Download - BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING PRESENT · 2016-11-07 · BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING October 26, 2016 . The School Board minutes are not official as they have not been approved by the

Page 1: BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING PRESENT · 2016-11-07 · BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING October 26, 2016 . The School Board minutes are not official as they have not been approved by the


The School Board minutes are not official as they have not been approved by the Hood River County School District Board of Directors.

These minutes are for review and are subject to change and/or approval. Once approved, signed and dated, they become official.

EXECUTIVE SESSION UNDER ORS 192.660 (2) (I) SUPERINTENDENT EVALUATION CALLED TO ORDER AT 5:30 P.M. PRESENT: Board Members: Board Chair Mark Johnson, Board Member Corinda Hankins Elliot, Board Member Chrissy Reitz, Board Member David Russo, Board Member Tom Scully, and Board Member Jan Veldhuisen Virk. Absent: Board Vice Chair Julia Garcia Ramirez. Administration: Superintendent Dan Goldman. EXECUTIVE SESSION ADJOURNED AT 6:28 P.M. REGULAR MEETING WELCOME AND CALL TO ORDER AT 6:32 P.M. Board Chair Mark Johnson welcomed all to the Hood River County School District Board of Directors meeting. PRESENT: Board Members: Board Chair Mark Johnson, Board Member Corinda Hankins Elliot, Board Member Chrissy Reitz, Board Member David Russo, Board Member Tom Scully, and Board Member Jan Veldhuisen Virk. Absent: Board Vice Chair Julia Garcia Ramirez. Administration: Superintendent Dan Goldman, Human Resources Director Catherine Dalbey, Chief Financial Officer Saundra Buchanan, Director of Curriculum and Instruction Neely Kirwan, Special Education Director Anne Carloss, Technology Director Tod Hilstad, and Cascade Locks Elementary School Principal Amy Moreland. Staff and Community Members: Dale Kuykendall, Jane Osborne, Kathryn Davis, Mark Hickok, Kelvin Calkins, and Board Administrative Assistant Terri Martz.

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REVIEW/REVISION TO AGENDA: The following revisions were noted for Board consideration:

• A revised agenda • Remove Recognition and Good News topic • A revised personnel report • The addition of Approval of Resolution #16-17/05 Short Form Investment Policy

SUPERINTENDENT - BOARD COMMUNICATION: Superintendent Dan Goldman presented the following information to the Hood River County School District Board of Directors: Governor Kate Brown visited Hood River Middle School today. She was interested in the seismic work

being done. This work is being done by a grant award of just under $1 million dollars. Principal Brent Emmons lead a tour of the school which allowed Gov. Brown a chance to meet with staff, students and to tour the school museum. She bragged about our district’s graduation rates and working together as a community to achieve successes in our schools.

Jane Osborne, the District’s Math TOSA will be presenting information tonight about work happening across the district to support the implementation of our new math curriculum. Jane has been working with all of the K-3 teachers across the district to overcome the inherent difficulties in delivering a new set of classroom materials. The first year of an implementation is usually difficult and Supt. Goldman acknowledged the work that Jane does in service to our professional teaching staff. He also read a letter received from the Oregon Response to Intervention Project (OrRTI) to all in attendance:

“On October 13th, Oregon Response to Instruction and Intervention hosted a conference on best instructional practices in third through fifth grade mathematics. Jane Osborne from Hood River County Schools was among the featured speakers at the conference. She represented the work of Hood River County School District with the utmost professionalism. The title of her presentation was “Making Sense and Persevering with Fractions”. It was so fun to watch the participants in discussion on how to reach and teach mathematics to all students. Participants did not just “sit and get”, but engaged in deep mathematical tasks which required intense thinking, participated in powerful mathematics discussions, studied applications in their classrooms, and built a mathematical growth mindset that they could take back to their schools and classrooms. Participants particularly found her resource materials very useful and the materials deepened their understanding of teaching fractions. Please thank Jane for her leadership and skills. Additionally, please let your board members know that Hood River County School District has mathematical leaders and practices many other districts aspire to replicate.”

