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Page 1: British taxes ppt.


Page 2: British taxes ppt.

After the French and Indian War

Colonists are not allowed to live West of Appalachian Mountains- by order of King (Proclamation of 1763).

10,000 troops sent to make sure that the colonists obey this order

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Paying for the war The French and Indian War

was very expensive. Britain was in debt and had to pay for the 10,000 troops now in Colonies to keep the peace

King and Parliament (British version of Congress) felt that the Colonies should help pay.

Britain began to issue new taxes as well as enforce older tax laws.

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New Taxes Colonists begin smuggling

to avoid taxes Colonial courts often found

smugglers innocent, so Parliament passed a law that made sure Smugglers were tried by Royal Judges.

Parliament also allowed for “writs of assistance” allowing British customs officers to search almost anywhere for smuggled goods.

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3 Sides Form 3 distinct points of view look at

the new taxes 1. Patriots- believe that the

colonies are being unfairly taxed for the war- Britain is supposed to protect the colonies, why should they have to pay more? Aren’t they British citizens?

2. Loyalists: Believe that the British government is correct. Britain has defended the colonies for a war started by Virginia. Shouldn’t the colonies have to pay for it?

3. Neutral- can see both sides and choose not to take one.

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The Assignment As each event or concept is

presented, you need to write a newspaper article representing your side. This can done in a few different ways

1. A news article showing bias (favoring one side or the other) (key words show bias. ex. Massacre vs. battle, etc.

2. An opinion piece (trying to convince others to take your side

3. A political cartoon

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Sugar Act Passed in 1764 Lowered tax on

Molasses (sugar) The tax was an old

law that was being enforced again

Britain hoped that by lowering the tax, people would pay it.

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Walk through together Loyalist View We should pay

taxes to help our home country- it is only fair

How do they look at what the Patriots think?

Patriot View-These taxes violate our rights- we have a right to trial by jury and to have our voices heard in Parliament-How would they see the Loyalists?

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Stamp ActTaxed all printed materials-Wills, newspapers,

playing cards, letters needed a stamp to show the tax had been paid

- Colonists argue that only the colonial assemblies can create taxes, not the British gov.

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So… What do the loyalists think?

Remember, you believe you are a British citizen, no different from those in England

What do you think about what the Patriots decide to do

What do the Patriots think Remember, you believe you are a colonist

first. You have no representative in Parliament to

voice your concerns Use page 115 to help you…

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Townshend Acts-1767 A tax on imported goods

instead of goods sold within the colonies.

Taxed goods like glass, tea, paper

Tax was paid when goods arrived, before they were sold (the store that bought them would pay tax, not individuals)

This does NOT lead to the Boston Tea Party…

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Boston Massacre Britain has sent troops to

occupy Boston- the center of Patriot protest. 1768

Colonists are angry Two years after occupation

troops arrive, a mob gathers to protest the British troops

As colonists throw snowballs, ice and rocks while insulting the British, a soldier fires, others fire and in the end 5 colonists are dead

This event is called the Boston Massacre by the colonists

Colonial depiction of the event- we will talk more

about the event later

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Tea Act East India Tea company

was a big part of British economy

Colonists were boycotting the company and had almost driven it out of business

To save the company, Parliament allows East India Tea Company to be only company that can sell tea in colonies

Lowers tax on tea

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Boston Tea Party Three East India

Tea Company ships arrive in Boston Harbor

Sons of Liberty dressed as Native Americans board the ships and throw the tea into Boston Harbor

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Intolerable Acts/ Coercive Acts Britain is worried that they are

losing control of colonies Boston tea party shows that they

need to show they are in control Intolerable/Coercive Acts are

passed to punish the colonists for resisting British

Bans town meetings, closes Boston harbor until tea is paid for, allows troops to live in colonists’ houses

Canada was also created as a separate territory that owned all the land colonists wanted in French and Indian War