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Broken Past

Broken Past pt one

November 9th, 1987

The rain pattered against the window pane, it was almost drowned out by the sound of running

water from the stainless steel taps. Pushing dark hair from her face Remmie looked up in the water

stained mirror.

Six year old Remmie reached out and pulled the light switch and sent the girly pink bathroom into

darkness and padded into her fairytale bedroom. She had loved being read stories about princesses

and their princes, of course she preferred the ones where the princesses could save themselves or

were strong and took care of the bad guys.

Remmie took her feet out of the slippers and crawled under the covers, moonlight streamed in

through the parted curtains. Wanting to go block the moonlight out but becoming too warm beneath

the covers Remmie decided to leave the curtains parted. A soft padding lead to her door and Remmie

listened to some one breath out side “Remmie” a soft female voice called through the crack in the door

“yeah mom” Remmie called out pressing her cheek against her fluffed up pillow “good night

sweetheart, see you bright and early” the voice called causing Remmie to grin into her pillow “yeah

mom bright and early” Remmie called out before the figure walked away and crept down the

creaking stair case. Remmie allowed one last deep breath to escape her before her eyelids grew too

heavy and she fell into a deep sleep.

The sound woke her before the lights did, the car engine roared outside Remmie’s window before

bright lights illuminated the room. Remmie blinked against the harsh light rubbing fiercely at her

eyes as she sat up in her bed. Brakes screeched and the lights were cut off sending the room into

darkness. Remmie looked towards the clock sitting on her bedside table and frowned at how late it

was. Licking her lips Remmie climbed out bed and padded to the bathroom half awake, half in her

dream world, not even bothering to switch the light she walked over to the sink and turned the tap

on scooping water into her mouth. She stopped midway when loud voices echoed up from down

stairs, Remmie turned the tap off and gingerly walked back out into her room, she jumped when the

door slammed shut and voices continued pacing back and forth. Remmie crept over to her bedroom

door and listen to the voices which where too muffled to make out. Her mothers voice raised above

them all, frowning Remmie crept out of her room glancing towards her parents room and found it

open, the two other doors where left ajar. Looking down through the railings to see shadows moving

furiously back and forth. All of a sudden there was a thudding sound and someone started up the

stairs. Remmie scurried back from the railings and raced back into her bedroom. Her eyes darting

around her darken room she quickly and quietly made her way to the built in closet and squirmed

into the corner hiding behind her stuffed bears and coats. She attempted to steady her breathing as

another person climbed the stairs. After a few moments Remmie heard nothing then all of a sudden

the door opened and someone walked into the room. Holding her breath Remmie peered through the

 gap between the door and the frame. A shadowy figure stood half lit by the moonlight, the figure

searched the room, first darting to the bathroom and yanking the light on, quickly turning away and

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back into the room when finding no one in there. Remmie swallowed hard blinking the tears,

desperately biting back the urge to cry out for her parents but the strange man was not leaving and

she feared that he would hurt her or her family.

The figure ducked and looked beneath the bed and upon not finding any one stood up and looked

towards the closet. The figure made its way slowly over to the closet gripping hold of the doorknob

slowly before yanking the door open. Remmie waited until the figure looked down before Remmie

bolted to her feet and straight out of the closet brushing past the figure heading straight for the door.

She heard the figure follow her muttering to him self, Remmie barely made it to the stairs when a

hand gripped her arm and almost yanked her off feet, skidding backwards.

Remmie kicked out as she was dragged back to her room, almost being picked up off the floor. She

was dumped on her bed ungraciously before the figure bent down before her. The mans balding head

 glistened with both the light from bathroom and moonlight, his dull green eyes seemed sunken in his

head and his thin mouth pushed outwards “kid your going to listen to me” the man ordered in a

emotionless voice. Remmie studied him before she went to push past the man but his vice like hands

 gripped her arms almost pinching them.“Kid, listen to me, I do not want to hurt, I’m not going to hurt you. I’m going to take you somewhere

safe. Your mom and dad are going to be fine but we need to leave now ok kid” the man stated.

Remmie said nothing, after a few seconds she stood and the man grinned at her “good girl, we’re

 going to get along fine” the man admitted before he too stood and led Remmie out of the room. As she

made her way down the stairs she saw the other two rooms where left open and in the hallway she

saw the long blue rug usually laid out so neat and straight was pulled up and twisted, the old style

lamps that Remmie’s mother had said her mother had given her had been knocked over and cracked.

Remmie swallowed hard upon not finding her parents. She was guided out of the door, the evening

 grass where cold against her feet, the small stones bite into her flesh causing her to winch at the pain

webbing its way up her leg. The man stopped her when she stood next to an all black van, one of three that sat in the driveway leading up to the house beside the mini van that her mother owned. He

opened the door but before he could lift her she pushed as hard as her arms would allow her before

darting towards the woods that laid to right hand side of the house. She heard the man grunt as he

stumbled backwards against the van but she heard no more as she drove into the bushes, give out a

low cry when the branches cut into her cheeks and arms before tearing at her night clothes. Her feet

were now burning with pain as her feet began to bleed.

After what seemed to be twenty minutes Remmie found her self in clearing, she glanced around the

darken woods unable to find a clear path or even the way she had come, but she heard grunting of 

men making their way through the brushes and she knew that she had to run. So moving forward

she quickly climbed through the interweaving branches brushing away twigs that scratched at her

legs. She ran for a few minutes before she heard the men come through the clearing. She brought her

self to a stop and forced herself to watch as the men looked around. The man who attempted to take

her from the house rubbed at his chin before he snapped and pointed in a different direction and all

three moved off towards another part of the woods. Remmie waited before she carried on walking

her small body aching all over. Her feet burned with pain that spread up her legs and after a few 

moments Remmie began to feel light headed the shadows spinning uncontrollable before her legs

buckled under the dead weight of her body and she slumped to the ground ignoring the pain as her

body hit the ground hard, all that mattered was the darkness seeping over her and an uneasy sleep

crept in.

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The darkness parted slowly and the sounds of birds chirping bombarded her as Remmie awoke, but

instead of finding her self in the woods she had fallen she found herself in a soft painted bedroom

wrapped tightly in a light blanket on a somewhat comfortable bed. Winching as the morning

sunlight beamed through the window and bathed the bed in light.

The room was foreign to her; she pushed her self up and scanned the room. Pushing the blanket

aside she swung her legs over the side and climbed from the bed, her sore feet stinging as they hit the

carpeted floor. Tears welled up in her eyes as the pervious night came rolling back over her. Remmie

desperately wanted her mother to sooth away her pains and her father to hold her and promise her

that everything was going to be ok, though Remmie had always been taught to be tough, a strength

that her parents had repeatedly told her but even for her this was too much. Being taken from her

home in the dead of night, fleeing through the woods and finding her self in a strange bedroom. Soon

the tears spilled over her lids and fell onto her cheeks and the sobs began to rack against her tiny 


Feeling her legs beginning to shake Remmie slumped to the floor sobbing hard. All she wanted was

to be home and for no men in dark suits to be taking her away from her home. After a few momentsthe sobbing lessened and the door opened, rubbing at her eyes and nose Remmie peered over the bed,

to see a middle aged man with salt and pepper hair standing in the doorway. His wiry frame didn’t

fill the doorway completely it was swamped beneath his tattered shirt. His trousers were worn and

dirty from years of use, the man smiled slightly at the dark eyes staring at him.

“I found you, in the woods not far from the edge of my farm” the man told her with a warm toned

voice, slipping his hands into his pockets, Remmie stared at him silently unsure “what’s your name

sweet pea” the man asked as Remmie rubbed her eyes once more “ok, not talking are we. Well ok let’s

try another one, where’s your mom and dad” he asked as Remmie sat up a little more and shrugged “I

want to go home… I want my mommy and daddy” Remmie stated as the man grinned “well don’t you

have a pretty voice. Well do you know where about you live” the man questioned but Remmie foundthat she couldn’t remember, her mother had told her many times her address, saying it she was

 growing up when she remembered that. So shrugging again Remmie studied the man closely “no

worries, we’ll find your folks soon enough. Until then you can stay here for as long as you like” he

stated as Remmie smiled and stood finally “aren’t you a pretty little thin” he stated before pulling his

hands out of his pockets and bending down to be level with Remmie “how about we go grab

something to eat before we find your mom and dad” the man offered before he stood and walked out

of the room but stopped outside “you follow any time soon ok sweet pea” the man stated before he

walked off and Remmie took a tentative step forward.

Remmie looked up when she stepped in the kitchen. The wooden floor was chipped and the steel

table was dented and scuffed. On both sides of the small squared kitchen was filled with cabinets and

a stove. The fridge stood stuffed beside the door leading to a large green area “take a seat” he ordered

not looking towards Remmie as he steamed a pot of tea. Remmie walked over to the table and climbed

onto the seat that had several strips of duck tape “my name’s Lloyd, I lives here all alone” Lloyd threw 

over his shoulder whilst he moved in front of the stove, Remmie simply listened taking in the smells

of the kitchen which she sat in, the doors of the cabinets were peeling its paint and were stained from

 years of cooking. Lloyd switched the stove off and grabbed a faded yellow plate sitting beside the

stove on the red and white counter top; he spooned something onto the plate and turned round. He

sat with oomph on the opposite chair and placed a plate of scrambled eggs before Remmie who

stared at the plate. With his other hand Lloyd pushed a fork forward and smiled “go on eat” Lloyd

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ordered, Remmie glanced down at her food and studied it for a few moments before picking up her

fork gingerly and began to eat.

After two forkfuls’s Remmie realized how hungry she truly was and began to gobble down the eggs.

Lloyd waited until Remmie was half way through before he put a glass of water beside her “so why 

was you out in the woods” Lloyd asked as he watched whilst Remmie looked down and chews slowly.

After a few seconds Remmie dared to look up “there were men… they came to the house…. I don’t

know where my mommy and daddy are” Remmie declared pushing the plate away, her appetite

disappearing, Lloyd studied Remmie for a few seconds before deciding that it was all in the child’s

imagination “I have bad dreams that seemed real too” Lloyd admitted but Remmie shook her head

feverishly her dark hair whipping at her face. “It wasn’t a dream… those men were really there…

they really did take me out of my house” Remmie declared with a shrill tone.

Lloyd watched her and frowned, he was starting to believe her. He knew she couldn’t be more then

six years old and that to many six years it’s hard to distinguish a line between reality and non reality 

but it was the look of determination on her young face and the fear clouding her eyes that made

Lloyd a believer “tell you what, you try and finish your eggs and I’ll call the sheriff” Lloyd offeredcausing Remmie to thin before she nodded slowly. Lloyd smiled before he rose to his feet and walked

out of the kitchen, a few seconds droned on and Remmie picked at her food listening as Lloyd dialed a

number. After another few moments Lloyd began to speak but his voice and words where muffled to

Remmie who twisted the fabric of pajamas neck line. Three minutes had passed when a faint click 

sounded out as Lloyd replaced the receiver to it cradle then strolled back into the kitchen.

