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OverviewThe Blademaster Trilogy is a gory, gothic, Vampire hack-and-slash Action/RPG hybrid. It follows the recently-created Vampire, Malkaziel Tal Hassan, on a bloody quest for revenge against Alhana, his maker. The game will feature an aesthetically pleasing motion-captured combat system based on real martial arts, a Blacksmithing profession that Malkaziel will use to create new weapons and items, and a stellar voice cast to bring life to one of the darkest and grittiest franchises to ever come out of The Forgotten Realms campaign setting.

SettingBlademaster takes place entirely in the Sword Coast, a medieval-style campaign setting used in D&D. It features varying landscapes, from outlying coastal villages, sprawling desert cities ridden with crime and betrayal, grizzly underground crypts, and even the mysterious Underdark, home to the Drow, or dark elves. In the series, Malkaziel travels to many distinct areas of the land, searching for clues of vampires in the area. Most of these landscapes, dialect, clothing, music, and overall style are modeled after middle-eastern architecture. The music of these areas is mostly modeled after the vocals of Lisa Gerard, and her band Dead Can Dance. The trilogy features a variety of middle-eastern instruments, including whistles, strings, exotic drums, etc. When the setting was being designed, Dead Can Dance was the driving force of the mood and feel of these areas. Similar types of music have been heard in various movies, including 300.One area of the game takes place in a small, somewhat run-down village called Tenwe. Tenwe lies on the border of the haunted sands of The Plains of Purple Dust, and the cursed marshes of Bogwatch. Because of the close proximity of these two places, the inhabitants of Tenwe have become extremely hardy and battle-hardened. This particular area of the land is based mostly on outlying Middle-Eastern especially Moroccan villages that rely heavily on the trade of fishing. A great much of the town is built on sturdy wooden planks that jut out over the water. Malkaziel - the games hero - hails from Tenwe, and it is where the beginning of the trilogy takes place.The Plains of Purple Dust is another large area of the game trilogy, and the main character visits this place a few times. It is a vast, sprawling desert based on the more Egyptian side of the Middle-East. Long ago, the Illefarn, an early cousin of Humans, established a growing civilization amongst the sandy dunes. The Illefarn were ultimately wiped out by neighboring orcs, however, and their sprawling cities were reduced to rubble. The materials used to create their buildings were of a purplish hue, and after many hundreds of years, the remnants of their walls had blown all over the land, mixing with the sands, and dying them almost a shade of purple in some areas. Thus, the deserts were renamed The Plains of Purple Dust, after the hue of the sands. Many areas of the plains are uninhabited, for fear of the haunted Illefarn ruins that still stand. The plains are dotted with many small villages and run-down ports, but one of its largest cities, Audestine, is a target for one of Malkaziels travels. The city is so heavy with crime that half of it has been quarantined off because of a massive clan war that has been spilling out into the streets. Another area of the land of Blademaster is the vast jungles and marshes of Bogwatch. Its architecture and inhabitants are based on the more mythical side of the Mongolian nightmare. Many of these creatures resemble Asian demons of lore, with long, reptilian tongues, massive bodies, and a hunger for anything. Bogwatch is not populated by many sane people, for it is rumored to be heavily cursed. All manner of gruesome, scaly demons roam the marshes, and the giant mountain in the middle is rumored to be the home of one of the most dangerous creature in the land. Some of the demon races living at the base of the giant mountain have based almost a religion around this mythical being, offering sacrifices of various kinds, in order to appease it. Rumors abound that this creature comes down from the mountain every once in a while to capture the creatures below, and bring them to its home on top of the mountain, where they are never heard from again.One of the most known and feared areas of the land is the mythical Underdark, home to the Dark Elves, or Drow. The Drow live semi-peacefully with the other Underdark species, including hobgoblins, Driders, bugbears, and especially Svirfneblin, or Deep Gnomes. Drow are a very harsh, evil society based around the worship of the spider queen, Llolth. They have a great fear of all things with light, and the material with which they craft their weapons and armor, Adamantium, will even rust and decay in sunlight. One of the Underdarks most prominent Drow bastions is Menzobarranzan, where the ruling matriarch, The Valsharess, resides. It is in this giant citadel that the trilogy makes a drastic turn for the worse, when the trilogys enemy, the evil Vampire Alhana, attempts to ally with the Drow and forge her evil army for her Midnight War on the upper worlds.

