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  • 8/8/2019 Bright Beginners


    Bright Beginnings

    Project Plan For BrightBeginnings

    Team MembersAkanksha Arora 10BSPHH010050

    Antariksh Vijayvariya 10BSPHH010125

    Gaurav Unhelkar 10BSPHH010250

    Nancy Angra 10BSPHH010435

    Priyanka Agarwal 10BSPHH010561

    Sanam Lakhani 10BSPHH010681

    Vikrant Shinde 10BSPHH010732

  • 8/8/2019 Bright Beginners


    Project Plan For Bright Beginnings



    1. Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 3

    2. Service Concept Details ................................................................................................................... 4

    3. Need for the product ........................................................................................................................ 6

    3.1. No one stop solution................................................................................................................. 6

    3.2. Emerging Nuclear Families and Dual incomes .......................................................................... 6

    3.3. Companies do not satisfy the needs of day care......................................................................... 6

    3.4. Reliability ................................................................................................................................ 7

    3.5. Preparing children to be able to stand in the competitive world ............................. .................... 7

    3.6. For a better tomorrow ............................................................................................................... 7

    4. STP Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning ................................................................................ 8

    4.1. Segmentation............................................................................................................................ 8

    4.2. Targeting.................................................................................................................................. 8

    4.3. Positioning ............................................................................................................................... 9

    5. Marketing Mix Elements................................................................................................................ 10

    5.1. Product................................................................................................................................... 11

    5.2. Price....................................................................................................................................... 11

    5.3. Promotion .............................................................................................................................. 12

    5.4. Place ...................................................................................................................................... 12

    5.5. People .................................................................................................................................... 13

    5.6. Process ................................................................................................................................... 13

    5.7. Physical evidence ................................................................................................................... 13

    6. Projections ..................................................................................................................................... 14

    6.1. Tie-ups ................................................................................................................................... 14

    6.2. Sponsorship ............................................................................................................................ 14

    7. Michael Porters Five Forces Analysis ........................................................................................... 15

    8. Conclusions ................................................................................................................................... 17

    9. Appendices .................................................................................................................................... 18

    8.1. Revenue Projections ............................................................................................................... 18

    8.2. Images.................................................................................................................................... 18

    8.3. Links ...................................................................................................................................... 20

  • 8/8/2019 Bright Beginners


    Project Plan For Bright Beginnings


    1. IntroductionBright Beginnings is the place for the development of kids which every parent needs. The all

    round development provided in our company is our USP.Being a parent is an exhilaratingexperience and a continuous challenge, at the same time we at Bright Beginners aim to facilitate

    the process of your childs nurturance and growth. At bright beginners parents can be assured

    that their little children will be nurtured and loved in a safe environment. We understand the

    needs of your tender kids. We try to substitute the mother or father by loving staff members.

    Considering the tender age of your child, only trained and tested people are hired at bright

    beginners. Our staff doesnt just provide physical care but also emotional care which is the

    hallmark of a good child care centre. We have zero tolerance for negligence and practical

    mistakes made by staff. Hence up gradation, training and feedback sessions are held regularly.

    We work together to give children a warm, safe, and stimulating environment. We support

    parents and professionals to strengthen their partnerships in care giving. Our goal is to provide a

    flexible and supportive environment to promote early childhood education.

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    Project Plan For Bright Beginnings


    2. Service Concept DetailsThe company deals with the innovative ways of inculcating education to the children in

    an unconventional manner. This is done in order to make the children free from the

    burden of heavy lectures, home work and assignments, and enabling them to enjoy the

    education in the best possible manner.

    The curriculum designed is a complete package of activity based learning programs. All the

    aspects necessary for any student to grow as a versatile human being are being included

    in the curriculum.

    Sports an integral aspect of any individual is provided to the students through a blend of

    indoor and outdoor sports. This includes basketball, table tennis, carom, etc. This enables the

    students to have fun and take care of their heath perspective.

    Music & Extra curriculum: With studies and other routine activities, the students need

    refreshments and other extra-curriculum in order to relax and energize themselves. MUSIC can

    be a good source for their entertainment. In addition to this dancing, drama & other activities

    like this would help the children to enhance their creativity and innovativeness.

