Download - BT's Customer Experience UK Mobile Showcase, Vehicle for Change

Page 1: BT's Customer Experience UK Mobile Showcase, Vehicle for Change

BT Vehicle for ChangeConnecting for a better future

Page 2: BT's Customer Experience UK Mobile Showcase, Vehicle for Change

The Vehicle for Change is designed to Showcase BT’s capabilities

to a variety of audiences. It has demonstrated success at:

• Single Customer events

• Multi Customer events

• Partner/Portfolio Events for example; – Cisco Live – Paralympic World Cup

– Infosec – Retail Expo

– Sustainability Live – Techworld

Page 3: BT's Customer Experience UK Mobile Showcase, Vehicle for Change Why the Vehicle for Change?

Why the Vehicle for Change?

The Showcase at BT Centre in London has proven to be an extremely successful tool in demonstrating how we can address the challenges of our customers. However, travelling to London isn’t always easy, which is why we’ve built the Vehicle for Change, an interactive mobile showcase that can deliver the Showcase experience to you.

This guide will give you key information about our exclusive BT Global Services Vehicle for Change, which is rolling out to our private and public sector customers throughout the UK.

Page 4: BT's Customer Experience UK Mobile Showcase, Vehicle for Change The Vehicle for Change is coming to you

The Vehicle for Change is coming to you

The Vehicle for Change provides a unique experience for customers that addresses your challenges and requirements in an innovative and ‘live’ environment.

The Vehicle for Change offers an interactive experience which is individually tailoredtofocusonyourspecificsituation.Itwillshowhowwecanreduceyourcostsbyupto30%,focusingonimprovingefficiency,productivityandcustomer service.



Role play and scenarios

Interactive discussions


Bringing our capabilities to life with:

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The Vehicle for Change demonstration capabilities

Networks that thinkBT Connect

Services to connect you to employees, customers, and the world

Services that adaptBT Compute

Powerful IT services that can save you money while strengthening your capabilities. We can simplify or even manage your IT estate for you – improving agility,flexibilityandresilience.Enjoythebenefitsofahigh-securitydatacentre

Security that mattersBT Assure

Bringing you powerful security and risk management products to build a sustainable business with added security and resilience every step of the way

Communications that unify

Collaboratemoreefficientlywithemployees,suppliers,customers and business partners

BT One

Complete contact management solutions for organisations aspiring to provide world class customer service

Relationships that growBT Contact

3. The Vehicle for Change demonstration capabilities

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“ It was a very informative and interesting Showcase. I was impressed, and felt that I gained an understanding of an alternative roadmap that BT could offer.” BT Global Services Customer

The Vehicle for Change at a glance The Vehicle for Change at a glance

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What next?

If you are interested in visiting the Vehicle for Change to see how we can address your challenges, please contact your account manager.