Download - Brunswick Reformed Church 3535 Grafton Road ... - Razor Planet · 16 and are looking for people to compete and also people to come out and enjoy eating the great chili! Contact David

Page 1: Brunswick Reformed Church 3535 Grafton Road ... - Razor Planet · 16 and are looking for people to compete and also people to come out and enjoy eating the great chili! Contact David

Brunswick Reformed Church

3535 Grafton Road Brunswick, Ohio 44212

(330) 225-5475

Ministers: Worship & Christian Education

The Congregation Sunday 9:00 & 10:30 a.m.


Dan Toot

Jay Carroll

Page 2: Brunswick Reformed Church 3535 Grafton Road ... - Razor Planet · 16 and are looking for people to compete and also people to come out and enjoy eating the great chili! Contact David

Welcome to Brunswick Reformed Church’s worship celebrations. To make our mutual experience more enjoyable today please: 1. Relax - At BRC you can rest assured that you will not be embarrassed, singled out, or put on the spot. 2. Fill Out a Welcome Card - These can be dropped in the offering plate later. The information won’t be misused, and will help us know who’s been here. It’s also a great way to drop a note to, or request a contact from, a staff member. 3. Ask for Prayer - If you have a prayer concern to share, pick up a prayer request form from the cart in back. Give completed forms to an usher or the pastor before the service begins. 4. Know There Are Options for Children - - The small room in the right rear corner has rocking chairs where little ones can be rocked, quieted or nursed. - We have an excellent nursery for ages 0-3 at the far end of our education wing. 5. Join Us for Fellowship - Coffee and juice are served in the fellowship area after each service. Join us and get acquainted. We do ask that you not take drinks into worship with you. 6. Do Not Feel Obligated to Give - If you are a first-time guest, please do not feel obligated to participate in the offering. This is a time when members and regular attendees honor God by giving to his work through this church. Let today be our gift to you.

7. Give by Text is available. Simply send a text to 330-239-8652 with the amount you would like to contribute. 8. Stop by our Welcome Center for more information about Brunswick Reformed Church! 9. BRC is on the web Who Is BRC? We are a member of the Reformed Church in America, a Protestant denomination that goes back to the Reformation period in Europe when the Church was “reformed” according to the Word of God. We are a mixture of Christians from many denominational backgrounds, all seeking to grow in our spiritual maturity as we live by faith with Jesus as our forgiver and leader. You will find our calling, mission and core value statements on the back of this bulletin.

Page 3: Brunswick Reformed Church 3535 Grafton Road ... - Razor Planet · 16 and are looking for people to compete and also people to come out and enjoy eating the great chili! Contact David

October 9 , 2016

Welcome to worship.

Thank you to the worship team for leading us in worship through


Sunday: 9:00 a.m. Worship service

9:00 a.m.: ·The Life of Joseph, Room 6

9:00 a.m.: A Study of the Psalms, Room 8

10:30 a.m.: Worship Service

10:30 a.m.: Sunday School classes for Pre-K through 5th

Grade, children dismissed to class following opening music

The rose on the baptismal font is in celebration of the birth of

Calista Marie Carr, born to Jenn and Rob on Oct 4.

The flower on the piano is in honor of Bob and Nancy Hanwell's

63rd Wedding Anniversary and Jim and Kim Welsh's 35th

Wedding Anniversary tomorrow, October 10th.

Page 4: Brunswick Reformed Church 3535 Grafton Road ... - Razor Planet · 16 and are looking for people to compete and also people to come out and enjoy eating the great chili! Contact David

REACT Student Ministries......

For Sunday, October 9

and upcoming events

9:00 a.m.: Middle School & High School Sunday school class

meets in Room 10.

REACT Youth Group today will meet immediately after church

from 12-2 pm. We will be going over to North Park, doing a bit

of light hiking and doing a devotion and worship outside. We will

also be gathering 1 snack from each student (it's okay if a student

comes without a snack) and putting it in a bowl to create a big trail

mix (nuts will be added last and after students with allergies are


The Youth Group will be hosting a Chili

Cook-Off after church next Sunday, Oct

16 and are looking for people to compete

and also people to come out and enjoy

eating the great chili!

