Download - B'nai Review August


August 2015

Av 5775 - Elul 5775 Volume 5775 Issue 12

High Holidays Services Schedule 8

Message from our Treasurer 9

Friendly Reminders 10

Mahzor Form 11



August 16

9:00 am


The first Shofar sounding

of the new year… followed by

CBI Open House! PAGE 3



Jacob Luski, D.D.

727.381.4900 x1008

[email protected]


Jonathan Schultz

727.381.4900 x1005

[email protected]

Executive Director

Susan Goldstein


[email protected]

Pauline Rivkind Early Childhood

Education Center Director

Amy LaPiccirella


[email protected]

Pauline Rivkind Talmud Torah

Education Coordinator

Ricki Lewis


[email protected]

Community Engagement

Liz Sembler

727.381.4900 x1007

[email protected]

Torah Reader/Educator

Deborah Marmon

727.381.4900 x1017

[email protected]

Office Manager

Pam Askin


[email protected]

Communications Coordinator

Carolyn Moritz

727.381.4900 x1001

[email protected]


Susan Marger LeVine

[email protected]

Youth Director/

Religious School Educator

Melanie Tolchin

727.381.4900 x1011

[email protected]

Men’s Club President

Steve Feld

Women’s League Catering

Livia Wein

USY President

Corey Sokolov

B’nai Israel REVIEW

August 2015

Contact Us

Our Mission Through our congregational life, our goal is to provide the opportunity for our

members and friends to experience Jewish life to its fullest. We want to transmit the

ideals of Conservative Judaism to our children and grandchildren, to enable them to be

knowledgeable and responsible participants in Jewish life, sensitive and ethical human

beings and reliable custodians of an enduring heritage. Through the synagogue, we

want to find strength and inspiration in worship and study, in the sharing of lifecycle

events, in acts of caring, in reaching out to the wide Jewish and non-Jewish

communities, and in concern and support for Israel.


Shofar Sounding & CBI Open House

Join your CBI family on Rosh Hodesh Elul for the first

Shofar sounding of the year! We will have refreshments

and a family-friendly Open House. Invite your friends!

✡ Fresh bagels, cream cheese, fruit, coffee, and more!

✡ Family meet-and-greet with our new PRECEC

Director Amy LaPiccirella and Youth Director/

Religious School Educator Melanie Tolchin

✡ Register for this year’s Talmud Torah religious school

along with Hebrew High & Mehina!

✡ Interested in the October Fashion Show? How about

the fun and delicious Baking Brigade, or Building the

Sukkah? Come listen to the Women’s League and

Mitzvah Men’s Club tell us about their exciting

upcoming events and programs!

✡ Sunday, August 16, beginning with the 9:00 am

Shofar sounding and Rosh Hodesh Elul service




having a 50% sale beginning on August 3.

Everything except tefillin and kosher

parchments will be half off! Now is the time

to stock up on dreidels, jewelry, Kiddush

cups, books, tallitot, mezzuzot, and much

more. The Gift Shop will not accept credit

cards effective August. Come in during the

shop's summer hours: Mondays 11:00 am -

1:00 pm and 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm; Tuesdays

3:00 pm - 5:00 pm.


Tower Foundation invites CBI congregants

who would like to join PBT residents for Shabbat dinners. Dinner is $10 every Friday

at 4:45 pm. This is a great opportunity to

enjoy dinner and fellowship before walking

over to CBI for Shabbat services. CBI will

post each week’s menu to on

Monday afternoons. RSVP with payment and

entrée choice to Kelli Rolfe by Wednesdays

at 12:00 pm: 727.347.5191 or

[email protected].

BIKKUR HOLIM One of the most important

mitzvot in Judaism is bikkur holim: visiting

the sick. It is a responsibility that the clergy

of B’nai Israel take very seriously. When our

members are ill or hospitalized, we want to

know. In the interest of protecting

confidentiality, hospitals today are extremely

cautious about sharing patient names, even

with clergy. We need our congregants to

communicate directly with us and to inform

us of illness or hospitalization. Please call Pam Askin at 727.381.4901 so that, as clergy

and the synagogue family, we can be helpful

in moments of difficulty or stress.

Support Shabbat Kiddush Lunch

Our Shabbat Kiddush luncheons have become a staple of the past year. Rather than rushing home to eat lunch, the

CBI community has enjoyed additional time after Shabbat morning services to socialize with friends and make new

acquaintances. These lunches have encouraged the mitzvah of participation in the Shabbat Minha Minyan. They have

provided an additional opportunity for those saying Kaddish. Please help your kehilla continue what has become a

beloved part of the CBI Shabbat experience. To contribute to or sponsor a kiddush luncheon, please contact:

Carolyn Moritz: 727.381.4900 | [email protected]

Livia Wein: 727.393.3289 | [email protected]

Todah rabah!

Visit pages 14 - 15 for full menu and sponsorship options.


From the Rabbi

A synagogue year has its own unique rhythms. It begins in the fall, as we anticipate the High

Holy Days. The theme of renewal, both personal and communal, projects us forward to the

possibilities inherent in a new year.

Soon, month after month passes by – the seasons of fall, winter, and spring – and the

synagogue hums with the pulse of Jewish vitality: Shabbat; Yom Tov; the daily minyan; life-cycle

events; children learning in our PRTT, Hebrew High School, and Preschool; youth programs;

adults experiencing a broad range of educational and cultural opportunities; social action projects; the endeavors of

Women’s League and Men’s Club; and on and on it goes. Then almost in the blink of an eye, it is summer, and an

appropriate moment to pause and recognize all those who work with such dedication in sustaining CBI in its many


There is a meaningful value concept in our Jewish tradition called hakarat hatov; literally, recognizing the good that

happens to us. It is our distinctive Jewish way of saying “thank you” to all those who provide kindnesses and help us

on many levels. Hakarat hatov can connect us, for example, to the person who repairs our computer, cleans our

house, or takes our tolls on the highway – actions that we often take for granted.