He smiles when he noticed that Remmie had left of a few scrapes of her eggs on the plate.

“the sheriff will be sending his men down” Lloyd told her with a gentle tone, taking his seat back 

opposite her “they will take you home and everything will be ok” Lloyd assured but Remmie pushed

her plate away from her, the smell not making her stomach feel any less un-knotted.After washing the plate and feeding the scrapes into the bin Lloyd took Remmie out of the kitchen

pass the long hallway ending with the wooden stairs she had come down from, stepping through

another hallway this time dead ending with a stained and rotting front door that didn’t look as strong

as Remmie thought it should look. The last room was a large living room. Long the ceiling closes to

the bay windows a bumpy line run along the length of it and the floorboards beneath it had been

replaced and looked new “this used to be two rooms. But I thought you need a big living room… well

 just to watch TV” Lloyd stated but Remmie simple nodded and walked straight to her left where a

window looked out over the driveway to the house “well if you need anything just hollow, I’ve some

things to tend to out front, I’ll meet the sheriff outside. TV right there if you want to watch something”

Lloyd offered but Remmie watched the driveway wanting for the sheriff to make this nightmare to go

away and for Remmie to see her mom and dad again.

Thirty minutes had passed since Lloyd had contacted the sheriff’s office, Remmie remembered

sometimes it always took a long time to go and from her home she would leave when it was still dark 

in the morning to reach school. Remmie had shifted positions several times and now she needed to

use the toilet. Standing up Remmie reached to the back of her leg and tried to rub some feeling back 

into it before she turned and headed to the front door. She had seen Lloyd moving in front of the

window carrying various gardening tools, she would ask him to use the toilet then return to her seat.

But as she reached the front door she heard a car pull up the path way, she twisted the door knob

when she heard Lloyd speaking to someone, before a door opened, after struggling to twist the rusting

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door knob it clicked opened and Remmie dragged it inwards flinging herself out side and beaming

ready to see the sheriff.

However what she saw turned her blood cold. Before she could stop her self she had reached the

bottom of the steps leading to the chipped porch though she did dig her heels into the dry and cold

 ground. The man who had came into her bedroom, whom had dragged her from the safety of her

home stood beside his van speaking to Lloyd who was frowning. Glancing over his shoulder Lloyd

motioned for Remmie to go back inside but Remmie stood transfixed for the man had seen her and

was reaching for something inside his jacket. Whilst Lloyd was focused on Remmie he failed to see

the man pulling out a pistol and with a muffled snap Lloyd grabbed his chest, crimson liquid spilling

through his fingers and to the ground. Within seconds he fell to his knees his already glazing eyes

looking towards Remmie.

The young girl wanted to scream so loudly but nothing rose, she wanted her feet to move to run. But

it didn’t, she had never seen someone die before and there before her very eyes she watched as Lloyd

slowly died a pool of crimson blood staining the ground beneath him. The man rushed towards

Remmie and lifted her from the ground and walked back to the van yanking the back door open andswinging Remmie into the back. After slamming the door shut he moved to the driver’s side and

climbed in slamming the door shut once more ignoring the body promptly laying in front of the

wheel. The van screeched as the man threw the car into reverse and sped backwards. He spun the

wheel around and so he faced the way he had come and threw the van back into drive before

focusing his foot to press down and the van to jolt forward. Remmie’s tiny body was pinned against

the seat by the sheer force at which they were traveling. Remmie shook as much as she could while

the van hit solid road and didn’t even slow down when they turned left, behind them Remmie could

 just make out the sounds of a siren, the sheriff was too late.

Minutes turned into hours as the van sped along highway after highway, at one point the man hadthumbed the door locks and Remmie couldn’t even try to open the door. She looked around for

another way out of the van but there was no way out. Even if she could the man didn’t slow down

enough for her to do anything. Soon the sun that had been beaming so brightly was now lowering it’s

self so night could take its hold. The man reached into a bag heaped onto the seat beside him and dug

for something, Remmie swallowed hard when images of the same gun that shot Lloyd was about to be

produced but inside the man dragged out a bottle of high brand orange juice and handed it

backwards to Remmie who stared at it as though it was a stick of dynamite “go on it isn’t poisoned

kid” he ordered glancing in the rear view mirror at her but Remmie still refused to take it. The man

 grunted and tossed the bottle beside Remmie and looked back to the road ahead “drink it when you

need it kid” the man stated. After a few minutes he watched as Remmie took the bottle gingerly 

struggling at fist to twist the cap off then swallowing greedily the cooling juice. When she spilled

some down her chin she took the bottle from her mouth and replaced the lid wiping her mouth clean

“I told you kid I’m not going to hurt you” the man stated his face seeming to soften “but you hurt

Lloyd, you hurt him really bad” Remmie declared trying to sound older then she really was, the man

 gripped the steering wheel tighter and focused on the road ahead “that was a bad man, he didn’t

want to help you. Remember that ok, not everyone is as kind as you think” the man stated firmly 

catching Remmie’s gaze in the mirror.

“You hurt my mommy and daddy” Remmie pointed out but the man shook his head “no I didn’t your

mom and dad are ok. I have to take you somewhere, you may have to stay there for a little while

before you can see your family again” the man stated causing Remmie to tear up the rest of the trip

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Hathaway pointed out as Remmie stepped off the treadmill and stared at Hathaway and his

companion “I’m only doing the hours required of me” Remmie declared matter of factly causing

Hathaway to smile before he folded his arms “you remember my son don’t you Remmie, Doctor

Douglas Hathaway” Hathaway questioned with a gesture to the young man beside him and Remmie

nodded towards him “Remmie I wanted to ask you some questions” Hathaway stated as Remmie

nodded before she grabbed a towel hanging over the railing of the treadmill “do you remember your

family” Hathaway questioned as Remmie began to wipe the sweat that was slowly drying on her skin

“no, I don’t remember them” Remmie admitted coldly as though she was simply telling them her daily 

routines “do you remember anything before your life here” Hathaway asked dropping his arms “no,

my memories are of this place only, and my intense and extensive training taught by you” Remmie

stated as Hathaway grinned and looked towards Douglas who watched Remmie “you were six years

old when you came here Remmie, I promised you that I would take care of you and I have haven’t I”

Hathaway questioned as Remmie thought before nodding “if you a inquiring if you have physically 

hurt then no, nor have you injured me emotionally or mentally” Remmie declared as Hathaway 

nodded “so in essences you’ve had a good life here” Hathaway asked as Remmie thought once more“it’s been adequate life, I’ve learned a great deal… you yourself said that my studies far over shadow 

children that age” Remmie declared as Hathaway nodded before glancing towards the observation

room “what studies did you like the most” Hathaway questioned. Remmie thought for a few moments

before she looked at them “anthropology, archaeology, human science, forensics, entomology, natural

studies” “ok, ok that’s good” Hathaway stopped her and grinned “so, viewing your reports, essays…

takes on the studies do you believe you have sufficient knowledge to perform these tasks as though

 you were an expert” Hathaway asked causing Remmie to think about the question for a few moments

before nodding and folding her arms “I believe I have enough knowledge on most subjects to perform

tasks relevant with expertise” Remmie assured causing Hathaway to beam then glance at Douglas “so

lets say that if you were to be placed say a government” “a political government position” Douglas cutin causing his father to shot him a sharp look the smile faulting for a few seconds before looking back 

at Remmie “do you think you can work in that position without alerting people to your inexperience”

Hathaway asked a little more sharply.

Remmie watched them for a few seconds before nodding “I believe I can perform correctly” Remmie

admitted causing Hathaway to smile brightly again at her “good, good. That’s all Remmie you finish

 your training. You also be getting a new guard as well. He’ll be in this afternoon” Hathaway informed

her before he turned and headed back to the door at the back of the room. Douglas studied Remmie

for a few moments more before he too turned and followed his father. Remmie sighed before she

 grabbed a bottle of water and drank greedily from it as the heavy door slammed shut.

Remmie strolled over to the electric fight dummy that stood in the bottom diagonal corner that had

been turned into a gym and training area when she had become old enough to learn how to right.

She placed the bottle of water on wooden horse used to do gymnastics before turning to the dummy 

as she placed her back foot shoulder width apart and ready to fight when the outside door opened

and a tall and young man stepped in. the door closed automatically behind him as the man looked

around the room “Remmie Epps” the man questioned as Remmie straightened up and looked at him

“yes” she stated as the man nodded and walked down the metal mesh stairs his highly polished boots

clipping against the metal “my name is Josh Travis, I’m going to be watching over you along with

Dwight” Travis stated as he stepped off the last step and grinned at Remmie who studied the young

man. He was only a few inches taller than Remmie and his head of golden brown hair curled around

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his ears and neck given him a look of disheveled. Remmie found herself staring at his face, the only 

male faces she had seen over the passed thirteen years was that of Hathaway, Dwight, Douglas and

another elder doctor who had never seemed appealing to the eye, however Remmie found herself 

drawn to Travis, he was rather appealing to her causing her stomach to knot it self as her hormones

seemed to stream through her system.

“I was informed of that before hand, doctor Hathaway told me” Remmie stated coolly causing Travis

to grin at her again before wringing his hands out as he took in her room once more. It had become

five different rooms over the years, a bedroom, study, gym, dressing room and a laboratory. Her

bathroom and toilet was behind her study. Letting a low whistle Travis turned his steel blue eyes back 

to Remmie “this is all for you” he questioned as Remmie frowned “if you were sent to protect me then

should you have not be informed of this before. I live here, I never leave this room. Anything I may 

require is brought to me” Remmie told him as Travis swallowed before nodding solemnly adverting

his gaze slightly “yeah I was told” he admitted before he took a deep breath then looked back into

Remmie’s eyes tightening his jaw “that must suck, having to live within these four walls” Travis statedas Remmie shrugged and shook her head “no not really, I have only ever known this room. All my 

books describe the world as much as I need to further my studies” Remmie pointed out coolly causing

Travis to stare at her before he shrugged “ok… what do you do here” Travis asked as Remmie allowed

her shoulders to slump “I am given a strict routine which I complete daily… monthly changes are

made because Doctor Hathaway believes it to become stagnate” Remmie explained as Travis gapped

at her “you have a routine… you mean ever day you do everything on a list” Travis questioned as

Remmie nodded “I no longer need a written list I memorized my routine and complete what is listed

for me to do. It is how it has been done since my arrival” Remmie stated as Travis shook his head “ok,

what are you meant to do now” Travis questioned as Remmie took a deep breath “I need to train with

he dummy… I must tone my moves and make them more graceful” Remmie told him before sheturned and walked over to the dummy and prepared her self for her training when Travis followed

her and stood behind the dummy “so you have never left this place at all, even at Christmas” Travis

asked as Remmie frowned “no, why would I prefer to travel out on that day than any other” Remmie

asked as Travis waved a hand “it’s Christmas your meant to do something on that day” Travis

admitted as Remmie shook her head “many cultures do not celebrate Christmas as the Christian’s and

Catholics do, and looking at Christmas mythological it is not about exchanging gifts it is in fact meant

to celebrate the birth of the savior and that god has delivered those who follow him from evil by 

sending his son to earth” Remmie pointed out as Travis grinned at her “danger will Robinson” Travis

mocked causing Remmie to stare at him with a confused look “I don’t understand what that means”

Remmie stated as Travis shook his head “it means you speak like a robot, too mechanical” Travis

pointed out as Remmie shook her head “I don’t see the point in diluting the facts of the matter by 

common use of words” Remmie admitted as Travis laughed “I think we’re going to get on just fine” he

admitted before strolling over to the wall and leaning against it whilst watching Remmie.