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Supt. Goldman thanked Jane for her hard work and great leadership in teaching our staff and students. On October 25th, Supt. Goldman met with the Wy’east Middle School Site Team to debrief feedback

received from the community, students and staff after the first focus group held last week. Board members Julia Garcia Ramirez and Tom Scully participated along with about ten to fifteen students, many staff members, industry partners, and parents. It was very engaging and informative work. The students were the superstars and really pushed the group to think outside the box. From the feedback from the focus groups, OPSIS Architecture developed seven different mock-ups that will be taken back to the group next week to further refine. On November 7th there will be a second workshop with the same group followed by an open house scheduled for 6pm at the school where community members are invited to see the work to date, ask questions, and provide feedback into the design of the new STEM center.

Yesterday a team consisting of Board members Mark Johnson, Chrissy Reitz and Corinda Hankins Elliott, as well as district staff, OPSIS Architecture and the Wenaha Group interviewed two candidates for the position of CM/GC for the Wy’east Middle School, May Street Elementary School and Hood River Middle School bond and seismic projects. A presentation on the work to date will follow later on this evening. Supt. Goldman thanked the board members for being so involved in the planning efforts.

Today, administrators continued with trainings toward closing the racial achievement gap with the National Equity Project. The work is very engaging and important. Supt. Goldman expressed excitement for continuing this work with school staff members starting in the spring.

PUBLIC COMMENT/HEARING OF DELEGATIONS OR VISITORS: Mark Hickok introduced himself to the Hood River County School District Board of Directors. Mark is the new Hood River County Parks and Recreation Director. He thanked all for letting him introduce himself and stated he looks forward to a working relationship with the board and district. CONSENT AGENDA:

A. October 12, 2016 Board Meeting Minutes Human Resources Report/Personnel Action It was moved by Board Member Jan Veldhuisen Virk and seconded by Board Member Tom Scully to approve the consent agenda as presented consisting of: 1) October 12, 2016 Board Meeting Minutes, and 2) the Human Resources Report/Personnel Action as presented. Motion approved unanimously.

A full copy of these items may be found at the District Office as well as on the District website. REPORTS AND DISCUSSIONS:

A. Science Curriculum Renewal Process:

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Director of Curriculum and Instruction Neely Kirwan, Math Instructional Coach Jane Osborne, and HRVHS Science Teacher Kathryn Davis presented the Hood River County School District Board of Directors with information on the district Science Curriculum renewal process. Details included: A timeline of meetings, evaluation of materials, creating K-12 systems, and a professional plan Committee members included staff from K-5 elementary schools, 6-8 middle schools, 9-12 high

school teachers from each content area, principals, and a school board member Learning about NGSS Shifts and Effective Practices Next steps are to send representatives from each school to the National Science Teachers Association

Conference and trainings Information was provided for Ongoing District Communication

Discussion Topics:

• NGSS – Next Generation Science Standards • Great timing with the new Wy’east Middle School STEM Center • The STEM Center is being built with flexibility as curriculum changes over time • Connections of science instruction into other content areas at the elementary level • A discussion about connecting science to real-world applications • Teachers from every school are on the committee. They seem engaged and excited about this

curriculum renewal A full copy of the report may be found at the District Office as well as on the District website.

B. K-12 Math Curriculum Implementation Update:

Director of Curriculum and Instruction Neely Kirwan and Math Instructional Coach Jane Osborne provided the Hood River County School District Board of Directors with information on the Math Curriculum Implementation. Details Included:

• A timeline of committee forms, material evaluation creating a K-12 system and a professional development plan

• K-5 iReady online personal learning Books and diagnostic materials were presented • Door 24 Fluency App, K-5 Screener and Progress Monitoring • Intervention Classes • HS SpEd Screener and Personal Learning • 6-12 Big Ideas Math • PLC Teams Data for Instruction and Technology Support

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• Support Implementation and Parents Discussion Topics:

Students who don’t have technology at home, may download information to a device and take that home with them

Devices have been provided through private grants to the schools Curriculum may also be obtained through phones, tablets, any mobile device There is much positive feedback through open houses and conferences Positive feedback and action in the middle school is amazing Teachers are very happy with the curriculum, though it is very hard work to implement Teachers reported that the recent professional development was very meaningful and useful Every 28 days there is a growth check on students are doing built into the program’s electronic


A full copy of the report may be found at the District Office as well as on the District website.

