR(Optional)SET SCRAM(Optional)SET RXINTDETSW(Optional)SET STM1WORKMODE(Optional)SET STM1LOP(Optional)SET SDHJ0J1J2(Mandatory) SET NCMUCFG(Mandatory) ADD BATTERY(Mandatory)Cabinet No.Enumeration TypeMASTER(Master cabinet)MASTERNoneMASTER(ADD AAL2PATH)MASTER(ADD ALD)MASTER(ADD BACKE1T1)MASTER(ADD BRD)None(ADD CABINET)MASTER(ADD DEVIP)MASTER(ADD FRAATM)MASTER(ADD IMAGRP)MASTER(ADD IMALNK)MASTER(ADD IP2RSCGRP)MASTER(ADD IPCLKLNK)MASTER(ADD IPPATH)MASTER(ADD IPRT)MASTER(ADD LNKSRC)MASTER(ADD MPGRP)MASTER(ADD MPLNK)MASTER(ADD NPSU)None(ADD OBJALMSHLD)MASTER(ADD OMCH)MASTER(ADD PPPLNK)MASTER(ADD RRU)MASTER(ADD RRUCHAIN)MASTER(ADD RSCGRP)MASTER(ADD SAALLNK)MASTER(ADD SCTPLNK)MASTER(ADD SUBRACK)MASTER(ADD TREELNKPVC)MASTER(ADD TSCROSS)MASTER(ADD UNILNK)MASTER(ADD CFMMA)MASTER(ADD CFMMEP)MASTER(ADD BFDSESSION)MASTER(ADD ETHTRK)MASTER(ADD ETHTRKLNK)MASTER(SET ACDCVLIMIT)MASTER(SET ALDPWRSW)MASTER(SET ALMPORT)MASTER(SET ANTTILT)MASTER(SET BATATPA)MASTER(SET BATCTPA)MASTER(SET BCFCVOLTAGE)MASTER(SET CLKMODE)MASTER(SET HTPROTECT)MASTER(SET IFOFFSET)MASTER(SET OUTPORT)MASTER(SET PWRSYSCFG)MASTER(SET RFDESPARAM)MASTER(SET RTWPINITADJ)MASTER(SET RXATTEN)MASTER(SET RXSW)MASTER(SET SASUDCLD)MASTER(SET SASUDCSW)MASTER(SET SASUGAIN)MASTER(SET SASUMODE)MASTER(SET SASUVSWRTHD)MASTER(SET SDPA)MASTER(SET SUBBRD)MASTER(SET TILTAER)MASTER(SET TMAGAIN)MASTER(SET TMAMODE)MASTER(SET TXSW)MASTER(SET VSWRALMPARAM)MASTER(SET E1T1BEAR)MASTER(SET E1T1LOP)MASTER(SET E1T1WORKMODE)MASTER(SET ETHPORT)MASTER(SET HSDPAFLOWCTRLPARA)MASTER(SET IPREMOTELOOP)MASTER(SET LR)MASTER(SET SCRAM)MASTER(SET RXINTDETSW) MASTER(SET NCMUCFG)MASTER(ADD BATTERY)MASTER(ADD AAL2PATH)MASTER(ADD ALD)MASTER(ADD BACKE1T1)MASTER(ADD BRD)None(ADD CABINET)MASTER(ADD DEVIP)MASTER(ADD FRAATM)MASTER(ADD IMAGRP)MASTER(ADD IMALNK)MASTER(ADD IP2RSCGRP)MASTER(ADD IPCLKLNK)MASTER(ADD IPPATH)MASTER(ADD IPRT)MASTER(ADD LNKSRC)MASTER(ADD MPGRP)MASTER(ADD MPLNK)MASTER(ADD NPSU)None(ADD OBJALMSHLD)MASTER(ADD OMCH)MASTER(ADD PPPLNK)MASTER(ADD RRU)MASTER(ADD RRUCHAIN)MASTER(ADD RSCGRP)MASTER(ADD SAALLNK)MASTER(ADD SCTPLNK)MASTER(ADD SUBRACK)MASTER(ADD TREELNKPVC)MASTER(ADD TSCROSS)MASTER(ADD UNILNK)MASTER(ADD CFMMA)MASTER(ADD CFMMEP)MASTER(ADD BFDSESSION)MASTER(ADD ETHTRK)MASTER(ADD ETHTRKLNK)MASTER(SET ACDCVLIMIT)MASTER(SET ALDPWRSW)MASTER(SET ALMPORT)MASTER(SET ANTTILT)MASTER(SET BATATPA)MASTER(SET BATCTPA)MASTER(SET BCFCVOLTAGE)MASTER(SET CLKMODE)MASTER(SET HTPROTECT)MASTER(SET IFOFFSET)MASTER(SET OUTPORT)MASTER(SET PWRSYSCFG)MASTER(SET CMUCFG)MASTER(SET RFDESPARAM)MASTER(SET RTWPINITADJ)MASTER(SET RXATTEN)MASTER(SET RXSW)MASTER(SET SASUDCLD)MASTER(SET SASUDCSW)MASTER(SET SASUGAIN)MASTER(SET SASUMODE)MASTER(SET SASUVSWRTHD)MASTER(SET SDPA)MASTER(SET SUBBRD)MASTER(SET TILTAER)MASTER(SET TMAGAIN)MASTER(SET TMAMODE)MASTER(SET TXSW)MASTER(SET VSWRALMPARAM)MASTER(SET E1T1BEAR)MASTER(SET E1T1LOP)MASTER(SET E1T1WORKMODE)MASTER(SET ETHPORT)MASTER(SET HSDPAFLOWCTRLPARA)MASTER(SET IPREMOTELOOP)MASTER(SET LR)MASTER(SET SCRAM)MASTER(SET RXINTDETSW) MASTER(SET NCMUCFG)MASTER(ADD BATTERY)NodeBThe value and relation of Cabinet No., Subrack No.and Slot No.:Cabinet No. Subrack No. Slot No. Board type 0 0 0~3 WBBPa (WCDMA BaseBand Process unit type A) \WBBPb (WCDMA BaseBand Process unit type B) \UTRP (Universal extension TRansmission Processing unit) 0 0 0~5 UTRP (Universal extension TRansmission Processing unit) 0 0 6~7 WMPT (WCDMA Main Processing & Transmission unit) 0 0 16 UBF (Universal BBU Fan unit) 0 0 18~19 UPEA(Universal Power and Environment interface unit type A(-48V)) \UPEB(Universal Power and Environment interface unit type B(24V)) \UEIU(Universal Environment Interface Unit)0 6 0 NEMU (NodeB Environment Monitoring Unit) 0 7 0 NPMU (NodeB Power Monitoring Unit) 0 8 0~1 NCMU (NodeB Climate Monitoring Unit) 0 20~254 0 MRRU\RHUB\PRRU (Radio Remote Unit)0 11 0 NFAN (NodeB FAN Box)Read OnlyNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThis parameter cannot be modified.