    Fine arts: Fine arts such as calligraphy, canvas painting, glass painting, crafts are also

    encouraged in order to provide versatility to the students.

    Spiritual: Activities such as YOGA ,mythological & religious teachings would help the

    students to enhance their concentration levels and imparting spiritualism in them

    All these activities would enable the students to fulfill/enhance their needs, this mayinclude the following:

    a. Social Needs: Activities such as sports, dancing, drama would enable the students tointeract with the people on regular basis, this way he/she can create a social group

    or increase their networking and enhance their social needs.

    b. Spiritual Needs: Activities such as yoga etc would be helpful in enhancing theirspiritual needs as they can increase their concentration levels, they can handle

    pressure and stress in an efficient manner and various other factors related to



    Emotional Needs: Activities such as yoga would be helpful in keeping the mind stable.This would enable the students to involve in their daily activities with a calm and

    composed mind, which in turn increase their efficiency.

    d. Physical Needs: Sports activities would enable the students to enhance their physicalfitness. It is said that a healthy mind lies in a healthy body, so when the students

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    Project Plan For Bright Beginnings


    become physically sound, he/she would perform in other activities with full

    enthusiasm and increased efficiency.

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    Project Plan For Bright Beginnings


    3. Need for the productMany nuclear families are becoming double income families with both the parents working to

    be able to earn more and provide better life for their family. They are often hard pressed for time

    and hence may not be able to devote quality time for their children. An activity center caters tothis need to give their children high-quality child care services and leading-edge educational

    programs. We shall be targeting the families who value the quality of education and child

    care we provide. Our activity centre will be for the age group ages 3 years to 14 years.

    3.1. Noone stop solutionIn a city like Pune that is spread across a total geographical area of 450.69 sq. kms, it is

    quite difficult for parents to take their children from one end of the city to the other trying

    to fulfill their childs needs of wanting to join different activity classes. It becomes very

    tedious to manage different classes located at different locations in a big city and often a

    child needs to make a compromise where he/she has to forego some of their favorite

    interests to be able to meet the rest. This is where Bright Beginnings plays its role

    where the children can come and find a wide array of activities to match their


    3.2. Emerging Nuclear Families and DualincomesIn the current trends over the years, the joint family system has started to vanish and is

    rapidly being replaced by the nuclear family system. In earlier times, the grandparents or

    other elder members in the family took care of the children once they came back from

    school in the absence of their parents. But that is no longer the case. Also with the

    inflation hitting hard upon all the sections of the society, it has lead to a growing need for

    both parents to start working. This is often followed by the child feeling neglected and

    the parents guilty. In such situations, Bright Beginnings caters to the need of parents

    who wish to ensure their child has a healthy over all development.

    3.3. Companies donot satisfythe needs ofdaycareAlthough many companies do keep crche facility but the crche has limited facilities.

    With Bright Beginnings, the parents will be assured of the topmost quality of the services

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    Project Plan For Bright Beginnings


    provided. The children will get the best educational and recreational options for the all

    round development.


    ReliabilityTo leave children in the hands of some maid or individual attendant can often be risky.

    Parents look out for some reliable and well known place where they can be rest assured

    regarding their childs safety. Bright Beginnings caters to this need where their child is

    looked after by well qualified instructors.

    3.5. Preparing childrento be able to standinthe competitive worldIn todays rat race, academics are not the only factor which takes one far. Children have

    become much smarter and due to the cut throat competition one needs to be a master at

    all. For this, the children are encouraged towards various activities and are shaped to be

    able to face the future in a confident manner.

    3.6. For a better tomorrowSince our children are the future of tomorrow, it is highly important that we put in all our

    focus towards their development and see to it that they progress along the right path.

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    Project Plan For Bright Beginnings


    4. STP Segmentation, Targeting andPositioning4.1. Segmentation

    Segmentation refers to grouping the customers on the basis of their similar set of needs

    and wants. The marketers task is to identify them and decide which one to target so thatthe company can often better design, price, disclose and deliver the product or service

    and also can fine-tune the marketing program and activities to better reflect competitors

    marketing. The major market segments in Pune are all the lower middle class, middle

    class, upper middle class and affluent classes.