C. Bond Update:

Chief Financial Officer Saundra Buchanan and Dale Kuykendall of the Wenaha Group presented the Hood River County School District Board of Directors with a Bond Projects Update:

General Information

• OPSIS Architects on board and active • CM/GC interviews were held Oct. 25th • Organizational Chart • Master Schedule • Pre-Design Schedule – 3-month • Core Team meeting every Monday afternoon • Seismic Grant work

o HRMS approved and in the design process o Wy’east submitted, pending approval. On hold, but targeted for construction summer

2018. o Deadline extended, and funds available for another application. Under consideration.

Recent Events

• May Street Site Team Oct. 18th • Wy’east Site Team Oct 6th • HRMS Site Team Oct 19th

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• Wy’east Focus Group Oct 19th Upcoming Events

• Wy’east Site Team Oct 24th • Wy’east Focus Group and Open House Nov. 2nd • HRMS Site Team Nov. 2nd • Portland Area School Tours Nov. 3rd • May Street Focus Groups Nov. 7th and 8th • May Street Open House Nov. 15th and 17th

A Bond Project Organizational Chart, Bond Projects Report, Master Bond Schedule, and a Pre-Design Schedule was shared. Discussion Topics:

o Timelines for playgrounds o Timelines for projects beginning o Safety projects o Vision and master plan for each project o Working within the budget and making good decisions

A full copy of the report may be found at the District Office as well as on the District website.

D. Financial Report:

Chief Financial Officer Saundra Buchanan presented the Hood River County School District Board of Directors with a Summary of Revenue and Expenditure Report as of June 30. 2016. Highlights of the financial report are as follows with a full copy of the report being filed on the district website:

The financial report, Summary of Revenue and Expenditures as of June 30, 2016, is organized by fund and function with budget variances for the fiscal year 2015-16 and includes actual beginning and preliminary ending fund balances. The report is preliminary with pending transactions noted by fund. The 2016-17 Adopted column shows the budget adopted by the Board.

General Fund. Pages 1-4 of the Summary of Revenue and Expenditures as of June 30, 2016 provide year- to-date General Fund financial data in a similar format as the budget document.

The first report view on pages 1-2:

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• summarizes General Fund operating revenues and groups revenue into State School Fund Formula Resources, Local Option Revenues, Education Service District Revenues and other local, state and federal revenues;

• summarizes expenditures or operating requirements by function category; • includes a section of other financing sources and uses; and • shows a net change in fund balance, beginning and ending fund balance.

The next report view on pages 3-4 provides expenditures by object classification.

General Fund Summary

Total Operating Revenue. For 15-16, total operating revenue is $42,576,906 and is $717,022 or 2% greater than the revised budget and is 0.9% greater than the estimated year-end budget, as shown on page 1.

Total General Fund Operating Requirements. The total operating requirements budget shown on page 2 is $41,426,708 with an unaudited year-end total of $39,295,613 is $2,131,095 or 5% less than the budget. Of the variance, instruction expenditures were $996,457 or 4% less than the budget. Support services expenditures were $891,038 or 6% less than the budget. The contingency budget balance of $243,600 provides a favorable variance of that amount.

General Fund Ending Fund Balance. The District began the year with $4,662,277 in beginning fund balance and when combined with the operating revenues of $42,575,996, operating requirements of $39,295,613, and other financing uses of $1,997,011, equal an ending fund balance of $5,945,649. The ending fund balance is 14% of operating revenue, an improvement of 0.1% as compared to the estimated 15-16 ending fund balance of 13.9% when the 16-17 budget was adopted.

Current and Future Outlook. As we look forward to the 2017-19 biennium, PERS rates will rise significantly. The PERS Board recently adopted employer contribution rates for the 2017-19 biennium that will increase the District’s rates as shown in the following table.