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentCN1Cabinet No. of Power Amplifier1NodeBADD LOCELL(Optional)Cabinet No. of Power Amplifier1:Power Amplifier refers to the power amplify unit in RRU.Enumeration TypeMASTER(Master cabinet)MASTERNoneMASTERNoneCellFor DBS:This parameter is valid only When the [PARA]SECT[/PARA] is REMOTE_SECTOR.For BTS:This parameter is valid When the [PARA]SECT[/PARA] is REMOTE_SECTOR and LOCAL_SECTOR.Read OnlyNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThis parameter cannot be modified.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentCN2Cabinet No. of Power Amplifier2NodeBADD LOCELL(Optional)Cabinet No. of Power Amplifier2:Power Amplifier refers to the power amplify unit in RRU.Enumeration TypeMASTER(Master cabinet)MASTERNoneMASTERNoneCellFor DBS:This parameter is valid only When the [PARA]SECT[/PARA] is REMOTE_SECTOR.For BTS:This parameter is valid When the [PARA]SECT[/PARA] is REMOTE_SECTOR and LOCAL_SECTOR.Read OnlyNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThis parameter cannot be modified.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentCNBCabinet No. of RRU BeginNodeBADD LOCELL(Optional)ADD SEC(Optional) ADD TXPAIR(Optional)Cabinet No. of RRU BeginEnumeration TypeMASTER(Master cabinet)MASTERNoneMASTERNoneCellADD SEC:This parameter is valid only When the [PARA]SECT[/PARA] is DIST_SECTOR.ADD LOCELL:This parameter is valid noly When the [PARA]SECT[/PARA] is DIST_SECTOR, at the same time[PARA]RRUMODE[/PARA] is UNSYNC.Read OnlyNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThis parameter cannot be modified.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentCNECabinet No. of RRU EndNodeBADD LOCELL(Optional)ADD SEC(Optional) ADD TXPAIR(Optional)Cabinet No. of RRU EndEnumeration TypeMASTER(Master cabinet)MASTERNoneMASTERNoneCellADD SEC:This parameter is valid only When the [PARA]SECT[/PARA] is DIST_SECTOR.ADD LOCELL:This parameter is valid noly When the [PARA]SECT[/PARA] is DIST_SECTOR, at the same time[PARA]RRUMODE[/PARA] is UNSYNC.Read OnlyNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThis parameter cannot be modified.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentCNE1Cabinet No. of DL Process Unit 1NodeBADD DLGROUP(Optional)Cabinet No. of DL Process Unit 1Enumeration TypeMASTER(Master cabinet)MASTERNoneMASTERMASTERNodeBNoneRead OnlyNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThis parameter cannot be modified.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentCNE1Cabinet No. of UL Process Unit 1NodeBADD ULGROUP(Optional)Cabinet No. of UL Process Unit 1Enumeration TypeMASTER(Master cabinet)MASTERNoneMASTERMASTERNodeBNoneRead OnlyNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThis parameter can not be modified.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentCNE2Cabinet No. of DL Process Unit 2NodeBADD DLGROUP(Optional)Cabinet No. of DL Process Unit 2Enumeration TypeMASTER(Master cabinet)MASTERNoneMASTERMASTERNodeBNoneRead OnlyNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThis parameter cannot be modified.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentCNE2Cabinet No. of UL Process Unit 2NodeBADD ULGROUP(Optional)Cabinet No. of UL Process Unit 2Enumeration TypeMASTER(Master cabinet)MASTERNoneMASTERMASTERNodeBNoneRead OnlyNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThis parameter can not be modified.