6 years later

Darkness engulfed her, no movement and no light. Faint sounds of machines whirring filled her

senses but those sounds she had come to be comforted by them. Suddenly 25 year old Remmie woke

with start when something clamped over her mouth. She looked up to make out slivers of Travis’s

face pressed inches from her own “Rem, I need you to listen to me ok… no questions ok” Travis

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ordered watching Remmie intently. Remmie took a few moments before nodding and Travis removed

his hand and placed it against Remmie’s cheek “god, I imagined this moment thousands of times.

When I told you… when I had you looking at me with truth for the first time” Travis stated tucking

the hair behind her ear. Remmie remained still watching him “there was a reason why I was sent to

 you six years ago. Why even after I was unprofessional so many time I still worked with you… I was

meant to make you act more normal, like common people so you could blend in with the rest of the

world” Travis admitted his voice husky as though he was torn by what he was saying. His soft finger

tips gently and lightly stroking her cheek “I thought I could do it… but… I care about you, I’ve come

to care about you and I thought as long as I didn’t think about what they were going to you then this

would all be ok” Travis bit his self off and listened after a few seconds studied her again “they want to

take you out, of here send you back into the real world…. I can’t explain fully, about what happened

to you… why you were taken and what happened to your family but I will” Travis stated before he

reached down and grabbed Remmie’s hand “please say you’ll follow me” he pleaded as Remmie sat up

and nodded. Travis grinned before he lent forward and kissed her on the forehead “someone is going

to take care of us… I’m going to take care of you” he promised before he pulled a pair of shoes overand helped slip them on to Remmie’s feet and guided her to her feet. Holding her hand lead her to the

stairs she had been brought down all those years ago. Remmie said nothing as she was guided out of 

the only place she had known for 19 years. The corridor was brightly lit but the walls were a dull

 grey, each corridor looking the same. Travis didn’t stop; he headed to the right following the corridor

halfway down passing two more doors like the one Remmie had just left by. Half way down Travis

turned left down another corridor that dead ended with a double set of steel doors. Stopping Travis

pushed a white panel in with a click and the panel popped open and two buttons were revealed.

Travis hit one glancing behind, Travis looked at Remmie and sighed “I’m sorry about all this” Travis

apologized before Remmie studied him for the first time since being taken from her room, his eyes

were sunken and sullen. Dark circles dragged below each eye. His cheeks seemed slackened and hiscloths were just as disheveled as his hair “it was never meant to end like this… you were their pride

and joy… you were their program” Travis admitted before running a hand through his hair, not

letting go of Remmie’s hand “whose program… I don’t understand what this all means Travis”

Remmie stated before Travis stepped forward and stared at her “bad people Rem, really bad people…

they don’t know you like I do” Travis stated as Remmie thought before she shook her head “Lloyd”

Remmie muttered before Travis frowned “who” Travis questioned as Remmie shook her head “no one”

she declared as Travis took a deep breath “you trust me right” Travis asked as Remmie took a few 

moments before she nodded “good, that’s all you need for now I promise I will look after you” Travis

stated as Remmie nodded before the doors slid open and Travis dragged her in and hit the only button

on the four walls. The door slid shut and a soft whirring started from above their heads and Travis

tapped his foot glancing at his watch. After a few minutes of silence Travis let go of Remmie’s hand

and pulled a weapon from inside his pocket and readied it before him before he took Remmie’s hand

again “I think we’re going to make it out” Travis admitted before the doors opened and Remmie was

 guided out into a carpeted hallway that ran only left or right, Travis took Remmie down the right side

and followed it until it curved but instead of following the hallway Travis dragged her to a stop in

front of a door. He looked both ways before he raised his foot and slammed his foot against the door

knob and splintered the door but did not open it another kick forced the door in wards and Travis

dragged her into the room and directly to the window “we are going have to jump” Travis admitted as

Remmie frowned before looking out the window “and go where” Remmie questioned as Travis stated

at her “a general is going to meet us… I made him promise not to come here until I got you out of 

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here… I’m going to have to tell him everything after wards… I will have to tell you everything too”

Travis admitted, pushing Remmie back he held the gun up and fired three times. The window 

shattered in a loud cracking sound that echoed around the empty room.

Travis peered out the window and Remmie walked over to him and stared down at dark water that

whipped at the wall beneath them “we’re going to jump into there” Remmie questioned as Travis

nodded then tucked the gun back beneath his jacket “go on jump” Travis ordered but Remmie stared

at him with big eyes “Rem, please, you have to jump” Travis ordered but before Remmie could answer

a shadow filled the door way “maybe she doesn’t want to jump” Dwight declared causing both Travis

and Remmie to stare at him “maybe she knows she’s already home” Dwight pointed out.

Travis stepped in front of Remmie and shook his head “how long could you carry on lying to her

Dwight, she was going to figure it out” Travis questioned reaching for his gun but Dwight held his

own gun “you think you have the first idea of what the kid is capable of” Dwight stated as Travis

shook his head “she isn’t a kid… your treating her like a lab rat” Travis stated before he pulled his

 gun out “I won’t let her go back” Travis declared causing Dwight to grin “what makes you think weneed her back now” Dwight asked before he fired twice and Travis stumbled back. Remmie hoisted

herself up onto the window still and pushed her self out. She plummeted to the water the slashing

sound of her body hitting the water knocked her hearing out and the coldness of the water forced the

air out of her lungs. Struggling she dragged herself to the surface and looked up towards the window 

but saw no shadowy figures staring out in to the darkness. Taking a few burning breaths she allowed

tears to slide down her face before she began to swim.

Dwight smiled as he stepped over Travis’s body and stared out into the darkness and saw a fleeting

figure in the water, Dwight looked down at the young mans body and wondered how much he had

cared for Remmie. Dwight pulled a phone from his pocket and dialed a number “I took care of Travis.

However the butterfly has finally flown” Dwight stated as he smiled “yeah, I’ll put a trace on herstraight away” he stated before hanging up and looked towards the window once more.

Military base, outside San Francisco

Two days later

The military doctor walked out of sick bay and looked at the tall and lean general standing by the

doctors office “General Carey sir” the doctor greeted as he walked over to the general with sharpness.

General Richard Carey turned and set his deep brown eyes on him “Captain Tracy, I received your

message. You found her” Carey asked as Tracy nodded “well a patrol boat sir, we were lucky, civilian

police were head to her location. A fishing boat called in her location. Our guys picked her up and

brought her here, I heard you were looking for a woman in the waters” Tracy stated as he gestured

down the hall and the pair walked down the hallway “um sir, can I ask… how did you know there

would be a woman in the water” Tracy asked while Carey stared ahead “need to know I’m afraid”

Carey stated as Tracy nodded knowing the procedure “well her vitals are strong, we have fluids

pumping into her sir, she was dehydrated any longer and she would have drowned” Tracy admitted

causing Carey to give a sharp nod “just here sir” Tracy stated as he indicated to a single room that

could be locked from the outside “I’m due to check in on her now sir” Tracy pointed out as Carey 

nodded before he gestured to the door and Tracy walked in.

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The room was a dull grey with easily cleaned white tiles. A large window stood opposite the door

where sun light poured in bouncing off the floor. A medical med sat beneath the bed the head

surrounded by machines monitoring vital signs of the dark haired woman lying beneath the standard

white sheets. Her dark brown hair spilled around her rounded face, but however the toil of fighting

for her life made face seem pale and sullen. Her frame looked frail beneath the sheets and drips

leading to her arms. Her right shoulder had been padded out by a thick bandaged small cuts dotted

her arms “what happened to her shoulder” Carey questioned as Tracy looked at him “there was a

laceration we had to clean and stitch the wound” Tracy informed him before he walked over the

woman and began checking her vitals. Carey glanced down and read the name tag attached to her

chart, it read Doe, Jane.

“Remmie” Carey stated causing Tracy to stop and look at him “excuse me sir” Tracy questioned

bringing Carey back and clear his throat “her name is Remmie Epps” Carey stated, Tracy nodded but

said nothing more as he went back to his patient. Carey watched as Tracy checked a monitor before

there was a flicker from Remmie’s hand. Carey caught the movement a second time before he moved

around the bed and stood opposite, her fingers moved again before gripping at the sheets “captain”Carey called before Tracy looked up at him before following his line of view and saw Remmie

clutching at the sheets. Pulling a pen from his pocket Tracy walked down the end of the bed and

lifted the sheets to uncover her feet and pressed the pen tip in the ball of her foot. He glanced up

where there was a jerk from her leg then a moan escaped her lips. Slowly Tracy walked back to the

head of the bed and watched Remmie closely. After a few seconds her eyes fluttered open before

shutting once against the bright sunlight streaming into the room. Once again her eyes opened and

her chocolate brown eyes attempted to focus on her surroundings. After a few hesitant moments

Remmie looked from Tracy to Carey then back again “wh…” her voice broke before she could finish,

turning quickly Tracy grabbed a jug of fresh water and poured it into a plastic cup then unwrapped

the straw beside in and brought it back to Remmie. Helping her to lift her head Tracy pressed thestraw against her dry lips and held the straw in place as she gulped the water. Suddenly she chocked

and Tracy took the straw from her lips while she choked. Tracy watched as the doctor fussed around


Carey waited until Tracy had pulled back before looked at him “can I talk to her” Carey asked as

Tracy gave him a look before focusing back on Remmie “not yet sir, she’s got to get her bearings”

Tracy stated before Remmie focused on him. The choking fits had ceased now she was attempting to

understand where she was. Glancing towards Carey she found at his dark features “can you tell me

 your name” Tracy probed gently but Remmie shook her head “can you speak” Tracy asked but

Remmie continued to shake her head. Tracy glanced towards Carey who stared at Remmie “your

name is Remmie, Remmie Epps” Carey stated as Remmie frowned then nodded. She swallowed hard

and looked around “there was a man, who was trying to save you… he contacted me, can you tell me

his name” Carey asked as Remmie thought hard but all that simmered in her memory was a voice

stating they were going to save her. Something she felt that she had been told many times before but

unable to recollect when and where.