From my perspective as a rabbi in a busy, dynamic, and complex synagogue, the concept of hakarat hatov reminds me

how important it is to say a sincere “thank you” to my cherished colleagues on our staff, to our administrative and

support teams, to our leadership and to the myriad of volunteers – too often underappreciated – who give so

generously of time, effort, energy, caring, commitment, passion, and resources in fostering a better and stronger

synagogue for all of us. Please know how deeply grateful I am to each of you.

A synagogue never stops, even in the summer. But hopefully, for each of us, these days offer a measure of relaxation

and enjoyment. Then, God willing, we shall do it over once again, with each at CBI replete with the potential for

hakarat hatov, affirming all that is good around us.


From the Cantor

As I am writing this, I am preparing to go away on vacation for three weeks. I’m sure that many of you will also be away on vacation in July, and I look forward to swapping vacation

stories when we all return.

In my June/July article, I wrote about Tisha B’Av. By the time you read this, Tisha B’Av will have passed, and we will

have begun the period of seven weeks following Tisha B’Av when we read the seven Haftarot of Consolation. The

first of these seven Shabbatot is special in several ways. The Torah reading for that morning, Va-ethanan, contains

two of the most important passages in the entire Torah: the Ten Commandments, and the Sh’ma / V’ahavta. And

they appear very close together, only one chapter apart.

What a sharp contrast this is from the somber, sorrowful tone of Tisha B’Av. Less than a week after the saddest day

of the year, we read from the Torah: “I am Adonai your God, who led you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house

of bondage; you shall have no other gods beside Me.” And only one chapter later, we read, “Hear, O Israel! Adonai is our God, Adonai alone. You shall love Adonai your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your


Think about that: less than a week after the saddest day of the year, when we commemorated the destruction of the

Temple and Jerusalem, we read a two-fold reminder that Adonai is our God, we shall worship only Him, and we

shall love Him. That’s quite a dramatic shift, and I think that the Rabbis set up the calendar this way in order to

remind us that God is God even in the saddest of times, and also to remind us that we are not meant to wallow in

sorrow indefinitely. We are meant to mourn for three weeks between the 17th of Tammuz and Tisha B’Av, and

then we are meant to be consoled and comforted for seven weeks.



From the President Big blue recycling receptacles showed up at every home in St. Petersburg this month as part

of a new city initiative. As good citizens we are being prompted to do the right thing: to chart

a course reflecting good values.

My new presidency has been referred to as “Recycled.” I am stepping back in with both

seasoned and fresh new leaders to embrace values which are at the heart of Judaism. We are

empowered with six months of research and a new vision which will be part of our

soon-to-be-revealed Strategic Plan.

Our newly elected Executive Board includes all four Task Force chairs of our Strategic Plan Committee. This bodes

well for taking the plan seriously! Spoiler alert: Look for new committees to utilize vast volunteer resources in more

meaningful tasks! It is not uncommon for strategic plan chairs to immerse themselves into leadership, as our Beth

Shalom Clearwater president is also the chair of their strategic plan.

We look forward to a year of growth and rebuilding at Congregation B’nai Israel. We are tasked with investing in

our youth, welcoming and making connections with new members, strengthening our volunteer committees, and

increasing sources of revenue.

I’ve stepped back up to a congregation in which I am proud. A true egalitarian congregation, where I can wear a

Tallit, wrap Teffilin, be a Hagbah and truly count in making a Minyan. A religion which affords a new Jewish adult, at

the tender age of 13, the opportunities to lead services and repeatedly come back to the Torah to attain the coveted

Golden Kippah! The only congregation on the West coast of Florida which maintains a full-Torah reading and a twice

daily Minyan!

Yes, I’m recycled and looking forward to utilizing old and new resources to ensure a vibrant Jewish congregation for generations to come.

From the Executive Director

I’m passionate about Conservative Judaism. Some of you have heard me give that response when

asked why I do what I do. I’ve been afforded lots of opportunities to consider that passion recently

and how it guides the decisions I make relative to allocation of my time, talents, and financial

resources. It’s the rationale for decisions relating to the last that I’d like to share with you now.

Some decisions are easy. I support Mercaz, JTS, my home synagogue, and the synagogue I serve (CBI)

through general donations, Kol Nidre/Sustaining Fund gifts, Books of Remembrance, fundraisers, and the like. Recently,

however, I’ve given thought to the longer term. If there’s money left after I’m gone, where do I want it to go? My grandchildren

and great-grandchildren will be well cared for without help from me, but how do I want them to remember me? What do I

want my legacy to be? If I’m passionate about Conservative Judaism, wouldn’t I want to make that my legacy?

As you may have heard, CBI is part of the Life & Legacy program of TOP Jewish Foundation in conjunction with the Harold

Grinspoon Foundation. I’m honored to serve as a part of the CBI Life & Legacy Team that is led by Laurie Reiskind, Joel Shane,

and Mike Slomka. A fact of Jewish life today is that our kehillot cannot be sustained through dues alone. Fewer people are

“joining,” or, indeed, seeing the need to affiliate at all. In order for a kehilla to succeed in today’s world, it must have a

substantial endowment. Building that endowment is the primary purpose of Life & Legacy.

Your CBI Life & Legacy team members will be coming to you to ask you to make CBI part of your estate plan. Each of us has

made a commitment to do just that. We couldn’t, and wouldn’t, ask you to do it if we hadn’t. The size of the commitment is

not what matters most. The truth is that none of us knows what (if anything) will be left when we’re gone. What matters is that

each of us steps up to say that conserving/preserving Conservative Judaism in South Pinellas County, Florida, matters, and that

we’re going to take action to make sure that happens by including CBI in our estate plans. There are options for doing that: e.g.,

leaving a dollar amount or a percentage of one’s estate in a will; naming CBI as beneficiary of an IRA or 403(b) account. You can

make a direct legacy gift or, to ensure the gift is in perpetuity, you can make the gift to TOP with CBI as beneficiary. If you have

questions, please talk with Laurie, Joel, Mike, or me.

Join us in making your legacy count.