CharactersMalkaziel Malkaziel Tal Hassan is the games hero. He is a vampire, turned against his will, hailing from the town of Tenwe. He has led a very hard life; his mother died in childbirth, and his father died in battle when he was 16. After his fathers death, Malkaziel decided to take his place in the town militia, where, armed with the scimitars that he crafted himself, he became one of the most feared swordsmen in Tenwe. Many years later, he met a young woman who had just moved into the town. They fell in love almost immediately, and were married. Shortly following, Malkaziel and his wife bore a son. Though they lived in a town which was beset by evil, they lived well together, and Malkaziel taught his son much about combat. He had become strikingly adept, like his father, and Malkaziel crafted him a dagger out of sturdy greenwood, from the forests to the north. One day, while Malkaziel was out hunting, he saw smoke billowing from his village. Fleeing home, he beheld a frightening sight: Tenwe was in flames, and its denizens were dead; slaughtered. He fled as fast as he could to his home, but it was too late. A strange woman was in his house, holding aloft the disembodied head of his only son, whose body lay lifeless below, along with his mothers. His wooden dagger was still held tightly in his sons hand. Malkaziel, in a rage, rushed at the woman, who deftly dodged his attacks, and picked him up by his throat in a strangely tight grip. She uttered the words I shall see you again, my love and plunged her vampire fangs into his neck. When Malkaziel awoke, and realized what had happened, he screamed in rage, and vowed to vanquish this evil vampire, and avenge his family.Alhana Alhana Hazeran is the trilogys villain. She is the clan-leader of the Hazeran vampire clan, and Malkaziels sire. In life, her spouse was the legendary priest and vampire hunter, Abryn Hazeran. In order to defeat Abryn, his vampire nemesis captured Alhana during the night, and turned her into a vampire. Returning the next day, the vampire cast Alhanas near-lifeless body at Abryns feet. The capture had the effect he was looking for: Abryn, in a fury, attacked the vampire with everything that he had, but his defenses were hampered, and he was ultimately defeated. Before he succumbed to darkness, he yelled for his wife to flee. She did as she was told, and Abryn used the last of his magic to cause an explosion of mystical light, equivalent to that of the sun, which devoured the vampire instantly. Alhana, overcome with grief, pulled her lovers corpse from the building. She vowed, that day, to find a way to bring her lover back to life, and reunite them. She didnt care that she was now a vampire, that which her husband had so passionately slain. She knew that if she could bring him back, they could be together again. Thousands of years passed, and Alhana had become increasingly devout about her cause, even to the point of killing entire towns in order to find a suitable body for the ritual she planned. With the help of her Seer, she found that body in Malkaziel.Nimbus The mysterious necromancer known only as Nimbus is the first person Malkaziel meets as a vampire. He acts as Malkaziels teacher at the beginning, and teaches him of his new lifestyle. Later in the trilogy, he acts as a form of advisor to Malkaziel on his journeys. How he ended up in Tenwe at the time of its destruction is never exactly learned, but it is assumed that he was there on business of necromancy, the school of magic based around death and the power over the dead. In the middle of the trilogy, Nimbus reveals that he was gathering components for a transformation to Lichdom, a ritual that kills the caster, but brings him back from the dead with eternal life, and endless magic. Nimbus successfully turns himself into a Lich, and together with Malkaziel, they are an unbeatable duo of destruction.The Seer The mysterious prophet known only as The Seer acts as Alhanas spiritual guide. He is seen by Malkaziel several times during his travels, a venerable figure in a long black robe, adorned with hanging skulls and pouches of various unheard-of ingredients, along with his one glowing yellow eye. The most distinguishable feature of The Seer is his one eye. Presumably earlier in his life, however long that has been, he lost the use of one eye. He allegedly plucked it out himself, and replaced it with a smooth black scrying stone, which he uses to see various things. Very little is known of The Seer, but is it fairly safe to say that he is older than Alhana; much older. He is presumed by most to be either a very, very, old vampire, or perhaps a Githyanki from the Astral Planes. It is rumored that only Alhana has seen his face, and she will not speak of it. The Seer has been the driving force behind Alhanas journey, and has given her his gift of foresight, pin-pointing possible successors of Alhanas dead husband. Alhana believes in his abilities so much, that she once led an event dubbed now as The Hazeran Crusade. During this event, The Seer had seen many people with the gift in a small time-period. Like a harsh wave, Alhana followed the trail of people, each time ending in failure for her. Each time she found a person that didnt match, she would kill them brutally. During the Crusade, Alhana killed over 3,000 people in a 2 year period. She still follows her Seers directions to the letter, including recently, when he felt the strongest surge of possibility from Malkaziel. Could Alhanas Journey finally be over?Antoch The Gold Malkaziel and Nimbus meet Antoch about halfway through the second in the trilogy. He is a short, chubby magician with a vibrant gold moustache and beard. He also seeks Alhanas demise, so the three join forces to a degree. It is later discovered that Antoch is really a gold dragon, acting from the mystical Council of Wyrms, the ruling dragon body. Though Antoch is extremely good natured compared to Malkaziel and Nimbus, they make a powerful team. While Nimbus represents the evil side of Malkaziels conscience, Antoch represents the more good-natured side. Both make their attempts to influence Malkaziel to do the right thing.