“I don’t… I don’t know” Remmie admitted, winching when expelling the words felt like they were

tearing her dry throat. Remmie swallowed hard again before she attempted to sit up but pain flared

up her arm forcing her to slip back, Tracy straightened and began to help Remmie sit up by propping

pillows up behind her. Remmie glanced at her shoulder “how deep was the cut” Remmie questioned

causing Tracy to stare at her surprised “pretty deep, you had stitches” “dissolvable stitches” Remmie

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asked as Tracy glanced towards Carey who looked up but then looked back to Remmie “how do you

know that” Carey questioned but Tracy shook his head “do you have medical knowledge” Tracy asked

while Remmie thought and looked down confused “I don’t know… I don’t remember” Remmie

declared looking from one man to the other “I am General Carey, I’m going to help you remember”

Carey declared as Remmie looked at her and studied his face.

Two weeks later

Remmie looked up from her book when there was a knock at the door “enter” she called as she placed

the book down on the desk and watched as the door opened and Carey stepped in. the guards

straightened outside her room. Two guards stood present outside her room day and night, the room

was sparse holding nothing but an uncomfortable single bed, desk and two chairs. The building in

which she had been placed was army blue; she was taken a few steps down to the basic bathroom.

Carey closed the door behind him and smiled to Remmie before placing his cap on the desk “good

after noon Remmie, how is your wound” Carey questioned before Remmie nodded “it is healingcompletely, a few more days and I should be able to move with more flexibility in my arm” Remmie

stated as Carey nodded before looking around the room. He had visited Remmie several times; three

of those were when he took her out side for a walk. The army base where she had been taken to was

in San Francisco, the first place in her new memory. As the days went by and Carey questioned her

about her past she had found that for some reason she had forgotten her life before waking up in the

hospital. After a week she was moved to the secured living quarters on the base, though she had not

proven to be dangerous she knew she was. Reading books, discovering her knowledge she found she

knew things, more then most people and that her body reacted to movement and actions as though

on reflex. She had been trained well but she had not even begun to understand what for.

“I’m sorry to disturb you while your reading, but I wanted to ask you some more questions” Carey asked as Remmie nodded “you can ask what you wish, I don’t understand the need for lying on

truthful matters,” Remmie declared as Carey smiled “you speak very frankly Remmie, you know that”

Carey pointed out causing Remmie to frown “I don’t see why people feel the need to fill silence with

pointless words” Remmie stated as Carey studied her before nodding then point to the second seat

“may I?” he asked as Remmie nodded and watched him “what did you wish to ask me” Remmie asked

matter of factly “your knowledge, everything you know… can you understand why you don’t

remember who did this to you” Carey asked as Remmie shook her head “I believe that whatever led

me to be found in the water was so terrible and disturbing that my sub conscious decided to bury it

rather than deal with it. A natural response of the human brain, in fact it’s a very affective defense

mechanism” Remmie stated causing Carey to nod and think “can you remember anything… a family 

member” Carey asked but Remmie remembered voices before any of the words would make sense.

Some one promised her, promised her that her family was to be ok.

“They were meant to be safe” Remmie admitted as Carey lent forward “who” he asked staring at

Remmie “a man, when I was young… a child he promised that my family would be safe that I would

have to go somewhere for a little while before I could see them again” Remmie stated as Carey 

scratched his chin “you remember that” Carey asked as Remmie thought before she looked and shook 

her head “it’s conjecture, the body requires a lot of energy to heal so naturally I’m more likely to

imagine those memories” Remmie stated as Carey sat back and folded his arms “do you believe in

what your mind” Carey asked causing Remmie to think before she nodded and sighed “as irrational as

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it is I can’t help but think my family may have abandoned me” Remmie declared sadly causing Carey 

to watch her with empathy “do you remember what they look like” Carey questioned bringing

Remmie’s focus back to him but Remmie shook her head, sadness whelming in her eyes “but I do have

an image of what I believe they would look like. Obviously I have a mother and father but I also have

two brothers, both older and a young sister” Remmie admitted a tender smile lifting one corner of her

mouth but disappeared as quickly as it surfaced. Carey smiled at her sadly leaning his hands on the

desk “I have two sister, one older and one younger. Sometimes I wish I could forget them, when I was

a young boy they made my life hell, embarrassed me in front of my friends. Disturb me when I

wanted to be alone” Carey shook his head at the memories of his childhood but when he looked back 

at Remmie she was staring emotionless towards “I believe I never had a childhood, at least not a

normal compared to yourself” Remmie pointed out as a great sense of longing overwhelmed her.

Carey cleared his throat and looked at her seriously, it was time to broach the real reason he had

visited her that day.

“Remmie, do you remember a company called The Temperance Corporation” Carey inquired not

completely sure that his question would gather an answer, after thinking for a few moments Remmieshook her head but said nothing “their a Pharmaceutical company, you medical testing, producing

new drugs and even new products to enhance the human body. But over the years we’ve discovered

that The Temperance Corporation has a subsidiary company, known as Bio Link, this company we’ve

discovered is strictly off the books. It exists no where no employees. Now we thought that perhaps

there had been a mistake and that the pair has nothing to do with each other or more likely our

source was mistaken or even lying and wasting our times. Until we were given information and data

concerning what it was Bio Link was doing” Carey told her studying her face as she allowed the

information to seep in “the data was over a long time at least seven years, it was only a partial data

not containing any information on the subject no background and no information about what exactly 

the program was about…” Carey bit himself off and glanced at his hands before looking at Remmie.“there was information on the data that told us the subject was at least 13 years old that she had been

’abandoned’ so to speak when she was six years old and that her name was Remmie Epps” Carey 

stated causing Remmie to stare at him before she slowly got to her feet staring aimlessly at the floor

beneath her.

“You were being trained Remmie, for what we have no idea. There was a list of skills you had

accrued over the years, medical knowledge wasn’t on there. But we gathered from other information

from the paper work we had received that there may have been several other children all taken at

different ages and from all the country to be trained. It seems Bio Link is training what they would

call prefect soldiers, able to adapt to any conditions” “to any task they were ordered to carry out”

Remmie injected causing Carey to no but Remmie wasn’t looking at him instead she paced back and

forth as small snatches of memories bombarded her. Of being asked if she could perform in a position

without alerting anyone as to her inexperience.

“Affectedly the subject could blend into anywhere and do a lot of damage, especially in a government

 job” Carey stated as Remmie nodded before looking at him “you said there may have been more apart

from me… if they have done the same to those others the same things they did with me then” “I

know, but Bio Link is hidden, better then hidden it’s as though it doesn’t exist” Carey admitted before

Remmie reclaimed her seat “they cannot be allowed to do this” Remmie declared with passion. Carey 

studied her after a few moments he nodded then stood “we won’t, you should rest now. We’ll talk 

later on” Carey stated before he nodded, grabbing his hat before turning sharply and opened the door

 giving a sharp nod to both the guards leaving Remmie to sit and think. She glanced at her book but

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decided against it and began to think even more about her past.


The young woman walked down the steps leading to the countless brown stone buildings littering

the street. Glancing to the window her strawberry blonde hair caught in the wind and she fought to

clear her eyes. The curtains twitched and she knew that she would be scolded for not pulling her hair

back. Jessica began her two block walk home, she had been lucky to find herself a shared apartment

in the upper part of Washington. It was just a twenty bus ride to congress. But as she had discovered

when moving here from Idaho that winters seemed to stretch out for longer then any where. Turning

the collar of her cream colored trench coat up, she fought against the bitter cold engulfing her.

It had been gone ten when her replacement had turned up for her shift, the second shift carer was

meant to start at nine o’clock. Jessica puffed air out in distaste, the second carer wouldn’t been

disciplined for that, knowing the manager of the Care At Home company meant to she could use that

to scare her supervisors. Jessica had been told that quickly, and if it wasn’t for the lack of jobs and thedistance from her home she would quit. But there was another reason, Mrs. Keats. The elder lady she

was caring for, she was sweet and tried her best not to be a bother to her even though Jessica had

mentioned several times that it was her job to care for her. But Mrs. Keats had protested stating that

she was still in the prime of her life. The old lady was a pleasure to care for, she would bring out

several leather bound photo albums and show Jessica the moments of her life caught by a camera.

Mrs. Keats had been nurse for most of her life, she cared for many and when her husband came from

war she was the first thing he saw when he woke, two weeks later he promptly asked Mrs. Keats to

marry him. Mrs. Keats would show her photos of her husband and Jessica agreed many times that her

husband was extremely handsome.

Sadly Mrs. Keats admitted that because of many wounds her husband had retained during war he

was unable to conceive any child. Something she regretted. But between them the Keats made each

other happy until five years ago when Mr. Keats died and Mrs. Keats was unable to care for her self.

 Jessica had been working for Mrs. Keats for the past three months.

Sighing Jessica thought of her bed, turning a corner she groaned when nearly half the street lights

were flickering, she made her way down the darken street listening to the world around her. In the

distance she could hear the sirens of police cars and shivered, the small town in which she had

 grown up in was relatively quiet. A few car thieves and some T-ping of local teacher’s houses but that

was about it, a far cry the big cities. She pulled the coat tighter around her when she heard footsteps,

stopping she glanced behind her but saw no one. Shaking her head in disbelief she carried on

walking, ducking her head. She sighed when she reached the other end of the ally and was bathed in

working street lights. However as she turned she walked into something solid yet soft glancing up she

saw a young man “sorry” she muttered before smiling, dropping her shoulders when she saw 

kindness spreading his face. He began to ask a question and Jessica was only too happy to help.

General Carey looked to the man standing beside him “you think this wise” he questioned as he

walked towards the window looking out over the base. Admiral Kent Van Holt questioned clasping

his hands behind his back. Carey rubbed his forehead and sighed “honestly sir, I don’t think she’ll

ever be ready but she has to go outside some day and if she can help then it’s the best thing for her”

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Carey admitted as Van Holt looked at him “Richard she’s no older then my youngest, how long the FBI

been bothering us” Van Holt questioned, pulling at his clean trimmed beard “for seven months now, I

believe it’s their twelfth victim now. Their having no luck” Carey admitted causing Van Holt to nod

and shrug “well you have our support, but you will have to keep tabs on her” he ordered as Carey 

nodded leaning back in his chair “any more information on Bio Link” Carey asked as Van Holt turned

and strolled towards the door “none, not since your informant went underground. She has no idea

what happened to him” Van Holt questioned as Carey shook his head “no, we figure he was killed or

wounded while trying to get Remmie out” Carey admitted causing Van Holt looked at him “how do

we know that this wasn’t what they wanted, for her to be put in place” Van Holt questioned as Carey 

shrugged “maybe… but I don’t think she was” Carey admitted as Van Holt nodded “well I trust in

 your judgment” Van Holt admitted before he grabbed his hat and looked at Carey once more “just

make sure we’re not making a mistake” Van Holt ordered before he picked up his hat and nodded to

Carey before turning and heading to the door and walking out.

