Download - Brookfield Preschool Newsletter 2019 · Tea Party May 27 No School Memorial Day Last year’s Mother’s Day Tea Party celebration was a great success, so get ready for another year

Page 1: Brookfield Preschool Newsletter 2019 · Tea Party May 27 No School Memorial Day Last year’s Mother’s Day Tea Party celebration was a great success, so get ready for another year

Brookfield Preschool

Newsletter 2019 Waiting Games:

Waiting is a part of our everyday lives. The next time you hear, “How much longer?” try one of these ideas to occupy your children:

• Play word games. Start with a simple word like “up.” Take turns thinking of opposites (down).

• Take the change out of your pocket, and let your youngsters sort it. Tell them the names of the coins, and talk about how they’re alike and different; “The quarters and dimes are both silver. But the quarters are big, and the dimes are small.”

• Work on counting forward and backward. For an extra challenge, have your children try counting from a number other than 1. For instance, if you say, “7…” They would continue, “8, 9, 10.”

• Try an alphabet search. Look around the room and find the letter A on a sign or poster. Take turns finding the letters in order until you reach Z.

Dates to Remember:

May 6-10

Teacher Appreciation Week

May 9 & 10

Mother’s Day

Tea Party

May 27

No School

Memorial Day

Last year’s Mother’s Day Tea Party celebration was a great success, so get ready for another year of celebrating our Brookfield moms’ special day. You can bring special hats you and your daughter can wear, and boys can bring bow ties.



Ladybugs Class: Friday, May 10th

10:00AM-11:00AM (arrive early)

Butterfly Class: Friday, May 10th

8:30Am-9:30AM (arrive early)

Giraffe Class: Thursday, May 9th

8:30AM-9:30AM (arrive early)

We encourage you to arrive 15 minutes before event.

Alessandra Santiago


Page 2: Brookfield Preschool Newsletter 2019 · Tea Party May 27 No School Memorial Day Last year’s Mother’s Day Tea Party celebration was a great success, so get ready for another year

2018 Great Memories

Come join Ms. Janie’s Last Tea Party Celebration

Come join the fun!

Photo Booth!

Mother’s Day Tea Party!

Tea and More!!!

Page 3: Brookfield Preschool Newsletter 2019 · Tea Party May 27 No School Memorial Day Last year’s Mother’s Day Tea Party celebration was a great success, so get ready for another year

Ladybugs Ms. Claudia & Ms. Sarah

It’s already time to say goodbye to April. This month went by so fast! The Ladybugs sure do

love zoo animals. We learned what zoo animals look like, what they eat, and their natural habitats.

We would like to thank everyone for participating in the Zoo field trip. The Ladybugs enjoyed getting

to see all of their favorite animals up close. It was a great time for everyone to get to know each other.

Are you ready for May? The theme of the month is Garden. The weekly themes are: “Plants,”

“Mother’s Day,” “Bugs,” and “Garden Tools”. We are so excited to harvest our class gar-

den! In January the Ladybugs planted snow peas, lettuce, mint, strawberries, raspber-

ries, and broccoli. Now, our garden has grown and we get to harvest all of the delicious

fruits and vegetables. We also get to learn about all of the bugs that call the garden their

home. The color of the month is pink.!

The Mother’s Day Tea is on Friday May 9th from 8:30 AM– 10:00 AM. Come dressed up, join

our tea party and enjoy this special time with your little ones. ATTENTION ALL DADS. If you can

volunteer to help out during the Mother’s Day Tea Party, please let Ms. Marquez know ASAP.

Language & Literacy: The letters of the month are U, V, W. Each week a new letter will

be introduced and all of the letters will be reviewed at the end of the month. The books

we’ll be reading this month include : The Pink Book, Growing Vegetable Soup, Counting in

the Garden, Counting in the Garden, Creepy Crawlies, Curious George Plants a Seed,

Sara’s Seed, What Mommies do Best, and Up in the Garden and Down in the Dirt.

Math: The numbers of the month are 9 and 10. The ladybugs will be given various oppor-

tunities to rote count and recognize numbers 9 and 10. The shape of the month is an octagon.

The ladybugs will also be able to recognize an octagon and know the shape’s characteristics.

We will also be sorting by size with our garden tools and seeds. The ladybugs will begin learn-

ing to distinguish ABAB patterns and begin to create their own patterns.

Science & Social Studies: The Ladybugs will get to interact with bugs and plants all month long.

We’ll learn about the life cycles of the bugs that we find in the garden. Seeds are also an important as-

pect of gardening. Seed dissection and tasting will show us important parts of seeds and

how they grow. The children will also taste all of the yummy plants that grew in the

garden and will make some fun recipes. We will even get to make our very own compost

that will be used to continue to grow our class garden.

Page 4: Brookfield Preschool Newsletter 2019 · Tea Party May 27 No School Memorial Day Last year’s Mother’s Day Tea Party celebration was a great success, so get ready for another year

Fine Motors & Art: The Ladybugs will be working on a special

Mother’s Day Project this month. We will also be making

additional projects to add to our garden. The Ladybugs will be

making bird feeders and flowers. In order to work on our fine mo-

tor skills, the children will practice ripping paper and pulling tape

off of the table.

Music & Movement: We love music! Some of the songs we’re going to sing

this month include: “In our Garden”, “Tiny Seed”, “ Pink Song”, “The Ants go

Marching”, “Mr. Golden Sun”, “Farmer Plants the Seed”, and “Ladybug, Lady-


Page 5: Brookfield Preschool Newsletter 2019 · Tea Party May 27 No School Memorial Day Last year’s Mother’s Day Tea Party celebration was a great success, so get ready for another year

Butterflies Mrs. Souzie & Mrs. Mai

Hello May! April brought us lots of showers and we all cannot wait for the

sunny days to come. The Butterfly class also had so much fun learning

about and exploring animals living in different habitats. Sensory activi-

ties were such a big hit. The children were so fascinated by the pond, de-

sert sand, snow, butterfly life cycle, and the squiggly worms.