Game SynopsesGame One Blademaster: The Twin Blades of Tal HassanMalkaziel is turned into a vampire by Alhana Hazeran, the Blood Matron of the Hazeran clan of Vampires, and one of the most powerful Blood Mages in history. Malkaziel begins his plan of revenge, guided by a Necromancer named Nimbus, who acts as his advisor and Vampiric historian, of sorts. Nimbus devises a plan for Malkaziel, and guides him through a plot where he assassinates each member of Alhanas Blood Family, absorbing their power by Elderism. Elderism is a theory found in Vampire stories involving the drinking of an elder Vampires blood to gain their power. Therefore, Malkaziel would be forcing thousands of years of evolution, and become stronger to face Alhana. After Alhana is defeated, he makes a vow to kill himself. Nimbus separates from Malkaziel for a time, and Malkaziels travels lead to the vast deserts of the Plains of Purple Dust - and to its capitol city, Audestine where rumors of Alhanas presence abound. Inside, Malkaziel encounters a city so ripe with crime, that the city has literally divided itself in half. Mafia groups vie for control of the poor side of the city, and Malkaziel must settle the dispute (either by siding with one side, or even destroying both) to gain access to the rich side of the city. Rumors of Audestines young Emperor having dealings with a powerful Vampire mage pique Malkaziels interest, and, upon speaking to the Emperor, find Alhana to be the culprit. Alhana suspects that a mysterious artifact known as TulRemnak is hidden somewhere under the desert. She is using the dead from the poor sectors clan war to raise undead miners and workers to dig out in the desert for it. Malkaziels tracing of the digging leads him to the unearthed ruins of the Illefarn city of TulVeshal. Descending down, Malkaziel finds an undead Illefarn giant that Alhana has bewitched to aid her. Malkaziel may pass the giant either by defeating it in combat, or convincing it with his Speech skill that Alhana is evil, and attempting to destroy the ruins where he resides. After passing the giant, Malkaziel discovers a vast chamber with a massive portal at the far end. Alhana prepares to leave with a massive crate, and she sends her firstborn, Frenal Morgulin, to deal with Malkaziel. Frenal is the final boss of the game, and it is the only game that I know of where the final boss is one that the main character cannot win. Frenal defeats Malkaziel after a lengthy battle, and leaves his beaten body to vanish through the portal after Alhana.