    Consumer market can be segmented on the basis of certain variables:

    a. Geographic: The entire city of Pune can be classified as our segment.b. Demographic: All children above age 2.c. Psychographic: All families who value the all round development of their childrend. Behavioral: All those who are conscious of their childs healthy growth and

    development. The frequency of use of our services will depend upon how much they

    would want their child to be involved. The benefits derived will be of high quality

    and better service.

    e. Family size: All family sizes having school going children above age 2.f. Income: Lower Middle class (Rs. 40,000-80,000 p.a.), Middle class (Rs. 80001-

    120000 p.a.), Upper Middle class (Rs.120001-1600000 p.a.) and High income group

    (above Rs. 160000 p.a.)

    4.2. TargetingNow with our target segment, we must decide how many and which of the segments to

    target on the basis of the market segment opportunities available. Our target

    customers are majorly nuclear families who value the quality of education and child

    care we provide for their children in the age group of 4 years to 14 years. The segments

    identified can be targeted on the basis of certain variables:a. Geographic: The area of Hinjewadi in the city of Pune can be classified as our target

    along with its neighboring schools and residential areas.

    b. Demographic: All children in the age group of 2 to 14 years.c. Psychographic: All families who value the all round development of their children

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    Project Plan For Bright Beginnings


    d. Behavioral: All those who are conscious of their childs healthy growth anddevelopment. The frequency of most our students will be on a regular basis however,

    there maybe some who will join only during the holiday period. The benefits derived

    will be of high quality and better service.e. Family size: Our major target is towards the nuclear families having school going

    children from age 2 to 14. These families would have parents both working and not

    being able to devote time to their children.

    f. Income: We are majorly targeting Middle class (Rs. 80001-120000 p.a.), UpperMiddle class (Rs.120001-1600000 p.a.) and High income group (above Rs. 160000


    4.3. PositioningNo company can win if its products and services resemble every other product and

    offering. As part of the strategic brand management process, each offering must represent

    a compelling, distinctive big idea in the mind of the target market.

    A company positions its offering so that the target market recognizes the companys

    distinctive offering and image. The goal is to locate the brand in the minds of consumers

    to maximize the potential benefit to the firm. A good brand positioning helps guide

    marketing strategy by clarifying the brands essence, what goals it helps the consumer

    achieve, and how it does so in a unique way.

    The result of positioning is the successful creation of a customer focused value

    proposition which we want to achieve. It is a cogent reason why the target market should

    buy the product or invest in the service. Positioning is the manner in which we appeal to

    the customer and create our own image in their minds.

    It is not our intent to push your child academically, but instead to provide a rich

    environment of learning materials and fun-filled activities to encourage intellectual

    growth. We realize that each child is different and has different grasping levels, level ofunderstanding and responds to different situations in different ways. Thus, we let children

    at Bright Beginnings learn at their own individual pace. Our teachers give each child

    genuine warmth, plenty of individual attention, developmentally appropriate activities,

    and continuous encouragement for an all round development to shine out in todays

    competitive world.

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    Project Plan For Bright Beginnings


    5. Marketing Mix ElementsOur primary task is to devise marketing activities and assemble fully integrated marketing

    programs to create, communicate and deliver value for consumers. Marketing activities come in

    all forms which can be classified as Marketing-Mix tools. The elementary marketing mix

    consists of the basic four Ps of marketing Product, Price, Place and Promotion. For our servicewe have extended three Ps i.e. People Process and Physical evidence.

    The marketing- mix decisions are taken by the marketers for influencing their trade channels as

    well as their final consumers. Once they understand these groups marketers make or customize

    an offering or solution, inform consumers, set a price that offers real value, and choose the

    accessible places. We can have four dimensions (SIVA) which can be helpful in answering

    customers questions.