2015-17 Rate 2017-19 Rate Change in Rate

% Change Est. cost per year based on current subject salary

PERS Tier 1/2 11.26% 16.03% 4.77% 42.4% $602,266 PERS OPSRP 6.57% 10.70% 4.13% 62.9% $441,835 $1,044,101

The estimated total cost of the increases to the District’s PERS employer contribution rates in the 2017-19 biennium is $2.09 million based on the current subject salary for each tier. Districts have been advised to expect similar increases in future biennia. Planning for these increases will take significant resources. For the 2019-21 biennium, the expected increase would cost $4.18 million based on the current subject salary for

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each tier. Without new resources, the District will need to have $6.27 million in reserve for this cost factor alone. These estimates do not include increased PERS contributions for any future salary increases. The School Board will need to consider increasing the Biennial Reserve Fund to address these costs. Other impacts we must plan for include effects of the Affordable Care Act, which will continue to increase the District’s employee benefit costs through increasing premiums and ACA compliance. In 2016-17, current student enrollment has required more resources than originally budgeted to address staffing for student success and was funded through contingency transfers. The level of Oregon funding of the State School Fund for the current biennium is inadequate in comparison with other states as discussed in the District’s current Budget Message. District enrollment and the level of state appropriations for K-12 are the most significant factors in the amount of SSF revenue received by the District. Carve-outs or dedicated funding and legislative mandates all produce financial impacts to the local budget and school programs, favorable only if funded; or unfavorable if not funded or underfunded (such as the full day kindergarten). Administration will prepare recommendations for addressing these cost issues and for opportunities to improve school programs; and bring them to the Board for consideration.

General Fund Variance Analysis

General Fund Operating Revenue Variances (page 1)

Total Operating Revenue. For 15-16, total operating revenue is $42,576,906 and is $717,022 or 2% greater than the revised budget and is 0.9% greater than the estimated year-end budget.

State School Fund Formula Resources. With enrollment higher than originally budgeted, the District expected to receive more revenue from the state school fund in 2015-16 based on estimates submitted to the State and actual state school fund resources. Current estimates of total state school fund formula revenues are $37,632,876 which is $900,278 or 2% greater than the budget. The estimates of state school fund resources include local property taxes and payments in lieu of taxes, county school funds, common school funds and Federal forest fees.

• R1111 Current Year Taxes – Estimates for the 15-16 year were based on receiving 95.2% of the $9,977,083 operating tax levy. Total property taxes of $9,538,373 provided a positive variance of $40,190 or 0.4%.

• R1112 Prior Year Taxes and R1114 Payments in Lieu of Taxes – Current negative variances are $20,308 and $1,100, respectively. Any receipts for prior year taxes and related payments are included in the state school fund formula resources.

• R3103 Common School Fund – The Common School Fund revenue of $443,757 provided a 19% positive variance due to additional distributions in 15-16 by the Oregon Department of State Lands.

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• R4801 Federal Forest Fees – Federal forest fees of $169,929 was received. The amount received was $19,159 or 10% less than estimated in the budget. All receipts from this federal source are included in the state school fund formula resources.

Local Option Revenues. Revenues are from two sources, the local option levy of $1.25 per thousand of TAV and from the State local option equalization grant. Local option revenues were 3% greater than the current budget.

• R1121-1122 Local Option Tax – The current budget is based on the current year levy of $2,106,070 and estimated collection rate of 95.2% and prior years’ tax. Actual receipts of local option revenue of $2,013,339 were $8,360 or 0.4% greater than budget. Prior year taxes provided a favorable variance of $9,471 or 24% greater than the budget.

• R3120 Local Option Equalization – The local option equalization revenue from the State of $612,066 is $52,333 or 9% greater than the current year budget.

Educational Service District Revenues. Columbia Gorge ESD revenues are comprised of flow-through funds and services invoiced to the CGESD per the approved local service plan. These two components provided resources of $1,071,200 which was $370,889 or 26% less than the budget due to a $350,000 reduction in the amount of invoiced services for the year and an unfavorable variance of $20,889 in flow- through funds. This revenue is dependent on the state school fund formula estimates for ESDs.

Other Local Revenues. Other local revenue of $635,958 provided a positive variance of $121,458 or 24% more than the budget of $514,500. Revenue from local sources can vary significantly from year to year; therefore, we budget conservatively to avoid unexpected unfavorable variances. Listed below are a few variances in other local revenue.

