Download - Body Health Facts


The Best Chemistry To Stay Healthy

Healthy Aging Free From Chemical Burdens

SUGAR - Supresses immune system.

- Can cause arthritis, gallstones, migraines and obesity.

- Can increase cholesterol, blood pressure and insulin sensitivity.

Sugar intake


• A few of the 90 documented symptoms listed in the report as being caused by Aspartame include Migraines, seizures, hearing loss, memory loss, anxiety attacks, weight gain, muscle spasms, heart palpitations, and joint pain.

Hydrogenated Vegetable Oils- Impairs immune

activity of white blood cells

- May increase risk of cancer

- Partly responsible for high blood pressure

MSG- Side effects include

- Muscle aches- Headaches- Numbness- Swelling- Weight Gain- Rashes- Weakness

Antibiotics and Steroids in Animal Products

- Throws hormones off balance

- Can promote tumor growth- Causes weight gain

M’lis believes in real food. Real food is nutrient-dense, with lots of naturally occurring vitamins and minerals. Real food includes meat, fish, eggs, nuts and seeds, vegetables, fruit, and healthy oils. Food that was raised, fed and grown naturally is real food.

Generally, you cannot find real food in the middle sections of a grocery store. Food is supposed to be perishable. We eat this way as a permanent lifestyle to maintain our strength, energy, and activity level. Eating this way, along with exercise, appropriate sleep, water intake and a healthy mental attitude keeps us at a healthy weight and reduces our risk of lifestyle related diseases and conditions.

M’lis Nutrition Mantra

We have the tools, but you must bring the why.




Water Sleep Exercise Daily Renewal Proper Diet Supplementation

Keep weight low and constant; gain little or no weight during adult years. Eat fewer calories! The average daily intake in the US is 3000 calories- those who eat 2,000 or less typically live a healthier, longer life.

Eat Fruits and Vegetables. The largest amount of calories consumed should come from these and other natural foods such as nuts, seeds, plant oils, and legumes.

Take supplements. Most people over the age of 60 have nutrient deficiencies which can cause negative health consequences. 

Keep your “numbers” low. Low Blood Pressure, Low Cholesterol, and Low Blood Sugar are all important to maintaining a healthy body

Exercise regularly. It is important to do both cardiovascular and strength building exercise.

Sleep Well. Keep regular sleep patterns. 40% of individuals over the age of 60 have some kind of sleep disorder. This leads to Heart Disease, Stroke, Depression, and Alzheimer’s.

Challenge your mind. Mental exercise is associated with higher brain activity. This causes growth and connections among brain cells that resist brain aging.

Decrease or Eliminate Stress. Being able to handle stress is a major key to health. Stress leads to Heart disease, stroke, cancer and immune system disorders.

Stay Social. Maintaining

friendships and staying positive are

ways to stay healthy. Pessimistic attitudes are associated with

higher disease rates.

Don’t use addictive substances. Don’t smoke, don’t drink in excess, don’t abuse drugs – including OTC and RX.