    1) Solution- Product2) Information-Promotion3) Value-Price4) Access-Place

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    Project Plan For Bright Beginnings


    5.1. ProductOur company provides services for children for their brighter beginning.

    a. Product Variety: Number of activities suiting different interests of children underthe age group of 3-14years.All the activities for an overall development of childranging from sports, music and basic education. We also provide science clubs for a

    better understanding of the children which can be an addition to the theoretical

    learning conducted at schools.

    b. Quality: Good experienced trainers renowned in their specializations will be calledin. A well trained staff is what holds the main importance in service marketing. As

    the staff is the one which interacts directly with the customer and can attract

    customers with its good interpersonal skills.

    c. Features: Day care and Activity centre under one roof at affordable prices forholistic development of the child. Most beneficial for full-time working parents and

    activity centre where all the activities are taught under one roof can be an attractive

    point for parents concerned for their childs overall development.

    d. Brandname: BRIGHT BEGINNINGSe. Services: Day care, activity centre, four time meals rich in nutrition, learning through

    computers, facilities for overall development of a child. Child to care giver ratios 1:1 up to 12

    months,1:2 up to 18 months & 1:3 up to 2 years

    f. Returns: VALUE propositions for customers and customers perceived benefitsshould outweigh the perceived cost.

    5.2. PriceBright beginnings charge appropriately for the high -end ,high quality educational and care

    giving services we offer.

    a. Fees: Competitive prices with a cost less than that of the combination ofconventional day care and specific interest based activity programs. But we will not

    subscribe to the low price leader concept

    b. Discounts:If admitting more than one child of the same family can avail 15%discount.

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    Project Plan For Bright Beginnings


    5.3. PromotionWe will be applying an integrated channel strategy (ensuring that direct and indirect

    channels such as online and retail sales work together to maximize sales and brand

    equity).We will depend on client referrals, community exposure and direct mailcampaigns as our main way to reach new clients. Advertisement will be done by means

    such as daily local community newspapers, brochures and direct mails

    a. Advertising--We'll be developing our core positioning message: "WE PUT INOUR BIT TO BRING OUT YOURS CHILDS BEST to differentiate our service

    from the competition. We will be using direct mail campaigns, pre-enrollment

    drives, and local community newspaper advertising to launch the initial


    b. Sales Brochure--Our theme and curriculum will help sell the centre toprospective clients.

    c. Direct Mail--We will send quarterly direct mail campaigns to the housingdevelopments in a 10-mile radius of the campus. We will also offer monthly

    calendars for parents noting weekend family days and other open house


    d. CommunityInvolvement--We will be active in the citys community,sponsoring events at the community center for families and residents.

    5.4. Placea. Location: Hinjewadi, PUNE as it is an IT HUB and the biggest advantage is that there

    are many nuclear families and nowadays both the parents are working so they need a

    centre for their child care.

    b. Channels: The distribution channels are the parents can get their kids registered throughonline registration, the representatives of our centre will approach the nearby companies

    to offer them our services and also the parents can directly approach our centre.

    c. Coverage: Those nuclear families will be covered in which both the parents are workingand have no time to look after their kids. The children of the employees working in thenearby I.T. companies will also be focused.

    d. Transport: There would be bus facility provided for pick and drop for the kids. Thisconveyance facility will make the parents feel more convenient

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    5.5. PeopleThis includes all the people from the service providers to the consumers of the service.

    Everybody directly or indirectly related to the service. Well trained staff with good

    interpersonal skills as they are the one who have to interact with the consumer anddeliver services to them. If the staff who delivers the services is well trained and has

    complete knowledge of the services that they are delivering, consumers will have a

    positive perception and will happily pay for the services.

    5.6. ProcessThe consumer can directly approach the centre and will be asked to fill in the important

    information regarding the kid and the parents. The parents can then have a look at the

    centre and the services offered. The whole delivery of process will be done in a quick and

    in efficient manner.

    5.7. Physical evidencea. Clean and greenb. NearIT hub on one side and residential place on the other side where most of the families

    are nuclear family.

    c. Elegant dcor to cater to upscale market and attract people.It includes every tangible touch point i.e. brochure, building, furniture, etc

    Classrooms are designed as per the age group suiting their tastes. It has been made lively

    with cartoon characters, colorful walls, roofs are designed to fascinate and attract them

    and the walls of the room are cushioned up to a height of about 3ft to avoid any

    accidents. EGRONOMICALLY DESIGNED infrastructure.

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    Project Plan For Bright Beginnings


    6. ProjectionsThe revenue projections for Bright Beginnings are provided in Appendix 8.1.

    6.1. Tie-upsTie-ups provide a very good opportunity for growth in the future. We plan to strikestrategic alliance with schools and companies.