Contact David Morgan (440-537-5626)

if you're interested in cooking chili for the event. There will be


People making chili: please note that you are welcome to

bring the chili in before church on Sunday and we will make sure it

is plugged in.

The cookoff is a fundraiser for the youth summer mission

trip. The way they will earn money is by people coming and

enjoying all the different kinds of chili and then voting for your

favorite chili(s) using dollar bills (or $5’s, $10’s, $20’s).

Admission is free!

Page 5: Brunswick Reformed Church 3535 Grafton Road ... - Razor Planet · 16 and are looking for people to compete and also people to come out and enjoy eating the great chili! Contact David


Monday: Campus Life, 6:30 p.m.

Monday: Grief Share, 7:00 p.m. Rooms 8 & 4.

Tuesday: Potter’s Workshop, a Bible study for women, 6:30 p.m.,

Rm 10.

Wednesday: Women of Wisdom, 10am-noon, Room 8

Wednesday: Men’s Bible study, 10am-noon, room 4

Wednesday Connections: 6:30-8:00 p.m.

Kids Club also meets.

Thursday: GFF 6:30-8 p.m.

Thursday: Worship Team rehearsal, 7:15-8:30 p.m.

Friday: Shining Stars meet at 1:30 p.m., studying Luke

Saturday: Refit® from 9-10 a.m. in rm 8-9.

Saturday: A memorial service for Ken Buser will be held here at

BRC at 11 a.m., with visitation with the family beginning at

10:30 a.m.

We are looking for volunteers to help with the meal

following the service as well as donations of food. NOTHING

WITH NUTS! One family member is highly allergic. Please

contact Annette Haynes (440-476-6789, [email protected])

if interested in helping.

Page 6: Brunswick Reformed Church 3535 Grafton Road ... - Razor Planet · 16 and are looking for people to compete and also people to come out and enjoy eating the great chili! Contact David

The Heidelberg Catechism Question 122

What does the first request mean?

Answer. "Hallowed be your name" means:

Help us to really know you, to bless, worship, and praise you for all

your works and for all that shines forth from them: your almighty

power, wisdom, kindness, justice, mercy, and truth.

And it means:

Help us to direct all our living – what we think, say, and do – so

that your name will never be blasphemed because of us but always

honored and praised.

Prayer Concerns: Dave Toom begins his radiation treatments

tomorrow and Gene Shuster begins another round of chemo on

Tuesday. Continue faithful in prayer for those with ongoing health

concerns: Bob Beck, Marie Buser, Rick Demeter, Margie Draiss,

Jeanette Fagan, Nancy & Bob Hanwell, Anna Henry, Peg Jenkins,

Flora Kostyak, Rose & Bob Murray, Eileen Raich, Gini Reinki,

Dick Read, Gene Shuster, Milly Sutherland, Nancy Sutton, Ted

Szenger, and Mary Trzop. Continue to pray for our military


We extend our love and sympathy to the Doris and CJ Sidwell and

their extended family is the death this past week of their mother

and grandmother, Nikey Whited. May the love of friends give

comfort, and the love of God give peace.

Community Services Center is in great need of Blankets, sheets,

pillows, and all kinds of linens including towels. Fall is here and

the nights are getting cooler. Also please remember that the

clients are in need of shoes, underwear, and socks. If you need

more information contact Nancy Hanwell at 330-725-5107

Page 7: Brunswick Reformed Church 3535 Grafton Road ... - Razor Planet · 16 and are looking for people to compete and also people to come out and enjoy eating the great chili! Contact David

Making the Gospel Look Big – Philippians 1:27-30

Have you ever experienced something larger than life?

Pictures just can’t capture it, words can’t describe it, it must be __________

The gospel is the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ to all who believe.