Game Two Blademaster: The Hazeran ProphecyMalkaziels journeys lead him to the haunted marshes of Bogwatch. This watery area is based on Chinese Mythology, and the camps that dot the area speak of undead and spirits that live beyond the gates, and a great evil that lives atop the giant mountain in the marshs center. Investigating the top of the mountain, Malkaziel meets a venerable Vampire by the name of Tong Long. The two fight for hours, neither being able to defeat the other. The two declare a truce, recognizing mutual power, and no animosity. Tong Long knows of Malkaziel, and though he is no relative of Alhanas (albeit being nearly a thousand years old), knows somewhat of Alhana and her plans. Mentioning that Alhana has a mystical Seer of considerable power guiding her toward a Prophecy involving a being named Abryn Hazeran, he sends Malkaziel to the location of a Necromancer that fits Nimbuss description, who has been searching. He finds Nimbus, who explains that he has been tracking Alhanas Seer, and gives Malkaziel his proposed location. Discovering her Seer, Malkaziel finds out that Abryn Hazeran was a powerful priest that married Alhana. Declaring a war on Abryn, a Vampire clan used Alhana as bait, turning her into a Vampire, and killing Abryn. Alhana vowed to resurrect her husband, and found the Seer, who foresaw the Prophecy to find a suitable host for his body, of which he believes Malkaziel to be. Malkaziel agrees for The Seer to perform the tests to see if he really is the suitable host that The Seer thinks he is

Game Three Blademaster: BloodstormMalkaziels journeys lead him back into Nimbuss company. Nimbus has, since their separation, turned himself into a lich, an undead wizard with extreme power. Nimbus will not speak of his encounter with The Seer, but, instead, begins his search for the artifact, TulRemnak, which he discovers to be Abryn Hazerans Warhammer, Transcendence. He and Nimbus track the hammer to an underground tomb, guarded by his blood brother, Frenal Morgulin, the final boss from the first game. Frenal gives him the hammer, telling him that Alhana has gone insane, and that he will help Malkaziel defeat Alhana from within her ranks. He explains that Alhana is voyaging into the Underdark to ally himself with the Drow, or Dark Elves. Alhana is planning a Midnight War, with which she intends to blot out the sun from the world. Once the act is done, The Valsharess the evil Queen of The Drow will begin assaulting the upper-world with her armies, assisted by Alhanas Vampires. Alhana waits, however, for her husbands revival. Frenal proposes that Nimbus raid the capitol city graveyard, creating a massive undead army to siege the city with. While this happens, Frenal will assassinate the generals inside. Malkaziel, during this time, infiltrates the Underdark Keep of Menzoberranzan, where Alhana and The Valsharess reside. The duo agree. Malkaziel smelts the hammer down using his knowledge of Blacksmithing, and forges twin scimitars to aid them. He calls these ultimate artifacts The Bloodstorm Scimitars.The siege starts, Nimbus manages to also find a skeleton Dragon to raise, which begins breathing Ice on the Keep towers and Drow vassals below. Malkaziel infiltrates Menzoberranzan through the sewers, and finds his way to the Throne room just in time to see Alhana brutally kill Frenal, who she had captured almost immediately. Malkaziel surrenders to Alhana, casting his swords aside, and volunteering for the resurrection ritual. Alhana casts the ritual, noting that the only thing that she needed was Abryns hammer, and that she detected it in Malkaziels swords. Malkaziel speaks as Abryn, faking love for Alhana, and kissing her. While he is kissing her, he bites into her neck, sucking her blood and weakening her. As she reels in pain, Malkaziel picks up his swords, reaches into a satchel on his belt, and casts The Seers black scrying stone eye at her feet. He confesses to killing The Seer after undergoing his testing, and that he wasnt the Chosen Vessel. The two then begin fighting, where Malkaziel has weakened her enough that he can defeat her. After she is dead, Nimbus enters, asking if he still plans to kill himself. Malkaziel declines, stating that he was not done with his new life yet

Gameplay & MechanicsThe Blademaster Series plays as a complex, combo-based hack-and-slasher. With his twin blades, Malkaziel can attack with both Strong (slower, but more damage) and Swift (faster, but with less damage) attacks, as well as dodge and parry incoming attacks. With precise use and combinations of these attacks, paired with other abilities, Malkaziel can unleash tactical and deadly attacks and skills. For example, using three quick Swift attacks directly after blocking will result in an Overpower attack, causing Malkaziel to ram into his current adversary, knocking them down.Malkaziels health and mana/energy are displayed in bars in the upper-left corner of the game screen the health in blood red, the mana in blue, and the energy in green. Depending