Download - Bokashi Composting - How to turn ALL your organic kitchen waste into nutrient-rich compost

Page 1: Bokashi Composting - How to turn ALL your organic kitchen waste into nutrient-rich compost

Introducing Bokashi Composting

IntroducingIntroducing BokashiBokashi CompostingComposting ALL Your Organic Kitchen Waste

Page 2: Bokashi Composting - How to turn ALL your organic kitchen waste into nutrient-rich compost

Recycle ALL Your Organic Kitchen Waste including cooked food, meat, fish and dairy.

With Bokashi, you can now safely

compost ALL your organic kitchen


Page 3: Bokashi Composting - How to turn ALL your organic kitchen waste into nutrient-rich compost

Speedily turn your organic kitchen waste into nutrient-rich, pro-biotic compost with magic bokashi bran.

The bran acts to ferment, or ‘pickle’, your waste. There are no bad smells and it doesn’t attract flies.

Bokashi composting is accelerated composting using bokashi bran – a wheat bran inoculated with effective micro-

organisms (EMs)

Page 4: Bokashi Composting - How to turn ALL your organic kitchen waste into nutrient-rich compost

This is a Bokashi Bin or Bucket. You need two because you’ll use them in rotation; whilst one is busy pickling your waste, you’ll be busy filling the other.

You’ll need 2 of these:

Page 5: Bokashi Composting - How to turn ALL your organic kitchen waste into nutrient-rich compost

This is Bokashi Bran, it’s wheat bran inoculated with effective micro-organisms or EMs.

The organisms speed up the composting process by anaerobically fermenting your food waste.

And, you’ll need some of this:

Page 6: Bokashi Composting - How to turn ALL your organic kitchen waste into nutrient-rich compost

Add about 3-4 cm of food waste for every handful of bokashi bran.

Kick start the process by adding a handful of bran to the empty bokashi bin.

Fill the bokashi kitchen composter in layers of kitchen

compost and bokashi bran

Page 7: Bokashi Composting - How to turn ALL your organic kitchen waste into nutrient-rich compost

Replace the lid on the bokashi bin each time you add food waste and make sure there is a nice tight seal. If air is allowed to get in, the waste won’t ferment properly.

Make sure you replace the lid each time you add to the bucket

Page 8: Bokashi Composting - How to turn ALL your organic kitchen waste into nutrient-rich compost

The fermenting process is anaerobic, and lightly pressing the material down will help to expel any air trapped in the layers of food scraps and help the bokashi bran work its magic.

Each time you add a layer of food waste,

compress it down lightly with something suitable,

like the bottom of a saucer or an empty pot

noodle container

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As you start to fill your bokashi bin a liquid fertiliser called bokashi juice will be produced.

Drain off the juice every 2-3 days from the tap at the base of the composter.

Drain off the Bokashi juice liquid fertiliser every 2-3 days

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The bokashi juice by-product makes a fantastic liquid plant feed and will give your house and garden plants a real boost.

It is quite acidic though and needs to be diluted at a concentration of 1:100 parts water, (20ml of bokashi juice to 2 litres of water).

You can use the bokashi juice to give your plants a boost, or pour it straight down your sink to keep

your drains clear of algae

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The average household takes about two weeks to fill a bokashi bin. And once full, you need to leave the bokashi compost ‘pickle’ for at least two weeks.

Remember to continue draining off any excess bokashi juice throughout the fermentation period.

Once your bokashi bin is full, you’ll need to leave the

contents ferment for 2 weeks

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Transfer your fermented bokashi compost to the garden by digging it into a trench about 40cm deep and 1 metre wide.

Before you empty the bucket make sure you drain off any excess juice.

Alternatively, add the material to your compost bin or wormery.

Dig the bokashi compost directly into the garden, or add the material to your compost

heap or wormery

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For more information on composting with bokashi visit

Useful links:

Thanks to EM Naturally Active for the bokashi character.