But actions speak louder than words! Both for the doer and the observer!

The gospel must be lived out if it’s credibility and power are to be displayed.

James 2:18 – “Show me your faith apart from your works and I

will show you my faith by what I do.”

The _________ of faith brings a certainty that God is real & salvation exists!

If the gospel is only viewed on a page or heard in a conversation, it won’t look

very big, but if it is lived out by… the gospel will be larger than life.

When the gospel transforms lives, marriages, families, schools, communities, it

looks really _______!

Paul knows this & therefore turns his attention to the Philippian church and the

responsibilities they have to live the gospel in all aspects of life.

Vs. 27 – “Only let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of


· On the one hand, no one can be worthy to receive the gospel or live in

perfect accordance with it.

· On the other hand if the gospel doesn’t __________ you, your faith is

futile! Faith without deeds is no faith at all – James 2:26.

Some “not only…but also” propositions that make the gospel look big:

· Not only did Jesus die for our sins but He also set us free from the

power of the devil and makes us willing & ready to live for Him.

· Not only did Jesus’ resurrection open up all of eternity to us, but it

also made _____________ realities a possibility here on earth.

·Not only does believing in Jesus matter, but also does living &

Page 8: Brunswick Reformed Church 3535 Grafton Road ... - Razor Planet · 16 and are looking for people to compete and also people to come out and enjoy eating the great chili! Contact David

suffering for the cause of Christ.

How can we live into this reality?

3 Ways to live a life worthy of the gospel:

∙ _____ firm! – Vs. 27 Hold fast to the faith without compromise!

Standing firm is standing for God/truth/righteousness and standing

against Satan/falsehood/sin.

∙ ________ in one spirit! Unity in the church really

makes the gospel look big!

Jesus’ commandment (John 13:34-35) and prayer (John 17:21-23)

Paul’s passion for unity (Romans 12:4-5; 1 Corinthians 1:10)

∙ _______ side by side for the faith! Struggling/contending


We are in this together! A war cannot be fought alone!

∙ _______ for the sake of Christ! Not only believing…but also suffering!

Vs. 29 – It has been “granted” to you – same root word as “grace”

Suffering is an extension of God’s grace because it provides a clear

sign that confirms our salvation & also their destruction.

There is another way to translate “Only let your manner of life be worthy of

the gospel of Christ.” - “Only behave as citizens worthy of the gospel”

Our conduct/life should reveal our heavenly ______________.

Many people are upset about athletes not standing during our national anthem

b/c it is an appropriate response as worthy citizens of this country!

So to should the expectation be that Christians live as worthy citizens of the

Kingdom of God. With great privilege comes great


Let us stand, share, strive and suffer for Christ & make the gospel look big!

Page 9: Brunswick Reformed Church 3535 Grafton Road ... - Razor Planet · 16 and are looking for people to compete and also people to come out and enjoy eating the great chili! Contact David

Sermon-based Transformation Group Questions

1. Have you ever experienced something larger than life that a photograph or words just couldn’t capture? 2. Think about the sights, sounds & smells of being at the ballpark,

the taste of a stadium hotdog, the feel of the vibrations from the

clapping, stomping and cheering of 35,000 fans. How can you

capture that experience in a photograph or in words?

3. The gospel, the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ, also

cannot be captured on a page in a book, it has to be experienced!

What has the experience been like for you being a Christian?

4. Why do you think so many people are turned off to Christianity

due to their experience with other Christians?

5. How important is living your life in a way that is worthy of the

gospel of Jesus Christ? What are the positive & negative results?

6. What does a life worth of the gospel of Jesus Christ look like?

7. Is there a difference between works-righteousness and being

declared righteous by faith and having works flow from that?

8. Spend some time going through the “not only…but also”

propositions. Do you agree with these?

9. What does it mean to live as a “citizen” of the USA? And what

does it mean to live as a citizen of the Kingdom of heaven?