Washington, DCFBI Headquarters

Remmie glanced at Carey who sat beside her in the unmarked car weaving its way through the

traffic “you’ll be brief as to what you will be doing when you we arrive. Director Carter will be your

boss” Carey informed her as Remmie nodded, turning her attention back to the building crawling

pass her window. They had taken a private jet which had amazed Remmie; they were then picked up

in a car. She had never seen so many buildings, for that matter she had never seen the outside world;

it was over crowded, noisy and smelly. The car pulled to a stopped outside a building marked FBI,

Remmie waited until Carey exited the car and slammed the door. She climbed out and studied the

building. It was glass fronted which made it shine in the morning sun light. Trees and shrubs dottedthe front walkway, people dressed smartly buzzed around outside many walking in and out the

building. Two guards stood alert outside “you ok Remmie” Carey asked as Remmie nodded, looking up

to the top floors “what will I have to do” Remmie questioned as Carey looked to her “helping one of 

the FBI’s most prominent teams” Carey stated as he shut the door and nodded to the driver. He waved

a hand towards the building and guided Remmie.

The interior was spotless and dull. A few paintings hanged around the lobby area, leafy trees stood

beside each leather three seat. A blue marble desk stood in front of four elevators. Two operators sat

behind the desk, smiling politely. Carey stood in front of a red head and smiled at her “general Carey,

I’m here to see director Carter” Carey stated as the red nodded still holding her smile “oh good

morning General Carey, Director Carter is expecting you and your companion but an Admiral Van

Holt phoned ahead and requested that you contact him immediately” the red head stated as Carey 

nodded and looked at Remmie “would it be possible for my companion to go ahead” Carey asked as

the red head nodded “of course sir, miss if you take the second elevator and go to the fifth floor a

 guard will escort you to the directors office” the red head stated before Remmie looked at Carey who

smiled “press the button marked up and once in side hit the button marked five” Carey explained as

Remmie nodded then walked briskly towards the steel doors whilst the red head raised her eyebrows

but said nothing.

He was late, and wasn’t the usual five minutes late, he was the bad late that sometimes got you fired

or worse pulled up in front of the director like a bad school boy. Agent Mackenzie Cohen skidded

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when he raced into the lobby of the FBI head quarters. Any other day would be fine but after a

thirteenth girl was taken he was being watched by the director very closely. Mac waved to the two

desk clerks only barely noticing the dark general standing by the desk dialing a number on the

standard black phones. Not slowing down he slipped into the second elevator just before the doors

closed. Taking a deep breath he sent a thank you to who ever was helping this morning. The only 

reason he was late was because he had been working till four o’clock that morning, and having to get

up at six he over slept by an hour. Mac reached and hit the button for seven and sighed before

looking towards his elevator companion. Mac straightened when he took the young woman in for the

first time. Her rich brown hair had been clipped back, showing off her rounded face. Her slim figure

was accentuated by a white buttoned shirt and black boot cut trousers, Mac cleared his throat and

straightened his tie. He had gone with a basic dark blue suit. Mac looked at the woman again as the

elevator began to ascend “morning” Mac greeted causing the woman to look at him and raised an

eyebrow at his ruffled hair and unshaven face “good morning” she greeted before looking back 

towards the door. Mac looked away before rocking on his heels and looked at her again “I’m agent

Cohen, I don’t believe I’ve seen you around here before” he stated as the woman looked at him againwith an expressionless face “Remmie Epps, I have never been here before” she stated matter of factly 

before looking at the door again “right, just visiting” Mac asked as Remmie sighed and looked at him

“I don’t do tiny talk” Remmie admitted as Mac frowned before he smiled “small talk” he corrected

causing Remmie to look at him “excuse me” Remmie as Mac smiled even more “it’s called small talk 

and why don’t you do it” Mac questioned as Remmie sighed “it’s irrelevant, two strangers attempt to

fill the awkward silence with small talk that mean nothing to each other only to depart with

awkwardness because neither know each other well enough to say goodbye and mean it” Remmie

stated before looking back straight ahead while Mac stared at her with confusion before he went to

say something but closed his mouth before the doors pinged and opened. Remmie nodded to him

before she walked out and spoke to the guards who nodded before the doors closed as Mac shook hishead.

Director Mike Carter’s office stood at the end of a long hallway, fronted by a serious and middle aged

man. He regarded Remmie for a few moments before buzzing into the room behind him “yes” a gruff 

voice answered as the desk clerk continued to watch Remmie as he talked “sir there is a Miss Epps to

see you” the clerk declared before general Carey hurried to her side “and General Carey” Carey 

ordered as the clerk looked him up and down “and a general Carey” the clerk stated before he waited

“send them in” the voice ordered before the clerk gave a nod and pointed to a heavy and highly 

polished door behind him “go straight in” he ordered without even looking at them.

Carey opened the door and allowed Remmie to step in first to a large and well lit room. Book cases

lined two walls and where filled with books, binders, photos and a few statues. A large slick black 

desk stood before two large windows over looking a lush garden where agents milled around. A

middle aged man with dark hair sat, he had cared for himself and toned his muscles. He looked up

from the papers spread across his desk, setting his hazel eyes on the pair over his rimless glasses. He

looked from Carey to Remmie then back “General Carey, we’ve spoken on the phone” Carter declared

as he stood and held his hand out. Carey stepped forward and took the other man’s hand firmly 

before letting go and pointing to Remmie “and this is the expert I was telling you about” Carey 

declared as Remmie shook Carters hand “so is your past going to a problem” Carter asked as Remmie

pulled her hand a little confused, questioningly she looked at Carey who sighed “I explained what

happened to him. He had to know seeing as your going to be working for him” Carey explained as

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Remmie took a deep breath and looked at Carter “so is it” he asked again but Remmie shook her head

“I don’t believe it will… but I can not know for sure until I have started to work” Remmie admitted as

Carter studied her with furrowed brows before he grinned “straight to the point I like it. I think your

 going to do well here” Carter declared as Carey smiled and looked at Remmie who raised an eyebrow 

“general your more than welcome to stay” Carter offered but Carey shook his head “I’m needed back 

on base” Carey admitted before looking at Remmie “you have an apartment set up for you, guards will

still be watching you. You will have everything you need” Carey assured as Remmie nodded

“understood” she admitted as Carey smiled at her, sadly he held his hand out and Remmie “good luck 

Remmie, any problems you have your direct number to my office and the base” Carey questioned as

Remmie nodded letting go of Carey’s hand “thank you general” she thanked before Carey nodded and

 gave a nod to Carter before turning and walking back out of the office.

Carter waited until the door shut before he looked at Remmie “let’s get down to business shall we” he

stated before walking around the desk, grabbing the grey jacket to his suit “you will be working with

our best team here. Over seven months twelve girls have gone missing, the last five of them have been

discovered mutilated” Carter told her slipping into his jacket and opening the door for her.“Have you got any suspects… any links to the victims” Remmie questioned as the pair walked down

the hallway towards the guarded elevators “no, each victim is different from the last. It’s as though

they are random” Carter told her as Remmie shook her head “there must be a connection, other wise

 you should have been able to capture him by now. Serial killers with random victims don’t care about

the victim, they are not important the act of killing itself is important and disposing of the body is an

after thought for the killer” Remmie stated as Carter looked at her “yep your going to fit in well” he

stated hitting a button for the elevator.

Mac strolled into his team’s room. The room held a large desk around which he and the rest of the

team sat and spoke. Glass doors stood at the back leading to a set of stairs that led to the lab andexamining room. Mac lead his small team with fellow agent Jack Mathis, most agents refused this

position due to the fact that the team consisted of four doctors each bringing their specialized skills to

the team in order to solve cases deemed unsolvable or difficult. Mac looked down and saw the team

sitting in the lab beneath him. He walked over to the door and swiped his ID card and pulled the door

open and walked down the stairs. The team looked towards him and fellow agent Mathis pushed over

the stainless steel counter top “well morning sleeping beauty” Mathis greeted scratching at his short

dirty blonde hair. Mac shot him a look before heading straight over to the coffee machine “don’t tell

me you’re all waiting around for my input” Mac asked not looking at his team. The only female of the

team Doctor Sasha Halliwell grinned and sat up, her raven black hair was tied back but its natural

curl caused strains slipped out of place and fell around her creamy heart shaped face “the boys here

are getting excited, it seems our pleads have gone answered. Carter has appointed a new member to

the team” Sasha stated as Mac looked at Mathis who nodded “heard the rumor this morning. Meant to

be an expert or something, though I don’t know why because we have the experts sitting here now”

Mathis stated as Mac shook his head “no offence but of we were that good then we would have

caught the sick bastard all ready” Mac pointed out causing a deep auburn haired man looked at him

with wounded eyes “hey Mac we don’t dig about your lack of tact do we now” Doctor Matthew 

Hawkins exclaimed before Mac shot him a look “you got my results” Mac demanded as Matthew 

handed him a folder “just as the others, no traces. This guy is good” “he’s not good, he’s sick and it will

be a matter of time before we get him” Mac interrupted causing everyone to look at each other “I got

a face for the girl, the twelfth girl” a voice stated from beside Sasha, Doctor Monty Yu stepped

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forward and showed the team a picture of an African American female with delicate and soft

features. Her dark hair hung loosely around her face. Mac studied the face and sighed before

handing the reconstruction back to Monty, the Chinese doctor took it back and gave Mac a look 

“she’s different” he stated as Mac grabbed his coffee and squared his jaw “just like the others. Their

too different” Mac snapped as Mathis looked at Mac “like you said we’re going to get him” Mathis

admitted as Mac nodded “alright people, lets put a name to this face and tell her family she isn’t

coming home” Mac declared as everyone nodded before Mac zeroed in on the youngest member of 

the team lab tech Sam Jones who was nervously shuffling a stack of papers. His deep green deer like

eyes turned towards Mac and stared at him “from the small amounts of flesh I was able to take from

the bones I couldn’t find any traces of drugs or anything to suggest that she was chemical subdued”

Sam admitted as Mac shook his head “but that doesn’t mean she wasn’t given something that would

dissolved in the system after a few hours” Mac questioned as Sam nodded “it’s possible” Sam admitted

before he looked up towards the main and frowned. Mac stared at him before he turned and looked

up director Mike Carter stood before the window talking to someone out of view. He caught Mac’s

 gaze and gave him a sharp nod. Mac looked to Mathis who shrugged before walking over to Mac andwatched their boss “think that’s the new kid” Mathis asked as Mac folded his arms “well who ever he

is he better be good” Mac declared before Carter walked to the door and swiped his card, holding the

door open allowing someone to walk out first. Mac straightened when he saw it was the woman from

the elevator. The rest of the team watched as Carter and Remmie walk down the stairs.