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentCNE3Cabinet No. of DL Process Unit 3NodeBADD DLGROUP(Optional)Cabinet No. of DL Process Unit 3Enumeration TypeMASTER(Master cabinet)MASTERNoneMASTERMASTERNodeBNoneRead OnlyNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThis parameter cannot be modified.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentCNE3Cabinet No. of UL Process Unit 3NodeBADD ULGROUP(Optional)Cabinet No. of UL Process Unit 3Enumeration TypeMASTER(Master cabinet)MASTERNoneMASTERMASTERNodeBNoneNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThis parameter can not be modified.CNE4Cabinet No. of DL Process Unit 4NodeBADD DLGROUP(Optional)Cabinet No. of DL Process Unit 4Enumeration TypeMASTER(Master cabinet)MASTERNoneMASTERMASTERNodeBNoneRead OnlyNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThis parameter cannot be modified.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentCNE4Cabinet No. of UL Process Unit 4NodeBADD ULGROUP(Optional)Cabinet No. of UL Process Unit 4Enumeration TypeMASTER(Master cabinet)MASTERNoneMASTERMASTERNodeBNoneNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThis parameter can not be modified.CNOPINDEXCnOp IndexNodeBSET EMGLICENSE(Mandatory)Operator IndexInterval Type0~655350~65535NoneNoneNoneNodeBNoneRead & WriteNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThis parameter cannot be modified.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0RadioCNOPNAMECnOp NameNodeBSET EMGLICENSE(Mandatory)Operator NameString TypeA string of up to 31 bytesA string of up to 31 bytesNoneNoneNoneNodeBNoneRead & WriteNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThis parameter cannot be modified.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0RadioCONNTYPEConnection TypeNodeBSET CONNTYPE(Optional)Connection Type Value of the Accepted ConnectionEnumeration TypeALL(ALL Type)ALLNoneALLNoneNodeBNoneRead & WriteNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThe parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentCOUNTCountNodeBSET EMGLICENSE(Optional)Statistic CountInterval Type0~655350~65535None64NoneNodeBIt is valid when [PARA]AUTOSW[/PARA] is ON in [MML]SET EMGLICENSE[/MML].Read & WriteN (No impact on the UE in idle mode)Not involvedNot involvedThe parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0RadioCOVERTYPECover TypeNodeBADD SEC(Mandatory)Cover Type of SectorEnumeration TypeSAMEZONE (Same Cover Type), DIFFZONE (Different Cover Type)SAMEZONE, DIFFZONENoneNoneNoneCellIt is valid only When [PARA]DIVM[/PARA] in [MML]ADD SEC[/MML] is HALFFREQ.Read OnlyNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThis parameter cannot be modified.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentIPIP AddressNodeBSET LOCALIP(Mandatory)IP Address. The local IP cannot be the same as the peer IP address. The value range should meet the following conditions: The IP address is of legal A, B, or C type but cannot be the reserved IP address 0.x.x.x or 127.x.x.x. The IP & ~mask cannot be 0, the IP & mask cannot be 0, the IP & mask + ~mask cannot be 0xffffffff, and the IP & ~mask + mask cannot be 0xffffffff. Note that "~mask" indicates the complement on mask.IP Address Type-[SET LOCALIP]The IP address for local maintenance, IP address of the Ethernet port, and IP address for remote maintenance must be unique.The IP addresses of the FE port, local maintenance channel, and remote maintenance channel cannot be on the same network segment. In addition, the network segments of the three types of IP address must be exclusive of each other.Check whether