Page 10: Brunswick Reformed Church 3535 Grafton Road ... - Razor Planet · 16 and are looking for people to compete and also people to come out and enjoy eating the great chili! Contact David

Verses of the week:

Philippians 1:27;

James 2:18; James 2:26; John 13:34-35; John 17:21-23; Romans 12:4-5; 1 Corinthians 1:10

For now until November 11th we will be

collecting individually wrapped candy

donations for our Operation Christmas Child

shoe boxes. Take advantage of the Halloween

candy sales, but remember NO chocolate.

Thank you for your continued generosity!

Some dates to remember:

Nov 12 - 10:30am - noon, Pre-packing party, getting stuff ready!

Nov 13 - BRC packing party

Remember that Nov 14-21 is collection week here at BRC!

To get a cd of any of our sermons, simply write “cd” and

the requested date on your Welcome Card. You’ll then find your

requested cds on the shelf across from the kitchen (usually by Tuesday.)

The sermon audio files, sermon outlines, study questions, verses and

bulletins are available on the church website

Page 11: Brunswick Reformed Church 3535 Grafton Road ... - Razor Planet · 16 and are looking for people to compete and also people to come out and enjoy eating the great chili! Contact David

Serving at BRC

Sunday, October 9

Greeters (9)- Bob and Nancy Hanwell

(10:30) - Carol Rounds

Nursery (9) -

(10:30) - Jennifer Poore, Jade Poore

Ushers (9) -Bob Jacobs,

Dennis Parker

Assisting - Paul Morgan, Rick Meyer

(10:30) - Ilze Fultz, Patty Walker

Assisting -Carol Dickens, Pete Nixon

Verse Cards (9)

-Guy and Candice Lenart

(10:30)-Jim & Eileen Smalley

Hospitality Team

- Bill & Nancy Sutton

-Rick & Sharon Meyer, Jaime Coyne

Sunday, October 16

Greeters (9) - Gene & Betty Shuster

(10:30) - Patty Walker

Nursery (9) - Steph Beck

or Krista Caruth

(10:30) - Renee Garapic, Elle Carlisle

Ushers (9)- Paul Morgan, Rick Meyer

Assisting -Eric Raich,

Earl Holzheimer

(10:30) -Carol Dickens, Pete Nixon

Assisting - Bob Besida, Ilze Fultz

Verse Cards (9)-Earl & Karyn Gentile

(10:30)-Donna & Maddie Cook

Hospitality Team

- Bill & Nancy Sutton

-Guy & Candice Lenart,

Sunday, October 23

Greeters (9) - Debbie Reichle

(10:30) - Mark Herbert

Nursery (9)

- Steph Beck or Krista Caruth

(10:30) - Sandy Goots, Sami Coyne

Ushers (9) - Eric Raich,

Earl Holzheimer

Assisting - Dick Sensiba, Earl Gentile

(10:30) - Bob Besida, Eric Kramer

Assisting - Ken Wright, Mark Herbert

Verse Cards (9)-Pat Lods,

Barb Cognata

(10:30)-Patty Walker, Kathy Rounds

Hospitality Team

- Bill & Nancy Sutton

-Betty Shuster, Cindy Toom

Sunday, October 30

Greeters (9) - Marilyn Zeigler

(10:30) -Jim & Eileen Smalley

Nursery (9)

- Steph Beck or Krista Caruth

(10:30) - Cheryl Wright,

Madison Haynes

Ushers (9- Dick Sensiba, Earl Gentile

Assisting - Nick Virzi, Mel Wilk

(10:30)- Kenny Wright, Mark Herbert

Assisting - Carol Rounds,

Bonnie Ansel

Verse Cards (9)-Marilyn Zeigler, Nadine Hapney

(10:30)-Gary Brualdi

Hospitality Team

- Bill & Nancy Sutton

-Shannon Savage,

-Heather Zele

Page 12: Brunswick Reformed Church 3535 Grafton Road ... - Razor Planet · 16 and are looking for people to compete and also people to come out and enjoy eating the great chili! Contact David