As Remmie stepped down the steps fragments of memories echoed around her brain. She had seen a

room like this before, a wall lined with machinery. But she couldn’t pinpoint when she had been in

room like that before. Carter stepped forward “this is Ms Remmie Epps, she will be assisting you in

 your investigation” Carter declared before motioned to Mac and Mathis “those two are agents Mac

Cohen and Jack Mathis” Carter introduced as Mathis nodded but Mac looked at them “we’ve already met” Mac stated causing Carter to raise his eyebrow before looking at Remmie who nodded “that

must have been an experience” Carter stated in a firm tone ignoring the wounded expression.

“And this is Doctor Sasha Halliwell, she is a behavior specialist, she helps us understand the criminal

mind” Carter stated as Remmie nodded before Sasha grinned “thank god there’s another woman on

the team, I was getting snowed under with all the talk of football. Believe me these guys could talk the

hind legs off a horse” Sasha admitted causing Remmie to frown at her “I don’t understand what that

means” Remmie stated matter of factly. Sasha raised her eyebrows before the men looked at each.

Carter straightened and looked at Remmie “common expression, mean they can talk for ever about

football” Carter stated as Remmie nodded before lowering her eyes.

“Um this is Doctor Monty Yu, he reconstructs facial images. He gives faces to skulls” Carter told her

as Remmie nodded and smiled to Monty who nodded “welcome” he stated before Carter looked at

Matthew “this is doctor Matthew Hawkins, he is an expert in entomology, and breaking down partials

to discern where the victims have been” Carter stated as Remmie nodded and looked at Matthew he

chewed on gum “and our youngest recruit Sam Jones, he is becoming the best with DNA” Carter

beamed as Sam ducked his head with embarrassment. Carter sighed “and this is the team, Remmie

will help with the skeletons and the crime scenes” Carter ordered but no one nodded. “Right good,

Miss Epps any problems come and see me, I’ll leave you lot it. I want up dates” Carter ordered before

he turned and walked up the stairs but stopped and looked at Mac “and Agent Cohen if you need a

new alarm clock I would gladly buy you one. We can’t have you turning up late for work” Carter

stated giving Mac a pointed look. Mac smirked as Carter walked out before he looked at Remmie who

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looked from each team member “oh for god sake” Sasha exclaimed as she stepped forward and held

her hand out “hey” Sasha greeted before Remmie shook her hand “hello” she greeted before Sasha

took Remmie by the arm over to a clear board that held pictures of twelve girls names written

beneath each one and paper tact to the board with information about each girl “how much did Carter

tell” Sasha questioned as Remmie studied the girls faces “twelve girls have been abducted over the

past seven months, the last five have been discovered murdered” Remmie told her as Sasha nodded

“that’s correct. But the problem is we’ve found no connection between any of the women that were

killed. Well at least not among the last ones, however the first and second victims are similar in their

facial features. Shannon Moore and Carrie Gregson were the first two that we knew of, both twenty 

one years of age, both had blonde hair and came from good families who both reported them missing

three days after they were abducted” Sasha explained as Remmie nodded “after the first two they were

all different, my theory is that the first two were apart of a pattern. He got smarter after that

changing the type of victim” Sasha stated as Remmie glanced at her “it’s no longer about the victim

it’s the power and pleasure of the kill” Remmie declared as Sasha nodded “but like I said he’s getting

smarter, the need to kill normal over powers the killer, as though he craves and feeds on it to nourishhimself and with those killers they are more likely to make more mistakes as their killings spiral out

of control” Sasha explained as Remmie looked at her “but this killer hasn’t, because it isn’t a craving

for him, he may prefer the killing to the victim but he is still in control over his actions. He saviors the

kill” Remmie declared as Sasha nodded “can I look at the bones” Remmie asked as Sasha glanced at

Mac who was watching them along with the rest of the team “ask Mac, he’s the boss” Sasha stated as

Remmie turned and walked over to Mac “I need to see the remains” she declared as Mac raised his

eyebrows “please” he stated as Remmie frowned before sighing “please may I see the remains of all the

women you have found” Remmie declared as Mac took a deep breath before looking at Mathis “phone

Pollok, tell him we’re viewing the bodies” Mac ordered as Mathis nodded and watched as Mac lead

Remmie out of the room.Sasha walked back over to the men “twenty she won’t last the week” Matthew declared as Sasha

 grinned “I give her two days” Mathis stated causing Matthew to snort “I give her to the end of the day 

before Mac scares her away” Monty stated as Sasha shook her head “twenty she stays” Sasha stated

before she walked away.

Mac glanced at Remmie as they rode the elevator, looking back at the doors he took a breath “so

what kind of expert are you then” Mac questioned as Remmie looked at him “I’m well trained in

several subjects” Remmie told him as Mac nodded “well that’s good. Work with the FBI before” Mac

asked as Remmie shook her head “I’ve been in training for most of my life” Remmie told him as Mac

frowned “wow, your parents must have been hardcore for you to spend most of your life in training”

Mac stated as Remmie looked down but before she answered Mac’s phone shrilled in his pocket. Mac

 gave Remmie an apologetic look before digging his cell out “hello” he answered as brought the cell to

his ear “um, I’m at work now” Mac stated before flickering his eyes towards Remmie who looked back 

the doors “Kate, I’ll call you back later” Mac ordered before the elevator came to a stop and the doors

opened. Remmie stepped out and Mac followed quickly “ok, I’ll bring something home to eat. If you

want to stay the night that’s fine but I don’t know what time I’ll be back to night” Mac stated

 gesturing to a double set of stainless steel doors “ok Kate, yeah talk to you soon” Mac stated before he

hanged up and stopped looking at Remmie and gave her a full smile “sorry” he apologized “your wife”

Remmie questioned but Mac gapped at her and shook his head “god no… she’s just… I hang out with

her” he stated as Remmie frowned “I don’t understand what that means” she stated as Mac scrubbed

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at his head before clearing his throat “never mind, shall we” he asked not waiting for an answers as

he walked to the doors and pushed them opened and stepped in to the sterile room. The smell of 

disinfectant and stall water kicked at them as Remmie followed. Five tables stood spaced out in the

room each with a pull down spray above them. In the middle stood a middle aged man with half 

moon glasses, he looked up and his face drop and a scrawl spread across it “you” he growled in Mac’s

direction causing Mac to straighten and his jaw muscles bunched “doc-” “don’t doc me, do you know 

what time it is” the doctor asked as Mac smiled at him “well you see” “eight thirty, I can’t get my team

here till nine. So I don’t know who your going to get to help me pull this bodies out” the doctor asked

as Mac folded his arms, a stern look creeping over his face now. But before he could answer Remmie

frowned “I thought it was skeletons not bodies” Remmie declared drawing the doctors attention away 

from Mac and studied her “you… who the hell are you” the doctor demanded as Mac looked away 

from the doctor to Remmie then back again “Doctor Royce Pollok, Pollok this is miss Remmie Epps”

Mac introduced as Pollok raised an eyebrow “what do you do” Pollok snipped but Remmie wasn’t

affected “I’m an expert, I need to exam the skeletal remains of the five women discovered” Remmie

stated as Pollok looked taken back before he broke out into a large smile “I like you” he stated beforehe turned and walked over to a bank of small square doors “Cohen I like her” Pollok stated over his

shoulder as he scanned the doors “I’ll get one of the guards to help me carry the after three in, you

two can get started on the last two brought in” Pollok stated as he opened two doors and pulled one

try out then another both holding a large black body bags “all yours” Pollok declared before he turned

and walked past them towards the door walking out in search of guards to help him.

Remmie stepped forward and looked at one of the tags attached to the first body bag “Rachel Keach”

Remmie read aloud before Mac walked over to her “second to last victim to go missing” Mac told her

before Remmie opened the bag and looked down at a full skeleton, the bones seemingly blenched

white against the black bag. Remmie studied each bone noting mentally each nick and dent “the joints

in her wrists, elbows and shoulders are smooth… extensive and repetitive use” Remmie said aloud asMac sorted through his memory and nodded “she was a gymnastic… you know hanging from those

ropes thing” Mac stated as Remmie gave him a look but said nothing and looked at the bones again

“arthritis, she began her training at an early age. I doubt she would have continued with her

 gymnastics for more then a year or two. The pain must have been unbearable during training”

Remmie stated as Mac walked over to her and looked at the bones “we went through that, her parents

were questioned, it seems her mother wanted her to keep pushing through but they check out” Mac

told her as Remmie examined the skeleton again “ok, so we knew all this is there something you can

tell me that I don’t already know” Mac questioned but Remmie ignored him. Her attention was drawn

to the shoulder joints “she didn’t struggle… when she was abducted she didn’t struggle. She couldn’t,

her shoulders have deteriorated more then her wrists and elbows. She could barely lift her arms

without pain” Remmie stated as Mac looked at her “I didn’t know that” Mac stated as Remmie pointed

the problem areas out “how did she die” Remmie asked as Mac looked at her “affixation probably”

Mac told her before Remmie moved down to the skeletons wrist “her wrist was broken in three

places, the edges look snapped… their sharp and seem to have splintered. Something heavy broke her

wrist” Remmie stated as Mac looked at her “before or after” Mac questioned raising an eyebrow “after,

maybe it was broken when the killer moved the body” Mac stated before he shook his head “he’s

 getting sloppy” Mac declared causing Remmie to look at him confused “I don’t understand what that

means” Remmie stated as Mac frowned at her before standing back from the skeleton “he’s getting

reckless” Mac stated as Remmie thought then shook her head “I don’t believe he is… if anything he is

becoming more confident in his disposal of the bodies” Remmie stated before she walked around the

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table and began to open the second bag while Mac watched her “you know that from spending

twenty minutes on the case” Mac questioned folding his arms, his tone of disbelief made Remmie

 glance up at him with an emotionless expression “it’s obvious that he believes himself above the law.

He has yet to be caught and you have yet to have a single suspect. You might only catch him if he

allows you too” Remmie stated as Mac raised an eyebrow “well that’s why we have you here isn’t. I

mean you are an expert right” Mac asked as Remmie looked at him and straightened “this is my first”

Remmie admitted as Mac raised an eyebrow “what FBI case” Mac questioned as Remmie shook her

head “no my first murder case” Remmie admitted causing Mac to gape at her then clear his throat

“um… your joking right” Mac questioned with disbelief but Remmie shook her head. Silence settled

among them before a shrill echoed throughout the room before Mac dug his cell from his pocket and

hit the answer button “Cohen” Mac greeted as Remmie looked back at the skeleton “ok, ok thanks I’ll

be up in twenty minutes I have to track down Carter” Mac stated before he hanged up and looked

back at Remmie “we’ve got a name on her, Lucy Ramon. Parents reported her missing a week ago”

Mac told her as Remmie looked at Lucy Ramon’s remains.