• R1321 Tuition from Individuals – The total of $37,311 is $9,189 less than budget. • R1510 Interest Earned – Interest earned of $98,539 provided a favorable variance of $48,539. • R1913 Rentals-Services – Revenue from services provided to facilities rentals is $10,136

providing a favorable variance since no budget was estimated due to the nature of these services which may be requested at the time of the facility rental.

• R1960 Expenditure Reimbursement – Reimbursements vary from year to year and totaled $13,256 which is $6,744 less than the budget.

• R1980 Grant Indirect Charges – Grant indirect charges of $120,932 were $60,932 more than the budget and reflect the level of grant activity.

• R1990 Miscellaneous Revenue – Miscellaneous revenues totaled $114,244 which was $50,244 more than the budget.

• R1991 Medicaid Admin Revenue – Medicaid administrative claiming revenue of $7,800 is $42,200 less than the budget. This revenue is dependent on the level of Medicaid activity.

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Other State Revenues. The other state revenue of $545,985 is the total of the long term care and treatment contract revenue R3205 for 15-16 with no budget variance to the current budget.

Other Federal Revenues. The other federal revenue budget of $20,000 is for the teen parenting revenue estimated to be received. The actual amount of $16,012 is based on children served in the child care program for teen parents and changes depending on service levels.

General Fund Expenditure Variance Analysis. In reviewing General Fund expenditures by object classification on page 3-5, a high level view of variances show that in categories where there is more discretion in spending, there were greater savings. The most significant variances are listed below.

• Salaries were 96% expended and accounted for $862,602 or 4% favorable variance. o Licensed salaries accounted for $293,466 in savings. o Classified salaries accounted for $157,859 in savings due position vacancies in custodial,

maintenance, transportation and instructional assistants. o Substitute licensed pay accounted for $183,086 of savings resulting from less subs due

to the Collaboration Grant and less contractual requirements for subs. o Substitute classified pay accounted for $106,480 of savings. The difficulty of filling

some categories of sub positions contributed to this savings. o Other pay accounted for $73,704 of savings. The licensed contract provision to allow

carryover of licensed staff comp days contributed to this savings. • Associated payroll costs were 95% expended and accounted for $630,676 or 5% favorable

variance. o Health insurance accounted for $295,475 or 5% savings. o Other significant savings were from PERS, FICA and workers compensation premium.

• Purchased Services were 92% expended and accounted for $275,344 or 8% favorable variance. Listed below are the largest savings in dollars.

o Printer and copier services accounted for $63,622 of savings. o Other purchased services accounted for $34,533 of savings. o Contracted repairs accounted for $29,536 of savings.

• Supplies and materials were 93% expended and accounted for $125,000 or 7% favorable variance.

o Vehicle fuel accounted for $68,759 of savings due to continued lower fuel prices o Supplies accounted for $34,830 of savings from many different District functions

• Capital outlay was 103% expended with an unfavorable variance of $1,999. • Other goods and services were 101% expended and accounted for $4,128 or 1% unfavorable

variance. o Dues and fees exceeded the budget by $5,371.

• Transfers to other funds were made as planned with no variance. • Remaining contingency funds were $243,600 of the favorable variance.

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Other Funds Other Funds. All other funds are shown beginning on pages 5 through 19. Grant Funds 220-299 and the Capital Construction Funds 400-404 are grouped and summarized for this report. The 2015-16 beginning fund balances reflect the prior year audited ending fund balances.

Fund 200 Food Service – The Nutrition Services program revenue of $1,700,354 and beginning fund balance of $572,970 provided resources totaling $2,373,323. Program expenditures totaled $1,840,567 leaving an ending fund balance of $432,756. The program operated within its $2,491,470 approved budget appropriation.

Fund 204 Student Body Funds – Student Body activity is recorded at year-end, with revenue and expenditures pending. The beginning fund balance of $574,404 is the total available in all student body funds.

Fund 205 Community Education – The community education program activity reflects a beginning fund balance of $103,811, revenue of $877,211, expenses of $858,649, with an ending fund balance of $122,373.

Fund 207 Biennial Reserve Fund - The District transferred a total of $1,752,011 to establish the fund to set aside funds for state school fund distribution in the second year of the biennium and to set aside funds for upcoming PERS rate increases, as approved by the Board.

