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Page 1: Broad dissemination strategy of Census results

United Nations Economic Commission for EuropeStatistical DivisionUnited Nations Economic Commission for EuropeStatistical Division

Broad Dissemination Strategy* The need to identify different need

structures of different users *Presentation at the

Training Workshop on the Management of Population and Housing Censuses in SPECA

Member countries

Baku, Azerbaijan, 30.10 – 3.11.2006

Petteri Baer, Regional Adviser, UNECE

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3.11.2006 Petteri Baer - UNECE Statistical Division Slide 2

The Census – The oldest activity of official statistics The early needs of the Crown

• Tax collection• Soldiers for wars

The developed needs of Public Administration• Elections• Communication facilities• Education• Health facilities• Social security

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Not only the Central Administration… The Local Administration as implementator of

the public infrastructures Allocation of central/federal support for local

authorities Advocacy for local development

• Motivation for initiatives to the central government• Participation in programmes of international and

supranational organisations, planning…reporting…• Advocacy for investments and attraction of new


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The needs of Research Institutions, Universities, Academia Analysis of economic development Analysis of social development Needs of detailed, non-aggregated

information, microdata Needs of longitude development information At the same time – Protection of

confidentiality: People, households, individual businesses

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The needs of the business commu-nity, corporations, companies (1)

Market economy – Market research

The role of Demographic factors in Market research

Market profiles of small geographic areas

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The needs of the business commu-nity, corporations, companies (2)

Cost effective basic information and frameworks for conducting market research

Highly concentrated presentation forms are needed

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Educational institutions can be important users (1) Learning to know

basic structures• Of the own country• Of the development

trends in society Learning to know the

main structural differences in the own country

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Educational institutions can be important users (2) Learning to

understand the meaning and importance of statistical information

Learning to know the main sources of statistical information

An investment in the future…

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Many NGOs need Census Data

Non-Governmental organisations (NGOs) need Census data• For making analyses• For production of advocacy materials on

subjects, important for their way of looking at things

• As basic and background materials

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The media is your partner

In the preparation stages of the Census process

In disseminating the main results

In making problematic issues known

Help the media to be well informed!

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The importance of visual presentations William Playfair (1759-1823)

• “It is hoped that, with the assistance of these Charts, information will be got, without the fatigue and trouble of studying the particulars of which it is composed”

• “Men of great rank, or active business, can only pay attention to general outlines; nor is attention to particulars of use, any further as they give general information…”

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The importance of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Important not only in the preparatory

phases of the Census activities Growing importance in dissemination

activities• Thematic maps• Demonstration of small area market profiles• Development of thematic cartography

Confidentiality issues sets limits

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The importance of good contact information

User lists• From previous censuses• Users of socio-economic

statistical materials Contact directories Feedback contacts Contact / Customer

database Customer

Relationship Management (CRM)

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You will profit much from active feedback

Having more feedback will help you to develop your services

Interaction with critical customers will help you in having a positive pressure on performing better

A demanding customer is like a grain of sand within the mussel. It doesn’t feel good but the result may be a beautiful pearl!

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Why segment customers?Shouldn’t we serve everybody equally? Different customer segments have different

need structures of statistical information. Everybody benefits from developing the

services and increased service ability according to institutional need structures!

• Media• Government bodies• Local administration bodies• Corporations and enterprises• Research institutions • Educational institutions• NGOs• Others

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It is not enough to be content with the high status NSOs may have…

You should learn to know the need structures of your important customers and user groups

You should make your information easily accessible for them

And you should put yourself in continuous interaction with them in order to get to know them better

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How do we perceive ourselves? How do they perceive our services?

Are we too content with the present state of affairs?

Do we know enough about our potential users, our potential customers?

Do we have enough information even on our present users?

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To develop new service concepts may not be all that easy in the jungle of Census information

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But it is of utmost importance, because…

Only used statistical information is useful statistical information!

Thank you for your attention!

[email protected]