on which skill specialization Malkaziel utilizes, he may use either Energy or Mana to fuel his special abilities. When Malkaziel loses health, the health pool spills blood out of it if he loses it all, he suffers True Death, and disintegrates. Malkaziel regenerates lost health from feeding on enemies. His vampiric nature grants him innate speed, strength, and regeneration - however, these abilities come with great risk. Vampires in this campaign setting do not die from being staked in the heart, but it does cripple them. If Malkaziel is stabbed in the heart represented in a random hit chance to an enemy his health will stop regenerating by itself, and he will have his abilities stunted. He can still feed on enemies, but to cure this, he must spend 4 seconds to pull the object (blade, arrow, etc) out. If he suffers damage, the event is cancelled.Malkaziel achieves experience points from killing enemies and completing quests. If he achieves enough experience points, he levels up, becoming stronger, and getting access to a skill point to add to his Skill Tree of choice. Malkaziel can specialize in three distinct Skill Trees Blood, Steel, and Shadow. Steel and Shadow utilize a green Energy bar, while Blood utilizes a blue Mana bar. Each of these Skill Trees feature completely different abilities and attributes, and completely change the way Malkaziel fights and how he interacts with the world. This ensures that players can play Malkaziel the way that they want to. The Blood Skill Tree features Blood Magic-Themed abilities, such as siphoning life from all surrounding enemies, sending bolts of red energy to damage enemies from afar, and buffing your skills and abilities for a time. The Steel Skill Tree turns Malkaziel into a whirling dervish of blades and raw strength, and features skills that affect the way he physically attacks and moves. Such skills from the Steel Skill Tree include abilities that cause Malkaziel to jump and land with a large smash in the middle of a group of enemies, abilities that increase his attack speed or health, and even passive abilities to constantly increase Malkaziels physical damage. The Shadow Skill Tree turns Malkaziel into a virulent Assassin, striking from the shadows. Such skills from the Shadow Tree would include Stealth, Teleporting to enemies and backstabbing them, and even crafting poisons to weaken your enemies.

Sample DialogueMalkaziel/Nimbus First MeetingMalkaziel: Are you one of them? If you are, then I suggest you pray to whatever gods you have for a swift execution, though I dont think I would make it swift, anyway.Nimbus: Calm your blades, young one. I am not with the vampires that did this. I am a traveler a magician from a distant land. I have been given many names in my life, but you may call me Nimbus.Malkaziel: Nimbus. Im Malkaziel. And what sort of magician are you?Nimbus: (pausing) I am a master of Necromancy.Malkaziel: Necromancy; The magic of the Dead.Nimbus: You are knowledgeable of the schools of magic, Malkaziel?Malkaziel: Not especially. Though Im versed enough to know that Necromancers are evil cultists, bent on raising undead armies and cursing people.Nimbus: (grinning) I am not like other Necromancers I heard you scream. It is quite possible we are the only survivors of this atrocity.Malkaziel: How did you survive?Nimbus: I was down there-(pointing to the nearby mausoleum) -when I heard it happen. Two ghouls came down after me, making an awful ruckus. Their minds were weak, though. I bent them to my will, and then destroyed them. I sensed great undead power from the surface, so I decided to stay down here until they passed on.Malkaziel: What were you doing down there?Nimbus: (pausing) Why hiding of course. Malkaziel: Of course.Nimbus: You know, now that I have been in your company, I can sense I feel that there is little life left within that husk. (Noticing the bite-marks on his neck) My word; you have been taken by shadow. Fascinating.Malkaziel: Fascinating?! Everyone in this village is dead! My family is dead! Im dead! Cursed to live this existence as the very thing I fought to slay!Nimbus: You have been given a great gift, Malkaziel! You are now the perfect weapon! Your strength is now the equivalent of 10 men. Your senses have become heightened 5 fold I sense such a burning hatred and thirst for revenge within you, and you now have the means to quench that hunger.Malkaziel: Where did she go? Did you see her? She wore a long, white robe, and she had fiery red hair. Looked about somewhere in her mid-twenties.Nimbus: Ah, so, it was her that did this to you, eh? I wonder how many thousands of years she has been in her mid twenties? She was, no doubt, the source of such power that I had felt. It was very potent. I came out just in time to see her and her misguided lackeys leaving out the front gate. Im not sure where she went.Malkaziel: If you know who she is, I would have you tell me.Nimbus: I know her only as one being of power recognizes another.(A shriek of pain breaks the conversation. It is Bramus.)

