Download - Book Thief Part 8 summary


In part 8 of The Book Thief, The men in black suites are at Rudy's house. They want to take him off to a school but his parents won't let them and they leave. Rudy goes for an examination at the school office. He and 3 other boys are ordered to undress. They hear that the "first and third" are picked for a "special class of German citizens." Papa get a letter in the mail sounding like good news saying that he has been accepted to the Nazi party. Later that week the bad news arrived saying that he is being drafted into the war. Rudys father has also been drafted for not sending Rudy to the school. The day before papa has to leave for the war, he gets drunk. Mama has to wake him up with a bucket of water and then gets onto him. Rudy and Liesel go on a walk. Rudy says that he will find the Fuhrer and kill him. Liesel goes to return home and Rudy does not follow, but then eventually catches up. Papas job in the war is a air raid special unit where he has to put out fires and try to keep buildings from collapsing after a fire. As the Jews parade down Himmel street, Liesel and Rudy run ahead and drop bread on the ground for them. When they are caught they both have to run for their lives. After an air raid, once they have returned home mama gives Liesel a book from max called The word shaker It is maxs old sketch book. Liesel says she had a gift for Rudy. Rudy wonders where it is, and then she explains. They break into the shop and steels one.