February 2014

Pauline Rivkind Early Childhood Education Center (PRECEC)


My name is Amy LaPiccirella. I recently became the director of Pauline Rivkind Early Children

Education Center. My career in early childhood education began in 1995, when I became a two year

old teacher at Northeast Park Preschool. In 2005, I was offered the director position at Rainbow

Academy. During my time there the school grew in capacity and reached the Gold Seal

Accreditation level.

I truly have a passion for early childhood education. It is my goal to help bring Pauline Rivkind Early

Childhood Education Center up to the Gold Seal status in the very near future.


Amy LaPiccirella, PRECEC Director


✡ Last Day of Camp Shalom

Friday, August 14

✡ Family Meet-and-Greet

CBI Open House

Sunday, August 16, following 9:00 am services

✡ First Day of PRECEC School Year

Monday, August 24

✡ Family Pre-Shabbat Celebration

Friday, August 28, 9:30 am

✡ PRECEC Open House

Wednesday, September 2, 7:00 pm


CBI is excited to welcome our new

Youth Director and Religious School Educator,

Melanie Tolchin!

Melanie comes to us with a passion for Jewish

values, social action, and working with youth.

We look forward to a great year ahead for USY,

Hebrew High, and Pauline Rivkind Talmud Torah.

Come meet Melanie at the family meet-and-greet

at CBI’s Open House on Sunday, August 16,

after 9:00 am Rosh Hodesh Elul services.

Visit Page 3 for more Open House details.

Mazel tov to our new USY officers:

✡ Chapter President Corey Sokolov

✡ Vice President of Communications Emma Piper

✡ Vice President of Programming Danielle LeVine

Pictured: Melanie Tolchin,

Youth Director and Religious School Educator


High Holidays: Services Schedule

Additional Information

Kever Avot Services

During the High Holiday period, it is

customary to visit the graves of our loved

ones and those who created our Jewish


Kever Avot services will be conducted at:

Menorah Gardens, Chapel Hill 10:30 am

Royal Palm Cemetery 11:30 am

Special Blessing of Children

We invite parents to join Rabbi Luski in

reciting a special Blessing of Children at

Erev Rosh Hashana Services.

Recovery Prayer

On the First Day of Rosh Hashana, Rabbi

Luski will recite the blessing of Hagomel,

thanksgiving for all those who have been

hospitalized and recovered during the

previous year. Rabbi will ask all those who

have been ill and hospitalized to stand,

together with their families, for the prayer

which expresses their special sense of

gratitude for the privilege of being in the

Synagogue on this Rosh Hashana. If you are in this category and would like to join

us in this event, please be in your seats by

8:30 am.


Tashlich service is on the First Day of

Rosh Hashana at Lake Pasadena: 64th

Street & 4th Avenue North. The ceremony

is based on the text of Micah: “And you

shall cast into depths all of your sins.” We

urge you to be present for this wonderful

opportunity for children and parents to

share in what is always a lovely outdoor

ceremony. Minha and Maariv will follow at

7:20 pm at CBI.


Board of Trustees, Women’s League Board,

& USY Board Installations, Musical Selections,

& Reception 9:00 pm

Selihot Service 10:30 pm


Menorah Gardens, Chapel Hill 10:30 am

Royal Palm Cemetery 11:30 am

ROSH HASHANA EVE SERVICE – Sunday, September 13

Includes special Blessing of Children 7:20 pm

We urge everyone attending to have their tickets with them and

to allow sufficient time for parking in order to be seated.

ROSH HASHANA - FIRST DAY – Monday, September 14

Introductory Service and Shaharit 8:30 am Torah Reading 9:30 am


Sermon 10:30 am

Musaf Service 11:00 am

Tashlich Service at Lake Pasadena 6:00 pm

Minha, Maariv 7:20 pm

ROSH HASHANA - SECOND DAY – Tuesday, September 15

Introductory service and Shaharit 8:30 am

Torah Reading 9:30 am


Sermon 10:30 am

Musaf Service 11:00 am

Minha, Maariv & Conclusion of Yom Tov 7:20 pm


Friday, September 18 Minha, Maariv 6:30 pm

Saturday, September 19 9:00 am

Minha Service 12:00 pm

KOL NIDRE – Tuesday, September 22 7:10 pm

We urge everyone attending to have their tickets with them and

to allow sufficient time for parking in order to be seated.

YOM KIPPUR DAY – Wednesday, September 23

Introductory Service & Shaharit 8:30 am

Torah Reading 9:30 am

Musaf Service 10:45 am

Sermon & Yizkor 1:00 pm

Minha Service 5:00 pm

Neila 6:15 pm

Neila Services will commence at 6:15 pm and all worshipers are

requested to remain in their seats until the conclusion of the Maariv

Service and the final sound of the Shofar at approximately 8:00 pm

followed by the Mitzvah Men’s Club break-the-fast snacks.



Erev 1st Day Sunday, September 13 7:19 pm

Erev 2nd Day Monday, September 14 8:18 pm


High Holidays: Tickets A Message from our Treasurer, Bill Marger

The High Holy Days are rapidly approaching - Erev Rosh Hashana is on Sunday evening,

September 13 - and we look forward to welcoming all members of our synagogue family to

worship with us.

This year, we will send High Holy Days tickets automatically to all members in good

standing. We will send tickets based on the number of family members reflected in our database.

Of course, we will be happy to send additional tickets if we inadvertently miss a family member!

If you do not receive your tickets by Friday, September 4, please contact Executive Director, Susan

Goldstein, at 727.344.1017 or [email protected].


✡ Additional tickets may be reserved or purchased by members only.

✡ Visitors who do not live in Pinellas County may purchase tickets for $150 each.

✡ There is no charge for tickets requested for (a) dependent children living at home who are college-age

and under; or (b) a non-Jewish spouse.

✡ We are pleased to honor requests for reciprocity from members of other Conservative and Reform

congregations who provide advance notice.

✡ Local college students and active duty military who are temporary residents of Pinellas County may

request complimentary tickets.

✡ If you will be out of town for Rosh Hashana and/or Yom Kippur and wish to attend services at another

kehilla, please contact Susan Goldstein. We will be pleased to send a request for reciprocity for any

CBI member in good standing.

