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Foundation Level


Text Books

1.      Accounting Principles (7th Edition) - J.J. Weygandt, D.E. Kieso and Paul D. Kimmel.

2.      Companies Act, 1994.

Reference Books

1.      Accounting Principles – R.H. Hermanson, J.D. Edwards and M.W. Maher (7th edition).

2.      Fundamental Accounting Principles (17th Edition) – K.D. Larson and W. Miller

3.      Accounting: The Basis for Business Decisions (11th Edition) – R.F. Meigs and W.B. Meigs.

4.      Accounting Principles – P.E. Fees and C.S. Warren (19th edition).

5.      Accounting Concepts and Applications (7th Edition) – Skousen, Albrecht, Stice & Stice.

6.      Accounting (4th Edition) – Horngren, Herison and Bamber.

7.      Fundamental of Financial Accounting – Short and Chesley.

8.      Company Law and Partnership Act – Nirmalendu Dhar (2nd edition)


Text Books

1.   A course in communication skills –- Leo Jones and Richard Alexander. Cambridge University Press, Students Book.

2.    Business communication systems and Applications – Betty R. Ricks & Kay F. Gow, John Wiley &

Sons, U.S.A. 1987.

3.    Business Organisation-L. Rahman.

4.    Office Management – J. C. Denyer.

Reference Books

1.   Basic Business Communication – Raymond V. Lesikar, John D. petit, JR, Marie E. Flately (7th or latest Edition). U.S.A.

2.   Report Writing For Business Raymond V. Lesikar and John D. Pettit, JR, U.S.A. (9th edition).

3.   Office Management - R.K. Sharma, Shashi K. Gupta, Sushil Nayyar.

4.   Office Organisation and Management – S.P. Arora.


Text Books

1. Theory and Problems of Mathematical Methods for Business and Economics – Edward T. Dowling 1993.

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2  Business Mathematics - D.C. Sancheti and V.K. Kapoor (11th edition)3. Statistics for Managements- Levin and Rubin (7th edition).4. Business Statistics - S.P. Gupta and M.P. Gupta (12th edition)Reference Books

1. Methods of Statistics- M. G. Mostafa 2. Essential of Statistics of Business and Economics–Anderson D.R. (1997 edition).3. Business Mathematics – An Introduction : Dr. M. A. Taher (3rd edition).4. Business Mathematics -  Qazi Zameruddin, V.K. Khanna and S.K. Bhambri (3rd edition).5. Business Mathematics - L.W.T Staffors.6. Higher Secondary Algebra and Calculus -   A.K.M. Hoque.7. Basic Statistics for Business and Economics (2nd edition)– Lind D.A. and Douglas.8. Elementary Statistics (3rd edition)–Bluman A.G.


Reference Books

1. Managerial Economics - Mc Guigan Moyer (9th edition).2. Modern Economic Theory – K.K. Dewett. (21st edition)3. Economics – Paul A. Samnelsow and W. Nordhans (17th edition). 4. Financial Administration in Bangladesh. – S. U. Patwary. 5. National Income and Social Accounting – Eddy and Gayal. 6. International Business – A Managerial Perspective – R.W. Griffin & M. W. Pustay (2nd edition).7. International Business - Don Ball and Wendell McCulloch (Irwin McGraw-Hill Book Corp., Boston, USA, 1999) (9th edition). 8. International Business - Edgar P. Hibbert      (McMillan Press Ltd., London, U.K., 1997).9.  International Business, Environment and operation- John D. Daniels & Lee H. Redebaugh (10thedition). 10. Import/Export Policy of the Government of Bangladesh.11. Industrial Policy in force of the Government of Bangladesh.12  Customs Act-1969 as amended in force of the Government of Bangladesh.

Professional Level


Text Books:

1.  Intermediate Accounting , 3rd edition - Spiceland, Sepe & Tomassini (McGraw


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2.  Intermediate Accounting, 3rd Canadian edition - Beechy and Conrod (McGraw-Hill


Reference books:

1. Intermediate Accounting, 11th edition - Kieso, Weygandt & Warfield (John Wily &

Sons, Inc.).

2. Intermediate Accounting, 15th edition - Stice, Stice & Skousen (Thomson South-


3. Ethics Reading Handbook - CGA, Canada (2nd edition).


Tex Books

1.      Cost Accounting – Ralph S. Polimeni, Frank Fabozzi and Arthur H. Adelherg

(3rd edition).

2.      Cost Accounting – F. Usry & H. Hammer (13th edition).                                    

Reference Books

1.      Cost Accounting L. Gayle Rayburn (6th edition).

2.      Cost Management – Blocher, Chen & Lin (1st edition).

3.      Cost Accounting – C. T. Horngren & Others (11th edition).


Text Books

1.         Management - R.W. Griffin (8th edition)

2.         Management - H. Koontz and H. Weihrich (10th edition).

3.         Marketing Management - Analysis, Planning, Implementation and Control

            (12th Edition) - Philip Kotler.

Reference Books

1.         Management - J.A. F. Stoner (6th edition).

2.         Management - Hicks and Gullet

3.         Management - J.R. Terry (8th edition).

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4.         Management - Robert Kreitner (7th edition).

5.         Lesson Note published by ICMAB.

6.         Basic Marketing: A Managerial Aproach – McCarthy, B.J.  (11th edition).

7.         Marketing Management – J. P. Peter & J. H. Donnelly JR. (3rd edition).


Recommended Text books

1.      Principles of Management Information Systems - Eighth Edition – Ralph Stair

and George Reynolds, India Edition (8th edition).

2.      Pressman - Software Engineering

3.      Jaisul – Networking Technology

4.      Arews A. A & Word D.D. – Computerized Accounting

5.      Martin M. Hansen. S. Klinger B- Excel – 2003

6.      Management Informaiton Systems: Managing Information Technology in the E-

Business Enterprise – James O. Brien.

7.      BPB Publication – Internet Complete.

Reference books

1.      Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm, 2nd Canadian

Edition, 2002 - Laudon, Laudon, and Brabston (Toronto: Prentice Hall)

2.      Computerized Accounting Using Microsoft Great Plains Dynamics, 8th edition

2001 - Arens A.A. & Ward, D.D (Armond Dalton Publishers, Inc.).

3.      Microsoft Office 2003, XP Professional or Office 2003