A sudden sense of sadness crept over Remmie, a young girl with her life ahead of her. She examinedthe skeleton and sighed “no signs of visible struggle, her bones are in good condition. She was strong,

she would have been more likely to fight off any attack” Remmie stated as Mac shook his head “no

traces of drugs in her system” Mac stated but Remmie was studying the skull. Mac tilted his head and

realized that Remmie wasn’t paying him her full attention “she didn’t struggle” Remmie declared

lifting the skull out of it’s place and Mac held his hands out “wow, I don’t think you should be doing

that… it’s weird” Mac admitted as Remmie tilted the skull back and held it to the flouriest lights “have

 you ascertain cause of death” Remmie asked as Mac shrugged “not definite why” Mac asked as

Remmie turned the skull towards him “she was hit” Remmie declared as Mac frowned but showed

disgust looking at the skull “how can you tell” he asked as Remmie pointed inside the skull, indicating

to a dark stain at the crown of the skull “the skull is relatively smooth to the touch. But underintensive magnification you will seem dentitions in the bone. However here there is a large dentitions

and a dark stain is presence. She was hit and the injury caused bleeding in her brain” Remmie stated

as Mac lost the disgusted look and stared at the skull “she was hit” Mac questioned as Remmie nodded

studying Mac “most likely, I assume that he was unable to subdue like his other victims so he struck 

her but the blow caused a rapture in her brain and the bleeding caused an aneurysm” Remmie

informed him as Mac rubbed his head and looked away sadden “how long” he asked in a husky voice.

Remmie frowned with confusion “I don’t understand what you mean” she stated as Mac looked at her

and cleared his throat “how long did it take for her to die” Mac asked as Remmie thought before

looking at him “I estimate looking at the wound and how the bone has started to heal her took from

one to three days after she received the injury” Remmie stated matter of factly. Mac looked at the

skeleton before shaking his head “will you be ok waiting here for Pollok to return. I have to head back 

up stairs. Pollok will have all the information you will need” Mac stated but before Remmie could ask 

he smiled tightly at her and stepped back “that’s great, phone if you have any problems” Mac ordered

before he turned and headed out the double leaving Remmie standing alone holding a skull.

Carter looked up when the door swung open and Mac walked in “she’s a virgin” Mac declared

causing Cater to raise his eyebrows and lay his pen down “ok, I bite who are you talking about”

Carter questioned as Mac paced his office “the expert you sent us, this is her first case… ever” Mac

exclaimed as Carter sighed and clasped his hands together on the desk surface “yes” he agreed

bringing Mac to a stop before staring at his boss “you knew and you took her on” Mac demanded as

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Carter nodded before shrugging “and the point is to your ranting” Carter questioned as Mac stared at

him for a few moments “look doctor Pollok just phoned told me she determined COD on he latest

body. Pollok said he hadn’t even picked up on the blood on the brain. She’s good and when I say your

in charge what I really mean is that I let you think your in charge having your rants before I tell you

that I’m in charge and she’s a keeper” Carter declared as Mac clenched his jaw muscles “does that

mean she’s staying” Mac spat as Carter thought then nodded “I believe so… yes I think that’s what I

said” Carter agreed before he picked his pen up again “but sir” “I believe I just ended that

conversation” Carter declared not looking up from his paper work. Mac glared at his boss before

letting out a puff of air before turning and stalking out. Carter grinned to himself as the young agent

slammed the door shut.

Remmie made notes as she looked at the skeleton of the third victim discovered. Crystal Dane was the

second eldest to go missing. Alive she had fiery red hair, bright green eyes and pale skin. She had

been found in a river, seeming to have been weighted down but the body was loosened and she

moved along with the tide. Her arm was broken in five places and some of the small fragments were


Scrubbing at her nose as her hair tickled it, the cause of death was guessed as drowning but Remmiehad discovered deep groves on the one scaphoid discovered. Looking over the many notes taken cuts

had been discovered on the flesh but because it was too decomposed and ripped it was determined to

be caused by ride through the river but Remmie believed she had discovered the cause of death. Her

wrists had been cut causing her to bleed out.

Remmie finally straightened when pains shot up and down her back due to her bending over the

skeleton. There was three black body bags lying on the steel tables, Phoebe Brennan had been

strangled with such force that her cervical vertebrae had been fracture. She was twenty years old and

still lived with her parents. She had gone missing whilst traveling home from the stables at which she

had worked at for over two years. She had been stabbed several times.

Remmie rubbed her eyes, when she open them she saw Mathis standing in front of the doors “got

anything” Mathis questioned holding to foam cups, he strolled over to her and handed her one of the

cups “thank you” she thanked before looking at her notes “I have found nothing more on these

skeletons than has been written in the autopsy notes” Remmie stated as Mathis nodded and glanced at

the skeletons “is he a psycho” Mathis asked as Remmie frowned at him “I don’t understand what that

means” Remmie admitted causing Mathis to stare at her “you know loopy, swinging from the lights,

mad, screw loose mental” Mathis declared as Remmie understood before shaking her head “I don’t

believe he is mentally unstable. In fact he is completely sane, he’s become confident in his killing”

Remmie admitted as Mathis watched her “each death has been how he wanted it, apart from Lucy 

Ramon” Remmie admitted causing Mathis to stare at her “what you mean” he asked as Remmie looked

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at him “Lucy Ramon died because bleeding in her brain” Remmie told him but Mathis shrugged

“maybe that’s what he wanted” Mathis offered causing Remmie to look at him but say nothing.

“I did find something with Holly Wicks remains” Remmie admitted as she glanced at her notes “what”

Mathis asked cocking his eyebrow “the inside of her Fibula show signs of a healed fractures… her

feet are arched and the joints in her phalanx are smoothed which on it’s on may mean she was a

runner but I think she was a professional horse rider” Remmie stated as Mathis sipped his coffee and

looked at the bones “we didn’t get anything about her job with horses” Mathis stated as Remmie

shook her head and bent over the notes “this would be recreational, perhaps when she was younger”

Remmie told him as Mathis nodded “well we’ll go talk to the parents” Mathis declared before the

doors opened and Mac stepped in “about what” Mac questioned as both Remmie and Mathis looked at

him “she’s good Mac” Mathis declared as Mac nodded and walked over to them “gathered that… who

are we talking to” Mac asked as Mathis sighed “Holly Wicks was a professional horse rider…

recreational” Mathis stated as Mac thought “well, Holly Wicks parents had an healthy bank account,

it makes sense that they would send her to the best stable in the city… the exact stables Phoebe

Brennan worked at” Mac declared as Mathis nodded.

Mac thought for a few moments before he gave Mathis a smile “divide and conquer” he questioned

as Mathis nodded “I’ll take the parents you get the stables” Mathis declared as Mac nodded “ok… and

for god sake drink your coffee before you drive, I’m not explaining to Carter why you had to go home

to treat burns” Mac declared as Mathis nodded and they began towards the door “I want to go to the

stables” Remmie declared as she stood causing both men to look at her “why” Mac questioned as

Remmie frowned “well Phoebe Brennan’s body was discovered there… I would like to search the

area” Remmie declared as Mac looked at Mathis then back “ok” he stated before they turned and

walked out.

Mac glanced at Remmie as they drove, though not as busy as that morning the traffic was still heavy.Remmie had said nothing during their journey so far, after requesting a bag and few items for

collecting she didn’t say another word. Mac was beginning to become bored. By now he and Mathis

would be arguing over sports or their latest dates. Taking a deep breath Mac looked back at the road

ahead “where did you use to work” Mac questioned receiving a look from Remmie but Mac waved a

hand “I know, I know you don’t small talk but you know what that before you were assigned to my 

team” Mac looked at Remmie who continued to stare at him “humor me, please” Mac pleaded as

Remmie sighed and looked out the window “I’m not at liberty to say” Remmie declared as Mac raised

an eyebrow and continued to drive “why” he asked as Remmie looked at him “because of my time

spent with the military… I would like to make this clear any reform to explain or expand on my past

is not out of dislike of you or your team it because I have been ordered to restrict what I say about my 

self. My past is troubled and many details are still held from me also” Remmie stated as Mac looked at

her “what does that mean” Mac questioned as Remmie gave him a look.

“Sorry… it’s the agent me, ever since I can remember I’ve always asked a lot of questions. It’s what

made me want to be an agent… well I wanted to be a detective but I hit university by the time I was

finished the FBI seemed like a good enough place for me, it offered the best and I could save the day”

Mac declared with a childish grin on his face. He glanced at Remmie and looked away “sorry, I forgot

 you don’t do small talk” Mac stated but Remmie shook her head “I was listening” she stated as Mac

looked at her then smiled as he watched the road.

It had taken two hours to drive to the stables and twenty minutes of winding around the main dirt

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road to stop in front of large wooden gates with a metal speaker box beside them “FBI agent Cohen

and Miss Epps” Mac declared into the speaker box after a few minutes the gates swung in wards and

Mac drove the car up the gravel path. A large manor house stood straight against the sky. Mac pulled

stopped the car and climbed out followed by Remmie who grabbed her stuff “we’ll talk to the manger.

Mrs. Banks stays on the grounds all year round; she maintains everything the staff, horses and clients.

Last time me and Mathis was here she got prissy because we were meant to be scaring the wealthy 

away” Mac declared as Remmie nodded noting the path leading around the side of the house to the

stables and riding area “I want to see where Phoebe Brennan was discovered” Remmie ordered as Mac

 grinned “well, we have to introduce ourselves before going around poking at things” Mac ordered

before the large and heavy oak doors leading into the manor swung open and a grey haired woman

stepped out in a fleece and leggings. Her aged face looking firm and natural “Mrs. Banks, afternoon”

Mac greeted as Mrs. Banks stepped down the steps glaring at Mac “agent Cohen I thought we had

seen the last of you” Mrs. Banks snipped not taking her eyes off Mac “well what can I say you keep

drawing me back” Mac joked looking at Remmie who was studying the immediate area “agent

Cohen” Mrs. Banks growled as Mac propped his hands on his hips “Phoebe Brennan” “was worked forme, we found her body here” Mrs. Banks spat. A shiver running down her spine “we know, she’s

among a list of girls that were abducted and killed… we came here to ask you if you know another

 girl named Holly Wicks, she was a professional rider and seeing as this is the best riding school and

stables I thought she would have been sent here” Mac declared as Mrs. Banks folded her arms “yes…

about five years ago. She was good probably could have gone all the way but she fell off her horse”

“fractioning her leg” Remmie inputted as Mrs. Banks stared at her before nodding “yes… how did you

know that” Mrs. Banks questioned as Remmie stepped forward “I examined the skeletal remains of 

Holly Wicks” Remmie stated matter of factly. Mrs. Banks paled while Mac shot Remmie a look but

said nothing to her “my colleague here needs to examine the stable where Phoebe was discovered and

I will need to ask you more about Holly” Mac stated as Mrs. Banks nodded and motioned to the sidepath.