✡ If you know of someone who does not have a place to worship for the holidays, invite them to CBI.

Contact Susan Goldstein for details.

✡ If you have questions about your membership status and/or want to make financial arrangements, please

contact Susan Goldstein no later than Monday, August 24. We look forward to worshipping with all

of our CBI family, so please do not hesitate to call.

Please note that age-appropriate services and supervised activities for all children under age 13 will be provided

from 10:30 am through the conclusion of services on Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur in the Chapel, Classrooms, and

Early Childhood Education Center. Child care is available for children between the ages of two months through

Pre-K. This care is complimentary; however, pre-registration is necessary in order to ensure that we have

sufficient staff. Please complete and return the form below no later than Monday, August 24.








of all


Jr Cong









Pre K)





& under)


High Holidays: Friendly Reminders


When seating and saving seats: We offer

reserved seating for those with physical

disabilities; e.g. those requiring wheelchairs,

walkers, etc. Requests for handicapped

seating should be made in advance through

the office. Seating is on a first-come,

first-serve basis. Spouses and relatives may

save seats up until 9:30 am, after which

ushers will ask for unoccupied saved seats to

be released to others.

Your tickets will be checked at the door prior

to entering the synagogue.

You must have a ticket to enter the building.

This precaution is designed to protect you,

not cause inconvenience. Tickets serve as our

first line of security for the congregation.


✡ Each person, including children,

seeking admittance to the Synagogue

will be required to present a ticket to

Security Personnel.

✡ Tickets are not transferrable.

✡ Please allow sufficient time for parking and

getting to your seats.

✡ We encourage you to bring your own kipot and talitot.

✡ Open Seating: Seats may be saved up until

9:30 am.

✡ Please respectfully follow the directions of

our volunteer ushers.

✡ Please silence all electronic devices.

✡ Please note the listing of youth services and

supervised activities provided for all


✡ By order of the Fire Department, the lobby,

halls, and aisles must be kept clear at all


✡ A dignified atmosphere enhances the beauty

of our High Holiday worship. Be friendly,

greet and meet your fellow worshippers.

✡ Members are reminded to remain at the

rear of the Sanctuary:

when the Congregation is standing at


when the Rabbi is speaking, and

when the Cantor is chanting solo.

Our volunteer ushers will signal

appropriate entrance times.

Please cooperate with our ushers.


We ask all worshippers attending religious

services in our Congregation to bring their own

talitot and kipot. High Holiday prayer books, as

well as a good number of talitot, will be provided

by the Congregation.

Our Judaica Shop has a variety of talitot

available for purchase.

Ladies are encouraged to wear talitot and

headcoverings when receiving an Aliyah or honor

on the Bimah.


Come to the aid of your Congregation and volunteer to be a High Holiday usher. We need your help!

We will tailor the usher schedule to the hours you anticipate being in shul. For information, contact

Executive Director Susan Goldstein at 727.344.1017 or [email protected].


Mahzor Dedication Order Form The readings and explanations of Mahzor Lev Shalem are designed to stimulate thought and invite reflection while

being accessible to each of us.

You have the opportunity to dedicate these Mahzorim in honor or memory, in appreciation of loved ones, or to

acknowledge a special event for $36 per dedication, or three Mahzorim for $100. Each dedication will be inscribed in a Mahzor.



Street Address:_________________________________________________________________________

City________________________________________ State_____________ Zip__________________

Enclosed $________ for ______Mahzorim One for $36; Two for $72; Three for $100

OFFICE USE ONLY: CHECK # _______ DATE RECEIVED _______ Credit Card # _____________ Exp Date ____

Please send this form along with your check payable to:

Congregation B’nai Israel

300 58 Street North, St. Petersburg, Florida 33710

Examples: This Prayer book is dedicated by Steve and Linda Cohen in honor of Jessica Cohen’s Bat Mitzvah.

This Prayer book is dedicated by Lisa Cohen in memory of Edith Cohen.

This Prayer book is dedicated by Dr. and Mrs. Tom Cohen in appreciation of Rabbi David Cohen.

#1 This Prayer book is dedicated: In Honor of In Memory of In Appreciation of


Donated by (person’s name, committee, family, etc.):____________________________________

A notification card should be sent to:


Street Address:__________________________________________________________________

City______________________________State_____________ Zip__________________

#2 This Prayer book is dedicated: In Honor of In Memory of In Appreciation of


Donated by (person’s name, committee, family, etc.):____________________________________

A notification card should be sent to:


Street Address:__________________________________________________________________

City______________________________State_____________ Zip__________________

#3 This Prayer book is dedicated: In Honor of In Memory of In Appreciation of


Donated by (person’s name, committee, family, etc.):____________________________________

A notification card should be sent to:


Street Address:__________________________________________________________________

City______________________________State_____________ Zip__________________

Contact us with any questions at 727.381.4900.

Additional forms are available online at

Thank you for your continuing support of our CBI community.



Minyan Followed by


Sunday: 9:00 am

Monday - Friday:

7:45 am



Sunday -


6:30 pm

Av - Elul 5775

August 2015

Sun Mon Tue

2 9:00am Minyan, breakfast

6:30pm Minyan

3 7:45am Minyan, breakfast

6:30pm Minyan

4 7:45am Minyan, breakfast

6:30pm Minyan

7:30pm Behind the Scenes


Lobbyists, Part 3

Grand Hyatt, Tampa

9 9:00am Minyan, breakfast

6:30pm Minyan

10 7:45am Minyan, breakfast

6:30pm Minyan

11 7:45am Minyan, breakfast

6:30pm Minyan

16 Rosh Hodesh Elul 9:00am Minyan, breakfast,

first Shofar sounding,

CBI Open House

6:30pm Minyan

17 PRECEC Closed for

Training Week 7:45am Minyan, breakfast

6:30pm Minyan

18 PRECEC Closed for

Training Week 7:45am Minyan, breakfast

6:30pm Minyan


9:00am Minyan, breakfast

6:30pm Minyan

30 9:00am Minyan, breakfast

9:45pm PRTT First Day

6:30pm Minyan


Pinellas Schools Open

PRECEC First Day 7:45am Minyan, breakfast

6:30pm Minyan

31 7:45am Minyan, breakfast

6:30pm Minyan

25 7:45am Minyan, breakfast

6:30pm Minyan

7:00pm Board of Trustees



Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 Shabbat Nahamu Parasha Va’et-hannan 9:00am Shabbat Services,