Malkaziel Meets The SeerMalkaziel pushes the great wooden door open. His clothes are drenched in rain, and his twin Bloodstorm Scimitars are laden with blood. With his twin blades still drawn, he quickly walks towards the figure seated on the royal looking throne in front of him. He wears a long, black robe, and the faint flicker of one yellow eye emanates from under the hood. An emaciated dog sits on either side of the figure. As Malkaziel stops at the foot of the throne, one dog begins to growl, but is summarily silenced by a long, decrepit hand. Each finger is topped with a long, curved fingernail. As immediately as it had come, the hand disappears into the figures sleeve. Seer: Malkaziel Tal Hassan. I have been expecting you for a very long time I expect you being here means that poor Aenus is no more. (The Seers one eye narrows in what is unmistakably a grin)Malkaziel: He took half of the building with him.Seer: Well, what can I do for you on this fine evening?Malkaziel: You can tell me what in the nine Hells is going on here. And if you dont, Ill take the information I seek out of your worthless hide. Seer: I am old, Malkaziel; very much out of my prime. I have no doubt that you could easily dispatch me. Your information, however, is free of charge.Malkaziel: You want nothing in return. Why?Seer: Because she would want you to know.Malkaziel: Fair enough. Ive been hearing of this Abryn Hazeran prophecy for years. Who was he? Seer: Ah, yes. Abryn. I am one of the few living creatures left that knew him personally. He was a priest; one of the, if not the most powerful priests that ever lived. He dedicated his life to the destruction of undead everywhere; vampires, liches, ghasts, mummies, all of them. Together with his powerful magic, he had his giant hammer enchanted. It was said that his hammer, Transcendence, was so powerful, that he could wave it at undead, and hundreds would burst into flames. Malkaziel: Charming. How does this relate to me?Seer: Later in his life, Abryn became so powerful, that a vampire clan leader declared a Blood Hunt on him.Malkaziel: A vampire clanhead sent their entire clan after him? That sounds like a bit much.Seer: He had built a cathedral in their lands. Naturally, they wanted their land back. They stormed his cathedral en masse, and swept through, searching for him. When they managed to find him, hammer in hand, they were wiped out in a matter of minutes.Malkaziel: Fools. Did they not realize he had this much power?Seer: Not at the time, no. One vampire managed to make his way back to his leader, and told him of the dangers he showed. The clanhead killed the grunt. He decided that the only way to kill this man was to find his weakness. He followed Abryn from the cathedral one night, and discovered where he resided. He also discovered that Abryn had a wife, whose name was-Malkaziel: -Alhana.Seer: Your perception is quite keen. During the night, the vampire abducted Alhana, and turned her into one of his clan.Malkaziel: A true blow to a warriors heart.Seer: Quite. He returned to the cathedral the following night, and approached Abryn during his studies. Casting Alhanas corpse at his feet, which was just beginning to re-awaken, he declared that Abryns head was his property. Alhanas abduction had the effect he wanted; Abryn was so infuriated, that he came at the vampire with such fury, throwing everything he could at him; spells, combat, everything. Their battle lasted many hours, and each was holding their own. At that wrong moment, Alhanas body began to twitch. She began to glance around at her surroundings, and when she saw the two men fighting, she gasped in shock. Abryn spun around, diverting his attention, and the vampire plunged his blade deep into his back. Abryn screamed in pain, and watched as Alhanas face turned white. He fell to his knees, defeated. With his final breaths, he yelled for his wife to run as fast as she could. She did as was told, and ran away from the cathedral. As she did, Abryn gripped Transcendence one last time, and began casting one last spell. He began siphoning every bit of magic from the cathedral. The walls began to glow gold, and the air began to swirl with energy. Abryn diverted every bit into his hammer, and then slammed it into the ground with such force, that a giant shockwave erupted from the cathedral grounds. Alhana saw the blast, and ran back to the cathedral. There, the inside of the cathedral was all but destroyed. Furniture was blown to pieces, books were scattered all over the floor. The walls still glowed bright gold. The vampire clanhead was no more. Not a trace. On the floor in the middle, was a giant dome-shaped hole. In the middle of the hole rested Abryns lifeless body.Malkaziel: Hmm, how heroic.Seer: Alhana held his body in her lap. Weeping with grief, she made a vow then to find a way to bring Abryn back from the dead. And thats when she found me.Malkaziel: That explains her Crusade that explains me. She thinks that I am the body that will hold his soul.Seer: And that is why you should not have sought me out. (Waves his hand, and the massive doors close shut)Malkaziel: You can tell if I really am the prophesized one?Seer: If you wish, you will accompany me into my meditation room. We shall see once and for all if you really are all that we hope you are.(The Seer rises from his chair, and begins slowly walking to a side room. He motions for Malkaziel to follow. As he moves from sight, an evil grin crosses Malkaziels face)

