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Luxoft EnergyExpertiseWe help design and develop innovative custom software and hardware solutions for the energy market leaders

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Smart Grid Software DevelopmentLuxoft is the software and hardware development partner of choice for energy solutions vendors, electric utilities, and energy equipment manufacturers across the globe. We work closely with our clients to design and deliver innovative custom solutions for leaders in the energy market.

Areas of Expertise

Luxoft’s energy practice is founded on years of successfully implementing key business projects that enable our customers to bring their products and services to market on time and on budget. We understand the market challenges and we help our customers overcome them with our unique combination of advanced technical skills and industry knowledge. Our areas of expertise include:

Energy Management Systems Distribution Management Systems Smart Substation Automation Systems Meter Data Management Wireless Communications Intelligent Electronic Devices Industry Standards & Protocols


Luxoft’s development services for the Energy & Utilities industry are solidly supported by substantial expertise, an in-house R&D lab, successful partnerships with industry-leading software and hardware vendors, and an in-depth knowledge of legacy and emerging technology standards.

Software and hardware D&D Software systems integration Custom product R&D Smart Grid consulting


Luxoft has an in-house R&D center to develop software platforms specifically for the energy and utilities market. These innovative platforms are easily customized to fit the unique requirements of our client’s products, and help to significantly reduce time-to-market and overall development costs.

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DMFusion: a Proven SOA-oriented Platform with Open Architecture

Load reduction and demand response workflow adds value for demand response vendors and utility companies that want to create an in-house demand response solution DMFusion for load reduction act as energy management system Integration Bridge with curtailment commands as an output of the events processing. It displays the grid components and shows transformers and meters on GIS, together with their parameters collected from DMS/OMS and MDM. DMFusion correlates weather forecasts with metering data, predicts the load, and sends curtailment events directly to consumer devices.

Equipment tracking workflow helps asset management product vendors to enrich their solutions or utility companies that want to build a custom, in-house asset management tool DMFusion integrates equipment location and status information from Asset Management, Workforce Management, and legacy systems to create a single view of the equipment in the field. It establishes processes and workflows for equipment management, escalates issues and issues alerts if problems arise. Integrated with project management tools, it helps to establish single point of view on all the maintenance processes in one visual application.

DMFusion Architecture

DMFusion uses a layered architecture designed to integrate transmission and distribution grid components and to visualize the events and issues on the grid to manage the events and alerts. Its open, scalable, web-services-based architecture makes the platform easily adaptable to concrete processes, helping to empower existing solutions with advanced workflows, grid and events visualization, and decision support automation. Many workflows are already created within DMFusion platform:

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DMMessenger: a high-volume meter data analysis tool for customer engagement Luxoft’s DMMessenger is the cloud-based distributed software platform that analyses terabytes of metering data and targets customers with curtailment messages. It was created specifically for Smart Grid solution vendors and is designed to empower their products with an active consumer enablement engine, meter data processing, cloud-based storage, social network integration, and messaging.

Visual utility module for Smart Grids DMFusion, an integration platform with high visualization capabilities, provides a way to look at the enterprise as a set of simple easy to read markers, helping to make better decisions. It leverages market-leading visualization vendors (SpaceTime Insight for visual analytics, Google Maps for simple dashboards, and OpenStreets for small and medium business) by combining their visualization capabilities with a prediction engine and sophisticated mathematics in prebuilt dashboards that helps to prevent faults and blackouts, make fact-based decisions. DMFusion’s visual utility helps to manage projects effectively, find losses and thefts at a glance on the grid.

For more information, please contact:

Joseph Jerz, Global Head - Energy & Utilities PracticeE-mail: [email protected]: +1 (212) 964 9900 x249

Visual Utility screenshot: Visual Utility shows non-technical losses, thefts, money flows through the grid, and can help to compare different sub-grids in terms of their technical and business performance.

Why Choose the Luxoft Energy Practice?

Over seven years of experience in grid management and demand response systems End-to-end service offerings Long-term investments in R&D for the Energy & Utilities sector Customizable software platforms that reduce time-to-market and development costs Strong partnerships and excellent relationships with key industry vendors Active participation in energy standards development