Oren Adelson

5 7:45am Minyan, breakfast

6:30pm Minyan

6 7:45am Minyan, breakfast

10:00am Library Committee

6:30pm Minyan

6:45pm Choir Rehearsal

7 7:45am Minyan, breakfast

7:30pm Summer Musical

Kabbalat Shabbat

7:57pm Candlelighting

Glimpses Into History:

Carol Marger

8 Parasha Ekev 9:00am Shabbat Services,



Cantor Schultz

12 7:45am Minyan, breakfast

6:30pm Minyan

13 7:45am Minyan, breakfast

10:00am Library Committee

6:30pm Minyan

6:45pm Choir Rehearsal

14 PRECEC Last Day of Camp 7:45am Minyan, breakfast

7:30pm Summer Musical

Kabbalat Shabbat

7:51pm Candlelighting

Glimpses Into History:

Joan Epstein

15 Rosh Hodesh Elul Parasha Re’eh 9:00am Shabbat Services,


19 PRECEC Closed for

Training Week 7:45am Minyan, breakfast

6:30pm Minyan

20 PRECEC Closed for

Training Week 7:45am Minyan, breakfast

10:00am Library Committee

6:30pm Minyan

6:45pm Choir Rehearsal

21 PRECEC Closed for

Training Week 7:45am Minyan, breakfast

7:30pm Summer Musical

Kabbalat Shabbat

7:45pm Candlelighting

22 Parasha Shofetim 9:00am Shabbat Services,

August Simha

Shabbat, Kiddush*

26 7:45am Minyan, breakfast

6:30pm Minyan

27 7:45am Minyan, breakfast

6:30pm Minyan

6:45pm Choir Rehearsal

28 7:45am Minyan, breakfast

9:30am PRECEC Shabbat

6:00pm Kabbalat Shabbat

7:37pm Candlelighting

29 Parasha Ki Tetse 9:00am Shabbat Services,


* Shabbat Minha service will begin approximately

45 minutes after the conclusion of

morning services.


Sponsor a Shabbat Kiddush

Celebrate your birthday, anniversary, the Yahrzeit of a family member, or other family occasion with a Kiddush at

Shul! Sponsoring a Kiddush is very affordable, and it is a beautiful way of celebrating with the community.

A standard Kiddush serves 60 to 80 weekly worshipers.

For larger groups, please contact us.

All Kiddushim can be single sponsors or group sponsors. Call Livia Wein at 727.393.3289 or Eileen Richman at

727.492.4509 if you are looking to share a Kiddush.

* Please note, we always serve salad and fruit for our vegetarian/vegan friends.

A. Mini Kiddush: $125 ✡ Fresh green salad with Italian dressing or a cabbage health salad

✡ Bread of some kind (rye, bagels, pita, challah)

✡ Choice of Protein: Tuna salad or egg salad or herring & gefilte fish or hummus & pita or white fish spread (when available) or apple herring salad

✡ Fruit salad

✡ Cake or cookies

✡ Coffee, tea, water

✡ Paper goods: Plates, napkins, forks, spoons, knives, cups

✡ Plastic table cloths

✡ Set up and clean up

Additional 10 people: $20.00

B. Basic Kiddush: $250 All of the above + 2 proteins or salads + a hot dish


All of the above + 1 protein + bagels & lox spread, cream cheese

Additional 25 people: $50.00

C. Deluxe Kiddush: $500 (Serves 100 worshipers) All of the above + 2 hot dishes, 2 proteins, 2 salads + cream cheese & lox spread with bagels + cheese, cracker, &

fruit platter + linen table cloths

Additional 25 people: $100.00

D. Supreme Kiddush: $700 (Serves 100 worshipers) All of the above + lox, whipped cream cheese, bagels, sliced tomatoes, onions + 2 hot dishes, 4 salads + full

dessert table + linen table cloths, fancy paper goods

Additional 25 people: $150.00

Hot Food Options (depends on availability)

✡ CBI Dairy Kugel

✡ Apple Noodle Kugel

✡ Blintze Soufflé

✡ Pierogies

✡ Bourekas

✡ Knishes

✡ Macaroni & Cheese

✡ Baked Ziti

✡ Tuna Casserole


Sponsor a Shabbat Kiddush

Salad Options

✡ Green salad

✡ Tossed salad

✡ Cabbage cole slaw salad

✡ Cole slaw

✡ Spinach salad with apples or pears

✡ Broccoli salad

✡ Veggie platter

✡ Carrot salad

✡ Potato salad

Cold Platters

✡ Tuna salad

✡ Egg salad

✡ Deviled eggs

✡ ½ eggs

✡ Cheese and fruit plate

✡ Baked brie

✡ Herring

✡ Gefilte fish

✡ Hummus & pita

✡ Apple herring spread

✡ White fish spread

Desserts Trifle; cookies; cakes; brownies; fruit and other specialties of our bakers; rugelach; halvah

Sheet cake is a special order: $40 - $50 from Publix at Pasadena

Beverages ✡ Infused water (cucumbers, oranges, lemons, etc.)

✡ Coffee with cream, sugar

✡ Hot tea, iced tea

✡ Punch

✡ Egg cream

Sponsor a Kiddush by selecting the date below and call Livia or Eileen to arrange your simcha:

Date Parsha Name of sponsor(s)


Women’s League

Save the Date!

CBI Women’s League

Paid-Up Membership

Fashion Show

Tuesday, October 13

7:00 pm at CBI

Let’s go forward together into the coming year!

Wherever you put effort - in the community, workplace, or home - and

wherever you live, the woman who “plants a vineyard by her own labors”

can respect herself and is to be commended. In Hebrew, the phrase above is Nat’ah karem, and you will see it again this year as a Women’s

League theme.