Fund 210 Unemployment Reserve – The Unemployment Reserve Fund beginning fund balance of $138,942 and General Fund interfund transfers of $95,000 provides resources to pay for expenditure activity of the District’s Local Government Benefit Trust Fund and the quarterly unemployment premiums. Since the State Unemployment Trust statement as of June 30 has not been received, final adjustments to expense are pending.

Fund 212 Bus Replacement Fund – The Bus Replacement Fund accounts for the budgeted transfer of $150,000 for bus depreciation and expenditures of $123,626 for the bus purchased during 15-16, leaving an ending fund balance of $67,923.

Funds 220-299 Grant Funds – Grant Funds revenue of $4,397,372 and beginning fund balance of $421,495 provided resources of $4,818,867 for grant funds expenditures of $4,372,918 with an ending combined fund balance of $445,950. Expenditures are within the $6,000,000 budget appropriation.

Fund 300 Debt Service – The Debt Service Fund beginning fund balance for 15-16 is $352,387. Property tax revenues provided $3,846,677 which was 3% greater than the budget. Beginning fund balance and property tax revenue are both be used to offset property tax levies. Expenditures of $3,822,325 include the semi-annual interest payments of general obligation bonds and the annual principal payments in June.

Funds 4XX Capital Construction Funds – The summary of all capital construction funds shows a beginning fund balance of $1,720,227, of which $201,774 is designated for energy projects as approved by the Oregon Department of Energy with the remainder available for ongoing or future capital improvements. The following capital projects funds are included in this report on pages 14-19.

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• Fund 400 Capital Construction Bond Funds balance of $118,870 and interest revenue of $342 was expended for remaining projects totaling $119,212 in 15-16.

• Fund 401 Construction Excise Tax Fund resources include receipts of $339,802 and a beginning fund balance of $664,016, totaling $1,003,819 to provide funds for future development. Resources are dependent on the amount school construction excise tax received by the District and will vary depending on the level of construction activity within the county.

• Fund 402 Energy Projects Fund accounts for the District’s SB 1149 resources and expenditures through June 30, 2016 with an account balance of $271,440. There were no expenses for the year.

• Fund 403 Property Fund is budgeted to provide resources to cover the future construction costs of the District’s requirement to provide the street extension to the District’s undeveloped property estimated to be $367,784 from the current beginning fund balance of $735,568. No funds were expended for the year.

• Fund 404 Seismic Projects Fund is budgeted in 16-17 to account for the state seismic projects grant.

Summary of Inter-fund Transfers – A summary of inter-fund transfers is shown on page 19. Transfers include the budgeted transfer to the Biennial Reserve Fund in the amount of $1,752,011, the budgeted transfer from General Fund to the Bus Replacement Fund in the amount of $150,000; and the budgeted transfer to the Unemployment Fund in the amount of $95,000. The budgeted transfer within the Grants Fund was not needed during the year.

Discussion Topics:

Discussion on the PERS fund and the district ending fund balance. The Board wants to provide input to the administration in the budgeting process to prioritize the

ending fund balance to covering PERS increases and maintaining our current district program. Our district is in much better shape than most due to outstanding community support Contingency fund transfers, variance amounts in salaries and journal entry costs Auditors are on site this week

A full copy of the report may be found at the District Office as well as on the District website. ACTION ITEMS:

A. Acceptance of Donations Board Chair Mark Johnson asked the Hood River County School District Board of Directors to accept the following generous donations on behalf of district administrators:

o $50 worth of school supplies from HR Valley Christian Church to Hood River Middle School

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It was moved by Board Member Chrissy Reitz and seconded by Board Member Jan Veldhuisen Virk to approve the generous donations as presented. Motion approved unanimously.

A full copy of this action item may be found at the District Office as well as on the district website.

B. Approval of General Contractor:

Chief Financial Officer Saundra Buchanan and Dale Kuykendall with the Wenaha Group presented the Hood River County School District Board of Directors with information on the approval of the district general contractor.

