Download - Bogdan fiedur Blueprint for Success lesson 3

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E-Business Success BluePrint

Adlandpro.comBogdan Fiedur@Adlandpro

Lesson 3 Your Business Ideas

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In the previous lesson I asked you to determine what your passion was and what would you be doing even if you were not getting paid for it.

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The reason for asking this question is to help you understand what matters in your life

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The fact is that we need passion in our lives and we need recognition and satisfaction knowing that what we have done has a purpose and has helped another person.

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We need to feel good about what we are doing so that we can share with others and the more we share the more it comes back to us

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When you find a niche market based on your passion and develop a business around it then chances are you will put more effort into what you are doing.

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Do not fall into the trap that 95% of the marketers are doing....

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95% of all internet marketers will shut down their businesses and cut their losses short with not a single cent of profit.

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What is Niche marketing?

"Concentrating all marketing efforts on a small but specific and well defined segment of the population. Niches do not 'exist' but are 'created' by identifying needs, wants, and requirements that are being addressed poorly or not at all by other firms, and developing and delivering goods or services to satisfy them. As a strategy, niche marketing is aimed at being a big fish in a small pond instead of being a small fish in a big pond. Also called micromarketing." ~

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Find a niche for yourself and develop a business around it. In order to find, develop and grow your niche we will be using 5 step processes.

1. Find a group of people to become your targeted audience. 2. Get to know your targeted audience by asking them what they need. 3. Develop/Find solutions that they need. 4. Develop and implement an effective sales process. 5. Create and administer support and a customer friendly follow up system that encourages clients to purchase additional products.

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In the above 5 steps you will find the entire principle of doing business!

Not just an internet business, but YOUR business!

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As you see the first point is not about creating the product.Actually developing/finding a product comes later in the process in step 3.

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You might ask why it’s not the first step?

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The reason for this is that you don't want to develop a solution only to later find out that nobody wants it. You will spend time and money on creating your solution and when the time comes, you will be out of resources to promote it and sustain your life.

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Task 1How do you find a group of people who will be your targeted audience? This might sound very difficult, but it is not if you follow my steps.

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Write 25 business ideas based on following questions. ·

What do you like doing? · What are your hobbies? · What do you do well? · What classes did you enjoy most in school? What previous work experiences taught you the most? · What contacts have you developed from your current work? · Who are your business associates?

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Make a list of your friends and relatives and determine what positive attributes they display, what they do well, what products and services they would be interested in.

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Page 21: Bogdan fiedur Blueprint for Success lesson 3 and are just two examples of businesses created around small interest groups who are producing incomes, which many CEO's of high profile companies would be proud of!

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For Todays lesson, write down 10 of your best ideas!

When I'm talking about ideas, I don't mean tasks required to learn something. E.g. I will be studying html. This is not a business idea. This is an improvement of your skills. Any of the business ideas which you come up with, if implemented should offer some solutions to people's lives and should be capable of producing income for you.

Once you have completed this task then you are ready for lesson 4