Download - Brandy Ballard Who Am I?. Brandy Ballard2 Up until 4 th grade I attended a catholic private school in Rockford, Illinois. I hated those uniforms and was.


Brandy Ballard

Who Am I?

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• Up until 4th grade I attended a catholic private school in Rockford, Illinois.

• I hated those uniforms and was the only girl in my entire grade of 34 kids that wore shorts under her jumper, so I could play with the guys at recess. • In 2nd grade we got our first

communion; I got to have a party.

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Hometown : Byron, Illinois

• Byron is a small country town of about 3500 people.

• We moved here when I was in 4th grade.

I would most likely compare Byron to the town from Varsity Blues. Friday Night Football the entire town practically shut down. This is me & one of my best friends at a playoff game our Senior Year.

Byron School District

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• This is what my backyard looks like.

• I loved growing up away from the city I think there is a greater sense of freedom when you’re out in the country.

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One of my favorite hobbies….

My 4X4 Big Bear

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Family- Daddy’s Little Girl

• He’s probably the reason I’m such a country girl.

• Me and my dad are tremendously close.

• He’s the one who’s gotten me into all of my hobbies…four wheeling & bow hunting are the top two.

• Even when I turned 18 my dad and I went and got tattoos together.

• He’s my role model in life and one of my best friends.

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•I joined the Delta Zeta Sorority my sophomore year here at Eastern.•The house keeps me tremendously busy, but I still love it.

• This is my pledge class this year during rush.

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• One of my favorite times with the house was Greek Week 2005. We took 1st in Airband & Greek Sing. Here

we are with the Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity who placed along side of us all weekend.

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• I think most girls fall into the

same sports teams as their

dad, therefore, I have been a

bears fan before I could walk.

• Football is my favorite

professional sport to watch, I

absolutely love it!

Go Bears!

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• Baseball is my second favorite

professional sport.

• One day the cubbies will break the curse and go

to the World Series.

• Go Cubs!!!

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•My girls are always there for me and I don’t know what I’d

do without them.

• Even though they’re city girls

to the core, I couldn’t ask for better friends.

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• This is my little girl Samantha.

• She’s our bird dog and a fabulous hunter.

• This is my mom’s baby, Peanut.

• We’ve had her since I was in 4th grade.

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The Future

• I’m hoping to go student teach in Australia.

• I think it would be an amazing experience.