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School of Architecture and Design University of Lincoln Brayford Pool Lincoln LN6 7TS United Kingdom 01522 837444 [email protected]


year 12015-16 ARC1001M HISTORY AND THEORY PROJECT 11 _ Essay Week 21 - 29 Deadline: Week 29 _ Monday 4th April 2016 Output: 2000 word essay. The essay is worth 25% of the module marks Select one question from the questions below and answer in an essay format meeting the learning outcomes detailed below. Compare and contrast the Great Pyramids at Giza, Egypt (2550-2460 BC) and the Pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacán, Mexico (c.200 AD). Describe the main spatial components of a Hindu temple and explain their purpose. In what ways do Hindu temples represent/symbolise Hindu religion and spirituality? Use specific historic examples. Compare and contrast Great Stupa (Mahastupa), Sanchi (c.250 BCE -250CE) and the Lakshmana Temple, Khajuraho, India (c.950 CE). Why is the Parthenon regarded as the finest example of the architecture of Ancient Greece? Consider the building’s siting, design, detailing, materials, and cultural significance. Discuss the role that concrete played in creation of novel spatial forms in Ancient Roman architecture. Use specific examples. Discuss how Early Christian and Byzantine architecture developed out of ancient Roman architecture? What formal and structural continuities exist between these different traditions, and how was their meaning and use transformed according to liturgical function? Cite specific examples in writing the essay. Discuss the shift from Romanesque to Gothic in Western Europe: was it an evolution or a revolution in architectural terms? Cite specific examples and scholarship in writing the essay.

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School of Architecture and Design University of Lincoln Brayford Pool Lincoln LN6 7TS United Kingdom 01522 837444 [email protected]


Compare and Contrast the Dome of Florence’s Cathedral by Brunelleschi (1420-36) and Bramante’s Tempietto, San Pietro in Montorio, Rome (1502). Michelangelo was a painter and sculptor as well as an architect. What does his architecture owe to these other skills, particularly sculpture? Assess the influence of Palladio on Inigo Jones. Answer using specific examples. Compare and contrast the churches of Il Gesú in Rome (1580) to Sao Vicente da Fora in Lisbon (1619). Consider the buildings’ siting, design, spatial arrangements, detailing, materials, and cultural significance. Consider the Crystal Palace in terms of its influence and as a symbol of its times. Explore the influence of William Morris’s artistic and political ideas on Arts and Crafts architecture. In what ways did Alexander ‘Greek’ Thomson’s religious outlook affect his architecture? Compare and contrast Alexander ‘Greek? Thompson’s Vincent Street Church, Glasgow (1857–9) to William’s Butterfield’s All Saints, Margaret Street, London, 1849. In what ways did A. W. N. Pugin change the course of the Gothic Revival in Britain? Describe the characteristics of High Victorian architecture. Who were the leading exponents of this style and what were their most influential buildings? Compare and contrast Charles Rennie Mackintosh’s Haus eines Kunstfreundes (House for and Art lover) to Baille Scott’s Haus eines Kunstfreundes (House for an Art Lover), 1901. Should Art Nouveau be regarded as the death knell of the nineteenth century or as the harbinger of the twentieth? Compare and contrast Gaudi’s architecture to contemporary Art Noveau architects. Use specific examples. In what ways did the De Stijl group of designers influence the development of modern architecture?

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School of Architecture and Design University of Lincoln Brayford Pool Lincoln LN6 7TS United Kingdom 01522 837444 [email protected]


What was the difference between Rationalism and Constructivism in post-revolutionary Soviet architecture? Give examples. Discuss the importance of Ludwig Mies van der Rohe’s Barcelona Pavilion. To what extent did it embody the architect’s ideas and beliefs in regard to Modernist architecture. LEARNING OUTCOMES: LO5 - Structure an essay to present a proposal, discuss the case for and against, and draw a conclusion using relevant information retrieved from a variety of sources, adhering to the conventions of scholarship as taught.