Remmie looked at the stall in which phoebe Brennan was discovered. The stall was still bare, no hay 

had been land down after the scene was cleared “how many ways in here” Remmie asked ignoring

the smell “three, the main entrance which you passed to get here, the riding trails that lead in one

circle through the woods and the service entrance” Mrs. Banks told her as Remmie straightened and

walked out of the stables followed by Mrs. Banks and Mac “they have cameras on the main entrance

and the trails if there’s a problem” Mac told her as Remmie walked towards the service entrance

“what about this way” Remmie asked as Mac looked at Mrs. Banks “we have sensors that track the

license plate of any car coming in” Mrs. Banks stated as Remmie looked at the gate leading up the

service path “just cars” Remmie asked as Mrs. Banks nodded playing with the collar of her fleece “well

that’s all we need to know” she stated as Mac looked at Mrs. Banks “we’re going need to see those

records” Mac ordered as Mrs. Banks looked at him “you already seen them” Mrs. Banks stated as Mac

 gave her a look “humor me” he ordered as Mrs. Banks sighed.

Mac watched over Remmie’s shoulder as she typed on the computer “ok what are you looking for

because she can demand for a warrant” Mac asked as Remmie studied the results “the sensors are set

to detect any pressure placed the pads beneath the ground. What is recorded and sent straight to the

user, is the cars because of the weight. But the sensors also detect when a sufficient amount of 

pressure is placed on them. Taking that in consideration the killer may have gotten through unseen”

Remmie stated as Mac smirked.

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“Well the last car noted to come in was at 0300 hours and left at 0315, belonged to one of the three

night guards assigned to look after the horses during the night, one Simon Hutton. He checked out”

Mac told her and Remmie typed on the computer and brought up another file and looked through

the numbers displayed “the pressure sensors were set off at 0332 hours the morning on which

Phoebe Brennan was discovered” Remmie told him as Mac thought “the night before Phoebe Brennan

was discovered Simon Hutton was rotated to patrol that area. He might have seen something” Mac

declared as he slapped the back of the chair making Remmie jump then look at him “come on, we

have a suspect” Mac ordered as Remmie stood “you can not assume that” Remmie ordered as Mac

smiled “just watch me, come one we’re going to collect Hutton” Mac ordered as he walked out of the

office followed by Remmie.

 Jessica lifted her heavy head from the cold and hard floor. She was back in the room she had first

woken up in after she had been abducted. There was one sliver of light pouring in from beneath the

door; he had left the light on full beam. Pushing her self white hot pain shot up her arms making her

cry our. She bit her lip painfully to stop her self from making any noises, glancing round she could just make out the grey walls, there was a bucket sitting in the corner which she was expected to use

for her toilet. Feeling blood trickle down her chin Jessica unclamped her teeth and winched. She

didn’t know how long she had been there, she wasn’t even sure that anyone had noticed her missing.

Fear knotted in her stomach as she imagined her self down her for months with not one person

caring about where she was. There had been one person who might of care she had gone missing, a

 guy she meet at a party a month go. She had drunk too much to remember the full details but she did

awoke next to him but left before he woke up and she hadn’t seen him since.

Tears slid down her cheeks when she imagined her widowed father standing over her body 

confirming it was her. Bile rose in her throat and turning Jessica lurched her self towards the bucket

and heaved until it felt like her insides were being ripped apart. There was a metal crunching fromher and suddenly the door was opened and the room was drowned in white light blinding Jessica as

she turned, she could just about make out the man who she had offered to help so many nights ago.

Mac and Remmie looked away from the two mirror to see Mathis stroll in. the observation room was

dimly lit and smelled of stale cigarettes and coffee. The ceiling tiles were stained yellow. Mac raised

an eyebrow at his partner “I paged you over an hour ago” Mac declared as Mathis shrugged “sorry, it

took longer to reach the Wicks place then I first thought and then I had to grab something to eat”

Mathis declared as Mac shook his head “well we collected Simon Hutton, what you get from the

parents” Mac asked as he watched Sasha and Simon Hutton speaking. Simon Hutton was a nervous

man by nature, his thin fingers twisted and picked at each other. The muscle in his right eye twitched

throughout the interview.

“Holly Wicks did attend the stables, but she left. Her fathers take on it was that she got bored of the

riding out grew it. The real reason according to her mother was that some one was always watching

her. Mother couldn’t give me a name” Mathis admitted as Mac nodded before he turned the volume

up on the intercom. Sasha’s soothing voice filled the room “I didn’t have anything to do with that

 girl’s death I told you that” Hutton’s high pitched voice declared. Mac lent forward and hit the

microphone leading to Sasha’s ear piece “question him about Holly Wicks. The girl rode at the

stables” Mac ordered as Sasha gave a slight nod “Mr. Hutton; I need to ask you about another young

lady, who attended the stables. Her name was Holly Wicks, do you remember her” Sasha questioned

as Hutton sat up like a pole at the mention of the name. Licking his thin lips his dark brown eyes

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darted around the room like he was a cornered rat “I didn’t touch that girl” Hutton squeaked causing

Sasha to straighten “I didn’t say you did Mr. Hutton, all I asked was if you knew of her… did you

know her on a personal level” Sasha asked as Hutton slumped his shoulders rubbing at his forehead,

his thin fingers drawing circles “they didn’t understand her… no one did” Hutton stated as Sasha

studied him “expect you” she questioned gently as Hutton looked at her, his eyes borrowing into her

“yes… you think it’s wrong don’t you… but it wasn’t, it wasn’t like what she thought I didn’t want

her… I wanted to help her, she wanted to be free of her parents, of that life but they wouldn’t let

her… parents always make you do things that you don’t want to do” Hutton stated firmly as Sasha

nodded and gave him a small smile “did you tell her that” she asked as Hutton looked at the table

before them “yes… but she didn’t want to listen” Hutton stated as Sasha nodded and folded her hands

on the table “what did you say to her” Sasha probed as Hutton lent back in his chair “that I

understood… I could help her get away from it but she didn’t want my help… no one ever wants my 

help” Hutton stated sadly.

Mac lent forward and switched the intercom off “I’ve heard enough, the son of a bitch did it” Mac

snapped as Remmie gave him a look “have you searched his home” Remmie asked as Mac looked ather “yes, most of the stuff is down stairs. But it won’t tell us much, we need him to tell us where the

last victim is” Mac ordered as Remmie thought “if he did dispose of Phoebe Brennan’s body at the

stables then why Holly Wicks’ as well and if it was him he activated the sensors at 0332 hours then

why didn’t he use his car to transport the body in stead of carrying it” Remmie asked as Mathis

frowned “what I miss” Mathis asked as Mac looked away from Remmie “the stables have a pressure

activated sensors at the service entrance, they log when anything puts enough pressure on them but

only logs the license plate of cars” Mac explained as Mathis thought “we didn’t know that” he stated

as Mac looked at Remmie who was staring at him “we do know and this guy has something to do

with those deaths, look at him his twitching… guilt” Mac stated as Mathis raised an eyebrow “or

perhaps he doesn’t trust law enforcement” Remmie offered before there was a knock at theobservation door and Monty walked in “what is it” Mac asked looking away from Remmie and

folding his arms. Monty took a deep breath glancing towards Hutton and Sasha before looking back 

at Mac “they’ve found another body, it’s the thirteenth victim she’s on the way down to Pollok” Monty 

stated as Mac rubbed his forehead and Remmie looked at Hutton as he spoke to Sasha “well at least

we know no more girls are going to go missing” Mac stated as Remmie studied the man accused of 

murdering young women. A strange sense of doubt ran through her mind. Though she had never

really used her instincts before she knew that Hutton didn’t kill those women.

“Monty starting putting a face to the body, Mathis find out what Hutton was doing when the girls

went missing” Mac ordered as both men nodded and walked out “and you, we’re going to look at a

body” Mac ordered as he walked out followed by Remmie who stopped “I don’t think he did it”

Remmie stated causing Mac to stop and look at her “what” he asked as Remmie stepped forward

staring him directly in the eyes “I don’t believe Simon Hutton murdered any of those women” Remmie

declared as Mac rubbed his forehead “ok, ok so maybe he didn’t kill any of the other girls but he had

something to do with Phoebe Brennan’s and Holly Wicks death I know that for sure” He admitted as

Remmie shook her head “I don’t believe he had anything to do with any of the deaths” Remmie stated

firmly folding her arms. The pair stood staring at each other in silence before Mac’s cell rung. Slowly 

he pulled the cell out and answered it still staring at Remmie as though trying to win some unspoken

war “Cohen” Mac snapped before a voice made him look away “ok, I’m on my way” he ordered before

hanging up “Pollok is waiting for you, I’ll be down soon” he ordered before stalking past her leaving

Remmie shaking her head.

Page 27: Broken Past pt one

8/15/2019 Broken Past pt one 27/27

Pollok looked up when Remmie walked into the morgue “the only one I like, Remmie isn’t it” Pollok 

asked as Remmie nodded looking at the body “Remmie Epps, what have you found doctor” Remmie

questioned looking a blonde hair dirtied with blood, mud and other debris “a baby” Pollok declared

making Remmie look at him with confusion “this young lady here was pregnant, not far along…

that’s where testing comes in useful but she was pregnant but here’s the real kicker, she was

miscarrying” Pollok informed her as Remmie stared at the bruised and bloody face of the young

woman laying on the table “have you discovered why” Remmie asked as Pollok shrugged “could be a

number of reasons, stress or the killer knew what he was doing” Pollok stated as Remmie frowned

and felt the skin “how long has she been dead” Remmie questioned as Pollok looked at his notes “ME

on the scene said liver temp was consistent with her being dead for five to six hours” Pollok declared

causing Remmie to frown in thought “she was discovered two hours ago, so three to four hours

before hand her body was dumped” Pollok told her giving her a strange look “what is it” he asked as

Remmie stared at him “Simon Hutton didn’t kill this woman” Remmie told him matter of factly as

Pollok shrugged “what the guy you have upstairs” he asked as Remmie nodded “yes, he was unable tokill this woman, agent Cohen took Simon into custody an hour ago. Simon Hutton visits his

 grandmother in her retirement home for seven hours a day. He has an witnesses” Remmie stated as

Pollok looked at the girl laying on his table then sighed “well then your sick son of a bitch is still out

there and from what I heard, he’s probably looking for his new victim” Pollok declared as Remmie

 glanced at him.

The hidden figure flipped through the pictures he held in his hand, stroking the still image of 

Maggie Lawson’s face. Her hazel eyes alive in the photo and her chocolate brown hair whipping

behind her in the wind. The figure put the photos away before turning back to the computer and

discovering he was finally in the security system of the Stables at which Phoebe Brennan wasdiscovered.

To Be Continued...