The vineyard is here, in the work of our hands, hearts, and minds. Join us!

For the first time or the Nth time (that unknown number), it is important

that YOU are counted as a dues-paying member of this group within

Conservative Judaism. And it’s important to save the date for a

special treat:

On Tuesday, October 13, at 7:00 pm, we’ll get together for the

popular Paid-Up Membership Fashion Show.

For more information about that, contact Jennifer Sternberg at [email protected].

Our Sisterhood - another name for Women’s League - is more than an or-

ganization. It’s an opportunity for learning, friendship, and service. We are

part of the changes and traditions that mark Jewish life now. To strengthen

our bonds, please join us the morning of Sunday,

September 27, to decorate the CBI Sukkah and shmooze.

Let’s get together to grow a great sense of belonging!

Here are just a few of our upcoming dates:

Tuesday, November 3, 7:00 pm: Women’s League Board Meeting

Friday, January 15: Women’s League Kabbalat Shabbat, Shabbat Dinner

Saturday, January 16: Women’s League Shabbat

Tuesday, February 9, 7:00 pm: Women’s League Board Meeting

Tuesday, March 8: Annual Torah Fund Dinner

Torah Fund Pin for 5776 (2015 - 2016)

Give to Torah Fund and proudly wear your beautiful “Benefactor Pin” for

the Jewish holidays.

Nat’ah karem is a phrase from the beloved prayer Eishet Chayil, taken from

the biblical book of Proverbs. We re-envision this prayer today with appreciation for the hard-working, generous, family-oriented woman, who

“plants a vineyard by her own labors” (Proverbs 31:7). We honor her

productivity, independence, creativity, and her orientation to a hopeful

future with the 2016 Torah Fund pin/pendant.

Torah Fund Campaign supports the following Conservative institutions:

The Jewish Theological Seminary New York

Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies Los Angeles

Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies Jerusalem


Joanne Luski, [email protected]


Marilyn LeVine, [email protected]


Jennifer Sternberg, [email protected]


Israel Advocacy

Dear JNF/USCJ –Israel Committee Partnership / Affiliate Program Participant:

Your participation in the “JNF/USCJ Affiliate Program” returning 20% of all contributions from your

Kehillah to your Synagogue (and which can then be used to add to your Israel Education and

Advocacy efforts) gives you the opportunity to support Israel and enhance your programming.

Israel needs your support.

Increase support for Israel through JNF.

JNF has a call-in number-1.800.542.TREE (8733) to accept donations and to plant trees.

Anyone calling in and identifying his/her synagogue will have the contribution immediately credited

to the special program to benefit your synagogue!

Working together, we can really make a difference.

How can we support your Kehillah?

Shalom from Jerusalem,

Rabbi Paul Freedman


Israel Strategic Partnerships,

Israel Committee, USCJ

Advocacy for Israel Committee

Stay tuned for Dr. Leslie Pearlstein’s new series:

Marvels in Israel, beginning with the September B’nai Review.


Life Cycle

In Memoriam

Aron Bass

Father of Masha Ronay

Lillian Rosen

Mother of Janis Wahl

May God comfort the families among

the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.

Mazal Tov!

Rita Jacobson

Bar Mitzvah of grandson Jacob Melker

Jay Kauffman

Recipient of the Gail S. Warren Legacy for Leadership


Jeffrey Litt

Recipient of the Federation of Jewish Men’s Club Florida

Region’s 2015 Ma’asim Tov Award

Adele Morris

Wedding of granddaughter Carli Haber to Craig Jaffee

Mike & Barbara Noonberg

Birth of granddaughter Willow Isabel Noonberg

Dr. Joseph & Diana Rosin

Birth of grandson Trevor Clark Rosin

Leatrice Tucker

New home

USY 2015-2016 Officers

Chapter President Corey Sokolov

Vice President of Communications Emma Piper

Vice President of Programming Danielle LeVine

Join us in wishing Mazal Tov! to members celebrating their birthdays, anniversaries, and B’nai Mitzvah.

Your good wishes can be part of their memories, while at the same time supporting B’nai Israel’s

commitment to help our schools, youth groups, and Synagogue through your donations to our

Mitzvah Fund.

Celebrate your August Birthday and Anniversary Shabbat at Simha Shabbat

on Saturday, August 22, at 9:00 am.

Do a Mitzvah on your birthday or anniversary, and attend one of our daily Minyan services!

Pictured: Jay Kauffman (left) receives the Gail S.

Warren Leadership Award from Dr. Steve Warren

(center) and Past President Alice Ettinger (right).

In a moving speech, Jay thanked his mother for

being a role model of good leadership in his life.



August Birthdays & Anniversaries


Beth Ann Redisch 1

Linda Weiss 1

Dr. Michael Worman 4

Sally Cohen 6

Michael Gross 6

Diane Litt 6

Helen Pertcheck 7

Edwin Shapiro 7

Moshe Gershuny 11

Noelle Walters 11

Mary Wygodski 11

Joseph Cohen 12

Harry Lev 13

Cary Reich 14

Esta Blaxberg 15

Nicole Melamed 15

Ruth Ann Mizrahi 16

Frederick Silverman 16

Diana Rosin 18

Renee Weinshel 18

Leatrice Tucker 19

Dr. Leonard Adelson 21

Jeremy Douglass 25

Arline Dresdner 26

Charla Fogel 26

Yollette Frey 26

Shirley Sommella 27

Andrew Giskin 28

Ricki Lewis 29

Betty Sue Shane 30

Capt. Allan Lonschein 31

Life Cycle


Michael & Barbara Noonberg 5

Sami & Ilana Dayan 7

Dr. Robert & Cindy Weisberg 10

Drs. Mitch & Leslie Weiss 13

Robert & Deborah Jacobs 13

Alan & Araceli Gross 13

Drs. Steven Bloom & 17

Charlene Wygodski

Dr. Harold & Joyce Seder 18

David & Teddi Robbins 19

Dr. Jeffrey & Janie Pincus 20

Abraham & Rose Luski 21

Fred & Kathleen Buns 22

Alan & Susan Schwartz 24

Dr. David & Janice LeVine 24

Dr. Mark & Judi Gordon 24

Cary & Karen Reich 25

Dr. Arthur & Bebby Marlin 26

Dr. Marc & Laurie Reiskind 26

Jay & Karen Kauffman 26

Jeff & Diane Litt 26

Dennis & Martha Vorob 27

Dr. Maury & Rachel Seldin 29

Richard & Gerry Mensh 31

Etz Chaim Tree of Life

Leaves on the Tree of Life have been inscribed:

On the special birthday of Steve Grau

By his loving family

July 3, 2015

On the birth of Eitan Solomon Wein

By grandparents and Bubbi, Steve & Livia Wein, Linda Weiss,

and Helen Kahan

June 5, 2015

To Karen Sher, “Woman of Valor,” Wise * Kind * Charitable *

Business Savvy * Admired and Loved

By Debbie Sembler

It is a Tree of Life to those who uphold it.

Proverbs 3:16-8

Looking for a special way to honor

family and friends celebrating a Simha?


is just the answer. What a joy it is for someone to

walk into our shul and see a tribute in honor of his/her

Bar or Bat Mitzvah, special birthday, anniversary, or

wedding. Order forms are in the synagogue office and

lobby. Minimum donation $254



Adult Education In Memory Of

Drs. Steven Bloom & Arlene Reiskind

Charlene Wygodski

Stephen Zimmerman Janet Shapiro

Building Maintenance In Memory Of

Dr. Leslie & Reva Pearlstein Arlene Reiskind

Buns Technology Fund In Honor Of

Fred & Kathleen Buns Fred Buns' 91st birthday

In Memory Of

Fred & Kathleen Buns Abraham Buns

Michael & Barbara Noonberg Thelma Gilbert

Camp Ramah In Honor Of

Susan Goldstein Hannah Weiss,

Hanegev SATO VP

In Memory Of

Dr. Leslie & Reva Pearlstein Sylvia & Theodore


Leo Freeman

Murray & Myrna Rubin Arlene Reiskind

Dr. Maury & Rachel Seldin Arlene Reiskind

Cantor's Discretionary Fund In Honor Of

Ron & Claire Yogman Jay Kauffman,

Gail Warren Legacy

Leadership Award


In Memory Of

Anita Helfand & Lorri Helfand Jack Fischman

Thelma Gilbert

Michael & Barbara Noonberg Thelma Gilbert

Gail Warren Leadership Fund In Memory Of

Drs. Warren & Naomi Abel Arlene Reiskind

Mark & Ricki Lewis Arlene Reiskind

Renee Lipman Janet Shapiro

Dr. Peter & Lois Pardoll Arlene Reiskind

Rona & Barry Seidel Arlene Reiskind

Greg & Liz Sembler Thelma Gilbert

Arlene Reiskind

Dr. Steve Warren Arlene Reiskind

Jacobs Beautification Fund In Memory Of

Abby DiLeonardo Jerry & Thelma Gilbert

Jack & Linda Goldfarb Janet Shapiro

Robert & Deborah Jacobs Jerry & Thelma Gilbert

Adele Morris Jerry Gilbert

Julius Green Scholarship Fund In Memory Of

Lynn Sumerson Diane Green Shnider

Norman & Harriet Rotter Diane Green Shnider

Dr. Samuel & Peggy Segal Diane Green Shnider

Library In Honor Of

Janet Augenbraun Dr. Pat Cottrille's Birthday

In Memory Of

Janet Augenbraun Thelma Gilbert

Carl Stearns

Mitzvah Fund In Honor Of

Akif Agayev In Appreciation

Jerry & Barbara Colen In Appreciation

Dr. David & Myra Gross In Appreciation

Sandy Elkins In Appreciation

Ben & Helen Pertcheck In Appreciation

Vicki York In Appreciation

Marilyn Benjamin Ruth Mauer's Speedy Recovery

Dr. Pat Cottrille June/July Birthdays &


Beverly Dikman Moshe & Sharon Gershuny's


Sharon Gershuny's Birthday

Marietta Drucker's Birthday

Miriam Tambor's Birthday

Lenny & Millie Gelfond Ruth Mauer's Speedy Recovery

Birth of Noam Blaiss

Birth of Eitan Wein

Jack & Marilyn Goldberg Jack Goldberg's Birthday

Jack & Linda Goldfarb Birth of Trevor Rosin

Susan Goldstein Birth of Eitan Wein

Anita Helfand & Lorri Helfand June/July Birthdays &


Robert & Carolyn Isakson Birth of Eitan Wein

Mirla Kremer Carli Haber & Craig Jaffee's


Dr. Morrie & Marilyn LeVine Dr. Morrie & Marilyn Levine's


Howard & Elaine Rothstein David Goldfarb and

Rebecca Slatin’s Engagement

Warren & Rebecca Simmons Birth of Noam Blaiss

Ellen Bernstein's Birthday

Susan Turner Harold Pollack

David Robbins

Greenfield Anniversary

Steve Feld

In Memory Of

Judy Benjamin Arlene Reiskind

Sammi Atri

Marilyn Benjamin Arlene Reiskind

Phillip Benjamin

Leon Haliczer

Drs. Steven Bloom & Jerry Bloom

Charlene Wygodski

Morry & Billie Bornstein Ruth Bornstein

Joe & Sally Cohen Janet Shapiro

Robert & Frona Dubin Arlene Reiskind

Dr. Larry & Sheryl Feinman Michael Feinman

Lou & Yollette Frey Marion Bash

Eli Futerman Janet Shapiro


Mitzvah Fund (cont’d.) In Memory Of Al Gelford Arlene Reiskind

Lenny & Millie Gelfond Arlene Reiskind

Thelma Gilbert

Harold & Charlotte Goldberg Bertha Goldberg

Jack & Linda Goldfarb Jack Fischman

Susan Goldstein Thelma Gilbert

Jack Fischman

Gary Gormin Jerry Gilbert

Steve & Linda Grau Arlene Reiskind

Anita Helfand & Lorri Helfand Arlene Reiskind

Larry & Myrna Irwin Jack & Lee Itzkowitz

Robert & Carolyn Isakson Arlene Reiskind

Jerry & Thelma Gilbert

Jack Fischman

Jean Johnston & Phil Schmidt Arlene Reiskind

Rhoda & Allen Katz Arlene Reiskind

Howard Kay Saree Kay

Audrey Kopelman Jerry & Thelma Gilbert

Bob & Elaine Lachter Sam Lachter