QuestsQuest 1 (interactive) To Cure an Ailment Quest Starter: BramusMalkaziel comes across the bleeding body of Bramus, who is staked to the ground by a giant spearBramus: (coughing up blood) M-Malkaziel! Youre alive!Response 1: Bramus! Help! Im a vampire!Bramus: Gahhhhh! G-get away from me! (end conversation)Response 2: Bramus! What happened to you?Bramus: D-damn beasts! One stabbed me right in the back. (groans) Well, at least I managed to take a few of them down with me.Response 3: Stay strong, friend. I have to find something to help.Bramus: The bandages (groans) from the supply shed just down the road, there. P-Please, hurry.The player races down the road to the supply shed. The building is burned fairly badly, and the ceiling above the entrance has collapsed. The game prompts the character to use his strong sword attacks to break down the door. Inside, the ceiling is no more, and a creature is hunched over a nearby corpse. As the player enters, the creature spins around, revealing a hideous, undead ghoul with glowing green eyes. It screams and rushes at the player. The player dispatches the ghoul easily with just a few strikes, and finds the bandages on a nearby shelf. Returning to Bramus, he attempts to help him. Bramus lies motionless, his eyes fixed in front of him, a look of calm across his pale face.Malkaziel: Bramus? I have the bandages Bramus? Bramus?!A mysterious voice from behind: He has joined with the Death God. There is no greater glory to be had by his kind formerly your kind.Malkaziel: (spinning around) Nimbus. What are you still doing here?Nimbus: Ive been following you since we met was he a friend of yours?Malkaziel: I dont know what to do anymore. Everything is so blurry I feel so weak, like Im going to faint.Nimbus: Drink from him.Response 1: I would sooner starve. If my blades werent meant for that vampire wench, then Id plunge them into my heart myself!Nimbus: Then I suggest you prolong your life for just such a purpose for revenge redemption.Response 2: Im so hungry. Teach me how.Nimbus: find the large vein in the neck.The game teaches the player to drink from a living or freshly dead corpse.(Quest Complete)Quest 2 (interactive) Penny and Your Thoughts? Quest Starter: Old LadyMalkaziel enters the city of Audestine atop a tired camel. It is dusk. Malkaziel wears a heavy red robe, and keeps his hood up. One sword is sheathed on his back, the other, at his side. Almost immediately upon entering, Malkaziel bears witness to a frail old lady being robbed by two thugs. They grab her money pouch and flee, shoving the old lady to the ground. Malkaziel dismounts, and runs to her assailants. Malkaziel: (calmly) The old womans money. Now.Thug 1: This is our side of town, beggar. Best not to interfere with our business.Malkaziel draws his blades.Thug 2: Dont try to be the hero. This isnt the time or place. Our brothers are everywhere, and they see everything. You try anything, and youre a dead man.Thug 1: Hmm, those are nice swords you got there, sire. They would fetch a pretty penny on the black market. Why dont you hand those over?Malkaziel: Sorry, these are mine. Theyre sentimental.Thug 1: Wow, this one really is trying to be the hero! Good enough for me. Have it your way.Combat begins. Malkaziel easily dispatches the thugs, and removes the ladys money pouch from Thug 1s neck, and takes it back to its owner.Old Lady: Thank you, kind sir! I dont know how Ill repay you! Oh, here! (Tosses him a gold piece from her bag)Response 1: I dont need your money.Old Lady: Oh, Bless you, sir! Im sorry; I just wanted to get back into my house. I left a fresh loaf of bread there, and my family is starving! With the blockade up, night is the only time I can get back to my house.Response 2: Thank you. Old Lady: Your welcome, son. Im sorry; I just wanted to get back into my house. I left a fresh loaf of bread there, and my family is starving! With the blockade up, night is the only time I can get back to my house.Response 3: A gold piece? Thats it? I just saved your life.Old Lady: Alright, look. If you ever make it up to the rich sector, look up Sellus Mehkt. He runs a supplies store. Hell give you a discount.Malkaziel: So, why are you starving? Isnt the