The District issued a request for proposal for Construction Manager/General Contractor (CM/GC) services on September 19, 2016 and was published in The Daily Journal of Commerce, Hood River News and on the District’s web page. Proposals were due on October 18, 2016. The District received two proposals. Two firms presented their proposals to the District’s evaluation committee on October 25. Members of the District’s selection committee were Board Members Mark Johnson, Corinda Hankins Elliott and Chrissy Reitz, Superintendent Dan Goldman, Chief Financial Officer Saundra Buchanan, Operations Director Don Benefield, HRMS Head Custodian Gary Schilling, Community Member Rich Truax and representatives from the Wenaha Project Management team and OPSIS Architecture. The Board was presented tonight with information on the process and recommendation to approve Kirby Nagelhout Construction Company as Construction Management/General Contracting services for May Street Elementary School, Hood River Middle School and Wy’east Middle School capital construction projects. Funding for this contract will be from general obligation bond proceeds, the state matching grant and the seismic grant.

Discussion Topics: A group from Hood River will be visiting schools constructed or under construction with the Kirby

Nagelhout Construction Company next week to review work It was moved by Board Member Corinda Hankins Elliott and seconded by Board Member David Russo to approve Kirby Nagelhout Construction Company as General Contraction Manager/General Contractor (CM/GC) for the capital projects and school construction at May Street Elementary School, Hood River Middle School and Wy’east Middle School. Motion approved unanimously. A full copy of this action item may be found at the District Office as well as on the district website.

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C. Adoption of Policies DJ, DJC, DJC-AR:

Chief Financial Officer Saundra Buchanan presented the Hood River County school District Board of Directors with information for the adoption of the following policies: DJ – District Purchasing DJC – Bidding Requirements DJC-AR - Special Procurements and Exemptions from Competitive Bidding

It was moved by Board Member Jan Veldhuisen Virk and seconded by Board Member Chrissy Reitz to adopt these policies as presented. Motion approved unanimously. A full copy of this action item may be found at the District Office as well as on the district website.

D. Approval of Resolution #16-17/05 Short-Form Investment Policy: Chief Financial Officer Saundra Buchanan presented the Hood River County School District Board of Directors with Resolution #16-17/05 Approval of Short-Form Investment Policy. The Oregon State Treasury Short-Form Investment Policy for districts applies only to the investment of bond proceeds. This policy cannot be altered or changed in any way. Once adopted, the policy is submitted to the Oregon Short-Term Fund Board for approval. The policy allows the bond proceeds to be invested up to three years. Without this policy, the district funds may be invested up to 18 months.

It was moved by Board Member David Russo and seconded by Board Tom Scully to approve Resolution #16-17/05 Short-From Investment policy as presented. Motion approved unanimously. This resolution was adopted by the following roll call vote in order of voting: Board Member Tom Scully Yes Board Member Chrissy Reitz Yes Board Member Jan Veldhuisen Virk Yes Board Member Corinda Hankins Elliott Yes Board Member David Russo Yes

Board Chair Mark Johnson Yes Board Vice Chair Julia Garcia Ramirez Absent A full copy of this action item may be found at the District Office as well as on the district website.

Page 15: BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING PRESENT · 2016-11-07 · BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING October 26, 2016 . The School Board minutes are not official as they have not been approved by the

October 26, 2016


BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS: Board Member David Russo stated he enjoyed hearing about the science and math curriculum presentations and seeing things come to fruition. Board Member Corinda Hankins Elliott enjoyed the opportunity to be a part of the general contractor hiring team. Board Member Jan Veldhuisen Virk had no comment at this time. Board Member Chrissy Reitz had no comment at this time. Board Member Tom Scully noted the HRVHS Fall Sampler and stated it was another example of very talented students in our district. He recognized the Chamber Singers stating they were amazing and it is like listening to a group of angels singing. He mentioned the upcoming “Catch Me If You Can” musical with all agreeing it will be an entertaining evening. Board Chair Mark Johnson echoed Corinda’s thoughts on the hiring process for the general contractor, noting it was a very informative process with efficiency and better value for products. He noted the value for our tax payers and the better facilities for students. Lastly, he mentioned the wonderful test results for fellow board member David Russo and the outlook for his better health. REGULAR MEETING ADJOURNED AT 8:18 P.M. Superintendent Board Chair Date