Thank you to all our parents who brought a dish to share with everyone for our Easter Luncheon. Eve-

rything was delicious! The Easter egg hunt was a blast, too! Also, thank you to Connor’s parents for the

yummy treats for his 4th birthday. All the kids enjoyed snacking and celebrating!

For the month of May, there will be so much fun learning and exploring. Parents, please mark your cal-

endar for Mother’s Day Tea Party. Stay on the lookout for details on our classroom board. Parent-

teacher conferences will also be held this month, please sign up for opening times when sign-up sheet is

up. We are looking forward to meet with everyone and talk to you about your child’s progress here at

Brookfield. If you have any questions, please ask away.

In May, the Butterfly class will be introduced to a new theme, the last

theme for the school year, “A Place to Dream” recap what we learned

throughout the year, such as: learning about ourselves and body movements, ex-

ploring literatures, music instruments/ songs, and type of art textures.

Language/Literacy and Fine motor: We’ve completed the alphabet from Aa-Zz, whoo-hoo! But this

month, we’ll continue reviewing our alphabet, both uppercase and lowercase and writing our names

without tracing. Please remember to help your child either at drop-off or pick up. The end of the year is

coming quick and writing our names without tracing is a huge milestone, and we need to master this

before entering the Giraffe class. If you would like a copy of your child’s name tracing sheet to work at

home, please let us know and we can always make a copy for you. We also introduced letter sound

blending last month, and we will continue working on letter sound blending to make basic words. This

month, the Butterfly class will be introduced to different types of folk tales, such as, Three Little Pigs

and Goldilocks and the Three Bears.

Page 6: Brookfield Preschool Newsletter 2019 · Tea Party May 27 No School Memorial Day Last year’s Mother’s Day Tea Party celebration was a great success, so get ready for another year

Science/Social Studies: Learning about different animals living in different habitats was a huge

hit! All the kiddos enjoyed observing all the different sensory activity. This month, the Butterflies

will get the opportunity to explore color mixing by ice and salt mixing, paper towel color drip, and

color blending using coffee filters. The Butterflies will also get the opportunity to learn about differ-

ent famous artists and create look-alike painting pieces from those famous artists too. Creating The

Three little Pigs’ homes will also be so much fun!

Creative Arts: Stay on the lookout! Our last self drawn portrait will be up soon! We made one in the

beginning of the school year and will be making another at the end of the school year. We can’t wait

to see how much the Butterfly class has grown! The Butterfly class will also be introduced to many of

famous art pieces and of art textures. We will be famous future artists! Puppets are so much fun in

the Butterfly classroom, therefore, they will be bringing their own puppets home soon.

Music and movement: The Butterflies are really enjoying Mr. David’s company every Tuesday. Mr.

David has been bringing in different instruments for our students to play and they are loving it. Eve-

ry time when Mr. David walks in, they ask for the drums only! In class, we’ve been also doing lots of

indoor music and movements. For instance, musical chairs and follow the leader. These two move-

ment songs are such a big hit! They have lots of energy! It’s a good thing the weather is getting

warmer, that means we will be outside enjoying this hot sun with our

wireless speaker!

Page 7: Brookfield Preschool Newsletter 2019 · Tea Party May 27 No School Memorial Day Last year’s Mother’s Day Tea Party celebration was a great success, so get ready for another year

Giraffes Mrs. Mina & Mrs. Erin

“April showers bring May flowers.” We are finally able to enjoy this beautiful and consistently warm Spring weather! The giraffes look forward to tumbling outside each day to exercise their bodies and imaginations. Please remember to send your child in layers for the chilly mornings and warm afternoons, and bring a water bottle each day. We like to keep our giraffes well hy-drated!

A special thank you to all who donated plants for our vegetable garden. We have been observing their growth each day, and the children have been enthusiasti-

cally keeping the garden well-watered and weed free. We cannot wait to enjoy the fruits of our labor!

Our theme for the month of May is “Changes”. Our weekly units will cover Changes in and Around Me, Earth Changes, Nurturing Earth and Before and Now.

Math: Our math centers for the month will be chock full of measurement and coin recog-nition activities. An abundance of hands-on STEM exercises is sure to stimulate the mathematical minds of our giraffes! Additionally, our students will continue to perfect their addition and subtraction skills.

Language: Your children have all become sight word reader extra ordinaires! Our sight words for this month are around, under, above and below. The giraffes are truly enjoying our early reader books. Each week we prac-tice reading them in small groups during center time.

Social Studies: Our studies this month will cover concepts in time such as past, present and future, as well as an in depth investigation into how the world has changed physically over a long period of time.

Science: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle is our mantra for the month of May! Our investigations in science will guide us in becoming better stewards of our planet. By month’s end the gi-raffes should be able to identify and describe ways that energy resources can be conserved.

Creative Arts: Your children will be introduced to many famous works of art this month! Can we create our own beautiful art using the media and techniques practiced by Picasso, Monet or Kandinsky? Our works will be on display each week.

Music & Movement: Oh, how the time flies! The giraffes will begin practicing songs for both Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, as well as performances for (brace your-selves...) graduation in June!

Foreign Language: In French and Spanish we will continue to review colors, numbers and shapes, as well as greetings.

We look forward to another engaging and stimulating month in the giraffe class!