    Companies: With the busy schedule of the companies and rising work pressures the

    companies need to take care of the employee satisfaction. Also due to the rising costs

    many families are turning up into dual income families. The companies understand this

    problem and provide the employees with the tie-up companies to take care of their

    children. We help the companies in this endeavor. For the employees coming from the

    route of corporate tie-ups, our company shall provide them discounts on the services


    Schools: With the school tie-ups we can provide the school children with the option to

    improve their extracurricular skills. Our expertise and variety in the type of games and

    training we provide will be helpful for the schools to enhance their attractiveness. Also

    the proximity of the center from the schools helps us to attain more customers.

    6.2. SponsorshipMany large companies which are targeting the kids with their products can avail our

    services. With the target projections the sponsoring companies will find it very attractive

    for the advertisements. We will provide them with strategic locations for product displays

    and use. We will allow the toy manufacturers and health food companies. The toys

    sponsored will be used by the kids along with the name of the company being displayed

    on the specific room. Also as we are providing the lunch and snacks, the health food

    companies will be providing the juices and nutritious munchies.

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    Project Plan For Bright Beginnings


    7. MichaelPorters Five Forces AnalysisMichael Porters Five Forces analysis is used as a tool for analyzing a company's industry

    structure and its corporate strategy.

    1. Barriers to entry and exit:The easier it is for new companies to enter the industry, the more cutthroat competition there

    will be. Factors that can limit the threat of new entrants are known as barriers to entry.There are high fixed costs involved posing a threat to entry as well as exit. Ownership of a

    huge premise is another huge barrier to entry. Nevertheless possession of quality humancapital is one of the greatest assets in this industry. The instructors, tutors and trainers needs

    to be very kid friendly. It isnt easy to enter this industry.Therefore, barriers to entry are high making it an unattractive industry to enter.

    2. Power ofSuppliers:This is how much pressure suppliers can place on a business. If one supplier has a large

    enough impact to affect a company's margins and volumes, then it holds substantial power.As far as child care industry is concerned, it is service based industry which is intangible, so

    in this case there are less suppliers or we can say the role of suppliers are almost negligiblein the case of child care industry.

    There can be many suppliers for this service but quality is something that is of primeconcern. Parents wont leave there kids in unsafe hands. They need to be convinced by about

    the service. And this can be done only if their kids go back home happy and safe are verysure about t

    Overall the bargaining power of suppliers is moderating making this a not so attractive

    industry to enter it.

    3. Power ofBuyers.With increased choice of activity and day care center services, the bargaining power of buyers is rising. The reality is that the services do not vary much, regardless of which

    companies are selling them; the basic services are treated as a commodity. This translatesinto parents seeking low prices from this centers that offer reliable service and hence

    enjoying a higher bargaining power.Thus, a higher bargaining power enjoyed by the consumers makes it an unattractive sector to


    4. AvailabilityofSubstitutes.Apart from sending their kids to such center, parents also prefer to appoint care takers ornannies.As for various activities there are many small centers which provide as same

    services at low prices because their cost of operating is low.

    5. Competitive Rivalry.

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    Project Plan For Bright Beginnings


    There are very established centers like Kidzee, Eurokids Alphakids, Blossoms day care etc.

    They have made a mark for themselves. Competing with them would mean keeping the

    prices low at the same time provide quality service. To attain low cost one can try and

    increase the batch strength most optimally so that the cost can be reduced and economies of

    scale achieved.

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    Project Plan For Bright Beginnings


    9. Appendices8.1. Revenue Projections


    8.2. Imagesa. The school play ground

    b. The class rooms where the interaction with every other student plays a major role inenhancing the capabilities of the kids.

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    c. The school will provide lunch and snacks for the kids

    d. Properly trained teachers will be providing their teachings in the school. Teachers will sittogether and discuss for the continual improvement in their methods.

    e. Learning with entertainment.

    f. Healthy eating

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    Project Plan For Bright Beginnings


    g. Stimulate the thinking

    8.3. Linksa.

    b. www.acplkids.blogspot.comc. www.tanakafarms.comd.