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by ANIblog.taragana.comPeer pressure is making teen-aged boys usetanning booths, take diet pills and have theirbodies waxed, even though they know itsunhealthy, a new study claims.r. !ay "oo, a #aylor $niversity assistantpro%essor o% %ashionmerchandisingstudied&''boys, with an average age o% &(.) years, in sevenschools in the eastern $nited *tates, to reach theconclusion. +e said, -I studied what kids areteasedabout. I% anyonelooksdi%%erent, peopletease you. Probably boys who have acne wouldbecomereallysel%-conscious. .hereareculturaldi%%erences, but smooth skin is highly desired, andthat may translate into other parts o% the body.-*kin tone also can represent the class o% aperson. *kin that is dark brown or bron/e is moreideal thanpale..anningasa%ashiontrendisarelatively new phenomenon. A tan now isconsidered a sign o% the leisure class. .he expertinsisted that young boys live in a constantpressure to look good and %it, which leads them todiet pills. +e added, -.hey may view being slim ashealthy, while being overweight is viewed asunhealthy..akingdiet pillsismerelyconsideredas a means to achieve slimness.It wasalsolearnt that thenumber o% teen-ageboys receiving spa services, such as hairremoval, has nearly doubled since the early&001s."oo said, -#oys used to use what wasavailableinthebathroomcabinet. #ut nowitsaromatherapy and salon products, in which brandimage as well as speci%ic in%ormation ishighlighted %or adolescent consumers.-Ive heard a mother complaining about her sonbeing teased in the locker room when he used tocarryproductsthat werenot popularamonghisage group.2 +e concluded, -$ntil now, littleresearch has been done about adolescentsappearance. Adolescence is when they develop shoppingpatterns and appearance, and those who engageinriskybehaviorcontinueintoadulthood.2 "oosstudy has been awarded #est Paper in thepsychological3social category by the International.extiles and Apparel Association.I. Read the text and answer the followingquestions.&. 4hyareteenboyssoconcernedabout theirbody image56. 4hat do they do in order to get their ideal bodyimage5). o they use traditional male methods5 Account%or your answer.(. 4eretheresultso% theresearchwhichwascarriedout tostudytheir behaviour surprising54hy5'. +ow important is adolescence in whatconcerns these teens %uture li%e5II. PERSONAL RESPONSE&. Are teen boys in your country so obsessed withtheir body5 Account %or your answer.6. 7ompareboys andgirls concernwiththeirbody image.). Is peer pressure a%%ecting your daily lives5+ow5III. PAIR/CLASS DISCSSION 8 o you agree ordisagree5 Account %or your answer..eens behaviour is greatly in%luenced by theirpeers and role models.