ruler of this city helping out the poor folk?Old Lady: Hes done nothing cept move all of us up to the rich side of town. We dont have the money to purchase the food or supplies up there, and he does nothing!Malkaziel 2: Tell me about the ruler of this city.Old Lady: His name is Abu Sahkmet. He has been a fine ruler up til recently. This whole clan war has made him act very strange, though. All he does is lock himself away in his palace. Malkaziel 3: Why is he acting strange?Old Lady 2: Oh I dont know if I should be telling you. He has eyes and ears everywhere.Response 1: (Drawing a sword) Speak! Old Lady: Alright! P-Please dont hurt me! I I dont know anything more than the rumors. All I know is that folk think hes up to no good. They say hes been having strange dealings with all manner of dangerous things. He has strange guests that visit his house at night. They even say that hes a Dao. A genie. (Proceed to Malkaziel 4)Response 2: Ill give you some coins if you tell me.Old Lady: Well alright, but just because my family is starving! I dont know anything more than the rumors. All I know is that folk think hes up to no good. They say hes been having strange dealings with all manner of dangerous things. He has strange guests that visit his house at night. They even say that hes a Dao. A genie. (Proceed to Malkaziel 4)Response 3: Im just curious. Perhaps I can help. (Charm check)[If failed], Old lady: Its not worth my hide. Forget I said anything. (return to Old lady 2)[If success], Old Lady: Well, you seem like a sensible man. Alright, but this cant be told to anyone else! I dont know anything more than the rumors. All I know is that folk think hes up to no good. They say hes been having strange dealings with all manner of dangerous things. He has strange guests that visit his house at night. They even say that hes a Dao. A genie. (Proceed to Malkaziel 4)Malkaziel 4: Go back to your home, and dont come back down here. I think there are things far worse than clan wars going on.Old Lady 3: Oh, I will! Thank you!Subquest 1 (Interactive) A Heap of Silver Quest Starter: Given Upon Area ProximityMalkaziel nears a burnt building. As he gets closer, he sees a chest of silver coins in the wreckage. These would be good quality if smelted down. Then, they could be used for weapons and upgrades. In front of the burnt building, 2 trolls sit at a campfire with the corpses of the buildings former tenants. Malkaziel wont be able to get near the chest without getting the attention of the Trolls first.Troll: What yoo lookin at? Canchu shee we eatin here?Malkaziel: Sorry gentlemen. I was just hoping to get a look at this burnt building.Troll: Oh okee me guess. Hoomans weird!Other Troll: Stoopid! Dont let the hooman near the house! He might steal shinies!Troll 2: No! You no steal our shinies!Response 1: Then I suppose I will have to kill all of you. (Proceed to Troll 3)Response 2: Alright then. Ill just leave. (Proceed to Troll 4)Response 3: How dare you!? Do you not know who I am!? I am the embodiment of Vaprak the Destroyer! I command you to leave at once! (Charm Check [medium])[If fail] (Proceed to Troll 3)[If succeed] Troll: Aaaaaah! We sorry, o God Vaprak! We no know was yoo! Shwears! We leave now! (Trolls run away)Troll 3: Har har! You dum. Maybe we eet yoo too! (combat begins)Troll 4: Good. You go now. We almost done eetin. Maybe we eet yoo next. (conversation ends)

Concluding PsychologyWhile the game may seem like a semi-mindless Revenge Slasher, I think one of the main Hooks of the games will be the Psychology and in-depth study of Alignment discussed within. I want the player to end their journeys with Malkaziel conflicting their definition of evil, and what it means. Malkaziel begins the game as a tragic character, driven only by revenge; as the story develops, his barbaric, primal, animalistic Vampire nature begins to take hold, and I want the player to almost cheer as Malkaziel becomes a vessel of true evil by the trilogys end. I want the players to be able to physically see Malkaziel changing in terms of morality, and not wholly become aware as its happening. When people think of evil, they think of ruthless beings, bereft of any mercy. While the games feature player choices regarding the handling of certain story elements and gameplay, the game is designed to change its main character slowly, forcing the player to be evil. What kind of evil? Thats up to them. By D&D standards, the term Lawful Evil defines a truly evil person, but with their own code of ethics. Malkaziel can be played as a character that, though evil, could be the type of evil that doesnt attack defenseless civilians, or doesnt condone robbing of the poor, or even the type of evil that prefers to use words rather than blades. I want the game to reflect what type of evil its Malkaziel is chosen to be, and change accordingly.