two IP addresses are on the same network segment by using the following formula: (IpValueA & IpMaskA==IpValueB & IpMaskB)&&(IpMaskA==IpMaskB)Check whether two network segments are exclusive of each other by using the following formulas:1. IpMask=IpMaskA & IpMaskB2. IpValueA & IpMask==IpValueB & IpMaskIP & ~mask cannot be 0IP & mask cannot be 0IP & mask + ~mask cannot be 0xffffffffIP & ~mask + mask cannot be 0xffffffffNote: "~mask" indicates the complement on mask.Read & WriteN (No impact on the UE in idle mode)Not involvedNot involvedThe IP address takes effect immediately after it is configured. For local maintenance, this command might cause the interruption of the maintenance channel. The IP address and the subnet mask must be valid. Any one of the IP addresses of the local maintenance channel, Ethernet port, and Operation and Maintenance (OM) IP address must be unique. The IP addresses of the FE port, local maintenance channel, and remote maintenance channel must be in different network segments and are free from the inclusion relation.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0TransportIPLocal IP AddressNodeBADD OMCH(Mandatory)Local IP Address. The local IP address cannot be the same as the peer IP address. The value range should meet the following conditions: The IP address is of legal A, B, or C type but cannot be the reserved IP address 0.x.x.x or 127.x.x.x. The IP & ~mask cannot be 0, the IP & mask cannot be 0, the IP & mask + ~mask cannot be 0xffffffff, and the IP & ~mask + mask cannot be 0xffffffff. Note that "~mask" indicates the complement on mask.IP Address Type- & ~mask cannot be 0IP & mask cannot be 0IP & mask + ~mask cannot be 0xffffffffIP & ~mask + mask cannot be 0xffffffffNote: "~mask" indicates the complement on mask.Read & WriteN (No impact on the UE in idle mode)Not involvedNot involvedThe parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0TransportCQIFACQI Filter AlphaNodeBSET MACHSPARA(Optional)CQI Filter Alpha of HSDPAInterval Type0~990~99NoneNoneNoneCellNoneRead & WriteN (No impact on the UE in idle mode)Not involvedNot involvedIt only takes effect on the new user after the parameter is set, and the old users use the old parameter. To modify the Mac-hs scheduling parameters of the specified local cell, ensure that the local cell supports HSDPA.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0RadioCRLName of the cancel list fileNodeBSET CERTFILE(Mandatory)Name of the Cancelled List FileString TypeNoneA string of up to 64 charactersNoneNoneNoneNodeB[PARA]CRL[/PARA] is valid while [PARA]CRLEnableSta[/PARA]=Enable in [MML]SET CERTFILE[/MML].Read & WriteNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThe parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentCRLEnableStaEnable state of the certificate chainNodeBSET CERTFILE(Optional)Enable State of the Cancelled List FileEnumeration TypeDISABLE(Disable), ENABLE(Enable)Disable, EnableNoneNoneNoneNodeBNoneRead & WriteNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThe parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.1EquipmentCSConfig StateNodeBSET PWRSYSCFG(Mandatory)SET CMUCFG(Mandatory) SET NCMUCFG(Mandatory)State Indicating Whether the RRU is Connected to an Auxiliary Power SystemState Indicating Whether the CMU is configuredEnumeration TypeCONFIGED (Configed), NOTCONFIGED (Not Configed)CONFIGED, NOTCONFIGEDNoneNoneNoneAuxiliary power systemCMUNoneRead & WriteNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedAn auxiliary power system can supply power to multiple RRUs. One RRU controls this auxiliary power system.