Fran Leibowitz Janet Shapiro

Samuel Leibowitz Janet Shapiro

Eugene & Lenore Lerner Janet Shapiro

Dr. Morrie & Marilyn LeVine Arlene Reiskind

Jack Fischman

Thelma Gilbert

Harriett Lieberman Jerry Gilbert

Jeff & Diane Litt Dorothy Litzsky

David Loss Janet Shapiro

Lynn Family Arlene Reiskind

Stella Mason Janet Shapiro

Ana Masri Arlene Reiskind

Ruth Mauer Jerry & Thelma Gilbert

Dick & Gerry Mensh Sammy Atri

Rebecca Mensh

Sonya Miller Leon Haliczer

Judy Moore Marcia Fisher

Bruce & Stacy Orloff Arlene Reiskind

Dr. Harold & Anita Pollack Gertrude Stromwasser

Allen & Betty Polon Tillie Polon

Dr. Marc & Laurie Reiskind Thelma Gilbert

Jack Fischman

Alan & Susie Schwartz Arlene Reiskind

Sylvia Schwartz Janet Shapiro

Don & Jane Silverberg Jane Esther Goldman

Helen Silverberg

Jerry & Thelma Gilbert

Joseph Silverberg

Ed Goldman

Jack Fischman

Warren & Rebecca Simmons Janet Shapiro

Dr. Mike & Sandy Slomka Arlene Reiskind

Dr. Mark & Debbie Sokolov Ernest Drucker

Jay Strauss Selma Strauss

Philip Tavill Janet Shapiro

Mitzvah Fund (cont’d.) In Memory Of

Susan Turner Howard Halpern

Linda Weiss Janet Shapiro

Music & Concert Fund In Honor Of

Raymond Monty Bennett Abraham Luski's

Speedy Recovery

Pauline Rivkind Fund In Honor Of

Ron & Claire Yogman Birth of Eitan Wein

Rabbi's Discretionary Fund In Honor Of

Zelig & Joshua Herman In Appreciation

Shirley Sommella In Appreciation

Esta Blaxberg Birth of Eitan Wein

Anita Helfand & Lorri Helfand Gary Sundick's

Speedy Recovery

In Memory Of

Janet Augenbraun Lillian Stearns

Beverly Dikman George Dikman

Tom & Carol Epstein Lola Epstein

Dr. Larry & Sheryl Feinman Arlene Reiskind

Dr. Mark & Judi Gordon Florence Gordon

Jay & Terri Gross Helen Silverberg

Anita Helfand & Lorri Helfand Janet Shapiro

Dr. Mitch & Ellie LeVine Leonard Albert

USY In Honor Of

Adele Morris Birth of Noam Blaiss

In Memory Of

Ira & Susie Berman Arlene Reiskind

Lucille Ginsburg Kenneth Warga

Jack & Marilyn Goldberg Robert & Ida Lobock

Dr. Mark & Judi Gordon Jerry & Thelma Gilbert

Alma Hirsch Jeannete Hirsch

Marilyn Miller

Michael Hirsch Jeannette Hirsch

Sam & Sandy Janofsky Charles Tobis

Sadie Tobis

Joan Aronovitz

Sharon Koenig Alan Robert Koenig

Yvette Lew Thelma Gilbert

Dr. Ed & Vivian Lurie Arlene Reiskind

Marian Lustigman-Rooth Helen Lustigman

Ruth Mauer Arlene Reiskind

Jack Fischman

Drs. Mitch & Leslie Weiss Jerry & Thelma Gilbert

USY Pilgrimage In Honor Of

Murray & Myrna Rubin Birth of Noam Blaiss

In Memory Of

Ellen Bernstein Thelma Gilbert

Pearl Brook Bernard Brook

Mark & Ricki Lewis Bella Nemiroff



Our sponsors make the B’nai Review possible.

Please support them too!

Todah Rabah Todah rabah to Michael Barth for his assistance in organizing a fun and exciting night at the Trop.

Thanks to Michael, over 60 CBI members pre-ordered tickets to watch and hear Cantor Schultz sing

the National Anthem at the Rays game on Monday, June 29, and even more people showed up on the

night of the game!

Todah rabah to the following families who made single payments to CBI to cover dues, donations,

and fees for the upcoming year:

✡ Anonymous

✡ Dr. Mark & Judi Gordon

✡ Dr. Ed & Vivian Lurie

✡ Dr. Marc & Laurie Reiskind

✡ Joel & Betty Sue Shane

✡ Dr. Michael & Sandy Slomka

✡ Jean Wittner

If you want to know more about the perks and conveniences of this program, please contact

Executive Director Susan Goldstein at 727.344.1017 or [email protected].

Pictured: Cantor Jonathan Schultz gave a powerful performance of the Star Spangled

Banner at Tropicana Field. To see (and hear) him sing, visit CBI’s website.








Congregation B’nai Israel

B’nai Israel Review

300 -58th Street North

St. Petersburg, FL 33710-7889

Tel: 727.381.4900

Fax: 727.344.1307


24 Hour Telephone Voice Mail

Change Service


Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage

PAID St. Petersburg, Fl.

Permit # 618


To share your simple, great pareve baking recipes.

Are you interested in joining the Baking Brigade?

Contact Livia Wein at

727.393.3289 or [email protected]


Trust us with your simcha and you’ll discover that in addition to the delicious food,

the great attention to detail, and the unbeatable value, there’s one thing that separates us

from the rest. With everything we do - from the first phone call, to the serving of each

carefully prepared dish - we do it with all our heart.

Give us a call and see for yourself.

Visit Pages 14 - 15 for a full menu of Women’s League Kiddush and catering options.