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentCSLSDFCold Start Load Shutdown FlagNodeBSET SDPA(Optional)Cold Start Load Shutdown Flag of the NEMUEnumeration TypeENABLE, DISABLEENABLE, DISABLENoneDISABLENoneNodeBNoneRead & WriteNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThe parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentCSLSDTCold Start Load Shutdown TemperatureNodeBSET SDPA(Optional)Cold Start Load Shutdown Temperature of the NEMUInterval Type-40~0-40~0degree-10NoneNodeBThis parameter is valid only when [PARA]CSLSDF[/PARA] in [MML]SET SDPA[/MML] is set to "ENABLE"Read & WriteNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThe parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentCTRLSWCM Control enable switchNodeBSET CMCTRLSW(Mandatory)Flag for Setting the CM Control SwitchEnumeration TypeON(turnon), OFF(turnoff)ON, OFFNoneNoneNoneNo involvedNoneRead & WriteNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThe parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentCURRDACurrent DANodeBMOD CURRDA(Optional)Current DAInterval Type255~65520255~65520NoneNoneNoneNodeBNoneRead & WriteNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThe parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentDADANodeBMOD CENTERDA(Optional)DAInterval Type255~65520255~65520NoneNoneNoneNodeBNoneRead & WriteNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThe parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentDATEInstallation DateNodeBMOD BATINDT(Optional)Installation DateInterval Type1~311~31NoneNoneNoneNodeBNoneRead & WriteNot involvedNot involvedModifying battery installation time will clear all the saved battery test results of NPMU. The NPMU restarts saving battery test result.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentDATEDateNodeBSET EMGLICENSE(Mandatory)Start TimeCompound TypeFormat: YYYY&MM&DDFormat: YYYY&MM&DDNoneNoneNoneNodeBIt is valid when [PARA]MANUALSW[/PARA] is ON in [MML]SET EMGLICENSE[/MML].Read & WriteN (No impact on the UE in idle mode)Not involvedNot involvedThe parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0RadioDAYSDaysNodeBSET EMGLICENSE(Mandatory)Lasting daysInterval Type0~655350~65535NoneNoneNoneNodeBIt is valid when [PARA]MANUALSW[/PARA] is ON in [MML]SET EMGLICENSE[/MML].Read & WriteN (No impact on the UE in idle mode)Not involvedNot involvedThe parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0RadioDBDDead bandNodeBSET HTCDPA(Optional)Dead Band of the NCMU Heat Control Delta ParameterInterval Type0~300~30Celsius2NoneNCMUNoneRead & WriteNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedYou can successfully run this command only if the NCMU works properly.The configuration takes effect immediately after the parameter is modified.The value of the Low Temperature Critical Point must be smaller than that of the High Temperature Critical Point.This command is applicable to only the NCMU of the direct-ventilation type and that with a ventilation film.This command can be run successfully for the NCMU in the auxiliary power system of the RRU only when the power system is the APM30.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0EquipmentDCIDDestination Cell IDNodeBMOD CMBGROUP(Mandatory)Destination Cell IDInterval Type0~655350~65535NoneNoneNoneCellNoneRead & WriteNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThis parameter cannot be modified.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment.NoneVersions earlier than RAN11.0RadioDCID1Destination Cell ID1NodeBADD CMBGROUP(Mandatory)The First Destination Cell IDInterval Type0~655350~65535NoneNoneNoneNodeBNoneRead & WriteNot involvedNot involvedNot involvedThis parameter cannot b